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One homemade tincture and the other a baked dish. tincture recipes

Modern man is unique because he is always ready for force majeure. He knows where to buy groceries, which movie show is the smallest, and what kind of nest egg is needed for a rainy day. In particular, what does a modern person always have at hand? A certain amount of money, a pack of soothing tea, spare socks, and a few bottles of alcohol at the home bar. Directly the type of alcohol depends on the personal preferences of each person. But most people agree on one thing: purchased alcohol does not always indulge in quality, but homemade tincture is always tasty and healthy (at least not harmful). So the question arises: "What to insist on vodka to get a good result?"

home bar

There are often reasons to gather at a good table, and everything would be fine if you didn’t have to stock up on food in advance, choose alcohol, which means spending quite a lot of money. Therefore, a home bar always helps out. First, you can save on ingredients. Secondly, you can diversify the range of drinks. Thirdly, you can be sure of the quality of the latter. Some methods of preparing homemade tinctures suggest an interesting recipe, and the taste promises to be much richer than that of a store-bought counterpart. It is easier and more rational to take vodka as a basis, but in itself it does not appeal to everyone without exception. So the question arises of what to insist on vodka. There are a great many recipes, and with imagination, you can achieve an interesting taste and optimal strength. It is not for nothing that all cocktails are based on a certain proportion of white. By the way, for homemade tincture, the strength of vodka is not enough - only 40%. So, you have to increase the degree (at least up to 45). If you act on the basis of home remedies, you can purchase a couple of vials of ethyl alcohol. This is a quick way, but if you have berries, sugar or any other strong alcohol, then you can do without pharmaceutical additives.

A bit of theory

Before insisting on homemade vodka, it would be good to know what such a natural product is. When mixing vodka with ethyl alcohol, you get a water-alcohol solution with a strength slightly above 50%. But even this is not enough, since tinctures usually have a strength of up to 60%. So it turns out as a result of insisting the solution on berries, fruits and herbs. You can also add sugar or sugar syrup and other ingredients to the solution. Of course, the process is not limited to simple mixing of the components. The process takes an average of three to seven weeks. It should be noted that tinctures are radically different from liqueurs, just because the latter are obtained in the process of fermentation or addition of fruit drink to alcohol. But in tinctures, aromatic substances and essential oils go directly into alcohol. For their preparation, you can use strong alcohol, for example, gin, rum, bourbon or whiskey. But it is easier to work with pure alcohol, since you do not have to remove the original taste of the drink.

If you correctly insist vodka on herbs, roots, seeds or berries, you will get a bitter tincture. The same will be the effect of using a peel or leaves as a base.

For the spicy taste of the drink, a tincture with spices is prepared, followed by filtration or distillation in a moonshine still.

Fans of a relatively low strength (from 18 to 25%) use fruits, berries or roots with the addition of sugar or syrup in a proportion of 200 g of sugar per liter. Remember that if the amount of sweet exceeds 500 g per liter, then the result will not be a tincture, but a liquor.

For a sweet tincture, the berries need to be slightly frozen to destroy the structure of the fibers and get more juice. For infusion, darkness and room temperature are needed. True, you can leave the tincture in the sun, but then the drink will become lighter, and the taste will be a little smoky. The temperature directly affects the speed of cooking. The elementary rules of physics and chemistry apply here. To give the finished drink a caramel hue, fruits must be fried before use.

By the way, during the infusion, do not open the lid, as bacteria and oxygen can penetrate inside. But there are exceptions when tinctures, on the contrary, need to be saturated with oxygen.

Basic Recipe

So, what to insist on vodka? This question is of particular concern to those who have not done anything similar before. It is worth starting with a basic recipe. You can insist on berries or chopped fruits. Fill the container two-thirds with berries, and fill the remaining space with alcohol or vodka right up to the lid. This way the alcohol won't oxidize. Close the lid tightly or use a cloth to cover. Every three or four days you need to shake the drink, and then filter it with a funnel with a filter or ordinary gauze, cotton wool. The finished drink must be poured into a clean bottle and refrigerate for several weeks. This method is used to prepare, for example, nutcracker and rowanberry.

For the basic recipe for spicy tinctures, the algorithm of actions is similar, but at the end it is advisable to filter the drink by distillation.

Finally, for a sweet drink, bitters are initially prepared, and then about 250 ml of sugar syrup per liter is added to it. By the way, sugar can be replaced with honey. The most popular sweet tinctures with honey include pepper, horseradish and cranberries.

What is most often cooked at home

When deciding on what to infuse vodka with, the main factors will be your own taste and the desired result, but still there are several of the most popular drinks that can most often be found in the home bar of an ordinary Russian. That's where they should be guided. They are economical in the selection of ingredients, so you can cook them almost at any convenient time.

So, bitter cherry tincture. Ideal for berry season. It will take 1.5-2 kg of cherries, which need to be dried a little in the oven over low heat. You can add water if necessary. Then the cherry must be poured under the neck with alcohol or vodka. The infusion process will take almost three months, and the infusion must be shaken periodically.

Remember about hydrocyanic acid in cherry stones. It becomes harmful after six months of infusion, so that with timely filtration, the bones can not be reached. They also improve the taste of the tincture. If you fill the berries with alcohol, then after insisting, you will still need to dilute the drink with water to the optimum strength.

Spicy cinnamon tincture is in good demand - it will warm you on cold evenings. So, what can you insist on vodka to get a full-fledged analogue of mulled wine? For a liter of vodka, you need a few tablespoons of dried blueberries, a little crushed almonds, a teaspoon of ground cinnamon and lemon zest. Carnation and star anise are also useful. The infusion process will take two weeks (according to the basic recipe).

