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Distiller glass refrigerator. Glass distiller - the latest in the production of elements for filtering moonshine

Preparation of moonshine and alcohol for personal use
absolutely legal!

After the demise of the USSR, the new government stopped the fight against moonshine. Criminal liability and fines were abolished, and an article prohibiting the production of alcohol-containing products at home was removed from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. To this day, there is not a single law that prohibits you and me from engaging in our favorite hobby - making alcohol at home. This is evidenced by the Federal Law of July 8, 1999 No. 143-FZ “On the Administrative Liability of Legal Entities (Organizations) and Individual Entrepreneurs for Offenses in the Field of Production and Turnover ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products” (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 1999, N 28, item 3476).

Excerpt from the Federal Law of the Russian Federation:

"The effect of this Federal Law does not apply to the activities of citizens (individuals) who do not produce products containing ethyl alcohol for the purpose of marketing."

Moonshine in other countries:

In Kazakhstan in accordance with the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan On Administrative Offenses dated January 30, 2001 N 155, the following liability is provided. So, according to article 335 “Manufacture and sale alcoholic beverages home-made" illegal production for the purpose of selling moonshine, chacha, mulberry vodka, mash and other alcoholic beverages, as well as the sale of these alcoholic beverages entails a fine in the amount of thirty monthly calculation indices with confiscation of alcoholic beverages, apparatus, raw materials and equipment for their manufacture, and also received from their sale of money and other valuables. However, the law does not prohibit the preparation of alcohol for personal purposes.

In Ukraine and Belarus things are different. Articles No. 176 and No. 177 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Ukraine provide for the imposition of fines in the amount of three to ten tax-free minimum wages for the manufacture and storage of moonshine without the purpose of sale, for the storage without the purpose of sale of apparatus * for its production.

Article 12.43 repeats this information practically word for word. “Production or purchase of strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine), semi-finished products for their production (mash), storage of devices for their production” in the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses. Paragraph No. 1 states: “Manufacturing by individuals of strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine), semi-finished products for their manufacture (mash), as well as storage of devices * used for their manufacture - entails a warning or a fine in the amount of up to five basic units with confiscation of the indicated drinks, semi-finished products and devices.

*Purchase moonshine stills for home use it is still possible, since their second purpose is the distillation of water and the preparation of components for natural cosmetics and perfumery.

What possibilities does the glass apparatus provide?

  1. Glass, as an absolutely inert material, does not enter into any reactions with components and vapors, so you can not be afraid of harmful compounds that enter the final product.
  2. The whole process - from heating the mash to the condensation of vapors can be observed with pleasure through transparent walls.
  3. This is a good opportunity for a novice distiller to learn how to properly make a second distillation with separation into fractions to get a purer product.

Principle of operation

As in other devices, in glass mash it heats up. In pure glass - on an alcohol lamp. If a stainless steel container is used - on a gas or electric burner.

The vapors enter, located in the cooler (water jacket under running water), where it is cooled and flows down with alcohol distillate into the substituted container.


Glass alcohol mashine comprises:

  • flasks for mash with a volume of 3-17 liters;
  • sealed stopper for a flask with a glass vapor tube. Usually the cork is sealed with rubber, but it is advisable to replace it with silicone (read:);
  • a cooler for running water with a coil through which alcohol vapor passes, condensing and turning into a liquid state;
  • connecting hoses;
  • alcohol burner.

In addition, even a glass strengthening column with spiral nozzles for cleaning and strengthening moonshine can be included in the distillation system.

Assembling the glass apparatus

Although manufacturers often include only a refrigerator in the haul system, no one bothers the home craftsman to add other “sheds”. For example, a dry steamer is simply made from glass jar with screw cap and two fittings.

The device is assembled in this way:

  • mash is poured into the flask (no more than 3/4 of the volume);
  • tightly put on a cork with a tube;
  • install the flask on the alcohol lamp;
  • a hose is connected to the tube. The other hose outlet is either to the dry steamer inlet (if used) or directly to the cooler coil;
  • dryer is always connected between alembic(flask) and refrigerator. In this case, one more hose is needed - to the outlet fitting of the dry steamer, then to the coil;
  • hoses connect the cold water inlet to the refrigerator and the heated outlet.

The coil with a flask and a refrigerator, as well as the distillate outlet hoses, must be . For supplying and discharging water to the refrigerator you can take pvc hoses.

Peculiarities. "Advanced" distillers even came up with a closed cycle: the first 5% of the heads are not poured out, but used as fuel for an alcohol burner. Methyl alcohol, of which the heads are mainly composed - a terrible poison when ingested, but it burns magnificently. Another 7 - 10% of the heads and tails can be set aside and added to the next stage to increase the yield of moonshine.

