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How to cook corn in a box. Test: canned corn

People of the older generation involuntarily compare, compare the leaders of the country in the Soviet era and the current ones. Well, let's say, People's Commissars (Ministers) of Foreign Affairs G.V. Chicherina, M.M. Litvinova, V.M. Molotov, A.Ya. Vyshinsky, A.A. Gromyko and - Boris Pankin, Eduard Shevardnadze, Igor Ivanov, Sergei Lavrov. Or Defense Ministers K. Voroshilov, S. Timoshenko, I. Stalin, N. Bulganin, A. Grechko, R. Malinovsky and Pavel Grachev, Igor Rodionov, Sergei Ivanov, Anatoly Serdyukov, Sergei Shoigu. Minister of Culture A. Lunacharsky and V. Medinsky. Sometimes they compare ministers, education, health, trade... But sometimes there is nothing to compare with. For example, in Soviet times there were ministries of the aviation industry, armaments, now there are no such departments, but there is a ministry of sports, which for a long time was headed by the Russophobe I. Mutko, now thrown into construction, in which he understands as much as in sports, which stuffed with foreigners and brought to the handle. Well, of course, they compare Stalin with Putin. How! The first was the actual head of state, during the war - the Supreme Commander. The second - according to the constitution, is also the head and commander-in-chief. Comparison is so self-evident and suggests itself even in cases that would seem to be not so significant.

Here Putin went on a visit to Austria. Before leaving, he gave an interview to the Austrian journalist Wolf. This Wolf, the real Wolf (wolf), behaved completely shamelessly, predatory, as if in front of him was not the president of a great power, but Hase (hare): he interrupted the president every now and then. And it was 11 times! Putin was forced to beg him: "Well, finally let me speak!" Can one imagine Stalin in such a position! He would simply skin a predator and expose it. And, of course, the Austrian Foreign Ministry would have begged him to accept another journalist.

In general, it should be noted that since the time of Khrushchev, the leaders of our country have allowed themselves some extremely mysterious deeds abroad. Well, the oddities of Russians abroad have been known for a long time, since the time of the famous “Madame Kurdyukova” by the poet Ishka Myatlev, as Pushkin called him. But still remember ... Khrushchev, the pioneer of anti-Sovietism, in New York at the UN session banged his shoe on the music stand and yelled "We'll show you Kuz'kin's mother!"; Yeltsin committed sovereign urination at the Reykjavik airfield in front of a crowd of high-ranking officials and their spouses holding flowers in their hands; Putin at Bush Sr.'s ranch flopped on his knees in front of his dog and hugged her like a cordial friend with whom he served in the KGB; and now he begs the boorish journalist to give him a word to say... Really, even Madame Kurdyukova would not approve of all this.

However, when he succeeded, the president generally convincingly answered questions, his tongue was well suspended. True, he did not use one good chance. Wolf, of course, started talking about the "annexation of the Crimea." This, he says, is an unprecedented fact in Europe. How it fell from the sky... Putin replied: why didn't you protest against the annexation of Kosovo? Yes indeed. But being in Austria, it would be good to recall the annexation of this country by Hitler in 1938 without firing a shot, without the slightest resistance from the Austrians and with complete inactivity, with the rest of Western Europe in deafening silence, as in the case of Kosovo. But Austria never belonged to Germany, while the Crimea was an integral part of Russia for hundreds of years, and twice, even thrice - in 1856, in 1942 and in 1944 was abundantly watered with our blood. But Khrushchev, the Ukrainian tyrant in the Kremlin, without any plebiscite, took and transferred Crimea to Ukraine. For many reasons, this was stupidity. First of all, because the vast majority of the population are Russians. In addition, it was an “all-Union health resort”, people from all over the country came to rest there, and they freely communicated in Russian. And then Ukrainization began, the expulsion of the Russian language, the planting of Ukrainian, incomprehensible to most visitors.

Yes, stupidity, but not so terrible after all: Crimea remained part of a single state as an all-Union health resort. But when Ukraine left the USSR, the Moscow authorities, then Yeltsin, were obliged to firmly declare: “Independence? Please, but without Crimea!” The Kravchuks were so eager for their independence that they would not have even hinted against it. They could have paid more. But Boris Impenetrable did not think about it, the main thing for him was to annoy Gorbachev. It is Putin's godfather who is the main culprit in the withdrawal of Crimea to Ukraine and all subsequent ones, including bloody squabbles. But our countless political scientists do not dare to say so. How can you offend the godfather of the president himself! Moreover, he himself blames Soviet time, without naming Khrushchev, however.

Putin blundered in the answer to the last question of a personal nature. Wolf asked: why do your photos appear half-naked? Answer: "Thank God that is not naked." Let's say this top grade Kremlin humor. But further! “When I’m on vacation, I don’t consider it necessary to hide in the bushes.” Firstly, why not hide one way or another - in the bushes or in a dressing gown, if strangers are right there. This is the elementary decency of any adult. Secondly, the question was not about why you are half-naked by the river, but why your half-naked photos now and then appear on TV screens and in the press. Well, you are not Belvedere Apollo. He can't be unaware of this, which means that the photos appear with your approval, and he likes it. No, Madame Kurdyukova would be indignant.

And I would add here the following question: “Does it seem to you, your degree, that such an annoying simplicity of behavior in front of all the country of its officially first person induces some interlocutors, as it was recently, publicly, on television to even ask you when the last time you "had sex", and all this destroys the very "strings of folk morality" that you like to talk about. I am sure that even the bitter drunkard Yeltsin would not allow himself to ask such questions.

Comrade Putin has returned from Vienna, now we can already see him on the TV screen. What do we hear? “Our Western partners... It is a courageous act on Trump’s part to meet with Kim Jong-un..” This is another illustration for you of Yunna Moritz’s recent lines:

They call Russia an enemy
And Russia calls them a partner ...

And what is courageous in the behavior of Trump? Throughout the history of the Korean-American conflict, Kim Jong-un has shown himself to be a courageous, honest and wise leader, and your partner Trump, sir, is ignorant, boorish and stupid.

ps Dear comrade Putin, having surrounded yourself with Chubais, Medvedevs, Zhirinovskys, you began to think slowly. It took you ten years to understand that anti-Soviet Russia is just as intolerable for the West on earth as the Soviet one. It took you five years to figure out that your half-naked appearance before the people is nonsense designed for idiots. Well, imagine how old collective farmers with grandchildren in their arms look at you in this form. And yet, when you enter a government meeting, everyone jumps up, including three women older than you - Vasilyeva, Golodets and Skvortsova. Pensioners! And for twenty years you cannot understand how it looks before the eyes of all the people.

And in a conversation with the Austrian journalist Wolf, you pretended that he asked you why you were half-naked on vacation by the river. In fact, he asked why, why such photographs are being published and shown on television, of course, with your approval.

In a word, you have spoken. But if you are cunning, dodging, cunning even in such matters, then how can you believe in important, serious matters that concern the whole people?

