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Salt dough crafts on cardboard. Salt Dough Crafts for Beginners and Kids

The origins of dough modeling go back far into the past. There is a legend that it was invented by Slavic chefs who were bored and had fun creating interesting, edible figures from dough. In addition, this material is one of the cheapest and available to everyone. Therefore, in our time, this type of creativity is popular, everyone has flour, water and salt in the house. So, some interesting do-it-yourself salt dough crafts, with photos and step-by-step instructions.

Salt dough crafts

If you decide to touch this art, and testoplasty is really such, you need to learn in detail about the material from which you will sculpt. For novice dough lovers, it is worth noting that the recipe is very simple.

  • Flour - one glass
  • Salt - half a cup
  • Water - 125 ml

It is worth remembering that salt is heavier than flour, so you need to take it half as much!

To sculpt thin relief figures, you need to add PVA glue, or starch, or wallpaper glue to the dough. To choose from one tablespoon, pre-mix wallpaper glue with water. To facilitate the kneading process, use a mixer, it will make it of high quality and simplify the work with your hands.
For modeling from colored dough, food coloring is used, if there are none, you can take ordinary paint. If you need a rich chocolate color, add a small amount of cocoa. Remember that when drying, the dough loses its color saturation. Therefore, it is better to shift the dye than not to report. Coating the finished dough crafts with varnish will make it brighter and more practical.


  1. It is one of the cheapest and environmentally friendly materials.
  2. Does not stain hands (although this statement is relative)
  3. It is easy to use, very flexible and allows you to perform parts of any complexity.


Consider the easiest way to sculpt.

To work you need:

  • Salty dough
  • tassel
  • Stack
  • Paints
  • toothpicks

How to do it

  1. Roll the dough into a ball and give it the appearance of an oval, this will be the body of the pig.
  2. Make a second ball (head) and use a toothpick to put it on the body.
  3. Make a small heel for a piglet, a flattened ball with holes, you can make holes with the back of a pencil.
  4. Making ears is also not difficult, moisten the triangles with water and attach carefully to the head.
  5. Do the legs like this, roll up two sausages, make a small incision from one end, attach the legs to the body with the other end.
  6. Our piglet will sit in a basin, for this, roll out a ball of dough and give it the appearance of a basin.
  7. Seat the pig in a bowl and paint your craft with paints.
  8. Let your masterpiece dry.

Master class how to make a pig out of dough step by step video instruction

little secrets

Everyone in the house has a garlic press. It can be used at work by passing the dough through it to get long curls. They can be used in the form of hair, wool for your crafts. Having a tea sieve at home will turn out thinner vermicelli, for finer craft details.
A comb can also be used when sculpting, it will perfectly print a ribbed pattern on it.



  • puff pastry
  • eggs (for brushing)
  • prunes
  • chocolate

Cooking method

  1. Roll out the dough on the table. The thickness should not exceed 0.5 cm. Using a glass, cut out circles.
  2. In the middle of the finished circles place
    stuffing. It can be prunes, dried apricots, jam, the main thing is that the filling is not liquid.
  3. From each circle we form an asterisk (collecting up like a bag)
  4. Cut the edges with pastry scissors. And we bend each strip, turning them to the center.
  5. We form a flower and coat with an egg.
  6. We bake in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees.
  7. We decorate our flowers. You can put some jam in the middle.
  8. We take a flat dish and with the help of melted chocolate we draw a stem and leaves for our delicious crafts. We distribute the finished flowers in the right places on the plate and our unusual flower is ready.

"Delicious squirrel"

To prepare such a craft, you need to take:

In addition, you will need foil, paints, brushes, water, colorless varnish, toothpicks and any decorative things to decorate and complement the image (ribbons, buttons, beads, feathers, eyes, etc.).

Making dough for modeling at home

My daughter eagerly participates not only in modeling and coloring, but also in dough kneading.
For cooking, take 2 cups flour and 1 cup salt. Salt should be finely ground, optimally - Extra, not iodized.

Mixing the Ingredients

We mix salt and flour and, adding water in small portions, knead a rather tight dough, similar in consistency to dumplings. A little less than a glass of water is required. You can add 1 tbsp for better elasticity. l. vegetable oil.

flour for dough

After kneading, put the dough in a bag and leave it in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.

kneading the dough

The finished dough does not stick to your hands, easily wrinkled, keeps its shape. It can be colored in the mass, that is, add paint directly to the dough and knead. It can successfully replace soft plasticine. We paint ready-made crafts.

Interesting ideas for modeling with a child

In addition to directly sculpting various figures, salt dough can be used to make paintings. For example, my daughter and I made a small picture on the theme "Pushkin's Tales".

