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Mustard powder. dry mustard powder seasoning mustard color what

Appearance of table mustard

Mustard not only goes well with meat dishes and cheese, it is also added to salads, sandwiches, hamburgers and hot dogs. As an ingredient, mustard is used in the preparation of many sauces, soups and marinades. What is mustard made from?

Ordinary table mustard is a condiment made from the seeds of white mustard, sarepta mustard and black mustard plants.

To prepare a seasoning, whole, ground, crushed or crushed mustard seeds are mixed into a paste-like mixture with water, vinegar, lemon or apple juice, wine or other liquid, with the addition of salt and other flavoring ingredients.

The seasoning can range in color from pale yellow to intense olive yellow to tan, and the flavor ranges from sweet to spicy.

The mustard seed's own taste is pungent and pungent.

In the finished mustard, the flavor shades depend on other components used in its preparation - salt, vinegar, which gives a sour taste, sugar. To give a bright yellow color, turmeric is sometimes added to mustard.

Application in cooking

Traditionally, mustard is served at the table as a seasoning and flavoring for cold and hot meat dishes, used in the preparation of street dishes with sausages or sausages.

Mustard is used as an ingredient in sauces, including hollandaise sauce and mayonnaise. Mustard has the property of stabilizing a mixture of immiscible liquids such as oil and water.

The effect of mustard on the body

When used as a seasoning, mustard stimulates digestion, helps prevent constipation and intestinal infections, improves blood circulation and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Externally, mustard is used as a warming agent. In folk medicine, mustard seeds are used to treat gastrointestinal diseases, as a laxative, emetic and sedative.

With tuberculosis and inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, the use of mustard in food is contraindicated.

The use of very spicy mustard can cause salivation, burning of the tongue, palate and throat. All parts of mustard plants, including seeds and mustard powder, can cause allergies and cause anaphylactic shock.

Since 2005, products sold in the European Union, if they contain mustard, must have an indication of this on the packaging.

> What is mustard made of

Mustard: properties

Calories: 417.5 kcal.

Energy value of the product Mustard:
Proteins: 5 g
Fats: 40 g
Carbohydrates: 10 g

Mustard It is a seasoning with a sharp, tart taste, which has been widely used in cooking. To prepare the sauce familiar to us, which can be bought at any store, mustard is grown, the seeds are collected, dried, crushed, then cooked.

There are three varieties of this plant - this is white, gray and black mustard, from the seeds of which seasoning is created. Its taste directly depends on the color of the seeds. White - less sharp, gray - moderate sharpness, black - burning.

The main composition of mustard includes proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as a variety of vitamins and minerals. The average calorie content of the product is 160 kcal.

In the modern world, mustard is widely used in almost all cuisines, but for the first time it was grown and prepared in the Roman Empire in the fourth - fifth century AD. e. The Romans mixed ground white mustard seeds with must to make this spice. In France, the first mention of mustard appeared in the tenth century, in England - in the twelfth, and it was brought to Russia only in the eighteenth century.

Types of mustard

There are dozens of different types of mustard that differ in taste and spiciness from each other. Let's take a closer look at the most popular of them.

Dijon, she is French

Dijon mustard is probably the most popular all over the world. It has been produced in the city of Dijon in France since 1634, since King Louis the thirteenth granted this city the exclusive right to produce it. That is why it is also often called French.

The classic version of Dijon mustard has a granular structure, is made from black and seraptian seeds with a small addition of grape juice, white wine or wine vinegar, as well as all kinds of spices and spices.

You can even prepare classic French mustard on your own, while it will taste no different from the branded mustard. Most often, black mustard seeds are chosen for such a sauce, after which they must be soaked in lukewarm boiled water for several hours. The infusion time does not depend on the number of seeds taken. Traditionally, white wine or pure grape juice is also added to such mustard. Do not forget about additional spices like sea salt, olive oil, a mixture of ground peppers and balsamic. All this will need to be mixed, ground in any convenient way and left to infuse. After these simple steps, homemade Dijon mustard will be ready for use.

English (white)

English mustard, also known as white mustard, is also a very popular condiment. In the modern world, it has become widespread in Europe, America and Canada, although it comes from the Mediterranean.

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In the seventeenth century, the city of Tewkesbury in the west of England became the production center of white mustard. The old recipe for making English mustard still exists today, it originates just from those times. Slightly crushed grains of white and gray mustard are poured with apple juice, cider or fruit vinegar, flour is added for a smoother consistency, ground turmeric root is used to make mustard yellow, all ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous paste is obtained.

To make your own English mustard at home, use the following ingredients:

  • mustard seeds;
  • mustard powder;
  • water;
  • cayenne pepper;
  • turmeric powder;
  • salt;
  • vinegar;
  • cold beer.

Mustard seeds need to be toasted a little in a pan over medium heat (they will give the mustard a grainy texture). Then put them in a mortar and crush several times with a pestle. In a glass bowl, mix lightly crushed seeds with powder, add water, let it brew.

Add cayenne pepper, salt and turmeric powder, mix until smooth. Then add honey, vinegar and beer and mix again. If the mixture is runny, you can add a little flour to thicken it. Transfer the mustard to a jar, close the lid and refrigerate for two to three days.

Russian, or Sarepta

Russian mustard is perhaps the most pungent of all known types of mustard. Blue mustard seeds were brought to Russia in the eighteenth century, and in 1810 the first mustard plant was launched in the city of Sarepta, a former German colony in the Volgograd region.

You can cook Sarepta mustard on your own. The secret of its preparation lies in the temperature of the water. Mustard powder should be poured with hot water, the temperature of which is 58 degrees, no more, no less. If the water is colder, the mustard won't come out as spicy, and you'll end up with something similar to German mustard. If, on the contrary, you pour boiling water over the powder, the seasoning will not be spicy, but simply bitter.

For cooking, you will need blue mustard powder, water, a little vinegar, a pinch of salt, a pinch of sugar and vegetable oil.

Pour all the necessary ingredients into a glass jar, add water at the end, mix well until a homogeneous mixture is formed. Cover the seasoning tightly with a lid and refrigerate for seven days. In a week the mustard will be ready.

American (yellow)

American mustard is a bit like English mustard in its composition and method of preparation, since the Americans initially adopted this recipe from the British. Over the years, it has changed a little and acquired its own shade, because the Americans began to prepare this seasoning in their own way.

You can make this sauce at home. To do this, you will need 1 cup of cold water, three-quarters of a cup of white mustard powder, three-quarters of a teaspoon of sea salt, one second of a teaspoon of ground turmeric, one eighth of a teaspoon of garlic powder, one eighth of a teaspoon of paprika and one second of a glass of white distilled vinegar.