Please accept a present for your holiday of Solzhenitsyn's anniversary.

dedicated to international women's day

I have long wanted to post this passage from my eponymous poem.
Ivan Myatlev, disguised as Madame Kurdyukova, walks around the Uffizi Gallery and reports to us in verse about what he saw:

Two Shameless Venus
DeTitian, already beyond measure
Nude, hanging
On the wall; here looking for a look
From the depravity of defense, -
And finds two Madonnas

Raphael, all features
Wonderful sky of beauty,
So innocent, so blessed
They seem to not understand
Light intrigues, evil, depravity;
They both look like this
As if they are calling with them
To heaven, and pure in soul,
Only one will look at them, -
The ardor of passions subsides in an instant,
Everything earthly disappears
And the prayer flies
From the soul, like incense!
Nearby there is another madam
Raphael - Fornarina!
incomparable picture,
And who will not give her a price! ..
But with the Madonnas - a contrast!
Definitely nymphs and cyclops!
S'et yun fam, com il not fo pa (this is a dishonorable woman).

This is one of the Madonnas in question.

And this is Fornarina, who famm com il not fo pa.

Here you go.
This is the early 1840s. Western European images of the Savior and the Virgin were then still normal religious painting for Russian people. Not something essentially different than an icon, but also an icon - albeit one of a different culture. That is how, with the clear eyes of Madame Kurdyukova, who was not afraid of any “theology of the icon”, they looked at Raphael and at all Raphaels in general Pushkin and Zhukovsky, Gogol and Dostoevsky. And St. Seraphim of Sarov too. They looked and distinguished the decent from the dishonorable, the pure from the passionate, the grace-filled from the sinners. Perhaps not everyone has always agreed on limits and degrees, but at least they had a judgment regarding image morale e spirituale women contemplated by them (and, presumably, men), who came out from under the brush of Raphael, and so on, up to Bryullov and Neff.

By the beginning of the twentieth century. it has become fashionable to accuse of apostasy all those who think like that. We decided, decided that the Orthodox should love only the images of ancient piety, which (they alone) are the essence of the icon, in contrast to "vulgarity with an admixture of sublimated eroticism", which "replaced the icon"(expressions from the Book of the Assumption). This was the beginning of the century of national neo-Gothic, with the fruits of which we are all familiar.

Here's something interesting. The ingenuous verses of Myatlev testify: Russian "apostles" XIX in. they knew what “vulgarity with an admixture of sublimated eroticism” was, and they knew that such things should not be in the icon. And they allowed themselves to judge in which particular image of a woman there is vulgarity and / or erotica, and in which they are not. Far from every beauty of the brush of Raphael or Titian were ready to pray. The Russian "Neo-Gothic" decided, decided that "vulgarity with an admixture of sublimated eroticism" is a sovereign property and an immanent property of academic painting. It is her and only her.

Thus, there was no need to keep in the critical everyday life of the Orthodox viewer the concept of vulgarity and eroticism as such. Why believe in the presence of vulgarity and eroticism in works of non-academic painting, ancient and modern, if there certainly cannot be either eroticism or vulgarity in them? By the way, let's break the compass for academic paintings - why do we need some more subtle tools to study it for lice, the presence of vulgarity and eroticism, when it is obviously all bad through and through, all fallen, all enemy and heretical?

So since then we have been living without a compass - why? But we have (it is believed that we have) the precious Orthodox ability to distinguish an icon from a painting.


Until recently, people did not really know whether corn has beneficial features or is just an ordinary vegetable that contains some vitamins. The latest research, which was carried out in the laboratories of the University of Oxford (University of Oxford), showed that it is in corn that contains the largest number substances beneficial to the body.

This simple vegetable, which grows in almost everyone in the country, is much healthier than ginseng, aloe, celandine, plantain and cyclamen! What kind of healing properties does corn have, who needs it in the diet, and what does it help against - read on!

Benefits of corn and what it contains

In fact, there are many more vitamins, macronutrients, and minerals in corn than you might think. More than 30 vitamins that affect human health and are essential in the daily diet. 100 g of young corn (on the cob) contains 16.5 grams of carbohydrates, 2 grams of fat, 3.6 grams of protein and 3 grams of dietary fiber.

As for vitamins, the cobs contain the most niacin (aka B3) and thiamine, they have a positive effect on the immune properties of the body. The vitamin content is much more concentrated than in the echinacea tincture, which is prescribed in the hospital for anyone who needs to quickly and effectively boost the protective properties of the immune system.

It is also worth noting that 1 ear of young corn contains beta-carotene and riboflavin, and in sufficient quantities to provide the body with these components for several weeks in advance! Together with carotene (which is also found in corn), these components have a positive effect on human vision and 100 grams of cooked cob equates to 4-5 kilograms of carrots, which are known for their healing properties for vision.

Pyridoxine with pantothenic acid is also important (the content in mature corn is 0.76 mg and 0.05 mg, respectively), they improve the metabolism in the body, have a beneficial effect on the human nervous system - the best sedative! Ascorbic acid (vitamin C), which is contained in 100 g of fresh corn in the amount of 7 mg, has a general strengthening effect on the body! Thus, corn is the most useful vegetable to strengthen the body and prevent viral diseases!

In a smaller amount, the cobs contain the following vitamins:

  • B5 - is an indispensable component for accelerating the metabolism of fats in the body, as well as for the absorption of carbohydrates.
  • B6 is a replenishable vitamin in the human body, it is needed for the proper metabolism and absorption of protein in the body.
  • E - improves the absorption (absorption) of oxygen by muscle tissues, it is necessary during training and other types of physical activity.
  • K - vitamin is necessary for optimal blood clotting, accelerates metabolism and the dissolution of fats.

The usefulness of corn does not end there for the body, since the cobs still contain a lot of calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium and other macronutrients that are necessary for a person, especially at an early age. Corn is indispensable for children, it contributes to better bone formation, and the amount of phosphorus is no less than in fish!

The vegetable contains the most necessary trace elements for humans: magnesium, zinc, iron, without which proper metabolism and the normal functioning of the nervous system are impossible. In addition to the above, cobs contain more than 20 vitamins that play an important role in human health!

Corn - harm and benefit, or what is still more?

In addition to a large list of benefits of corn and useful substances, it can also cause harm to the body, especially if consumed in excessive amounts in your diet. It is contraindicated to eat a lot of corn in food if:

  • There is a tendency to thrombosis and increased blood clotting. As mentioned above, corn contains a lot of vitamin K, which improves blood clotting, so for people who have a tendency to form blood clots, corn is very dangerous.
  • Had gastritis or stomach problems. As a food, corn is quite heavy and the absence of stomach problems and the release of enzymes is important for its digestion.
  • There are exacerbations of ulcers or problems with the duodenum. Corn grains can cause bloating in the intestines, which will aggravate the patient's condition and may injure him.

People who have a body weight below normal are not recommended to eat corn, as it significantly reduces appetite. Moreover, it has been proven that people with a lack of weight do not digest corn well due to a lack of the necessary enzymes for its decomposition. People who have severe allergic reactions are also advised not to eat corn - it exacerbates the reaction to allergens.