Favorite sweet tincture - voronets - is made with honey, cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg and cloves. The tincture prepared according to the basic recipe should be placed in the oven in a tightly closed container and kept at a temperature of 50 degrees for 5 hours. Then the drink must be filtered and placed in a dark place so that it has time to brew.

I must say that, having studied the principles of preparing basic tinctures, you can prepare almost any drink, but you still need to experimentally test the algorithm of actions. Nobody canceled the share of fantasy, because even a strict recipe can turn into a failure, and it is impossible to spoil porridge with oil!

By the berries!

The best time to start filling the home bar is autumn, when the berry harvest baffles many housewives. It seems that there is simply nowhere to put good. After all, a couple of cans of jam, compote and jam from one type of berry is enough. But homemade tincture is useful not only for consumption in the circle of loved ones, but also for treating guests. The drink is strong and natural, and even healthy, if, of course, you know when to stop. Otherwise, a preventive reception can turn into an immoderate libation. For medicinal purposes, you can take a tablespoon of vodka tincture a couple of times a day. This dose improves blood circulation, normalizes blood pressure and relieves stress.

It has a pleasant copper color, rich taste and sweet berry aroma. For 10 liters of tincture you will need 6 kg of berries, half a kilogram of sugar and, of course, vodka. Before cooking, rowan should be washed, cleaned of tails and poured into jars for two-thirds of the total volume. It is necessary to insist the drink at room temperature, periodically renewing the vodka, since the berries strongly absorb the liquid. Ryabinovka is infused for a month. Then the liquid is drained, and the berries are again filled with vodka. The new infusion must be kept for another month and a half, and then the first infusion should be mixed with the second. The drink should rest for a week, and the longer the "rest", the tastier the result.

A similar algorithm of actions is observed if you want to make cranberries. So, how to insist vodka on cranberries? Here you need to consider that cranberries are tasty, but sour. That is, sugar should not be spared, and one should be guided by the volume of berries. For example, for 2 cups of cranberries you will need a glass of sugar, 0.5 liters of vodka and 0.5 cups of water. By the way, instead of a sweetener, it is quite possible to use honey. With it, the tincture will be healthier and more aromatic. In addition, the natural product can be consumed not only during the feast. Cranberry is a hoppy but delicious cold remedy.

So, the berries need to be washed and dried, and then passed through a meat grinder or mashed in puree. Pour vodka directly into this mass. Pour into a jar, tightly close the lid and leave for three days (or a week), and then the resulting liquid must be filtered. To do this, take a colander, place it over a saucepan, cover it with folded gauze. We carefully monitor that not a single grain slips through the fabric! At the end, we twist the edges of the gauze and squeeze it in the palms. Sugar is dissolved in water and added to the tincture. All! If desired, the drink can be poured into beautiful bottles and set aside until the arrival of dear friends. Why girlfriends? Because the product turns out to be weak - only 15-20 o, which means that women will like it more.

Nuts for your feast

Now, not everyone can afford to have a supply of nuts at home - a painfully expensive product. But if you have your own hazel, you can insist nuts on vodka and get a very interesting result. For example, pine nuts tincture is generally a remedy for many ailments. But it is undesirable to get involved in it either. To prepare the drug, you will need a glass of unpeeled pine nuts, about 150 g of sugar and half a liter of vodka. Pour the fruits with vodka, sprinkling with sugar. The drink should be infused in the dark and warm for about two weeks. Shake the container daily to make sure the sugar dissolves completely. After insisting, do not throw away the nuts, but re-add vodka. The second and first infusion should be mixed and allowed to rest a bit.

The cooking process, as you can see, is simple, the main thing is to observe the proportions and exposure. In moderation, you can use tincture for pleasure and to increase immunity, as well as to prevent stomach diseases. Since different countries like to insist vodka on pine nuts, the drink became known as "Kedrovka".

Experienced lovers of such a product are advised to boil pine nuts twice for five minutes, and after the first boil, the water must be drained and a new one added. Why is this needed? Yes, just boiling removes the resin from the pine nuts and thereby makes the tincture tastier. Boiled nuts should be thrown into a colander and only then poured into a jar. You need to insist nutcracker for almost a month at room temperature, and then filter it through gauze or a layer of cotton wool. Sugar or honey is added to taste - and the tincture is ready. In an airtight container and in the cold, it can be stored for up to three years.

Also, a very tasty drink will turn out if you insist vodka on walnuts. To do this, you need nuts in the shell, vodka and, of course, sugar. By the way, partitions can not be thrown away, but used along with the cores. So, you will need 400 g of nuts, 0.5 l of vodka, sugar (honey) to taste. The process is not difficult. Nuts need to be carefully chopped, scalded with boiling water and poured with vodka. Leave for 3-4 days, shaking occasionally. Sugar is added at the very end, and the tincture is mixed until it is completely dissolved. The color of the tincture depends on the time of infusion and the number of partitions, so if you want to achieve a cognac color, you will have to be patient and wait a month.

On roots and herbs

If you insist on ginger root on vodka, you get a rather interesting drink - it does not feel alcohol at all, the aftertaste and aroma of spices are pronounced. The classic is prepared from a liter of vodka (40-45%), 50 g of fresh ginger and 100 g of honey. The latter softens the burning taste of the tincture, sugar is not so effective. So, the root needs to be washed, peeled, grated, put in a jar for infusion. Add vodka and honey, mix, cover with a lid and take the container to a dark place for 2 weeks. Shake periodically. Strain the finished tincture through gauze folded in several layers, and if you want the drink to become more transparent, filter it through cotton wool as well. All. It remains to bottle, seal hermetically and send for - up to two years).

