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How white chocolate is made. What is white chocolate made of: product composition, manufacturing process, components

In the production of any type of chocolate, without exception, cocoa beans are involved. Small grains ripen inside the fruits of cocoa trees that grow in tropical countries.

After the fruits are harvested, they ferment for a week. Fruit fermentation gives cocoa beans their recognizable aroma and taste. Cocoa pods must be fully ripe, because unripe fruits will have a low content of cocoa butter or not enough sugar for fermentation. For the production of white chocolate, the presence of a large amount of cocoa butter is especially important. This type of chocolate contains no other cocoa products.

What is original white chocolate made from? According to the manufacturing method, all types of chocolate are the same, but the composition differs significantly from each other. Making dark chocolate requires the use of cocoa butter, chocolate liqueur and sugar. In the production of milk chocolate, in addition to the listed ingredients, milk is also added to the product. White chocolate, unlike its counterparts, of the above components has only sugar and cocoa bean butter, which is why it does not have the characteristic color and smell that is inherent in dark chocolate.

White chocolate is absolutely different from others, this sweetness also has its admirers. The taste of this product is far from that of ordinary chocolate, although the texture is very similar.

The opinions of chocolate experts differ. Some of them argue that white chocolate cannot be called chocolate at all. Rather, it's just sweet fudge. According to chocolate factory owner Diego Badar, the whole point of the white chocolate recipe is that the use of chocolate liqueur extracted from cocoa is not implied. Only the oil of the fruit of the cocoa tree, obtained during the pressing process, works.

The question of what white chocolate is made of is often asked on various forums. The definition of white chocolate can be obtained by a product that has at least 20% cocoa butter in its composition. Some people claim they don't like white chocolate, but chances are they've never tasted real chocolate. Natural white chocolate is remembered for its rich creamy taste and pleasant vanilla aroma. The composition of white chocolate necessarily includes 15% milk powder and more than 50% sugar.

By the way, white chocolate is also made at home. Cocoa bean oil can be found at any pharmacy. Inexperienced housewives can add it a little more than prescribed by the recipe, however, this will in no way spoil the taste of the finished product, but will make it even tastier.

For 100 g of butter, you will need 100 g of powdered milk and powdered sugar, as well as a bag of vanillin. Melt the cocoa butter using a water bath, then add the rest of the ingredients. After complete dissolution, you need to mix with a mixer and pour into prepared forms, which must be put in the refrigerator for an hour.

A few tips for those who want to make white chocolate at home. If you want to get soft chocolate, then the molds can simply be put in the refrigerator, if hard, then directly in the freezer.

For a more natural product, honey can be used instead of powdered sugar, which is added to slightly cooled chocolate. White chocolate gets a more sophisticated look when using silicone molds or ice molds. A home-made product will be safer than a store-bought product - after all, only the necessary ingredients get into its composition. However, eating white chocolate has both pros and cons.

Despite the fact that the calorie content of white chocolate is the same as that of dark chocolate, vegetable fats are much more willing to remain in the human body. This is due to the fact that the process of their breakdown is not activated by caffeine. The advantage of white chocolate is the absence of allergens such as caffeine and theobromine, which are part of dark chocolate. Homemade chocolate can be made healthier by adding raisins, nuts, and other toppings to the recipe. It depends on the taste and desire of the manufacturer.

The first samples of white chocolate were made in 1930. Nestlé has developed a new recipe for a popular delicacy. It is noteworthy that in Russia products without cocoa beans appeared relatively recently, no more than 20 years ago, and many consumers still do not know what white chocolate is made of. This section provides an answer not only to this question, but also describes recipes for making such a dessert at home.

In accordance with international standards, white chocolate must contain the following ingredients in the following proportions:

  • cocoa butter - 20-22%;
  • powdered milk - 14-16%;
  • milk fat - 3.5-4%;
  • sugar or sweeteners - not more than 55%.

Hydrogenated fats and preservatives are not added to quality products. However, unscrupulous manufacturers who create "budget" versions of products often neglect this prohibition. Therefore, when buying white chocolate, you must carefully study the label, which indicates the composition of the product.