Benefits of corn for weight loss

Corn is very satisfying, it is enough to eat only 200-300 grams until you are completely saturated, but its main advantage is that 100 grams of the product contains only 95 calories. That is, eating on the cob, you reduce the average calorie intake for 1 day by several times.

Due to the fact that most of the macroelements and vitamins contained in corn contribute to a better metabolism in the body, the body is naturally cleansed of toxins. Thus, after 10-15 days after you started using cobs only once a day, you can feel a significant lightness. The weight will gradually return to normal.

One of the main benefits of corn for weight loss is the ease of the process. You can eat it in any form, be it porridge, fresh boiled corn or cereals - there is no difference. Thus, you can lose weight not only quickly, but also quite pleasantly and without any effort and maximum stress on the body. Moreover, it is hardly possible to find a means for losing weight tastier than fresh corn cobs!

Is corn good for pregnancy?

This question is asked by every expectant mother, especially when you want to eat sweet young cobs, and the gestational age is already quite long. But few people know how useful corn is for a pregnant woman! Consider the benefits of corn for the body of the mother and child in more detail.

  1. Cobs contain folic acid, which is needed not only by a young mother, but also by the fetus.
  2. Corn is very useful for toxicosis - its main property is precisely to reduce the toxic effects on the body, it significantly improves the well-being of the expectant mother, and with the periodic use of the cobs, toxicosis will stop in the shortest possible time.
  3. The sensitivity to fried foods and fish is reduced, so if you have not excluded corn from the diet, then you can eat all other foods without any problems at all!
  4. It has been repeatedly proven that it is corn that affects the amount of milk after childbirth in the mother. If you want your child to have good immunity and nutrition, then eating corn is a must!
  5. As you know, during pregnancy, almost all calcium leaves the body, since the fetus requires it to form the skeleton. Corn cobs will easily restore its deficiency, as well as saturate the body with other necessary macronutrients.
  6. There is a strengthening of the walls of blood vessels, which prevents many diseases that can occur both during childbirth and after them.

It is useful to eat corn at any stage of pregnancy, both for the mother and for the child. The only thing to remember is not to abuse the vegetable, as it is very difficult for the stomach!

For several thousand years, mankind has been growing the "queen of the fields" corn. This plant occupies an honorable third place among cereal crops and goes right behind wheat and rice.

Why has corn gained such popularity and recognition?

What is her secret? The fact is that maize grains are not only very tasty, but contain many useful substances.

Composition and calories

The benefits and harms of corn are due to its vitamin and mineral composition. Corn (maize) contains a whole range of elements beneficial to human health.

It has:

  • fiber, fatty and essential oils,
  • vitamins (A, C, PP, E, almost the entire group B),
  • a large number of minerals (magnesium, calcium, manganese, iron, phosphorus, zinc and others).
  • Mono- and disaccharides, starch are also present in plant grains.

100 g of the product contains 67.5 g of carbohydrates, 10.3 g of proteins and 4.9 g of fats. calories different varieties corn is different and can range from 88 to 325 kcal per 100 g.

But even with such a fairly high calorie content, this cereal is considered a dietary product.

Basic properties

The surprisingly rich composition of this cereal (it contains 26 elements of the periodic system of Mendeleev) makes it a good adjuvant in the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

What are the benefits of corn for the body?

Its main benefit is that when eaten, it:

  1. strengthens the immune system;
  2. cleanses the body - removes toxins and toxins;
  3. lowers cholesterol levels, helps in the prevention of heart disease;
  4. due to its diuretic and choleretic properties, it is widely used for hypertension and increased swelling;
  5. normalizes the work of the stomach;
  6. beneficial effect on the intestines;
  7. improves metabolism and is effective tool in the fight against excess weight;
  8. safe for diabetics and allergy sufferers.

The benefits of fresh corn on the cob and decoctions of grains

Mostly eaten grains of corn, cooked right on the cob. And somehow it is not customary to eat it fresh.

It turns out that fresh grains can be added to soups, salads and other dishes.

Dishes are very tasty and fill the body with energy, not to mention vitamins and minerals.

Corn helps to prevent the occurrence of many diseases, including quite serious ones, for example, cardiovascular diseases.

Corn on the cob is also useful for patients with enterocolitis, since the substances contained in its grains inhibit the processes of decay and fermentation in the intestines. It improves digestion, neutralizes the effects of alcohol.

The beneficial properties of corn are also used in dietetics. Doctors have long appreciated the benefits of boiled corn and recommend it to patients suffering from both overweight and underweight.

It also improves the state of the nervous system - helps to cope with depression, stress. Moreover, it is recommended even for epilepsy. Many underestimate the benefits of corn decoction, and in vain. After all, a decoction of grains is able to restore strength, soothe migraine during overwork.

For example, maize porridge with corn oil, if consumed regularly, reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors.

The people have long known this cereal as good remedy from diarrhea and dysentery.

With diarrhea, you should eat a teaspoon of grains fried with honey every half hour and drink them with water.

For men, the use of cereal will help to cope with such an unpleasant phenomenon as impotence.

Useful properties of boiled corn lie in the fact that golden cobs poured with oil improve the condition with nephritis and other kidney problems, constipation and gout.

Corn soup is useful for gastritis, as it has a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa.

Maize is also used in cosmetology. The use of the "Queen of the Fields" in food helps to heal the skin, make it elastic and elastic, and slow down cell aging.

Corn-based masks will reduce pigmentation, even out complexion, and relieve the effects of acne.

Such masks are especially useful for oily skin - they perfectly cleanse the pores and eliminate greasy shine.

To prepare the mask you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. maize flour
  • protein of one chicken egg.

The ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and applied to the face, and after 20 minutes. wash off with warm water.

Other vitamin hair masks can be found in our article.

And at the address you will find out which vitamins are most needed for hair.

Boiled or canned - which is healthier?

The benefits and harms of boiled corn are not much different from the properties of fresh corn on the cob.

Unlike many vegetables and fruits, which lose most of their benefits during heat treatment, the shell of corn grains does not collapse even after cooking, so it is useful in any form - both fresh and boiled.

Slightly less useful canned corn.

It also contains many vitamins and minerals, but their concentration after conservation becomes several times less.

At the same time, only high-quality products should be eaten.

Do not buy canned corn in crushed cans. In this case, its inner coating may be damaged. When the liquid component of corn comes into contact with the can, the metal is oxidized. In this case, canned corn will do more harm than good.

In addition, some of the health benefits of canned corn are lost when it is processed prior to canning. It is also worth adding that some jars of corn contain GMOs.

The benefits of corn for children and pregnant women

It is impossible to ignore that the cereal brings a special benefit to the female body:

  • it alleviates the condition on critical days and menopause,
  • improves the condition of the reproductive system.

During pregnancy, fresh or steamed corn will give a woman strength to cope with huge loads, decoctions of maize grains will relieve swelling.

