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Roast the chicken time in the oven. Whole chicken baked in foil in the oven

Chicken - 1 bird
Marinade or spices - to taste
Salt, pepper - to taste

Food preparation
For baking, you must use chilled, not frozen, chicken meat. Before baking, you need to gut, rinse the chicken and dip it with a paper towel. Lubricate the chicken with marinade and / or rub with spices and salt, let stand 1-2 hours, and for the best impregnation - 8 hours in the refrigerator.

Baking in the oven
1. Heat the oven to 200 degrees for 10 minutes.
2. Put the chicken on a greased baking sheet (or wrap with foil, or put in a bag) and put on a baking sheet.
3. Put the baking sheet with the chicken on the middle level of the oven, bake the chicken for 1.5 hours.
4. 10-15 minutes before the end of baking, the chicken can be cooked on the grill (opening the foil or baking bag) to form a crispy crust.

Baking in a slow cooker
1. Lubricate the bottom of the multicooker with oil.
2. Put the chicken in the slow cooker.
3. Set the multicooker to the "Baking" mode.
4. Bake the chicken for 30 minutes.
5. Open the lid of the multicooker, turn the chicken over, close the lid of the multicooker.
6. Bake the chicken for another 30 minutes.

Popular marinades and seasonings for baking chicken in the oven (for a chicken weighing 1.5-2 kilograms):
- coat the chicken with 3 tablespoons of adjika and 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise. - 3 tablespoons of honey and 3 tablespoons of mustard.
- Grate the chicken with pepper and thyme, stuff the chicken with lemon slices and stuff with garlic.
- rub the chicken with salt and pepper, stuff with peeled garlic cloves cut in half, stuff the chicken with apples.
- Stuff the chicken with garlic, grate with a mixture of 3 tablespoons of soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of honey, a mixture of salt, pepper and thyme.

How long to bake a whole chicken in the oven
Whole chicken - 1.5 hours at a temperature of 190 degrees.
Whole chicken - 50 minutes at 190 degrees.
Chicken legs - 30 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.
Chicken breast and chicken fillet - 45 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.
Chicken wings - 45 minutes at 180 degrees.
Chicken legs - 30 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.
Bake chicken thighs for 40 minutes at 180 degrees.

How long to bake chicken in the microwave
Whole chicken - 50 minutes at 700 watts.
Chicken breast - 15 minutes at a power of 800-800 watts.
Chicken legs - 11 minutes at 800 watts.
Chicken wings - 10 minutes at 800 watts.
Chicken legs - 16 minutes at 800 watts (turn halfway through cooking).
Chicken thighs - 20 minutes at 700 watts (turn halfway through cooking).

How long to bake chicken in an air grill
Whole chicken - 1 hour at 200 degrees, or 40 minutes at 250 degrees.
Chicken wings - 30 minutes at a temperature of 220 degrees.
Chicken legs - 30 minutes at a temperature of 240 degrees.
Chicken legs - 40 minutes at a temperature of 260 degrees.
Chicken thighs - 40 minutes at a temperature of 220 degrees.

Tasty, healthy, fast and affordable - all this is about tender chicken meat dishes. This product is recommended for both adults and children. And what aromas fill the kitchen from baked chicken! Find out how much to cook chicken in the oven - and your culinary skills will be highly appreciated by family and guests.

Every housewife has her favorite recipes for cooking this meat product - traditional or author's. Having chicken at your disposal, you can surprise at every family dinner, experimenting with dishes from different peoples of the world. To ensure that your culinary ventures are always successful, there are tried and true rules, such as how long to cook chicken in the oven.

If you follow the recommendations, the meat will be fully cooked, juicy and healthy. A dish overexposed in the oven will lose its taste charm, it may dry out or burn. And undercooked meat is dangerous to health: there is a risk of harmful bacteria such as salmonella (the causative agent of salmonellosis) entering the body.

Cooking the perfect chicken: timing

Deciding how much to cook chicken in the oven depends on a number of factors. It:

  • the size of the whole bird;
  • what parts are selected for baking;
  • oven temperature;
  • how the dish is prepared.