On average, the nutritional value of 100 g of treats is as follows:

  • 4-5 g of proteins;
  • 30-32 g of fat;
  • 60-65 g of carbohydrates.

The calorie content of a 100 g portion corresponds to 520-580 kcal, depending on what additional ingredients are included in the delicacy.

Benefit and harm to the human body

If dark chocolate varieties contain cocoa beans that have a stimulating effect on the nervous system, then their white “brother” does not contain a similar ingredient. And this means that you can safely eat a little of this chocolate at night, and not be afraid of insomnia. In addition, white chocolate can be consumed by people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, while dark types of delicacies in such conditions are recommended to be excluded.

The composition of white chocolate contains cocoa butter, rich in both vitamin E and amino acids. These compounds have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and help to cope with fatigue.

And also in white chocolate there is tannin, which has the ability to fight inflammation. In addition, the delicacy is enriched with methylxanthine, which helps to normalize the functioning of the bronchopulmonary system.

Did you know? White chocolate is good not only as a treat, but also used as a cosmetic product. Masks based on it help moisturize the skin, eliminate inflammation and rashes. And also this component has regenerative properties and allows you to cope with traces of acne and furunculosis, make stretch marks and small scars less noticeable.

Talking about the benefits, one cannot fail to mention the possible harm that the use of this product can cause to the body. The fact is that white chocolate is very high-calorie, and if you forget about the sense of proportion, this will lead to the appearance of extra pounds and disruption of metabolic processes.

And also we must remember that white chocolate contains quite a lot of sugar, which contributes to an increase in blood glucose levels. As a result, blood flow may be disturbed, disorders in the functioning of the liver and visual organs may occur, and people with diabetes will feel a deterioration in their general condition.

Another unsafe, albeit with a lot of useful properties, component of white chocolate is cocoa butter. The fact is that this product can cause allergies, and in people with impaired functioning of the heart and blood vessels, lead to the development of arrhythmia and jumps in blood pressure.

However, this does not mean that you need to give up white chocolate. If you use it in moderation, nothing bad will happen.

How to make classic white chocolate

Making white chocolate at home is quite possible.

To make a classic treat, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 200 g of powdered milk;
  • 30-50 g cocoa butter;
  • granulated sugar or powder;
  • vanillin.

How white chocolate is made:

  1. Melt cocoa butter in a water bath, and then add the rest of the ingredients.
  2. Continuously stirring, keep the mass on fire until all the "loose" components are dissolved.
  3. While the composition is still hot, pour it into molds and put it in the cold.

It is better to store white chocolate in the refrigerator rather than in the freezer - this way its taste will be more intense.

No added cocoa butter

Although cocoa butter is not a rare or scarce product, it happens that you cannot buy it. In this case, you can do without this ingredient, and make white chocolate from the following components:

  • 200 g of powdered milk;
  • 50-70 ml liquid milk;
  • granulated sugar;
  • vanillin.

Cooking white chocolate:

  1. We combine the ingredients in a saucepan and put on fire.
  2. Heat the mixture over low heat, stirring with a spatula.
  3. We distribute the composition into molds and send it to the cold.

White chocolate will be ready to eat in 2-3 hours.

Cooking with nuts

White chocolate with nuts turns out to be amazingly tasty, but it must be remembered that after adding this component, the calorie content of the delicacy will increase.

To make such a dessert, you will need the following components:

  • 200 g dry milk formula for children;
  • 3 tablespoons of butter;
  • 70-80 ml of milk;
  • nuts and granulated sugar to taste;
  • a pinch of vanilla.

How to make dessert:

  1. Melt butter in a saucepan, add milk.
  2. Stir the mass until smooth, then add milk powder, sugar and vanilla.
  3. When the powdered components are dissolved, add the nuts and mix the composition.
  4. Divide chocolate between molds and refrigerate.

You can replace nuts with sesame seeds, candied fruits, puffed rice or raisins.

Sweets with dried fruits

Dried fruits will be a great addition to white chocolate. To create a dessert, you can use raisins, dried apricots or prunes - whichever you prefer.

