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Salad decorations for the festive table are simple. Decorating salads with your own hands: simple ways with photos

Very little time is left before the onset of March 8 - International Women's Day. For this spring holiday to bring real pleasure, it must be fun and tasty. You can diversify the festive menu in different ways: serve gourmet delicacies - from shrimp in garlic sauce to almond ice cream, or simply cook incredibly tasty and beautifully decorate it. It is about what to cook delicious and how to effectively serve it, we will now tell you.

Salad "Shrimp under a fur coat"

  • Shrimps (boiled, peeled) - 500 gr.
  • Potato - 300 gr.
  • Processed cheese - 200 gr.
  • Chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Dill - 25 gr.
  • Parsley - 25 gr.
  • Mayonnaise - about 200 gr.
For decoration you will need:
  • Red caviar - 140 gr.
  • Crab sticks - 2 pcs.
  • A sprig of dill.
  1. The potatoes are thoroughly washed, boiled in their skins until tender and allowed to cool.
  2. Hard-boiled chicken eggs, peel and separate the yolks from the whites.
  3. The cooled potatoes are peeled, rubbed on a coarse grater, laid out on a dish in the first layer, well smeared with mayonnaise.
  4. Shrimps spread on top of a layer of potatoes and also smeared with mayonnaise.
  5. Egg white is rubbed on the largest grater, laid out in a third layer and well smeared with mayonnaise.
  6. Parsley and dill are washed, dried, finely chopped and spread on top of the egg white.
  7. Processed cheese is rubbed on a coarse grater, combined with the remaining mayonnaise and spread on a dish over a layer of greens.
  8. The egg yolk is crushed on the smallest grater and spread on the dish with the final layer.
  9. Decorate with caviar, crab sticks and dill sprigs.

Salad "Lilac branch"

For cooking you will need:

  • Beef - 400 gr.
  • Carrot - 200 gr.
  • Potato - 200 gr.
  • Peeled walnuts - 50 gr.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves.
  • Mayonnaise - about 300 gr.
  • Salt - to taste.
For decoration you will need:
  • Eggs (large) - 4 pcs.
  • Beet juice - 1 tbsp. a spoon.
  • Parsley greens - a few branches.
  1. The potatoes are thoroughly washed and, without peeling, boiled until tender.
  2. Boil the beef until cooked, let it cool and cut into thin strips.
  3. Carrots are peeled, washed and rubbed on a coarse grater.
  4. Shredded carrots with a grater are salted to taste and fried in sunflower oil until tender.
  5. Garlic is peeled, washed, crushed with a garlic press and combined with carrots.
  6. Beef, carrots and part of the mayonnaise are mixed and laid out in a deep bowl in the first layer.
  7. Peeled walnuts are chopped into small pieces and lightly fried in a dry frying pan.
  8. The cooled boiled potatoes are peeled, rubbed on a coarse grater, salted to taste, combined with walnuts, the remaining mayonnaise and spread in a second layer.
  9. , previously covered with cling film, put in the refrigerator for 3 hours.
  10. While infused in the refrigerator, hard-boiled eggs are boiled, allowed to cool, peeled and the yolks are separated from the proteins.
  11. Egg whites are rubbed on a coarse grater, and yolks - on the smallest one.
  12. Part of the crushed proteins are combined with beetroot juice, mixed well and left for half an hour. During this time, the protein will acquire a beautiful lilac hue.
  13. take out of the refrigerator, remove the cling film and lay out the third - final layer, evenly distributing the yolks grated on a fine grater over the entire surface.
  14. The finished dish is decorated with lilac and white protein, imitating lilac brushes.
  15. Pre-washed parsley sprigs are also laid out on - they depict branches and leaves.

Mimosa salad"

For cooking you will need:

  • Canned fish in own juice (pink salmon or salmon) - 250 gr.
  • Hard cheese - 150 gr.
  • Mayonnaise - about 200 gr.
  • Bulb onion (large) - 2 pcs.
  • Butter (frozen) - 100 gr.
For decoration you will need:
  • Chicken eggs (large) - 3 pcs.
  • Dill - a few branches.
  1. Eggs (for salad and its decoration) are boiled hard-boiled for about 10 minutes, peeled and separated from the whites of the yolks.
  2. Proteins of 5 eggs are cut into thin strips, mixed with a small amount of mayonnaise and laid out on a plate in the first layer.
  3. The cheese is rubbed on a coarse grater, spread on a plate with a second layer, which is well smeared with mayonnaise.
  4. Onions are peeled, cut into small cubes, scalded with boiling water and spread over a layer of cheese.
  5. Frozen butter is rubbed on a coarse grater and evenly distributed over the onion layer.
  6. The yolks of 5 eggs are rubbed on a fine grater, combined with a part of mayonnaise and spread on a layer of oil.
  7. The bones are removed from the fish, the pulp is kneaded (you can use a regular fork) and combined with the liquid from the canned food.
  8. Shredded fish is laid out in the sixth layer, well smeared with the remaining mayonnaise.
  9. The whites of three eggs are rubbed on a coarse grater and spread on top of a layer of fish, evenly distributing them over the entire surface.
  10. The yolks of three eggs are rubbed on the smallest grater and spread on a layer of proteins - depicting mimosa flowers.
  11. Carefully washed dill sprigs are also laid out on, imitating branches and leaves.
Advice: Before serving, it is better to keep it in the refrigerator for 3-5 hours - its taste will become more tender and rich.