It is not only nutritious, but also very beneficial for digestion. It can and should be included in the diet of a child, because it helps build muscle mass, contains almost all the elements and vitamins needed in childhood.

How else is corn used?

Traditional medicine has adopted mainly corn oil. It is used in the pharmaceutical industry in the production of vitamins and biologically active substances, as well as in the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis.

Corn starch is used as a filler in baby powders and tablets. And the meal (residual product) is added to confectionery for diabetics.

AT folk medicine often use the beneficial properties of corn stigmas. Decoctions and extracts are prepared from them, which are recommended for patients with hepatitis, cholecystitis, cholangitis, cholelithiasis.

Corn stigmas can have a bile and diuretic effect, reduce the level of glucose and bilirubin in the blood, improve blood clotting, and have an antihelminthic effect.

The benefit of corn stigmas lies in the fact that tea from them treats diseases of the kidneys and liver. From the waste of their processing, the plant is the basis for obtaining glutamic acid (this is a remedy that is used to treat patients with diseases of the central nervous system and mental disorders).

Modern research shows the possibility of creating anticancer drugs from the components of corn stigmas.

How to lose weight with the corn diet?

Few people know that corn is a product that effectively copes with excess weight. In just 4 days, you can lose 2-3 extra pounds with the help of a special corn diet.

The effectiveness of this diet is achieved due to the fact that the consumption of corn kernels reduces the feeling of hunger, and also removes excess fat.

  • In the first 2 days, fresh or canned corn (400 g each) should be included in various dishes - soups, salads, stews).
  • In the remaining days, the amount of cereal should be halved.
  • In addition to corn at this time, you can eat fruits (kiwi, apples), fish and meat.
  • Habitual drinks are recommended to be replaced green tea and yogurt.

If we talk about a slender figure, then we need to say about the benefits of figs for weight loss.

Maintain weight with omega-7 fatty acids, sea buckthorn will help, more on this at the link.

What are the benefits and harms of corn flakes and sticks?

Many parents prefer the so-called quick breakfasts, which include corn flakes, and corn sticks allow children to nibble at any time of the day.

Corn sticks and flakes are beneficial only if they are really made from grains and enriched not with dyes and flavors, but with vitamins and trace elements.

Many nutritionists, if not most of them, consider breakfast cereals, including those made from corn, to be much less useful in terms of the content of substances needed by the body than ordinary cereals with the addition of fruits and honey.

They warn that too frequent use of such products, and especially corn flakes, instead of improving the shape of the figure, it can lead to the opposite result and cause the appearance of excess fat at the waist.

This is due to the fact that cornmeal, from which flakes and sticks are made, contains fast-digesting carbohydrates that easily turn into fat when ingested. In addition, the amount of sugar, fats and additives can be up to half the weight of the product.

Therefore, it is better to choose sticks and flakes from corn without additives. They should be consumed with low-fat fermented milk products- yogurt, kefir - and not for breakfast, but between meals. So they will bring a minimum of harm and a maximum of benefit.


Corn and medicines based on it are contraindicated in the following diseases:

  • peptic ulcer;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • tendency to form blood clots;

In addition, it must be borne in mind that, despite the high nutritional value of the product, it cannot be consumed regularly without medical supervision. An excess of vitamins and minerals is even more dangerous than their lack.

A valuable cereal, once brought from the American continent, has long ceased to be exotic on the tables of Europeans. And not only in them, because corn is grown on all continents, with the exception, perhaps, of Antarctica.

This unpretentious culture grows well in different conditions, invariably accumulating in its cobs all the best that the earth and the sun can give.

When buying, there is one important point that should be taken into account - corn that gets on store shelves often refers to genetically modified products.

Since there is no reliable evidence of the safety of such products yet, it is better to protect yourself and buy corn with the inscription "GMO-free" on the package.


What is corn?

What is corn, the benefits and harms of corn for the human body, what medicinal properties does it have, all this is of great interest to those who lead a healthy lifestyle, monitor their health, and are interested in folk methods treatment, including with the help of vegetables and cereals. So we will try to answer these questions in the following article.

Corn is an annual, herbaceous plant that grows up to three meters in height. It is grown for its grains on the cob and is the most important grain after wheat and rice. Corn is divided into 9 groups (depending on the properties of the grain), they are distinguished: flinty, dentate, semi-dentate, bursting, sugar, starchy, starchy-sugar, waxy and membranous.

Corn (or sweet corn) is the only representative of the genus Corn belonging to the family of cereals (or Bluegrass). In addition to cultivated corn, the genus Corn includes several more wild-growing subspecies. Corn is considered one of the oldest plants cultivated by mankind - according to scientists, it was introduced into culture about 8700 years ago in the Balsas Valley (Mexico).

Historians believe that corn played an important role in the development and development of all highly developed cultures of America (Maya, Aztecs, Olmec culture), explaining this by the fact that it was she who formed the basis of highly productive agriculture, without which a developed society could not arise. After the discovery of the American continent by Columbus, corn appeared in Europe and very soon “conquered” this part of the world as well. Currently, corn is one of the most important food crops grown by man. And the largest producers of this cereal include the United States, China, Mexico, India, Brazil, Argentina, Indonesia, South Africa, France and Italy.

The culture is photophilous and thermophilic, quite drought-resistant, does not tolerate shading, especially in the first half of the growing season. The growing season is usually 90-150 days.

People call her the "queen" of the fields. Corn is very unpretentious, but there are two prerequisites for obtaining a good harvest - loose and well-fertilized soil and abundant watering. As a fertilizer, manure can be used, which is brought in during the autumn digging.

Corn is planted in late April - early May, when the threat of frost is over. Then it remains only to wait for shoots and ripening. A sign of maturation of corn cobs, as experts say, is dried hairs on the cobs. Corn is harvested as the ears ripen. The cob grains should be soft and exude milky juice when pressed.

From corn grain it is obtained: cereals, flour, starch, alcohol, compound feed; from germs - corn oil. Green mass, silage, hay - livestock feed; from dry stems and cobs - paper, linoleum, viscose, etc. It is widely cultivated in all agricultural regions of the world. Grain yield 30-100 c. from 1 ha or more.

Corn is one of the most popular food products on Earth, so it is not surprising that its wide culinary application. In industry, artificial fiber is obtained from corn protein, corn starch used in production medicines, viscose fiber, glue, paper and explosives, as well as for finishing fabrics and leather. Corn oil is used to make paints, soaps, and rubber substitutes.

Stems and leaves of corn are used in the production of fertilizers, paper, packaging and building materials; and furfural is obtained from the stumps - the raw material necessary for the production of nylon, plastics and other synthetic substances; "corn hair" is used in medicine.

On the table of a modern person, corn falls into a completely different options: in the form of fresh cobs for cooking, canned food, frozen mixture, cereals, butter, flour. Apart from good taste corn also has medicinal properties.

Beneficial features:

Corn is a valuable vegetable crop, useful product nutrition and source of a huge amount of healing substances.

