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How long to cook frozen squid. How and how long to cook squid so that they are not tough and tasteless

Seafood is not in vain considered one of the most useful products for our health. They are rich in proteins, trace elements (iodine, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus), vitamins Bi, Br, Bia, PP and C, and also contain extractives that promote the secretion of gastric juice.

Squid is a quite affordable product that is not inferior in nutritional value to the most expensive inhabitants of the deep sea. Squid meat has a peculiar taste, reminiscent of the taste of a lobster. Squid dishes are easy to digest, appetizing and extremely easy to prepare. The most popular dishes are salads, hot appetizers, zrazy, kupaty, as well as squid stuffed with various fillings. Squid meat can be used as an independent dish, sprinkled with lemon juice and olive oil. But here a natural question arises - how to cook squid so that this delicacy does not lose its tenderness and taste?

Calamari for salad

How to cook squid for salad? In principle, for squid salad, you can not cook at all - raw, peeled carcasses are sprinkled with vinegar and in this form they are ready for consumption.

If, nevertheless, you decide to boil the squid, then you can pre-cut it into strips or rings and cook it already chopped. But this method is rather uneconomical, and it is better to cook whole carcasses for a minute and a half.

For salads, culinary specialists often offer this method: pour prepared carcasses with boiling water and leave for ten minutes. This is quite enough. If in doubt, you can simply scald the squid with boiling water. In a word, how to cook squid - each housewife has the right to determine for herself.

And yet, how to cook squid?

Before cooking, squids need to be prepared. They are sold frozen. It is better to defrost squids in the open air, not in water. Then they must be cleaned, as the film covering the fillet will spoil the taste of the dish. The cleaning technology is quite simple:

  • Press the carcass with one hand to the cutting board, and with the other pry the skin with your fingernail, it is removed with a stocking.
  • Now you need to remove the skin from the wings of the squid.
  • Take out the insides and chitin plates.
  • Rinse the carcass inside and out with running cold water.

And now, in fact, you can start cooking.

In no case should squid be overcooked, as the meat becomes tough, significantly reduced in size and loses its taste.

To keep squid meat juicy and tender, you need to know how to cook squid properly:

  • Method number 1. Boil a liter of water, adding peppercorns, bay leaf and salt to it. Lower the squid carcass into boiling water, close the pan with a lid and remove it from the heat. Ten minutes later, the squid is ready.
  • Method number 2. Lower the carcass into boiling water with spices, count to ten and quickly remove it with a slotted spoon, then do the same with the next carcasses.
  • Method number 3. For one kilogram of squid, you need to boil two liters of salted water. Put the carcasses, wait for the boil, after half a minute remove the pan from the stove and leave the carcasses in the water for another five minutes.
  • Method number 4. As soon as the water with the added spices boils, lower the squid, immerse it whole with a slotted spoon and take it out after five seconds, wait for it to boil and immerse it again for another five seconds.

You can put any spices: peppercorns, cloves, dill, parsley.

How long to cook squid?

The cooking time of squid can be determined by eye: as soon as the meat turns white, it is ready. A special nuance in the preparation of squid, which is worth knowing about - after half an hour of cooking, the meat will become soft again, only it will lose almost half in weight.

Therefore, it is better to use the above methods and not take into account the tips for cooking squid, which indicate a time of three to five minutes. The maximum cooking time for squid is up to one and a half minutes.

How to cook squid for salad step by step video recipe

We have also prepared a video for you to fully understand the step-by-step cooking process.

Delicious and healthy seafood, rich in valuable proteins and important trace elements, was served at grandiose feasts in ancient Greece. Then the "winged fish" was considered an amazing delicacy, and it remains the same today. Squid have high nutritional value and low calorie content, so carcasses and tentacles are often used as an ingredient in salads, pasta, risotto, stews, ravioli and other goodies. But also often a dietary mollusk is the basis for another culinary delight: squids are stuffed, baked in vegetables and herbs, grilled or deep-fried, and even marinated “for a snack”. This amazing seafood is full of amazing qualities and has only one drawback: in the process of bringing the squid to readiness, it is easy to overcook in boiling water or steam, which makes it tough and tasteless. At the risk of refuting advice on long-term digestion of mollusks from old cookbooks, we will still tell you:

  • how long to cook the peeled squid so that it is soft and tender;
  • how to choose a quality product before buying;
  • how to process unpeeled seafood;
  • how to cook frozen squid for salad so that they do not lose their delicate natural taste;

Read tips, tricks, secrets and step-by-step recipes in today's article!