Salad "Fiery Heart"

For cooking you will need:

  • Potato - 300 gr.
  • Carrot - 200 gr.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 150 gr.
  • Boiled sausage - 400 gr.
  • Chicken eggs - 5 pcs.
  • Pickled champignons - 150 gr.
  • Mayonnaise - about 350 gr.
  • Pomegranate - 1 pc.
  1. Potatoes and carrots are thoroughly washed, boiled until tender and allowed to cool.
  2. The cooled vegetables are peeled and cut into small cubes in separate plates.
  3. Hard-boiled eggs (about 10 minutes), peel and separate the whites from the yolks.
  4. The yolks are rubbed on a fine grater.
  5. The sausage is cut into small pieces.
  6. Finely chopped pickled cucumbers.
  7. With the help of a special form or just with your hands, they form in the form of a heart, laying out in layers: potatoes, sausage, cucumbers, protein, carrots, pickled champignons, spreading each layer with mayonnaise.
  8. The crushed yolk is laid out in the final layer.
  9. The pomegranate is cleaned, the grains are taken out and decorated by laying them on top of the yolk layer.

Salad "Capercaillie Nest"

For cooking you will need:

  • Chicken fillet - 0.5 kg.
  • Chicken eggs - 5 pcs.
  • Quail eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Potato - 0.5 kg.
  • Fresh cucumbers - 250 gr.
  • Bulb onion - 100 gr.
  • Dill - 100 gr.
  • Mayonnaise - about 250 gr.
  • Sunflower oil - 0.5 l.
  • Salt - to taste.
  1. Chicken fillet is boiled until tender, allowed to cool and cut into small strips.
  2. Onions are peeled, washed, cut into small cubes and poured over with boiling water (to get rid of bitterness).
  3. Cooled chicken eggs are peeled and cut into small strips or rubbed on a coarse grater.
  4. Potatoes are peeled, washed, cut into thin strips and fried until golden in a deep frying pan, using a large amount of sunflower oil.
  5. Cucumbers are washed and cut into thin strips.
  6. Quail eggs are boiled hard-boiled (about 5 minutes) and peeled.
  7. Dill is washed, allowed to dry and finely chopped.
  8. Combine in a deep bowl: chicken fillet, onions, chicken eggs, cucumbers and mayonnaise. All ingredients are mixed well, salted to taste and laid out on a round dish so that a small depression forms in the middle.
  9. Dill is laid in the formed recess, on which 3 quail eggs are laid, and decorated with fried potatoes on the sides.

Salad "Pomegranate Bracelet"

For cooking you will need:

  • Smoked chicken fillet (brisket) - 400 gr.
  • Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Beets - 250 gr.
  • Potato - 200 gr.
  • Carrot - 150 gr.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Peeled walnuts - 50 gr.
  • Pomegranate - 1-2 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise - about 250 gr.
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons.
  • Salt - to taste.
  1. Beets, carrots and potatoes are washed without peeling, boiled until tender and allowed to cool.
  2. Hard boil the eggs (about 10 minutes) and let them cool.
  3. A glass is placed upside down in the center of the selected flat dish, after which they begin to lay out in layers.
  4. Potatoes are peeled, rubbed on the largest grater, mixed with a part of mayonnaise and laid out on a dish around the glass in the first layer.
  5. Smoked chicken fillet is cut into small strips, mixed with a part of mayonnaise and laid out in a second layer.
  6. Onions are peeled, washed, cut into small pieces, fried until golden brown with a small amount of sunflower oil and allowed to cool.
  7. The cooled onion spread third layer.
  8. Eggs are peeled, rubbed on a coarse grater, mixed with a portion of mayonnaise and laid out in a fourth layer.
  9. Carrots are peeled, rubbed on a coarse grater, salted, mixed with some mayonnaise and spread over a layer of eggs.
  10. Walnuts are cut into small pieces, lightly fried in a dry frying pan (literally 1-2 minutes) and spread over a layer of carrots.
  11. The beets are cleaned, rubbed on a coarse grater, combined with the remaining mayonnaise and laid out in the seventh layer.
  12. The pomegranate is cleaned and the surface is sprinkled with grains.
The finished dish is put in the refrigerator for 3-5 hours, and only after it is thoroughly saturated, the glass is carefully removed. If desired, decorate with flowers made from beets and parsley sprigs.

For cooking you will need:

  • Canned tuna (in own juice) - about 400 gr.
  • Fresh cucumbers - 300 gr.
  • Chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise - about 150 gr.
For decoration you will need:
  • Tomato - 1 pc.
  • Parsley - a few branches.
  1. Hard-boiled chicken eggs for about 10 minutes, allow them to cool and separate the whites from the yolks.
  2. A special form is placed on the plate for. If there is no special form, you can make it yourself. To do this, you will need a clean plastic bottle, which must be cut on both sides to the size you need.
  3. Cucumbers are thoroughly washed, cut into small cubes and laid out in a pre-established form with the first layer.
  4. Egg whites are cut into small cubes.
  5. Bones are removed from canned fish, the flesh is kneaded, combined with canned liquid. Then mixed with crushed egg whites and laid out in a second layer in a mold.
  6. Egg yolks are cut into small cubes and laid out in the final layer, after which the form is carefully removed.
  7. The finished salad is decorated with mayonnaise, cut into two halves of tomato and parsley leaves.