During the cooking process, you will need the following products:

  • 150 g of powdered milk;
  • 50-70 g cocoa butter;
  • granulated sugar;
  • dried fruits;
  • vanillin.

How to make a treat:

  1. We place a container with cocoa butter in a water bath, melt it.
  2. We introduce powdered milk, sugar and vanilla, simmer until smooth.
  3. Add dried fruits, stir and transfer the composition to molds.

You need to store this delicacy in the refrigerator, it will retain freshness and taste for several days.

How to make white chocolate frosting

Making white chocolate icing is very simple if you take a bar and melt it in a water bath. In this case, you will need to make sure that water does not get into the composition, otherwise it will clump into clods and the mass will not be homogeneous.

But you can do it differently and prepare the glaze by adding additional products to the main component.

For work you need to take:

  • 150 g of white chocolate;
  • 2 tablespoons of butter;
  • 50-70 ml of cream.

How to make frosting:

  1. Break the tile into small pieces and put in a saucepan.
  2. Put the container in a water bath and wait until the chocolate melts.
  3. Add butter and cream, mix until smooth.
  4. Let the icing cool slightly and apply as directed.

Using these recipes, it's easy to make your own white chocolate in a variety of ways. And if there is no time, you can buy it in the store, paying attention to the label before buying. The composition of the product and the ratio of components must comply with generally accepted standards.

Perhaps the most beloved and popular dessert on our planet is chocolate. He is adored by everyone, regardless of age, social status and income level. There are many types and varieties of this magnificent delicacy - black and creamy, tiled and bars, hot and in the form of figures of your favorite fairy-tale characters. However, non-traditional white chocolate raises the most questions. What is it made from? Why is he this color? And is it permissible to call it chocolate at all?

An amazing novelty of a popular product was invented in the 20th century, in the stylish 50s, in Switzerland. The experiment of Nestle confectioners turned out to be very successful - chocolate bars of unconventional white color were to the taste of fans of this product. Today, neither its recipe nor its light shade is a secret.

The fact is that the composition of this chocolate includes products that have a white color - milk, sugar, vanilla, cocoa butter. The absence of cocoa bean powder, which has a rich brown color known to everyone, determines the main feature of white chocolate. The traditional bitter note in the taste of this product is also not felt, only a barely noticeable, light aroma of cocoa, which is interrupted by vanilla.

So what is white chocolate made from?

Its correct composition, which directly indicates the quality of the international standard product, is offered below:

  1. Cocoa butter - 20 percent.
  2. Powdered milk - 14 percent.
  3. Fats - 4 percent.
  4. Sugar - no more than 55 percent.
  5. The emulsifier is lecithin.

Calorie content - 541 kcal. Color - ivory. The taste is creamy with a touch of caramel.

However, not all manufacturers in the world adhere to such a high standardization. And instead of cocoa butter, a white chocolate bar can contain much cheaper hydrogenated fats, artificial flavors that mimic the smell of cocoa, dyes and emulsifiers.

Only a specialist or a big fan of this sweet product who has tried various varieties from well-known manufacturers can distinguish such a surrogate by taste.

Varieties and popular brands

Today, almost all chocolate manufacturers produce a white variety of chocolate. However, the leaders of this industry are still the Swiss - Nestle, DeLaffe, Dolce Albero.

Their eternal rivals are the Austrian companies Alpen Gold, Milka. In Germany, lovers of sweets appreciate the products of Schogetten, Ritter Sport, Lindt. The Italian company Maestrani occupies a worthy place in this market, along with the French Valrhona and the Spanish Valor.

The UK traditionally conquers the sweet tooth with the help of Сadburu, and the USA is famous for the products of Mars and Hershy's.

Today Russia has also become one of the best producers of the sweet industry. Therefore, its confectionery companies produce high-quality products that seriously compete with foreign manufacturers in their market.

These are the brands "Red October", "Rot Front", "Odintsovo Confectionery Factory", "Babaevsky", "Russia", "Russian Chocolate", "Victory of Taste".