In general, vodka is the most effective basis for medicinal plants, since alcohol draws the maximum of useful raw materials from medicinal herbs. For example, from anise and wormwood. Ready? You will need vodka (3 l), anise (100 g) and wormwood (50 g). The infusion takes place in two stages. First, you need to insist anise for a couple of weeks (2 liters of alcohol are used for it), and then a couple more days - wormwood (filled with the remaining liter). As a result, two infusions are mixed, and the resulting mixture is bottled.

original danger

A fly agaric mushroom is notorious, but we must not forget that it really is deadly poisonous. At the same time, on the basis of this gift of the forest, you can prepare a tincture - for healing purposes, of course. Only the question arises: "How to insist fly agaric on vodka?"

This fungus is found throughout Russia. It evokes associations with witchcraft and secret rituals. Today, the medicinal effect of the fungus has been scientifically confirmed, and it is widely used in medicine.

Fresh mushrooms must be cleaned of debris, rinsed well under running water and chopped. The raw materials are spread on gauze and the juice is carefully squeezed out. The resulting liquid is poured into a jar and the same amount of vodka (1: 1) is added. Insist in a cool dark place. They drink such a remedy with teaspoons, not glasses!

Knowing how to insist fly agaric on vodka, you can subsequently use both infusion and gruel. In particular, gruel is used to treat joint pain, and is also effective for bruises and injuries. Compresses should be done at least once a day.

For prevention

In conclusion, you also need to tell how to insist propolis on vodka. This drink is very beneficial for health. Its composition is truly unique:

  • antioxidants - compounds that have the effect of an antibiotic, but only it is gentle and practically harmless;
  • acids;
  • nutrients;
  • vitamins.

An interesting feature is the property of propolis not to lose its usefulness over time.

According to the reviews of many people, this is a real panacea for many diseases, chronic dysfunctions of the body. To prepare the tincture, you will need real propolis (70-80 g), which must be frozen and then crushed. Ground propolis is poured with vodka (0.5 l) and placed in the dark for a couple of weeks. During this time, part of the nutrients will be transferred to the solution, and it can be used for prevention and treatment.

Livka- an alcoholic drink made on a fruit and berry basis. Its strength, as a rule, is 18% -20%, depending on the variety, the sugar content is in the range of 28% -40%.

The liqueur is made from infusions of berries, fruits, as well as from sugar and alcohol. Homemade liquor is a homemade drink. Industrial liqueur is a product that is obtained by fortifying fruit and berry wine.

A characteristic feature of this drink is a high content of berry juice, as well as fruits. It is the quality of the juice that determines the taste and aroma of the liqueur, while the strength is a secondary factor.

Pouring is considered one of the most ancient alcoholic drinks. In order to get this drink, it is enough to collect ripe fruits or berries and cover them with sugar. The berries will release juice, and the fermentation process will begin. The liqueurs are aged for 1-3 months (depending on the type). Depending on the berries used, the liqueurs were popularly called "cherry", "robin", etc.

Types of liqueurs

Pourings are conditionally divided into types: late-ripening, mid-ripening, early-ripening.

Late-ripening liqueurs are made on the basis of fruits. For this, for example, apples, pears, quince are suitable. Such drinks mature within 3-6 months. In addition, apples, which are often used to make this type of liqueur, are considered cheap raw materials. For the preparation of alcoholic beverages winter apples are most suitable, as they contain the greatest amount of tannins, acids, sugar. When using apples of early varieties, for example, varieties "Ranetki", the acidity of the drink is reduced by adding apples of less acidic varieties. Pears, which are also suitable for making late-ripening liqueurs, have low acidity, which worsens the taste of the drink. It is recommended to dilute pear juice with a more acidic one, for example, apple juice. Quince is also great for making homemade liqueurs, but it must be ripe. Quince has a pronounced aroma. Before processing, the quince should lie down a little in order to enhance its taste properties.

Mid-ripening liqueurs are made from stone fruits, it can be plums, cherries and other berries. The drink will be ready in 1.5-2 months. For the preparation of liqueurs, all varieties of plums are suitable. The drink is very soft and aromatic. Cherries can be used in any variety, wild cherries are also great. In some recipes, it is recommended not to throw away the seeds, but to add a little to the liqueur for a better taste.

Early liqueurs are made from quickly perishable products, such as raspberries, strawberries. They will be ready in a month. Raspberry liqueur has a pleasant color, as well as a sweet aroma. Yellow and white varieties of raspberries are considered unsuitable for the preparation of alcoholic beverages. In order to prepare a truly fragrant liqueur, it is recommended to start preparing the drink immediately after picking raspberries. Also, a very tasty liqueur is obtained from strawberries; it is recommended not to wash the collected berries, otherwise they will lose their delicious aroma.

Beneficial features

Useful properties of the liqueur are due to its constituent components. So, the drink contains a large amount of fruit or berry juice, which has a beneficial effect on the human body. Small doses of alcohol also prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

Pouring refers to low-alcohol drinks, and its calorie content is 215 kilocalories per 100 g.

In addition, the liqueur can be easily prepared at home in order to be completely sure of the naturalness of the product.

Use in cooking

In cooking, liqueur is widely used for soaking biscuits, making jellies, mousses, and other confectionery products.

For example, you can make known Drunk Cherry Cake. To prepare it, we need 5 eggs, 1 tbsp. l. sugar, 2 tbsp. l. sour cream, 4 tbsp. l. cocoa. To begin with, add sugar to five yolks and grind them, add sour cream, 1 tbsp. l. vanillin, cocoa. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, and then flour is added to them. Proteins are whipped separately and carefully introduced into the main mass, mixed. From the resulting dough, a biscuit is baked in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees Celsius. The biscuit will be ready in about 25 minutes. Cake cream is made from condensed milk, cocoa and butter. After the biscuit is ready, carefully cut out its middle. The crumb is cut into pieces and put in a bowl, mixed with the resulting cream and the “drunk cherry” itself. It is prepared in this way: a few cherries, literally 2-3 pitted berries, insist on 2 tbsp. l. liqueurs 12 hours. The middle of the biscuit is filled with a mass of cream and "drunk cherries". Top the cake with chocolate icing.

