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Muffins with liquid chocolate inside. How to make liquid chocolate cupcakes Liquid chocolate cupcakes

Chocolate cupcakes with a liquid filling are simply an indispensable option for those who want to please their family with something tasty and unusual, while spending a minimum of effort, time and money. In addition, even the most demanding gourmets will not be able to remain indifferent to such an interesting dessert.

Already from the name of the dish it becomes clear how the dessert will look like. One can even form a personal opinion about the supposed taste of cupcakes. Nevertheless, the result may exceed all expectations. But this becomes possible only if all the subtleties and recommendations for making these sweets, which are also called muffins, are observed (derived from the French word “moufflet” (soft bread) or the German word “muffe” (German type of bread)).

Below there will be 2 recipes and tips for making a dessert, which will certainly be needed when preparing it, so that the first attempt does not become a “lump”, but can please even the most demanding tasters. And thanks to the two options for preparing cupcakes, it becomes possible to choose the one that you like and will be more convenient for cooking. Its time to begin!

First dessert recipe

To make muffins with liquid chocolate inside, you will need:

  • chocolate (cocoa content must be at least 70%) - 150 grams;
  • wheat flour - 40 grams;
  • butter - 50 grams;
  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • sugar - 50 grams;
  • cocoa powder - for dusting

From this number of components, approximately 4 cupcakes are obtained (it all depends on the molds that are used), but, at your discretion, you can make them more or less, while maintaining the proportions in the ingredients.

How are they preparing? Here is a step by step guide:

  1. First you need to melt the chocolate along with the butter. This can be done in a water bath, in the microwave or in the oven. In order to melt them in a water bath, you need to put a dish with pieces of tiles on a pot of boiling water so that its bottom does not touch the surface of the boiling water. All the time until the mixture dissolves, it is necessary to stir it. To melt butter and chocolate in the microwave, you need to put a bowl of them in the oven and set the lowest temperature setting. So you need to turn it on at intervals of 30 seconds, and between them stir the mixture until it melts. In order for the pieces of chocolate and butter to melt in the oven, you need to put the container with them in it for 5-10 minutes and set the lowest temperature. Then take out and mix everything.
  2. Take the eggs and beat them with sugar until white foam. It is best to use a mixer, but if it is not available, you can use a simple whisk.
  3. Add the cooled chocolate and butter mixture, stirring gently. Next, knead the dough, adding the sifted flour to it in parts so that lumps do not form. The consistency of the dough should not be very liquid or very thick.
  4. Take molds. They can be either ceramic or silicone. You can use metal, but not paper. Sprinkle them with cocoa powder and fill with dough, but not completely, but about 2/3.
  5. Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Put the filled molds on the grate and bake the cupcakes for 5-10 minutes (this will depend on the type of oven: if it is electric, cooking can take about 7-8 minutes).
  6. Take the cupcakes out of the oven. Decorate them by sprinkling with powdered sugar. Ready!

Second muffin recipe

For cooking, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • dark chocolate (minimum 70% cocoa content) - 200 grams;
  • butter - 100 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 60 grams;
  • wheat flour - 60 grams;
  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • egg yolks - 4 pieces;
  • salt - a pinch.

What is interesting about this cooking option? It is noteworthy that egg yolks are present in the composition, as a result of which this recipe will definitely come in handy for the hostess, who often cooks meringues, but does not know how to use the remaining yolks. And now the cooking sequence:

  1. Beat the yolks with sugar. It is best to use a mixer, as they should turn white. Then add the egg and beat well again.
  2. As in the previous recipe, melt the butter with pieces of dark chocolate. The methods that can be used have been described above.
  3. Add the beaten egg mass to the cooled melted mixture. Mix well. Combine with sifted flour and salt. Mix gently again. The dough should be of medium consistency and free of lumps.
  4. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius. Take the molds (read more about them above) and grease them with oil. If desired, you can sprinkle them with cocoa powder. Pour the dough into them, leaving a little space (about a third of the total volume of the form). You need to bake cupcakes for 7-10 minutes until fully cooked (how to understand whether it is time to get the molds out of the oven is described in the tips). Arrange on a platter sprinkled with powdered sugar. Ready!

