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Recipe: Uzbek "Kavardak" - at home. Recipe for chicken kavardak

Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not specified

Kavardak, a thick soup with meat and vegetables, belongs to Uzbek cuisine. A real Uzbek mess is cooked in a cauldron over an open fire. But in the absence of such conditions, you can cook a mess on the stove, and instead of a cauldron, use a saucepan with a thick bottom or a deep cast-iron pan. The main thing is that the dishes retain heat for a long time, and it is evenly distributed throughout the volume.
The soup is cooked so thick that it rather resembles a little broth in it, and vegetables and meat are cut into large pieces. Potatoes are necessarily added to the mess, they are taken in the same amount as meat. The remaining vegetables are placed arbitrarily, based on what is. Meat and vegetables are pre-fried in oil, and then brought to readiness in a small amount of broth. Of course, it is very tasty, and of course, it is high in calories. But after all, it’s not all the same to eat light soups; occasionally you can afford such a solid meal. Especially in the cold, when you really want something hot, warming, nutritious.

Soup "Kavardak" - recipe with photo


- beef or veal - 500 gr;
- potatoes - 600-700 gr;
- onions - 2 large onions;
- carrots - 1-2 pieces;
- sweet pepper - 1-2 pieces (fleshy, juicy);
- tomatoes - 3-4 pieces (or 2 tablespoons of tomatoes);
- salt - to taste;
- green cilantro (you can parsley) - a large bunch;
- black pepper or any spices for meat - to taste;
- sugar - 2-3 pinches (to taste);
- garlic - 2 cloves;
- water or broth - 2-3 cups.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Any meat can be added to the mess: veal, beef, lamb, pork and even poultry - chicken, turkey. In order for the meat to fry evenly and remain noticeable pieces in the finished dish, you need to cut it not very finely, into pieces of medium size.

Cut large onions in half, chop into half rings, not thinly. How to chop an onion 0.5-1 cm.

In a cauldron, cast iron pan or saucepan, heat vegetable oil. Put the meat, fry it over high heat for about 10 minutes until a red-brown crust. Add onion half rings, fry it with meat, salt and pepper.

Pour in a little water so that it only covers the meat by 2-3 cm. Cover with a lid, after boiling, turn the fire down to a quiet one and simmer for about 1 hour until soft.

When the meat becomes soft, boil the water. Cut the carrots into slices, send to the meat and lightly fry in fat.

Set aside one medium potato. The rest of the potatoes, cut into large pieces or slices, add to the meat along with coarsely chopped sweet peppers. Mix everything, fry vegetables until no liquid is added. Potatoes should be saturated with fat and flavor of meat.

Peel the reserved potato, grate it on a coarse grater. Add water or broth to the meat and potatoes, cover the vegetables to the top. Sprinkle grated potatoes. Mix, boil. Cover and simmer until potatoes are tender (about half an hour). Grated potatoes will boil during this time, give taste and density to the gravy.

In the finished dish, add coarsely chopped tomatoes and a little sugar for a richer taste. Stir, under the lid, simmer the soup for another 10-15 minutes until the tomato is soft. Turn off the heat, do not open the lid, let the soup rest and brew.

Thick, bright, tasty and very fragrant soup is ready! It is recommended to serve the mess not in plates, but in deep bowls. Arrange the pieces of meat with vegetables in portioned dishes, pour in a little broth, add grated garlic, finely chopped greens. If desired, you can season the soup with sour cream. Enjoy your meal!

Author Elena Litvinenko (Sangina)
We also invite you to take note

Kavardak from the Uzbek language is translated as - "mess, confusion." In a word, a mess consists of those vegetables that are found in your home.
This dish is very easy to prepare, no special skills are required, everything is elementary and simple, the main thing is to have all the ingredients necessary for this on hand. Dishes are very tasty and filling.

