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Cabbage rolls from fresh cabbage. Delicious cabbage rolls (and how to cut cabbage)


  • white cabbage - 1 fork
  • minced meat - 0.5 kg
  • rice 100 g
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • garlic 2 cloves
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • salt, spices to taste, sour cream
  • separating cabbage leaves from cabbage
  • boil them in salted water for 2-3 minutes
  • bring the minced meat, add onion, garlic, salt and spices to it
  • Add undercooked rice to it.
  • wrap the cooked stuffing in envelopes
  • fry them in a pan, and then simmer in a saucepan for about an hour

Not every housewife likes to cook this dish, because. the cooking process takes a lot of time. But it's worth it. Try it, you will appreciate this delicious dish and you will not be sorry for the time spent! So I offer you step by step recipe for cabbage rolls.

We take a fork, separate the leaves from the head. Before using them, you need to remove or cut off the hard part of the stem.

Then, put them in a saucepan with hot salted water, bring to a boil. Let's cook for 2-3 minutes.

After that, put it on the board. See how softened. After such a procedure, it will be much easier for us to wrap minced meat in them. There is another way to soften the leaves. To do this, you need to place the whole head of cabbage in a saucepan and cook it a little and only then separate the already soft leaves from it. The disadvantage of this method is that it is not clear what to do with the rest of the fork. Or immediately cook something else or throw it away or freeze, because the rest will be half-cooked.

Let's start cooking minced meat. Add onion, garlic, salt, pepper, seasonings to it and knead everything. My rice, and cook until half-cooked and also add to the minced meat. Use a spoon to stir the rice. With our hands we will crush it into porridge.

During this time, water came down from the cabbage leaves and they cooled down. Collecting doves. With a spoon, spread the minced meat on a leaf closer to its base (thick part).

We wrap.

And we form an envelope.

We send all the envelopes to the frying pan. I recommend frying slightly, until a little golden brown. Roasting will give a brighter taste to the finished dish. We put each batch in a saucepan, sprinkle each layer with carrots, salt and pour over sour cream.

Be sure to salt each layer, especially if you're making a large batch, we don't want a bland taste. When all the cabbage rolls are fried and put in a saucepan, pour in water, put on medium heat and simmer for one hour. Serve them with sour cream and garnish! Enjoy your meal!

Hello friends!

Today we will pamper our loved ones with one of the most delicious, in my opinion, dishes.

Yum-Yum! Moreover, the cabbage is already fresh for sale, well, how can you walk past it indifferently.

So, let's begin.

To prepare delicious cabbage rolls you will need:

Head of cabbage;

Minced meat - 0.5 kg;

Onion - 1 pc;

Carrots - 2 pcs;

Boiled rice - 200 gr;

Sunflower oil;

Tomato paste, sour cream, a little flour;

Garlic, herbs, bay leaf, black pepper, spices for meat, salt.

Recipe for delicious cabbage rolls:

1. Disassemble the cabbage into leaves. Oh, and this is a difficult job: to undress the cabbage, but let's try to cope with it.

Many people ask: how to properly cut cabbage into cabbage rolls without breaking it. I know 3 proven ways cutting cabbage:

No matter how the cabbage was cut, I cut off thick veins from each cabbage leaf so as not to damage the leaf itself. That is, I make the sheet flatter and less brittle.

I coped with cutting cabbage:

2. Add the onion to the prepared minced meat. Minced meat is desirable to cook by yourself. I usually do it like in . You can, of course, buy it from the market if you know good suppliers - this will save time, but I prefer to do it myself.

3. Add salt and spices.

I also add finely chopped cabbage leftovers, otherwise I can’t feed my daughter with vegetables, and chopped cabbage is almost invisible in minced meat. Such is the little secret.

4. Add boiled rice and cabbage.

5. Mix everything.

The crucial moment has come: the formation of cabbage rolls.

