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Fried mushrooms for the winter in sunflower oil. Honey mushrooms fried for the winter

Honey mushrooms are universal mushrooms. They are very tasty fried, salted, pickled, boiled and dried. Honey mushrooms are an excellent addition to various side dishes and many dishes. How to fry these mushrooms?

How to prepare mushrooms for frying?

Initially, the mushrooms should be carefully sorted out, cut off the dry part of the leg. Then mushrooms are placed in a container and poured with cold salted water. After that, they are allowed to stand in this form for several hours. After this time, the water is drained and proceed to the next stage - cooking mushrooms.

Soaked mushrooms are poured with water, salted and put the container on fire. When the mushrooms boil, you need to let them boil for 5 minutes. After that, mushrooms are placed in a colander so that liquid is drained from them.

How to cook pre-boiled mushrooms?

The cooled mushrooms are cut into thin strips. They are fried in a pan with refined olive or sunflower oil preheated for about 3 minutes. Together with mushrooms, finely chopped onions can also be cooked. The cooking process will take about 10-15 minutes.

You can add a few more tablespoons of sour cream to fried mushrooms. It is desirable that it be a product of high fat content. After this, mushrooms should be stewed for several minutes. It is recommended to sprinkle ready-made mushrooms with fresh herbs, which successfully complements the taste of the dish.

How to fry mushrooms quickly?

We prepare mushrooms for frying in a similar way: we sort through, remove the dry part of the leg, rinse under cold running water, place in a colander so that the water is glass. Pour a sufficient amount of vegetable oil (30-50 g) into the pan and put on fire. When the brazier is hot enough, put the onion, cut into half rings or quarters of rings, on the surface. Fry it over high heat until it becomes golden in color. Then the onion is removed from the pan, and mushrooms are placed in it.

Like all mushrooms, mushrooms quickly give juice. As soon as the liquid appears, reduce the heat to a minimum, cover the pan with a lid and leave the product to simmer for about 10-15 minutes. After this period of time, it is necessary to drain the resulting juice from the mushrooms into a container.

After that, the roasting process continues again. Keep an eye on the mushrooms so that they do not burn, and stir constantly. This step will take about 10 minutes.

A few minutes before the completion of the heat treatment, pre-fried onions are added to the mushrooms, salted and peppered. The resulting mushroom juice is mixed with sour cream and mushrooms are poured into the resulting sauce. This is followed by the process of evaporating the liquid over medium heat. As soon as mushrooms acquire the desired consistency, the dish is ready.

Mushrooms fried for the winter

Autumn honey agaric

A very simple and convenient recipe for canning forest mushrooms in oil or fat (lard). In fat, chanterelles are especially good, which twinkle with their red sparks in white fat. And it turns out the finished second dish. It remains only to add potatoes or rice. In winter, scoop up a couple of tablespoons of these canned mushrooms, throw them into a pan, cut potatoes there and fry them with mushrooms in lard! Full buzz! I remember, as a child, I was treated to this mushroom preparation at a party, and even then I was amazed at the simplicity of preparing the canned food themselves and dishes from them. And then I already wanted to find this simple recipe for canning forest mushrooms. At home, we only pickled and salted mushrooms - see the recipe.

In short, how to do it.

What you need for harvesting fried mushrooms

  • Mushrooms(white, boletus, chanterelles, pigs, russula, saffron milk mushrooms, oil mushrooms, mushrooms, champignons and other good edible mushrooms);
  • Vegetable or creamy (can be melted) oil, vegetable fat or- animal fat(melted lard - lard);
  • Salt.

These are porcini mushrooms found in the forest.

How to cook fried mushrooms

  • Wash mushrooms, clean. Cut if very large. boil twice for 15 minutes each time, changing the water and washing the mushrooms. Drain off the last water.
  • Melt butter or fat in a frying pan (there should be a lot of it). Add mushrooms and simmer covered 30 minutes.
  • Open the lid and simmer 15 minutes until the excess moisture evaporates. Toward the end, taste and salt to taste;
  • While the mushrooms are stewed and fried, prepare jars: rinse with soda or detergent, pour over boiling water or hold for 5 minutes over boiling water (for example, over a kettle). Rinse and boil iron lids (in a bowl, placing a clean cloth so that they do not burn), plastic ones - just rinse and pour over with boiling water.
  • Arrange the finished mushrooms in jars, leaving room for a layer of oil (or fat). Pour in the oil left over from frying (layer 1-1.5 cm) and close with lids (plastic or roll up iron). If there is not enough oil left, bring a new portion of oil to a boil, and if you fill it with fat, salt it.
  • Store in refrigerator, basement or cellar under a plastic cover for 5-6 months, under an iron one - even longer.

It's butterflies growing

Features of canning fried mushrooms and taste

Mushrooms canned in fat turn out to be a very tasty and convenient semi-finished product. You will not regret!