Mix all the ingredients except vinegar in a ceramic saucepan, fill them with water and mix until smooth. Put on a small fire and cook at a low boil for 20 - 30 minutes, then add vinegar to the mixture, mix and boil a little more over low heat. Allow the sauce to cool, transfer to jars and close tightly with a lid. Such mustard is stored in the refrigerator, no more than three months..


Creole mustard was created by German immigrants in America (Louisiana) in the mid-1800s.

This sauce has a grainy texture and a characteristic spicy flavor. It is prepared from whole blue mustard seeds marinated in vinegar and mixed with grated horseradish.

Preparing such a seasoning at home is quite simple. You will need pickled Sarepta mustard seeds, a spoonful of vinegar, a couple of cloves of garlic, finely chopped red pepper, a little grated horseradish, a pinch of cayenne pepper, a pinch of ground allspice, coarse salt, a pinch of sugar, mustard powder and cane syrup. All ingredients must be mixed, pour water and boil over low heat. Most often, this seasoning is used to prepare meat sauces or stew vegetables.

Bavarian spicy-sweet mustard was invented in Munich in 1854. The authorship of this special type of seasoning belongs to Johann Konrad Develai. Johann loved experiments in food and one day, adding vinegar, sugar, salt, spices, onions and water to mustard powder and boiling this whole mixture, he got a completely new, hitherto unknown type of sweet mustard.

To make this seasoning at home, you will need the following ingredients::

  • White mustard powder;
  • Brown sugar;
  • Water;
  • Wine vinegar;
  • Salt;
  • Juniper berries;
  • Black peppercorns;
  • Laurel leaf;
  • A piece of ginger.

Spices and spices must be brought to a boil, then cool and strain. Mustard mixed with sugar and pour the resulting broth. Let it brew for a couple of hours, if the mixture thickens, you can add a little water, then put on fire and bring to a puff, do not boil. The seasoning is ready, now it can be eaten or sealed in jars.

Italian fruity

Fruit mustard (mostarda) is a rather extravagant seasoning for our places, but quite common in Italy, where it has been known since the Middle Ages. At that time, it was made from wine and mustard seed powder. After the seventeenth century, mostarda became an exquisite delicacy on the tables of wealthy gentlemen.

Nowadays, Italians mix different types of fruits and complement them with all sorts of seasonings. In fact, mostarda is pickled fruit with mustard. There are simple recipes for making such a sauce, there are more complex and outstanding ones.

Italian sweet mustard is served usually as a sauce for meat, or added to a more complex dish, as a separate ingredient. Often Italians simply spread it on bread.

The taste of such a seasoning is unusual and reveals itself gradually: at first, a sweet aftertaste of fruit is felt, then acid, and at the very end - the sharpness of mustard. Quite an unusual feeling, but pleasant. It is worth trying it only once - and you will want to repeat these taste sensations again and again.

Benefit and harm to the body

The benefits of mustard for the human body are due to the fact that it has a very rich vitamin composition. Mustard seeds contain vitamins A, B, D, E and PP, in addition, they are a source of most minerals. The following medicinal properties can be distinguished:

  • Improves blood circulation;
  • Accelerates the process of wound healing;
  • Normalizes the work of metabolism in the body;
  • Helps the body digest heavy foods;
  • Helps the body to actively fight pathogenic microbes;
  • Has a positive effect on cardiovascular diseases;
  • It has the ability to inhibit the growth of various tumors, including cancer;
  • Reduces the severity of inflammation in psoriasis;
  • Helps lower blood sugar levels in diabetes;
  • Effectively fights respiratory diseases and has a preventive effect against them;
  • Helps improve the condition of the skin and hair.

Despite the fact that mustard can be very useful, it can also harm the body. Excessive consumption of this seasoning can cause digestive upset, allergies, and insomnia. When using mustard externally, you can get burned if you overexpose it on the skin. Patients suffering from diseases of gastroenterology, hypertension, kidney disease and tuberculosis, doctors categorically forbid eating it in any quantities.

As you can see, mustard has many useful properties, but it can also bring a lot of harm, so you need to use it in food or in cosmetology with great care.

How to cook at home from powder?

Home-made mustard is certainly much tastier and much healthier than the one that can be found on store shelves. It is not difficult to prepare it, the main thing is to follow the recipe and, preferably, prepare it on the eve of use.

First, decide what kind of mustard you want to get as a result: hot, medium spicy or with a milder taste. Based on this, buy a suitable powder.

To start preparing the sauce, take the purchased product, pour it into a glass jar, add spices to your taste, pour all the ingredients with hot water and mix well until smooth. Let the seasoning brew for several hours, then serve.

Application in cooking

Mustard as a spice is widely used in cooking throughout the world. Usually, mustard seeds are prepared into mustard paste or oil and are already added to various dishes and preserves, although dry powder is often used. Most often, mustard is used:

  • as sauces for meat and fish dishes;
  • for the preparation of fast foods and snacks;
  • as a dressing for salads;
  • in pickles and preserves;
  • as a spice in its own right.

Today, mustard is used as a spicy seasoning in national cuisines around the world, and the list presented does not cover all the possibilities of using this spice.

Product photos

Recipes for cooking with photos

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On August 6, an unusual holiday was celebrated - World Mustard Day. Rare condiments receive such recognition.

Why mustard has earned such popularity, because a jar with it can be found, perhaps, in every refrigerator? What is worth knowing about it?

How did mustard come about?

The history of mustard is impressive. Even in ancient Egypt and China, mustard seeds accompanied many meals. But the birthplace of mustard is Ancient Rome, and the famous ancient Roman artist, philosopher and writer Pliny the Elder is considered its creator. Apparently, he was the first to mix mustard powder with vinegar.
In ancient Rome, mustard was used not only in cooking, but also for medicinal purposes - to combat rheumatism, hypertension and to improve digestion.

Mustard production reached its peak a few hundred years later - in the Middle Ages. In France, even a special profession appeared - a seasoning specialist had to be at every royal or noble court. Mustard masters created their own community, whose patron was St. Vincent. Today, some types of mustard are produced by the descendants of the then professionals.

How is mustard made?

The main character of any mustard seasoning is the mustard plant. There are three main varieties. Mustard white has yellow or light beige seeds. Their taste is sweet at first, but gradually becomes more spicy. It is white mustard in the form of ground or whole grains that is most often used to produce a popular seasoning. black mustard smaller and sharper. Its dark seeds are one of the main spices in Indian cuisine. The third variety is Sarepta(she is gray-haired, she is Russian). After grinding, its grains begin to taste bitter, and after a few minutes - the oven.

The mustard production process has remained virtually unchanged for centuries.
First, mustard seeds are dried, ground, then mixed with vinegar, wine and spices. The mixture is heated and then cooled.

What kind of mustard is sold on the market?

