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Pick up interesting sayings vegetables and fruits. Exotic fruits

I liked you then
Appeared before then
You are a juicy, ripe fruit.
Then, until I realized
Only your peel was juicy.
And inside under your skin
And I did not think to look then.
Then only a year later
I looked deeper into you.
I saw the whole inside
It was empty, wormy and rotten!
What a pity that the year wasted in vain.
What did not look through your peel then!

Fruit language - little known
And sometimes they don't understand
That, having tasted a delicious fruit, Seduction will come.

Grapes on the palm
But not dark, white.
This means:
I will be glad to talk with you.

Would you like a slice of tangerine?
This gesture is clear to everyone:
I choose you for my wife
First time and forever.

Do you love persimmon? Don't know:
Come on, taste it, you're smart
And now my destiny
You will rule yourself.

Here is a piece of apple, here is a piece of pear
Or take a watermelon and listen to me.
I offer you sex, but this ...

Jacob lived in a land of wandering
Their fathers. Abraham
I also lived in those spaces
But he couldn't resist

He was on that earth from the very beginning.
And after Isaac the son
Obstacles of kings-chiefs
Couldn't overcome.

official, administration
They drove him off the land.
The Lord God favored
Do not leave the hotel at all.

The two grandchildren had a little quarrel,
It was hard to get along.
Dear fathers beaten
Esau went to Edom.

Unable to compete
He lived in Seir
And with my brother...

What happened to Russia here?
We can't feed ourselves sometimes.
Europe imposed sanctions on us...
Our government again did not grieve.
Moved quickly to China...
The food problem seems to have subsided.
The Chinese will replace the European market...
Russia "will be fed, shod, dressed."
There are more than a billion people in China...
And some of them live really miserably.
Although in recent years...
The Chinese have been starving in China forever.
They began to strengthen their economy
And apparently they stopped starving.

Good nature to man,
She feeds us like a mother;
Thank her for that
Understand, help, not break.

Everything that is useful to us grows:
In fruits - health nectar.
Their juiciness brings back to life,
Accept this gift from the sun!

The taste of fruit - high and overeating,
It has an amazing sweetness!
Have an affinity for fruit
From them harmony and joy!

And if you want to live long
And know less serious ailments,
If you want to think sensibly,
And shine with youth

So don't take poison...

Someone lives inside of us
He sings soulful songs,
Ruddy kind Kolobok.
Or maybe it's God?

It's like a heat factory there -
Fragrant honey expired,
Hot sweet heart honey
Who warmed us in bad weather.

We generate a product
Someone needs this fruit;
And they will come to us for this fruit.
No wonder we live in the world!

Life experience is reflected in oral folk art. Enough about vegetables a large number of folk proverbs and sayings. Despite this, most know no more than two dozen. What are proverbs and sayings, how do they differ from each other?

Proverb- This is a short figurative expression with an edifying meaning. The proverb has both a literal and a figurative (figurative) plan or only a figurative one.

Proverb- a figurative expression that exists in speech for emotionally expressive assessments (for example: "I'm tired of worse than bitter radish" - an expression of annoyance). The saying is often humorous. Unlike a proverb, a proverb does not contain a generalizing instructive meaning.

A proverb is a coded and proven wisdom over the years. And the ability to apply the right proverb or a vivid saying to a word characterizes a true connoisseur of the traditions of the Russian language. This page contains mostly Russian proverbs and sayings about vegetables, but there are also several Ukrainian ones.

Proverbs and sayings about all vegetables

Every vegetable has its time.

Vegetables are good in cabbage soup.

If you don't grow vegetables, you won't cook cabbage soup.

Every day with vegetables, but not every day with cabbage soup.

Proverbs and sayings about cabbage

Cabbage is not empty, it flies into the mouth.

Shchi is not thick without cabbage.

Empty in one pocket, cabbage in the other.

Cabbage is better empty: at least not empty in the belly.

Without watering and cabbage dries.

Cabbage from a bush, thick, but tasteless.