Moreover, Russian buyers and residents of the countries of the former USSR can evaluate the quality of white chocolate when buying in a store not only by the brand name, but also by Gosstandart certificates. Each tile indicates the performance of products using a special marking that determines the quality.

Here are the designations:

  • TU GOST 6534-89 "Chocolate";
  • TU "Chocolate".

This means that the products meet the state standards of the Russian Federation.

Types of white chocolate in their composition, and hence the taste, do not differ much.

Therefore, its varieties are classified according to form, not content:

  1. The tile is a cast version of a rectangular shape. There is white chocolate, airy, porous.
  2. Patterned - produced in the form of figurines of animals, fairy-tale characters.
  3. Figured - flat figures in the form of various objects, for example, coins and medals.
  4. Bars - with caramel, nut, fruit, etc. fillings. It is sometimes made from a combination of different types of chocolate - milk and white, including chocolate paste.
  5. Pasta is a mass with all kinds of inclusions, including from different types of chocolate.
  6. Glaze is a special liquid chocolate that is used to make various culinary products.

White chocolate can be produced both in pure form and with fillers in the form of nuts, dried fruits, candied fruits, coconut chips and its pulp, pieces of fruit and fruit jellies, syrups, biscuit crumbs, wafers, mixed with other types of chocolate and even with petals. roses.

How to make white chocolate at home

White chocolate, unlike its dark counterpart, can be made at home with your own hands. They can decorate almost any pastry, even Easter cakes.

This will require the following products:

  1. 100 g cocoa butter. It can be bought at a pharmacy. The final product of this component will contain even more than a tile from the store - as much as 30 percent.
  2. 100 g of powdered milk;
  3. 100 g of powdered sugar;
  4. Vanilla - to taste.

The algorithm of actions to primitivism is simple:

  1. First, melt the cocoa butter in a water bath.
  2. Then slowly add the powdered sugar into it, stirring.
  3. After that, also, little by little, mix in milk powder and at the end - season with vanilla.

The hot mass must be poured into molds, which must first be greased with butter. You can add nuts to each of them if you wish. Cool in the refrigerator for an hour.

This homemade chocolate can be poured over any confectionery products of your own production.

The benefits and harms of delicious treats

Any sweet product has its advantages and disadvantages. Cocoa butter is rich in useful vitamins and minerals. These are, first of all, vitamins of groups B, E, K, PP, C, A. In addition to traditional sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium, this product also contains trace elements of metals - zinc, iron, copper. The presence of selenium, manganese and phosphorus is especially valuable.

Like any oil of vegetable origin, it also contains a set of fatty acids necessary for the body.

Therefore, white chocolate has its positive properties.

  • For example, vitamin K promotes better absorption of calcium. This means that almost all of this trace element will be successfully absorbed by the body.
  • A sufficiently large percentage of iron content will help restore its daily requirement.
  • Vitamin E has anti-aging properties.
  • Selenium improves immunity.

White chocolate, like dark chocolate, can improve your mood.

But at the same time, nervous excitement does not occur, which causes caffeine and other similar substances that are present in cocoa powder and, accordingly, in dark chocolate.

However, there are also disadvantages. And the main disadvantage is a lot of sugar. This substance causes many diseases, up to type 2 diabetes, tooth decay, joint dysfunction. White crystals provoke overweight and all diseases associated with this condition.

Therefore, you should not include a bar of white chocolate in your daily diet. It is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons, coordinating them with the state of one's own health. But to restore strength after an illness or at the time of physical or excessive emotional stress is quite acceptable.

A small amount of white chocolate will help create a festive or romantic mood.

The use of white chocolate in cooking

White chocolate is used in cooking in a variety of qualities - in the form of filling, fudge, glaze. Liquid - for adding to various drinks, mousses. Shavings - to decorate various desserts. There are a huge number of possibilities, you just need to apply a creative approach, and the usual homemade delicacy can acquire a new, more pleasant shade of taste.

white chocolate ganache for cake topping

Ganache, or Ganache, is a French chocolate cream on cream. It is good for cakes, candies, and is best used to make a great cake topping. The recipe was for many years the secret of French culinary experts, and today it is available to any housewife.