If you have collected a lot of mushrooms of the same type, then it is better to sort the mushrooms into varieties and prepare each type separately. So the taste will be more uniform and the appearance will be beautiful.

However, if you have a little bit of all the mushrooms, then it’s also good, the taste of the mushroom platter will be uniquely original and unique. Yes, and the view is intricate.

Remember that the legs of mushrooms and boletus are not used, they are not tasty. Only hats are good.

Another recipe for fried mushrooms

There is an option frying mushrooms for the winter with vinegar (Bulgarian).

The difference from our recipe is that the mushrooms are not stewed for half an hour, but quickly fried over intense heat, cooled and then transferred to prepared jars, and garlic and finely chopped greens are thrown between the mushroom layers.

The remaining oil is combined with vinegar (1-2 tablespoons, depending on the volume of mushrooms), salted, brought to a boil. Then - the fire is turned off, the oil is cooled. And they fill them with mushrooms in a jar (here the layer is about 3-3.5 cm). And roll up the lids.

Canned mushrooms, in my opinion, are good in all versions! The main thing is that they are edible, so keep an eye out!

Enjoy your meal!

Fried autumn mushrooms for the winter: recipes


Harvesting for the winter mushrooms, fried in vegetable oil
How to close fried mushrooms with garlic for the winter
Freezing fried mushrooms for the winter in the freezer
Recipe for making fried mushrooms for the winter with onions
Is it possible to harvest fried mushrooms for the winter in fat?
Recipe for fried mushrooms for the winter without sterilization
How to cook mushrooms fried in a slow cooker for the winter under iron lids
Recipe for fried mushrooms for the winter with cabbage
The recipe for harvesting fried mushrooms for the winter with carrots and onions
Honey mushrooms for the winter, fried in oil with citric acid
Winter fried mushrooms in ghee with nutmeg
Recipe honey mushrooms for the winter in jars: how to preserve fried mushrooms with mayonnaise
How to cook fried mushrooms for the winter and is it possible to keep mushrooms warm

How to prepare caviar from fried mushrooms for the winter
Fried mushrooms prepared for the winter are a real delicacy that every family loves without exaggeration. The tips in this article will help all cooks diversify their daily menu with mushroom preparations. Recipes for cooking fried mushrooms for the winter will be your best options for canning mushrooms.
It is worth saying that fat is always used as a preservative for frying mushrooms and harvesting them for the winter: butter or vegetable oil, as well as lard - rendered lard. Many consider mushroom preparations fried on a mixture of fats to be the most delicious.
How to cook fried mushrooms for the winter?
However, novice housewives are wondering: how to properly cook fried mushrooms for the winter, and should they be boiled first? In order to feel confident and not worry about the health and well-being of your loved ones, it is better for mushrooms to carry out a separate heat treatment.
Honey mushrooms do not grow on the ground, so there are practically no strong pollution on them. Remove the remains of foliage and grass from the hats, cut off the lower part of the stem and fill it with water for 1-1.5 hours. From time to time, the fruiting bodies are mixed with their hands. Then, water is allowed to boil in a saucepan and mushrooms are introduced, boiling them for 20 to 30 minutes, depending on the size. Then they are thrown into a colander, allowed to drain, and only then they begin to fry.

Fried mushrooms, harvested for the winter in jars, are stored for up to 2 years, delighting the whole family and guests with an amazing taste and aroma. Any dish with such a side dish will become even tastier and richer, and the festive feast will be complemented by an amazing appetizer. Having become acquainted with such advantages, any housewife wants to know in detail how to close fried mushrooms for the winter.

Harvesting for the winter mushrooms, fried in vegetable oil

Who among the lovers of mushroom dishes will be able to resist not to sit down at the table and, without waiting for the holiday, “toss” with fresh green onions and a slice of bread fried mushrooms prepared for the winter in vegetable oil?

Salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
Ground black pepper - ½ tsp;
Vinegar 9% - 4 tbsp. l.
Harvesting fried mushrooms for the winter in a simple way goes through the following steps:
1. Boiled in salted water and dried mushrooms are laid out in a dry frying pan.
2. Fry over medium heat until the liquid has evaporated, and then pour in the oil and fry until golden brown.
3. Transfer mushrooms to warm and dry jars, sprinkling with ground black pepper (you can add chopped parsley and dill).
4. Salt and vinegar are added to the oil remaining in the pan, brought to a boil and poured into jars with mushrooms.
5. Put in hot water on a kitchen towel and sterilize for 40 minutes over low heat.
6. Close with tight plastic lids, allow to cool and put in the refrigerator.
If there is not enough oil, then you need to pour a new portion into the pan, ignite and add hot to the jars.

How to close fried mushrooms with garlic for the winter

Many mushroom pickers believe that fried mushrooms of autumn species are excellent preservation for the winter.