Each of these aspects has its own culinary subtleties. For example, to determine how much to cook a whole chicken in the oven, it is important to focus on the weight of the bird. If the carcass was purchased at a retail outlet, its weight is indicated on the package. In other cases, a kitchen scale will come in handy. And for experienced hostesses, determining by eye how much a bird weighs is a matter of one second.

On average, a chicken weighs 1.5 kg. Professional chefs recommend setting the oven temperature to the classic one - 180-200 degrees. Cooking the carcass takes about 1.5 hours when baking in an open way (we will talk about others below).

Individual parts of chicken baked in the oven make an excellent main dish. The optimal heating of the oven is 180 degrees. Time recommendations for cooking individual chicken carcass fragments look like this:

  • shins, thighs - 45-50 minutes;
  • breasts, fillets and wings - 40-45 minutes.

Chicken meat is very "compliant" in relation to various additives and toppings. Chicken parts can be baked with potatoes, various vegetables and mushrooms, seasoned with sauces or sprinkled with cheese. The average cooking time for such dishes is 50 minutes.

One of the most popular options for roasting poultry is stuffed chicken. There are many filling options: mixes of vegetables, cereals, apples, forest gifts - mushrooms, dried fruits ... Cooking such a dish will take at least 1.5 hours. You can simmer for 2-2.5 hours.

Useful additions - for skillful cooking

The modern housewife can choose how to bake the chicken - open on a baking sheet, wrapped in foil or placed in a baking sleeve. The last two options are considered by many cooks to be more convenient. They protect the meat from burning, contribute to the saturation of the dish with its own juice. If the cooking option is chosen without these additions, then it is recommended to periodically pour the chicken with the liquid that forms during baking.

How long to cook chicken in the oven in foil? Usually 1, maximum 1.5 hours of the bird's stay in the oven is enough. To check the readiness of the dish, you need to get the meat from the oven, carefully unfold the foil. The chicken is pierced with a knife or a wooden skewer for mini-kebabs. The release of clear juice indicates the readiness of the meat. This method is also used to determine the readiness of open-baked chicken.

The method described above also helps to determine exactly how much to cook the chicken in the oven in the sleeve: check the readiness after an hour and a half. To make this form of roasting meat a success, use a little secret. Having laid the carcass in the sleeve on a baking sheet, in the upper part of the package you need to make several holes with a thin toothpick. If these punctures are exactly on top, then the juice secreted by the chicken will not flow out and burn.

The golden crust is what makes poultry meat especially attractive. To get such a “bonus”, you need to open the foil or cut the sleeve 10 minutes before the finish of baking. And a toasted, fragrant dish is provided to your table!

A whole chicken carcass cooked in the oven will decorate even a festive table. The beauty of this dish is in its richness and quantity. After all, one chicken can feed a whole company. And if you add vegetables to it, you get a great solution for a side dish. But in order for both the taste and the appearance of the carcass to be perfect, it is important to know the secrets of choosing and cooking poultry. How to cook chicken in the oven? Let's tell!

5 secrets of a delicious chicken with a photo

The delicate taste of the dish is guaranteed if you carefully choose the carcass. Only fresh meat will turn out soft, juicy and expressively fragrant. When buying, pay attention to medium-sized birds, weighing up to 1.5 kg. They do not have a thick fat layer, and the meat itself has a higher nutritional value. The calorie content of stewed and baked chicken in the oven, in this case, will be minimal (about 190 Kcal per 100 grams of weight). The benefits and benefits are enormous.

A dish prepared according to our recommendations will please you with a rich taste.