How to drink?

It is right to drink the liqueur with coffee after a meal. Homemade drink is recommended to be served in beautiful jugs. Sweet raspberry and strawberry liqueurs are perfect for desserts. They are in perfect harmony with the taste of chocolate, cakes and other sweets. Pourings made from mountain ash or cloudberries can be combined with meat dishes. Sometimes they are served with barbecue, beef, chops. Apple and pear liqueurs go well with game dishes. You can also serve gooseberry or blueberry liqueur with game. Lemon and quince liqueurs will be an excellent addition to fish dishes.

Also, this drink is perfect for creating alcoholic cocktails. Pouring goes well with stronger drinks such as martini, gin, dry vermouth. A drink made from cherries, strawberries, raspberries is recommended to be mixed with liquors, red vermouth, balsam. Pouring from melon or sea buckthorn is perfect for creating cocktails based on whiskey, bitters.

The taste of homemade liqueurs will perfectly set off lemon juice, as well as any other citrus juice.

Liqueurs are drunk on their own or as part of a cocktail. Such cocktail it's very easy to cook. It is enough to mix the liqueur with 1 tbsp. l. whiskey and a few drops of bitter tuning, you can use a balm. Such a cocktail is prepared easily, but allows you to diversify the usual taste of homemade liquor in a short time.

How to do at home?

The most fragrant liqueurs are those made at home. To make this drink, you need a certain amount of berries, alcohol and sugar.

The most popular liqueur is the so-called " cherry blossom". In order to prepare such a liqueur, you need to collect 3 kg of cherries, as well as buy 1 liter of vodka and 1 kg of sugar. Cherries are carefully sprinkled with sugar. Then the container is tied with gauze and set to ferment in the sun for 2 months, after which the resulting juice is poured into a bottle. 1 liter of vodka is poured into the cherry mass and left to ferment for another 2 months. The liqueur is then filtered and will be ready in about 5 months. Store it in glass bottles.

You can also prepare low-alcohol homemade liqueur. For this we need 7 kg of berries and 3 kg of sugar. All the berries are placed in a bottle, sprinkled with sugar, put in the sun for 5 days, the neck is tied with gauze. After the fermentation process begins, a water seal will need to be installed on the bottle. Then the liqueur is left for 30 days, after which it is filtered.

In order to get a mixed liqueur, it is necessary to sprinkle the berries with sugar as they ripen. At the end, freshly squeezed lemon juice can be added to the drink.

Another recipe for the so-called "tender liqueur". To prepare it, you will need 3 kg of berries, 1 liter of vodka, 7 liters of water, a 10 liter bottle. Water is poured into the bottle, berries and vodka are added. Next, the bottle is tied with canvas. The drink is placed in the sun for 15 days, shake the drink every day, are filtered. After a few days, the liqueur is re-filtered and bottled. For this drink, it is imperative to take bottles of champagne. The cork is additionally tied, since the drink has a high internal pressure. Bottles are placed neck down in dry sand, after two months the liqueur is considered ready. You can store the drink for no more than 5 months.

The benefits of liquor and treatment

The benefits of this alcoholic drink have long been known to folk medicine. Pouring has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract, is used as an anti-inflammatory agent. The drink retains some of the vitamins and minerals found in fresh berries and fruits.

Harm of liquor and contraindications

The product can cause harm to the body with individual intolerance to the components that make up the drink, as well as excessive consumption.

Tinctures are prepared from various herbs, leaves, flowers, roots and other components. Homemade tinctures are sweet, bitter, dessert, semi-sweet. As a rule, tinctures are prepared with vodka.

Depending on the selected raw materials, tinctures have different colors. To properly prepare the tincture, you need to know some tricks.

“And I was there, drinking honey-beer ...”

Thus ends the folk tales of the Slavs. According to legend, alcohol and vodka were not invented by them ... the fiery intoxicating drink allegedly came from the east. But the honey referred to in the saying is a primordially Russian drink from the time of princely feasts. It is based on really natural honey, strawberries and cherries, prunes. The method of fermentation (for which hops and barley or rye bread were used) and a two-week infusion produced the famous drink. Well, the familiar names "Medovukha", "Khrenovukha", "Peppercorn" speak for themselves.

For example, "Khrenovukha" to make very simple. Pass the horseradish root through a meat grinder. 3 art. spoons of this mass pour 0.5 liters of vodka, add 3 tbsp. spoons of honey. Infuse for 3 days in a dark place, shaking occasionally. Drain the liquid, leaving a sediment, and store the tincture in a dark place tightly closed.

Garlic, horseradish, hot peppers in different proportions, infused with alcohol or vodka, are a drug in the fight against excess cholesterol, have antiseptic properties. Such tinctures treat diseases of blood vessels, stomach, intestines, resist colds, improve immunity.

For a long time in Rus', alcoholic tinctures were prepared from "overseas" products, which in those days were red and black pepper, cumin, cloves, lemon, apricot. Rose hips, dill, juniper, walnuts, birch buds, oak bast, calamus and even pine cones and needles, familiar to everyone, are infused with alcohol separately or with other components and are used in folk medicine.
Collections of medicinal herbs are also used for the manufacture of alcoholic tinctures for recreational purposes. Dried, less often fresh linden flowers, chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula, motherwort, mint, valerian, golden mustache and others are poured with vodka or alcohol and infused. Note that pharmaceutical preparations are also made on edible alcohol.

Here recipe alcohol tincture , which is a universal remedy for cleansing the body of toxins. Grind 200 g of garlic, pour alcohol (200 g) and leave for 14 days in a dark place. Then strain, add 2 tbsp. spoons of honey and 30 ml of pharmacy alcohol tincture of propolis. Insist 3 days. Such tincture is medicine and is taken in doses of 1-25 drops according to a special scheme.