The most popular types of mustard today are:

  • dining room (light, with a mild taste);
  • Sarepta (medium-sharp);
  • Russian (very spicy, made from black mustard),
  • French (grains are not crushed, mustard has a mild taste);
  • Bavarian (slightly spicy, with honey);
  • Dijon (rather spicy, made from white wine). This type of seasoning saw the light in 1752 in the French city of Dijon. It was created by a man named Jean Nizhon, who in the traditional recipe replaced vinegar with the sour juice of unripe grapes. The modern Dijon variety contains white wine. The developers did not register their mustard as a unique product, as a result of which any plant can produce it.

How about national variations?

However, for example, in France, vinegar, as already mentioned, is often replaced with white wine, herbs, horseradish, honey and even juices are also added to it - it all depends on what kind of taste they want to get. Today there is even chocolate mustard. This is certainly an unconventional combination. But the recipe is a great example of the fact that components that do not seem to fit together are perfectly combined.

In our area, table and Sarepta mustard is the most popular.- ground grains of this variety, filled with vinegar with the addition of salt, pepper and sugar.

In Chinese and English cuisine, mustard is used in powdered form. The seeds are carefully crushed and roasted so that they concentrate the sharp taste.

But in the United States a lot of honey and turmeric are added to the mustard. Such a sauce turns yellow and has been called American. The yellow mustard hot dog is perhaps the most distinctive American dish.

What is mustard capable of?

From the very beginning of its existence, mustard has been considered a spice that has medicinal value. Today it is known that she Helps lower blood pressure and stimulates the digestion of fats. It is also low in calories - it is not surprising that this product belongs to the so-called healthy food.

More often it is worth leaning on mustard for men. According to research by American scientists, mustard contributes to the growth of muscle mass during intense physical training. It also enhances potency, and all thanks to homobrassinolide - a substance contained in dry mustard. It increases appetite improves muscle mass and size of muscle fibers. Scientists hope that one day brassinosteroids will become an effective, natural and safe help to muscle mass lost due to disease or aging, and will be used to increase its strength.

However, mustard can also do a good job for the beautiful half of humanity. Seasoning or crushed plant grains are used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology. It is warming and stimulates hair follicles.
Therefore, on the basis of mustard, preparations that strengthen hair are produced.
Mustard oil, that is, the oil from the seeds of the plant, is also used in case of hair loss problems. Head massage with this product stimulates hair growth.

Appearance of table mustard Mustard not only goes well with meat dishes and cheese, it is also added to salads, sandwiches, hamburgers and hot dogs. As an ingredient, mustard is used in the preparation of many sauces, soups and marinades. What is mustard made from?

Ordinary table mustard is a condiment made from seeds of white mustard, sarepta mustard and black mustard plants.

To prepare a seasoning, whole, ground, crushed or crushed mustard seeds are mixed into a paste-like mixture with water, vinegar, lemon or apple juice, wine or other liquid, with the addition of salt and other flavoring ingredients.

The seasoning can range in color from pale yellow to intense olive yellow to tan, and the flavor ranges from sweet to spicy.

The mustard seed's own taste is pungent and pungent.

In the finished mustard, the flavor shades depend on other components used in its preparation - salt, vinegar, which gives a sour taste, sugar. To give a bright yellow color, turmeric is sometimes added to mustard.

Application in cooking

Traditionally, mustard is served at the table as a seasoning and flavoring for cold and hot meat dishes, used in the preparation of street dishes with sausages or sausages.

Mustard is used as an ingredient in sauces, including hollandaise sauce and mayonnaise. Mustard has the property of stabilizing a mixture of immiscible liquids such as oil and water.

The effect of mustard on the body

When used as a seasoning, mustard stimulates digestion, helps prevent constipation and intestinal infections, improves blood circulation and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Externally, mustard is used as a warming agent. In folk medicine, mustard seeds are used to treat gastrointestinal diseases, as a laxative, emetic and sedative.

With tuberculosis and inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, the use of mustard in food is contraindicated.

The use of very spicy mustard can cause salivation, burning of the tongue, palate and throat. All parts of mustard plants, including seeds and mustard powder, can cause allergies and cause anaphylactic shock.

Since 2005, products sold in the European Union, if they contain mustard, must have an indication of this on the packaging.

Mustard is that spice, without which it is already difficult to imagine familiar dishes for everyone. It is obtained from the mustard plant of the same name (otherwise called synapis). Mustard belongs to the cabbage family. The generic name Sinapis is composed of two Greek words, which together give the phrase "harmful to the eye."


Basically, all types of mustard are annual plants. They have whole leaves. The flowers have yellow petals, bent in the opposite direction. Most often, the height of plants reaches a meter.

The fruit is a pod. It has a long and slightly flattened nose. On the valves, it has several distinctly prominent protruding veins. The partition is thick, the seeds are round, arranged in a single row.

Three closely related types of mustard are most common: white mustard, black mustard, and brown mustard.

  • White mustard (Sinapis alba)- This is an annual plant of a meter height. It has straight, slightly sloping ribbed stems. The leaves are green in color and have the shape of blades with teeth along the edges. Yellow flowers are arranged in clusters. Pods are formed from them, the length of which usually does not exceed 4 cm. Each pod contains from 4 to 8 seeds, which, when dried, have no smell, and show their taste only when crushed. Under thermal action, all the sharpness of the seeds disappears. In German, white mustard is called Echter Senf, Gelber Senf, Englischer Senf, in English - white mustard, yellow mustard, in French - moutarde blanche.
  • Brown or Sarepta mustard (Brassica juncea) also is an annual meter plant with yellow flowers. The pods vary in length from 3 to 5-6 cm and contain 16 to 24 seeds. They taste a little bitter at first impression, and then show all their sharpness. In German, brown mustard is called Indischer Senf, in English - sarepta mustard, brown mustard, in French - moutarde de Chine.
  • Black mustard (Brassica nigra) also refers to annuals, but in height it is somewhat larger than the two previous species and reaches one and a half meters. Her flowers are yellow, and the pods are very small, only 2.5 cm each. After grinding, they show a very strong sharpness. In German, black mustard is called Brauner Senf, in English - black mustard, true mustard, in French - moutarde noir.

Where does it grow?

Asian countries are considered the birthplace of mustard.

White mustard has historically grown in the countries of the Mediterranean Sea and Western Asia. Now grown everywhere.

Brown mustard comes from the eastern countries of the Mediterranean, where it still grows today. It is also grown in the Middle East.

Black mustard is actively grown in the Mediterranean and the Middle East.

spice making method

Both whole and ground mustard seeds, called mustard powder, are eaten. Most often, table mustard is eaten, which is obtained by mixing with mustard powder water, vinegar and other ingredients that vary depending on the recipe.

Mustard powder is obtained by cleaning seeds, conditioning for moisture and grain size. The shell must be separated from the nucleoli, which is then subjected to grinding and heat treatment. After that, they are pressed, the cake is crushed and sieved.

How to choose and where to buy

Mustard seeds can be purchased either at a spice store or any supermarket.