This needs to be remembered

Next, we will talk about some of the subtleties that were not mentioned in the above recipes. In any case, before preparing a dessert, you should read these tips in order to avoid possible mistakes and learn something interesting about the preparation of this dish. Therefore, in order to make every chocolate muffin with a liquid filling bring a lot of pleasure, it is very important to heed the following recommendations:

  1. To make it easier to determine the cooking time for cupcakes (it can vary depending on the oven, molds and even selected ingredients), you must first cook one of them and check for doneness, and then send the rest to the oven.
  2. Readiness is checked as follows: one of the cupcakes is pierced with a toothpick. The edges and its bottom should be well baked and dry. The middle remains liquid.
  3. The amount of sugar depends on the cocoa content of the chocolate bar. The more cocoa in chocolate, the more sugar should be added. It is also important to consider personal tastes.
  4. To make the dessert more delicious, it is recommended to serve it hot. But what if guests are invited the next day? You can make the dough ahead of time! After that, it must be immediately poured into molds. You can store the dough for about a day in the refrigerator. Before serving, they need to be taken out of the refrigerator and baked for 10-12 minutes.
  5. As already mentioned, before serving, dessert can be decorated by sprinkling with powdered sugar. It is appropriate to add sorbet, jam, ice cream, fresh fruits and berries to cupcakes.

Enjoy your meal!

Chocolate cupcakes with liquid chocolate inside are called fondant. Such pastries are prepared quite simply, but the most important thing is to "guess" the time it will take for the filling to remain liquid. For each hostess, this time may vary slightly due to the characteristics of the ovens and the selected molds. Chocolate should be of high quality, with a cocoa content of at least 70%.

To prepare chocolate muffins with a liquid filling, prepare the necessary products from the list.

Put the butter and chocolate, broken into pieces, in a ladle or saucepan.

Place the ladle on the steam bath and heat until the chocolate and butter have melted. Stir the mass periodically. Then the mass should be cooled.

Break the eggs into a bowl and add 3 yolks. Add salt and sugar to them.

Beat the mass with a whisk until fluffy foam.

Add the cooled chocolate mass to the eggs and mix.

Then add the sifted flour and powdered sugar. Leave a little powder for dusting.

Mix the chocolate dough with a spatula until smooth.

Divide the dough into silicone molds. You can also bake chocolate muffins with liquid chocolate inside in ceramic molds, but then they must be oiled and sprinkled with cocoa so that later you can turn the muffin onto a plate. I love baking in silicone molds.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and bake the cupcakes for 8-10 minutes. I got two pieces in 8 minutes, and the rest in 10.

The cupcake, which was baked for 8 minutes, was left with a liquid filling, and as soon as I touched it with a spoon, the filling immediately began to flow out.

This cake was baked for 10 minutes. As you can see, the filling remained liquid, but the cupcake holds its shape perfectly. For me, this is the perfect choice.

If you don’t get a liquid filling the first time, it only means that you need to adapt to your oven and choose the best option. Serve these delicious liquid-filled chocolate cupcakes with tea or coffee, sprinkle with powdered sugar on top, and enjoy!

Enjoy your meal!

Have you ever eaten cupcakes with liquid filling? If yes, then you know exactly how exquisite this dessert is. It is recognized around the world as one of the most delicious treats.

For the first time, chocolate muffins with a liquid filling appeared in France, they were dubbed under the name Fondane.

Today, their cooking recipe has been improved and modified more than once, but all the same, eating such chocolate muffins in the head there are special associations with French cuisine, with its special sophistication and uniqueness.

Cupcakes with liquid chocolate can be served with an interesting addition in the form of ice cream. Since baking is served hot, ice cream will give it a special coolness.

Step by step video recipe

The baking time is quite short. This is due to the fact that the filling should not be baked. Only the outside of the cake is baked, and in the center the consistency remains thin.

The dessert has an amazing taste, and if you bake a cupcake at home, it will be doubly delicious. The dough must be made for chickens. eggs and dairy products.