6. Put 2-3 tablespoons on the edge of the sheet (near the petiole). fillings, cover the filling from below, then turn the side parts up and wrap the top part. This is roughly what happened to me:

7. Fry cabbage rolls in sunflower oil on both sides.

8. Lay in layers in a cauldron.

9. Between the cabbage rolls, make a layer of carrots, garlic, tomato paste, bay leaf.

From the remaining minced meat I make small cutlets and also put them in a cauldron:

10. Make gravy for cabbage rolls. In a separate bowl, make a mixture: sour cream + tomato paste + water (here it is lucky for those who cut cabbage using method No. 2, you can use cabbage water) + flour.

11. Pour the stuffed cabbage and carcass with this mixture over low heat for 40-50 minutes.

Now the most important thing is to be patient and wait, and oh, how hard it is!

In the meantime, cook buckwheat for a side dish and make: cucumbers, tomatoes, green salad, fetax cheese and olive oil:

The end result was something like this:

And a portion for my daughter, the design is also hers:

Enjoy your meal!

For those who like to “hang out” in the kitchen for two or three hours, I highly recommend cooking. Dish - you will lick your fingers!

And if you are going to go to nature and you have the opportunity to take a cauldron with you, then be sure to cook or!

Classic cabbage rolls with meat and rice are a favorite dish of many. The combination of juicy minced meat, soft cabbage leaves and rich tomato-sour cream sauce is incredibly tasty and satisfying! However, in preparing this popular dish, there are some points that should be considered in order to achieve the perfect result. This is cooking cabbage, and properly prepared stuffing, and the formation of cabbage rolls. In our step-by-step instructions, we will consider in detail all the steps.

The most time-consuming process in the recipe for cabbage rolls is the preparation of cabbage. It is necessary to carefully separate the leaves from the head of cabbage so as not to tear them or damage them. This can be done in many ways (using freezing, microwave, under running water, etc.). But today we will use the traditional method.


  • minced meat (pork + beef) - 0.5 kg;
  • cabbage - 1 large;
  • rice - ½ cup;
  • carrots - 1 small;
  • onion - 1 large or 2 small;
  • garlic - 1-2 teeth;
  • tomatoes - 2-3 pcs.;
  • fresh herbs (dill or parsley) - 3-4 sprigs;
  • vegetable oil - 40-50 ml;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

For sauce:

  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sour cream - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - about 400 ml;
  • salt - to taste.

Stuffed cabbage recipe step by step with photos at home

  1. Remove damaged leaves from cabbage. Next, we make deep cuts around the stalk with a knife to separate the base of the leaves from the head. We choose a large saucepan (ideally, the cabbage should fit completely there), fill it with water. We put the head of cabbage on a knife or fork, immerse it in a boiled salted liquid.
  2. Gradually, cabbage leaves will begin to separate from the head (gently help them with a fork).
  3. When 3-5 leaves are in the pan, remove the head of cabbage from the pan. Cook the separated leaves for 1-2 minutes (until soft and elastic), then remove with a slotted spoon. Next, again put the head of cabbage in the pan, wait for the leaves to separate, etc. Repeat the process until all matching leaves are gone.

    Stuffing for stuffed cabbage recipe with photo

  4. While the cabbage leaves are cooling, prepare the meat stuffing for the cabbage rolls. We heat the pan with vegetable oil, fry the finely chopped onion until soft.
  5. Next, load the carrots to the onion. Stirring, we pass everything together for about 3 minutes.
  6. Add carrot-onion frying to the minced meat, squeeze the garlic cloves through the press. We supplement the mixture with chopped herbs.
  7. Boil rice until half cooked and also load to the meat mass. For juiciness, be sure to add tomato pulp to the components of the filling. To do this, we stand the tomatoes for a couple of minutes in boiling water, then rinse with cold water, remove the steamed skin. Grind the pulp with a knife or turn it into a “mashed potatoes” using a blender.
  8. Salt, pepper the ingredients of the filling, mix thoroughly.

    How to cook cabbage rolls with meat and rice

  9. We form doves. We take a cabbage leaf, remove the hard part (rod) with a knife. We spread a portion of the meat mass (about 2-3 tablespoons). Cover the filling with the bottom edge of the cabbage leaf.
  10. Then we bend the sides to the stuffing and wrap the top edge. We get a completely closed "envelope". From the amount of products indicated in the recipe, approximately 9-10 cabbage rolls will be obtained.
  11. Heat vegetable oil in a saucepan or deep frying pan. We fry our semi-finished products on both sides.
  12. Mix sour cream and tomato paste, dilute with water, lightly salt. Pour the stuffed cabbage with prepared sauce. The liquid should cover the products almost completely (if necessary, add water). Cover the pan with a lid.
  13. Stew cabbage rolls with meat and rice for 30-40 minutes over low heat. Serve the finished products with the sauce, supplement with herbs.

Cabbage rolls with meat and rice are ready! Enjoy your meal!

Some dishes do not need to be introduced, as they are dearly loved by more than one generation of people, and cabbage rolls can be safely attributed to such dishes. Delicious, juicy and tender cabbage rolls are an indicator of the culinary skills of the hostess. Do you want to cook the same? "Culinary Eden" will gladly tell you how to do it and share all the subtleties and secrets.

The options for preparing cabbage rolls are extremely diverse. They can be stewed on the stove, baked in the oven or cooked in a slow cooker, and the filling is a completely different story. Classic cabbage rolls are prepared using minced meat - for example, it can be pure minced pork, a mixture of pork and beef, pork with chicken or pork with turkey. If you are using minced meat without fat, such as chicken, you can add a small piece of butter to the filling of each individual cabbage roll for juiciness. In addition to meat, stuffing for cabbage rolls can also be vegetable, fish, mushroom or made with the addition of cereals. Yes, vegetarian and lean cabbage rolls are a very popular dish among those who, for one reason or another, limit their diet. Such cabbage rolls can be cooked, for example, with potatoes or with buckwheat and mushrooms. The variety of cabbage rolls makes them always a desirable dish that never gets boring, because the scope for culinary experiments is endless here.

Among other things, the so-called lazy cabbage rolls deserve special attention, which not only help to diversify the usual dish, but are also great for those who are not a fan of cabbage. First of all, we are talking about children, who often eat the whole filling, leaving cabbage leaves on the plate. In lazy cabbage rolls, finely chopped cabbage is mixed into minced meat, which greatly simplifies the cooking process and allows you to get a very tender and juicy dish. Especially appetizing are lazy cabbage rolls cooked in tomato sauce. It is simply impossible to resist such yummy!

When preparing cabbage rolls, one should responsibly approach the choice and pre-treatment of white cabbage. Ideally, if it is young cabbage of early varieties with green leaves - cabbage rolls from such a vegetable will turn out to be especially tender. It is best to take a flattened cabbage rather than a round one, since such cabbage has more leaves and a smaller stalk. The cabbage should be large so that it is convenient to wrap the stuffing in its leaves. Cabbage will need to be pre-boiled in boiling water (it can be lightly salted) for 7-10 minutes. To do this, first remove a few upper leaves, then make deep cuts along the stalk to separate the remaining leaves, and place the head of cabbage in water, sticking a fork or knife into the stalk. Turning the cabbage, gradually remove the leaves from the fork as they soften - this is convenient to do using a fork. As a result, you should have one stalk and a slide of leaves in a plate. Next, let the cabbage leaves cool, and then cut off the hard veins from the outer surface of the leaves. The place where the leaf was attached to the stalk should be lightly beaten off with a meat mallet.

For the preparation of cabbage rolls, Savoy or Beijing cabbage can also be used. Please note that Savoy cabbage has a denser structure than white cabbage, so it will take longer to stew cabbage rolls from it, but such cabbage leaves perfectly retain their shape. But from Beijing cabbage, your cabbage rolls will turn out to be the most tender in a short period of time.

The process of forming cabbage rolls only seems complicated, but in fact it is easy to get used to it. We spread the filling (1-2 tablespoons) on the cabbage leaf, roll it up, and tuck the edges of the leaf inside the stuffed cabbage. Such cabbage rolls perfectly retain their shape. There is also such an option - put the filling on the base of the sheet, cover with the side parts of the sheet, then roll it up, and wrap the remaining upper edge inward.