Salad "Original"

For cooking you will need:

  • Boiled sausage - 500 gr.
  • Crab sticks - 250 gr.
  • Fresh cucumbers - 100 gr.
  • Hard cheese - 200 gr.
  • Chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Canned beans - 150 gr.
  • Mayonnaise - about 150 gr.
  • Parsley - a few branches.
  1. Hard-boiled eggs are boiled and allowed to cool.
  2. Cooled eggs are peeled and cut into small cubes.
  3. Fresh cucumbers are washed and cut into small pieces.
  4. Crab sticks finely chopped.
  5. Cut hard cheese into small pieces.
  6. In one bowl they mix: crab sticks, cucumbers, cheese, eggs, beans and mayonnaise.
  7. The sausage is cut into thin slices, each of which is put in a few spoons and wrapped in a roll. You can fasten sausage rolls with ordinary toothpicks, and decorate with a few sprigs of parsley.

For cooking you will need:

  • Boiled sausage - 300 gr.
  • Hard cheese - 150 gr.
  • Fresh tomatoes - 200 gr.
  • Fresh cucumbers - 100 gr.
  • Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise - about 100 gr.
  • Parsley greens - 2 sprigs.
  • Tartlets.
  1. Hard-boiled chicken eggs, let them cool and finely chop.
  2. Wash cucumbers well and cut into small cubes.
  3. Tomatoes are also washed, one part is left for decoration, and the second part is cut into small cubes.
  4. Finely chopped hard cheese.
  5. Boiled sausage is cut into cubes.
  6. Mix in a deep bowl: sausage, cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers, eggs and mayonnaise.
  7. The finished dish is laid out on tartlets and decorated using the remaining tomatoes and parsley.

Salad "Liver with prunes"

For cooking you will need:

  • Chicken liver - 600 gr.
  • Carrot - 300 gr.
  • Quail eggs - 10 pcs.
  • Hard cheese - 100 gr.
  • Pitted prunes - 100 gr.
  • Onion (medium size) - 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise - about 250 gr.
  • Sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. spoons.
For decoration you will need:
  • Boiled beets (medium size) - 1 pc.
  • Parsley - 2 branches.
  • Hard cheese - 30 gr.
  1. Quail eggs are boiled hard-boiled (about 5 minutes), allowed to cool, peeled and rubbed on a coarse grater.
  2. Onions are peeled, cut into small cubes and fried until golden brown in vegetable oil.
  3. Carrots are thoroughly washed, rubbed on a coarse grater, added to the onion when it becomes golden, and fried until tender.
  4. The finished mixture of onions and carrots is laid out on a dish with the first layer, which is smeared with a part of mayonnaise.
  5. Boil the chicken liver until cooked, rub it on a coarse grater, mix with a part of the mayonnaise and spread it in a second layer.
  6. Prunes are cut into small strips, spread with the next layer and smeared with mayonnaise.
  7. Crushed quail eggs are placed in the fourth layer, which are also smeared with the remaining mayonnaise on top.
  8. Hard cheese is rubbed on a coarse grater and laid out on a dish with the last layer.
  9. Flowers are cut out of beets and cheese, with which they decorate. Parsley leaves are used instead of leaves.

Korean Beetroot Salad

For cooking you will need:

  • Beets - 1 kg.
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. spoons.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon (no slide).
  • Garlic - 5 cloves.
  • Ground black pepper - 0.5 tsp.
  • Ground red hot pepper - 0.3 tsp.
  • Coriander (ground) - 0.5 tsp.
  • Vinegar - 5 tbsp. spoons.
  • Salt - to taste.
For decoration you will need:
  • Lettuce leaves - 3 pcs.
  • Beets - 1 pc.
  1. The beets are thoroughly washed, poured with cold water and boiled for 15 minutes (after boiling).
  2. After a quarter of an hour, the beets are removed from the heat, the hot water is drained and immediately poured over with cold water, in which the beets are left to cool completely.
  3. As soon as the beets have cooled, they are peeled and rubbed on a Korean grater or cut into thin strips.
  4. Sugar, salt, vinegar are added to the grated beets and everything is mixed well.
  5. Garlic is peeled and crushed with a garlic press.
  6. Sunflower oil is poured into the pan and very quickly, until the oil boils, chopped garlic and all spices are added to it. The finished mixture is added to the beets and everything is thoroughly mixed.
  7. Cooked for several (3-5) hours, put in the refrigerator to brew.
  8. Before serving, it is decorated with fresh lettuce leaves and curly hearts cut from boiled beets.

Salad "O-la-la"

For cooking you will need:

  • Chicken fillet - 300 gr.
  • Chicken eggs (large) - 5 pcs.
  • Apple - 150 gr.
  • Hard cheese - 200 gr.
  • Mayonnaise - about 150 gr.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Parsley - 2 branches.
  1. Chicken fillet is boiled until tender and allowed to cool.
  2. Chicken eggs are boiled hard-boiled, cleaned; 2 eggs are laid aside - they will be needed for decoration, and the remaining proteins are separated from the yolks.
  3. A special form for salad is placed on the dish. If there is no form, a plastic bottle is used instead, cut on both sides to the desired size.
  4. Chicken fillet is cut into cubes and laid out in a form with the first layer.
  5. The yolk of three eggs is kneaded with a fork, mixed with a part of mayonnaise and laid out in a second layer in a mold.
  6. The apple is peeled, the core is taken out, the pulp is cut into small cubes, mixed with a part of the mayonnaise and laid out in a third layer in a mold.
  7. The cheese is rubbed on a coarse grater, mixed with the remaining mayonnaise and laid out in a mold on top of a layer of apples.
  8. The protein of three eggs is rubbed on a coarse grater or cut into small oblong strips and laid out in the last layer.
  9. Ready for 3-5 hours, put in the refrigerator for impregnation, after which they remove the form and decorate with the remaining eggs and parsley sprigs.