They contain many useful and nutritious substances that can replenish the missing vitamins and minerals in the human body.
Honey mushrooms (boiled) - 1 kg;
Vegetable oil - 120 ml;
Garlic cloves - 10 pcs.;
Salt - to taste;
Bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
Allspice - 4 pcs.
We put the boiled mushrooms on a sieve or colander and let it drain completely.
Although only vegetable fat is mentioned in the recipe, for mushrooms fried for the winter in oil with garlic, you can take a mixture of fats in equal amounts.
1. Put the mushrooms on a hot dry frying pan and let the liquid evaporate.
2. We introduce a mixture of fats and fry over medium heat for 20 minutes until golden.
3. Add salt, add sliced ​​garlic, bay leaf and allspice, mix.
4. We continue to fry for another 10 minutes and put them in heated sterilized jars.
5. Pour hot oil so that its level above the mushrooms is 1-2 cm.
6. Cover with lids and sterilize in salt water for 40 minutes over low heat.
7. Roll up, turn over and wrap with a blanket until completely cooled.
8. After about 2 days, we transfer the jars to a cool room.
If you are going to store mushrooms in the refrigerator, then they are closed with nylon lids and not sterilized.

Freezing fried mushrooms for the winter in the freezer

Freezing fried mushrooms prepared for the winter is quite simple and fast. In addition, such a blank is stored for a long time in the freezer in plastic bags.
Honey mushrooms (boiled) - 2 kg;

Salt - 1 tbsp. l.
1. Cooked and dried on a kitchen towel, mushrooms are laid out on a hot, dry frying pan.
2. Fry over low heat for 10-15 minutes until the excess liquid has evaporated.
3. Pour in the oil and fry over medium heat until golden brown.
4. Add salt at the very end, mix, allow to cool and distribute in plastic bags (squeezing out all the air and tying the bag) or food containers.
Honey mushrooms fried for the winter are stored in the freezer for no more than 12 months, provided that they are not re-frozen.

Recipe for making fried mushrooms for the winter with onions

The recipe for fried mushrooms with the addition of onions for the winter will turn out to be practical as a semi-finished product. Give this hearty recipe a try and you won't regret your time!
Honey mushrooms (boiled) - 1 kg;
Onion - 700 g;
Salt - ½ tbsp. l.;

Vegetable oil or lard - 150 ml;
Carnation - 2 pcs.;
Soy sauce - 2 tbsp. l.
The recipe for fried mushrooms, cooked for the winter in oil with onions, is prepared as follows:
1. Pre-boiled mushrooms are laid out on a frying pan heated with oil and fried for 20 minutes until golden brown.
2. Peel the onion, cut into half rings and add to the mushrooms for frying.
3. Fry for another 10 minutes over low heat, add salt, pour in soy sauce, add cloves and ground pepper, mix.
4. Distribute into jars and pour over the oil that remains in the pan. If it is not enough, then you need to bring another portion of the oil to a boil and pour honey mushrooms.
5. Sterilize jars with mushrooms in water simmering for 30 minutes.
6. Roll up, turn over, wrap with a blanket, let cool and take out to the basement.

Is it possible to harvest fried mushrooms for the winter in fat?

Winter fried mushrooms cooked in animal fat are also very popular. In addition, frying and preserving such a workpiece will not take much of your time.
Honey mushrooms (boiled) - 2 kg;
Lard (animal fat) - 150 g;
Salt - to taste;
Pepper black and white peas - 5 pcs.;
Bay leaf - 4 pcs.
How to make mushrooms fried in lard for the winter so that your loved ones like the dish?
1. Put the mushrooms boiled and dried on a kitchen towel in a pan in which the lard has already been melted.
2. Fry over low heat for 25 minutes, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon.
3. Add a mixture of peppers and bay leaf, let it simmer under a closed lid for 10 minutes.
4. Put in jars and pour lard on top, sprinkle salt on top and close with nylon lids.
5. Let cool, put in a dark pantry and store up to 6 months.
This preparation is added to fried potatoes or vegetable stew.

Recipe for fried mushrooms for the winter without sterilization

The recipe for cooking fried mushrooms for the winter without sterilization will reduce the time spent in the kitchen to a minimum.

However, the preparation will turn out to be so tasty and fragrant that when you open the jar and put it in a heating pan, your relatives, smelling the smell, will come running to the kitchen.
Honey mushrooms (boiled) - 1.5 kg;
Vegetable oil - 200 ml;
Salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
Vinegar - 3 tbsp. l.;
Ground black pepper - 1 tsp;
Paprika - 1 tsp;
Garlic cloves - 7 pcs.;
Provence herbs - ½ tsp
To deliciously cook fried mushrooms for the winter without further sterilization, you need to follow a step-by-step recipe.
1. After boiling, mushrooms are laid out in a hot pan with vegetable oil and fried for 20-25 minutes until all the liquid has evaporated.
2. Provencal herbs, salt, ground pepper, paprika and chopped garlic are introduced, mixed and fried for another 10 minutes.
3. Vinegar is poured in, and if there is little oil left in the mushrooms, then another 100 ml are added, covered with a lid and simmered for 15 minutes over low heat.
4. Lay the mushrooms in jars and close with tight nylon lids.
5. Allow to cool and take out to the basement or store in the refrigerator.