White chocolate cake topping ganache is a thick paste that can be used to create a smooth surface. Its structure is plastic, all pits, bumps will be hidden under a layer of beautiful cream. It can be made from any type of chocolate, but we present a white chocolate recipe.

For cooking you will need:

  • half a kilo of white chocolate;
  • a glass of the fattest cream.

The delicacy is prepared like this:

  1. Tiles need to be broken into small pieces or grated on a coarse grater.
  2. Boil the cream and pour into the grated chocolate.
  3. Beat the composition with a mixer until all the lumps are completely dissolved into a single soft mass.
  4. Close the surface of the cream tightly with a film. Even small air bubbles should not be left, since any contact with air turns the surface of the cream into a rough crust.

Warm ganache is put in the refrigerator for at least 8-10 hours, and preferably at night. It should acquire a denser consistency during this time. Then the cream should be taken out of the refrigerator and let it warm up for about two hours.

Now you can work with him, decorate the cake.

How to make white chocolate frosting

Delicate, fragile white chocolate icing is a great addition to homemade cookies, cakes and even sweets. A cake covered with such a composition looks very attractive, almost professional. And also, you can cover Easter cakes with white chocolate icing.

Here's what you can make it from:

  • 2 white chocolate bars;
  • half a glass of the fattest cream;
  • 50 g butter.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. We rub the chocolate on a coarse grater, after holding it in the refrigerator.
  2. Heat the cream until it boils and pour into the chocolate chips.
  3. Dissolve chocolate and stir well.
  4. Now the moment has come for the butter, which will also go into this mixture.
  5. Next, beat the icing so that not a single lump remains - everything should turn into an even, beautiful mass.
  6. Let the icing cool slightly in the refrigerator for ten minutes, and then fill it with our confectionery - a cake, pastries or something else.
  7. We are waiting for the glaze to harden.

It is perfect for cakes - baskets and tubes, but its main application is the decoration of cakes. It perfectly levels the surface, as it turns out to be thick and elastic.

This cream will pleasantly surprise you with its delicate and silky texture. They can layer any cake, fill cakes, tubes and baskets. In general, this is literally an indispensable ingredient in a confectioner's workshop!

You will need the following products:

  • white chocolate bar;
  • a glass of the fattest cream;
  • 4 egg yolks;
  • Art. a spoonful of butter.

And then everything is simple:

  1. We break the chocolate and send its pieces directly into the container with cream.
  2. We heat the composition and dissolve the chocolate in the dairy product.
  3. Shake the yolks until smooth and send them to the creamy mixture.
  4. Only now it can be boiled for a couple of minutes.
  5. The cream is almost ready, it should be cooled, stirring from time to time.
  6. In a slightly warm composition, put soft butter and beat the mixture with a mixer. We choose the highest power.
  7. When the cream changes color, becomes lighter and more magnificent, you can complete the process and use the finished delicacy for its intended purpose.

To date, the popularity of white chocolate is no less than black. In fact, their composition is practically the same, however, white chocolate does not contain such an important ingredient as cocoa powder, which gives dark chocolate a peculiar taste.

White tiles are often used in cooking. A variety of confectionery products, yoghurts or cocktails are often made from it.

goes well with desserts. The history of chocolate dates back to ancient times. Of course, his taste was very different from what we have now. Only after a huge amount of time, we got the product that is now associated with chocolate. However, white tiles appeared relatively recently, in 1930. Its creator is the Nestle confectionery company. History of white chocolate begins in the 1980s. The creamy taste of white tiles is ensured by the presence of milk powder in its composition. This is what attracts many culinary specialists from all over the world.

It contains many ingredients. The main ones are sugar, cocoa butter, vanillin and milk powder. The concentration of cocoa butter should not be less than 20%. If you notice this delicacy on the store shelf and it does not include the above components and their quantity, then you should not buy it. Many manufacturers are trying to save money on this, as a result, the finished tile is of poor quality. That is why many countries set strict requirements for manufacturers, and they do it right, because such a product has completely different taste qualities and can even harm your health.