Composition of corn:

Corn grains contain vitamins C, K, PP, D, group B, as well as fiber, starch, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, nickel, tocopherol, pyridoxine, biotin, pantothenic and linoleic acids.

Phenolcarboxylic acids, flavonoids, rutin and glycosides were found in corn leaves; in the stigmas - fatty and essential oils, pantothenic and ascorbic acids, steroids, saponins, glycosides and other substances.

Beneficial features:

  • The use of corn has a beneficial effect on work gastrointestinal tract and relieve constipation.
  • Cornstarch promotes the formation of muscle fibers and nourishes nerve cells.
  • The pectins contained in the grains exhibit antitumor activity.
  • Glutamic acid improves memory, and also has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the brain.
  • Young corn well cleanses the body of harmful substances and accumulated toxins.
  • Cholagogue properties of corn are used in the treatment of hepatitis, cholecystitis.
  • Corn dishes are recommended for those who suffer from obesity, diabetes, allergies.
  • Useful corn as diet food with nephritis, epilepsy, gout and liver diseases.

Corn has a beneficial effect on the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, removes toxins and a number of harmful substances from the body, and activates all metabolic processes.

Regular consumption of fresh or cooked corn reduces the risk of colon cancer. Preparations of corn stigmas have a beneficial effect on urinary functions, normalize kidney function. Corn oil stimulates the functions of the gallbladder, helps cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.


Of course, corn is a very useful and valuable product, but it also has a number of contraindications. Harmful in thrombosis, increased blood clotting, thrombophlebitis. This vegetable is undesirable for people with reduced appetite and low body weight. During an exacerbation of gastrointestinal ulcers, the use of corn kernels, crushed corn can adversely affect health.


  • exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers
  • varicose veins and thrombophlebitis
  • poor appetite, low body weight

Medicinal properties:

In medicine, there are many recipes based on corn, and different parts of the plant are used in the recipes:

  • corn stigmas have a diuretic effect;
  • corn oil normalizes cholesterol levels;
  • cornmeal helps to cure infertility, and for men to restore sweating.

Useful properties of corn oil are used for nourishing masks for hair and facial skin. As a result, the hair follicles are enriched with vitamins, the natural elasticity of the skin is restored.

Grains activate the metabolism, and corn decoction promotes fat burning. That is why nutritionists recommend not pouring out the liquid after boiling the cobs, but taking a glass daily.

The use of corn in folk medicine is quite wide. This is argued by the fact that corn contains many useful minerals and is saturated with a variety of vitamins and other substances. There are a large number of different folk recipes with the use of corn, which can save a person from ailments.

  • Corn stigmas contain a large amount of ascorbic acid, essential oils and pantothenic acid;
  • The stigmas have a fairly strong choleretic property, which is a long-known fact;
  • Thanks to corn, the overall level of bilirubin is significantly reduced, which helps to reduce the viscosity of bile and contributes to the normalization of the work of several organs;
  • Preparations that have corn in their composition help to stop bleeding of varying degrees, while significantly increasing blood clotting;
  • Corn, despite its high calorie content and nutrient saturation, will help those people who want to lose weight. This is because corn can reduce appetite.


  • stool retention,
  • haemorrhoids,
  • heart failure,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • cholelithiasis,
  • diseases of the kidneys and bladder.

Corn treatment for chronic stool retention and hemorrhoids:

Recipe 1

Pass 100 g of fresh corn kernels through a meat grinder, mix with 2 teaspoons of corn oil. Take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day 1 hour before meals for chronic stool retention and / or hemorrhoids.

Recipe 2

Pour boiling water over corn leaves and apply to the nodes for 15 minutes with external hemorrhoids. The procedure is carried out 1 time per day until complete recovery.

How to treat gallbladder disease with corn?

Recipe 1

Take 1 tablespoon of unrefined corn oil 3 times a day 1 hour before meals for cholelithiasis and cholecystitis. The course of treatment for cholelithiasis is 3 months, acute cholecystitis - 7 days, chronic - 28 days.

Recipe 2

Boil 2 kg of corn cobs in 5 liters of water, remove the corn, chop some of the grains with a blender, mix with 1 liter of broth, add 200 ml of infusion of St. John's wort herb. Take 100 ml 3-4 times a day for cholelithiasis and chronic cholecystitis. The course of treatment is 28 days.

Treatment of diseases of the kidneys and bladder:

Recipe 1

2 tablespoons of corn stigmas pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Take 150 ml 3-4 times a day for cystitis and pyelonephritis. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.

Recipe 2

Pour 1 tablespoon of corn stigmas with boiling corn broth (0.5 l), leave for 20 minutes, strain. Take 200 ml 2 times a day for kidney stones. The course of treatment is 2 months.

Recipe 3

Pour 1 tablespoon of corn stigmas with a boiling decoction of red clover (0.5 l), leave for 20 minutes, strain. Take 100 ml 2-3 times a day for cystitis and kidney stones. The course of treatment of cystitis - 14 days, kidney stones - at least 1 month.

Lowering cholesterol levels and preventing cardiovascular disease:

Recipe 1

To reduce cholesterol levels, conduct a two-week course of cleansing according to the following scheme: 1st day - take 3 times a day, 100 ml of infusion of corn stigmas; 2nd day - eat during the day 300 g of boiled corn kernels; 3rd day - take 3 times a day, 200 ml of corn broth; from the 4th to the 10th day - instead of dinner, eat 300 g of boiled corn, washed down with corn broth; from the 11th to the 14th day - drink 0.5 liters of infusion of corn stigmas daily.

Recipe 2

100 ml unrefined corn oil mixed with 30 g crushed kernels walnuts. Take 1 tablespoon 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of prevention is 28 days. Prevention is carried out 2-3 times a year.

Recipes from the book by D. Nesterova “We are treated with vegetables. Healers from the beds.

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More on the same topic:

Starting from mid-July, fragrant, “sunny” corn cobs invariably appear on our tables. We are ready to enjoy them every day, because the product, despite the ease of preparation, never gets bored.

That the "queen of the fields" corn is delicious- a fact known to all. But she, as it turned out, also has healing properties. Young cobs are recommended to be included in therapeutic diets for overweight, problems with the liver or gastrointestinal tract, allergic diseases and gout. The product accelerates metabolic processes, removes toxins and toxins, has a sedative effect. As you can see, the benefits of corn are enormous.

It is better to pamper yourself with fresh cobs in the season, and use them frozen or canned the rest of the time. Cereals, butter and flour are also made from valuable cereals, which are no less useful.

Botanical reference

Food (sugar) corn or maize, today

considered the oldest grain crop in the world. It is a tall (up to 3 m) herbaceous annual, with large lanceolate leaves, in the axils of which are edible cobs. Caryopses of a round or cubic shape are usually light yellow, but may also have a different color: red, purple, brown, black.

The plant comes from Mexico, where it was known from about 7 to 12 thousand BC. e. The Aztecs and Mayans had a cult of maize, since it was this cereal that formed the basis of the diet in both civilizations. In the XII - XI centuries BC. e. the peoples who inhabited the territory of modern Mexico began to actively engage in corn breeding, breeding new varieties.