As a rule, this is milk, kefir and sour cream. The recipe indicates the use of fats in the form of sl. oils, vegetable butter or margarine. The option of replacing each other is not ruled out.

A mixture based on components should be mixed with dry products. These are cocoa, flour, baking powder and vanilla. The dough will be thick, like sour cream. It is worth putting a tablespoon, filling the molds.

They can be silicone, metal or paper. In the latter case, you should take care that you have a special stand so that the bottom does not curve.

And now I propose to choose a recipe, cook a delicious dessert at home, and not just admire the cupcakes in the attached photos in the article.

Classic recipe for gooey chocolate muffins

120 gr. flour; 100 gr. Sahara; 6 pcs. chickens. yolks and 4 pcs. chickens. eggs; 400 gr. dark chocolate; 200 gr. sl. oils; salt.

Cooking algorithm with photo:

  1. Sl. I cut the butter into small pieces. I crumble chocolate. Sl. melt butter and chocolate in a water bath. If you have a microwave oven at home, you can use it for these purposes.
  2. Kur. eggs and chickens. I beat the yolks together. I bring in sugar. Get a thick foam. I introduce into the mixture with the next. butter and chocolate, which should have cooled by then. I mix.
  3. I sow flour, put it in a bowl, add salt. I mix so that there is not a single lump.
  4. I cover the molds with chocolate dough. Be sure to lubricate the rust. oil, so that later there are no problems with removing the pastries.
  5. The oven must be preheated to 200 gr. I send cupcakes to bake for 10 minutes. That's all.
  6. Serve warm, topped with berries or a scoop of creamy ice cream.

"One moment"

These are very fast muffins, in the center of them there is a liquid filling. From the indicated number of components, it will be possible to bake 2 servings of cupcakes. The recipe is below.


40 gr. sl. butter and chocolate; 20 gr. flour; 30 gr. Sahara; 1 PC. chickens. egg.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I melt the chocolate in a saucepan, add sl. oil. I take high quality products.
  2. I kill chickens separately. egg and sugar. I interrupt with a whisk.
  3. Add flour to the bowl, stir.
  4. Mix the dough and pour into molds. I bake for 10 minutes at 160 gr. in the oven. Inside it will be raw, and on top of the dessert will be covered with a crust, on which a small crack will appear.
  5. I take the cupcakes out of the molds and put them on the dishes. Serve with berries, ice cream or fruit.

Walnut Fondant

Such moist chocolate desserts will be able to surprise all the guests present. If you follow everything that the algorithm of actions indicates, you can bake a delicious dessert that will delight you and improve the mood of everyone who eats a cupcake.


100 gr. chopped hazelnuts; 110 gr. flour; 4 things. chickens. eggs; 120 gr. sl. oils; 4 tbsp sugar powders; 2 tbsp chocolate-nut mass; 2 tbsp cocoa powder; 200 gr. dark chocolate; salt and baking powder.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I grind the chocolate into small pieces and heat it in a water bath to get a liquid mass. I introduce sweet mass and sl. oil, continue to stir in a water bath. It is necessary that all components are well connected to each other.
  2. I'm slaughtering chickens. eggs, add sah. powder to make a thick foam. I introduce flour, baking powder, salt and cocoa. Then I add nuts. I mix.
  3. I let the chocolate cool. Gradually introduce the egg mass. I smear the forms. oil. I send to bake for 7 minutes in the oven at 200 gr.
  4. I take out the finished cupcakes and put them on the dishes. I bring it to the table.

Mini cupcakes in a mug with liquid filling

This recipe will appeal to all owners of a microwave oven. It will be a great helper for making delicious mini-desserts.

Many people like these cupcakes also because they are prepared on the basis of available ingredients. You can add chopped nuts to the batch, then the dough will be less soft and viscous. Dessert will delight you with its taste.