How to choose the right squid carcasses to cook, fry or bake

The first thing to think about before cooking squid is the choice of a quality product. Since fresh clams are sold exclusively in specialized seafood stores or in departments of large urban supermarkets, you often have to be content with frozen ones. Both of them are great for preparing delicious dishes, if properly selected. How to choose the right squid carcasses to cook, fry or bake, we will tell you in more detail!

Rules for choosing squid for cooking at home

  • Unpeeled squid can be gray, pinkish, lilac, spotted or speckled. But, nevertheless, the taste of the product does not depend on the color of the upper skin;
  • From fresh seafood, it is better to choose small specimens with a natural smell and whole skins. Cloudy eyes or a sharp stench are a sign of staleness;
  • Before buying a fresh squid, you should lightly touch it with your fingers. If the skin is sticky, the product has overdue its expiration date;
  • Frozen squid fillet should be white or slightly greyish. The yellow color of the mollusk indicates poor quality, long storage or violation of freezing conditions;
  • When choosing frozen squid carcasses for boiling, frying or baking, see if they were stored correctly. If the parts of the mollusk (tentacles, carcasses, rings) stuck together, the product was most likely thawed, which is a gross violation of temperature conditions. It is better to buy separately frozen fillet, not covered with a thick layer of “glaze”.

How to prepare fresh unpeeled squid to cook properly

Having bought even selected squids, you can spoil them in a matter of minutes by improper pre-treatment. They cut it off, torn it off in the wrong place, threw away the wrong parts - and that’s it: the seafood lost all its valuable properties and turned into solid minced fish. It's time to learn how to prepare fresh unpeeled squid to cook properly.

Step by step preparation of fresh unpeeled squid before cooking

  1. Rinse fresh squids thoroughly in cold running water.
  2. With one hand, grasp the head of the mollusk between the eyes, with the other, grasp the carcass. Carefully remove the head with tentacles and entrails from the "mantle".
  3. Cut off the tentacle part just below the squid's eye level. Take out the silver bag with black ink, it can be useful for coloring dough, rice and other dishes. Drain the ink into a small glass container.
  4. Find a hard beak at the place where the tentacles are attached and gently push it out. Throw away this unnecessary part.
  5. Get to the fins. The "wings" of the squid can be carefully trimmed with a sharp knife or simply pulled off with your hands.
  6. From the inside of the carcass, take out a long transparent ridge - a chord. Feel the fillet so that there are no hard parts left.
  7. Run the blunt side of the knife from the tail to the wide end to squeeze out any remaining innards.
  8. Pour boiling water over the fins and carcass, then lower it into cold water. After that, it will be easier to remove the dark skin from all parts.
  9. Now you can rinse fresh, prepared and properly cleaned squid meat, cut and boil.

How long to cook squids after boiling water so that they are not hard

Squid is pure protein! Like other protein foods, shellfish meat quickly becomes dry and tough during heat treatment. Long cooking can turn the most tender fillet into a rubber sole. But not everything is so clear. According to the assurances of experienced chefs, the squid, after 4 minutes of boiling, noticeably hardens and decreases in size, but after 25 minutes it softens and increases again. Owners of a large limit of free time can check the fact for accuracy. Others are advised not to go to extremes. How long to cook squids after boiling water, so that they are not hard, read in the basic recipe.

Necessary ingredients for classic squid cooking

  • squid carcasses, peeled - 500 g
  • drinking water - 1 l
  • salt - 1 tsp

Step-by-step instructions on how to cook squid so that they are not tough

  1. In a deep saucepan, collect 1 liter of clean drinking water, add table salt. Set the pot on the fire and bring the water to a boil.
  2. Place pre-cleaned and fully prepared squid carcasses in boiling water for 1.5 - 2.5 minutes.
  3. After the allotted time, carefully catch the seafood with a slotted spoon or discard it in a colander.