Cabbage is not chopped with the tongue.

Do not execute God with nothing, like cabbage with nothing.

Plant cabbage in someone else's garden (take care of other people's affairs).

A peasant will not be full without bread, cabbage soup cannot live without cabbage.

There are many rotten heads of cabbage in vaunted cabbage.

A goat on a skit is a bad sentry.

Cabbage loves water and good weather.

Eat cabbage, but do not grind in vain!

There was also cabbage, but it became empty.

He ate cabbage, but everything is empty in his belly.

Fuck yes cabbage than not food?

The goats are full, and the cabbage is intact.

I would go to a neighbor for cabbage, but they won’t let me into the yard.

The head on the shoulders is not a head of cabbage. (proverb of the Komi people)

The head is like a vat, but the mind is not for a cabbage head.

Why fence a garden, if you don’t plant cabbage?

Garden head. (means a cabbage head, i.e. slow-witted, sluggish, awkward person, lazy)

Don't poke your nose at the cabbage, as soon as they let it in.

Proverbs and sayings about onions

Naked, naked, but there is an onion in the cabbage soup.

Whoever eats onions, God will save him from eternal torment.

In our land - like in paradise: you can’t eat onions and mountain ash.

Peeled like an onion.

Onion grief (i.e. unlucky, clumsy person; klutz).

Erysipelas - cranberries, eyes - onions.

Horseradish and radish, onions and cabbage - they will not allow dashing.

As if hid from a bow.

Bow from seven ailments.

Onions and a bath will fix everything.

The bow is good both for battle and in cabbage soup.

Proverbs and sayings about garlic

Onions and garlic are siblings.

I didn’t eat the soul of garlic, it doesn’t stink.

Even if you take me to Mecca, the sharpness of the garlic will not go away. (Chechen proverb)

Who ate garlic, he will tell. (Crimean Tatar proverb)

Onion heals seven ailments, and garlic plagues seven ailments.

His mother is an onion, his father is garlic, and he himself grew up with pink jam. (Turkish proverb)

He drank milk, and belches garlic.

Honest garlic and onion.

Proverbs and sayings about beets

Red as beets, as blood, as cranberries, as poppies.

The beetroot is red, though it grows in black earth.

Do not look for borscht without beets.

Beets - a red maiden, but with a green braid, she is the queen on the table, it will come in handy for health.

Where there are no fruit trees, a beetroot will pass for an orange.

Beetroot is useful for us, we keep it in reserve.

Didn't kill the hazel grouse, eat the beets.

Beets are not cloudberries, although they are in a basket, but they grow in the ground.

The lady-beetroot got wet in the rain, good - did not fade.

Where there are beets and borscht, look for us there.

No salmon, so eat beets.

Shut up, beets, they cook cabbage soup from cabbage.

Lunch without borscht is not lunch, and there is no borscht without beets.

The beet lady did not fade with herself, she lies on the ridge, looks everywhere.

Proverbs and sayings about carrots

The pig went to gardeners: for carrots, for turnips, for white cabbage.

In the underground, underground lies a pie with carrots: you want to eat, but you don’t want to climb.

You will lie on the floor, you will not see carrots.

Carrots add blood.

Onions and carrots, although from the same garden, are not equally sweet.

Love is like a carrot: it will lie down and wither.

Sweet carrots, but in the neighboring garden. (Ukrainian)

Eat a carrot if you don't have an apple.

This carrot on time, it will be good.

Hold the tail with a carrot!

Proverbs and sayings about radish

Garlic and radish, and hard on the stomach.

Tired, worse than bitter radish.

Horseradish and radish, onions and cabbage - they will not allow dashing.

In post radish tail.

A rare task, but carrot taste.

They started talking great, to hell, to radish, to sour cabbage.

Seven changes, and all one radish: trich radish, sliced ​​radish, radish with kvass, radish with butter, radish in pieces, radish in sticks and whole radish.

Our uncle has all radishes: triha radish, sliced ​​radish, radish with butter and radish with kvass.

Knowing a friend is not a radish.

