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Fried rice. Fried rice with vegetables and egg pancakes Fried rice with vegetables

Fried rice. A delicious and satisfying dish that will be appropriate for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Golden, incredibly crumbly and fragrant, this rice will appeal to everyone without exception! This amazing dish came to us from Chinese cuisine - in Asian countries it is one of the most popular dishes.

Cooking fried rice is quite simple - its preparation does not require any special skills, nor too much time. Most often, rice grains are simply boiled until half cooked, and then fried with the addition of various spices and a small amount of water. However, it is quite acceptable to cook fried rice from dry cereals - in this case, rice is fried in oil, after which liquid is added to it. However, this method of preparation is still less common.

The most suitable for frying is glutinous rice or jasmine rice. Quite often, eggs, shrimp, ham, onions or all kinds of vegetables are added to rice during frying. From vegetables, hostesses most often use a wide variety of types of cabbage, as well as various hard vegetables: corn, peas, green beans, carrots, celery, etc. As for mushrooms or soft vegetables such as pumpkin or eggplant, they are for cooking fried it is better not to take rice - they make the rice more moist, and this is highly undesirable in this case.
Ideally, rice should be allowed to "rest" before frying - freshly cooked rice has not yet cooled enough and dried out so that it can be fried. The main secret of cooking oriental fried rice lies precisely in the fact that the hostesses give it a proper “rest” for one night.
It is especially good to fry rice in different oils, that is, in this case it is recommended to combine different types of oils: olive with sesame, sunflower with corn, etc. so that the fried rice is not too greasy and light enough (one tablespoon of oil is enough for this). If you want to give the finished dish a light Asian flavor, it makes sense to use only sesame oil.

Fried rice can be served to the table both on its own and as one of the components of all kinds of other dishes. And before serving, it is recommended to loosen it well - then it will become more airy and crumbly. In the refrigerator, fried rice can easily be stored for a week, and in the freezer (when frozen), it can be stored for months.

Fried rice with vegetables and egg pancakes is a very tasty, hearty dish and no meat is needed. This dish is cooked very often in our family. For men, you can add a piece of meat or fish, and for women, rice with vegetables is enough. Get ready, you won't regret it.

  • 1 cup rice
  • mixed vegetables (your choice)
  • 2 onions
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 teaspoon ginger
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • ground black pepper
  • greens (dill, parsley ...)
  • vegetable oil

Fried rice with fried vegetables

Rice is well washed and boiled until tender.

Today I use the following vegetables: carrots, bell peppers, beans, tomatoes, zucchini, and you use your favorite vegetables and, of course, vegetables in season. I don’t specify the number of vegetables, determine for yourself, I like to add a lot of them.

We wash the vegetables, let the water drain.

Carrots are cleaned, washed, cut into strips or three on a coarse grater.

We cut the bell pepper, remove the stalk, seeds and partitions, cut it into cubes or straws.

I use frozen beans, I just thaw them. Whoever uses dry, soak it in cold water. I usually soak overnight.

Tomatoes are peeled, having previously cut it crosswise and doused with boiling water.

Three zucchini on a coarse grater or cut into thin plates. If necessary, first remove the seeds and peel the skin.

Peel the onion, wash and chop finely.

We clean the garlic, wash and pass through the garlic.

We wash the greens, let the water drain and finely chop.

First, fry the onion in vegetable oil until golden brown, then add carrots, bell peppers, beans, zucchini. Fry until moisture evaporates. Add the tomatoes last, fry for a couple of minutes. At the very end of frying, add garlic, ginger and honey, mix everything well.

Cooking egg pancakes:

Beat eggs, add black pepper and salt. In a small amount of water, dilute the starch, combine it with beaten eggs and mix everything well. From the resulting egg-starch mixture we bake thin egg pancakes. We cut into thin strips, for convenience, first roll them into rolls.

Add cooked rice, soy sauce, egg pancakes to the overcooked vegetables, mix, taste for salt, add salt if necessary. Do not add salt right away, as soy sauce is salty and this salt may be enough for you. Fry for 5-10 minutes, so that excess moisture evaporates and all ingredients are evenly heated. You can add finely chopped greens. Greens can be added when serving.

It turned out to be a very tasty dish, serve it hot.

Fried rice with vegetables is perfect not only for lunch, having breakfast with such a hearty dish, we will be full until lunch.

There are a huge number of recipes rice, fried with vegetables. To make this dish right, you need to know the rice cooking technology and the connection method. rice with vegetables. In addition to vegetables, scrambled eggs are also used. If just boiled rice can replace bread or serve as a side dish to some dish, then rice fried with vegetables It may well be served as a main dish. The proposed recipe has been tested by me more than once.