About the disadvantages

It is necessary to take into account a number of disadvantages inherent in glass moonshine stills:

  1. fragility- the most important of them. Glass requires careful treatment, and it must be stored in a soft “wrapper”, away from places where it can be knocked, dropped on the floor by negligence, put something heavy on top, etc.
  2. When using a glass flask, one of the inconveniences is small volume, as a result of which alcohol is obtained little from one stage. Although you can get a flask for 17 liters, you should take into account the fact that it is thin-walled for better heating, so it is also easy to break it. In addition, you cannot put the flask on an electric or gas stove; it requires an alcohol burner.
  3. Glass apparatus almost impossible to equip, without which it is difficult to control the separation of moonshine into fractions during secondary distillation.
  4. It is possible to make connections from glass tubes, but this will be an extremely inconvenient design. Therefore, it is important to select the correct tubes in all places where they will come into contact with vapors or condensate. Better than silicone has not yet been invented. Rubber or PVC are contraindicated because they impart an unpleasant aroma and taste to alcohol.

Given the inconvenience, many companies that produce stainless steel distillation stills, and the rest of the glass with silicone compounds. This option is more reliable, but still it is up to you to decide whether you can work with fragile material. Drive occasionally, in small batches, is there a place to store it? You can also try glass. We are waiting for your feedback and likes.

Moonshine stills made of glass really exist. They stand expensive, their volume less and work for them more difficult. Apart from beauty, they have no no objective advantage, because of which I would like to change my usual stainless steel or copper distiller to glass. Therefore, this approach to moonshine is nothing more than pampering adults.

We offer to get acquainted with the whole variety of glass equipment and see how it works in real time. We highly recommend not buying these items., but we understand that there is demand and people will be interested in buying. Links to vendors and approximate prices we will advise.

The design is fundamentally different from stainless steel.

Glass a distillation cube (flask), a drawer with a steam line, a refrigerator,- all these nodes can be realized even from such an inconvenient material for processing. The steam line can be supplemented.

With a pressure cooker cube. With dryer.

With multiple cleaning steps.
With heating in a multicooker.
Elite glass distiller.
With dephlegmator and dryer.

What does distillation look like on a glass apparatus (video)

With very funny comments and a visual video, the author of the Youtube channel Herbalist tells and shows how his glass installation works. Everything gurgles very beautifully, but even in this case, the man declares that he is engaged in complete nonsense. 🙂

Principle of operation: what is heated and where is cooled

The distillation cube can be either glass or any other. Stainless steel and copper are heated in any way possible, but for glass you need a spirit lamp or a gas burner with a weak fire. Glass normally withstands such temperatures if the heating occurs gradually (remember their 8th grade chemistry course).

Next, the couples fall into, stop in front of dephlegmator or cool immediately refrigerator. It all depends on the design, but alcohol goes through the same devices as in a conventional distiller.

Some especially cunning moonshiners heat a glass flask in a saucepan with water or a slow cooker. That is, the glass distillation cube is fixed in a boiling liquid and the heating process is safer. Quite a working strategy that you can use.

Glass Refrigerator for Distiller

I noticed that it is not the apparatus itself that is in special demand, but only its component parts. In particular, this flow-through refrigerator with glass coil. It costs from 800 to 2000 rubles.

It can be connected to any moonshine that has a collapsible design. Glass has very good thermal conductivity, so cooling will be efficient and fast (with normal water supply).

Is this improvement worth it? We think not, because God forbid such a refrigerator fell or crack. This is fraught with injuries, burns and panic.

Safety precautions and possible consequences of working with glass

Stick to a number of obvious but important requirements when using glass stills:

It’s not worth going down to the spirit stove, but make the gas on the burner smaller.

  1. Only for experienced winemakers. If you still don't fully understand temperature conditions, fractions of the product and other subtleties of moonshine, then it is better to leave this venture with glass.
  2. Heat the glass gradually and slowly. It will not work here to turn on the maximum power at the start, otherwise it will be fraught with serious damage to health.
  3. Plan a retreat in case of problems. What will you do if the flask suddenly bursts, the apparatus overturns, or alcohol vapors ignite? Prepare towels ahead of time cold water, hot silicone gloves, etc.

Don't rush anywhere. This is not the case when accelerated heating will give any advantages to your product.

It is better for beginners to give the thickest and strongest apparatus so that it is impossible for them to cripple, burn themselves or get any other injury. a new craft is always more risky and stressful for a person, so he does not need unnecessary problems (associated with glass).

Estimated prices (where to buy and order)

There are no specialized stores, so look for glass devices in ordinary moonshine stores. Some have a wide range. Prices vary from 7 to 25 thousand rubles(depending on the design and volume of the cube).