Do not tell everyone that a radish is worth the money!

The radish boasted: "I'm good with honey!"

Proverbs and sayings about horseradish

Horseradish and radish, onions and cabbage - they will not allow dashing.

A radish came, yes hell, yes the book of Ephraim (great post).

Guest to hell, to the radish, dear guest.

I'll make you dig horseradish with your snout.

For seven years the worm hibernated in horseradish, but did not know the taste (Ukrainian).

Radish horseradish is not sweeter, coal is not whiter than soot.

Spruce forest, birch forest, why not firewood? Fuck yes cabbage than not food?

Eat horseradish food and you will be tenacious.

Not happy to hell with a grater, but dancing on its sides.

They started talking great, to hell, to radish, to sour cabbage.

The same pike, but under horseradish.

Fuck is cheap, but what's the point in it? (Ukrainian.)

Radish horseradish is not sweeter, the devil is not easier.

Horseradish and turnip, and even that is rare.

What the hell, what mustard - there is little difference (Ukrainian).

Ephraim loves horseradish, and Fedka loves radish.

In a foreign land and sweet in mustard, and in the homeland and horseradish for a lollipop.

Greetings for greetings and love for love, and to the envious - to hell and pepper, and even then not from our table.

Proverbs and sayings about potatoes

Potatoes are a sucker for bread.

Dig potatoes, do not wave your hands.

Where potatoes are not respected, incomes are reduced there.

Love is not a potato - you can't throw it out the window.

Love is not a potato: you can't cook it in a pot.

Potatoes save bread.

Hungry and potatoes are a delicacy.

Potatoes are our mother, and bread is our breadwinner.

Potatoes - bread help (support).

Put potatoes in okroshka, and love is in business.

Potatoes and porridge are our food.

That potato will not be born, who is lazy to plow.

Proverbs and sayings about turnip

The turnip is sold, and the cart is covered.

Erysipelas - even this turnip, even plant carrots.

Mash turnips to give cabbages!

I would eat turnips, but my teeth are rare.

Turnips and turnips do not boast.

It seems to us a turnip for an apple.

There is a turnip - a small honor.

Peas and turnips are an enviable business: whoever does not go, will snatch.

Cheaper than a steamed turnip (i.e. very cheap).

You can't grow a turnip without care.

Good (girl), like a washed turnip!

Turnips and peas are sown for thieves

Turnip belly is not strong.

The pig went to gardeners: for carrots, for turnips, for white cabbage.

Turnips and peas are not near the roads.

Hungry Fedot and turnip hunting

Easier than a steamed turnip

Turnip - meat, cut and eat.

Eat at least turnips instead of rye, but don't keep someone else's

Proverbs and sayings about swede

How many rutabagas do not grow, but you have to eat!

Turnips and rutabaga people do not boast.

Parry the swede is young, and the brains are for the girls-winches!

I ran from cabbage, but I got on rutabaga.

I ate one swede from a pile - it's easier for a mare!

Proverbs and sayings about peas

Peas and turnips in the field - a widow and a girl in people.

Peas and turnips are not crepe to the stomach.

The family and peas are threshed.

The girl in the house is enviable, and the peas in the field: whoever passes, pinches.

To the brave to sip peas, but to the timid and not to see cabbage soup.

Matchmaker, not matchmaker, but don’t go into the peas.

Peas and turnips are an enviable business: whoever goes will snatch.

She slurps the peas with an awl, and shakes it off.

Like peas against a wall, they don't cling.

Like peas against the wall.

If it wasn’t frost on the peas, it would have outgrown through the tyn.

In summer, do not lie under the boundary and do not pinch the peas. (don't take it easy, things don't wait)

Proverbs and sayings about beans

Do not swagger, peas, in front of the beans, you will be under your own feet.

Beans are not mushrooms, if you don't sow, they won't sprout.

I’ll scout someone else’s misfortune on beans, but I won’t put my mind to my own.

Don't laugh, peas, they're no better than beans: you'll get wet and burst yourself.

