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Alambik is the oldest moonshine still made of copper. Alambik - the oldest moonshine made of copper Alambik on the water

Alambik - an ancient device for distilling alcohol, aromatic oils, fruit water. For over a thousand years this alcohol mashine actively used by alchemists, pharmacists, perfumers and distillers. Today copper alambik is used for homemade whiskey, cognac, grappa, chacha, rum, gin, calvados and other alcoholic beverages requiring distillation.

Principle of operation. Any alambik consists of at least three components: a distillation cube (it would be more accurate to call it a ball or onion), an air reflux condenser (a tube specially curved to remove steam) and a refrigerator with two pipes for supplying and discharging water.

The distilled raw material is heated in a cube by any heat source: gas, electricity, firewood. The alcohol vapor rises to the top of the cube, then enters the refrigerator through the tube, where it condenses in the coil under the influence of water, which is supplied to the lower branch pipe, and is discharged through the upper one, circulating in the opposite direction from the movement of steam.

Traditionally, alambicas are made by hand from copper: the material absorbs harmful substances and gives the distillate a mild taste, and the rounded shape prevents the accumulation of suspension in the corners.

History of the alambic

Similar devices have been used in Ancient Egypt in the 3rd century BC (possibly earlier), and the first written mention of alambiks is found in the Arabic book of the 9th century "On the chemistry of incense and distillations". It is likely that copper stills came to Europe in the 7th century from the East, and the Moors adopted the technology from the ancient Romans and Greeks.

The original purpose of alambiques was not associated with alcoholic beverages, paints, medicines and aromatic essences were made in copper distillers. Only in the 16th century the device was "retrained" for the production of alcohol. Literally any products were used as raw materials, from grape pulp to grain, corn, and potatoes.

Over time, the craftsmen improved the device, increasing productivity and efficiency. In 1831, permanent distillation alambic was invented, without which we could not enjoy Scotch whiskey, English gin and many other "noble" types of alcohol. This apparatus distills raw materials not in portions, but continuously, thanks to which the process goes several times faster, and the output is a cleaner and stronger drink with less waste.

Today you can buy alambiks from 5 to 100 liters; wineries use large industrial alambiks for thousands of liters. The products of Portuguese and Spanish masters are especially respected: in these countries, the famous moonshine stills are still made 90% by hand, tapping the desired shape with a hammer and carefully adjusting all the components.

Industrial alambik

Advantages and disadvantages of alambikov

The alambik moonshine still is considered original gift and useful household utensils. This device is really indispensable for those who like to treat themselves to homemade alcohol and want to achieve the perfect quality of the drink. Here are just some of the advantages of copper alambiks:

  • ease of operation and unpretentiousness;
  • alambik can be used anywhere: in a city apartment, in a country house, in nature;
  • suitable for heating the distillation cube and open fire, and an electric stove, and a gas burner, and any other methods;
  • thanks to the aesthetic appearance, alambic can serve as a decorative element of interior design;
  • if you equip the apparatus with additional accessories (water bath, column), you can distill even thick raw materials or flavor moonshine.

Disadvantages of alambic Price is the main disadvantage: copper and manual labor are not cheap. In addition, the device will have to be monitored - polished, cleaned, wiped with special means in time.

Types of alambiks

According to the production method (that is, by quality), the following types of alambiks can be distinguished:

  • Riveted. Such devices look "entourage", but are considered to be of lower quality than their counterparts with welded seams. The "swan neck" (steam tube) is joined to the cooler telescopically without additional fasteners or has a screw thread.
  • Soldered. All elements are hermetically connected, the risk of leakage or malfunction is completely excluded. You can install additional elements, such as a column.

The shape of the alambics are of the following types:

Classical. Three basic components connected by riveting or soldering.

classic model

With a column. In an additional, usually removable, “nozzle” between the cube and the helmet, you can add rose petals, berries or fruits to flavor the moonshine. The steam passes through the column, absorbs the essential oils of the raw materials, as a result, the distillate has an aroma and slightly changes the taste. It is this type of alambika that is used in the perfume industry.

With aroma column

Portuguese Alambique. Close to the classic with a column, only the evaporation chamber is slightly enlarged, respectively, and the distillate strength is higher. Can be used for steam distillation.


Arabic (Alquitar). Vertical, all components are stacked on top of each other, not arranged in a horizontal plane. The refrigerator is connected to the helmet. Compact, comfortable, beautiful. In addition to moonshine, it is used to obtain essential oils.


Charentsky. It differs from its counterparts in the intermediate capacity between the distillation cube and the refrigerator, which can serve as an additional cooler or reservoir for raw materials. It is these alambicas that are used to make real French cognac in the province of the same name. The liquid in them undergoes an additional second distillation, and the role of an alcohol receiver is often played oak barrels.

Charente (cognac)

There are also several specialized alambiks with special components:

A device with a water seal. A special chute between the walls of the distillation cube ensures complete sealing of the alambic. Often the design is equipped with a special distillation lens that increases the strength of the distillate and cuts off the "head" (the first fractions of moonshine containing esters, aldehydes and other harmful substances).