For cooking tinctures vodka is used with a strength of 40 °, which is infused with various herbs and roots, berries and seeds.On fresh herbs and leaves vodka is insisted for 2-7 days (depending on their type), and on berries, seeds and roots- 4-6 weeks, tender berries (strawberries, raspberries, blackberries)- no more than 2 weeks.


It is worth understanding one thing in advance: the culture of tinctures is an endless chain of trial and error. There are many classic recipes or simply guaranteed successful combinations, but some of them turn out to be frankly spoiled, while in other cases, on the contrary, they acquire additional flavor bonuses. Everything will depend on the compatibility, the set of ingredients and the storage conditions of the tincture - each of these points guarantees you a lot of pitfalls and a whole universe for experimentation.

It is easiest to experiment with the simplest drinks in terms of taste. In fact, you can also insist on simple alcohol - it will be much easier to handle such drinks, but it will be much less interesting. Another thing is more complex alcohols: gin, grappa, even rum, bourbon and whiskey.

For such drinks, you need to more scrupulously select a pair. The main rule is that you need to either supplement or completely interrupt the original taste of alcohol with the main ingredient. For example, juniper gin (although it seems simple and transparent) is not so easy to curb - sweet berries are most often used for this: currants, raspberries and others.

To start your experiments, it is better to use well-known combinations that will become your starting point: gin on raspberries, red or black currants; cherry bourbon; plum calvados; rum on cherry or raspberry; scotch on apricot (better even dried apricots); cognac on cherry or sweet cherry.

Second important question consists in how many berries or fruits to put in a jar. Let's say right away: you should not feel sorry for the product: the more berries, the brighter and richer the taste of the final potion. It is also important to understand this rule: the more berries, the more juice will be released into the tincture and the stronger the alcohol will fall in degrees, which is usually not very good - you have to find a balance, and it’s better on your own, according to your personal taste.


To store the tincture, first of all, you need to get the right container: not too narrow glass containers with a sealed lid and always transparent - to follow the process. Another important thing that you definitely have to stock up on is your patience. Frequent opening of the lid “for testing” or “sniffing” can lead to disastrous consequences.

“When I undertook to prepare my first such tincture - then it was gin on raspberries - it captured me so much that I showed it to all my friends with joy, opened the jar and let it smell. Over time, because of this, the berries that floated to the surface began to become covered with mold (and this is even though the gin was 57 degrees). So remember - it is contraindicated to open in vain. And pop-up berries can be dealt with with the help of special weights and chintz.” -VYACHESLAV LANKIN bar manager of Delicatessen restaurant

It is easiest and best to store a magic jar at normal room temperature - leave the rest of the options in the experiment area. But the meaning of the temperature regime as a whole is quite simple: increasing the temperature increases the rate of diffusion, so the tincture cooks faster. But not always, though, it's better for her.

Another one important detail from the storage area- rays of light. If you leave the container in a dark closet, the tincture will turn out to be darker in color and seem to be thicker in appearance. This is the classic version. But you can go further and put it in the sun (for example, on the roof of your villa) - the color will fade, become more rusty and lighter, and the tincture itself, no matter how strange it may sound, will acquire a smoked taste and smell.

You can uncork the potion after two weeks of infusion. Only after that it makes sense to somehow try the tincture for taste and smell. And then if you use juicy berries or fruits. Hard, dried ingredients or pits and seeds will take much longer to infuse.

The easiest way to determine the degree of readiness is visually - when the color of alcohol and berries mix, and the contents of your jar become almost 100 percent uniform, you can stop infusion. The exception is your personal experience or the bones contained in fruits and berries, for the sake of additional astringency of which you can continue to insist and wait a long time for the coveted result.

Final stage before use- separation of fruits from alcohol. First you need to strain everything through a fine sieve, pouring the berries soaked with alcohol into it, and leave it for 20-30 minutes. The question remains whether to squeeze the berries or not. Everything is also quite simple here - you can squeeze everything, except for the berries, which are a gruel in the shell (like currants and raspberries) - then these small residues will not be filtered later. And the rest is all - the tincture is ready.


liqueurs insist in bottles filled with berries to the neck and tied with a cloth (instead of corks). Periodically (after 2-3 days) the bottles are shaken.

After aging, sugar syrup or sugar is added to the liqueur to taste. Filter tinctures and liqueurs through filter paper or cotton wool, without wringing them out, and store in dark tightly closed bottles in a cool place.

Liqueurs prepared in the same way as liqueurs, but instead of the usual one, they take vodka with a strength of over 50 °, or alcohol, or a mixture of alcohol and 40 ° vodka (for 1 liter of liquor - 3/4 vodka and 1/4 alcohol). If the liqueurs are cloudy, they are clarified with egg white (1 protein per 1/2 liter of liquor). The protein is whipped until light foam and, continuing to beat, pour in the liquor, put it in a warm place and, after the formation of white flakes, filter it through cotton wool.

Do not confuse tincture with liqueur - these are two different categories of drinks. The latter are most often obtained by fermentation (or, conversely, by simply mixing alcohol with fruit drink, if we talk about industrial quantities). They are also distinguished by the level of alcohol content - no more than 20%.


A sort of alcohol close to tinctures - bitter. It includes bitters, some liqueurs and rare vermouths.

Big book of snacks for alcoholic beverages. Master class of a good feast

Tincture on vodka "Erofeich" or "VODKA EROFEIA"

Ingredients: 3 liters of vodka. 2 handfuls of centaury grass, St. 25 g of thyme, sage, Alexandrian leaf. 50 g each of dill seeds, anise, Bogorodskaya grass, garden dawn seeds, juniper berries, chicory, chamomile flowers and peony flowers. 100 g of galangal roots and lemon root.