For quality white mustard, the seeds are usually sold with the outer shell removed. Brown mustard seeds are smaller, they are sold in an unpeeled form to preserve all the taste and aroma.

Pay attention to the appearance:

  • Seeds should have uniform color and the same size.
  • They should not contain foreign impurities.
  • Pay attention to their dryness and cleanliness.
  • If the seeds are crushed, split, have a heterogeneous color, then they had poor storage conditions. This suggests that they are most likely corrupted.
  • Good seeds are firm and hold their shape well.
  • If the grain crumbles when rubbed, then the seeds are of poor quality and old.
  • If you buy ready-made mustard in a jar, look for the absence of oil flaking.

They should be stored in sealed opaque packaging or in a dark place. Since mustard has an antimicrobial effect, refrigeration is not necessary at all.

When choosing mustard powder, you should pay attention to a uniform color that will not darken if you grind the powder with water. In structure, it should be well ground, with no signs of mold or moisture.


White mustard seeds have a sandy color, sometimes turning into ocher. Their diameter is approximately 2 mm. Brown mustard seeds are slightly smaller, only 1.5 mm in diameter. They are much easier to assemble, which is why brown mustard often replaces black mustard.

Black mustard seeds reach 1 mm in diameter. They are not completely black in color, but rather dark brown. When harvested, the pods often burst, so black mustard is now grown much less.


Mustard has the following characteristics:

  • used in cooking as a seasoning;
  • grows mainly in the southern regions;
  • after harvest, it is sown as a green manure;
  • used in medicine.

You can learn more about mustard oil from the poisoning of the Live Healthy!

Nutritional value and calories

100 grams of mustard seeds contain 474 kcal.

The nutritional value of the product is as follows:

  • proteins - 26.08 g;
  • fats - 36.24 g;
  • carbohydrates - 15.89 g;
  • water - 5.27 g;
  • dietary fiber - 12.2 g;
  • ash - 4.33 g.

Chemical composition

The composition of 100 grams of mustard seeds contains the following components:

  • vitamins: A - 2 µg; B1 (thiamine) - 0.81 mg; B2 (riboflavin) - 0.26 mg; B4 (choline) - 122.7 mg; B5 (pantothenic acid) - 0.81 mg; B6 (pyridoxine) - 0.4 mg; B9 - 162 mcg; C - 7.1 mg; E - 5.07 mg; K - 5.4 µg; PP (niacin) - 4.73 mg.
  • macronutrients: potassium - 738 mg; calcium - 266 mg; magnesium - 370 mg; sodium - 13 mg; phosphorus - 828 mg.
  • trace elements: iron - 9.21 mg; manganese - 2.45 mg; copper - 0.65 mg; selenium - 208.1 mcg; zinc - 6.08 mg.

Beneficial features

Mustard has a number of the following useful properties:

  • improves muscle function;
  • is an antimicrobial agent;
  • promotes better functioning of the nervous system;
  • stimulates the cardiovascular system;
  • helps cells regenerate;
  • considered an aphrodisiac.

Even the great Hippocrates spoke of mustard not only as a good spice, but also as a remedy.

Mustard powder is highly effective due to its high enzyme content when exposed to warm water. It is recommended to add it to hair masks, as it activates their growth and helps eliminate oiliness.

Harm and contraindications

The harm of mustard is due to its overdose. Due to its pungency, it can cause an erosive effect on the gastric mucosa and contribute to heartburn.

You should not use mustard in the following cases:

  • with kidney disease;
  • with tuberculosis;
  • with diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • with inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • with personal intolerance.

Recipe at home

Mustard can be easily made at home. It will be fresh and delicious.

Take 5 tbsp. l. mustard powder, add 1 tsp. vinegar. Add enough water to make the mixture mushy. Add 1 tbsp. sugar and 0.5 tsp. salt. Add freshly ground black pepper if desired.

Mix everything well and put in a jar. Close the jar with a lid and leave overnight in a warm place.

You can store in the refrigerator or any dark place with a tightly closed lid.

You can see the whole process in the video of the “Live Healthy” program, which is located above.

Mustard oil is pressed from the seeds. It has an excellent aroma and interesting taste. It contains a lot of vitamins, therefore, in terms of benefits and effectiveness, it can be equated to a natural antibiotic with a bactericidal effect.

The oil helps increase appetite and improve digestive processes.

Mustard oil can be stored for a long time, since oxidation occurs rather slowly.

It is used for:

  • skin treatment,
  • strengthening the immune system,
  • cell development,
  • helps to normalize metabolism,
  • helps to give vessels and muscles elasticity.


In cooking

Mustard is one of the most popular spices in the world. In cooking, it finds the following uses:

  • table mustard is obtained from it;
  • it is used as an essential ingredient in mayonnaise;
  • meat dishes are seasoned with mustard;
  • leaves can be cut into salads;
  • seasoning is added to sauces and marinades;
  • mustard is also used for conservation;
  • mustard oil is even added to the dough when baking bread.

White mustard seeds are used for pickling cucumbers, preparing canned food with the addition of vinegar. They are added to sausages and sauces. Ground white mustard flavors soups, dishes with the addition of eggs.

Pasta is made from brown mustard. Its roasted seeds have a nutty flavor and are often added to curries.

You can bake delicious meat, in the preparation of which mustard is involved:

  • 0.8 kg of boneless beef, washed and dried;
  • 7 tbsp are mixed in one container. l. olive oil, 2 teaspoons of honey, mustard and salt, a teaspoon of black pepper, the same amount of basil and paprika;
  • in this composition, the meat should be marinated for at least an hour;
  • then the meat is wrapped in foil and removed for 1 hour in a preheated oven;
  • to give the meat a crisp, you can then open the foil and leave the meat to brown in the oven for another ten minutes.

In medicine

Medicinal use of mustard is quite extensive. It is used in the following cases:

  • with diseases of the joints as lotions;
  • for quick elimination of hematomas;
  • for prevention;
  • to improve digestive processes;
  • to improve appetite;
  • as a local laxative;
  • as an antibacterial agent;
  • as an anti-cold remedy;
  • to stimulate blood circulation;
  • to improve metabolism.

Spicy or sweet, burning or tender - mustard has several recipes. Each of them was assigned to a certain country and is considered traditional for it. Europeans prefer a mild taste, Russians like it spicier - everyone can choose the most pleasant option for themselves.

What is mustard? What is it made from?

Mustard is a popular light yellow to brown condiment that comes from the seeds of the mustard plant. When adding additional ingredients, such as salt, sugar, water, vegetable oil, various food additives, the mass becomes like a sauce, it is easy to spread on sandwiches, use for roasting meat and as an independent seasoning for cold dishes and snacks.

