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How corn is made in a vacuum at a factory. Test: canned corn

V.S. Bushin

People of the older generation involuntarily compare, compare the leaders of the country in the Soviet era and the current ones. Well, let's say, People's Commissars (Ministers) of Foreign Affairs G.V. Chicherina, M.M. Litvinova, V.M. Molotov, A.Ya. Vyshinsky, A.A. Gromyko and - Boris Pankin, Eduard Shevardnadze, Igor Ivanov, Sergei Lavrov. Or defense ministers K. Voroshilov, S. Timoshenko, I. Stalin, N. Bulganin, A. Grechko, R. Malinovsky and - Pavel Grachev, Igor Rodionov, Sergei Ivanov, Anatoly Serdyukov, Sergei Shoigu. Minister of Culture A. Lunacharsky and V. Medinsky. Sometimes they compare ministers, education, health, trade... But sometimes there is nothing to compare with. For example, in Soviet times there were ministries of the aviation industry, armaments, now there are no such departments, but there is a ministry of sports, which for a long time was headed by the Russophobe I. Mutko, now thrown into construction, in which he understands as much as in sports, which stuffed with foreigners and brought to the handle. Well, of course, they compare Stalin with Putin. How! The first was the actual head of state, during the war - the Supreme Commander. The second - according to the constitution, is also the head and commander-in-chief. Comparison is so self-evident and suggests itself even in cases that would seem to be not so significant.

Here Putin went on a visit to Austria. Before leaving, he gave an interview to the Austrian journalist Wolf. This Wolf, the real Wolf (wolf), behaved completely shamelessly, predatory, as if in front of him was not the president of a great power, but Hase (hare): he interrupted the president every now and then. And it was 11 times! Putin was forced to beg him: "Well, finally let me speak!" Can one imagine Stalin in such a position! He would simply skin a predator and expose it. And, of course, the Austrian Foreign Ministry would have begged him to accept another journalist.

In general, it should be noted that since the time of Khrushchev, the leaders of our country have allowed themselves some extremely mysterious deeds abroad. Well, the oddities of Russians abroad have been known for a long time, since the time of the famous “Madame Kurdyukova” by the poet Ishka Myatlev, as Pushkin called him. But still remember ... Khrushchev, the pioneer of anti-Sovietism, in New York at the UN session banged his shoe on the music stand and yelled "We'll show you Kuz'kin's mother!"; Yeltsin committed sovereign urination at the Reykjavik airfield in front of a crowd of high-ranking officials and their spouses holding flowers in their hands; Putin at Bush Sr.'s ranch flopped on his knees in front of his dog and hugged her like a cordial friend with whom he served in the KGB; and now he begs the boorish journalist to give him a word to say... Really, even Madame Kurdyukova would not approve of all this.

However, when he succeeded, the president generally convincingly answered questions, his tongue was well suspended. True, he did not use one good chance. Wolf, of course, started talking about the "annexation of the Crimea." This, he says, is an unprecedented fact in Europe. How it fell from the sky... Putin replied: why didn't you protest against the annexation of Kosovo? Yes indeed. But being in Austria, it would be good to recall the annexation of this country by Hitler in 1938 without a single shot being fired, without the slightest resistance from the Austrians and with complete inaction, with the rest of Western Europe in deafening silence, as in the case of Kosovo. But Austria never belonged to Germany, while the Crimea was an integral part of Russia for hundreds of years, and twice, even thrice - in 1856, in 1942 and in 1944 was abundantly watered with our blood. But Khrushchev, the Ukrainian tyrant in the Kremlin, without any plebiscite, took and transferred Crimea to Ukraine. For many reasons, this was stupidity. First of all, according to the fact that the vast majority of the population are Russians. In addition, it was an “all-Union health resort”, people from all over the country came to rest there, and they freely communicated in Russian. And then Ukrainization began, the expulsion of the Russian language, the planting of Ukrainian, incomprehensible to most visitors.

