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2021-06-04 15:24:02

Custard for cake

Custard for cake

You can not only coat cakes with custard, but also fill croissants, custard pies, and even serve as a sauce for dumplings with cottage cheese. We will share proven recipes for making custard in a variety of variations. Every

2021-06-04 04:26:19

How to make Turkish delight at home

How to make Turkish delight at home

Turkish delight is an oriental sweet that literally means “convenient pieces.” They are usually prepared with the addition of starch, powdered sugar or nuts. There are simply a huge number of types of this sweetness, they differ in the components added to them,

2021-06-03 15:57:49

Milk custard for cake

Milk custard for cake

It is very difficult to imagine making a cake or pastry without cream. The taste of the entire dessert depends on the taste of the cream. Milk custard for cake is one of the simplest and most affordable, and the taste can compete with many famous coolies

2021-06-03 15:13:21

Baked apples with honey in the oven - 7 recipes

Baked apples with honey in the oven - 7 recipes

Apples baked in the oven with honey are indeed a very simple, but tasty and low-calorie dessert. If you want something sweet, but without compromising your figure, then this recipe is for you. Baked apples with honey are made from a minimum of ingredients and with

2021-06-02 14:33:10

How to cook Easter from cottage cheese

How to cook Easter from cottage cheese

In the old days, the process of preparing cottage cheese Easter lasted for several hours. The cottage cheese was rubbed through a sieve twice, and the Easter was boiled so that it could be stored for several days. Now having a blender reduces the entire procedure to 10 minutes. In this recipe we

2021-05-31 08:00:42

How to make candy

How to make candy

For some tea and some candy. One of the favorite delicacies, of course, is known to everyone without exception. Both children and adults have tried hundreds of types of wrapped sweets. But all this is a store assortment. But homemade sweets are a rare treat. All because

2021-05-30 23:01:50

Semolina pudding

Semolina pudding

Semolina pudding is a dessert that many identify with the taste of childhood. Thick, dense and aromatic pudding will appeal to children who categorically refuse to eat semolina porridge. Before serving the pudding, it is recommended to sprinkle with icing sugar.

2021-05-25 17:56:45

How to cook rice casserole in the oven or slow cooker

How to cook rice casserole in the oven or slow cooker

Not only Eastern countries value rice very much. This grain crop is highly popular almost all over the world. Whatever is prepared from it - first and second courses, jelly and even sweets. Delicious rice porridge casserole in the oven or mule

2021-05-25 05:45:02

Prunes in chocolate

Prunes in chocolate

Recipe from Lana Rouх: The incomparable combination of prunes and chocolate has long been used in cooking as an exquisite dessert. Prunes have a rich sweet taste with a slight sourness and, thus, favorably complement the taste of dark chocolate, creating

2021-05-24 14:47:57

How to cook condensed milk at home

How to cook condensed milk at home

Condensed milk is rightfully considered a universal dish; it is added to cupcakes, pastries, and pies. The delicacy can be used as an independent dish as a snack for tea. Condensed milk is often used with pancakes; children and adults love it. Purchased sos