This pea is not better than mushrooms(beans).

If, yes, if only, yes, beans grew in the mouth, there would be not a mouth, but a garden.

When the roasted beans bloom.

Proverbs and sayings about gourds

Who has what taste: who loves melon, and who loves watermelon.

A pumpkin looks like a watermelon, but the taste is not similar to it.

Proverbs and sayings about cucumbers

Give free rein to sow thistle - and there will be no cucumbers in the world.

Why not well done, if the nose is with a cucumber!

To plant cucumbers in the sea (i.e. to deceive, exaggerate)

Where there are cucumbers, there are drunkards.

Free cucumber is better than purchased melon

Well done, that cucumber, and cucumber, that well done.

Cucumber in a tub, and carrots in the garden.

Mushroom and cucumber in the stomach is not a tenant.

In the cellar, the cucumber does not deteriorate, but rots in the sun

Pike with cucumbers - eat with fellows.

Proverbs and sayings about pepper

Heart with pepper, soul with garlic (i.e. an evil person).

Greetings for greetings and love for love, and to the envious - to hell and pepper, and even then not from our table.

And without pepper it will reach the heart

Pepper is small, but it stings strongly. (Vietnamese proverb)

Young peppers burn more strongly. (Ossetian proverb)

Horseradish with pepper came together.

Proverbs and sayings about nettle

Do not sit under someone else's fence, but at least in nettles, but under your own.

Hanging with him is like sitting in nettles.

Evil nettle seed: do not brew beer from it!

If it wasn’t frost on the nettle, there would be no trouble with it!

Good freedom, but overgrown with nettles.

Proverbs and sayings about other vegetables

Do not move someone else's sorrel, but pick up your own, but move it as you like!

Bad years, if there is quinoa in the rye /

Trouble in the countryside, since the quinoa is on the table

PS from modern folklore:

A good snack is sauerkraut: it’s not a shame to put it, and it’s not a pity to eat it.

Drink where the horse drinks. A horse will never drink bad water. Make the bed where the cat lays down. Eat the fruit touched by the worm. Feel free to take the mushrooms on which the midge sits. Plant a tree where the mole digs the earth. Build a house in the place where the snake is heated. Dig a well where the birds nest in the heat. Lie down and get up with chickens - you will have the golden grain of the day. Eat more green - you will have strong legs and a hardy heart, like a beast. Swim more often - you will feel yourself on land, like a fish in water. Look at the sky more often, and not at your feet - and your thoughts will be clear and light. Be silent more than speak - and silence will settle in your soul, and the spirit will be peaceful and calm.

Watermelons are so delicious. Everything about them is good, except for the nasty seeds!
You just don't understand what the point is, do you? After all, it is thanks to the annoying seeds that the watermelon is so tasty. Overcoming obstacles known as seeds in eating fruit is a real mini-drama that goes hand in hand with this food...

Let's take a seed as an example. If it constantly tried to maintain its integrity, new life would be impossible.
The seed goes through a great struggle, losing what it thinks is its form; losing its security and integrity, becoming vulnerable - to become a sprawling deciduous tree rich in fruits and flowers. Without this voluntary openness to transformation, life will not germinate.

And in my country everything is there, There is oil in it and there is gas in it, There is coal and nickel, There is no counting of aluminum.
It contains gold, diamonds, emeralds and topazes.
How is it that everything is in the country, And the people don’t have a dick?
And in my country everything is there, There is grain and meat, There are salmon and sturgeon, They are full of caviar.
There are vegetables, fruits, and dairy products.
How can it be: there are products, but the people don’t have a dick?
How is it that everything is in the country, And the people live in shit?
And in my country everything is.
There are governors in it, there are mayors, deputy. there are mayors
And deputies have deputies.
The FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, And in the bushes of the traffic police, And the guys from Forbes
Outside the country.
Generals, deputies, communists, democrats
How can it be: they are all there, And they all don’t have a dick?
And it's great to live in a country where people live in shit.
All the people live in shit, but shit lives completely