Cooking time - 2 hours
Quantity - 5 people

Step 1
You will need: sunflower oil, meat (beef or lamb), onions, carrots, potatoes, bell peppers (red or green), red tomatoes, a clove of garlic, bay leaf, mix spices (coriander, dry dill, ground red hot pepper), salt (to taste), water.

Step 2
Cut the meat into medium pieces.

Step 3
Then cut into medium pieces - onion, carrot and garlic.

We put the cauldron on a large fire, pour in oil, kalim, and as soon as smoke begins to go, reduce the gas to medium heat and throw in the meat, mix occasionally. Fry 5 min.

Step 6
Then add the onion and mix. Fry for 3 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Step 7
We throw carrots, mix. Fry for 3 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Step 8
Next, throw in the bell pepper, mix. Fry for 3 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Step 9
At the end, reduce the heat to a minimum and spread the potatoes on top. Then we cut the tomatoes into rings and also lay them out, pour chopped garlic, salt, spices, decorate with bay leaves. Pour water, close the lid of the cauldron and leave to simmer for 1 hour on a very low heat. After cooking, leave the dish to rest for 5 minutes before serving.

This dish came to our kitchens from Central Asia. There it is called kuurdak or kuardak. In Russian transcription, the word kavardak, consonant with it, but more understandable to our ears, has taken root. However, when preparing it, disorder is still not welcome.

This thick and hearty dish successfully replaces the soup and the second. The consistency of the mess resembles a stew. Russian cuisine knows its recipes for kavardak - according to the method of preparation, they resemble okroshka, but unlike it, they are served hot. We advise you to try making a mess. The recipes chosen for this article are not very complex. Even an inexperienced cook can carry them out.

Uzbek version

In Uzbekistan, kavardak is a dish made from offal of a young ram. The heart, liver, kidneys, lungs and tail fat must be fresh, freshly removed from the carcass. The kidneys must first be thoroughly soaked in several waters.

Fat tail fat should be melted in a cauldron, the heart, kidneys and lungs cut into small pieces and dipped in boiling fat. Chop two heads of onions and send there. Fry, stirring constantly. After 15 minutes, when the onion becomes invisible, chop the liver and put in a cauldron. Salt and sprinkle with a little ground pepper. Mix well. Pour one glass of boiling water into the cauldron. As soon as it boils, throw in the bay leaf. Reduce the fire to a minimum and then simmer for 10 minutes. Serve hot.

Since the dish is fatty, it will be very tasty and not too sugary if you serve crumbly rice as a side dish. Buckwheat porridge is no less good with such a mess. If there are no lamb giblets, do not despair! Take beef. You can also make a real mess out of them. The recipe in this case will be exactly the same. In Asia, the mess is even made from horsemeat. Fat tail fat will successfully replace unrefined vegetable oil.

Tondurma kuurdak

This "stew" of nomads can be considered a preparation for various soups and main courses. If you need to quickly prepare a dish of vegetables and meat, then tondurma kuurdyk will be an ideal basis for it. Tondurma kuurdyk is a kind of preservation that can be stored in a cold place for an arbitrarily long time and used in a variety of dishes as needed.

You need to take five kilograms of good, not very fatty meat. It is best if it is lamb. Melt two or three kilograms of fat tail fat, and remove the cracklings. For flavor, fry onion and garlic in the same fat. They also need to be taken out. Cut meat into small cubes and dip in fat. Salt and pepper. Simmer for about an hour. You can add boiling water from time to time, just a little. Transfer the finished meat with fat to jars and close tightly. Keep refrigerated.

Everyone likes a vegetable or cereal dish flavored with such a mess.

Russian variant

There are a great many Russian variants of the mess. In different areas, they will tell you how to make a mess of fresh or dried fish, millet porridge or rye crackers. In the Tambov region, a mess is a drink made from beer, honey and water.

