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Cake 5 spoons in a slow cooker. Cake "5 spoons" is a real lifesaver for everyone! Fertilizers for indoor flowers from our kitchen

Cake "5 spoons" is a real lifesaver for everyone! The recipe for this cake is so simple that you will memorize it the first time without even writing down the recipe. You can make a cake from such a cake by smearing it with any cream, a roll (believe me, it will turn out right away and without problems). I recommend this recipe to everyone, even to those who have never baked before! It's very simple and incredibly delicious!


  • flour - 5 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 5 tablespoons;
  • milk powder (cream) - 5 tablespoons;
  • 1/3 tsp soda (be sure to extinguish with vinegar) (you can take 1 tsp baking powder);
  • 2 eggs.

Cake "5 spoons". Step by step recipe

  1. Beat the eggs, add the sifted flour, dry milk (or cream), sugar and soda slaked with vinegar to them.
  2. Grease a baking sheet with oil and pour out the dough.
  3. Send to a cold oven, which then turn on at 180 ° C.
  4. Bake for 10-25 minutes depending on your oven. If you bake the cake on a large roll pan, 7 minutes may be enough. Watch for readiness.
  5. The dough in its consistency should be like condensed milk, pour slowly from a spoon.

If you make a roll, grease it or jam and roll it up while still hot.

That's all. I hope that this recipe will take root in your family, as well as in mine.

Enjoy your meal!

The recipe was shared by Larisa Vasilyeva

This recipe has been shared with me since the 90s. It is so simple that it is remembered from the first time and forever.

Well, and most importantly, it is very tasty and always turns out, so I boldly recommend it as a first culinary experience.

And it is also perfect as a base for many popular cakes, because it turns out to be airy, tender and porous, does not crumble and is perfectly cut.


✓ 5 tablespoons Sahara

✓ 5 tablespoons powdered milk

✓ 5 tablespoons flour

✓ 1/3 tsp soda (slaked)

✓ vanillin

Note: it is better to take large eggs, and spoons with a slide, but without fanaticism.

Who does not like very sweet - you can put sugar on the spoons "under the knife".

Slaked soda can be replaced with 1 tsp. baking powder by adding it to the flour.

In case of emergency, powdered milk / cream - can be replaced with infant formula or natural cream, slightly increasing the amount of flour.

But this will be a different recipe and a different cake.


Beat eggs and sugar with a mixer until fluffy. Mix in the rest of the ingredients, pour onto a greased baking sheet and place in a cold oven at 180 degrees.

Bake for 10-15 minutes until cooked, depending on the oven (some take up to 30 minutes) and the size of the form.

For a roll, thin spilled over a wide sheet, 7 minutes is enough!

The dough should pour slowly, like thick condensed milk. Flour is different, sometimes you need to stop a little earlier - at 4 or 4.5 tablespoons of flour.

If the dough turned out to be thicker than in the photo, dilute it with milk, sour cream or cream to the desired consistency.

All! The minimum program has been completed. You can already have it in this form. The size of the form is 30 * 22.5, if rolled up, it will be too small. Need more, but for the cake - just right.

I can only say that in 20 years of making this cake, I have never repeated myself.

I added all conceivable and unimaginable additives to the dough - Honey, cocoa, chocolate, poppy seeds, raisins, dried fruits, vanilla, mint, etc. etc.

Soaked with syrups from canned compotes or fruit syrups.

Lubricated with jam, marmalade, jam, boiled condensed milk, cottage cheese dessert, yogurt, chocolate pudding and sour cream whipped with sugar.

My favorite impregnation is any fruit, with sourness. Decorated with marshmallows, marmalade, fruits. There is no limit to fantasy.

It can be baked with a zebra and twisted into a roll. Cut into cakes. This dough makes delicious charlottes and fruit pies.

The most important thing is the lightning speed of cooking and the absolute availability of products.

Enjoy your meal!