  1. Most moonshine stills made of glass I saw on the site flasks from 5 liters).
  2. Separate parts are better to order on AliExpress(refrigerators and dephlegmators).

Oddly enough, China supplies quite high-quality equipment, so you can rely on them in this matter.

You assume all risks for the goods, but even the very fact of using glass already carries hidden problems. So think twice before taking this step.

Buying a glass moonshine still is worth it to those who value, first of all, the quality of the final drink. In addition, due to the high transparency, it is very interesting to observe the distillation process, which makes home distilling an even more interesting hobby.

Should I buy a glass moonshine still?

A glass moonshine may be made entirely of glass or have a steel distillation vessel. In the first case, you can fully observe the process of moonshining, and in the second, you can somewhat protect yourself from the danger of breaking the largest and most important part of the apparatus.

A standard glass moonshine still has a needle dephlegmator and a refrigerator. These devices are more than enough to get a fairly clean moonshine, ready to use. The reflux condenser cleans the drink well from impurities, and the bubbler enhances its strength and can be used for aromatization. That is, as a result, we have a fairly versatile apparatus.

Pros and cons of glass devices

Buying a glass moonshine is not always the best choice. After all, glass is a fairly large material, so it is not always suitable for equipment subjected to such serious temperature effects as moonshine stills. However, there is also a special laboratory glass, but the equipment from it is much more expensive.

The advantages of glass moonshine stills can be written:

  • the purity of the final drink;
  • a great appearance;
  • transparency, which means the ability to observe the process.
In the minuses, we write the following:
  • low thermal conductivity, which means low productivity;
  • brittleness of the material.
It seems that there are more advantages. But the main disadvantage - fragility - completely kills them. After all, the equipment is far from cheap and there is always a chance to break the device. And this is not covered by any guarantees (user negligence), so any careless movement can go sideways.

So we recommend the classic ones. They are reliable, strong, and the performance is noticeably higher. As for the purity of the drink, you can always add a reflux condenser or bubbler to the distiller. And it will cost less.

Well, it is better to leave glass moonshine stills to those for whom distillation is just a hobby, because it is not easy to achieve good performance from a glass apparatus.

Made from different materials, you can see glass devices. Sometimes they have not only a glass distiller, but usually in the form of a flask. What is important when distilling mash on such devices is the complete absence of oxides. In other devices, mash, interacting with the metal, gives oxidation reactions. The least susceptible to this process is stainless steel, and the most. But a completely moonshine still made of glass gives a small yield of alcohol due to the small volume of the flask. And the fragile material he needs caution. It is easy to break a glass flask or cooler with inept handling. One of the advantages of such a distillation device is the ability to observe the entire process of distillation of mash. After all, for moonshine home production. This is useful for a newbie in this business. for distillation are placed on a metal frame. A glass container is heated on an alcohol lamp.

About distiller

A completely glass moonshine still is good for everyone in terms of the quality of the issued alcohol product. He just doesn't have it. You need a secondary distillation of moonshine. And it is better to still use a glass refrigerator complete with a metal distillation cube. Why look for a spirit lamp and a glass flask when any steel or copper container will do for him. And yes, it will be much larger. Using a glass coil, you can fix it in the holes of the cooling metal tank on rubber gaskets. The tank must be deep so that it does not damage when scooping up heated water, placed as close to the bottom as possible. In this case, it is better to use a hose to drain the heated water. Glass distillers are sold in stores, completely ready for the distillation of mash into alcohol. They can be connected to running water. Such a device is connected to the distillation tank through flexible tubes. It is fixed separately on a metal frame.

Gift glass moonshine still

If you buy a glass moonshine in a store, then it is sold there in the form of a set, usually with a metal distillation tank. Several models are offered, they differ only in the volume of a steel flask from 5 to 17 liters. All have different names. The use of such a device is more convenient. The heating of the mash in it is done on gas or. Fully glass "home distilleries" have a flask capacity of not more than 6 liters. The thickness of the material is small, which is necessary for heating on open fire. The devices can have either a glass coil or with another internal device. During operation, high pressure of alcohol vapors should not be allowed. Any crack can cause a break. This is a big minus for glass construction. And yes, it needs to be stored carefully. If rarely used, then store in a soft material. Cleaning and rinsing also requires caution.

This is important for the moonshine process - to get as much alcohol as possible from the appropriate raw materials. Glass devices are rarely used for this. But if there are laboratory glassware at home, then why not try to make alcohol? Having prepared a flask of mash, you can distill it at least a week daily in small doses. Use moonshine "heads" as fuel for a spirit lamp. And the "tails" are distilled separately.