The composition of such a low-quality dessert may include additives, dyes, sugar substitutes. But if the white tile contains trans and hydrogenated fats, then you definitely shouldn't buy it. These ingredients can have a negative effect on the body.

The main signs of a low-quality white delicacy are its taste, color, smell and texture. An improperly prepared product has a too sweet taste, bright white color, does not melt well, in contrast to high-quality tiles, which have completely different qualities. Its shade is creamy, the taste is delicate. It also has a pleasant vanilla flavor and melts well in your mouth.

chocolate mood

Obesity, metabolic disorders, exacerbation of a number of diseases - all this can be from overeating white chocolate

Is such a dessert useful for people with obvious health problems:

As you can see, there are two sides to everything: positive and negative. Which will prevail in this case depends on the amount eaten. To date, it is not known exactly how much chocolate you can and should eat. Heated debates on this subject are still ongoing. However, everyone unanimously agrees that a few tiled squares or two chocolates will not bring any harm.

The main ingredients that are needed for cooking: cocoa butter, powdered sugar, milk powder. The mass of each of them should be 100 g. Cocoa butter can be found in pastry shops, if there are none, then in a pharmacy. In the finished product, it makes up 30% of the total mass of chocolate. It should be noted that it is necessary to take powdered sugar, and not sugar. Since the first is much better dissolved and combined with the mass. The sugar may not completely dissolve and crystals will remain. However, you can melt it over a fire and add it in the same way as powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

Sometimes you really want something sweet. But then pangs of conscience begin, they say, sweets are harmful, badly affect the figure, spoil the teeth, and so on. Therefore, we have to look for an alternative, and one of these "outputs" is black bitter chocolate.

Undeniable benefits of dark chocolate consists of the following:

In order not to come across a fake, read the information on the wrapper carefully. As mentioned above, the cocoa content should be at least sixty percent, but cocoa butter should be at least thirty percent. This indicator must be followed. Also, when you break the tile, it should be hard, emit a characteristic crunch, but the color is not black, but rather dark brown.

AT quality chocolate includes cocoa butter, powdered sugar (it should just be a little), grated cocoa. Nothing extra, but everything you need.

Cheer up with your favorite treat

Data prescription high spirits used all over the world, and what is most surprising, it is effective, and this is a scientifically proven fact. After tasting this delicacy, even the most gloomy person will definitely become kinder, and a difficult day will not seem so hard, fatigue will disappear, a smile and a sense of harmony will appear. What is it connected with? The fact is that white chocolate contains chemical elements that contribute to the production of the hormone of joy(serotonin). It helps a person overcome depression, forget about pain, and in large quantities even leads to euphoria. However, this does not mean that chocolate should be eaten in large quantities.

Everything needs moderation, and chocolate is no exception. A “kilogram of happiness” can turn into a decrease in efficiency and irritability, and even diseases, and this is due to sugar, which is an indispensable part of the composition of white tiles. You say that there is less sweet substance here than in a milk or black delicacy. Yes, that's right. But in any case, sugar can cause more than 70 problems to the body, lead to serious ailments, including deadly ones.

Chocolate is one of the most loved and wonderful treats on earth. It is adored by both the smallest sweet tooth and very elderly dessert lovers. Today, there are a variety of varieties and types of this product: milky, dark, white, porous, with fillings and other types. But the most controversial is white chocolate, the composition of which we will describe in our article. If you look, then this category of food is practically no different from its black "brother". But the first option does not contain cocoa. White delicacy is actively used in the confectionery business: it is added to pastries, cakes and pastries are decorated with it. Such goodness is good because it can be used by people who have allergic reactions to cocoa.

A bit about history

Chocolate itself is no less than five thousand years old. The recipe for creating this sweet passed from generation to generation, from people to people, from country to country, until it reached our times. But this all refers to the classic, black product. Specifically (the composition will be described later), its history dates back to 1930. It was made by the confectioners of the Swiss company Nestle. Then the ill-wishers claimed that the technologist who prepared the product had no idea what to do with excess cocoa butter. Therefore, some consumers did not perceive the innovation as an edible product at all. The novelty was predicted to be quickly oblivion.