With water seal

Alambik in a water bath. It is used for the distillation of thick raw materials. alembic placed in another container, which is filled with water before distillation. As a result, the mash does not come into contact with an open flame, but is heated by steam, so it does not burn.

In a water bath for the distillation of thick mash

"Whiskey". Equipped with an elongated "helmet" of the distillation cube, so that the steam is better cleaned. The strength of the distillate is up to 60%.

For whiskey

Alambik with distillation column- during distillation, harmful fractions settle on the walls of the column, the output is almost pure alcohol with a strength of about 90 degrees. The disadvantage is that the aroma of the raw material is lost.

For pure alcohol

Operation of alambiks

Before the first use, a brand new alambik must be thoroughly cleaned, for this it is enough just to distill a portion of water. After distillation of moonshine, the apparatus must be disassembled and thoroughly washed with all parts with a solution citric acid, the coil is best cleaned with a brush.

If you use alambic after a long break, run a mixture of water and flour through the apparatus (proportion rye flour to water 1/20). Store the copper distiller in a dark, dry place away from dust and dirt.

Preparation of moonshine and alcohol for personal use
absolutely legal!

After the demise of the USSR, the new government stopped the fight against moonshine. Criminal liability and fines were abolished, and an article prohibiting the production of alcohol-containing products at home was removed from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. To this day, there is not a single law that prohibits you and me from engaging in our favorite hobby - making alcohol at home. This is evidenced by the Federal Law of July 8, 1999 No. 143-FZ “On the Administrative Liability of Legal Entities (Organizations) and Individual Entrepreneurs for Offenses in the Field of Production and Turnover ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products” (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 1999, N 28, item 3476).

Excerpt from the Federal Law of the Russian Federation:

"The effect of this Federal Law does not apply to the activities of citizens (individuals) who do not produce products containing ethyl alcohol for the purpose of marketing."

Moonshine in other countries:

In Kazakhstan in accordance with the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan On Administrative Offenses dated January 30, 2001 N 155, the following liability is provided. Thus, according to article 335 “Manufacture and sale of home-made alcoholic beverages”, illegal production for the purpose of selling moonshine, chacha, mulberry vodka, mash and other alcoholic beverages, as well as the sale of these alcoholic beverages, entails a fine in the amount of thirty monthly calculation indices with confiscation of alcoholic beverages , apparatus, raw materials and equipment for their manufacture, as well as money and other valuables received from their sale. However, the law does not prohibit the preparation of alcohol for personal purposes.

In Ukraine and Belarus things are different. Articles No. 176 and No. 177 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Ukraine provide for the imposition of fines in the amount of three to ten tax-free minimum wages for the manufacture and storage of moonshine without the purpose of sale, for the storage without the purpose of sale of apparatus * for its production.

Article 12.43 repeats this information practically word for word. “Production or purchase of strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine), semi-finished products for their production (mash), storage of devices for their production” in the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses. Paragraph No. 1 states: “Production by individuals of strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine), semi-finished products for their manufacture (mash), as well as storage of devices * used for their manufacture - entails a warning or a fine of up to five basic units with confiscation of the indicated drinks, semi-finished products and devices.

*Purchase moonshine stills for home use it is still possible, since their second purpose is the distillation of water and the preparation of components for natural cosmetics and perfumery.

Alambik in a water bath 30 l is a distiller designed for distillation and production of high quality noble alcoholic beverages. Water bath perfectly allows you to distill unfiltered viscous types of mash.


  • boiler with a water jacket;
  • helmet;
  • steam pipe with threaded connections;
  • cooling tank with coil;
  • thermometer.

Advantages of alambika in a water bath 30 l:

  • Save your budget - the cost of 1 bottle of the finished product is no more than 30 rubles, including all costs.
  • Drinks made by hand natural ingredients much safer for your health and the health of your loved ones.
  • With a 30 liter Alambic after one distillation, you will get 3.6 liters of high quality distillate.
  • The distillation process (excluding the time of heating the cube) will take you no more than an hour.
  • online store is the exclusive distributor of the Portuguese company Al-Ambiq in Russia. We guarantee the high quality of the goods and the availability of all necessary certificates and documents.
  • The device is handmade by a Portuguese craftsman using ancient technologies that have hardly changed over the centuries.
  • Alambik is 99% copper, which is confirmed by quality certificates. Copper is an excellent conductor of heat, so it provides uniform and fast heating. In addition, it effectively adsorbs sulfur, preventing it from entering the finished product. The distillate will retain the pleasant aroma and taste of the feedstock.
  • All connections of the alembic are made by professional soldering using silver. This provides a reliable seal, which is a prerequisite for distillation.
  • A real alambik can be distinguished by the thickness of the wall of the apparatus. In an alambik in a water bath of 30 liters, it is 1.1 mm, which indicates strength and quality.
  • The water "jacket" is filled with water using special fittings. Due to its presence, alambik is suitable for the distillation of viscous types of home brew. The cube is heated evenly and in a gentle mode, so that its contents do not burn.
  • For convenience, the cooler is equipped with three fittings: for water inlet, outlet and finished product.
  • The steam outlet tube - "swan neck" - has reliable threaded connections with a coil and a helmet.
  • A thermometer will allow you to determine the temperature of the vapors and help control heating during the distillation.
  • Alambik is easy to use, it will suit both the professional and the amateur. The kit comes with detailed instructions for its use.
  • The device is easy to assemble and disassemble for cleaning and storage.
  • Beautiful colorful distiller will look great in any interior. With proper care, it will retain its presentable appearance for a long time.
  • A real Portuguese alambik will be a great gift.
  • We will deliver the order at any time and place convenient for you.