Step 1

They came up with a drawing and painted a small board with blue gouache.

Step 1. Decorated the board and drew a picture

Step 2

The details of the drawing were molded from salt dough and glued to the plank with PVA glue.

Step 2. Sculpt dough parts and glue to a blue plank
Step 2: Adding Details

Step 3

The finished image was dried at room temperature for 3 days.

Step 3. Dry the painting for 3 days

Step 4

Painted and finished with clear lacquer.

Step 4. Coloring with paints Step 4. Varnish

For young children, you can offer an interesting option for working with the test.

  • Roll out the dough into a layer , cut out shapes for cookies or plasticine figures, dry.
  • Recolor . Such crafts are within the power of my son at 2.5 years old.

You can make a garden of stones and other “values”: artistically place finds from a walk on a salt dough cake - pebbles, leaves, twigs.

How my daughter and I made crafts from dough

One of our recent crafts is Antarctica. Often we get ideas from modeling books from, but there are some differences in working with the test. For example, you can not sculpt separately parts of different colors, because the dough is painted in what color you need.

Also, when sculpting volumetric figures, foil is used as a frame, it does not allow the figure to “sink” while it is drying, and the drying process itself is accelerated.

Sculpt penguin

You will need 5 blanks-balls:

  • 1 large - for the body;
  • 2 small - for wings;
  • 2 even less - for paws.

Roll up balls
Roll out dough balls

Place a piece of foil in the center of the large ball and shape it into a pear shape. We roll out the blanks of wings and legs into cone-shaped sausages and flatten them. We bend the workpiece of the torso to get a head with a beak.

We form the torso

We connect the wings and legs with the body, glue the eyes from small balls.
We put the penguin on an ice floe: rolled out a layer of dough and cut out a circle-hole with a glass.

We collect the penguin and put it on the layer

Dry at room temperature for about a week.

You can not put the figures on the battery, speed up the process with a hairdryer, this can lead to cracking.

Can be dried in the oven at a temperature of 50-150 degrees for several hours.

Sculpting a seal

We also prepare 5 blanks: the torso and paws. As a frame, we use a strip of foil folded several times.

We form balls of different sizes

We give the body the shape of an oblong cake and place the foil in the middle. We roll the foil into the dough sausage.

We roll a large ball into a cake and put foil on it. From small balls we make a nose and eyes.
Collecting a seal

Can be dried.

As an additional decor, we blinded the fish.

Making a fish

We paint the dried products with gouache and watercolor and cover with transparent varnish (you can use acrylic art, or you can use ordinary wood varnish).

We decorate the composition and cover it with varnish

The varnish has a decorative and protective function, and makes the colors brighter, and also prevents the figurines from getting their hands dirty, in general, prolonging their life.

Any art joint with children is fascinating. Modeling not only develops fine motor skills, but also awakens the imagination of the child and parent.

I assure you that during joint gatherings for crafts, you will learn a lot of new and often unexpected things about your child.

The history of salt dough modeling dates back many centuries. In ancient Egypt, figurines of numerous deities were sculpted from this material, in Germany and Scandinavia it was generally accepted that the “bread” amulet was able to protect the owners of the house.

Since ancient times, Slavs all over the world have been making whole pictures from dough. Moreover, it was not customary to decorate them, the color scheme was achieved through different types of dough. And in Russia, figures from this material were given to each other on the day of the autumn equinox. It was believed that in the house where this figurine stands, there will always be bread and salt.

On our site, you will find a large number of photos of various crafts from the dough. They can be timed to a certain date, and correspond to any topic. Here you will find many ideas for your own creativity, as well as for modeling with your little ones.

Features of working with salt dough

The dough is a very malleable material, even a child can learn to sculpt from it. At the same time, you will be sure that the test does not contain harmful dyes and allergens.

However, there are some nuances that you need to know so that your product is not only beautiful, but also stored for a long time and does not lose its appearance.

Let's consider them in detail:

Salt dough is easy to prepare, it is important to keep the proportions. An important factor when working with children is the fact that all the details of the future masterpiece can be eaten.

To knead the dough for modeling, take: 500 grams of flour, 200 grams of salt and 200 ml of water. Please note that the water must be cold temperature. Salt for the material, it is customary to take well crushed. "Extra" is the best.

The second recipe for modeling is also used often, but unlike the first, it contains an inedible component. Work with this composition is recommended for older children or adults. Take the following ingredients: white flour - 500 grams, cold water - 200 ml, PVA glue - 2 cups.