How to cook mushrooms fried in a slow cooker for the winter under iron lids

If you have this device in your kitchen, you are the owner of a good “assistant” that can replace you in almost all culinary processes.

How to cook fried mushrooms for the winter in a slow cooker? This method is quite simple and convenient and will not take much of your time, because the multicooker will do all the processes.
Honey mushrooms - 1 kg;
Butter - 200 g;
Salt - 1/3 tbsp. l.;
Onions - 3 pcs.;
Pepper black and white peas - 3 pcs.;
Carnation - 2 buds;
Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
1. Peeled mushrooms are placed in a slow cooker, pour 500 ml of water, put in the "Cooking" mode for 30 minutes.
2. After the beep, the mushrooms are taken out into a colander, washed under the tap, allowed to drain and put back into the multicooker bowl.
3. Add butter, onion cut into half rings, set the “Stew” mode and stew for 40 minutes.
4. As soon as the signal sounds, open the lid, add salt, pepper, cloves, bay leaf and fry for 20 minutes.
5. Roasted mushrooms are laid out in sterilized jars and rolled up for the winter under iron lids.
6. Allow to cool completely and only then take it out to the basement.

Recipe for fried mushrooms for the winter with cabbage

The recipe for cooking fried mushrooms for the winter with the addition of cabbage will appeal to all members of your family.

Such a delicious salad will be a good addition to your daily menu.
Honey mushrooms (boiled) - 1 kg;
Cabbage - 600 g;
Vegetable oil - 300 ml;
Salt - to taste;
Garlic cloves - 6 pcs.;
Onions - 6 pcs.;
A mixture of ground peppers - 1 tsp.
1. Put the mushrooms in a pan and pour in half the oil.
2. Fry until golden brown and add diced onion.
3. Fry for 15 minutes over low heat and add chopped garlic, mix.
4. Put finely shredded cabbage into another pan, pour in the second half of the oil and simmer under a closed lid until cooked.
5. Salt, sprinkle with a mixture of peppers, mix and fry for another 10-15 minutes.
6. Combine mushrooms and cabbage in one saucepan, mix, cover and simmer for 15 minutes.
7. Arrange in sterilized dry jars, cover with lids and sterilize in hot water for 30 minutes.
8. Roll up, warm with a blanket and leave to cool for 2 days.
9. Leave for storage in the refrigerator or take out to the basement.

The recipe for harvesting fried mushrooms for the winter with carrots and onions

The recipe for harvesting fried mushrooms for the winter with carrots and onions will keep mushrooms with vegetables tasty and healthy for a long time.

The traditional storage container for mushrooms is glass jars, which can be left even in a dark pantry.
Honey mushrooms (boiled) - 1 kg;
Onions and carrots - 500 g each;
Vegetable oil - 250 ml;
Salt - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
Black peppercorns - 7-10 pcs.
1. Honey mushrooms are fried in a small amount of oil until golden brown.
2. Enter the onion cut into half rings and continue to fry for 15 minutes.
3. Peeled carrots are rubbed on a Korean grater and fried in a separate pan with the addition of oil until golden brown.
4. Combine with mushrooms and onions, add salt, add peppercorns, mix and simmer for 15 minutes.
5. Lay out in jars and put in hot water for sterilization.
6. Sterilize for 40 minutes on low heat, close with tight nylon lids.
7. Cool and take out to the basement or leave in the refrigerator.

Honey mushrooms for the winter, fried in oil with citric acid

We offer a variant of harvesting for the winter mushrooms, fried in oil with citric acid. Its difference is that the mushrooms are fried over intense heat, then they cool down and are cold loaded into jars.
Honey mushrooms (boiled) - 2 kg;
Vegetable oil - 200 ml;
Citric acid - ½ tsp;
Salt - to taste;
Garlic cloves - 7 pcs.;
Chopped parsley and dill - 1 tbsp.;
Black and allspice pepper - 5 peas each.
Is it possible to harvest fried mushrooms for the winter with citric acid? Yes, and this will help you step by step instructions.
1. Put the boiled mushrooms on a hot dry frying pan and fry until the liquid evaporates.
2. Pour in the oil and continue to fry over high heat until golden brown.
3. Distribute into dry sterilized jars, sprinkling with chopped herbs and garlic.
4. Salt the remaining oil, add a mixture of peppers and citric acid, bring to a boil.
5. Turn off the stove, let the oil cool down and pour it into jars with mushrooms. A layer of oil should cover the mushrooms by 2-2.5 cm. Therefore, if there is not enough oil, make another portion and pour into jars.
6. Close with tight nylon lids and let cool.
7. Such a blank can be stored not only in the refrigerator, but also in the pantry.