Cut all plants, pour into a five-liter jar and pour vodka. Cork the jar, put it in a warm place for 1 day, then strain. Take a few drops before meals, adding to a glass of vodka. Connoisseurs claim that this tincture has numerous healing properties.
Historical fact: in 1768, the royal barber cured Count A.G. Orlov of a severe cold with it.

Tincture "Aromatic"

Ingredients: 50 g lemon zest, 1 nutmeg, 10 pcs. cloves, 1 liter of vodka.

Dry lemon peel, nutmeg and cloves pour vodka and leave for 1 month. Strain and bottle.

Tincture "Healing"

Ingredients: 10 g of anise, 10 g of chamomile, 10 g of dill, 1 liter of vodka.

Pour anise, chamomile and dill with vodka and leave for 5 weeks, then strain and bottle.

Cherry tincture

Ingredients: 1/2 l vodka, 1/2 kg cherries, 2 tbsp. spoons of honey.

Pour vodka over cherries and honey. After 3-5 days, drain the tincture, bottle and cork.

Tincture on horseradish

Ingredients: 1/2 liter vodka, 4 tbsp. tablespoons chopped horseradish root.
Pour the crushed horseradish root with vodka and let stand for 1-2 days. Then drain the vodka, strain, pour into a bottle and cork.

Carrot tincture

Ingredients: 1/2 liter of vodka, 1/2 cup of dried carrots.

Pour dried carrots with vodka and stand for a day, strain and, pouring into bottles, cork tightly.

Herbal tincture

Ingredients: 1 liter of vodka, 1 teaspoon of ground pepper, 1 teaspoon of allspice, 1 teaspoon of cumin, a few mint leaves, parsley, linden flowers, 5 viburnum berries, 5 juniper berries, a sprig of rue.

Pour all the components with vodka, stand for 5-7 days, strain and bottle.

Rowan tincture

Ingredients: 1 kg of berries, 1 liter of vodka, vanilla sugar.

Rinse the mountain ash, dry it, pour it onto a baking sheet covered with clean paper, and dry it in the oven, making sure that the berries do not burn. Pour dried berries into bottles for 1/3 of the volume, pour vodka and put in a warm place for 3 weeks. Then strain the tincture and pour into clean bottles. Pour a little vanilla sugar into each.

Ryabinovka(rowan on cognac)

Rinse rowan berries (harvested after the first frosts) in cold water, peel off the stalks and put into bottles at 2/3 of their height.
Pour cognac and leave for about 3 weeks in a dark place. Then strain the tincture and store in tightly closed bottles.

hunting drink

Ingredients: 1/2 liter of vodka, 5-6 juniper berries (fresh or dry), 1 tbsp. a spoonful of garlic juice, pepper and salt to taste.

Mix all the ingredients and stand for 1 day, then strain and bottle.

Cowberry tincture

Ingredients: 2 kg cranberries, 1 liter vodka, 200 ml cranberry juice, 200 g sugar, 200 ml water.

Pour ripe lingonberries into a bottle, pour vodka and leave for 2 months in a warm place. Then strain, tint with cranberry juice, mix with sugar syrup and bottle.

Rosehip tincture

Ingredients: 1 liter of vodka, 80 g of rosehip flowers, 100 g of honey.

Boil rosehip flowers with honey, cool, strain and pour vodka. Insist a week.

Pink tincture

Ingredients: 100 g of rose petals, 200 g of sugar, 100 ml of water, 1 liter of vodka.
Boil rose petals in sugar syrup, pour vodka and leave for 2-3 weeks. Strain and bottle.


Ingredients: vodka-2.5 l, common anise - 4 g, star anise - 0.2 g, cumin - 0.3 g, coriander - 0.15 g, dill - 0.4 g

Cooking: components are poured with vodka and incubated for 2 weeks. The tincture is strong and bitter.

Homemade tincture on birch buds

Ingredients: vodka - half a liter, birch buds - 50 gr, 1 teaspoon of honey

Cooking: the kidneys insist in vodka for ten days, after which bee honey is added.

Lingonberry tincture (recipe-2)

Ingredients: vodka - 2 l, cognac - 150 ml, lingonberries - 4 kg, cherries - 500 gr, sugar syrup - 2.5 l, citric acid.

Cooking: kidneys pour lingonberries and cherries into a bottle, pour cognac and vodka. They insist a week. Then add syrup and acid. This homemade tincture is sweet and sour and a beautiful reddish brown color.

Homemade blackberry tincture

Ingredients: alcoholized blackberry juice made from 2.5 kg of berries - 2 l, sugar syrup - 1.5 l, vanillin - 0.05 g, citric acid - 3 g, water.

Cooking: the juice is sweetened with syrup and vanillin with citric acid is added. Dilute with water to taste. It turns out not very strong, but aromatic drink.

Tincture on barberry leaves

Ingredients: vodka - 1 l, barberry leaves - 200 gr

Cooking: the leaves are crushed and poured into bottles of vodka. I keep it at room temperature for a week. After a week, the tincture is filtered and bottled. Used in small quantities for medicinal purposes.

Tincture on honey and partitions from walnuts

Ingredients: vodka - 1 l, honey - 2 tablespoons, partitions from walnuts - 0.5 kg, water - 0.5 l

Cooking: partitions are infused in vodka for 3 days, then water and honey are added.

Tincture with mint, anise and nuts

Ingredients: vodka - 2 l, mint - 40 gr, anise - 40 gr, nuts - 40 gr.
Cooking: herbs and nuts are put in vodka and cleaned for two weeks in a warm place. Then strain and consume.

Pepper tincture

Ingredients: vodka - 2 l, pepper - 70 g, sugar - 200 g, water - 3 cups.