For cooking you will need:

  • Ham - 500 gr.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 500 gr.
  • Canned corn - 100 gr.
  • Canned pineapple (pieces) - 300 gr.
  • Canned champignons - 200 gr.
  • Olives (pitted) - 100 gr.
  • Mayonnaise - about 250 gr.
  • Parsley greens - 2 sprigs.
  • Tartlets - for serving salad.
  1. The ham is cut into small cubes.
  2. Bulgarian pepper is thoroughly washed, cleaned of seeds and cut into pieces.
  3. Canned champignons are cut into thin slices.
  4. Olives are cut into thin slices.
  5. Combine all the ingredients: ham, bell pepper, corn (after draining the liquid from it), pineapple, mushrooms, olives and fill the tartlets with the resulting mixture. Decorate with mayonnaise and parsley leaves.

For cooking you will need:

  • Crab sticks - 240 gr.
  • Canned corn - 430 gr.
  • Chicken eggs - 5 pcs.
  • Canned pineapple - 200 gr.
  • Hard cheese - 150 gr.
  • Mayonnaise - about 100 gr.
  • Salt - to taste.
  1. The eggs are hard boiled and allowed to cool.
  2. Cooled eggs are cut into small cubes.
  3. Pineapples are also cut into small cubes.
  4. Finely chop crab sticks.
  5. Hard cheese is cut into small cubes.
  6. In a bowl, combine and mix well: crab sticks, chicken eggs, pineapple, cheese, mayonnaise and canned corn, from which the liquid is first drained.
  7. Ready, if necessary, salt and serve in a beautiful salad bowl.

Salad "Piquant"

For cooking you will need:

  • Pork tongue - 500 gr.
  • Fresh cucumbers - 200 gr.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 400 gr.
  • Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Canned peas - 430 gr.
  • Mayonnaise - about 250 gr.
For decoration you will need:
  • Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Olives - 1 bank.
  1. Hard-boiled eggs, peel and cut into small pieces.
  2. The tongue is boiled until cooked and cut into small cubes.
  3. Bulgarian pepper is thoroughly washed, cleaned of seeds and also cut into small pieces.
  4. Cucumbers are thoroughly washed and finely chopped.
  5. Eggs are mixed with a part of mayonnaise and laid out on a dish in the first layer.
  6. The tongue is laid out on a dish with a second layer, well smeared with mayonnaise.
  7. Cucumbers are laid out in the third layer, which are previously combined with a part of mayonnaise.
  8. In a deep bowl, combine: bell pepper, peas (draining all the liquid from it) and the rest of the mayonnaise, after which the resulting mixture is laid out with the final layer.
  9. With the help of a special knife, flowers are cut out of carrots, they decorate the dish with them in a circle, inserting one olive into each such flower.
  10. The cucumber is cut into thin long strips, from which a bow is formed on the surface.
And what will you cook on March 8? Share it, and even better - illustrate the preparations with a photo!

Try to make your salads bright, combine ingredients of different colors in them - green, red, yellow, orange. This will give not only a beautiful look to the dish, but will also affect the appetite, strengthening it.

The main rule: the decoration of the salad should be in harmony with the taste of the main components of the recipe. Ideally, the decoration should be from the same ingredients that are part of the salad.

The exception is such decoration details that are easily removed from the salad and do not mix with it. For example, "mushrooms" from halves of cucumber and tomato or "flowers" from boiled carrots. Typically, such removable "decorations" are located in the center of the salad and stand out strongly above its surface.

In some photographs posted by hostesses on the Internet, you can see that even meat salads are placed with a central decoration of strawberries or grape seeds. Of course, such decorations look bright and impressive, but their use is far from always appropriate. Therefore, before you decorate the crab salad with your favorite composition of vegetables and fruits, you need to carefully check the ingredients of the decoration and replace those that can give juice and spoil the taste of the salad.

The second rule in the design: "curly" salads in the form of fish, snakes, crabs, etc. obtained only from salads with finely chopped products and a sticky consistency.

How can you decorate salads?

How you can decorate salads, fantasy will tell. Crab salad can be laid out on a dish in the form of a fish with a striped color of "scales" of boiled egg or rice and contrasting yellow corn. Such a salad will appeal not only to adults, but also to children.

Meat salad, salad with beans and ham can be turned into a cake. For this arrange the ingredients better, without mixing, and each top layer should be slightly smaller in coverage area than the previous one: this way the “cake” does not crumble and keeps its shape. With dressing (usually mayonnaise), the finished salad is covered like a cake with icing. And a walnut, which is part of the salad itself, can become a decoration. When serving, such a cake is cut into pieces and mixed already in a plate.

Shrimp salad can be arranged in the form of a flower and decorated with shrimps, placing each on a separate petal, and in the center of the flower place a “rose” of lemon.

How to decorate a winter salad so that none of the guests recognizes a familiar dish in a culinary masterpiece? The first option - curly design. A winter salad will make a perfect snowman with a carrot nose and pea eyes.

The second option is cake., the surface of which will be completely covered with finely chopped greens, decorated with peas and mayonnaise patterns. In such a cake, there is no need to arrange the ingredients in layers, the main thing is to simply lay it in the form of a high circle on a dish and properly “mask”.


Cucumbers are the most magnificent material for decorating salads, and they use both pickled, salted, and fresh cucumbers. Cucumbers can be cut into slices, slices, cubes, circles, rings, a fan - whatever you like.

Carrots are commonly used to garnish salads due to their bright, persistent color. In this case, you can also take both fresh and boiled carrots. You can cut carrots into bars, circles, stars, tulips, vases.