100 gr. flour; 80 gr. dark chocolate; 2 tbsp cocoa; 50 gr. Sahara; 15 ml of water; 1 PC. chickens. egg; cinnamon; sl. oil.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Kur. beat eggs with sugar. I add sifted flour, cinnamon and cocoa powder.
  2. I mix and add water.
  3. I add chopped chocolate to the mixture. I pour the mass into circles. I bake for 1 minute in the microwave at maximum power.

Dessert is ready, you can eat. Just keep in mind that during baking, the dough in the mug will rise, and therefore it is worth filling the form into ¾ parts, no more.

American cupcakes with delicious liquid filling

The recipe originally from America is distinguished by its originality. Muffins are obtained with a liquid filling.

But the most interesting thing is that you don’t need to have a lot of culinary experience behind you to bake moist cupcakes with cream. Everything is very accessible and simple.


50 gr. sugar, sl. oils; 45 gr. flour; 2 pcs. chickens. eggs; 150 gr. chocolate.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I grind the chocolate, drown it in a water bath with chopped into pieces sl. oil. The mixture will be homogeneous.
  2. Kur. I interrupt the eggs and sugar to make a foamy mass.
  3. I mix the flour with the mass. I distribute the dough in forms, greased with rast. oil in advance.
  4. I bake in the oven for 7 minutes at 180 gr. temperature. Cupcakes will be baked around the edges, but will remain liquid in the middle.
  5. I take chocolate desserts out of the oven. Put on serving dishes and serve warm. If desired, they can be covered with homemade cream.
  • You can prepare the dough for baking Fondane cupcakes even 2 days before baking. You can store it in the refrigerator. Just keep in mind that it will need to bake 2 times longer than a fresh batch.
  • Serve cupcakes with viscous filler should be warm so that the chocolate does not harden. The filling will become dense, and the chocolate dessert will lose its originality. The cake will still be delicious. So, it’s not worth wasting time, and immediately after preparation, you need to brew tea and eat a treat.
  • To make a portion of cupcakes with a melted center at home, you can use silicone molds. It is most convenient to work with them.
  • Not everyone succeeds in making chocolate fondant cake the first time. But do not hang your nose, because with the gaining experience, your French chocolate cake will turn out better and better.
  • I advise you to cook cupcakes gradually. First bake 1 piece, check how long it takes to bake so that the dessert is perfect: raw inside, baked outside. And only then bake cupcakes, adjusting the time and temperature of the oven.
  • It is recommended to combine a warm chocolate dessert with vanilla ice cream. From my own experience, I will say that it goes amazingly with caramel, berries, buttercream. You can complete the composition with a couple of fresh mint leaves.

I want to wish every reader of my site extremely successful experiments in the kitchen, good mood and pleasant tea drinking in the family circle.

Lava Cake (“chocolate lava” or “lava cake”), “chocolate fondant” (volcano, flan), “melting chocolate” are all names for the same dessert, which is essentially liquid chocolate muffins.

The history of the origin of this gourmet dish is too curious: due to an unfortunate oversight, the French pastry chef took the pastry out of the oven ahead of time, the core of the muffins was not baked, and flowed out of the muffins like lava.

It is in the unbaked core that the main secret of this delicacy lies.

Contrary to the fears of the master, the audience enthusiastically accepted the new version of the usual dessert. After a while, the recipe for chocolate muffins with a liquid filling left France and became widespread throughout the world. You should also learn how to cook this restaurant dish at home in the classic way.


The composition of the new muffins includes a large percentage of products suitable for eating raw (chocolate, butter, sugar, eggs). A small amount of flour does not affect the taste of the filling. The recipe does not include baking powder, the structure of baking is provided by beaten eggs.

With special care, you need to choose a chocolate bar. Dairy won't work. Only fondant gives a bright bitter taste. It is advisable to use a quality product with a high cocoa content (70-80%). Milk chocolate will make the cupcakes too cloying and will not make them look so appetizing.