Cooking: pepper is poured into vodka and kept for 2 weeks in a warm place. Then strain and add the syrup. The tincture should stand for another 3-4 weeks.

Wormwood tincture

Ingredients: vodka - 0.5 l, wormwood - 2.5 g, sugar - 10 g.

Cooking: dried wormwood is put in vodka and kept for 2 weeks. Then filter, add sugar, previously dissolved in a small amount of water.

Propolis homemade tincture

Ingredients: vodka - 1 l, propolis - 200 gr, birch sap.

Cooking: propolis is crushed and poured into a bottle, poured with vodka. Shake well and infuse for 3 days, shaking occasionally. If desired, add birch sap.

Cumin tincture

Ingredients: vodka - 1 l, cumin - 800 gr, sugar, water - 3 l.

Cooking: caraway seeds stand in water, vodka and sugar are added to caraway water.

Cognac homemade - 1st option

Ingredients: 3 liters of vodka, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of premium tea, 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 5 pcs. bay leaf, 5 pcs. allspice, 5 pcs. black pepper, 1 piece of hot capsicum, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of mint or lemon balm, vanillin on the tip of a knife.

Mix all components, pour vodka and keep in a dark place for 10 days. Then strain the drink and bottle it.

Cognac homemade - 2nd option

Ingredients: 3 liters of vodka, 2 tbsp. spoons of oak bark, a pinch of tea, 1-2 peppercorns, 2 pcs. bay leaf, a pinch of St. John's wort, lemon balm and tarragon, 2 slices of dry citrus peels, vanillin on the tip of a knife, 10-15 pcs. walnut partitions.

Put walnut partitions into vodka and let it brew for 3 days. Strain the infusion, add all the ingredients and keep in a dark place. Then strain the drink and bottle it.

Steps of alcoholism: Check yourself for addiction


Tincture "Hunting"

Vodka- 1 l

juniper berries- 40 g

Ground black pepper- 2 g

Dill seeds- 50 g

Salt- 10 g

Horseradish- 40 g

Blackcurrant Gin

Gin- 750 ml

lemon zest- 5 g

Black currant- 1 kg

Powdered sugar- 30 g

Bourbon on cherry

Bourbon- 700 ml

Cherry (can be with a bone)- 1.2 kg

Powdered sugar- 20 g

Scotch on quince

Scotch- 750 ml

Quince- 1 kg

Sugar- 100 g

Tincture "44"

Calvados- 1 l

Coffee- 44 grains

Carnation- 44 buds

Rafinated sugar- 44 pieces

Orange- 1 PC.

2. Before putting the berries in the tincture, they should be frozen - the ice will destroy the structure, and they will release juices and other elements faster.

3. There is an opinion that the readiness of the tincture should be determined by the berries that have surfaced. Actually, it is not. In any case, this thesis should not be used.

4. Another common opinion is that harmful acids are released from the seeds of berries during the infusion process. This is true, but you should not be afraid of them - the doses are too small to cause at least some harm to a person.

5. Roasting caramelizes the natural sugars of the fruit. This effect can be skillfully used - for example, fry pineapple slices in a pan, and only then add them to the tincture. Thus, you do not have to put sugar there, and caramel will add saturation to the color scheme.

First, tinctures appeared that were prepared with alcohol, vodka, and later cognac. Then - balms, which differ from tinctures in comparative density and variety of components. Tinctures and balms came to the modern world from ancient times.

Despite the fact that they are prepared on the basis of alcoholic beverages, balms and tinctures are medicinal preparations. It is impossible to say exactly which country or who exactly invented them first. But, most likely, one of the eastern countries became the birthplace of these medicinal drinks.

In Rus', tinctures appeared around the 10th century AD. e.

A certain man named Erofey tried to use an old oriental recipe for making a strong alcoholic drink. He insisted on vodka mint, anise, crushed nuts. All the products that make up the future tincture, he poured into a bottle and placed in a warm place. The vessel stood in a warm room near the stove for more than 12 days. When Erofey decided to see what exactly he did, he discovered a qualitatively new drink.

Now we can say with certainty that it was a tincture. The drink made by Erofei was widely sold among the people, and he was nicknamed in honor of the "inventor" - "Erofey's vodka" or "Erofeich" vodka (recipe above)

Making cognac is a rather complicated and lengthy process, the primary (initial) "material" for which is young dry wines, mostly white. The wine is distilled once and then aged in oak barrels.

In Rus', vodka has long been an essential attribute of any meal, as well as fishing, hunting, baths and all other "exciting" moments of pastime.

Galileo. mead

Old Slavonic drink - mead. What kind of drink is it, how and from what is it prepared?

Blue-eyed drinkers are more persistent than brown-eyed ones.

The harmful role of alcoholism in various acute and chronic diseases

primary sources of information:

The best recipes for homemade currant vodka tinctures

Many people prefer home-made, homemade drinks to ready-made store-bought drinks. Tinctures and liqueurs aged with natural ingredients are significantly better than those purchased in the supermarket.

Alcohol tinctures at home are very popular, but in fact, you can prepare other alcoholic beverages as well. The main ingredient may be:

  • Alcohol or vodka;
  • Wine;
  • Cognac;
  • Gin;
  • Rum or whiskey.

If you prepare homemade tinctures with ingredients such as cognac or gin, the task becomes a little more complicated. It is necessary to deal with the original smell and taste of such alcohol or find a combination of aromas, as well as choose the right fruits and berries, which, together with the main ingredient, will create the desired taste picture.

Pouring tinctures at home is best prepared with alcohol. It is the best solvent, and the larger its proportion in the solution, the richer and stronger the drink will turn out. Alcohol tincture should have a degree of at least 45, the most optimal value is 60. With this level of alcohol, the drink will cook much faster, and the taste will be more intense.