Winter fried mushrooms in ghee with nutmeg

Fried mushrooms cooked for the winter in ghee with nutmeg is a rather interesting, but at the same time simple recipe.
Such a spicy version of mushroom snack will be to the taste of all gourmets. Melted butter is considered not only very tasty, but also useful for humans.
Honey mushrooms (boiled) - 1.5 kg;
Ghee - 200 g;
Onions - 3 pcs.;
Garlic cloves - 5 pcs.;
Salt - to taste;
Nutmeg - on the tip of a knife;
Bay leaf - 3 pcs.

The recipe for fried mushrooms for the winter, closed in jars, will become one of the most delicious and fragrant for you and your loved ones. A jar of such a preparation added to fried potatoes will serve as an excellent option for a family dinner.
1. Put mushrooms in a dry frying pan and fry over high heat until golden brown.
2. Add melted butter, diced onion and garlic, mix and fry for 15 minutes over medium heat.
3. Salt to taste, add bay leaf and nutmeg, continue to fry over low heat for 20 minutes, stirring continuously with a wooden spatula.
4. Distribute into dry warm jars and put in hot water for sterilization.
5. Sterilize after boiling for 30 minutes over low heat.
6. Roll up with lids, turn over and wrap with a blanket until the workpiece has completely cooled.
7. Take out to the basement and store at a temperature of +10°C for no more than 6 months.

Recipe honey mushrooms for the winter in jars: how to preserve fried mushrooms with mayonnaise

Experienced housewives share a way showing how to preserve fried mushrooms for the winter with mayonnaise? This variant of the preparation turns out to be tasty and appetizing, especially honey mushrooms - one of the most popular and loved by all mushrooms.
1. Honey mushrooms (boiled) - 1.5 kg;
2. Mayonnaise - 200 ml;
3. Vegetable oil 50 ml;
4. Bow - 4 pcs.;
5. Garlic cloves - 5 pcs.;
6. Ground black and red pepper - 1/3 tsp each;
7. Salt - 1 tbsp. l.
We offer a step-by-step recipe with a photo of cooking fried mushrooms for the winter:

Boiled mushrooms fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.

Add diced onion and garlic, continue to fry for 10 minutes. Add salt, pepper and fry for about 5-7 minutes.

We introduce mayonnaise, cover the pan with a lid, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes, not forgetting to stir.

Arrange in jars and close with nylon lids. Cool and store in the refrigerator.
Such a blank can even be frozen in the freezer. To do this, put the cooled mushrooms with mayonnaise in food containers, close and put in the freezer.

How to cook fried mushrooms for the winter and is it possible to keep mushrooms warm

This option of mushroom harvesting has its advantages: fried mushrooms cooked for the winter can be kept warm.

And although this procedure will require a lot of time, however, the result will be an excellent-tasting dish that will complement your everyday menu in the winter.
Honey mushrooms (boiled) - 2 kg;
Vegetable oil - 100 ml;
Tomato paste - 150 g;
Salt - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
Onions - 7 pcs.;
Black and allspice pepper - 5 peas each;
Vinegar 9% - 4 tbsp. l.;
Bay leaf - 3 pcs.;
Rosemary - a pinch.

How to cook fried mushrooms for the winter with tomato paste to surprise your family with a delicious preparation?

1. Boiled mushrooms are laid out in a pan in oil and fried until golden brown.
2. The peeled onion is cut into half rings and introduced into the mushrooms, fried for 15 minutes over medium heat.
3. Salt, tomato paste diluted in 100 ml of water, bay leaf, rosemary and vinegar are added.
4. Everything languishes over low heat under a closed lid for 20 minutes.
5. Next, the lid is removed, and the mushroom preparation is stewed for another 30 minutes over low heat.
6. Jars with mushrooms are closed with tight plastic lids and insulated with a blanket.
7. After cooling, the jars are placed in the refrigerator for storage, but not more than 3 months.

How to prepare caviar from fried mushrooms for the winter (with video)

How else to prepare fried mushrooms for the winter? You can do it in the form of mushroom caviar.

It is worth noting that cooking caviar from fried mushrooms is another way to make an excellent appetizer for the festive table. In addition, it is perfect as a filling for pies and pizzas.
Honey mushrooms (boiled) - 1.5 kg;
Onions - 6 pcs.;
Carrots - 8 pcs.;
Garlic cloves - 6 pcs.;
Vinegar 9% - 4 tbsp. l.;
Vegetable oil - 150 ml;
Ground black pepper - 1 tsp;
Ground coriander - ¼ tsp
Note that any mushrooms go into caviar: broken, overgrown (but strong), only legs or hats.
1. Boiled mushrooms are passed through a meat grinder and put on a frying pan heated with oil.
2. Fry over medium heat for 20 minutes, add salt, mix and turn off the heat.
3. In a separate pan, fry the onion, chopped into cubes, then add the carrots grated on a coarse grater and fry for 15-20 minutes.
4. Combine mushrooms and onions with carrots, add salt again to taste, add coriander and pepper, as well as chopped garlic.
5. We pass the whole mass through a meat grinder, put it in a pan and fry over low heat for 15 minutes.
6. Pour in the vinegar, mix and distribute the caviar in dry sterilized jars, with a capacity of 0.5 liters.
7. We put in hot water for sterilization, not forgetting to put a small kitchen towel on the bottom of the pan so that the jars do not burst.
8. Sterilize for 40 minutes over low heat, roll up, let cool and take out to the basement.