Whole grains or powdered grains are suitable for making mustard. Whole seeds have a brighter spicy-aromatic taste, therefore they are mainly used for roasting meat. Due to the high content of mustard oil in the composition of the grains, a dense crust forms on the meat, and inside it remains juicy and unusually soft. Mustard made from powder is usually served as a sauce. Depending on taste preferences, it can be spicy, as Russians like, or mild, as Europeans prefer.

History of mustard

It is generally accepted that the birthplace of this spicy seasoning is Asia. But what is mustard, the photo of which is presented below, was already known in ancient times. There are references to the seeds of the plant in manuscripts written in Sanskrit, which are five thousand years old.

It was added to food by the ancient Greeks, and the Romans made a paste from the seeds, which was very reminiscent of today's seasoning. There are references to mustard seeds in the Bible. Since the 18th century, the plant has been grown in Russia. A variety of sarepta mustard is common here. Its name comes from the city of Sarepta, now part of Volgograd. On the territory of the Russian Federation, mustard grows well in the Volga region, in the North Caucasus and in Siberia. The leaders in the cultivation and processing of mustard seeds are the countries of Central Asia, Pakistan, India, China, Egypt, as well as the European states France and Holland.

Beneficial features

It has long been known that mustard is an excellent warming agent, so it is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry, in particular, in the manufacture of mustard plasters. But the beneficial properties of spices do not end there. It is effective not only when applied externally, but also when eaten. Everyone has tried what mustard is like a sauce, but, in addition to the spicy taste, it can also benefit the body.

Mustard grains contain about 30% fat (mostly unsaturated fatty acids). In addition, the seeds of the plant contain essential oils, linolenic, peanut, oleic acids, vitamins of groups B, A, C, trace elements: zinc, iron, sodium, magnesium and calcium. Thanks to this composition, incredibly healthy mustard oil is obtained from the grains. In addition, the seeds of this plant contain substances that help with bronchitis.

One of the properties of mustard is the ability to speed up metabolic processes in the body and break down fats. Therefore, it is useful to include this spicy seasoning not only in the daily diet, but also to make various masks and body wraps. Mustard is an antioxidant, has antiseptic and antibacterial properties.

Three varieties of mustard

In total, about 40 varieties of the plant are known, from which a spicy seasoning is obtained, but white, black and Sarepta mustard are most widely used.

White, or English mustard, contains 35% fat and 1% essential oil. That is why it is widely used in the manufacture of mustard oil. The seeds of this plant are the largest of all the varieties presented. They are added to pickles, vegetable, mushroom dishes and soups. Grains do not have a pronounced taste and smell, therefore, in the manufacture of mustard from them, various food additives should be used.

Black, or French mustard, is also called real. It has a sharp tart taste, and smells like horseradish. Due to this, the bulk of the grains goes to the production of table mustard. Powdered seeds are used to make a warming patch.

What is Sarepta mustard? In the world, she is known as Russian. It has a maximum percentage of fatty (up to 49%) and essential (3%) oils. A fragrant mustard oil is made from it. Its benefits for the body are even higher than those of sunflower. Cake, which remains after the processing of grains, is used to produce powder. Table Russian mustard has a pronounced spiciness.

Varieties of mustard

When various ingredients are added to grains or powder, the taste of the finished product changes. Which nutritional supplements to use depends on the plant variety and the preferences of buyers around the world. Therefore, the industrial production of table mustard involves a wide selection of varieties of this product.

The most popular recipes: French Dijon mustard, traditional English, made according to an old recipe, sweet Bavarian (Munich), spicy Russian and American.

The famous Dijon mustard. What it is?

In the main city of Burgundy, located in the south-east of France, called Dijon, starting from the 17th century, industrial production of table mustard and vinegar was organized. And already in the middle of the 18th century, the most demanded Dijon mustard in the world began to be produced here. What it is? Initially, it was a condiment obtained from ground black mustard seeds with the addition of the sour juice of unripe grapes. Prior to this, vinegar was traditionally used in the production of this product. Thanks to this, the sauce acquired a creamy structure, became tender and light, and quickly gained popularity.

Today, what is Dijon mustard, the photo of which is presented in the review, is known all over the world. Half of all spice production comes from this variety. There are more than 20 recipes for making Dijon mustard: with the addition of white wine or wine vinegar instead of sour juice, herbs, spices and other food additives.

Delicate French mustard. Recipe for cooking at home

The most popular condiment in the world, made in France, is Dijon. But sometimes in some recipes the concept of "French mustard" is found. What it is? This is the real Dijon mustard, made from black grains or a mixture of seeds of different varieties.

To prepare a French Dijon seasoning, you need to take 250 g of mustard powder obtained after grinding the grains of black and Sarepta mustard and pour 90 ml of boiling water. Mix the mixture thoroughly and leave to infuse in a dark place for a day. After the specified time, add 100 ml of white wine vinegar, 10 g of salt, 50 g of sugar, cinnamon and cloves (1 g each), and shallots fried in vegetable oil to the mustard mass. Delicate French mustard is ready!

Today you can find a lot of other simple recipes for making this wonderful sauce. It might be worth trying a few of these to find your favorite table mustard variation.

Spicy grainy

Often, in the production of seasoning, the seeds are not ground into powder, but are used as a whole. This results in grainy mustard. What it is is clear from its name. It is a mustard consisting of whole or slightly crushed grains. Along with traditional ingredients, this composition contains white wine. Natural spices are added to it, for example, cloves, cardamom, garlic, allspice.

Grainy mustard is considered more refined. Due to its piquant spicy taste, it is used when roasting meat and added to salads.

Sweet bavarian sauce

What it is became known back in the 19th century, along with the invention of the perfect sauce for Munich's white veal sausage. Its main feature is coarse grains combined with caramel syrup. Bavarian mustard is brown in color, sweet in taste and soft in texture, has a slight piquancy.

It is useful to know what mustard is and what properties it has. This allows you to widely use it in your diet for the benefit of the body and improve culinary skills.

In the article we discuss mustard - what the spice is made of. You will find out what the mustard plant looks like in the photo, what varieties it has. We will tell you how to choose and store seasoning, how to use it in cooking.

What is mustard

Mustard is a popular spice that is obtained by processing the seeds of the mustard plant. See how the mustard seeds look in the photo.

Appearance (photo) of mustard seeds

Mustard has been widely used in cooking, folk medicine and cosmetology.. Both whole and ground seeds are used. Mustard oil is obtained from the seeds of the plant, and mustard powder is obtained from the cake, from which the well-known sauce is made.

Useful properties and contraindications to the use of mustard are in the rich chemical composition of the spice. It contains fatty and essential oils, a complex of vitamins and microelements, linoleic, oleic, myristic, erucic, lignoceric and behenic acids.

Mustard has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antifungal effects. Read more about the beneficial properties of spices in the article - Mustard benefits and harm to the body.