How long to cook squid fillet until steamed

The most common problem associated with improper cooking of seafood is the complete loss of flavor and aroma. Choosing squids as one of the main ingredients of the salad, we rely on their delicate taste and delicate texture, and as a result we get rubber rings that have nothing to do with the delicacy. Such incidents can be avoided by learning in advance how to cook peeled squid for salad so that they are not tasteless.

Necessary ingredients for cooking delicious squid in a salad

  • peeled squid carcasses - 500 g
  • drinking water - 1.3 l
  • juice of half a lemon
  • table salt - 1 tsp
  • dried thyme - 0.5 tsp

Step-by-step instructions on how to cook delicious squid for salad

  1. In 1-1.5 liters of clean drinking water, add the juice of half a lemon, fine salt and your favorite spices (thyme, coriander, bay leaf, allspice).
  2. Place a saucepan of liquid on the stove and bring the marinade to a boil.
  3. Dip the cleaned and washed squid carcasses in boiling water and boil for 3-4 minutes, stirring occasionally. During this period, the seafood for the salad will boil, will be more or less dense, but not tasteless.
  4. After 4 minutes, remove the clam fillets to a plate and cool completely before slicing into a dish. Such peeled and well-cooked squids will never be tasteless in a salad.

How to cook frozen squid for salad without defrosting

Even a strictly limited time for preparing lunch or dinner is not a reason to refuse frozen seafood. We know how to cook frozen squid for salad without first defrosting. And we are happy to share the secret with you.

Necessary ingredients for cooking frozen squid in a salad without defrosting

  • frozen squid - 700 g
  • water - 2.5 l
  • salt - 2 tsp
  • vinegar - 2 tbsp.
  • spices to taste

Step-by-step instructions for cooking frozen squid on a salad without first defrosting

  1. Remove the squid carcasses from the freezer and arrange in a single layer in the sink.
  2. Boil 2.5 liters of water with salt, vinegar and spices.
  3. Pour some of the boiling water over the frozen carcasses. Then flip the squid to the other side and pour again so that half of the "marinade" remains in the pan.
  4. Place the bowl back on the burner, and in the meantime peel the seafood from the skin and thin ridge.
  5. Put the finished fillet in a saucepan with spicy water and boil for 2-3 minutes.
  6. Take out the finished product with a slotted spoon. In this universal way, you can quickly cook any amount of frozen squid for salad without first defrosting.

How to cook frozen squid so that they are soft after cooking

Squid is a versatile ingredient for a variety of dishes. Separate parts of seafood (fillet rings, fins or tentacles) are boiled for salad, fried as a side dish with vegetables or rice, baked in spices with a delicious filling, or cooked in breading in boiling oil. Since the soft, refined mollusk has a huge amount of nutrients, it is better to defrost frozen squids in a natural way before cooking. So the pulp will retain vitamins and minerals, and the structure will remain intact.

Necessary ingredients for cooking soft squid after a long freeze

  • frozen squid rings - 700 g
  • water - 2 l
  • salt - 1.5 tsp
  • lemon juice - 2 tablespoons
  • dill greens - 3-4 sprigs

Step-by-step instructions on how to cook frozen squid so that they are soft

  1. Transfer the frozen squid rings from the freezer compartment to the refrigerator. Leave for a few hours to thaw.
  2. Boil 2-2.5 liters of water with salt and lemon juice in a wide saucepan.
  3. Send dill sprigs to boiling liquid for 10-15 seconds. Then scoop them out with a slotted spoon and discard.
  4. Drain the liquid from the seafood and place the rings in boiling water. Keep the pot on the heat for another 45-60 seconds and discard the contents in a colander.
  5. Now you know how to cook frozen squids so that they are soft after cooking. Rings need 1 m of cooking, small pieces - 30 s, carcasses - 2-3 m.