Forest mushrooms are one of the most delicious and healthy mushrooms, they have a lot of phosphorus, protein, calcium, and iron. From mushrooms you can cook a variety of nutritious dishes, they are suitable for pickling, freezing and salting. Fried mushrooms are a great dish for a family meal, simple and varied, because. mushrooms are combined with many vegetables, meat dishes. They are especially delicious with sour cream or cream sauce and herbs.

Forest mushrooms are one of the most delicious and healthy mushrooms, they have a lot of phosphorus, protein, calcium, iron

Fresh mushrooms must first be boiled twice for a quarter of an hour, changing the water during the break. Then they can be fried in any oil until golden brown. If the mushrooms are not pre-boiled, then after washing in running water, the mushrooms can be stewed for half an hour until the liquid has completely evaporated, salting during the cooking process.

Before cooking, mushrooms must be washed, cleaned of forest debris. If the legs are long, then they are cut off, leaving only a small stump.

Frozen mushrooms are even easier to fry. Wash, boil and defrost them before frying should not be. Mushrooms spread on a well-heated frying pan, poured with oil. Fry them for a quarter of an hour over medium heat, without covering the container with a lid.

If fried mushrooms with onions, then first fry the onion, cut into half rings. Moreover, a sign of the readiness of the dish is that it becomes a uniform color.

How to fry mushrooms (video)

How tasty and quick to cook fried mushrooms in a pan

One of the easiest ways to cook fragrant fried mushrooms is this:

  1. For three quarters of a kilogram of mushrooms, you need a few cloves of garlic, herbs and a few tablespoons of oil for frying. This amount is enough for five servings.
  2. Mushrooms are washed and boiled, prepared garlic and parsley are finely chopped.
  3. Oil is poured into a heated frying pan, on which garlic is first fried.
  4. Then spread parsley and mushrooms on it. With stirring, fry for a third of an hour.

It is best to eat them hot.

A simple recipe for fried mushrooms with onions

It is very easy to fry mushrooms with onions. For 600 grams of forest gifts, you need a couple of large onions. First, prepared mushrooms are laid out in a hot frying pan without oil. Do not cover the container with a lid, so excess moisture will evaporate faster. After that, oil is poured into the pan and chopped onions are laid out. It should take about a third of an hour to be ready. At the end, the mushrooms are salted and peppered, and sprinkled with herbs before serving.

Fried mushrooms in a pan

Recipe for fried mushrooms with garlic and mayonnaise

This dish can even claim as a worthy decoration for a festive feast. It can be considered as a separate dish, it also goes well with meat and potatoes. For a kilogram of fresh mushrooms, you need a large onion, several cloves of garlic, a glass of mayonnaise, oil, red and black peppers, greens.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Mushrooms are boiled with the addition of a small amount of citric acid.
  2. Allow excess liquid to drain.
  3. Fry for a little less than half an hour over medium heat.
  4. Add chopped onion and continue the process for a few more minutes.
  5. Then add chopped garlic, salt and pepper.
  6. Lastly, pour in mayonnaise and simmer the workpiece over low heat for a quarter of an hour.
  7. Served with chopped parsley and dill.

Fried mushrooms with sour cream

Appetizing fried mushrooms with cream

To prepare a fragrant dish of wild mushrooms, you need to have them a little more than half a kilogram, you also need three onions, a quarter cup of butter, a glass and a half of heavy cream, a little hard cheese, pepper, salt, herbs.

Technological sequence:

  1. Mushrooms are boiled for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Onions are fried until golden brown.
  3. Add mushrooms to it and continue the process for ten minutes.
  4. Pour half the cream, pepper and salt and keep under the lid on the smallest fire for ten minutes. Otherwise, the cream will separate.
  5. Pour the grated cheese, pour in the remaining cream, hold in the same mode for another ten minutes.

Fried mushrooms

You can cook another variation of the previous recipe:

  1. Fry a couple of onions with a few cloves of garlic for several minutes until golden brown and fragrant.
  2. Boil a kilogram of forest mushrooms in salt water for a third of an hour.
  3. Pour the mushroom semi-finished product to the onion-garlic dressing, add pepper and salt and fry for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Pour the cream into the pan and leave the dish under the lid on the slowest fire for another quarter of an hour. Sprinkle with herbs before serving.

How much to fry mushrooms (video)

Option with frozen mushrooms: a pound of potatoes, the same amount of forest mushrooms, an onion head. Cooking technology:

  1. Fry chopped onion until golden brown.
  2. Put frozen mushrooms to it and fry for five minutes.
  3. After that, pour the potatoes cut into strips, salt, pepper and fry for a third of an hour until golden brown.
  4. For each serving of the finished dish you need a spoonful of sour cream.

