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Facts about dumplings. Interesting facts about dumplings and dumplings

Interesting facts about dumplings!

Ah, dumplings - a dish, various variations of which can be found in almost every corner of the world. Some of them are spicy, some are sweet, but all of them are able to satisfy your hunger and pamper your taste buds. From Chinese jiaozi to Argentinean empanada and Nepalese momos, no matter where you are, you'll find something to suit your taste.

A popular type of dumpling, Chinese jiaozi, is fried on one side in a pan and then boiled in water or broth. The traditional filling for jiaozi is pork, shrimp or cabbage.

Like other Polish dishes, "pies" are a very hearty dish. These dumplings can be filled with anything from mashed potatoes, cheese and fried onions to mushrooms, meat, spinach and sauerkraut.

Empanada is Spanish for "wrapped in bread"; an appropriate name for these fried Argentinean dumplings. Bite into the crust, and inside you will find the filling in the form of ground beef, eggs, olives, onions, paprika and cumin.

Among the huge variety of Italian cuisine, delicate gnocchi stand apart. Although more of a dumpling than a dumpling, they are made with potatoes, flour, eggs, cheese, ricotta, and then served in a sauce with meat or vegetables.

Known as gyoza, these pan-fried dumplings are the Japanese version of jiaozi. They are filled with pork, cabbage, onions and carrots, and the dough is made thin and fried until dark.

Sauscleutes, originally from South Africa, is a sweet dish made from flour, sugar, eggs, butter and baking powder, which is then dipped in a delicious cinnamon sugar mixture. Better to eat hot.

The traditional European dish - dumplings - has no filler, but they are often served with meat dishes, such as schnitzel or knuckle.

Samosas are Indian dumplings with a crispy, flaky "shell" that are filled with spiced potatoes, peas, lentils, minced meat, or onions.

A traditional Amish dessert across America are dumplings with orange slices baked in a cinnamon-sugar batter. And be sure to serve vanilla ice cream on top.

Pitepalts, eaten with cranberry jam or butter, originated in the Swedish town of Piteå. These dumplings are made from potatoes and barley or wheat flour, and the filling is always meat.

Khinkali is a Georgian dish stuffed with spicy pork and beef with black pepper. The meat mixture is wrapped in dough so that when cooked it releases fragrant juice.

Kreplach is called "Jewish ravioli" and is served in Israel with soup. Filling - beef or potatoes.

And these are dumplings, as we know them, a popular Russian dish. The name “dumpling” comes from the Fino-Ugric “pelnyan” (“bread ear”: pel “ear” + nyan “bread”). Our popular toppings are pork, beef, chicken, mushrooms or cheese.

Kimchi is a side dish made from pickled vegetables with spices. This is a favorite Korean dish. So much loved that mandu - Korean dumplings - are filled with kimchi. Mandu is one of the few Asian dumplings that are round in shape.

Czech dumplings with a sweet and fruity flavor are called fruit dumplings. The dough for them is made from butter, flour and eggs, and then stuffed with fruit (usually plums). When the dumplings are ready, they are sprinkled with sugar and poured with melted butter.

Bawan is sold in markets throughout Taiwan. Their dough is made from corn starch, sweet potato and rice flour and then stuffed with pork, bamboo shoots and mushrooms. After that, it is boiled and deep fried.

Cheese dumplings are a hearty, creamy Slovak dish made from potatoes and served with cheese, pork or bacon.

Ban bot loc are Vietnamese dumplings that are made from tapioca flour and have a gooey texture when boiled. Stuffed with pork and shrimp.

Turkish manti is cooked with beef or lamb and served in yogurt, butter and ground red pepper.

These steamed dumplings are called momos and can be found in Nepal and Tibet. They are stuffed with ground beef or vegetables such as cabbage, spinach or shallots.

Modak are sweet dumplings served in the Indian state of Maharashtra during the Ganesh festival. The dough is made from rice flour and stuffed with coconut and cane sugar.