As a gift you will receive:

  • silicone tube 12x2.5 - 4 m;
  • adapter "Herringbone";
  • mixer faucet adapter.

Currently, there are many varieties of alambiks with different purposes. One of this kind of devices is an alambik in a water bath, with which you can get strong alcoholic drinks: whiskey, cognac, tequila, etc. Using alambik in a water bath, you can distill any plant material containing fruits, berries, corn, potatoes, grains and other plant components.

If you distill liquid in a conventional moonshine still, then there is a risk of it sticking to the walls of the cube. Of course, you can pre-filter the liquid, but you can lose a large number of final product. Alambik in a water bath allows you to freely distill thick raw materials, since both the container and the liquid in it are heated evenly using a gentle mode.

What is included in the device?

The composition of such an apparatus includes several elements: a cube, a helmet, a tube called a “swan neck”, a cooling tank and a coil. Raw materials are poured into a cube equipped with a “jacket”, after which purified water is poured into it. Some moonshiners, in order to increase the smoothness of heating, add sand to the "shirt", but this makes the alambik itself heavier and increases the distillation time.

The helmet has a slightly elongated shape; it is designed to collect alcohol vapors that pass along the “swan neck” into a cooling container filled with water. In this cooling tank there is a coil in which these vapors condense, as a result of which they exit through the fitting in the form of moonshine, which has a strength of approximately 60%.

All elements of the device that are non-removable have reliable connections made using the soldering method, which involves the participation of silver. Thanks to this, the device receives a high degree of tightness. The steam outlet tube is equipped with a built-in thermometer, which makes it easier to control the intensity of heating of the container and the temperature of the vapors.

Tips for use.

Before using alambika in a water bath, it is advised to distill plain water to clean the device internally. If you use the device regularly, then such a procedure can be carried out only once, but if you use the alambik infrequently, then it is recommended to clean it before each use. So it will be possible to rid the final product of unnecessary odors and tastes.

Distillation using alambika in a water bath is carried out similarly to that in which any moonshine is used. In this case, the same rules apply, for example, it is recommended to fill the cube only by three quarters of its total volume, after the liquid boils, the heating temperature should be lowered, otherwise foam will begin to form, and others. If we talk about the difference between alambika in a water bath and its other types, then not all heating elements are suitable for it. For example, an induction cooker will not bring the cube to the desired temperature. But gas burners or conventional electric stoves will do an excellent job with this task.


  • jacketed boiler
  • steam pipe with threaded connections
  • cooling tank with coil
  • thermometer.

Advantages of alambika in a water bath 30 l:

  • Save your budget - the cost of 1 bottle of the finished product is no more than 30 rubles, including all costs.
  • Drinks made by hand from natural ingredients are much safer for your health and the health of your loved ones.
  • With a 30 liter Alambic after one distillation, you will get 3.6 liters of high quality distillate.
  • The distillation process (excluding the time of heating the cube) will take you no more than an hour.
  • The device is handmade by a Portuguese craftsman using ancient technologies that have hardly changed over the centuries.
  • Alambik is 99% copper, which is confirmed by quality certificates. Copper is an excellent conductor of heat, so it provides uniform and fast heating. In addition, it effectively adsorbs sulfur, preventing it from entering the finished product. The distillate will retain the pleasant aroma and taste of the feedstock.
  • All connections of the alembic are made by professional soldering using silver. This provides a reliable seal, which is a prerequisite for distillation.
  • A real alambik can be distinguished by the thickness of the wall of the apparatus. In an alambik in a water bath of 30 liters, it is 1.1 mm, which indicates strength and quality.
  • The water jacket is filled with water using special fittings. Due to its presence, alambik is suitable for the distillation of viscous types of home brew. The cube is heated evenly and in a gentle mode, so that its contents do not burn.
  • For convenience, the cooler is equipped with three fittings: for water inlet, outlet and finished product.
  • The steam outlet tube - “swan neck” - has reliable threaded connections with a coil and a helmet.
  • A thermometer will allow you to determine the temperature of the vapors and help control heating during the distillation.
  • Alambik is easy to use, it will suit both the professional and the amateur. The kit comes with detailed instructions for its use.
  • The device is easy to assemble and disassemble for cleaning and storage.
  • Beautiful colorful distiller will look great in any interior. With proper care, it will retain its presentable appearance for a long time.
  • A real Portuguese alambik will be a great gift.
  • We will deliver the order at any time and place convenient for you.

As a gift you will receive:

  • silicone tube 12x2.5 - 4 m
  • adapter "Herringbone
  • mixer faucet adapter.