If you want to make the dough of the desired color, and your craft will be monophonic, you can do two things: either initially dissolve the dye in water, or add a certain amount of gouache to the dough.

Drying of finished products

Beautiful, bright and unusual dough crafts will not lose their attractiveness if they are properly dried. This can be done in two ways:

The advantage of this method is the absolute safety of drying. A child of any age can participate in this process independently. The disadvantage is the relative duration of the procedure. Drying may take several days.

You can speed up the process by using an oven for this purpose. The baking sheet is covered with dry baking paper, and the figures are laid out on top.

Masters use a different temperature range, however, for beginner needlewomen it will be enough to heat the oven to + 100C. During the baking process, it is important to ensure that our crafts do not burn.

Coloring finished figures

This is a very exciting activity. We will give you some tips on how to avoid mistakes:

  • for decorating "bread" figures, any water-soluble paint is suitable, from watercolor to acrylic;
  • the color falls unevenly on the test surface, so pre-coat the product with white or skin color;
  • each new color must be applied separately, then you need to wait until it dries completely, the next color can be applied only after that.

Some tricks that experienced craftsmen share with you will help you make crafts from dough of any complexity:

In some cases, you can cook a little dough, a more liquid consistency. With it, you can make a thin coating of the main part of the product. For example, “spread” a sandwich or pour icing on a cake.

In the process of sculpting, specify the size of the product so that it matches your idea.

Connecting the individual parts of your craft is quite simple. Use a wet brush and simply "glue" one part to another.

So that the craft does not lose color, open the dried product with colorless varnish. If your craft will act as a toy for a baby, take care of the harmlessness of varnish.

What products can be made

You can find a lot of ideas for sculpting wonderful DIY dough crafts on the Internet. Craft figurines are often found in nature and the world around you. Perhaps you will be carried away by the creation of Slavic symbols. Or maybe you like to create abstract compositions.

On our website, you can easily find detailed step-by-step instructions for making dough crafts. This process is creative, which means it creates a large field of activity for your imagination.

Salt dough beads

So that you feel the texture of the material, understand exactly how to learn how to sculpt from the dough yourself, we will show you a master class of a simple craft from the dough.

Beads can be blinded even by a baby, but it will be useful for an adult to feel the process of working with the material:

  • take pre-prepared dough of the same or different colors;
  • roll uniform balls;
  • if desired, it is possible to try to make beads of different shapes and sizes, but this will have to work out;
  • when the balls are ready, take a toothpick and carefully pierce through holes;
  • without removing the toothpick, dry the beads in a natural environment;
  • during drying, do not forget to turn your figures from side to side;
  • dry figures carefully remove from the toothpick;
  • then we string the beads on a harsh thread or cord.

Your beads are ready. If you want to experiment, try painting the finished beads with a brush, and then varnish them.

The first sculpting experience, you successfully passed. I hope this will serve your long and productive work in this direction. Visit our website, learn, follow step-by-step instructions and watch master classes. Good luck! See you soon.

Photo crafts from the test

Salt dough modeling is an exciting activity that can bring a lot of pleasure to both little fidgets and adult uncles and aunts. Salt dough is an excellent malleable material from which you can make a lot of interesting crafts, including whole paintings that radiate the warmth of the master's hands and homeliness.

Video catalog of works and ideas for modeling

To create a real masterpiece, you will have to try hard, but absolutely everyone can master testoplasty, especially since this technique does not require any unique abilities and expensive materials. If you set a goal, you can find everything you need without leaving your home, there would be a desire. For children, making crafts from salt dough will become not only interesting, but also a very useful activity, since fine motor skills of the hands are directly related to the development of speech, thinking, attention, imagination, visual and motor memory, and any joint creativity brings together.

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How to make salt dough for modeling

Almost every master uses his own unique dough recipe, so today we will offer several recipes at once. All recipes are good, but each is good in its own way. One is more suitable for small products, the other for large ones, the third is suitable for working with children. By experimenting with different components, you can decide on the optimal recipe.

Salt Dough Recipes

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First option: universal dough

  • 1 glass of salt
  • 1 cup wheat flour
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil
  • half a glass of water

Pour a glass of salt and a glass of flour into a large bowl. Mix with a spoon. Pour half a glass of water and a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Mix with a spoon and knead with your hands until smooth, like regular dough. To make the mass more plastic, we replace the water with jelly from starch. To prepare jelly, dissolve a tablespoon of starch in 1/2 cup of cold water. In a small saucepan, bring another glass of water to a boil. While stirring, pour the starch solution into the boiling water. When the contents of the saucepan become transparent and thicken, turn off the heat, let the jelly cool, and then add it to the flour and salt mixture instead of water.