  1. Choose a fresh carcass that has an even skin color. It should be pale yellow or slightly pinkish. The protruding fat should be white, the tissues elastic (when pressed, they quickly return to shape). The smell is slightly sweet, without unpleasant amber.
  2. Roasting chicken in the oven should take place in a special dish. If you have an old cast iron skillet, it will work perfectly. The ceramic container also heats up evenly and retains heat well. Forms made of glass and thin metal will be less successful. In the latter, the meat often burns. You can also purchase a special stand in which the baking process takes place vertically. This allows the fat to flow down, which is why the crust is well dried.
  3. How long to bake a chicken in the oven depends on its weight. Cooking may take some time. On average, it is enough to provide 40 minutes for each kilogram of weight. The temperature of frying chicken in the oven should be 180-200 °. That is, a bird weighing 1.5 kg will be cooked in 1 hour. Parts of the carcass of the same size are cooked much faster, for example, only the drumsticks or only the thighs. You can make half a chicken in the oven in 30-35 minutes. Half of the chicken is cooked in the oven, it will also turn out very fragrant and tasty.
  4. To get a rich and crispy crust, the temperature of the chicken in the oven will need to be changed. First, set the maximum for 30 minutes so that the crust "grabs". And the remaining time is baked at a temperature of 200 °. How much to cook the chicken in the oven in this case, you need to determine with a kitchen thermometer or visually. The thermometer is inserted into the thickness of the breast and thigh. These parts are considered ready if their temperature is 70 and 80 degrees respectively. If you don't have a thermometer, a toothpick will help. Pierce it with the meatiest part of the carcass. Light juice will tell you that the dish can be removed from the oven.
  5. An oven-baked chicken will come out evenly juicy if you put pieces of butter under the skin on the breast. This part of the carcass does not have a fatty layer, so it usually turns out dry when roasting the whole bird.

In order for the chicken to bake evenly, it must be turned over regularly. Send it to the oven, laid on its side. After 15 minutes, turn over on the second side, and after another 15 lay the breast up. A similar result will provide baking on the wire rack. In this case, it is not necessary to turn the carcass, but a form for collecting fat should be placed under the grate.

Turkish step by step recipe with sour apple

You can fry chicken with sour apples for the second. This chicken recipe in the oven is good because the bird is cooked at the same time as the side dish. It, of course, is made from vegetables, so it turns out tasty, satisfying and healthy. The dish will turn out no less tasty if it is fried in an electric oven on a baking sheet. The chicken is baked on a baking sheet quickly.

You will need:

  • whole trigger - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 5 heads;
  • potatoes - 5 tubers;
  • carrots - 3 pcs.;
  • apple - 1 pc.;
  • mustard - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • parsley and thyme - 20 g each;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • sugar - teaspoon.


  1. Rinse and dry the carcass, rub with pepper, salt inside and out.
  2. Place the whole apple inside.
  3. Mix mustard with lemon juice, add garlic and sugar. Grease the bird with sauce, put in a mold.
  4. Cut the vegetables into medium-sized pieces, chop the greens, mix.
  5. Lay the side dish around the carcass, cover with a lid or foil. Roasting will smoke quickly in foil.
  6. Bake at a temperature of 200 ° for 30 minutes under the lid, then remove it and bake until the meat is ready.

If you plan to stuff the bird with a side dish, it is better to put a ready-made stuffing inside, otherwise it will remain raw. The cooking time of the chicken in the oven does not change.

New flavors for your dish

Each housewife has her own recipe for baked and stewed chicken in the oven. Popular techniques for preparing it on a jar, into which water, broth or beer are poured. And on salt, which always provides a golden color to the chicken crust.

When baking chicken with salt, you really get a beautiful carcass. But the taste of the skin will seem "rubber", as in the process of cooking it "tans". A truly crispy crust will provide the correct breading or lubrication of the skin with melted honey.

We offer you new solutions on how to bake chicken in the oven. And to acquaint loved ones with the original tastes of a familiar bird.

With lemon and garlic. Step by step recipe

The addition of lemon gives the meat a touch of freshness, and garlic gives it an exquisite aroma and the very bitterness that we especially appreciate in grilled chicken.

You will need:

  • chicken carcass - 1 pc.;
  • lemon - 1 large;
  • garlic - 6 cloves;
  • pepper, salt;
  • thyme - 2 branches.


  1. Cut the garlic into “petals” and the lemon into thin slices.
  2. Rub the meat with pepper, salt, put part of the lemon, thyme inside.
  3. Cover the chicken on the outside with lemon and garlic, wrap with foil, shiny side inside.
  4. Bake at 180°.


Chicken can be made breaded. This recipe uses breadcrumbs and garlic for breading, which makes the dish fragrant, and the crust is appetizingly golden. First, the chicken should be cut into portions.

You will need:

  • chicken - 1 pc.;
  • breadcrumbs - a glass;
  • garlic - 1 tbsp. spoon (dry or fresh);
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • pepper and salt;
  • butter - 200 g.