Tomato is also one of the commonly used vegetables in salad dressing. Tomatoes can be cut in half, remove the ovary from both halves, and then fill them with green peas, mushrooms, cheese and other products suitable for salad.


Salads are decorated with onion rings, cutting the onion into thin slices. On the surface of a large bulb, you can make a cross-cut incision - you get a chrysanthemum flower. Almost all salads are decorated with dill, green onions, parsley. Small green leaves can be put whole.


Lemons, as a rule, decorate salads made from fish. Stripes are made on the peel of a lemon with a carved knife, and then the lemon is cut into thin slices and decorated with a salad. Pomegranate seeds spice up any salad due to their size.

Meat products

Slices of sausage or ham are twisted into rolls. A cross-shaped incision is made on the sausage, which opens in the form of a rosette after heating it in hot water.


Hard-boiled eggs are cut into slices or finely chopped. Various figurines are made from a whole egg. Separately grated yolk and protein are suitable for small portions of salad; they are sprinkled on top of salads.

Thus, salads should be decorated so that the main composition of the salads is visible, but at the same time, the decoration should be simple and tastefully decorated. We talked about 5 ways to decorate salads, you can also see photos in the article.


Decorative carving of fruits and vegetables - carving, has become popular in recent years. Decorations for salads can be made from different products, for example: cheese, if it is cut with a curly knife into pieces of various shapes - triangles, squares, rhombuses, and so on. On the peel of a lemon, you can make curly cuts, and then cut it into thin slices.

You can make bells from cucumbers, cut them into ribbons and make roses out of them, and water lilies out of cucumbers and eggs. Thick cucumbers can be turned into baskets and filled with sour berries or small radishes.

Tomatoes are useful as fly agarics and roses, and radishes for cones and tulips. Just hold them in cold water so that bitterness comes out. A chrysanthemum made from radish will look just amazing.

And the eggs! What only of them do not. Mushrooms, petals, flowers. They are rubbed, cut, cut. Here's how to decorate flower-shaped potato salad with them.

Or this salad with smoked chicken and pineapple.

Mushrooms are an excellent decoration for salads. Champignons, chanterelles, boletus mushrooms, butter mushrooms, boiled and pickled look beautiful. What is the view of mushroom meadow salad worth, from which your guests will definitely be delighted.

Lettuce leaves line a salad bowl or put it in a separate bunch. They not only decorate dishes, but are also very useful themselves.

Photo how to decorate salads

Most salads contain boiled eggs, with which you can decorate any salad in an original way, showing fiction and imagination. As a basis for such a decoration, you can take protein and yolk grated on a fine grater, which are contrasting in color and make an original topping. To do this, the entire surface of the salad must be leveled and smeared with mayonnaise on top, and then sprinkle according to the intended pattern. For example, sprinkle the middle of the salad with yolk, and around the edges - protein. But this is the easiest option, but you want to surprise and please loved ones with something more original. In this case, you can lay out the protein and yolk in the form of flowers, and this will most likely turn out to be chamomile, with dill or parsley stalks.

And it is better to decorate the spring version of the salad with a sprig of mimosa, which is easy to make if you put a dill stalk in the middle of the salad and sprinkle it with grated yolk like mimosa balls. On a white mayonnaise background, it will look very gentle and beautiful.

Vegetable salads are decorated with vegetables, carving flowers, ornaments and other decorations from them. The art of carving out of vegetables even stood out in a separate line of creativity called carving. Of course, like any art, carving requires certain knowledge, skills and special tools, so it is unlikely to suit every housewife, but you can decorate the salad with vegetables in an original way without carving. For example, lay out the top of the salad with slices of tomatoes and cucumbers in the form of a flower, small flowers can be made from small red onion rings, and green onion arrows will be the stems. If there is canned corn in the salad, then you can put the salad on a dish in the form of two or three cobs and stick corn kernels on top of the mayonnaise, and put green onion feathers on the bottom to simulate the stem.

If cheese is included in the salad, then this is a very plastic material for decoration, which can be used both in grated form and in plates rolled up in the form of petals, from which you can make a magnificent flower or several callas.

Small pickled cucumbers fancifully connected with toothpicks will become a real cactus planted in the center of the salad, and if there are fresh tomatoes or bell peppers in the salad, then the cactus can be made blooming by decorating with figured slices of cherry tomatoes or peppers.

Plot motifs in the decoration of salads look very original, which can be associated with the hobby of the birthday man or. It is clear that one of the New Year's salads must be laid out with a Christmas tree, decorating it with toys made from all the ingredients of the salad, and for Women's Day, a salad with decoration in the form of flowers will be appropriate.

A huge scope for imagination is given by children's parties, when kids need to be interested in the type of dish, but it is better to make a salad for children in the form of portioned figures so as not to destroy the overall decoration. These can be shortcrust pastry baskets, egg halves filled with lettuce, spread with lettuce, and garnished with crackers.

Figures are best made in the form of muzzles of familiar animals, which delights kids or in the form of their favorite fruits.

Fairy-tale characters such as kolobok or cheburashka would be appropriate. Koloboks can be molded from any dense salad and rolled in grated yolk, protein or crab sticks, and draw eyes and mouth with ketchup or stick peas.

Today it is difficult to imagine any festive table without salads. Our Slavic people love salads: different, tasty, with vodka, traditional and original! And beautiful salads are such a nice addition to any salad that every housewife tries to embody in her kitchen.