Dumplings! How much has merged in this word for the Russian heart! They are one of the most popular dishes from different countries, and their modeling is similar to some kind of magical ritual. Many lovers of this dish claim that dumplings can be eaten every day and they never get bored.
Initially, the name of this dish consisted of two Udmurt words - “ear” (pel) and “bread” (nyan). A piece of meat wrapped in dough really looked like a human ear. Well, the “pel-nyan” eventually turned into a dumpling.

Residents of Europe call dumplings their invention of the Middle Ages, the Chinese - theirs. But the universally recognized, ideal dumplings are Siberian. Loved by the Udmurts, they were liked by both the Komi-Permyak peoples and Russian Siberians. Well, around the 14th century, yummy began to spread throughout Russia. The invention was liked by the fact that the meat before cooking was able to be stored in the cold for a long time and, being wrapped in dough, beat off the smell that attracted predators.

Dumplings had a ritual significance associated with the sacrifice of cattle to the gods. Therefore, the classic Ural dumplings are a mixture of three minced meats: beef (450 g per 1 kg), lamb (350 g) and pork (200 g). Very little pepper is added to them, finely chopped onions - in moderation, a little fresh cabbage, grated radish and finely chopped greens. Due to vegetable additives, the tender filling during cooking does not turn into a monolithic hard lump that threatens to break the shell of the dough.

The dough for dumplings is prepared with the addition of eggs to it, which allows you to roll it out in a fairly thin layer during cooking. The thinner it is, the tastier the dumplings. The strength of their shell does not decrease during cooking. It is interesting that at first eggs were added to the dough not from domestic chickens, but from partridges, quails or bustards.

It is believed that if a dumpling floats during cooking, it is cooked. This is not entirely true if you want to cook dumplings correctly. The fact is that they were made by Siberians with the addition of ice water to the filling before molding, and after molding they were exposed to the crackling Siberian frost. Water, freezing, guaranteed the tenderness and juiciness of the meat during cooking. But - here's a surprise! - when cooking, such an “ice” dumpling surfaced twice!

There is a tradition: the last dumpling prepared for consumption is made with an unusual symbolic filling. Greens meant joy, pepper - love, sugar - a successful and carefree year, a coin - wealth. Well, if the dumpling turned out to be without filling at all, molded entirely from dough, you will be happy. By the way, if the owner served you dumplings not only in a large dish, but also with a generous “pea”, it means that he is clearly disposed towards you and is friendly.

Their traditions are also associated with Chinese dumplings, but their peculiarity is that in order to fulfill desires, you need to eat a certain number of "bread ears". I wanted double joy - if you please, two things, 3, 6 and 9 dumplings bring happiness, a rich and fruitful year - 4 or 5. Anyone who wanted the whole year to be successful, so that health would not fail and happiness would not change, had to eat ten for once.

The most expensive dumplings are made in the Golden Gates restaurant, located in New York's Bronx. If you want to taste them, prepare some money: a portion of eight dumplings will cost you $2400 (!!!). Of course, if the blue-green color of dumplings that phosphorescent in the dark does not scare you away. The reason is that the filling contains the gland of a deep-sea torchfish.

It would be strange if such a popular dish did not deserve a monument at least in its “historical homeland”. And for ten years now, a dumpling monument has been flaunting in Izhevsk, like a magnet that attracts all tourists. As stated, it is here that the geographical point is located, where the world's first dumplings were cooked.

According to the dream book, if you dream that you are making dumplings, it means that you lack family comfort. Of course, you can laugh good-naturedly at the dream book, but the tradition of making dumplings with the whole family is a good ritual of the family hearth. A number of connoisseurs of spiritual practices even call this process family meditation.

Initially, the name of this dish consisted of two Udmurt words - “ear” (pel) and “bread” (nyan). A piece of meat wrapped in dough really looked like a human ear. Well, the “pel-nyan” eventually turned into a dumpling.