From the actual vegetables (and not only) for this dish are very well suited:

  • zucchini and/or eggplant
  • carrots (previously lightly boiled)
  • sweet bell pepper
  • canned green peas
  • omelette

To prepare an omelette, break two eggs into a frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil. It is better to take a regular frying pan, without a Teflon coating. Next, fry the eggs in the same way as preparing scrambled eggs. That is, they broke the eggs, slightly salted and stir everything with a fork until smooth. So we fry until cooked, constantly stirring the scrambled eggs with a fork. Then you need to put the finished scrambled eggs on the board with a spatula and let cool. Chop the cooled mass very finely with a wide sharp knife.

Remove the green peas from the jar and drain in a colander.

Cut all vegetables into small cubes (about 7 mm. x 7 mm.)

Of course, before frying vegetables, you need to cook rice. For this dish, the best option is to use long-grain parboiled rice. And rice will cook crumbly, not like sushi. Take 1 glass and sort through (although now this rice is produced with almost no foreign inclusions). It is not necessary to rinse the steamed rice. Pour half a tablespoon of any vegetable oil into a saucepan (so that the rice does not burn). Pour rice into a saucepan, put on high heat and immediately pour boiling water (1.5 cups of boiling water for 1 cup of dry rice). Close the lid. We start the countdown - 3 minutes on high heat, 7 minutes on medium heat, 2 minutes on low heat. Remove from heat (do not open the lid), put a couple of cloth napkins on the lid of the pan and let the rice stand for 12 minutes. After that, the rice is gently mixed and, if desired, a little salt. Rice cooked in this way turns out to be crumbly and is great for a side dish. It must be said here that in Asian countries, rice for every day is cooked not crumbly, but slightly sticky - it's just more convenient to eat it with chopsticks.

In a frying pan in vegetable oil, fry (literally five minutes) chopped vegetables, green peas, chopped scrambled eggs, sprinkling all this with red pepper, ajinomoto and other seasonings. Add rice, stir and fry for about 5 more minutes. At the very end of frying, pour soy sauce, sprinkle with sesame seeds, mix and serve. Enjoy your meal!

You can also use cauliflower, divided into inflorescences, chopped onions, chopped tomatoes (previously blanched and de-seeded), finely chopped chili peppers, chopped nuts.

With all the variety of national rice dishes, perhaps the majority is sure that any dish consisting of rice and meat is pilaf. And it is very difficult to convince. I remember how unsuccessfully they tried to dissuade one person that the Valencian paella is not an "ordinary" pilaf.

In addition to pilaf, the world knows many outstanding rice-based dishes. In Valencia, a dish of saffron-tinged rice with an abundance of seafood is called paella. unlike pilaf in texture and can be prepared with many additives - for example, with the addition of seafood.

It's amazing how simply roasting boiled rice can turn tasteless white grains into an excellent side dish that can also be served on its own. In the simplest version, you only need rice, spices and oil. And you can cook with vegetables, meat and anything in general.

Fried rice with vegetables. Step by step recipe

Ingredients (2 servings)

  • Rice 1 cup
  • Carrot 1 pc
  • Parsnip 1 pc
  • Garlic 2 cloves
  • Vegetable oil 50 ml
  • Light soy sauce 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • Chili pods, Sichuan pepper Spices
  1. Rice for frying should be prepared from friable varieties of rice. Sticky varieties: jasmine, Krasnodar, Italian for risotto - will not work. They will make porridge. Ideal for basmati - rice with a long grain and amazing aroma. It is moderately crumbly and cooks well. Rinse the rice beforehand to eliminate the rice flour left after grinding. Then boil rice without salt and spices in water. The proportion for cooking is approximately 1:1.5. Although a 1:2 ratio is traditionally advised, basmati requires slightly less liquid. Mix cooked rice and leave to cool. Ideally, boil rice in advance, then it will take even less time to cook.

    Ideal for basmati rice

  2. To prepare the dish, you will need fresh roots - carrots, parsnips. In principle, you can add celery root, and even parsley. At your discretion.

    Fresh roots - carrots, parsnips, and spices

  3. Peel the roots and cut into identical cubes, not too finely. Prepare your spices in advance. I recommend adding a few pods of dry chili peppers to the rice - if desired. They will not give special sharpness to the dish, but they will improve the taste of rice. If Szechuan pepper is not available, a few peas of black and allspice will do. By the way, pay attention - we do not salt the rice. A sufficient amount of salt is contained in soy sauce.