Decorating salads is like religion and philosophy - each housewife has her own, and they are united by one common hobby - decorating dishes. You can philosophize on the topic of how to decorate salads for a long time. And there are people who do not like the decoration of salads in our usual sense. In any case, beautiful salads are the atmosphere of a holiday, celebration, an opportunity to make ours brighter and richer.

Dear guests of the site, I bring to your attention an original selection with examples of decorating salads, which I hope you will not only like, but also appear on your holiday table.

Salad "Sunflower"

Sunflower salad recipe and design options can be viewed

Salad with chicken and champignons "Mushroom"

How to cook and decorate the Mushroom salad, see


  • Chicken breast - 300-400 grams,
  • champignons - 300 grams,
  • onion - 1-2 heads,
  • eggs - 2-3 pcs.,
  • tomatoes - 2-3 pcs.,
  • fresh cucumbers - 2-3 pcs.,
  • green onion - 1 bunch,
  • hard cheese - 100-150 grams,
  • olives.


Boil the chicken breast - finely chop.

Mushrooms and onions cut into cubes, fry in vegetable oil, with the addition of butter.

Boil eggs, cut into cubes.

Lay out in layers: chicken breast - sour cream - mushrooms fried with onions - sour cream - boiled eggs - sour cream.

Decoration on top: tomatoes - finely chopped, cucumbers - julienne + dill, cheese - grated, olives.

Pink Salad "Chamomile"

How to cook and decorate the salad of pink salmon "Chamomile" look

Salad "Hedgehog" with Korean carrots


  • half chicken fillet - about 300 grams
  • marinated champignons whole from a jar
  • 2 medium onions
  • 3 chicken eggs
  • medium cucumber
  • about 200 grams of hard cheese
  • 1 pack of mayonnaise
  • handful of walnuts
  • a glass of Korean carrots
  • 3 medium pitted olives
  • bunch of lettuce leaves
  • Salt and some pepper


1. Boil the chicken fillet in salted water, cool and cut into not very large cubes.

2. Boil eggs and rub coarsely on a grater.

3. Peel and finely chop the onions.

4. Wash the cucumber and cut into small strips. You can, of course, grate it, but then too much juice will come out and the mushy cucumber will not work in this salad.

5. Rub the cheese on a coarse grater.

6. Walnuts are very well chopped, you can in a blender and pepper them.

7. Leave a few mushrooms for decoration, and finely chop the rest of the mushrooms and fry in butter.

8. Even from this amount of food you get a rather big hedgehog, so take a bigger plate, lay lettuce leaves on the bottom and form a silhouette of a hedgehog, laying out layers in turn: chicken - a layer of mayonnaise - onions - more mayonnaise - mushrooms - a layer of mayonnaise - eggs - again mayonnaise - cucumber - grated walnuts - cheese-mayonnaise.

9. Cover the body of the hedgehog with Korean carrots, leaving the muzzle of the cheese. Make eyes and a nose from olives, spread greens around and plant mushrooms on top of the “needles”.

I recommend this dish for the holidays. It seems to me that the Hedgehog salad recipe is purely masculine, but if you remove the pepper, it will also suit children. A very charming animal for the center of the festive table. And it is better to cook mayonnaise yourself, for your own health!

Salad with pomegranate "Ladybug"

How to cook and decorate the Ladybug salad with pomegranate

Salad "Tulips"


1. We make a tulip, cut the petals in the upper part of the tomato, it is better if the tomatoes are firmer.

2. We remove what we cut. Knife carefully.

3. Then we take out the core with a spoon, take out up to half of the tomato so that the taste of the tomato is also present, but as you like, if you like more filling, take out more of the core.

4. For the filling, cheese, boil two eggs, garlic, walnuts and mayonnaise.

Salad "Calla"

How to cook to decorate the Calla salad

Salad "Birch Grove"


  • 300 gr. boiled chicken fillet,
  • 300 gr. fried mushrooms,
  • fry 3 onions
  • 200 gr. pitted prunes,
  • 5 eggs (white, yolk separately)
  • 2 small fresh cucumbers
  • mayonnaise, herbs.


1st layer - chicken - finely chopped fillet,

2nd layer - prunes, finely chopped,

3rd layer - champignons with onions,

4th layer of proteins,

5th layer cucumbers in small cubes.

The yolks on a fine grater on top, on the sides of the squirrels are also fine.

We decorate for every taste. Ready.

Salad "White Piano"


  • Chicken meat 500 gr.
  • Cucumber 2 pieces (fresh)
  • Eggs 3-4 pieces
  • Mushrooms 300 gr. (any to taste)
  • Hard cheese 100 gr.
  • Mayonnaise


The whole process of preparing a salad consists of layers that are laid out in a certain sequence. Before we start laying out the layers of lettuce, we need to prepare all the necessary ingredients for this in this way:

- chicken meat should be boiled;

- fry the mushrooms in a pan;

- grate cucumbers with a grater, while using a large grater;

- Eggs also boil and grate on a coarse grater.

We lay out the layers in a certain sequence:

1 layer - boiled chicken;

2 layer - mayonnaise;

3 layer - fried mushrooms;

4 layer - mayonnaise;

5 layer - fresh cucumbers;

6 layer - mayonnaise;

7 layer - boiled eggs;

8 layer - mayonnaise;

9 layer - cheese.

Decorate in the form of a piano using hard cheese and black olives. You can also form a beautiful rose from lightly salted salmon, which will perfectly transform the entire salad landscape.

Salad "Ladybug" with caviar

How to cook salad "Ladybug" with caviar, see

Every hostess knows how important a beautiful serving of dishes is, especially when you are preparing to receive guests. And when setting the table, it is important not to forget about salads. The very design of salads is not so much a complicated process as it takes time and patience. But one has only to approach this creatively, and your culinary masterpieces will surprise guests not only with taste, but also with all their interesting appearance.
And really, how can one forget about one of the most important and popular dishes when decorating a festive table? Don't underestimate them.