Mustard has long been known for its warming properties. In the pharmaceutical industry, mustard plasters are made on its basis, which are used to treat colds in adults and children. Read more in the articles - how to soar legs with mustard and how to soar legs of a child with mustard.

Mustard powder effectively eliminates cough. Read the recipes for the preparation of medicines based on spices in the articles - a cough mustard cake and mustard in cough socks.

In cosmetology, mustard is used to make masks for skin and hair care. The warming effect of mustard is used for weight loss. Anti-cellulite wraps are made with spice. They increase blood circulation, improve metabolism and normalize digestion. Read more about cosmetic procedures in the article - wrap with mustard and honey.

What does it look like

In order to understand what mustard looks like, look at the photo. The mustard plant has lyre-shaped or whole leaves. The apical inflorescences consist of 5-9 small yellow flowers. The fruits are spherical seeds hidden in a bicuspid pod.

Appearance of the mustard plant

How and where does it grow

Mustard is considered to be the birthplace of Asia, although there are references to this spice in the works of the ancient Greeks and Romans. Nowadays, the plant is found on the territory of Holland, France, China, India, the countries of Central Asia, Egypt and Pakistan. In Russia, mustard is grown in the North Caucasus, the Volga region and Siberia. Look at the photo, how the mustard grows.

You learned what kind of seasoning mustard is. Consider what varieties of mustard are, how they differ.

Types of mustard

There are about 40 plant species from which the famous spice is obtained. The most common of them are black, white and Sarepta mustard. See how white mustard and black look in the photo.

Black or French mustard has a tart taste and a spicy aroma. Sauces are most often prepared from the seeds of this mustard.

White or English mustard is the mildest in taste, without a pronounced aroma. White mustard grains are 35% fatty oil, which is why they are often used to press mustard oil.

Sarepta or Russian mustard is the most spicy seasoning. It has a pronounced spicy taste and spicy aroma. The grains are 49% fatty oil, this type of mustard is used in the production of mustard oil.

Mustard is combined with other spices and herbs. As a result, many varieties of mustard-based sauces and spices are obtained. The most popular recipes are traditional English, sweet Bavarian, French Dijon and spicy Russian. You can get acquainted with the method of preparation in the article - Dijon mustard recipe.

How mustard is made

Mustard makes a delicious sauce

For the preparation of mustard, whole or ground seeds of the plant are used. They are mixed with sugar, salt, vegetable oil, water to obtain the consistency of the sauce. To enhance the taste and aroma, other spices and spices are added. Read more about cooking technology in the article - how to cook mustard at home.

Taste and smell of seasoning

Depending on the type of mustard grains, a milder or spicier sauce is obtained. For example, white mustard has the mildest taste and aroma, while black mustard, on the contrary, has the most pronounced pungent taste and spicy smell.

The use of mustard in cooking

Mustard is used as an independent sauce or combined with other ingredients. For example, it is added to Provencal mayonnaise to give it a piquant touch.

What dishes are added

Mustard is used to prepare meat and poultry dishes. Mustard sauce forms a crisp on the surface of the meat, leaving it juicy and soft inside. Mustard is added to the marinade for preservation.

White mustard with a milder taste is added to vegetable dishes. It is used as a dressing for salads.

What spices goes with

Mustard is combined with coriander, red and black pepper, garlic, nutmeg, cloves and cinnamon. This spice can be found in the composition of ready-made seasonings, for example, curry, sambaar podi and panchporan.

You learned that mustard is a seasoning, and what dishes it is added to. We will tell you how to choose and store spices.

How to choose mustard

When buying mustard seeds, pay attention to their appearance. They should be uniform in color, without spots. The grains should be approximately the same size. When pressed, they should not crumble.

If you buy mustard in the form of a sauce, then choose the product in a glass container, not in a tube. This will give you an idea of ​​the color and consistency of the sauce. If a dark coating and oil stains are visible on the surface, this indicates that the product is spoiled. White mustard sauce is light brown in color, black mustard sauce is dark.

Pay attention to the composition. It should not contain extraneous additives in the form of starch, flavor enhancers, emulsifiers and preservatives. The presence of citric acid (E330) and curcumin (E100) is allowed.

For more information about mustard, see the video:

How to store mustard

Mustard is stored in a tightly closed glass container in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding 10 degrees. The finished sauce retains its beneficial properties for 45 days.


Contraindications to the use of mustard:

  • inflammation of the kidneys;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • exacerbation of gastric diseases (gastritis, ulcer);
  • tuberculosis;
  • individual intolerance;
  • children's age up to 2 years.

Mustard should not be used externally for skin diseases, irritation and itching. When using mustard plasters, strictly follow the recommendations for the time of the procedure in order to prevent skin burns.

What to remember

  1. Mustard has been used in cooking, folk medicine and cosmetology.
  2. Mustard has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.
  3. There are about 40 plant species from which mustard is obtained. The most common of them are black, white and Sarepta mustard.
  4. The spice enhances blood circulation and normalizes digestion.

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Mustard is known to man for its beneficial properties. It is often used in cooking to add spice and spiciness to food, in cosmetology as an ingredient for nourishing masks, and in the household for various household purposes.

Mankind has been using mustard for many millennia and, even after so much time, it is in great demand. For many nations, a mustard seed is not just the basis for obtaining a burning and fragrant seasoning, but it is also a metaphorical symbol that expresses great power, despite its small size.

Mustard, an annual herbaceous plant with small yellow flowers, is believed to have originated in Asia. At the end of flowering, a bicuspid fruit (pod) is tied, in which fragrant round seeds are arranged in one row. These are the same mustard seeds, from the pomace of which mustard powder is made. The content of fats in the composition of the seeds of this plant is about 35%, in connection with which mustard belongs to valuable oilseeds. In addition, the grains contain essential oils, nitrogenous and other compounds.

In cooking, the beneficial properties of mustard powder are due to the presence of a delicate taste and mustard aroma. From it, we all make the well-known table mustard, which is the most popular seasoning in the kitchen of Russian housewives. It captivates with its low price, availability and unforgettable taste.

Mustard powder, as, in general, mustard itself, is used mainly for preparing a variety of meat and fish dishes. Experienced cooks advise always adding this spice to fresh meat or minced meat if you are not sure that it will turn out soft. Just one teaspoon of mustard powder in a marinade for meat and a culinary masterpiece will forever be remembered by your guests, thanks to its unreal softness and wonderful aroma. The calorie content of mustard powder is 378 kcal per 100 grams.

Composition of mustard powder

Mustard contains 35-47% of high-quality mustard oil, which is used in cooking and the food industry, 0.5-1.7% of essential oils, which are used in the perfumery and cosmetic industry, nitrogenous substances, fiber, pectin, sinigrin glucoside, which decomposes into sugar, potassium sulphate and allyl mustard oil, which gives the mustard a sharp, burning taste and causes lacrimation.

