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How to learn to cook well for a man. How to learn to cook and start enjoying it

More recently, the ability to cook their own food was a completely natural sign of any adult independent person, regardless of their gender. However, culture is now self cooking food is not going through better times. abundance finished semi-finished products, establishments, delivery services completely kills the desire and ability to cook at home. We are increasingly confronted with people who not only do not know how to do this, but also do not want to learn at all. And absolutely in vain, because it is not at all difficult to do this.

Take away the excuses

Any new habit at first requires some effort and overcoming obstacles from us. Two circumstances most often act as their quality: it seems to us that we do not have time or that we do not know how to cook.

Both are delusions by which we justify our laziness. In any, even the busiest schedule, you can set aside 15-30 minutes for cooking (namely, that's how much it takes to cook). As for inability, there is not even anything to talk about. Anyone can find a recipe on the Internet and step by step complete all five or six of its points without exception.

Prepare in advance

So, you have firmly decided to cook something. Sami. You open the refrigerator, you see its empty shelves and, with a doomed sigh, you again go to the tired cafe. The usual story.

To prevent this from happening to you, you must first purchase products. At the same time, some first think through their menu to all the details, and then make a list of products for it, while others, on the contrary, simply buy what they like, and then cook from this set. suitable food. In any case, it is worth remembering one simple rule: you can cook nothing out of nothing. Therefore, the more food in your refrigerator, the more likely you are to start cooking.

Start Small

No matter how you are tempted by delicious pictures from the pages of culinary sites and books, try to put them aside for later. Any new business must start small and simple steps. And that is a chance to fail instantly and forever discourage yourself from cooking. Start with simple recipes that will not give you the slightest chance of doing anything wrong. Master them and only then move on to the next level.

Cook what you really like

The strongest incentive to switch to “homemade” food is that now you can eat exactly what you really like, and not what the tired chef of the establishment nearby included on the menu. Reward yourself with the very best specialty, fried potatoes or chicken that you love so much. It will be much tastier and, importantly, healthier than the products of the vomiters in which you poisoned before.

Treat your friends

One of the nicest things you can afford to learn to cook is the opportunity to feed your friends, relatives, loved ones with your cooking. But it is worth moving to this stage only after you have experimented enough on yourself and your cat. Otherwise, failure is possible. If successful, the praise of your guests will sound no less pleasant to you than a standing ovation for an artist or artist. