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Indian flatbread paanajärvi. Chapati and paratha - Indian flatbreads, and flatbreads with spicy potato filling

Alu paratha is an Indian flatbread stuffed with potatoes. A very simple, hearty and delicious dish of Indian cuisine. In India, such flatbreads are often served for breakfast, and in the West they are popular as an independent snack or addition to and.

Lean, vegetarian, simple in composition and preparation, these cakes could even be too “correct and boring”, but this is India! This means that seductive aromas and bright combinations of flavors are present in any, even the simplest dish, and Alu Paratha cakes are no exception.

Fresh herbs, bright spices, the thinnest crust of crispy dough and the most delicate filling of spicy mashed potatoes - the combination is so appetizing that the hands reach for the next piece. Try it!

Prepare the ingredients according to the list.

Prepare the pastry dough. Sift the flour. You can use regular wheat flour or a mixture of whole grain and wheat flour in equal proportions. In India, a mixture of atta flour, a wholemeal wheat flour, and maida flour, a premium flour, is traditionally used.

Add vegetable oil and salt. You can use vegetable oil, melted butter, and, of course, the most traditional option is ghee. If the lean and vegetarian composition of the cake is an unprincipled moment, you can also add 1–2 tbsp to the dough. yogurt.

Gradually, adding "on the shell", pour in water and knead a smooth elastic dough.

Knead the dough for 5-7 minutes. Cover with cling film and leave to rest at room temperature for 25-30 minutes.

While the dough is resting, prepare the filling. Peel potatoes, cut into small pieces and boil until tender.

Mash with a potato masher, not too hard, so that most of the potatoes are mashed, but there are small pieces left.

Add chopped fresh herbs and grated ginger root.

Add seasonings: dried herbs - thyme or mint, hot pepper, ground coriander, curry (or garam masalu), salt. Mix everything well, taste the filling and, if necessary, add more spices to taste.

Divide the filling and dough into 4 pieces. Punch down the rested dough and roll out the first part of the dough into a circle about 8-10 cm in diameter. Place a portion of the filling in the center and carefully pinch the edges. Get a kind of "bag".

Dust the work surface with flour as needed, turn the bag over with the pinch down and roll out thinly.

Place the prepared flatbread in a preheated dry frying pan (or greased with a thin layer of oil) and fry on both sides until golden tan marks appear. Then brush the flatbread with butter (vegetable/butter/ghee) on both sides and transfer to a plate.

Repeat the procedure with the remaining filling and dough.

Indian cakes "Alu Paratha" are ready!

Serve hot with yogurt, sour cream, chutney or sauce of your choice. Enjoy your meal!

This recipe was taught to Jamie Oliver by an Indian chef who did not know a single word of English, but cooked with great pleasure. This is a very simple recipe, one of the best examples of the genius of Indian flatbread. They do not require yeast or baking powder to prepare them. In composition, they are the Indian version of puff pastry. Paratha bread is a great accompaniment to chicken tikka masala. His recipe is also on our website.

You can watch the video recipe of this dish

1 Place 300 g of bread flour and wheat flour on a large plate with a good pinch of sea salt. Add 2 tablespoons olive oil and 400 ml semi-skimmed milk.

2 Mix everything until smooth, then knead for a few minutes on a floured surface. Leave to "rest" for 20 minutes.

3 After this time, roll out the dough on a surface the size of a large tray. Brush the dough with melted butter or coconut oil and roll it into a loose roll.

4 Now cut the dough into eight pieces.

5 Take one such piece, put it in a vertical position on a layer of flour and completely crush the top with your hand. Then roll out again with a rolling pin. Do this with each piece of dough.

6 Place the tortillas in a hot oiled skillet and cook over medium heat for 3 minutes on each side, then sprinkle lightly with salt.

7 If you are preparing our Parathas for Tikka masala sauce and want them to absorb the sauce the best, crush the finished cakes with your hands.

We continue experiments in the field of flatbread baking. Vegetarian flatbreads.
Today we will bake cakes with potatoes and onions. Very juicy and flavorful. And the mashed potatoes are so tasty that the saucepan was licked clean.
Indian cuisine in winter perfectly diversifies our table.
For test:
Water - 1 - 1.5 cups
Whole wheat flour, sifted - 3 cups
Salt - 1 tsp
Vegetable oil -5 tbsp.
For filling:
Potatoes-6 pieces
Onion - 1 piece
Garam masala -1 tsp
Cayenne pepper - pinch
Salt - to taste
A mixture of aromatic peppers - to taste
Butter - 50 grams for frying cakes

1. Prepare the dough. It is advisable to take wholemeal flour, not premium wheat. But if there is none, then wheat will do. I used whole wheat flour. Because the cakes have a grayish color. The dough itself is tougher and more rubbery than usual. But the scent is incredible!
In a bowl, knead 3 cups of flour and 1-1.5 cups of warm water. Add salt, oil and knead the dough. If necessary, add more flour so that the bun does not stick to your hands. The gingerbread man is ready, cover the bowl and put the dough to rest in a warm corner for an hour.