Europe was introduced to maize, as well as potatoes and tomatoes, by Columbus. Further, the culture spread to North Africa, India and China. And two centuries later, already in the 18th century, it conquered the expanses of the Russian Empire.

In addition to sweet corn, known for its sweetness, softness and speed of preparation, there is also several varieties:

  • siliceous
  • dentate
  • waxy
  • bursting (popcorn)
  • starchy
  • membranous

However, it table varieties have the highest nutritional value.

Sweet corn. Health benefits and harms

The product is rich in carbohydrates and proteins, but there are practically no fats in it - just over 1% per 100 g.

With regular use of corn, we replenish the body with a whole complex of vitamins and minerals. Which ones can be seen from the table below.

Useful material Properties
PP or B3 (nicotinic acid) Required for normal flow metabolic processes in the body, the health of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, the normalization of cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
B2 (riboflavin) Supports biochemical processes, participates in the synthesis of other vitamins and amino acids.
B5 (pantheonic acid) Saturates the cells with energy, strengthens the immune system, balances the hormonal background.
B1 (thiamine) It tones all body systems, improves their functioning.
B9 (folic acid) Promotes the production of "happiness hormones". Reduces the risk of heart attack, stroke and cancer.
E (tocopherol) One of the most powerful antioxidants.
C (ascorbic acid) Helps fight infections, strengthens the body's defenses, is the best prevention of scurvy.
trace elements
Calcium Forms the skeletal system, increases resistance to disease.
potassium and sodium Ensure proper water-salt metabolism.
Phosphorus Enhances the action of calcium
Iron Participates in the production of hemoglobin
Copper Fights age-related changes in the body.
Nickel Affects the processes of hematopoiesis.
Magnesium Normalizes the work of the heart and nervous system, alleviates or eliminates the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Also, corn the only product that contains gold. It is enough to eat porridge from this cereal once a month to replenish the supply of a valuable element in the body.

Gold has a positive effect on the immune system, supporting the activity of macrophages - cells that destroy pathogenic bacteria or viruses, decay products and toxins. As a result, our resistance to pathological influences from outside increases..
Watch also a video about the benefits and dangers of corn


The energy value of the "queen of the fields" directly depends on the method of its preparation.
100 g of corn kernels contains:

  • raw - 86 kcal
  • boiled without any additives - from 123 kcal
  • steamed - 80 kcal
  • canned - 120 kcal

It is interesting

calories cornmeal, which is often used by overweight wrestlers, is 331 kcal against 334 kcal of the analogue from wheat. As you can see, the difference is small, but for some reason it is the first product that is considered dietary.

The value of cornmeal products is that they saturate for a long time, unlike traditional pastries, and are also rich in vegetable proteins.

Beneficial features

Immediately, we note that it is better to eat sugar cobs in the stage of milky ripeness. First, in them most valuable nutrients secondly, they cook quickly, keeping a maximum of vitamins, thirdly, can be consumed raw.

The last argument will especially appeal to raw foodists and those who take care of their appearance. Raw grains are rich in vitamins C and E, which are powerful antioxidants. Thanks to them, the aging process slows down, tissue regeneration occurs more actively, the condition of all organs and systems improves.

If you want to cook delicious and healthy meals from corn, look at a special selection of recipes on our website.

For sweet lovers who can't refuse confectionery by force of will, nutritionists recommend eating small amounts of fresh corn kernels. They lower blood sugar levels and actively remove toxins, after which unhealthy cravings for cakes and sweets disappear by themselves.

We offer you to watch a video recipe for corn tortillas:


Raw can only be used on the cob of table varieties, but not fodder.

  1. With constipation. Fiber-rich grains improve intestinal motility, inhibit putrefactive processes, and contribute to the rapid removal of toxins.
  2. With deposits of cholesterol plaques. The product effectively cleanses blood vessels, which leads to improved heart function and normalization of blood pressure.
  3. If there was a hormonal failure. In women, pain symptoms during menstruation and menopause decrease, and in men potency improves. In addition, including in your menu corn grits, you can protect yourself from prostatitis and other inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.
  4. When there are metabolic problems. In particular, corn must be eaten with gout, obesity, diabetes, atherosclerosis, urolithiasis, deterioration of the liver and kidneys.
  5. When the nervous system fails. "Queen" of the fields" is able to improve mood, help in the fight against depression and increased aggressiveness caused by prolonged stress. And glautamic acid improves memory and reduces the risk of dementia.
  6. Young and expectant mothers. Eating grains in moderation can help relieve nausea during pregnancy. And lactating women will be able, thanks to corn, to increase lactation.


    It is allowed to eat no more than one cob per day, so as not to cause colic in the child.

  7. For the prevention of cancer, primarily colon cancer.
  8. Overeating and drinking large amounts of alcohol. Corn is rich in selenium, which helps to speed up the cleansing of the liver and eliminates the effects of intoxication in the body.
  9. If your eyesight falls. The carotenoids contained in grains help to restore the function of the lens, eliminate itching and pain in the eyes.
  10. With stasis of bile. Corn, as well as oil from it, have strong choleretic properties.
  11. To strengthen muscles. The starch contained in the grains is very useful for athletes during active training.

It is interesting

Corn cobs do not accumulate chemicals from the soil. It is one of the most environmentally friendly products. That is why we can use it even in its raw form without fear for our health.

Find out how to store corn from our article Is it possible and how to store corn all winter.


  1. Persons suffering from thrombophlebitis, thrombosis and varicose veins.
  2. During an exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum.
  3. With individual intolerance to the product.
  4. If increased blood clotting is diagnosed. Vitamin K, which is in corn, can exacerbate this process.


It is undesirable to use the product for people with poor appetite or malnourished.

Boiled corn. Benefits and harms, how it differs from raw

If young cobs are cooked for a short time, they retain almost all vitamins and minerals, except perhaps ascorbic acid. The dense shell of the grains prevents the leaching of nutrients during cooking.

It can be concluded that heat-treated corn has no less nutritional value than raw. But that's not all. In some cases, a boiled product is even more useful.

For example:

  1. In inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including gastritis and enterocolitis. In this case, boiled and pureed corn kernels should be used, which have a softening and enveloping effect.
  2. Cobs contain the amino acid L-tryptophan, which is responsible for our mood and regulates sleep. If problems arise with the latter, it is recommended to eat ½ cup of boiled grains 3 hours before a night's rest.
  3. Constipation is much more effectively eliminated when using heat-treated cobs, poured with corn oil.
  4. Boiled grains are easier to digest and assimilate by the body. Therefore, they are called dietary. Raw grains, for all their benefits, are quite heavy on the stomach and can cause bloating or flatulence.

Consequently, boiled corn may do less harm than raw. However, it is contraindicated in case of a tendency to form blood clots or allergies.

Learn how to boil corn in our article How to boil corn the right way.