Technological features of frying raw mushrooms:

  • Cut large hats in half, remove the legs, leaving a couple of centimeters at the base.
  • Boil mushrooms (half a kilogram) in salted water for ten minutes.
  • Let them drain.
  • Fry the onion with 50 grams of chopped bacon in an open container.
  • Add mushrooms and chopped potatoes, fry for ten minutes until golden brown, salt and pepper before finishing.

You can fry the potatoes separately from the mushrooms, and then add it to them. After that, keep the dish under the lid for five minutes.

Hearty dish of fried mushrooms, potatoes and onions

Recipe for an appetizer with fried mushrooms for the winter

For winter harvesting from fried mushrooms, a glass of vegetable oil is needed per kilogram of forest gifts. The procurement process consists of the following steps:

  1. Prepared mushrooms are boiled for ten minutes, let them drain.
  2. Mushrooms cut in half are folded into a pan with heated oil and stewed under the lid for half an hour.
  3. Then you should open the pan and continue to fry the mushrooms until the moisture has completely evaporated, at the end of the process you should salt them.
  4. Ready mushrooms are put in sterile jars and poured with hot oil up to the very neck.
  5. If there is not enough oil, then you should heat up an additional amount of it.
  6. Banks are corked with nylon lids and stored in the refrigerator for up to six months.

Alternatively, you can make a blank with fried onions at the rate of a large onion per kilogram of mushrooms. Vegetables go through the same frying stages as mushrooms.

How to cook mushrooms (video)

These are not all recipes for fried mushrooms. But in order not to spoil the pleasure of a delicious dish, you need to be able to distinguish edible mushrooms from their poisonous counterparts. Young edible varieties have a spherical cap, while adults are almost flat with a small tubercle in the middle. It is dirty brown or yellowish in color, and in young individuals it is also scaly. The plates fit snugly to the leg, at first they are light, and then turn yellow. The stem of the mushrooms is long, thin, slightly thickened towards the bottom, there is a white ring on the upper part. In adult specimens, it is rough and fibrous in taste, completely unsuitable for food.

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Honey mushrooms are forest mushrooms that are popular with mushroom pickers due to their ease of harvesting. Fried mushrooms make excellent dishes that housewives preserve for the winter.

Honey mushrooms are forest mushrooms that are popular with mushroom pickers due to their ease of harvesting.

Processing again does not take much time, but still necessary. Especially if the fruits were collected by a person on their own. To reduce cleaning costs, fallen leaves and other debris should be removed from honey agarics while still in the forest. Since they grow in the forest almost all year round, you also have to get rid of damaged mushrooms or specimens eaten by rodents.

  • Reduces cleaning time and proper harvesting. Honey mushrooms are cut closer to the hat, leaving a small part of the leg on the stump or other surface. The harvested fruits are folded into a dense, rigid container so that they do not lose their shape.
  • The place where the fungus is cut tends to darken very quickly, so processing should be carried out immediately after coming from the forest. To begin with, the fruiting bodies are sorted by size, then most of the stem is cut off, and the caps are wiped with a damp towel.
  • Before marinating, boiling or frying mushrooms, they must undergo a soaking procedure in water. It lasts no more than half an hour. This is necessary, since excess bitterness will be removed along with water, as well as small insects living in fruits.
  • Then a special “skirt” on the leg, a film, is removed.

How to fry butterfish (video)

A simple recipe for fried mushrooms for the winter

To prepare fried mushrooms for the winter, it is necessary to select substandard fruits, that is, those that did not fit due to size for other types of processing. Honey mushrooms should be trimmed, and their hats are large.


  • honey mushrooms;
  • vegetable oil (margarine or melted animal fat);
  • salt and spices to taste.

The number of listed components is measured "by eye", since the weight of the mushrooms is different for each. Fruits should not be drowned in oil. The taste of mushrooms is moderately salty.


  1. Wash mushrooms and cut into large pieces. Heat the pan as much as possible with vegetable oil in it and fill it all the way to the top with mushrooms. Cover the container with a lid and simmer the fruits for about half an hour. During this time, the mushrooms will release juice and begin to fry in oil. After the liquid appears, the lid is removed and the fruits are allowed to fry until golden brown.
  2. The readiness of mushrooms is determined simply - the cooked fruits begin to crack or click.
  3. Pre-sterilized in any convenient way, the jars are filled with mushroom mass and poured with melted margarine on top.
  4. Banks should cool in a warm place, put in position with lids down. After cooling, they are cleaned in a refrigerator or pantry with cool air.

Processing again does not take much time, but still necessary

Harvesting fried mushrooms for the winter in the freezer

Before freezing, honey mushrooms must also be processed. To begin with, mushrooms are selected, all specimens with wrinkled sides, worms and rot are rejected. For freezing and further cooking, only those fruits that have a dense leg of the correct shape and a fairly large hat are suitable. Mushrooms do not need to be washed before freezing.