The benefits of mustard powder

In medicine, the benefits of mustard powder have been appreciated for a long time. For example, does everyone remember how, as a child, my mother put mustard plasters on us? Yes, yes, those same mustard plasters, the burning of which was simply impossible to endure. But after some time, we gratefully looked into my mother's eyes, getting rid of a terrible cough. Possessing warming properties, mustard plasters (made from mustard powder) are indispensable for bronchitis, pneumonia and angina pectoris.

For household purposes, the use of mustard powder is difficult to overestimate, since it is able to wash even what the most fashionable and expensive dishwashing detergents cannot do.

Gradually, mustard wrapping comes into fashion, due to the fact that many women of fashion, not unreasonably, by the way, are convinced that it helps to cope with the “orange peel” effect. And masks using mustard powder improve blood circulation, remove oily sheen and even out complexion.

Harm of mustard powder

The harm of mustard powder can occur with individual intolerance, as well as in cases where you suffer from gastric diseases.

Calorie mustard powder 378 kcal

Energy value of the product Mustard powder (Proportion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates):

  • Proteins: 37.1 g (~148 kcal)
  • Fat: 11.1 g (~100 kcal)
  • Carbohydrates: 32.6 g (~130 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|g|y): 39%|26%|34%


One of the first places among the culinary seasonings in the arsenal of the hostess is mustard powder, the price of which is always several times lower than the finished product. Its market value does not exceed $2 per kilogram. In the retail trade network, perhaps, the indicator is higher. If this product is often used not only for culinary purposes, but also for household purposes, then it makes sense to purchase it in bulk.


Mustard powder at home is often added to marinades for meat and fish dishes. It gives them not only a delicate spicy taste and aroma, but also a delicate texture. For example, it is enough to add only 5 grams of powder to the barbecue marinade, and it will be difficult to find softer and melting meat in your mouth. The same goes for fish. Sprinkling fillet or steaks with a small amount of powder, you can be sure that after cooking the dish will be very tasty, juicy and with a delicate aroma.

Making mustard

On the shelves of stores today you can find all sorts of options for ready-made mustard, for every taste. However, making it yourself, firstly, is several times cheaper, and secondly, you can add any spices of your own free will and thus get the ideal option. Consider the recipe for mustard from mustard powder. It should be noted that it is finely ground, of a uniform consistency, without the presence of any impurities or husks. For complete certainty, it is better to sift the powder with a fine sieve. In order for mustard to please with its sharpness and aroma, you need to cook it in small portions, for each serving. Because the taste of seasoning deteriorates over time. So let's get started.

You should take one tablespoon of powder and pour the same amount of boiling water. Next, the mixture must be thoroughly rubbed to prevent the formation of lumps. When the consistency of the mass resembles a thick dough, you need to add another tablespoon of boiling water. Then the mixture is also thoroughly mixed. In this state, the workpiece should be left for about a quarter of an hour. During this time, excessive bitterness will evaporate from the mustard (due to the release of essential oils under the influence of temperature). After that, you can add one teaspoon of sugar without a slide, half as much salt, as well as vegetable oil. Vinegar 9% or lemon juice is introduced according to taste preferences. This stops the release of essential oils, and therefore reduces bitterness. Acid needs about one teaspoon. Then everything is finally mixed up.

If the mustard from mustard powder at first glance seems too liquid, you should not worry about this, since the next day the consistency will become thicker and denser due to the expansion of the powder particles. The finished seasoning can be diversified by introducing various spices into it. Among the additives that improve the taste of the product, honey, various spices, and beer are often used. You can also use whole grains, which will add piquancy to the finished product.


In order for mustard prepared from mustard powder not to lose its aroma and retain its taste, it must be stored in a glass or ceramic container, tightly closed. The jar should be kept in the refrigerator. Mustard cooked in large quantities can become tasteless or rancid after a while, so it is better to cook it in portions. Having determined the right consistency for yourself, you should also clearly note and write down your mustard powder recipe.

Mustard is known to man for its beneficial properties. It is often used in cooking to add spice and spiciness to food, in cosmetology as an ingredient for nourishing masks, and in the household for various household purposes.

Composition and properties

Mustard is an annual plant with small yellow inflorescences. She is believed to be from Asia. After flowering, the fruit is set. It is a pod, inside which the mustard seeds "line up" in one row. It is them that mankind has been using for many years now. Mustard powder is obtained by grinding the seed cake. This product is also valuable content of useful substances. Indeed, the seeds contain about 35% fats, essential oils, nitrogen compounds, and so on. Mustard powder is also not inferior in useful indicators. It contains more than 80% of proteins, about 20% of fats, while it is rich in magnesium, iron, potassium, B vitamins, E, PP and other minerals and trace elements. At the same time, the calorie content of the product is approximately 375 units per 100 grams.


One of the first places among the culinary seasonings in the arsenal of the hostess is mustard powder, the price of which is always several times lower than the finished product. Its market value does not exceed $2 per kilogram. In the retail trade network, perhaps, the indicator is higher. If this product is often used not only for culinary purposes, but also for household purposes, then it makes sense to purchase it in bulk.


Mustard powder at home is often added to marinades for meat and fish dishes. It gives them not only a delicate spicy taste and aroma, but also a delicate texture. For example, it is enough to add only 5 grams of powder to the barbecue marinade, and it will be difficult to find softer and melting meat in your mouth. The same goes for fish. Sprinkling fillet or steaks with a small amount of powder, you can be sure that after cooking the dish will be very tasty, juicy and with a delicate aroma.

Making mustard

On the shelves of stores today you can find all sorts of options for ready-made mustard, for every taste. However, making it yourself, firstly, is several times cheaper, and secondly, you can add any spices of your own free will and thus get the ideal option. Consider the recipe for mustard from mustard powder. It should be noted that it is finely ground, of a uniform consistency, without the presence of any impurities or husks. For complete certainty, it is better to sift the powder with a fine sieve. In order for mustard to please with its sharpness and aroma, you need to cook it in small portions, for each serving. Because the taste of seasoning deteriorates over time. So let's get started.

You should take one tablespoon of powder and pour the same amount of boiling water. Next, the mixture must be thoroughly rubbed to prevent the formation of lumps. When the consistency of the mass resembles a thick dough, you need to add another tablespoon of boiling water. Then the mixture is also thoroughly mixed. In this state, the workpiece should be left for about a quarter of an hour. During this time, excessive bitterness will evaporate from the mustard (due to the release of essential oils under the influence of temperature). After that, you can add one teaspoon of sugar without a slide, half as much salt, as well as vegetable oil. Vinegar 9% or lemon juice is introduced according to taste preferences. This stops the release of essential oils, and therefore reduces bitterness. Acid needs about one teaspoon. Then everything is finally mixed up.