Residents of Europe call dumplings their invention of the Middle Ages, the Chinese - theirs. But the universally recognized, ideal dumplings are Siberian. Loved by the Udmurts, they were liked by both the Komi-Permyak peoples and Russian Siberians. Well, around the 14th century, yummy began to spread throughout Russia. The invention was liked by the fact that the meat before cooking was able to be stored in the cold for a long time and, being wrapped in dough, beat off the smell that attracted predators.

Dumplings had a ritual significance associated with the sacrifice of cattle to the gods. Therefore, the classic Ural dumplings are a mixture of three minced meats: beef (450 g per 1 kg), lamb (350 g) and pork (200 g). Very little pepper is added to them, finely chopped onions - in moderation, a little fresh cabbage, grated radish and finely chopped greens. Due to vegetable additives, the tender filling during cooking does not turn into a monolithic hard lump that threatens to break the shell of the dough.

The dough for dumplings is prepared with the addition of eggs to it, which allows you to roll it out in a fairly thin layer during cooking. The thinner it is, the tastier the dumplings. The strength of their shell does not decrease during cooking. It is interesting that at first eggs were added to the dough not from domestic chickens, but from partridges, quails or bustards.

It is believed that if a dumpling floats during cooking, it is cooked. This is not entirely true if you want to cook dumplings correctly. The fact is that they were made by Siberians with the addition of ice water to the filling before molding, and after molding they were exposed to the crackling Siberian frost. Water, freezing, guaranteed the tenderness and juiciness of the meat during cooking. But - here's a surprise! - when cooking, such an “ice” dumpling surfaced twice!

There is a tradition: the last dumpling prepared for consumption is made with an unusual symbolic filling. Greens meant joy, pepper - love, sugar - a successful and carefree year, a coin - wealth. Well, if the dumpling turned out to be without filling at all, molded entirely from dough, you will be happy. By the way, if the owner served you dumplings not only in a large dish, but also with a generous “pea”, it means that he is clearly disposed towards you and is friendly.

Their traditions are also associated with Chinese dumplings, but their peculiarity is that in order to fulfill desires, you need to eat a certain number of "bread ears". I wanted double joy - if you please, two things, 3, 6 and 9 dumplings bring happiness, a rich and fruitful year - 4 or 5. Anyone who wanted the whole year to be successful, so that health would not fail and happiness would not change, had to eat ten for once.

The most expensive dumplings are made in the Golden Gates restaurant, located in New York's Bronx. If you want to taste them - prepare money: a portion of eight dumplings will cost $ 2400 (!!!). Of course, if the blue-green color of dumplings that phosphorescent in the dark does not scare you away. The reason is that the filling contains the gland of a deep-sea torchfish.

It would be strange if such a popular dish did not deserve a monument at least in its “historical homeland”. And for ten years now, a dumpling monument has been flaunting in Izhevsk, like a magnet that attracts all tourists. As stated, it is here that the geographical point is located, where the world's first dumplings were cooked.

According to the dream book, if you dream that you are making dumplings, it means that you lack family comfort. Of course, you can laugh good-naturedly at the dream book, but the tradition of making dumplings with the whole family is a good ritual of the family hearth. A number of connoisseurs of spiritual practices even call this process family meditation.

Pelmeni is a fairly popular dish that many of us love. Interesting facts about dumplings will be presented here.
1. The traditional recipe for dumplings includes dough and meat or fish filling. It is believed that the name of the dish can be literally translated as "bread ear" due to its similarity with ears (from the Udmurt pel - "ear" and nan - ""). Over time, "dumplings" turned into "dumplings".
2. Dishes similar to dumplings are present in many nations. In China, these are jiaozi, among the peoples of Central Asia and the Caucasus - manti, khinkali, poses. All of them have their own recipe.
3. There is a tradition of making the so-called “happy dumpling”, when something special was put in the last dumpling. The person who ate such a dumpling was foreshadowed by good luck. If he found a coin - to, greens - to fun, pepper - to love, sugar - to a sweet life, dough - to happiness.
4. In 2011, a dumpling weighing 79 kg was made in one of the Chinese restaurants, it had a length of 1.2 m and a width of 0.86 m.
5. Even a cake can be made from dumplings. It was made in Krasnoyarsk from 350 colorful dumplings.
6. In Izhevsk there is a dumpling monument, it is a fork 3 meters long, on which a dumpling is pricked.
7. The most expensive dumplings are made in New York, in a restaurant for Russian emigrants. In this dish, in addition to meat, the gland of deep-sea torchfish is added, so dumplings have a blue-green color. A 16-piece serving costs $4,500.