The sauce in which cabbage rolls are stewed can be sour cream, cream, tomato or vegetable. A prerequisite is that the cabbage rolls must be immersed in the sauce during cooking. If you will be stacking several layers of cabbage rolls in the pan, keep in mind that each layer should be poured with sauce, and only then add the next layer. To prevent the bottom layer of stuffed cabbage from burning, it is recommended to put a few cabbage leaves on the bottom of the pan. Well, go ahead to the kitchen, cook the most delicious cabbage rolls?

1 white cabbage
400 g minced pork,
100 g of rice
1 onion
3 tablespoons of vegetable oil,
3 tablespoons of sour cream

Boil rice in salted water until half cooked. Mix the cooled rice with minced meat and onions, previously fried in vegetable oil. Salt and pepper to taste, mix well.

Put the head of cabbage cut around the stalk into a saucepan and boil in a large amount of water, gradually separating the softened upper leaves. Cut thick veins from the leaves, put the filling on each leaf and roll up. Place the stuffed cabbage rolls in a saucepan. Dilute sour cream and tomato paste in 400 ml of water. Add salt and pepper to taste. Pour the stuffed cabbage with sauce, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat, covered, until the cabbage is soft. The average cooking time is about 45-50 minutes.

Diet cabbage rolls with chicken

1 white cabbage
450 g chicken breast,
2 bulbs
1 carrot
60 g wheat groats,
1 garlic clove
1.5 tablespoons of tomato paste,
salt and spices to taste,

Scroll the chicken breast, one onion and garlic through a meat grinder. Add wheat groats, half of the grated carrots, spices and salt to taste into the minced meat. Mix well. Place the head of cabbage in boiling water, removing the leaves as they soften. Using a knife, cut off the thickenings on the leaves. Wrap filling in leaves.

Put the remaining chopped onion and half of the grated carrot into the pan. Pour a glass of boiling water and simmer vegetables for 5-7 minutes. Add tomato paste, salt and spices to taste. You can also add some sugar if the paste is very acidic. Simmer for another 2 minutes, then put the cabbage rolls in the sauce. If necessary, add more boiling water. Cook the cabbage rolls over low heat, covered, until the cabbage is soft. This time depends on the type of cabbage and averages from 40 to 60 minutes. Sprinkle the finished cabbage rolls with chopped herbs and serve.

Stuffed cabbage from Beijing cabbage under a "fur coat" in the oven

1 head of Beijing cabbage,
500 g minced meat,
100 g of rice
1 onion
1 egg
salt and ground black pepper to taste.

2 carrots
2 tomatoes
1 large onion
200 g sour cream (20% fat),
1 tablespoon of tomato paste,
2 teaspoons ground paprika,
2-3 bay leaves,

vegetable oil.

Boil rice until half cooked and set aside. Mix minced meat and rice, chopped onion and egg. Add salt and pepper to taste. Mix the mince well. Separate the cabbage leaves from the stalk. Cut off a hard vein from the outer surface of each leaf and lightly beat off the dense part with a meat mallet in the place where the leaf was attached to the stalk. Place minced meat on each sheet (about 1 tablespoon) and carefully wrap. Lay the cabbage rolls in a baking dish.

To prepare the gravy, fry the onion in half rings in a small amount of oil until golden brown. Add grated carrots and chopped tomatoes. Simmer for about 10 minutes. Add sour cream, tomato paste, ground paprika and 200 ml of water to the vegetables. Mix well and cook for a couple more minutes. Salt, pepper, then pour the gravy over the stuffed cabbage in the form. Add bay leaf and cover the form (with foil or a lid). Bake in an oven preheated to 190 degrees for about 40 minutes.

Cabbage rolls in garlic-sour cream sauce

1 kg of white cabbage,
400 g minced meat,
1 onion
70 g loaf,
2 cloves of garlic
3 tablespoons boiled rice
salt and spices to taste.

200 g sour cream
2-3 garlic cloves,
2 bay leaves,
1 tablespoon flour
1 teaspoon dried basil
salt to taste.