Yes, stupidity, but not so terrible after all: Crimea remained part of a single state as an all-Union health resort. But when Ukraine left the USSR, the Moscow authorities, then Yeltsin, were obliged to firmly declare: “Independence? Please, but without Crimea!” The Kravchuks were so eager for their independence that they would not have even hinted against it. They could have paid more. But Boris Impenetrable did not even think about it, the main thing for him was to annoy Gorbachev. It is Putin's godfather who is the main culprit in the withdrawal of Crimea to Ukraine and all subsequent ones, including bloody squabbles. But our countless political scientists do not dare to say so. How can you offend the godfather of the president himself! Moreover, he himself blames Soviet time, without naming Khrushchev, however.

Putin blundered in the answer to the last question of a personal nature. Wolf asked: why do your photos appear half-naked? Answer: "Thank God that is not naked." Let's say this is the highest grade of Kremlin humor. But further! “When I’m on vacation, I don’t consider it necessary to hide in the bushes.” Firstly, why not hide one way or another - in the bushes or in a dressing gown, if strangers are right there. This is the elementary decency of any adult. Secondly, the question was not about why you are half-naked by the river, but why your half-naked photos now and then appear on TV screens and in the press. Well, you are not Belvedere Apollo. He can't be unaware of this, which means that the photos appear with your approval, and he likes it. No, Madame Kurdyukova would be indignant.

And I would add here the following question: “Does it seem to you, your degree, that such an annoying simplicity of behavior in front of all the country of its officially first person induces some interlocutors, as it was recently, publicly, on television to even ask you when the last time you "had sex", and all this destroys the very "strings of folk morality" that you like to talk about. I am sure that even the bitter drunkard Yeltsin would not allow himself to ask such questions.

Comrade Putin has returned from Vienna, now we can already see him on the TV screen. What do we hear? “Our Western partners... It is a courageous act on Trump's part to meet with Kim Jong-un..” This is another illustration for you of the recent lines of Yunna Moritz:

They call Russia an enemy
And Russia calls them a partner ...

And what is courageous in the behavior of Trump? In the entire history of the Korean-American conflict, Kim Jong-un has shown himself to be a courageous, honest and wise leader, and your partner Trump, sir, is ignorant, boorish and stupid.

P.s. Dear comrade Putin, having surrounded yourself with Chubais, Medvedevs, Zhirinovskys, you began to think slowly. It took you ten years to understand that anti-Soviet Russia is just as intolerable for the West on earth as the Soviet one. It took you five years to figure out that your half-naked appearance before the people is nonsense designed for idiots. Well, imagine how old collective farmers with grandchildren in their arms look at you in this form. And yet, when you enter a government meeting, everyone jumps up, including three women older than you - Vasilyeva, Golodets and Skvortsova. Pensioners! And for twenty years you cannot understand how it looks before the eyes of all the people.

And in a conversation with the Austrian journalist Wolf, you pretended that he asked you why you were half-naked on vacation by the river. In fact, he asked why, why such photographs are being published and shown on television, of course, with your approval.

In a word, you have spoken. But if you are cunning, dodging, cunning even in such matters, then how can you believe in important, serious matters that concern the whole people?

Please accept a present for your holiday of Solzhenitsyn's anniversary.

Mouth front!

V.S. Bushin, front-line soldier

I love fresh boiled corn on the cob, but unfortunately really delicious corn I was able to eat only in the south. In the store, I often passed by corn in vacuum packed because she was rather skeptical. My friends recommended me to try it. I tried it and ... lo and behold, the same unique taste of fresh corn.

Vacuum-packed corn is already cooked and ready to eat, you just need to heat it up or in microwave oven, after opening the pack, or cook for no more than 5 minutes in boiling water without opening the package.

La Kukuruza is packaged in Thailand, non-GMO.

Then I rub it with salt and eat it.

It turns out very, very tasty and healthy!

Corn is a rich source of vitamins: iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and other trace elements. Its composition contains 26 elements of the periodic table. Corn is saturated with vitamins B, E, A, PP, which are very useful for women, have a beneficial effect on the condition of hair and skin, and help to cope with depression. Corn has a rejuvenating property, it is recommended to use it for the elderly. Incomparable benefits boiled corn is that during heat treatment, the shell of the grains is not destroyed, which means that it does not lose its useful qualities. The valuable amino acids lysine and tryptophan included in its composition, which are not produced independently in the human body, normalize bowel function and tone muscles.