If the dough is too soft, at the bottom of the bowl, mix a tablespoon of salt with a tablespoon of flour. Press the dough ball into the mixture and knead. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

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The second option for simple models

  • 200 grams of flour
  • 200 grams of salt
  • 125 milliliters of water
  • (before adding to the dough, the glue must be diluted in warm water to the consistency of sour cream)
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Third option for large models

  • two glasses of flour
  • one glass of salt
  • 2/3 cup water

You may need a little more water, the amount depends on the type of flour. In terms of density, the modeling dough should resemble softened plasticine. To prepare the dough, pour salt into hot water, wait until the salt is completely dissolved and the water has cooled. Add flour (the second grade is quite suitable) and knead the dough thoroughly.

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Strong salt dough for tiles and boards

  • 200 grams of flour
  • 400 grams of salt
  • 125 milliliters of water
  • 2 tablespoons plain wallpaper glue
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Fifth option: salt dough for delicate work

  • 300 grams of flour
  • 200 grams of salt
  • 2 tablespoons plain wallpaper glue
  • 4 tablespoons of glycerin

So that crystals do not come across in the finished product, and the surface is smooth, the salt for making the dough should be finely ground. If only coarse salt is at hand, before kneading the dough, it should be ground in a coffee grinder or diluted with the amount of water specified in the recipe. It is better to choose inexpensive varieties of flour without emulsifiers, baking powder and other additives.

We wrap the finished dough with a film so that it does not dry out, and send it to the refrigerator for several hours. This will make the dough more elastic and easier to work with while sculpting, and it will not break on the sides.

For children, choose recipes that do not contain glue.

Uncolored dough will have a light beige color. To give the product a warm bread shade, we take half of the wheat and rye flour from the amount indicated in the recipe. It is undesirable to use rye flour alone, since the dough will turn out to be hard, inelastic and will crumble.

Using watercolor or gouache, you can paint either ready-made figures, or color the dough even at the kneading stage. Gouache paints, food colors or natural food colors are perfect for coloring the dough: fruit and vegetable juices (beetroot, carrot juice, parsley juice), cocoa, coffee. The dough of different colors is stored in separate plastic bags or jars. Just like paints, pieces of colored dough can be safely mixed to obtain the desired shade:

  • blue + white = cyan
  • blue + yellow = green
  • green + blue = emerald
  • blue + pink = purple
  • white + red = pink
  • yellow + red = orange
  • green + red = brown

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Salt dough crafts

While the dough is cooling and reaching the desired condition, you can prepare the workplace and everything you need for modeling. First of all, we free the table from foreign objects and cover it with oilcloth. We may also need:

  • a working board for rolling out the dough (you can use a piece of thick cardboard covered with a sheet of baking foil on top)
  • rolling pin (can be replaced with a smooth bottle)
  • knife with a thin blade
  • cardboard
  • pencil
  • tassel
  • floss threads
  • aluminium foil
  • various small things: buttons, corks, matches, coins - to create embossed surfaces; beads, cereals, foil - for decoration.

Almost everything is used for modeling dough: buttons and fabrics for textured prints, various seeds and cereals for original ornaments, dried flowers, fresh embossed leaves, twigs, etc. Wet fabrics and objects slightly with vegetable oil before printing so that they do not stick to the dough. Beautiful buttons, pebbles, glass beads, glass beads, beads, shreds and lace, threads and chains can not only be printed, but also “imprinted” directly into the dough. If you fire your products in the oven, make sure that the beads are not plastic, but glass, and the threads are not synthetic.

Since the dough dries very quickly in air, it must be kept in tightly closed jars on the desktop. Each time it is necessary to take exactly as much dough as necessary, and immediately fold the excess back.

Testing can be done in several ways. Firstly, you can roll out a layer of dough, cut out various flat figures from it, and then make a composition out of them. However, in order to get a three-dimensional product, it is better to mold individual parts, and then combine them into a conceived composition. Wet the joints with a brush and gently press with your finger. A toothpick will help attach the head to the body.

To create a picture or a plate based on the board, first we roll out the dough one and a half centimeters thick, cut out the desired shape from it, let it dry for several days and only after that we apply the rest of the details, using the same salt dough diluted to mushy as glue states. Fresh parts are held together with a brush and water.

To make a nice frame, you can first draw a sketch on cardboard, then cut it out and stick it around with dough, and when it dries a little, attach small details.

When working with volumetric vertical figures, a wire frame should be used. Inside large bulky products, you can put tightly formed baking foil balls, boxes or jars, carefully tightened with dough so that there are no holes or cracks. In this case, the manufacture of the product will require less material, it will not deform during drying and will dry much faster.