The most popular is the meat and vegetable mess. Its recipe is simple. The dish consists of beef, potatoes, carrots, onions and your favorite seasonings. Beef must be cut very finely and fried over high heat. When it is browned, mix it with chopped onions and carrots. After five minutes, put the potatoes in the same pan. Pour in two or three cups of boiling water. As soon as the water boils, reduce the fire, salt and pepper the dish, add bay leaf and leave to stew until the potatoes are completely boiled, that is, for about an hour. It turns out very tasty, and most importantly, simple.

Kavardak with eggplant

The rich composition of this dish implies that the hostess has enough free time, so we recommend trying it on the weekend. Having prepared a mess with eggplants only once, you will forever fall in love with this original and mouth-watering dish.

In addition to meat (it is better to take lean pork), you will need potatoes, bell peppers, cabbage, carrots, onions, spicy greens and, of course, eggplant. Eggplant should be cut into pieces and pour salted boiling water. Then send them under the press to glass the water with bitterness. Cabbage also needs to be cut, put in a colander and immersed in boiling water for a few minutes. This will make it more tender and get rid of the unpleasant aftertaste.

The meat should be cut into pieces the size of a large gooseberry, put in a pan with a thick bottom and fry over high heat. Chop the onion and fry it along with the meat. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and send it to the same pan. Potatoes, eggplant and cabbage are also put into the meat. Pour in boiling water. Stir well, and as soon as it boils, salt, pepper, add cardamom grains and bay leaf. Leave the dish to stew until the meat and potatoes are completely softened. At the very end of cooking, put finely chopped bell pepper, crushed garlic and greens in a saucepan. Bring the dish to a boil and immediately turn off the heat under it. After 20 minutes, when the mess is saturated with the aromas of the last ingredients and cools down a bit, it can be served.

Kavardak with tomatoes

No less tasty is the chicken mess. The recipe for its preparation is not very complicated. It includes boneless chicken, pumpkin, tomatoes, onions, garlic, bell peppers, dill, parsley, cilantro and spices. A whole chicken carcass should be boiled until easy separation from the bones. Put salt, pepper and bay leaf into the broth. When the chicken is soft enough, remove it from the pan and strain the broth. Cut the meat with the skin into small pieces and set aside. Boil potatoes and pumpkin in chicken broth. Dip the tomatoes in boiling water, peel, mash and put into the broth. As soon as the potatoes and pumpkin are boiled, add chopped greens, garlic and bell pepper to them. Switch off immediately after boiling. Arrange the meat on plates, and carefully pour the thick chicken broth onto it along with the vegetables.

Sturgeon mess

Boil sturgeon in water with a little salt and pepper. Strain the broth. Cut the fish into small pieces, and boil the potatoes in the broth. When it becomes soft enough, it should be kneaded - the broth will become thick and uniform.

In a frying pan in vegetable oil, you need to fry the carrots and onions. At the very end, put a few tomatoes without skin and seeds there. Soak everything together for seven minutes.

When serving the dish on the table, put the pieces of fish in the plates, vegetable fry on them, and carefully pour the thick fish broth with potatoes on top.

Sturgeon is good and cold. It can be replaced with any other oily and low-boned fish.

Kavardak is a dish, something in between the first and second. The name speaks for itself, since it is prepared from seasonal vegetables that are at home, it doesn’t matter that it won’t get some ingredients from the list below or there will be something else, everything will be used in business ... (photo 1)

To prepare a mess - a dish of vegetables and meat, you will need: meat with a bone (lamb, beef ...) - 1 kg ... (photo 2)

onion - 2-3 pcs.

potatoes - 6-8 pcs.

tomato - 2-3 pcs.

carrots - 1-2 pcs.