Don't worry about the strength of the alcohol. After the end of the cooking process, it can be diluted to the desired degree. If you decide to start your own production, you need to be patient. The preparation period can take from 2 weeks to 6 months, depending on the ingredients used and the desired result.

Classification of home alcoholic beverages

Homemade tinctures for alcohol can be divided into:

  • Bitter - such a drink has a strength of 40 to 60% and is most often prepared on the basis of herbs, leaves, roots, seeds or berries. Spices and ground nuts are also often added to enhance the aftertaste;
  • Sweet - their strength is reduced to 20-30%, and insist on apples or pears, or berries: currants and mountain ash. When preparing them, a large amount of sugar is used;
  • Spicy - the number of degrees is from 40 to 60%. Various spices are used for infusion, and the drink itself is prepared for further distillation in a moonshine still.

Sweet alcohol tinctures, in turn, are classified depending on the amount of sugar in their composition:

  • If up to 0.3 kg of sugar is used per 1 liter of drink, this is a tincture;
  • When adding 0.3-0.4 kg of granulated sugar, you get a liqueur;
  • If the amount exceeds 0.5 kg per 1 liter of drink, it is liquor.

How to dilute alcohol at home

Before you make a tincture of alcohol, you need to determine the category of the future drink. Pure medical 96% alcohol is used only in a few recipes, in all other cases it must be properly diluted with water to the desired degree.

What to do if there is no alcohol meter at home? The calculation scheme is quite simple. If you have 1 liter of 96% alcohol, this means that 1000 ml of liquid contains 960 ml of pure 100% alcohol. Suppose, for the preparation of liquor, it is necessary to use 50% vodka, that is, 1 liter of liquid should contain 500 ml of pure alcohol. To correctly calculate the amount of water needed, the initial volume (1 liter) should be multiplied by the initial degree (96) and divided by the desired one (50). Thus, we get the total amount of liquid: (1x96): 50 \u003d 1.92 liters.

It turns out that 920 ml of water must be added to 1 liter of medical alcohol (96%) to obtain a solution with a strength of 50%. It is important to carry out the procedure correctly. When mixing, it is necessary to pour alcohol into the water, and not vice versa, and it is better to use a chilled liquid. When mixed with warm water, alcohol can become cloudy and acquire an unpleasant odor and taste.

Alcohol tinctures at home basic recipe

To prepare alcohol tinctures at home, a wide variety of recipes are used. In order not to get lost among them, they can be conditionally divided into certain groups.

Alcohol tinctures the best quick recipes

Based on the classification, three basic cooking recipes can be derived:

  1. bitters recipe;
  2. Spicy;
  3. Sweet.

Basic recipe bitter

Alcohol tincture at home is a bitter recipe that involves the use of tart berries, seeds, leaves and roots. The ingredients are folded into a glass container by three quarters and poured with alcohol. The contents are kept for the amount of time specified in the recipe, shaking occasionally. Then it is filtered through gauze, and the finished drink is infused for another couple of months.

Basic recipe spicy

For the preparation of spicy tinctures and liqueurs, the ingredients indicated in the recipe are used. They are mixed with the required amount of alcohol and insist the specified time. Then the resulting liquid is driven through a moonshine still to achieve the final result.

Basic recipe sweet

A similar tincture of berries on vodka is prepared according to the bitter principle. The difference lies only in the sugar syrup, which is mixed with the finished drink. The ingredients are heated for a more thorough mixing of the components (but do not boil) and bottled for storage.

Homemade tinctures and vodka liqueurs can be prepared from any desired ingredients. Most often, sweet berries or crushed fruits are used, and their combination gives an excellent result and a quality drink.

In traditional recipes, cherries, plums or raspberries are most often used. These sweet berries make the liqueur soft and fragrant. Alcohol prepared in this way has an excellent taste and is significantly superior to the product purchased in the store.

The beauty of homemade liqueurs also lies in their strength. Some prefer a light dessert drink for a sweet table, while others prefer a stronger one for a feast. Everyone can cook according to their taste and desire.

Currants are very popular in the preparation of homemade liqueurs and liqueurs. Both black and red, it is widely used in this field. Many recipes based on this berry are prepared quite simply, and the result exceeds all expectations.

Currant liqueurs are made on vodka, alcohol, cognac and even gin. In various versions, both whole berries and squeezed juice are used for cooking. For a richer taste, cherry leaves are often added, which give the alcohol new notes and aromas.

A particularly tasty liqueur is made from white currants. Strong and aromatic, it is easy to drink and does not cause a hangover. Any recipe can be varied with spices such as cloves, cinnamon or vanilla by adding them to the syrup. Berry and citrus flavors also go well together.

Many homemade drinks can be not only tasty, but also healthy. For example, pouring alcohol from chokeberry has healing properties. The tart red berry is also used in many recipes and helps with colds.

Homemade wines and tinctures, whose recipes beckon with their diversity, are prepared easily and quickly, if you know some secrets:

  • Before placing the berries in a prepared container for infusion, professionals recommend freezing them slightly. This procedure will allow you to get more juice;
  • Sun exposure to the bottle is not recommended, it must be stored in a dark place. Some recipes include brewing in the sun, which makes the drink lighter and gives it a smoky flavor;
  • If berries or fruits are pre-fried, then caramel is formed from fructose. Thanks to this, the taste will be more noble and fragrant;
  • It is not recommended to open the lid during the preparation process, this is fraught with the ingress of unwanted oxygen and bacteria into the drink.

Following these small rules, even a beginner will be able to surprise guests with a good and high-quality home-made liquor.


By preparing vodka tinctures at home, you can be sure of the quality of the consumed product. The taste of the drink depends only on your wishes, which opens up a huge palette of possibilities for imagination. Properly prepared homemade alcohol is easy to drink and has a pleasant fruity aroma.

Video recipe: tincture of currant berries at home