Initially, the name of this dish consisted of two Udmurt words - “ear” (pel) and “bread” (nyan). A piece of meat wrapped in dough really looked like a human ear. Well, the “pel-nyan” eventually turned into a dumpling.

Residents of Europe call dumplings their invention of the Middle Ages, the Chinese - theirs. But the universally recognized, ideal dumplings are Siberian. Loved by the Udmurts, they were liked by both the Komi-Permyak peoples and Russian Siberians. Well, around the 14th century, yummy began to spread throughout Russia. The invention was liked by the fact that the meat before cooking was able to be stored in the cold for a long time and, being wrapped in dough, beat off the smell that attracted predators.

Dumplings had a ritual significance associated with the sacrifice of cattle to the gods. Therefore, the classic Ural dumplings are a mixture of three minced meats: beef (450 g per 1 kg), lamb (350 g) and pork (200 g). Very little pepper is added to them, finely chopped onions - in moderation, a little fresh cabbage, grated radish and finely chopped greens. Due to vegetable additives, the tender filling during cooking does not turn into a monolithic hard lump that threatens to break the shell of the dough.

The dough for dumplings is prepared with the addition of eggs to it, which allows you to roll it out in a fairly thin layer during cooking. The thinner it is, the tastier the dumplings. The strength of their shell does not decrease during cooking. It is interesting that at first eggs were added to the dough not from domestic chickens, but from partridges, quails or bustards.

It is believed that if a dumpling floats during cooking, it is cooked. This is not entirely true if you want to cook dumplings correctly. The fact is that they were made by Siberians with the addition of ice water to the filling before molding, and after molding they were exposed to the crackling Siberian frost. Water, freezing, guaranteed the tenderness and juiciness of the meat during cooking. But - here's a surprise! - when cooking, such an “ice” dumpling surfaced twice!

There is a tradition: the last dumpling prepared for consumption is made with an unusual symbolic filling. Greens meant joy, pepper - love, sugar - a successful and carefree year, a coin - wealth. Well, if the dumpling turned out to be without filling at all, molded entirely from dough, you will be happy. By the way, if the owner served you dumplings not only in a large dish, but also with a generous “pea”, it means that he is clearly disposed towards you and is friendly.

Their traditions are also associated with Chinese dumplings, but their peculiarity is that in order to fulfill desires, you need to eat a certain number of "bread ears". I wanted double joy - if you please, two things, 3, 6 and 9 dumplings bring happiness, a rich and fruitful year - 4 or 5. Anyone who wanted the whole year to be successful, so that health would not fail and happiness would not change, had to eat ten for once.

The most expensive dumplings are made in the Golden Gates restaurant, located in New York's Bronx. If you want to taste them, prepare some money: a portion of eight dumplings will cost you $2400 (!!!). Of course, if the blue-green color of dumplings that phosphorescent in the dark does not scare you away. The reason is that the filling contains the gland of a deep-sea torchfish.

It would be strange if such a popular dish did not deserve a monument at least in its “historical homeland”. And for ten years now, a dumpling monument has been flaunting in Izhevsk, like a magnet that attracts all tourists. As stated, it is here that the geographical point is located, where the world's first dumplings were cooked.

According to the dream book, if you dream that you are making dumplings, it means that you lack family comfort. Of course, you can laugh good-naturedly at the dream book, but the tradition of making dumplings with the whole family is a good ritual of the family hearth. A number of connoisseurs of spiritual practices even call this process family meditation.