  1. Mix finely chopped garlic with finely ground breadcrumbs.
  2. Whisk the eggs in a large bowl with a fork.
  3. Rub the chicken pieces with pepper and salt, dip in the egg mixture and breading.
  4. Fry the pieces in vegetable oil over high heat. The crust should turn golden.
  5. Place them in a baking dish, put butter on top.
  6. Bake at 200° for 40 minutes.
Now you know how to bake chicken in the oven. You can always serve it with fresh or baked vegetables, leafy greens, homemade pickles.

Chicken, which is cooked in the oven, is a fairly simple, but very tasty dish. Nutritionists are also not against such food, since chicken meat contains easily digestible animal proteins, as well as other equally useful substances.

At what temperature to bake chicken in the oven

The temperature should be about two hundred to two hundred and fifty degrees, and the question of cooking time will depend on the following factors:

  • carcass sizes;
  • the ingredients with which the chicken will be baked.

But the meat cooks quickly enough, and therefore it is important not to overdry it.

The chicken is baked with garlic, onions and potatoes. The bird acquires a beautiful golden color, aroma and turns out to be very juicy.


  • Chicken.
  • Garlic.
  • Onion.
  • Potatoes.
  • Black pepper, salt, and spices to taste.


The carcass should be chilled, but frozen is also suitable. For pickling, you can use absolutely any dishes or special packages. Chicken is laid out in them, a few cloves of garlic are squeezed out, sprinkled with black pepper, salt and spices. After these preparations, everything is poured with vegetable oil so that the seasonings bind. You can also mix all the ingredients in advance and then coat the product with them. The inside of the chicken should be processed especially carefully, and then the whole carcass. During rubbing, it is necessary to pay attention to those areas where you can get your fingers (the space between the fillet and the skin, the neck, and so on).

After this process is completed, the bird is wrapped in a bag and left to marinate for thirty to forty minutes. During this time, it is necessary to peel the onions and potatoes. A baking sleeve is placed on a baking sheet, a carcass is placed in it, and around it are onions, potatoes and whole garlic cloves. Everything should be positioned so that the chest part is not covered with vegetables.

The upper part of the sleeve is clamped with a ribbon, a small margin is left. To exit the steam sleeve, you need to make several small cuts. In order for everything to bake well, hot air must circulate inside the sleeve. It is very simple to answer the question of at what temperature to bake the chicken in the oven in the sleeve: it must be heated to two hundred degrees. By the time, the housewives must navigate themselves, since all ovens have their own characteristics. But as soon as a beautiful golden crust appears on the chicken, it is ready.

Chicken baked in foil

An excellent option for a family dinner is a fragrant, crispy, delicious chicken that has just been taken out of the oven. Most of the side dishes are suitable for it: from simple potatoes to risotto. The preparation of such a dish takes a minimum of time and effort.


  • Whole chicken (one and a half to two kilograms).
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Spices, pepper.
  • Greens.
  • Foil.

At what temperature to bake chicken in the oven in foil. Cooking method

First you need to remove the insides and rinse everything thoroughly. Outside and inside it is rubbed with spices (you can take turmeric, ground coriander, and nutmeg). If possible, it is better to leave the chicken for twelve hours in the refrigerator so that it marinates well. But if there is no time, then it is left for twenty minutes. Then it is wrapped in several layers of foil, the oven is heated to two hundred degrees and left to cook for forty minutes. If necessary, the temperature and baking time can be increased. After twenty minutes of cooking, it is better to open the foil a little, so the chicken will be even tastier.

Chicken in a bag

A popular dish that turns out fragrant and juicy.


  • carcass;
  • special additives;
  • ground pepper;
  • sour cream or butter.

Cooking method

Before you know at what temperature to bake chicken in the oven, you need to start cooking it. Under running water, the carcass is thoroughly washed. To prepare the marinade, melt the butter. It can be replaced with fatty kefir, mayonnaise or sour cream. Spices and salt are added, the chicken is laid out on a dish and rubbed with marinade not only outside, but also inside. It is left for an hour and a half, during which time it will marinate well. If fermented milk products are used, it is best to leave it overnight. After that, the carcass is placed in a baking bag, and its free edges are fixed with a special clip. Not sure at what temperature to bake chicken in the oven in a bag? It is very simple, the oven must be heated to 170 degrees and the cooking time will be about 45-55 minutes. After that, the sleeve is torn, and the dish is cooked for about 15-25 minutes, until a golden crust and a pleasant aroma appear.