So, to make chocolate muffins with a liquid center, you will need the following products:


Servings: - + 4

  • Black chocolate 100 g
  • Butter 70 g.
  • Sugar (or powdered) 60
  • Chicken egg (selected) 2 pcs.
  • Wheat flour of the highest grade 50 g.
  • Salt 1 pinch.
  • powdered sugar (for decoration)

per serving

Calories: 430 kcal

Proteins: 6.8 g

Fats: 30.2 g

Carbohydrates: 32.2 g

40 min. Seal

    Prepare all ingredients for the dish. They shouldn't be cold. Let the eggs, butter and chocolate bar reach room temperature. Take them out of the fridge ahead of time.

    Break the chocolate bar into pieces the size of halves of a window. Place in a convenient dish that can be placed in a water bath or microwave. Add cubes of soft butter to the crushed chocolate bar. Gently melt the food in a water bath or in the microwave. Don't overheat! Stir the mixture regularly during the heating process. You should get a liquid chocolate mass. If this does not happen, then either the chocolate is of the wrong quality, or you have overheated the mixture. If you get a very hot mass, it must be cooled. Otherwise, the eggs may curl.

    In a bowl suitable for beating, break the eggs. Add granulated sugar (or powdered). Salt.

    Stir the egg mixture until the sugar dissolves. Beat lightly with a hand whisk or fork (you can use a mixer on low speed). Thick foam is not needed - it will give the dough airiness, baking - a rigid structure, and you need a mixture that has high fluidity.

    Pour the cooled chocolate mass into the sweet egg mixture. Stir.

    Sift flour into a container with liquid ingredients. Mix quickly with light movements until smooth. It doesn't take long to knead! If the gluten in the flour has time to swell, the muffins will be too dense. The effect of flowing lava cannot be achieved. You don't need to add the exact amount of flour. The consistency of the mass will be similar to liquid sour cream.

    Prepare molds. To prepare fondant, it is better to use silicone or ceramic molds. The latter must be greased with oil and sprinkled with cocoa powder. Pour the dough into the molds, slightly not reaching the edges.

    Bake the muffins in a hot oven at 180-200 degrees for about 7-12 minutes (depending on your oven). Cupcakes need to be taken out when they rise well, and their centers are failed. It is important not to overdo it!

    So that the “lava eruption” does not happen ahead of time, you need to take the cupcakes out of the molds very carefully. Carefully flip the molds over the plate. The muffins will be on the platter.

Chocolate cupcakes with liquid filling are ready! Sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve.

From the specified amount of products in 30-40 minutes you will get 4-6 servings of delicious pastries.

  • Experienced confectioners advise adding 1-2 tablespoons of cocoa powder to the dough to enhance the chocolate flavor, which can be mixed with flour or poured directly into liquid ingredients.
  • An interesting fondant is obtained by adding a cup of Espresso coffee to the dough. Pour the drink into the melted chocolate and mix the mass. Such muffins with liquid chocolate are not intended for children, but many adults will appreciate this confectionery entourage.
  • You can diversify the taste of fondant by adding cognac or liquor. For the indicated number of products, 30 g of an alcoholic beverage will be enough. The advice applies exclusively to pastries for adults.

If you want to surprise your friends with an original recipe, but do not know exactly when they will arrive, you can prepare the dough in advance.

The mass poured into buttered and cocoa disposable foil molds must be frozen, and then baked muffins in the presence of guests.

This dough tolerates freezing well, but it does not make sense to store it in a regular refrigerator even for 1 hour.

Liquid-filled chocolate muffins should be served hot. For each serving, it is recommended to add a scoop of ice cream. The amazing contrast of color, temperature, taste of the elements of this dessert is designed for true gourmets with a sweet tooth.

chocolate fondant or, more understandable for a Russian person, a popular French dessert, literally translated as “melting chocolate” (French Fondant au chocolat). He is also known as Lava Cake(the name is used in English-speaking countries), translates as “lava cake”, so this dessert can often be found in Russia under the names “ chocolate lava" or " chocolate volcano". Another name for a dessert that I came across is “ chocolate flan«.

As is often the case, they owe their appearance to a simple case: the chef took his cupcakes out of the oven ahead of time and found that they were still liquid inside, and the hot filling flowed out like lava. Despite the mistake, the dessert has become incredibly popular in the best restaurants in the world.