Frozen and already fried mushrooms are a kind of semi-finished product that is convenient to use for cooking first courses, side dishes or baking toppings. To make such mushrooms, the fruits themselves are needed, as well as vegetable oil.

  • Pure mushrooms are laid out in a pan and fried over medium heat for half an hour. Then they are transferred to a sieve or colander so that excess fat comes out of them under their own weight.
  • After the mushroom mass is laid out in portioned packages. Please note that all air must be completely released from them!
  • The packaged product is tightly placed in the freezer.

It is not necessary to defrost fried mushrooms - a piece of the desired size is immediately placed either in soup or in another dish.

How to prepare oil for the winter (video)

Recipe for fried mushroom caviar for the winter

To prepare caviar from fried mushrooms, you need:

  • 3 onions;
  • about 1 kilogram of mushrooms;
  • 3 tablespoons of table vinegar;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 200 milliliters of vegetable oil;
  • edible salt to taste.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. The fruits are thoroughly washed and cleaned from contamination.
  2. Pour water into a saucepan with a volume of more than 3 liters, bring the liquid to a boil over medium heat. All the mushrooms are lowered into it, without cutting them into pieces.
  3. Boil the fruits for 5 minutes, then discard them in a colander.
  4. Fry mushrooms in a pan, pouring plenty of oil.
  5. In a separate bowl, sauté onions and carrots over low heat until golden.
  6. Grind mushrooms and vegetables through a meat grinder or food processor, salt and season to taste. Place in sterilized jars and sterilize the mass again for another 50 minutes.

1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar is poured into each jar and rolled up with lids, allowed to cool in a warm place.

The finished product is stored in a cool place out of the reach of children.

Caviar from mushrooms is stored in a cool and inaccessible place for children.

How to cook fried mushrooms for the winter in jars without sterilization

Roasted mushrooms rolled up in jars without sterilization is a quick recipe that saves a lot of time.

You will need:

  • about 2 kilograms of mushrooms;
  • oil for frying;
  • salt and spices.

Cooking steps:

  1. Rinse mushrooms. Cut large fruits into pieces. Pour them into a separate pan and pour water so that it completely covers the mushrooms. Put it on medium heat and bring to a boil, then reduce its intensity.
  2. Take out the mushrooms and let them drain. Fry the fruit in a pan until fully cooked. To prevent the dish from burning to the bottom, it is necessary to remove the lid from time to time and mix the mushrooms with improvised means.
  3. Rinse the jars well with soda, sterilize or pour over with boiling water, wipe dry.
  4. Arrange the finished fruits in jars, leaving 2-3 centimeters from the base for the oil. Pour in hot oil, close with metal lids. Leave the jars to cool in a warm place.

Store in pantry or refrigerator.

Fried mushrooms for the winter in jars without sterilization

Recipe for fried mushrooms for the winter with citric acid

The main difference of this recipe is that the mushrooms are fried with the addition of citric acid. The finished dish is laid out in jars not hot, but cold. For this you need:

  • 2 kilograms of boiled mushrooms;
  • 250 milliliters of vegetable oil;
  • half a teaspoon of citric acid;
  • 6 garlic cloves;
  • a tablespoon of parsley and dill;
  • allspice.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Put the pre-boiled fruits on a preheated pan and fry until the liquid has completely evaporated. Pour in the oil and continue frying over medium heat.
  2. Sterilize jars of a suitable size and sprinkle with herbs and finely chopped garlic.
  3. Throw mushrooms in them.
  4. The oil remaining after frying them must be salted, peppered and add “lemon” to it. Boil.
  5. Allow the oil to cool to room temperature and add it to the mushrooms.
  6. Close with lids and store in a cool place.

Honey mushrooms for the winter with citric acid

Preparation of fried mushrooms with mayonnaise for the winter

Mayonnaise lovers will love this recipe.


  • one and a half kilograms of boiled mushrooms;
  • 300 milliliters of mayonnaise;
  • 50 grams of vegetable oil;
  • 5 medium-sized onions;
  • 6 cloves of garlic;
  • a third of a teaspoon of red ground pepper;
  • a tablespoon of salt.

Such preparation for the winter is being prepared as follows:

  1. Throw the mushrooms boiled in salted water for 20 minutes into a colander and let them drain. Send to a pan for frying in vegetable oil until crispy.
  2. Add onion and garlic cloves, season with salt.
  3. Add mayonnaise, cover the pan with a lid and simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes, stirring constantly.
  4. Switch off the stove. Arrange the finished dish in washed and sterilized jars, tamp tightly.
  5. Close with lids and refrigerate. Store in a cool place - refrigerator or pantry, basement.

How to preserve mushrooms for the winter (video)

There are many options for cooking fried mushrooms, and each of them has its own advantages.

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