Whether you're celebrating an important event or just wanting to dine with your family, all you have to do is put on a bright, decorated salad and it will instantly transform a regular meal.

And despite the fact that in any kitchen there are festive and everyday dishes, this is one of those that always fits perfectly into the menu. Many of them do not even need to be decorated, they themselves show a riot of colors and elegant brightness, and the rest are in no way inferior to their “holiday” counterparts, one has only to show imagination.

Remember how much the hostess has to do before an important feast: buy groceries in advance, and think over all the dishes, and cook, and set the table, and don’t forget about yourself. And how can you serve cooked food beautifully at such a frantic pace?

And in this case, salads will come to your aid. Their design will not take much time, especially if you find a couple of options the day before, with photos and descriptions.

Over time, you will get used to it so much that serving even the simplest dish will amaze guests and your family with its sophistication. And each time it will take less and less time. And then you definitely have time to do both manicure and makeup before the holiday.

How can you decorate a dish so that even a real gourmet is interested in your creation? To get started, stock up on greens - they will help the dish look fresh.

For decoration, it is better to use those ingredients that are already included in its composition, or those that you are sure of, since everything should be combined with each other not only in color, but also in taste.

But, if with salads without dressing (or dressed with oils) everything is simple - they do not require additional decoration, then what about others? After all, many others imply the presence of mayonnaise or other sauce that hides the bright color of the products.

Here, take a boat (also called a round cut) into service: it will help you serve a snack in the form of a neat ring. Such a device can also be found in a square shape. If there is no time left to go to the store, do not despair.

An ordinary cropped plastic bottle or baking molds can also cope with this task. Simply place them on a plate and scoop a portion of the salad inside, crushing it well with a spoon to keep it from falling apart. Then remove the "frame" and - voila! - the dish is ready for further serving.

On top, you can put a chopped egg, mushrooms, bell peppers, olives, olives or greens. With this serving, the dish will look very stylish and neat. And you can make such a basket, as in the photo.

There are moments when time is so short that even such simple details have no time to be distracted. Then again you have to postpone for the next time both serving and decoration. But there are options for such cases. They do not require any preparation and absolutely do not depend on the composition or dressing.

If you are planning several options at once, then do not decorate them the same way, it will be boring. It is better to diversify the decor, but so that they all look harmonious with each other and the main dishes. Do not forget that everything is good in moderation: an excessive passion for decoration will nullify all your efforts, the table will look awkward, and the dishes will look unappetizing.

It will not be superfluous to remember some tricks. For example, products and colors:

  • If you need a burgundy color - take beets;
  • red - pomegranate, tomatoes, bell pepper will help you;
  • need green? Take peppers, canned peas, cucumbers and any greens;
  • if you want to add blue - mix the juice of red cabbage with rice or boiled egg;
  • corn, yolk and pepper will give you a yellow color;
  • cranberry juice - pink;
  • missing white? To help you, peeled radish cottage cheese, cream, boiled egg and rice;
  • if you rub the protein and mix it with beet juice, you get purple. Such a small mastery of the laws of artistic mixing of colors right in the kitchen.

If you have enough time, and you want to learn the art of table decoration in full, then pay attention to carving. This is a kind of decorative decoration of vegetables and fruits, in fact, it is an artistic carving.

Carving has been on the wave of popularity for many years, many famous chefs even arrange competitions in this discipline. To do this, you will need a curly knife. Now on sale you can even find special sets with many devices.

Remember a few tips on what and from what you can cut. For example, cucumbers can be decorated with a spiral (using a special tool from the carving kit), serpentine, stripes and ribbons. Large fruits and vegetables can be made into baskets.

Flowers can be cut from tomatoes, eggs, and even radishes! The only thing, do not forget to first immerse it in cold water - this will remove the bitterness.

Ordinary lettuce leaves can be added to the “picture” of carved decorations: line a serving dish with them or add a couple of leaves on top. Mint, lemon balm and basil leaves are also used for decoration.

Seasonings will also help to change the color: paprika, curry, parsley, ground black pepper. Even ordinary tomato paste can bring a touch of originality to the design of the salad.

Thus, you can decorate absolutely any vegetable option. But there are a couple of tricks with fruit. Buy a noisette at any dishware store. This is a special spoon for "cutting" balls and hemispheres of different sizes from the pulp of fruits. It looks like an ordinary spoon, but with metal hemispheres of different diameters around the edges.

You can cut out balls of watermelon and peaches, melons and apples in the manner of ice cream balls, and serve them in waffle cups, dough baskets or crystal bowls. Don't forget to decorate the top with berries and mint leaves. It is perfect for dessert and even kids will love it.

In addition to all of the above, there are a few more points:

  • First, the main point, of course, is the compatibility of products with each other. Usually there are no questions about this, the main thing is not to use incompatible components, such as, say, meat and kiwi. It is better to pay attention to lemons, olives with olives, eggs and bright vegetables.
  • Secondly, decoration requires no less sense of style than any other art. It is important to clearly think over the composition, choose accents, determine the center.
  • If you decide to decorate dishes, then you should also choose suitable dishes that will not distract attention from the main elements. For example, bright dishes combined with complex decor will turn your dish into a fractional and gaudy something.

Do not forget that the final look of the dish depends only on you, so it’s worth practicing. Give preference to clear lines and even cubes. Use well-sharpened knives. Your accuracy in cutting vegetables and fruits is already 50% success.