If the mustard from mustard powder at first glance seems too liquid, you should not worry about this, since the next day the consistency will become thicker and denser due to the expansion of the powder particles. The finished seasoning can be diversified by introducing various spices into it. Among the additives that improve the taste of the product, honey, various spices, and beer are often used. You can also use whole grains, which will add piquancy to the finished product.


In order for mustard prepared from mustard powder not to lose its aroma and retain its taste, it must be stored in a glass or ceramic container, tightly closed. The jar should be kept in the refrigerator. Mustard cooked in large quantities can become tasteless or rancid after a while, so it is better to cook it in portions. Having determined the right consistency for yourself, you should also clearly note and write down your mustard powder recipe.

Recipe two

There are several recommendations for preparing seasoning, following which you can achieve the perfect and balanced taste of a homemade product. Consider another recipe. As in the previous version, you will need a tablespoon of dry powder and the same amount of boiling water. After the first kneading, more hot water must be added. After 15 minutes, add salt, sugar and vegetable oil. Mix everything thoroughly. Next, for a piquant and spicy taste, you need to add the following spices as desired: on the tip of a knife, chopped clove inflorescences, grated cinnamon or coriander. An interesting option is oriental mustard. This seasoning has one additional ingredient - dry wine. This drink will give the sauce a rich taste. It is better to try this recipe on your own first, as it is somewhat different from the traditional and familiar to everyone.

Regarding the storage of mustard prepared in this way, there are also several secrets that help preserve the original taste and freshness of the product. If warm milk is added to the mustard powder at the time of re-kneading, then the mixture will not dry for a long time. The taste will be more delicate. And when added, sugar can be replaced with buckwheat honey. This will add strength to the taste and improve it overall.

The opinion of the hostesses

If we take into account all the useful properties and excellent taste of the seasoning, it becomes clear that mustard powder is indispensable in cooking. Reviews of hostesses who use it for home purposes speak exclusively in favor of this product. Of course, the first determining factor is the price of dry matter, which is several times lower than the cost of finished mustard. According to the reviews of culinary specialists, you can prepare an original sauce from the powder, taking into account your taste preferences, and most importantly, guess with the required amount.

After all, often store-bought mustard is left to dry in a jar. Self-cooking allows you to control the degree of spiciness, which is important for people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, but are unable to refuse this product. At home, you can quickly and easily prepare mustard, intended not only for serving, but also for adding to various marinades. With their help, you can reduce the time of impregnation of meat or fish, which greatly facilitates the process of preparing products for further processing.


Mustard powder is a universal and irreplaceable, and most importantly, a natural remedy in the kitchen. Indeed, on its basis, you can prepare a culinary supplement, marinade, face and body mask, and also apply it to clean kitchen utensils and surfaces. It's amazing how much you can get for so little money.

Why mustard has earned such popularity, because a jar with it can be found, perhaps, in every refrigerator? What is worth knowing about it?

How did mustard come about?

The history of mustard is impressive. Even in ancient Egypt and China, mustard seeds accompanied many meals. But the birthplace of mustard is Ancient Rome, and the famous ancient Roman artist, philosopher and writer Pliny the Elder is considered its creator. Apparently, he was the first to mix mustard powder with vinegar.
In ancient Rome, mustard was used not only in cooking, but also for medicinal purposes - to combat rheumatism, hypertension and to improve digestion.

Mustard production reached its peak a few hundred years later, in the Middle Ages. In France, even a special profession appeared - a seasoning specialist had to be at every royal or noble court. Mustard masters created their own community, whose patron was St. Vincent. Today, some types of mustard are produced by the descendants of the then professionals.

How is mustard made?

The main components of mustard seasoning are mustard seeds, water, vinegar, and spices. Different varieties of mustard, different degrees of grinding grains and a variety of seasonings - all this gives the spice an individual taste and color.

The main character of any mustard seasoning is the mustard plant. There are three main varieties. Mustard white has yellow or light beige seeds. Their taste is sweet at first, but gradually becomes more spicy. It is white mustard in the form of ground or whole grains that is most often used to produce a popular seasoning. black mustard smaller and sharper. Its dark seeds are one of the main spices in Indian cuisine. The third variety is Sarepta(she is gray-haired, she is Russian). After grinding, its grains begin to taste bitter, and after a few minutes - the oven.

The mustard production process has remained virtually unchanged for centuries.
First, mustard seeds are dried, ground, then mixed with vinegar, wine and spices. The mixture is heated and then cooled.

What kind of mustard is sold on the market?

The most popular types of mustard today are:

  • dining room (light, with a mild taste);
  • Sarepta (medium-sharp);
  • Russian (very spicy, made from black mustard),
  • French (grains are not crushed, mustard has a mild taste);
  • Bavarian (slightly spicy, with honey);
  • Dijon (rather spicy, made from white wine). This type of seasoning saw the light in 1752 in the French city of Dijon. It was created by a man named Jean Nizhon, who in the traditional recipe replaced vinegar with the sour juice of unripe grapes. The modern Dijon variety contains white wine. The developers did not register their mustard as a unique product, as a result of which any plant can produce it.

How about national variations?

For the production of seasoning, in addition to mustard seeds, vinegar, salt and pepper are usually used.

However, for example, in France, vinegar, as already mentioned, is often replaced with white wine, herbs, horseradish, honey and even juices are also added to it - it all depends on what taste they want to get. Today there is even chocolate mustard. This is certainly an unconventional combination. But the recipe is a great example of the fact that components that do not seem to fit together are perfectly combined.

In our area, table and Sarepta mustard is the most popular.- ground grains of this variety, filled with vinegar with the addition of salt, pepper and sugar.

In Chinese and English cuisine, mustard is used in powdered form. The seeds are carefully crushed and roasted so that they concentrate the sharp taste.

But in the United States a lot of honey and turmeric are added to the mustard. Such a sauce turns yellow and has been called American. The yellow mustard hot dog is perhaps the most distinctive American dish.

What is mustard capable of?

From the very beginning of its existence, mustard has been considered a spice that has medicinal value. Today it is known that she Helps lower blood pressure and stimulates the digestion of fats. It is also low in calories - it is not surprising that this product belongs to the so-called healthy food.

More often it is worth leaning on mustard for men. According to research by American scientists, mustard contributes to the growth of muscle mass during intense physical training. It also enhances potency, and all thanks to homobrassinolide, a substance contained in dry mustard. It increases appetite improves muscle mass and size of muscle fibers. Scientists hope that one day brassinosteroids will become an effective, natural and safe help to muscle mass lost due to disease or aging, and will be used to increase its strength.

However, mustard can also do a good job for the beautiful half of humanity. Seasoning or crushed plant grains are used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology. It is warming and stimulates hair follicles.
Therefore, on the basis of mustard, preparations that strengthen hair are produced.
Mustard oil, that is, the oil from the seeds of the plant, is also used in case of hair loss problems. Head massage with this product stimulates hair growth.