If after work you have left unused dough, wrap it in an oilcloth or a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator. This will keep the dough from drying out and spoiling for several months.

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Drying, firing, coloring and varnishing

In order for dough products to gain strength, they must be air-dried or burned in the oven. The first option will take quite a long time, since during air drying the moisture from the product evaporates very slowly. In good weather, in one day the product will dry out only a few millimeters. It is better not to put crafts from the test on the battery, because it is likely that they will simply crack.

It is better to use the combined method - first dry the product a little in the sun, and then burn it in the oven. The product must not be baked! It should not be baked, but dried at the lowest temperature, while the oven door should be slightly ajar. In this mode, the product should be fired for one and a half to two hours until it turns red and the dough hardens. In case of overheating, bubbles and cracks will appear on the figure.

After drying or firing, salt dough products can be painted and varnished. Acrylic paints can be used for coloring, but artistic gouache with the addition of a small amount of PVA glue is best. This mixture, after drying, will give the product a slight sheen and will not stick to the hands. Acrylic varnish is perfect for varnishing, it is non-toxic, water-soluble and dries in just 6-8 hours.

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Master class on making funny cats

Nowadays, salt dough is very popular as a material for needlework. Its main advantages are harmlessness, elasticity and long shelf life. This article will help you find out what salt dough crafts you can do yourself.

Salt Dough: Making a Classic Recipe

The preparation of this material will take a minimum of time and money. There are several recipes for craft dough with the addition of various materials (such as glue).

For the normal version you will need:

  • powder salt;
  • Wheat flour;
  • water;
  • a few tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Cooking steps:

  • First, take a container and mix flour and salt in it.
  • Then pour water with vegetable oil.
  • Mix thoroughly and put the dough in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

What is the best way to color salt dough?

There are two common ways to color salt dough for crafts:

  • The first - the finished product is painted with your favorite paints with a brush.
  • The second is to dilute food coloring in water, and then pour it into flour. With this option, more dyes should be added, because when the adze dries, it brightens.

In order for the craft to retain its beautiful appearance longer, it should be varnished in several layers (manicure or furniture).

How to learn to sculpt from dough?

We have already figured out how to make dough for crafts, now it is important to understand exactly how to sculpt different shapes.

This process takes a little time, but it perfectly develops the motor skills of the hands and the creativity of the child.

Each mother can devote time to her baby and teach how to make crafts from dough.

How to dry the craft?

If the size of the craft is small, then it will dry without additional action. Just keep the product out of the sun to avoid cracking.

If the craft is large, then it can be dried in the oven at a low temperature (3-5 hours).

Between each hour, you should take a short break and stick the product out of the oven.

Souvenirs for International Women's Day

On March 8, it is customary to give women flowers. But why not do it in an original way. After looking at photos of dough crafts, it is not uncommon to find figures in the form of individual flowers and whole bouquets. This craft will be a great gift for women in the family.

Creating a vase with flowers includes the following steps:

  • Prepare the dough according to the usual recipe, and roll out a layer half a centimeter thick.
  • Cut out a stencil of a vase from paper and attach it to the dough.
  • Circle the vase on the dough along the contour and proceed to the flowers.
  • Flowers can also be stencil cut to add some volume.
  • You can decorate a vase with balls, stripes and other details.
  • Decorate the molded craft with paints and let it dry. Ready.

Salt dough caterpillar

This material is so plastic that it allows you to sculpt any figures, even very complex ones. For example, to sculpt a caterpillar, all you need is green-dyed dough, glue, a toothpick and varnish.

Stages of creating a caterpillar:

  • Roll out an oblong sausage.
  • Cut it into 5 (or more) equal pieces.
  • Roll each part into balls and glue them one by one.
  • Blind separately the details for the muzzle (nose, eyes).
  • When the product is dry, varnish it. Ready.

If you want to make a keychain out of the caterpillar, just thread the rope through the last ball.

Christmas toys

Usually buying Christmas decorations costs a tidy sum. If you want to save money, then use crafts from salt dough. On the Internet, find stencils of various shapes and print them out.

Sequins, rhinestones, beads and other bright details are used as additional decorations. By threading the rope through the toy, you can hang it on the Christmas tree.


Modeling has gained its popularity since ancient times, as it is a fascinating and useful activity.

Making crafts from dough for children is not difficult. During the modeling process, the child develops hand motor skills, imagination and logical thinking.

Not all purchased materials (for example, plasticine) are of good quality, so it is better to use a safe and budget option - salt dough.

Photo crafts from the test