Put the head of cabbage cut around the stalk into a saucepan and pour water over it. Cook for about 10 minutes, removing leaves one at a time and placing them on a plate. When the leaves have cooled, cut off the thickenings from them. To prepare the filling, mix the minced meat with chopped onion, minced or passed through a press garlic, boiled rice and a long loaf, previously soaked in water and squeezed. Salt the resulting mass and season with spices to taste. Put the stuffing on the cabbage leaves and roll up the envelopes. Put the cabbage rolls in a thick-walled pan.

To prepare the sauce, mix sour cream, flour, finely chopped garlic and dried basil. Pour the stuffed cabbage with sauce and add a little water (about 1.5 cups). Salt to taste, cover the pan with a lid and simmer for 30 minutes. After that, add the bay leaf and simmer for another 20-30 minutes until the cabbage softens.

1 fork of white cabbage (weighing about 700 g),
1 large onion
2 carrots
200 g mushrooms
200 g rice
salt and ground black pepper to taste
vegetable oil.

Boil the head of cabbage in boiling water for 5-7 minutes, separating the leaves at the base. Let the leaves cool and cut off the seals. Boil rice until half cooked.

Fry finely chopped mushrooms in a little vegetable oil until they are ready. Separately, fry chopped onion with carrots grated on a coarse grater until soft. Add tomato paste, stir and cook for another 5 minutes.

Mix half of the fried vegetables with mushrooms and rice. Add salt and pepper to taste. Put the filling on the cabbage leaves and form cabbage rolls. Put the cabbage rolls in a saucepan, put the fried vegetables on top. Pour the remaining water from cooking the cabbage so that it covers the cabbage rolls, lightly salt it, and simmer under the lid for about 40 minutes.

Lazy cabbage rolls in the oven

500 g of meat,
500 g tomatoes,
250 g white cabbage,
1 onion
80 g rice
2 bulbs
1 carrot
1-2 garlic cloves,
1 teaspoon tomato paste,
salt, sugar and ground black pepper to taste
vegetable oil.

Shred the cabbage finely. Lightly salt and knead with your hands. If your cabbage is of late varieties, you need to pour boiling water over it in crushed form for 10-15 minutes, then squeeze it. Boil rice until half cooked in salted water and let cool. Pass the meat along with the onion through a meat grinder, add rice, salt and black pepper to taste. Mix thoroughly with your hands.

Heat vegetable oil in a saucepan. Add chopped onion and fry until golden brown. Add grated carrots and chopped garlic. Fry for 3 more minutes. Add finely chopped peeled tomatoes. Cook for a couple of minutes, and then add tomato paste, pour in two glasses of water and mix. Salt and add sugar to taste to make the gravy sweet and sour. Bring to a boil and cook for 2-3 minutes.

Wrap the filling in cabbage leaves and put the cabbage rolls in a baking dish, lightly oiled. Pour vegetable sauce on top, cover the form with foil and bake in an oven preheated to 220 degrees for 15 minutes. Then reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and bake for another half an hour.

Despite the fact that cabbage rolls require an investment of time and effort, this is more than compensated by their excellent taste and the joy of loved ones! Enjoy your meal!

Stuffed cabbage is a delicious second dish borrowed from Tatar and Turkish cuisine. Belarusian and Lithuanian chefs simply changed the eastern dolma in their own way, replacing minced lamb with pork, and grape leaves with cabbage. And it turned out such weighty and meaty meatballs in cabbage leaves. The dish is quite hearty and tasty, due to which it has taken root in Ukrainian, Russian, Belarusian cuisines. And like all rather old popular dishes, cabbage rolls have also accumulated a lot of recipes today. I will tell you the recipe for cabbage rolls, as they were always prepared in my family. This is a recipe without any innovations, and is closest to the classic. Cabbage leaves are tender and easy to crack, and the filling is always juicy and fragrant.

What I also like about this dish is that rolled cabbage rolls can be stored in the freezer for another couple of months. He wanted cabbage rolls - he took out ready-made folded semi-finished products and quickly extinguished them.