Actually, it's not even a cake, but a biscuit. If you read everything, there are so many nuances. I will briefly write how I cooked, and read other details on the author's page.
You will need:
  • 2 eggs
  • 5 tbsp Sahara
  • 5 tbsp powdered milk
  • 5 tbsp flour
  • 1/3 tsp soda (slaked)
  • vanillin
Eggs and sugar put in a bowl

Beat with a mixer until fluffy

Added dry milk

Flour (it is recommended not to add all flour at once, because flour is different, I added 4 such spoons)

Added vanillin, mixed everything with a mixer

Added slaked soda

Mixed with a mixer. The dough should pour like condensed milk. If it turned out thicker, dilute with milk, the author advises

The test is small, only for one cake. Therefore, I took a small shape (if you have a round shape, then take about 18-20 cm in diameter or increase the rate)

You need to put it in a cold oven. I had never done this before, so I didn’t take a chance and put it in an oven preheated to 180 C, baked until a dry match, but it seems that I overexposed it a bit

Everything, the biscuit is ready. Now you can build a cake out of it. Any cream, fruits, nuts will do...

I decided to make it in the form of cakes

The top was anointed with raspberry gel (jar in the background). The gel does not spread, it is used to decorate confectionery. Bought at Metro

And instead of cream, I decorated it with such a little thing. This is some kind of dessert, very similar to creamy yogurt. To use it as a cream, I took 300 ml of milk instead of 400 ml

Here's what happened

It turned out not bad. But I will have to experiment with the biscuit, it turned out to be somewhat dry for me .... And interestingly, if you drink it with tea, it dissolves in your mouth right away - it melts ... You can twist rolls from this biscuit ...

Happy tea!

Pie "5 spoons".

Girls and boys - the cake recipe, due to its simplicity and speed, I address to schoolchildren, students, working mothers and everyone who is running out of time, but I really want a delicious cake or roll.
This recipe was shared with me in the early 90s by the mother of a close friend, for which I am very grateful to her. It is so simple that it is remembered from the first time and forever.
Well, and most importantly, it is very tasty (it’s not for nothing that its original name is “Lick Your Fingers”) and it always turns out, so I boldly recommend it as a first culinary experience.
And it is also perfect as a base for many popular cakes, because it turns out to be airy, tender and porous, does not crumble and is perfectly cut.

Pie 5 spoons

Ingredients for 6 servings:

cooking 30 minutes

  • 2 eggs
  • 5 tbsp Sahara
  • 5 tbsp powdered milk
  • 5 tbsp flour
  • 1/3 tsp soda (slaked)
  • vanillin

Note: it is better to take large eggs, and spoons with a slide, but without fanaticism. (who does not like very sweet - you can put sugar on spoons "under the knife"). Slaked soda can be replaced with 1 tsp. baking powder by adding it to the flour.
In case of emergency, powdered milk / cream - can be replaced with infant formula or natural cream, slightly increasing the amount of flour. But this will be a different recipe and a different cake.

Preparing the 5 spoon pie:

1. Beat eggs and sugar with a mixer until fluffy. Mix in the rest of the ingredients, pour onto a greased baking sheet and place in a COLD oven at 180 degrees.

2. Bake until cooked for 10-15 minutes, depending on the oven (in some it takes up to 30 minutes) and the size of the form.

For a roll, thin spilled over a wide sheet, 7 minutes is enough !!!

The dough should pour slowly, like thick condensed milk.

Flour is different, sometimes you need to stop a little earlier - at 4 or 4.5 tablespoons of flour. If the dough turned out to be thicker than in the photo, dilute it with milk, sour cream or cream to the desired consistency.

ALL! The minimum program has been completed. You can already eat it in this form. The size of the form is 30 * 22.5, if rolled up, it will be too small. Need more, but for the cake - just right.

And then comes the maximum program. The options depend on the contents of your refrigerator and imagination. I can only say that in 20 years of making this cake, I have never repeated myself.
I added all conceivable and unimaginable additives to the dough - Honey, cocoa, chocolate, poppy seeds, raisins, dried fruits, vanilla, mint, etc. etc. Soaked with syrups from canned compotes or fruit syrups. Lubricated with jam, marmalade, jam, boiled condensed milk, cottage cheese dessert, yogurt, chocolate pudding and sour cream whipped with sugar.
My favorite impregnation is any fruit, with sourness. Decorated with marshmallows, marmalade, fruits. There is no limit to fantasy.
It can be baked with a zebra and twisted into a roll. Cut into cakes. This dough makes delicious charlottes and fruit pies. The most important thing is the lightning speed of cooking and the absolute availability of products.

Enjoy your meal!

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