How to cook squid tentacles with vegetables and spices

Regardless of the composition of the dish, during its preparation, squids are placed in the pan last. Prolonged processing harms both the taste, the structure of the fibers, and the useful composition of the product. But unlike carcasses or fins, squid tentacles are denser, so you can cook them with vegetables and spices for longer than 3-5 minutes. Take our following video recipe as an example: watch how to cook squid tentacles with vegetables and spices in your home kitchen.

How to boil squid rings in milk: a step by step recipe

It turns out that squid rings can be boiled not only in water or broth, but also in milk, as in our next step-by-step recipe. This makes seafood even more tender and delicate, with a delicate aroma of spices and a slight aftertaste of vegetables.

Necessary ingredients for boiled squid in milk with vegetables

  • fresh squid - 300 g
  • milk - 1 tbsp.
  • bulb bulb - 1 pc.
  • carrot - 1 pc.
  • honey - 1 tsp
  • salt - to taste
  • ground and allspice

Step by step preparation of squid rings boiled in milk with vegetables and spices

  1. Soak fresh squid rings in boiling water for 1 minute.
  2. Boil grated carrots and diced onions in a saucepan with milk.
  3. Put the squid rings into the vegetable base, add honey, salt and a mixture of peppers.
  4. Simmer everything together under the lid for 4-5 minutes.
  5. In this simple way, you can quickly boil squid rings in milk (a step-by-step recipe is suitable for any part of the mollusk).

How to cook squid for stuffing so that they are tender

Stuffed squid is one of the most popular options for preparing this shellfish. Therefore, we recommend that you learn how to cook squid for stuffing so that they are tender - and feel free to experiment with fillings and sauces.

Necessary ingredients for cooking squid for stuffing

  • squid carcasses - 6 pcs.
  • drinking water - 2 liters.
  • salt - 0.5 tsp
  • vinegar - 3 tbsp.

Step-by-step instructions on how to cook soft and tender squid for stuffing

  1. Boil water with salt in a wide saucepan.
  2. Add 3 tbsp to boiling water. table vinegar.
  3. Dip the cleaned and washed squid carcasses into the boiling solution and turn off the burner. Soak the fillet in the liquid for 3-5 minutes and drain in a colander.
  4. Such squids for further stuffing will be quite boiled, tasty and tender in structure.

Each national cuisine knows its secrets of cooking fresh and frozen squid (rings, fins, tentacles and whole carcasses). But there are fundamental rules that are the same for everyone: unpeeled seafood must be cleaned, shellfish cannot be digested - they will become tough, do not forget about spices - squid will be tasteless. In our article today, you read how much time and how to cook squid correctly so that they are soft and tender. It remains to translate the acquired knowledge into salads and other delicious recipes.

Properly cooked clams should be white with a slight pink color, have tender and juicy soft meat, and excite the appetite with a subtle and clean seafood aroma. In this case, the benefits of this seafood will be maximum, and there are a lot of them - vitamins, a unique protein, a minimum of calories with a high nutritional value.

How to choose and prepare squids?

The best product is freshly caught. But for those who are very far from the ocean, it is almost impossible to find this delicacy of the first freshness.

In stores and supermarkets, it is offered frozen, which is also ideal for making salads.

The main thing is to know how to choose a quality product. There are certain rules:

  • you need to buy shellfish only in large supermarkets. Buying them in dubious stores is undesirable. Such outlets, as a rule, do not comply with the norms for the storage of a frozen product;
  • high quality seafood white color of meat, sometimes pink or slightly with a purple tint. The yellowness of the carcass speaks of its depravity and poor quality;
  • a good frozen clam cannot be one ice pile, carcasses should be easy to separate from one another. Otherwise, this suggests that the squids were thawed and re-frozen several times, which in the future will have a very bad effect on the taste of the product;
  • on shellfish there should not be a thick ice coating (icing), if any, this indicates the dishonesty of the seller. By purchasing this product and defrosting it, you will end up with much less weight than stated on the package. A person simply overpays for ordinary water;
  • high quality seafood rather elastic carcass and easily restore their original shape when they are compressed. If the clam is soft or jelly-like, it will not be possible to prepare a delicious salad from such a delicacy.

Frozen carcasses are thawed immediately before cooking.