    Roots clean and cut into equal cubes

  4. For frying rice, it is better to use a wok - a Chinese cast-iron skillet of a spherical shape, but a regular stewpan is fine. Heat vegetable oil - sunflower or corn in a frying pan, and fry the peeled and flattened garlic cloves on it. Frying lasts 2-3 minutes, the garlic should flavor the oil. Discard the garlic after frying. Peppercorns can be fried along with garlic, although many believe that spices should not be fried. Possibly, but don't over complicate it. You can fry peppers in oil for a short time and get fragrant oil for frying vegetables and rice, or you can fry peppercorns directly with vegetables.

    Saute garlic in oil

  5. Reduce the heat under the skillet to medium. Put the chopped roots and pods of dry "chili" into the flavored oil. Fry vegetables, stirring vigorously, with a wooden spatula.

    Put the chopped roots into the flavored oil

  6. Vegetables should be browned and easily pierced with the tip of a knife. Ideally, if the fried vegetables began to blush a little.

    Vegetables should be browned and easily pierced with the tip of a knife.

  7. As soon as the vegetables are fried, put the chilled boiled rice into the pan and mix. If desired, you can additionally pepper with black ground or red hot pepper, a dish with a slightly spicy taste is something!

    Put the chilled boiled rice into the pan

  8. Fry rice with vegetables, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula. Rice should be fried, not boiled. Do not cover the pan with a lid. After 4-5 minutes of frying, when the rice has warmed up, add soy sauce. Of course, the sauce must be of high quality and natural fermentation. It's more expensive than "instant" soy sauce, but it's worth it. If the soy sauce is too dark, it will color the rice intensely and turn it brown. It is better to add light varieties, light. The amount of soy sauce 1-2 tbsp. l.

A very interesting dish is Thai fried rice. In my family, it disappears so quickly that sometimes I have doubts whether I cooked it at all.

thai fried rice recipe

This dish has several advantages:

  1. Every time you get a dish with a new taste, because all products are interchangeable. You can use any vegetables you like. If there are no vegetables, cook with green peas.
  2. You can not be smart with the purchase of products, but cook from what is at hand.
  3. Dispose of leftovers in the refrigerator. For example, instead of meat, you can cook with ham, sausage, sausages, or a mixture of all of the above.


  • 350 g boiled rice (preferably long-grained)
  • 300 g chicken meat (you can use pork)
  • 150-200 g shrimp (optional)
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 sweet pepper
  • 1/2 hot pepper
  • 1 carrot
  • green onion
  • 2-3 tbsp fish sauce (or soy)
  • 1 tsp lime juice (or lemon)
  • 1/3 tsp curry

All food preparation must be done immediately, because then everything is prepared very quickly and there will be no time for cutting.

How to boil rice

  • Boil rice in salted water, but do not overcook, it is better if it is slightly undercooked.

You can boil the rice the day before or during cooking, or you can use the leftover rice that has already been boiled.

How to prepare meat

The meat can be used both fresh and boiled or fried.

  • If the meat is raw, beat it off and chop finely.
  • If the meat is boiled, just cut it however you like.

How to prepare other foods

  • Whisk the eggs until smooth, salt and, if desired, pepper.
  • Wash the vegetables, dry and cut into not very long strips.
  • Mince the garlic and hot pepper.
  • Cut the green onion into several pieces to make straws.

If you have a wok, cook in it. If not, a deep non-stick frying pan will suffice. You can fry in shallow, but there will be fat around.

  • Heat up a frying pan with oil and pour the egg mash into it.
  • Whisk the eggs quickly until you have a shapeless mass of omelet pieces.
  • Put the omelette on a plate.
  • Add some oil and heat the pan to high heat.
  • Put the garlic, saute it quickly and immediately add the carrots. Fry for 1-2 minutes. Do not turn down the heat.
  • Then lay out sweet and hot peppers, a couple of minutes will also suffice for them. After that, remove the vegetables to the eggs.
  • If necessary, add a spoonful of oil and lay out the meat. fry it for 4-5 minutes. Considering that the meat is finely chopped and there is not much of it, this time is enough to bring it to full readiness.
  • Transfer the meat to the vegetables.
  • Add another tablespoon of oil and heat the pan again.
  • Spread the rice with your hands so that there are no lumps.
  • Roast until you like it. You can lightly fry, or you can bring to a crisp.
  • Reduce heat, add shrimp and simmer for 30 minutes.
  • Return meat to skillet with vegetables and scrambled eggs.
  • Add lime juice, fish sauce, curry and heat through for 2 to 3 minutes.
  • Lastly add the green onions, stir and turn off the heat.