Bulgarian pepper (red) - 2-3 pcs.

garlic - 1 head

vegetable oil - 3-4 tbsp.

greens - 1 bunch of spices (cilantro, zira, black and red pepper) - to taste salt - to taste

1. We thoroughly wash the meat and dry it with a napkin, clean the vegetables, remove the skin from the tomato by placing the tomato in boiling water for 1-2 minutes. Greens (dill, parsley) finely chopped

2. The 3rd photo looks like an approximate cut of meat and vegetables. The bulb is cut into 4-6 pieces. Carrots - large rings. Sweet pepper in large strips, the garlic is simply divided into slices, but since it is too large for me, I cut the slices into 3-4 parts. Cut the peeled tomato into cubes. The potato is medium in 2 parts, a small one is left as is, and if it is very large, then in 4 parts. The meat is cut into pieces the size of a quail egg.
3. photo 4 - It is desirable to use thick-walled dishes, in my case it is a cauldron. Our fire must be constantly strong. We heat the oil in a cauldron to a light haze and first of all throw in the meat with bones, stir constantly so that it browns faster, then add the rest of the meat and also fry until blush
4. photo 5 - Next, we throw in our coarsely chopped carrots and onions, continue to stir all the time for about five minutes.
5. photo 6 - As soon as you see that the onion is softened, you can add water to cover the contents, and bring to a boil. We reduce the fire to the very minimum, so that it barely gurgles and simmer for 30-40 minutes without covering with a lid.
6. photo 7 - After a while, you can try the meat - if soft, add our dry spices, you can throw black pepper with peas (for an amateur, or you can grind coarsely). Put coarsely chopped potatoes and push it to the depth of the cauldron, and also on the smallest fire, without covering with a lid, simmer for another 10 minutes. The potatoes should be slightly undercooked.

7. photo 8 - Now we throw peeled and chopped tomatoes, also on low heat, stirring constantly, wait until the tomatoes boil.

8. photo 9 - Next add chopped bell pepper and garlic. Salt to taste is better with coarse salt, mix well and cook for 5-7 minutes. Turn off the fire, you can throw our greens or use it already when serving the dish on the table, cover with a lid and let it brew without fire for another 5-7 minutes. Well, that's all our mess is ready, and you can set the table!

This dish came to our kitchens from Central Asia. There it is called kuurdak or kuardak. In Russian transcription, the word kavardak, consonant with it, but more understandable to our ears, has taken root. However, when preparing it, disorder is still not welcome.

This thick and hearty dish successfully replaces the soup and the second. The consistency of the mess resembles a stew. Russian cuisine knows its recipes for kavardak - according to the method of preparation, they resemble okroshka, but unlike it, they are served hot. We advise you to try making a mess. The recipes chosen for this article are not very complex. Even an inexperienced cook can carry them out.

In Uzbekistan, kavardak is a dish made from offal of a young ram. The heart, liver, kidneys, lungs and tail fat must be fresh, freshly removed from the carcass. The kidneys must first be thoroughly soaked in several waters.

Fat tail fat should be melted in a cauldron, the heart, kidneys and lungs cut into small pieces and dipped in boiling fat. Chop two heads of onions and send there. Fry, stirring constantly. After 15 minutes, when the onion becomes invisible, chop the liver and put in a cauldron. Salt and sprinkle with a little ground pepper. Mix well. Pour one glass of boiling water into the cauldron. As soon as it boils, throw in the bay leaf. Reduce the fire to a minimum and then simmer for 10 minutes. Serve hot.

Since the dish is fatty, it will be very tasty and not too sugary if you serve crumbly rice as a side dish. Buckwheat porridge is no less good with such a mess. If there are no lamb giblets, do not despair! Take beef. You can also make a real mess out of them. The recipe in this case will be exactly the same. In Asia, the mess is even made from horsemeat. Fat tail fat will successfully replace unrefined vegetable oil.

Tondurma kuurdak

This “stew” of nomads can be considered a preparation for various soups and main courses. If you need to quickly prepare a dish of vegetables and meat, then tondurma kuurdyk will be an ideal basis for it. Tondurma kuurdyk is a kind of preservation that can be stored in a cold place for an arbitrarily long time and used in a variety of dishes as needed.