The benefits and harms of canned corn

We are accustomed to being suspicious of canned goods. Indeed, many pickled vegetables lose their beneficial properties, but this does not apply to the “queen of the fields”.

The highest quality canned food is home-cooked. They can be safely added to salads and other dishes for those who are trying to lose weight. There is also a special corn diet that allows you to lose up to 5 kg in a week. It is also recommended to carry it out on canned corn, since such a product is less caloric than boiled and is easier to digest.

The grains in the marinade are ideal for sports nutrition. They contain starch in a concentrated amount, which allows you to effectively strengthen and build muscle mass.

During conservation, the grains lose some of the useful elements, but they increase the content of sodium, which is responsible for the stability of water-salt metabolism in the body.

When canned corn is harmful:

  1. If fodder varieties or overripe cobs were used. You can determine the quality of corn by the composition of canned food. Availability citric acid testifies that the manufacturer sought to enhance the taste of grains, and young, table cobs are absolutely useless. A similar statement can be attributed to sugar. It is best if only corn, water and salt are indicated in the composition. The amount of carbohydrates should not exceed 12 g.
  2. When not fresh, but restored grains are preserved. When buying, you need to pay attention to the date of manufacture of the product. If the summer month is indicated, it means that the corn was rolled into fresh jars, winter - we are dealing with dried grains that have no nutritional value.


    You need to check the date on the lid of the jar; unscrupulous suppliers can replace the paper label. It is desirable that the numbers be applied by printing, and not by extrusion, since in the first case more advanced equipment is used for seaming.

  3. With low quality cans. It is best to buy corn in glass containers. So we can still determine the quality of the grains and marinade in the store (it should be cloudy, with a milky tint).


Canned food in a metal can must be shaken when buying. If a strong splash is heard, it means that the marinade was not filled to the top and such corn cannot be taken. When the metal comes into contact with the air remaining in the voids, oxidation occurs with the release of dangerous toxins. For the same reason, having opened a tin can, the corn is immediately transferred to “glass” and stored like that.

Metal containers should not have dents or other damage.

Corn stigmas. Medicinal properties and contraindications

The stigmas are the fibers around the corn cob. In terms of healing properties, they are ahead of grains and are used in official medicine to cleanse the body, strengthen immunity, or as a sedative.

Preparations, as well as herbal teas, oil and tinctures from corn stigmas are indicated for:

  • diabetes
  • biliary dyskinesia
  • cholecystitis
  • pancreatitis
  • hepatitis, liver cirrhosis
  • cystitis
  • uterine bleeding of a different nature in women
  • sexual dysfunction against the background of prostatitis in men
  • urolithiasis
  • edema
  • overweight
  • metabolic disorders
  • how to prevent cancer

When taking corn stigmas on your own, you should consult your doctor. Do not exceed the dosage indicated in the instructions. Between courses of treatment, it is necessary to take breaks so that the drugs do not lose their properties and the body does not become addictive.

The easiest way to benefit from corn stigmas is to boil them along with the cobs. To do this, the corn is first cleaned of leaves and fibers, and then covered with them in a saucepan before pouring water.

Contraindications for stigmas are the same as for cobs.

As you can see, there are many ways to include healthy and nutritious corn in your menu. And this must be done throughout the year.

Also learn about 10 interesting facts about corn.

Canned food « Corn sugar in grains vacuum packed " refer to natural canned food. They include: fresh corn grains, water, sugar and salt. Canned food is packed in metal cans, hermetically sealed on vacuum sealing machines and sterilized.

Incoming raw materials and materials must be accompanied by quality certificates, declarations of conformity of suppliers.

Canned food "Sugar corn in grains in vacuum packing". Delivery, acceptance, storage.

Acceptance of corn on the cob is based on quality and quantity. Upon acceptance, corn is divided into varieties (highest, first) depending on the degree of maturity. The degree of maturity is determined by the moisture content of corn grains by drying:

Corn with a moisture content of less than 66% is not suitable for production.

Corn is unloaded into the receiving bunker by grade.

It is not allowed: when unloading, mix corn varieties in the receiving hopper.

Canned food "Sugar corn in grains in vacuum packing". Cleaning and washing.

Sweet corn cobs are cleaned from outer leaves, inspected, with a rejection of underdeveloped, pest-damaged and unpeeled cobs.

Corn kernels should be cut as close to the surface of the cob as possible, but care must be taken not to cut the kernels with the cob tissue, as the presence of such kernels is not allowed in canned food.

Canned food "Sugar corn in grains in vacuum packing". Inspection.

Corn grain is fed to the inspection conveyor in a uniform thin layer, where damaged grains, vegetable and foreign impurities are manually selected. The speed of movement of the inspection conveyor should be no more than 6 m/min.

If you have an optical sorter installed in your production, then you need to set the frequency of control, quantitative characteristics, by which you can make a conclusion about the quality of the optical sorter. This is necessary for timely adjustments in the settings of the optical sorter.

Canned food "Sugar corn in grains in vacuum packing". Gulf preparation.

Water is poured into the container for preparation of the bays in accordance with the recipe, heated, salt, sugar weighed according to the recipe are loaded, brought to a temperature of not more than 60 0 C. Then it is pumped into the containers for packaging through the filter by the pump. Bay recipe:

Mass fraction of solids in the bay according to the refractometer - 16.0%,

The use of circulating filling liquid is allowed.

The results of the control of the preparation of the bays are recorded in the journal "". The frequency of control - each brew.

Canned food "Sugar corn in grains in vacuum packing". Packing, corking.

Corn is packed on fillers in pre-prepared metal cans.

The temperature of the filling during packing should be no higher than 60 ° C.

To maintain a ratio of 80% by finished product the net weight of corn kernels before sterilization is selected empirically. So, for example, the mass of corn grains and the mass of bays when packaged in cans with a net weight of 340 g, depending on the variety:

The control of the net weight and the mass of corn grains in jars before sterilization is determined by weighing at least 6 jars, the frequency of control is once an hour.

The results of monitoring the net weight, the mass of the main product, the temperature of the bays are entered in the journal "".

Net weight deviation for single cans is allowed - ±3%.

Filled jars are sealed with lids on vacuum seamers. After corking, a visual inspection of the cans is carried out, while cans with defects in the seaming seam and other defects are rejected.

After sealing, the vacuum in the jar should be (600 - 700) millibars.

The results of the control of the disassembled seam tin can are entered in the journal "". The frequency of control is once per shift.

The results of the tin can are recorded in the journal "". The frequency of control is once per hour.

Canned food "Sugar corn in grains in vacuum packing". Sterilization.

Canned products are carried out in rotary autoclaves at a temperature of (120 - 130) 0 C.

Storage of filled jars before sterilization for more than 30 minutes is not allowed.

The control of the sterilization regime is carried out according to the journal K-8 "Control of the sterilization of canned food" and according to cartograms.

The temperature of canned food at the end of the sterilization process should not exceed 35 ° C.

The vacuum in the jar after sterilization must be at least 500 millibars.

Canned food "Sugar corn in grains in vacuum packing". Finished product control.