2. While the dough is resting, prepare the filling. We clean and boil potatoes. Drain the water, let cool. We clean the onion from the husk, cut into small pieces, lightly fry in oil until golden brown. Add to pot with potatoes. We also put salt, masala, pepper to taste. Be careful with sharpness! With a spatula, mash everything into a puree. Let's cool down.

3. Divide the dough into 10 pieces. Roll out each piece lightly with a rolling pin. Put the filling in the middle. We pinch the dough around the edges. We make a khinkali-type ball. From the ball we form a cake. Be careful that the dough does not break through and the potatoes do not run out! At first I rolled it out with a rolling pin, but then I realized that it was more convenient to do it with my hands. As a result, I formed all the cakes with my hands. The mashed potatoes came out in places. Not scary.

4. Fry the cakes in oil over high heat. I fried on a 7-ke (only 9 divisions).
It can be creamy, it can be vegetable.
Don't burn! The fritters fry quickly. Literally 2-3 minutes per cake.

5. Put the finished cakes in a pile and enjoy the goodies. You can serve cakes with or with khan masala.


Pig, gorged on delicious tortillas with potatoes.

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Indian flatbread with alu paratha potatoes. Recipe

Indian flatbread Aloo Kulcha comes from the state of Punjab, which for anyone familiar with the dramatic history of India in the twentieth century, explains why they have spread so widely around the world.

When the British hurriedly left their colonial possessions on the Hindustan peninsula, British military topographers in just a few hours drew the border between what was retreating to India and the new state of Pakistan. The border passed through the state of Punjab, where immediately after the departure of the colonialists, a monstrous massacre began.

Millions of Punjabis fled abroad and they were the first to open Indian restaurants on every continent. That is why what is called “Indian cuisine” outside of India is often Punjab cuisine.

Flatbread (Kulcha) in India (as well as in Pakistan) is usually eaten for breakfast along with a spicy lentil curry. Aloo Kulcha potato flatbread can also be a morning dish, but is suitable for any meal at any time of the day. The potato filling should be quite spicy, but you can vary the amount of pepper according to your own taste.

The combination of fresh elastic dough and hot spicy potatoes is extremely tasty.


  • For test:
  • 2 cups flour;
  • 1 cup whole grain flour;
  • ¾ tsp salt;
  • 1 tsp baking powder for dough;
  • ¼ tsp baking soda;
  • 1 tbsp Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp yogurt;
  • 1.5 tbsp milk;
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil;
  • water for kneading the dough (about ¾ cup)


  • 3-4 large potatoes;
  • 2-3 tbsp fresh cilantro finely chopped;
  • 2 hot green peppers (finely chopped and without seeds);
  • ¼ tsp garam masala;
  • 2 tsp ground coriander;
  • 1.5 tsp ground cumin;
  • salt;
  • butter or ghee for greasing the tortillas.

1 cup - 240 ml

For the dough, mix flour, sugar, salt, baking powder and baking soda in a bowl. Make a well in the center and add milk, yogurt and vegetable oil. Start mixing, adding a little bit of water so that the dough comes together in a ball. Knead the dough.

If the dough sticks strongly to your hands, grease your hands with vegetable oil. Cover the dough with a damp towel and leave in a warm place to rise for 2 hours.

Boil the potatoes until tender and mash them. Add the spices and herbs to the puree and mix well. Add salt to taste.

When the dough rises, knead it lightly to remove excess air and divide into 8-10 balls. Cover with a damp towel and let rise for another 15-20 minutes.

Roll out a ball of dough into a small cake, put 2 tbsp in the center. potato filling, fold the edges of the dough into a bag (try not to leave too much air inside) and press the edges inward with your fingers.

Turn the resulting ball over, flatten it with your hands or roll it into a cake with a rolling pin. Do not make the cake very thin.

Heat a heavy-bottomed pan and sear the tortilla for 2 minutes on each side, or until nicely charred.