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2021-06-01 16:14:48

How to prepare sorrel in jars for the winter

How to prepare sorrel in jars for the winter

Summer is the richest time of the year in vitamins. Over the winter, the body spends its entire supply and in the spring a person feels the need for vitamins. If in the spring months the supply of vitamins is significantly limited, then with the arrival of summer all categories of vitamins are available

2021-06-01 06:33:09

Squash caviar - the best and simplest recipe for cooking in the oven with step-by-step photos for the winter

Squash caviar - the best and simplest recipe for cooking in the oven with step-by-step photos for the winter

Vegetables Description Squash caviar in the oven for the winter has a simply delicious taste and aroma! It is very tasty to eat as a snack with bread, and many people like to add it to sauces or side dishes. This caviar goes wonderfully with any type of meat and can serve as a

2021-06-01 05:41:01

Recipes for cooking peppers in tomato sauce for the winter

Recipes for cooking peppers in tomato sauce for the winter

The classic process of preparing vegetables for the winter has always seemed labor-intensive to me, so first I want to offer you several simple options for preparing sweet peppers in tomato sauce. You've probably heard another name for this dish - lecho, cat

2021-06-01 04:23:11

Cherry compote for the winter - 8 simple recipes without sterilization

Cherry compote for the winter - 8 simple recipes without sterilization

Cherry is an impeccable berry. You can cook whatever you want from it. It is actively used in the preparation of drinks, baked goods, jams, preserves and more. Cherry goes amazingly with many berries. Particularly common are mixtures

2021-05-31 05:12:01

Delicious mushroom caviar from honey mushrooms with onions and carrots - a recipe with step-by-step photos for the winter

Delicious mushroom caviar from honey mushrooms with onions and carrots - a recipe with step-by-step photos for the winter

Mushrooms DescriptionCaviar from honey mushrooms is the most delicious mushroom appetizer that every housewife can prepare at home. This dish can be prepared not only for every day, but also for the winter. However, in the latter case, caviar should be made exclusively

2021-05-30 18:06:33

Thick homemade ketchup with starch from tomato juice for the winter

Thick homemade ketchup with starch from tomato juice for the winter

Tomato ketchup is a popular and truly versatile tomato sauce. Both adults and children have loved him for a long time. I suggest preparing it for the winter during the tomato ripening season using this simple and quick recipe with photos. The highlight of the workpiece is that

2021-05-30 03:25:36

Freezing cauliflower for the winter at home

Freezing cauliflower for the winter at home

Recently, it has become very popular to freeze vegetables and fruits for the winter. In this way, you can store food for up to six months in almost perfect condition. In winter, vegetables, and even more so fruits, are expensive, and some of them are even difficult to find fresh.

2021-05-28 13:43:43

How to prepare canned assorted vegetables for the winter - step-by-step photo recipe “at home”

How to prepare canned assorted vegetables for the winter - step-by-step photo recipe “at home”

Greetings to everyone who loves preparing vegetables for the winter! It seems that canned assorted vegetables are not easy to prepare, but according to my photo recipe you will be surprised how easy it is, and most importantly, what a delicious dish it turns out to be! How nice it is to open in winter

2021-05-27 16:15:11

Gooseberry compote “Mojito” for the winter

Gooseberry compote “Mojito” for the winter

Compote is a tasty and healthy soft drink that can be made from various berries and fruits. We cook them simply, for daily use, and we also prepare healthy, aromatic compotes for future use, for the winter, so that you can enjoy them on frosty days.

2021-05-27 04:05:14

How to pickle garlic - 10 homemade recipes

How to pickle garlic - 10 homemade recipes

Every housewife strives to prepare not only appetizing, but healthy winter pickling. For example, garlic pickled in any way has a number of advantages over fresh vegetables. It has a milder taste, there is no such bitterness, and most importantly, no smell,