But despite all the controversy, in 1931 the American company M & M's developed its own version of such chocolate. And white chocolate, the composition of which we will study a little later, finally changed its fate after the Second World War. During this period, he became one of the basic positions in most companies involved in the production of confectionery products. In the Soviet Union, he was wary of, and for a long time perceived as a threat to health. Even today, in a number of countries, white chocolates are not considered chocolate and are referred to as dessert.

What is included

White chocolate, the composition of which we describe, received such a color, as it contains ingredients of an exclusively white hue: sugar, milk powder, vanillin and cocoa butter, which creates the taste of chocolate. It does not contain cocoa liquor or cocoa powder. To prevent the occurrence of extraneous unpleasant flavors, manufacturers add deodorized oil. Instead of traditional sugar, a refined product or inexpensive sweeteners are used.

White chocolate is produced exclusively on the basis of powdered milk. Often, to create cheap varieties of sweets, manufacturers exploit vegetable hydrogenated fats. Such ingredients are sometimes used instead of cocoa butter. In this case, the smell and taste of cocoa is acquired through artificial flavors and flavors.

In accordance with international standards, the following norms must be observed in the manufacture of white chocolate:

  • Cocoa butter - at least 20%.
  • Powdered milk - 14%.
  • Milk fat - 3.5%.
  • Sweeteners or sugar - should not exceed 55%.
  • Vanillin is added for flavor, and lecithin is used as an emulsifier.

White chocolate is very high-calorie - one hundred grams of the product contains 541 kilocalories.

Positive properties of treats

White chocolate, the composition whose calorie content is indicated above, has some positive properties that have a good effect on the body. So, among all the goodies made from chocolate, the white product is considered the sweetest. Therefore, even the smallest piece can fully satisfy the desire of the sweet tooth.

Despite the fact that the delicacy has a white tint, it, like classic chocolate, can cheer you up. The delicacy promotes the production of serotonin and the entry of endorphins into the brain.

The positive properties of white sweetness include the fact that it does not have an exciting effect, like dark chocolate. After all, cocoa-free tiles do not contain caffeine and other tonic components.

A significant use of white chocolate is precisely in cocoa butter, of which there is up to 1/5 part in each bar. This oil is a good dietary fat that does not provoke inflammation and does not raise blood cholesterol levels.

Negative properties of white chocolate

Regular consumption of this sweetness in large doses can cause irreparable harm to health. White chocolate (composition, properties are described in this article) contains vegetable fats, which have an incredible effect on the metabolism of fats in the body. They can cause serious problems with fat deposits, which are incredibly difficult to get rid of.

The artificial sweeteners present in the composition are dangerous for the endocrine system and for the functioning of the kidneys. If you eat white chocolate in huge doses, it will provoke the appearance of blackheads and pimples on the skin. With the regular use of white tiles, an unhealthy amount of sugar enters the body, harming blood vessels and teeth.

Preparing white chocolate

You can cook delicious and not too “chemical” white which is described above at home. It will take 50 grams of cocoa butter and milk powder, five grams of vanilla extract, three grams of soy milk powder, 65 grams of powdered sugar and a pinch of salt.

Melt the cocoa butter in a water bath. In the resulting liquid, add, stirring regularly, the contents of the container, ordinary and soy milk, powdered sugar, salt and vanilla extract. Now you need to dissolve everything until a paste-like viscous mixture is formed, which is white chocolate.

The resulting composition is poured into molds and put in the refrigerator until completely solidified. The chocolate will be ready after three hours.

And one more thing about white chocolate

White for health are described in this review) are often used for culinary purposes by housewives. If the tile needs to be melted, then it is important to ensure that water does not get into the molten mass. Otherwise, the melted chocolate will clump together, and its further use will not be possible.

To create all sorts of desserts, it is best to use a liquid product packaged in tubes.