It is best to let the squid thaw on its own.

To do this, it is pulled out of the freezer and placed on the shelf of the refrigerator.

You can speed up the defrosting process by leaving the seafood to thaw at room temperature.

It happens that the time for preparing a salad is short, and the frozen product needs to be used as soon as possible.

What to do in this situation? The main rule is not to lower frozen carcasses or rings into boiling water, otherwise there is a high risk of getting tough and tasteless meat. For quick defrosting, it will be correct to put the frozen carcasses of the mollusk in a container of water at room temperature. So they will thaw much faster.

The product is thawed, which means you can start cleaning it. Squid must be placed in a saucepan, pour boiling water for a few seconds. After boiling water, drain, rinse the carcasses under running cold water and remove the film from them with your hands. Be sure to check the clam inside for the presence of spinal plates. These innards look like transparent strips of plastic, they need to be pulled out.

How to cook squid for salad?

Inexperienced housewives, not knowing exactly how much to cook squid for salad in time, try to keep the delicacy in the pan longer. It is a mistake to assume that shellfish meat will be better boiled, tender and soft in taste. This is a special product, not meat or vegetables, prolonged cooking, stewing, frying only worsen its taste, making it hard.

fresh squid

After cleaning, fresh carcasses must be thoroughly rinsed again under cold water, and then put in boiling water for 2 minutes.

This time is enough for the clam meat to cook, but remain tender and juicy.

After the boiled squids have cooled, they can be cut for salad.

Important! Water for cooking a delicacy is taken exactly in such an amount that it only covers the carcasses a little, it is undesirable to fill the pan with water to the top!

By the way, the question of in what water to cook squid for salad is also important. True gourmets believe that water should be only slightly salted, without spices and additives. And even more so without lemon juice, sauces. So the mollusk will give the maximum of its natural pure taste.

But many people want to improve the taste of the product; during the cooking process, various spices are added to the pan: allspice or black peas, dried or fresh herbs. The spicy taste of seafood can be obtained by throwing squid, orange or lemon zest into the water in which squids are boiled.

Frozen squid

If frozen carcasses have already been purchased cleaned, their color is white.

Before cooking, the fillet is defrosted, washed under running water and placed in a pot of boiling water.

Cooked just like fresh no more than 2 minutes.

Unpeeled frozen squid have a pink or purple skin tone.

Before boiling such carcasses, they should be thawed using the above methods, cleaned and dipped in boiling water for a couple of minutes.

You can cook squid in another way. To do this, boil water in a saucepan, put defrosted or freshly peeled mollusk carcasses in another container and pour boiling water over them. Then the squid container is covered with a lid for several minutes, the finished delicacy is taken out and cooled for further processing.

How to cook squid rings for salad

Often in stores you can buy semi-finished products in the form of rings - these are just perfect to cook.

For a salad, it is better to take whole carcasses, but rings can also be properly prepared and boiled.

Frozen rings must be subjected to the same defrosting step as whole squids, that is, left to thaw at room temperature or dipped in warm water.

How much do you need to cook squid for salad and why?

The main rule and the only answer to the question about the duration of cooking is that you need to cook the clams for no more than 2 minutes, then its meat will be soft and juicy, and the salad will turn out to be unusually tasty. If the seafood is overexposed in boiling water, the meat will become dark, hard, rubbery and unpleasant in taste.

If this trouble occurs, the situation can be saved by leaving the squid to cook for another 30 minutes. However, this method of cooking has some disadvantages:

  1. clam meat will become softer, but will significantly lose its original volume;
  2. the beneficial substances contained in the mollusk will simply boil out;
  3. The squid will not taste as tender and juicy as if it had been cooked the right way.

Rules for storing boiled squid

Boiled mollusk carcasses are stored in a plastic container with a lid for no more than 2 days.

After this period of time, they can deteriorate and if eaten, serious poisoning is possible.

Boiled carcasses can be stored in the freezer, but when they are subsequently used in salads, the mollusk will not be so tender and tasty.

Squid must be boiled immediately before eating, only then you can fully enjoy its great taste and tenderness in the cooked dish.