  • 1 large head of cabbage;
  • 0.5 kg of minced meat (pork + beef);
  • 0.5 st. rice
  • 1 large onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 tbsp tomato paste;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • a little green parsley;
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

for filling:

  • 3 tbsp tomato paste;
  • 3 tbsp sour cream.

for sour cream sauce for cabbage rolls:

  • 200 ml sour cream;
  • 1-2 small cloves of garlic;
  • parsley.

Recipe for cabbage rolls with minced meat and rice

1. As a rule, the upper leaves of cabbage are dirty and defective. We clean them, and wash the cabbage. We put the head of cabbage in a large saucepan and collect water. We put on fire.

2. When the water boils, let the cabbage boil for about 3 minutes and turn the head over so that the leaves steam evenly. Cabbage leaves should become elastic, but at the same time they should not be too soft and lose their structure.

3. We take out the head of water on a large plate. In order for the cabbage to cool faster, immerse the head of cabbage under cold running water for a minute. Then carefully cut off the cabbage leaf from the base of the head with a knife and remove. We do this with all the sheets until they are well separated from the head. As soon as you get to the hard-to-separate and hard uncooked sheets, put the head of cabbage back into a pot of water and boil for 3 minutes.

4. And again we disassemble the head of cabbage into leaves. When small and crooked leaves remain on the head, we remove it to the side, we will no longer need it. So that the product does not disappear, you can cook stewed cabbage from the leftovers, though it will turn out for 2-3 servings. We also remove the cabbage leaves to the side, but for now let's take care of other ingredients for cabbage rolls.

5. Wash the rice thoroughly 5-6 times until the water becomes clear.

6. Boil rice until half cooked. Immerse the rice in a saucepan, fill it with water so that it slightly covers it and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and leave as is, do not cover with a lid. The fact is that if the rice is not boiled, then it will absorb all the juice from the minced meat and the filling of the cabbage rolls will be dryish. And if the rice is boiled until tender, then in the process of stewing cabbage rolls, the rice in the filling will turn into porridge.

7. Very finely chop the carrots, onions and parsley. If you want, you can grate the carrots. Put everything in a deep bowl.

8. Put the minced meat here, squeeze the garlic, add the tomato paste, salt and pepper. We mix.

9. Add rice.

10. Mix everything well.

11. On a board or a large flat plate, lay out the cabbage leaf with the inside facing you. We collect 2 tablespoons of minced meat and form a cutlet with our hands. Lay on a cabbage leaf.

12. We fold the stuffed cabbage, first bending the side parts, and then tucking the bottom of the cabbage leaf. Put the cabbage rolls on a plate.

13. We prepare the filling for cabbage rolls. Mix in a bowl 2 cups of water, 3 tbsp. sour cream and 3 tbsp. tomato paste.

14. Lubricate the pan with vegetable oil and put the cabbage rolls into it. Now, according to the classic recipe, cabbage rolls need to be fried on both sides. But I never do this, because I prefer such dietary cabbage rolls that you can feed the kids too.

15. Pour our sour cream and tomato dressing on top. Stuffed cabbage should practically swim in it. If there is not enough liquid, add more water on top.

16. Cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 1.5 hours. By the end, most of the liquid should have evaporated, but the cabbage rolls should remain in some of the thickened sauce. If the liquid evaporates too quickly during cooking, add more water. Remove the finished cabbage rolls from the heat, cover with a lid and let them brew for another 15 minutes.

If you need to speed up the process, then first simmer the cabbage rolls over medium or high heat for 20 minutes, without covering them with a lid. The main thing is that the sauce does not splatter all over the kitchen. Then we cover the stuffed cabbage with a lid and put it in the oven preheated to 200 degrees for 30 minutes.

17. In the meantime, prepare the sour cream sauce.

18. Squeeze garlic into sour cream and mix. Finely chop the parsley. Greens can be added to the sauce, or you can simply sprinkle the finished dish with it.

The most delicious cabbage rolls with minced meat are ready! Pour them with sour cream sauce on top, sprinkle with herbs and serve. Enjoy your meal!