The results of monitoring the net weight, net weight of the main product, temperature after sterilization are recorded in the journal "". The frequency of control is one can per hour.

The results of the control of organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters are recorded in the journal "" in accordance with the regulatory document for this type of product. Sampling frequency - 2 cans every 2 hours.

Boiled corn is a favorite summer treat for both adults and children. It would seem that it could be easier than to boil a few golden cobs to enjoy them. delicate taste? But it turns out that you need to make some efforts, and even know a few secrets, to make the corn really juicy. It is very important to be able to choose a product and take into account the cooking time.

Choosing the right one: what to consider

Corn is not only tasty, but also a very healthy product. It is rich in vitamins and trace elements necessary for our body:

  • vitamin A is responsible for metabolism;
  • vitamin C strengthens the immune system;
  • vitamin E protects the body at the cellular level;
  • vitamin B (thiamine) strengthens the cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems;
  • fiber cleanses the body of toxins;
  • Potassium helps provide the body with fluid.

In addition, corn contains substances that regulate the functioning of the thyroid gland, which are responsible for the health of hair, nails and skin.

How correctly you choose the corn cobs depends on its taste qualities after cooking. In young corn, the grains are light yellow in color, the cobs are small and not long. The rows of grains should be perfectly even, dense and of the same color. To make sure that you have young corn in front of you, cut the grain. If a white juice that looks like milk stands out, the corn is not overripe. You can also cut the stalk: in young corn it is whitish and light.

Young milk corn is best for cooking

Sweet corn has whitish tender tendrils at the end of the cob, which are denser and darker brown in fodder or overripe corn. A pale yellow color indicates the average maturity of the cob. Such corn will cook longer than young or milk corn.

Overripe corn has a bright yellow color. These cobs will cook for about 2 hours. In addition, you need to take into account the area in which corn grew: southern varieties are much softer than northern ones.

We cook a treat in a saucepan

This traditional way familiar to each of us since childhood. At first glance, it is very simple, but you need to take into account some secrets and features.

  1. Boil corn the same day you bought it or picked it. Under this condition, it will retain its beneficial properties and become soft and tender.
  2. Rinse the cobs before boiling and remove dirty leaves from them. Clean, young leaves do not need to be cut off. During the cooking process, they will give the corn an appetizing flavor.
  3. Take a large saucepan with thick walls. Lay the cobs in it in several rows and pour cold water so that it covers the corn by a few centimeters. Close the lid tightly and do not remove it until the cobs are cooked. If the corn is young and soft, it is enough to cook it for 15-25 minutes after boiling.
  4. You can determine whether the corn is ready by taste, or by piercing the grains with a fork. After the cooking process is completed, do not remove the corn from the pan immediately, let it brew for about 10 minutes.

Please note: during cooking, you do not need to add salt to the water, otherwise the corn will become hard. Ready cobs are salted, more precisely, they are rubbed with salt and oil, spices or sauces are added if desired.

If the corn cobs are too big for the pot, they can be cut open before cooking. Ready corn served hot.

More options?

The modern kitchen is equipped with various appliances that greatly facilitate the process of cooking hostesses. The same applies to corn, which can be cooked in a double boiler, pressure cooker, oven and microwave.

  1. To steam corn, wash it without removing the bottom layer of leaves and place the cobs in a mold. pour 1 cup of water - this will be enough for steam to form. For complete readiness of young corn, 5-10 minutes are enough. Old or fodder corn will cook in a double boiler for 40 minutes.
  2. To cook cobs in a pressure cooker, rinse them, put them in a container and fill with water. Close the lid and put on fire. For young corn, 10-15 minutes after boiling is enough, for overripe it will take 40 minutes.
  3. To cook corn in the oven, take a deep baking dish, grease it with butter and tightly lay the washed, peeled cobs. Pour boiling water over to cover the corn. Preheat the oven to 120 degrees, put the mold with corn in it and bake for 40 minutes.
  4. There are two ways to cook corn in the microwave: fast without water and slow with water. It is important to know that only young corn can be cooked in the microwave. For the first option, put the cobs in plastic bags, tie them tightly. Set the device to 800 W and cook for 10 minutes.
  5. It is also possible fast way cook corn like this: cut the cob into pieces without peeling the leaves, and boil in own juice 5 minutes at 800 watts.
  6. To cook corn in the microwave in a slow way, with water, rinse the cobs, put them in a special container, pour cold water and cover with a lid. Set the power on the device to 700-800 W and set the timer for 45 minutes. make sure that the water does not boil away, and add it to the container if necessary.

Frozen and vacuum-packed corn: cooking secrets

Modern food storage methods allow us to enjoy corn not only in summer, but throughout the year. For example, you can buy frozen corn on the cob at the grocery store. It is steamed and instantly frozen, which allows you to save all healing properties product. Cooking such corn is very simple: dip it in boiling water and cook until tender. After the water boils a second time, 20-25 minutes are enough until it is fully cooked.

Vacuum packaging is usually used not for cooking corn, but for storing it in ready-made. You can buy these cobs and, if necessary, reheat in the microwave, saucepan, slow cooker or pan. Before this, the vacuum packaging must be removed.

Some interesting recipes

Corn can be quite unusual dish that will decorate any festive table. To do this, you need to make a little more effort and use your imagination.

Try cooking corn in milk and cream. For this you will need:

  • 4 ears of corn;
  • 0.5 cups of milk;
  • 1 glass of cream with a fat content of 30%;
  • 30 grams of butter;
  • 0.5 glass of white wine
  • 1 tablespoon flour;
  • 2 eggs
  • salt and spices.

Boil 4 ears of corn and cut the kernels from the cob into a bowl. Heat milk and a glass without a quarter of cream in a saucepan, add grains and cook for 10 minutes.

Melt butter, mix it with 1 tablespoon of flour, add the mixture to the corn and cook for another 10 minutes. Pour in dry white wine, leave to cook for another 10 minutes. then add salt and spices to taste. Pound the remaining cream with eggs, add to the corn and cook for another 10 minutes.

In this recipe, you can use whatever spices you like: pepper, bay leaf, basil, cinnamon, tarragon, and more.

Corn can be cooked in the oven

Corn baked in sour cream - very spicy and tasty dish that your family and friends will surely love. Take the following foods:

  • 5 ears of corn;
  • 0.5 cups of sour cream;
  • 100 grams of cheese;
  • 50 grams of butter;
  • 2 handfuls of dill, parsley and onions.

Cut the grains from the boiled cobs, pour over them with sour cream and melted butter, mix. Put on a baking sheet or in a baking dish, sprinkle with grated cheese.

Preheat the oven to 160 degrees, send a baking sheet with corn in there and bake for 15 minutes. After cooking, sprinkle the corn with finely chopped herbs and serve hot.

Video of cooking corn on the cob

While summer pleases us with hot sunny days, do not deny yourself the pleasure of eating delicious, juicy and healthy corn! Share your corn recipes with our readers. Enjoy your meal and bright summer!