Useful video

Briefly about cooking squid for salad in this video:

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Cooking your favorite seafood is a simple matter, but only if you know the cooking sequence and the exact time. How and how much to cook squid for salads and sushi so that they are soft and do not spoil the dishes? Several cooking methods are known. The choice depends on the condition of the clams, in what form you purchased them - frozen or not, peeled, or requiring additional preparation before cooking.

The carcass and tentacles are considered edible at seafood. The carcass can be boiled as a whole, but sometimes the hostess prepares squid for salad, after cutting it into rings.

In the preparation of the sea octopus, it is important to strictly observe the cooking time. It is necessary to properly defrost and clean the squid carcass. I propose to get acquainted with all the subtleties of the process. And I will answer all the questions that arise from inexperienced housewives.

How to cook squid properly

To make the squid soft, the main thing is not to overcook the squid, otherwise you will get a little edible rubber product that is not suitable for salad.

How much to cook frozen squid

Cooking clams without defrosting is not the best option. If, in addition, they are not cleaned of the insides, then this cannot be done - spoil the product.

  1. Dip the carcasses in boiling water and cook for a minute.
  2. Turn off the gas and hold in the water for an additional 3-4 minutes.

Cooking thawed squid

Ideally, it is advisable to cook the clams in small portions, so you can control the process and not overcook.

  • Dip the carcasses in boiling water, adding a minimum of spices - parsley, salt and peppercorns.
  • Count to 10 and pull out. The carcass should turn white. Then lay down the next batch.

Or cook in the following way: drop into boiling water, cook after boiling for 30 seconds and turn off the burner. Leave the carcasses to infuse for 10 minutes.

Attention! If you missed and overcooked squid, do not panic - continue to cook. Seafood is endowed with an interesting feature: after 30-40 minutes they will become soft again.

How to cook giant squid

The cuttlefish is a giant squid with thick sides. Many people prefer to cook salads with this representative of the marine world. When cooked soft, it is great for making sushi and salads. Although many complain that giant squid have a specific smell.

  • Defrost the carcass, cut into smaller pieces. Dip in boiling water and after boiling, cook for 2-3 minutes.

How many rings and tentacles are boiled

How squids are boiled in kitchen gadgets

Modern housewives often use kitchen gadgets to cook seafood for salad. Cooking time depends on the choice of assistant.

  • In a double boiler - 5 minutes.
  • Multicooker - 2 minutes.
  • Microwave - 1 minute on maximum mode.
  • Pressure cooker - a minute.

Squid sampling rules

Do not want to spoil the dish with a stale product, learn how to choose seafood.

With proper freezing and storage, the exterior of the carcass has a pinkish color with a brown or purple tint. The pulp is dense, white inside.

I advise you to buy frozen and unpeeled clams, they have more benefits. If there is a lot of ice or liquid in the package, the carcasses are frozen, do not take it, as you risk running into a product with repeated freezing.

How to properly clean squid

The first question that arises most often is how and when to clean squid carcasses, before or after cooking. Is it possible to clean them already boiled, and in general - why remove the film?

As a rule, a seafood product is sold frozen and unpeeled. And this is a big plus, since there is a guarantee that the squids were frozen immediately after being caught, right on the ship or at a processing plant located on the seashore. On sale there are shellfish ready for cooking - peeled. In this case, it is highly likely that the product has been thawed at least once. Therefore, unpeeled carcasses are considered to be of better quality and healthier.

Why film a squid

During the cooking process, due to exposure to high temperatures, the film becomes especially hard, which will affect the quality of the dish. In addition, a salad with unpeeled squid looks sloppy and not very appetizing.

How to prepare seafood for cooking

The first step in preparing for cooking is to defrost the squid. Do this by placing the carcasses in cold water, or placing them on a shelf in the refrigerator.

The next step is to remove the viscera and the chitinous plate.

Method number 1. Many prefer to free the shellfish from the skin after cooking. This can be done, but it is better and easier if you get rid of the film from fresh squid.

Method number 2.

Place the squid on a cutting board, press down with your fingers. Pick up the film, and remove it like a stocking with a decisive movement. Fast but smooth.