You need to take five kilograms of good, not very fatty meat. It is best if it is lamb. Melt two or three kilograms of fat tail fat, and remove the cracklings. For flavor, fry onion and garlic in the same fat. They also need to be taken out. Cut meat into small cubes and dip in fat. Salt and pepper. Simmer for about an hour. You can add boiling water from time to time, just a little. Transfer the finished meat with fat to jars and close tightly. Keep refrigerated.

Everyone likes a vegetable or cereal dish flavored with such a mess.

Russian variant

There are a great many Russian variants of the mess. In different areas, they will tell you how to make a mess of fresh or dried fish, millet porridge or rye crackers. In the Tambov region, a mess is a drink made from beer, honey and water.

The most popular is the meat and vegetable mess. Its recipe is simple. The dish consists of beef, potatoes, carrots, onions and your favorite seasonings. Beef must be cut very finely and fried over high heat. When it is browned, mix it with chopped onions and carrots. After five minutes, put the potatoes in the same pan. Pour in two or three cups of boiling water. As soon as the water boils, reduce the fire, salt and pepper the dish, add bay leaf and leave to stew until the potatoes are completely boiled, that is, for about an hour. It turns out very tasty, and most importantly, simple.

Kavardak with eggplant

The rich composition of this dish implies that the hostess has enough free time, so we recommend trying it on the weekend. Having prepared a mess with eggplants only once, you will forever fall in love with this original and mouth-watering dish.

In addition to meat (it is better to take lean pork), you will need potatoes, bell peppers, cabbage, carrots, onions, spicy greens and, of course, eggplant. Eggplant should be cut into pieces and pour salted boiling water. Then send them under the press to glass the water with bitterness. Cabbage also needs to be cut, put in a colander and immersed in boiling water for a few minutes. This will make it more tender and get rid of the unpleasant aftertaste.

The meat should be cut into pieces the size of a large gooseberry, put in a pan with a thick bottom and fry over high heat. Chop the onion and fry it along with the meat. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and send it to the same pan. Potatoes, eggplant and cabbage are also put into the meat. Pour in boiling water. Stir well, and as soon as it boils, salt, pepper, add cardamom grains and bay leaf. Leave the dish to stew until the meat and potatoes are completely softened. At the very end of cooking, put finely chopped bell pepper, crushed garlic and greens in a saucepan. Bring the dish to a boil and immediately turn off the heat under it. After 20 minutes, when the mess is saturated with the aromas of the last ingredients and cools down a bit, it can be served.

Kavardak with tomatoes

No less tasty is the chicken mess. The recipe for its preparation is not very complicated. It includes boneless chicken, pumpkin, tomatoes, onions, garlic, bell peppers, dill, parsley, cilantro and spices. A whole chicken carcass should be boiled until easy separation from the bones. Put salt, pepper and bay leaf into the broth. When the chicken is soft enough, remove it from the pan and strain the broth. Cut the meat with the skin into small pieces and set aside. Boil potatoes and pumpkin in chicken broth. Dip the tomatoes in boiling water, peel, mash and put into the broth. As soon as the potatoes and pumpkin are boiled, add chopped greens, garlic and bell pepper to them. Switch off immediately after boiling. Arrange the meat on plates, and carefully pour the thick chicken broth onto it along with the vegetables.

Sturgeon mess

Boil sturgeon in water with a little salt and pepper. Strain the broth. Cut the fish into small pieces, and boil the potatoes in the broth. When it becomes soft enough, it should be kneaded - the broth will become thick and uniform.

In a frying pan in vegetable oil, you need to fry the carrots and onions. At the very end, put a few tomatoes without skin and seeds there. Soak everything together for seven minutes.

When serving the dish on the table, put the pieces of fish in the plates, vegetable fry on them, and carefully pour the thick fish broth with potatoes on top.

Sturgeon is good and cold. It can be replaced with any other oily and low-boned fish.