Well, we realized that chocolate fondant he is Gosha, he is Zhora, he is Goga has many names, but the essence of this does not change. These are simply magical, which I strongly recommend that you eat with ice cream!


  • dark chocolate 60-80% 100 g
  • butter 60 g
  • sugar 40 g
  • eggs 2 pcs.
  • flour 40 g
  • salt 1 pinch

Let's start with chocolate. I suggest cooking chocolate fondant with dark chocolate (70-80% cocoa content), and I think that it is from such chocolate that ideal cupcakes with liquid filling. The wonderful contrast of hot bittersweet chocolate with sweet cold ice cream is what all this was started for, but this, of course, is only my opinion. I have already come across reviews more than once that the cupcakes turned out to be very bitter. So, if you don’t like bitter chocolate at all, prefer everything sweet, then take chocolate with a cocoa content of 50-60%. I do not recommend taking milk chocolate, because. with it, cupcakes are too sweet, and they don’t look so appetizing.

It is also important that the chocolate is of good quality, the fact is that now manufacturers often increase the percentage of cocoa products by adding cocoa powder to chocolate. Good chocolate requires the presence in the composition of cocoa products only cocoa liquor (crushed kernels of cocoa beans) and cocoa butter (oil squeezed from ground cocoa beans). Dried and crushed cake, which remains after squeezing cocoa butter - this is cocoa powder. It costs, of course, much cheaper than the main cocoa products, and therefore many Russian chocolate manufacturers add cocoa powder to increase the percentage of cocoa products in chocolate, it seems that the composition is not bad, there are no cocoa butter equivalents. But such chocolate, as a rule (depending on the amount of cocoa powder), has poor fluidity, cocoa powder thickens it, when melted, such chocolate does not become liquid. And, accordingly, you most likely won’t succeed with a liquid flowing filling with such chocolate.

And now, when everything is clear with chocolate, let's start cooking. From the indicated amount of ingredients, 4-6 fondants are obtained (depending on the size of the molds).


We prepare all the ingredients. Well, if the eggs are not very cold, you can get them out of the refrigerator in advance or just hold them a little in warm water.

Break the chocolate into pieces, add butter to it. We melt them in a water bath or in a microwave oven (be careful not to overheat the mass, otherwise the chocolate may curdle. If melting in a microwave oven, do not put it right away for a long time, remove the dishes with butter and chocolate from the microwave every 10-20 seconds and mix well ). Stir thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained, if it turned out to be very hot, cool it. If at this stage the mass does not become liquid, then either you have overheated the chocolate and it has curdled, or it is not of very good quality and does not flow well.

Whisk eggs into a bowl, add sugar and salt.

We mix them until smooth and dissolve sugar and salt, you don’t need to beat hard, just mix with a mixer, whisk or even just a fork.

Pour the cooled chocolate mixture into the egg mixture and stir. Make sure that the chocolate-butter mixture is not too hot, otherwise the eggs may curdle.

Sift the flour into the chocolate-egg mixture. Mix until smooth, but do not knead for a very long time, because. if kneading for a long time, gluten can stand out from the flour and the dough will be dense, muffins may turn out to be too dense.

If you use silicone molds, then we simply grease them with a thin layer of butter, but if you use porcelain, ceramic or metal molds, then they should not only be greased with butter, but then sprinkled with a thin layer of flour or cocoa powder. I like the second option more, because the flour can remain a little on the cupcakes after baking, which will ruin their appearance, and the cocoa will not be noticeable at all. From the molds prepared in this way, it will be much easier to remove the finished cupcakes without damaging them. Pour the dough into molds, I got 4 pieces. We put in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 7-10 minutes (I take the muffins out of the oven when they rise slightly, and the middle falls a little inside).

This is what the finished cupcakes look like, I just turn the molds on a plate.

So, chocolate fondant ready, serve this dessert immediately before it has cooled. And don't forget about my recommendations about ice cream, believe me, it's hot. Chocolate cupcakes with liquid filling Delicious with a scoop of cold ice cream. Enjoy your meal!