This method does not always allow you to successfully and completely remove the skin. If you need to clean the tentacles, it is completely useless. Residents of regions where seafood has long been eaten have found a solution to the problem. They use the action of a sharp temperature drop.

Method number 3.

  1. Dip the carcasses in hot water for about a minute. You will see that the skin has begun to "pull", quickly pull it out and move it to a bowl of cold water.
  2. The film will not come off on its own. Therefore, right in the water, help the seafood get rid of the unnecessary film.

Watch the video on how to quickly clean squid in just 30 seconds.

Good advice: if you want to make a delicious squid salad, do not overload it with products that have a pungent odor. It is also contraindicated to use a large amount of spices, since the mollusk intensively absorbs other people's flavors and loses its unique taste.

And one more rule: there should be more squid in the dish than other components. Follow the links and find out many recipes for squid salads:

Video with the secrets of the correct preparation of squid. A well-known culinary specialist knows exactly how much and how to cook squid for salad.

You can fry, but the first stage of their preparation plays a special role. These seafood must be cooked with great care. They reach readiness in 1-2 minutes, so it is very easy to digest them. Boiled squids do not change their structure during frying, but if they are cooked for too long, they will become very tough, and it will be difficult to eat them.

How to cook squid carcasses:

  • if squid carcasses are frozen, then they must be thawed;
  • before cooking, squids must be cleaned (the film can be easily removed if the carcasses are placed in boiling water for a few seconds);
  • the water must be brought to a boil and only after that put the squids in the pan;
  • squids will be ready in 1-2 minutes (you can’t leave seafood in hot water, the cooking process in this case will continue, and they will become hard);
  • add salt and spices at the moment of boiling liquid.

You can cook squid using a microwave, pressure cooker, slow cooker and double boiler. With the help of all these devices, they are cooked for the same time. The exception is the steamer. The cooking time of squid will increase slightly due to cooking not in a liquid, but by steaming. Before laying the squids in the bowls, they must be wiped with vegetable oil, sprinkled with lemon juice and, if desired, rubbed with spices.

The nuances of cooking squid:

  • it is necessary to cook squid rings in the same way as carcasses;
  • during the cooking process, squid meat should turn white;
  • if you put sticky squids in boiling water, they will burst during the cooking process;
  • you can’t fry fresh squid (without pre-cooking, seafood will be tough and may get a bitter aftertaste);
  • before cooking, squids can be marinated (for the marinade, you need to use a small amount of water, salt, lemon juice, and, if desired, also pepper, paprika and garlic);
  • squids absorb foreign smells and tastes well, so any spices should be added in a minimal amount;
  • if you try to cook squids with signs of improper storage (excessive ice, damaged skin, etc.), then after cooking they can become bitter.

For those who do not have the experience of cooking squid, there is a special way, thanks to which it is impossible to digest squid. Boil water in a saucepan, first add the required amount of salt and spices. Then the liquid is brought to a boil and squids are laid out in it. Immediately after this (without waiting time), the pan must be removed from the heat and covered with a lid. In this state, seafood should be about 0 minutes. The result of these actions will be cooked and soft squid.

How much to cook squid

The cooking time in the form of carcasses or rings differs slightly. In the first case, the cooking process will take 2 minutes, in the second case - 1 minute. Frozen squid must be thawed before cooking.

If you cook squid for more than 3 minutes, then their taste properties will be violated, and the size will decrease significantly. The texture of overcooked seafood resembles rubber. If the squid has been cooked for too long, then you can restore its softness by repeated heat treatment. The total cooking time should be at least 20 minutes. The size of the seafood will not be returned, but the consistency will return.

Cooking time for squid in different ways:

  • regular pan - 1-2 minutes;
  • double boiler - 5 minutes;
  • pressure cooker - 1 minute;
  • multicooker - 2 minutes;
  • microwave - 3 minutes.

There are many ways to cook squids, but it is better to use an ordinary pan for cooking them. In microwave ovens, double boilers and other equipment, it is difficult to control the process and you cannot see the external changes in seafood. It is better to use such methods only in case of emergency.

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