The result will delight not only with its appearance, but also with excellent taste. The dish will appeal to the whole family and will be a good solution for dinner.

Chicken, which is cooked in the oven, is a fairly simple, but very tasty dish. Nutritionists are also not against such food, since chicken meat contains easily digestible animal proteins, as well as other equally useful substances.

At what temperature to bake chicken in the oven

The temperature should be about two hundred to two hundred and fifty degrees, and the question of cooking time will depend on the following factors:

  • carcass sizes;
  • the ingredients with which the chicken will be baked.

But the meat cooks quickly enough, and therefore it is important not to overdry it.

The chicken is baked with garlic, onions and potatoes. The bird acquires a beautiful golden color, aroma and turns out to be very juicy.


  • Chicken.
  • Garlic.
  • Onion.
  • Potatoes.
  • Black pepper, salt, and spices to taste.


The carcass should be chilled, but frozen is also suitable. For pickling, you can use absolutely any dishes or special packages. Chicken is laid out in them, a few cloves of garlic are squeezed out, sprinkled with black pepper, salt and spices. After these preparations, everything is poured with vegetable oil so that the seasonings bind. You can also mix all the ingredients in advance and then coat the product with them. The inside of the chicken should be processed especially carefully, and then the whole carcass. During rubbing, it is necessary to pay attention to those areas where you can get your fingers (the space between the fillet and the skin, the neck, and so on).

After this process is completed, the bird is wrapped in a bag and left to marinate for thirty to forty minutes. During this time, it is necessary to peel the onions and potatoes. A baking sleeve is placed on the baking sheet, a carcass is placed in it, and around it are onions, potatoes and whole garlic cloves. Everything should be positioned so that the chest part is not covered with vegetables.

The upper part of the sleeve is clamped with a ribbon, a small margin is left. To exit the steam sleeve, you need to make several small cuts. In order for everything to bake well, hot air must circulate inside the sleeve. It is very simple to answer the question of at what temperature to bake it should be heated to two hundred degrees. By the time, the housewives must navigate themselves, since all ovens have their own characteristics. But as soon as a beautiful golden crust appears on the chicken, it is ready.

in foil

An excellent option for a family dinner is a fragrant, crispy, delicious chicken that has just been taken out of the oven. Most of the side dishes are suitable for it: from simple potatoes to risotto. The preparation of such a dish takes a minimum of time and effort.


  • Whole chicken (one and a half to two kilograms).
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Spices, pepper.
  • Greens.
  • Foil.

At what temperature to bake chicken in the oven in foil. Cooking method

First you need to remove the insides and rinse everything thoroughly. Outside and inside it is rubbed with spices (you can take turmeric, ground coriander, and nutmeg). If possible, it is better to leave the chicken for twelve hours in the refrigerator so that it marinates well. But if there is no time, then it is left for twenty minutes. Then it is wrapped in several layers of foil, the oven is heated to two hundred degrees and left to cook for forty minutes. If necessary, the temperature and baking time can be increased. After twenty minutes of cooking, it is better to open the foil a little, so the chicken will be even tastier.

Chicken in a bag

A popular dish that turns out fragrant and juicy.


  • carcass;
  • special additives;
  • ground pepper;
  • sour cream or butter.

Cooking method

Before you know at what temperature to bake chicken in the oven, you need to start cooking it. Under running water, the carcass is thoroughly washed. To prepare the marinade, melt the butter. It can be replaced with fatty kefir, mayonnaise or sour cream. Spices and salt are added, the chicken is laid out on a dish and rubbed with marinade not only outside, but also inside. It is left for an hour and a half, during which time it will marinate well. If fermented milk products are used, it is best to leave it overnight. After that, the carcass is placed in a baking bag, and its free edges are fixed with a special clip. Not sure at what temperature to bake chicken in the oven in a bag? It is very simple, the oven must be heated to 170 degrees, and the cooking time will be about 45-55 minutes. After that, the sleeve is torn, and the dish is cooked for about 15-25 minutes, until a golden crust and a pleasant aroma appear.

The result will delight not only with its appearance, but also with excellent taste. The dish will appeal to the whole family and will be a good solution for dinner.