Don't forget about color balance. You, like an artist, must see and feel the most winning combinations. Add some contrast for the lighter versions with a tomato and bright bell pepper, and for the darker ones, use greens and cucumbers. You can even use the colored zest of citrus fruits like oranges or lemons.

Make sure that the decor does not divert attention from the main dish, but only complements it. It is better not to get carried away with excessive decoration, let everything be modest, but tasteful.

If you need to use any non-edible ingredients, be sure to let your guests know, especially if you need wooden skewers or toothpicks for canapes and decorations.

You can also use raw vegetables. But still, it is worth striving to ensure that all the decor is not only beautiful, but also edible.

beautiful decoration video

Separately, it is worth talking about decorating the table for children's holidays. Any children's holiday, especially if it's a birthday, requires careful preparation from parents. You must create such a cheerful and joyful atmosphere so that the holiday is remembered not only by the hero of the occasion, but also by all his invited friends.

It would seem that there is no place for salads on the table at all, because most children do not eat them. But no matter how! If you show originality and prepare delicious options with an unusual design, then the children will definitely appreciate them. It all depends on your imagination: you can create whole plot compositions on plates! Children's joy and surprise is definitely worth the effort.

In addition to decor, pay attention to the following points:

  • Avoid spicy, salty and fatty foods. On the children's table there is no place for fried, smoked and snacks with mayonnaise and an abundance of spices.
  • Avoid bold experiments: do not replace the products familiar to your child and add something new. Give preference to traditional dishes, choosing ingredients that children will definitely not refuse.
  • If you have a holiday with the participation of very young kids, then exclude citrus fruits, as well as bright fruits and vegetables. Remember, they can trigger an allergy attack!
  • The same attention should be paid to any fish if you plan to put it on the table or add it to dishes. It should not contain any bones.
  • Take on "armament" a couple of recipes for canapes. Children eat them with great pleasure: they are small and on convenient skewers. For their preparation, give preference to neutral fruits and vegetables, berries, cheeses, eggs and mushrooms.

Examples of decorating children's salads

Decoration for children's birthday: beautiful, fun and edible!

Little tricks

Any home celebration creates an upbeat and joyful mood, immersing everyone in an atmosphere of genuine fun. Especially if you don't have to spend a lot of time preparing meals and setting the table.

And any hostess wants not only to demonstrate her culinary skills, but also to surprise guests with a beautifully decorated table. And here salads will come to your aid again. Easy to decorate, they will become a bright highlight that will certainly be remembered.

Holiday table decoration

We are especially careful when choosing what we will cook for the festive table. We look at the recipes in advance, decide on the final version of the menu, and make a list of the necessary products.

And, of course, every housewife has a couple of recipes that must be prepared for a gala dinner. But even if these are the most common olivier and vinaigrette, you don’t need to give up the idea of ​​​​preparing them if you decide to amaze everyone with an original serving.

You only need to decorate them slightly, and you can be sure that your guests will definitely appreciate even these familiar dishes.

To make them not only tasty, but also spectacular, show your imagination and ingenuity. Don't forget to be careful! Registration will not take much time, which will definitely play into your hands. If there is enough time, then you can try ways of more complex decoration.

From the first time, such decorations can take more than twenty minutes, so it is better to try them out in advance and get used to it, especially if you are planning a complex composition. After several workouts, even complex elements will not take you more than ten minutes.

Pay attention to recipes with carved flowers and other figurines from the pulp of fruits and vegetables. To create them, you need some preparation, but the result is worth it.

You can give preference to simpler methods:

  • you can even make a voluminous “rose” from bacon or ham;
  • for fruit dishes, use figuratively cut kiwi or peeled citrus zest;
  • Another way to effectively serve salads is to focus not on the top decorations, but on the ingredients themselves. So, if it does not require mandatory mixing, then you can experiment with this.

For example, vegetable dishes will look advantageous if they are laid out in layers. The dressing can be put side by side in a separate gravy boat or spread over the formed dish on top and sides. Use not only mayonnaise for this, both sour cream and unsweetened yogurts are perfect.

From above, the composition can be completed with almonds, hazelnuts or pine nuts.

If the nuts do not fit your dish at all, then pomegranate seeds also perfectly replace them.

And you can do without them, adding carved flowers from vegetables or laying out an edible drawing to the dish. Using sprigs of parsley, radishes and chopped olives, you can create a fish and a penguin, as in the next photo.

You can also experiment with volume molding. For example, winter dishes can be served in the form of forest cones, and seafood dishes in the form of fish.

All of the above ways of decorating dishes are not at all the limit. It all depends on your imagination!

Get creative and you'll end up with a variety of designs for the same salad but for different occasions. Change shapes and come up with new unique recipes for decorating New Year's and everyday dishes. Each hostess will have it all differently, because everyone has their own vision of beauty.

One thing remains unchanged - the atmosphere of the holiday and the good mood that beautifully decorated dishes bring. Use these skills in everyday life or just on holidays - it's up to you.

Learning how to decorate not only salads, but also other foods in an interesting and unusual way is not at all difficult: just be patient and spend some free time. Together with a great desire, this will be enough. Having mastered even the simplest elements, you can already combine them in different ways and create many bright compositions.

There is no “ceiling” in this art, even after learning how to perform the most difficult things, you can continue to go further, improve your skills and come up with new original ways of serving both salads and all other dishes for any occasion.

And you can at least every day pamper your family with a spectacular serving of a regular dinner, bringing the mood of celebration and magic into everyday life!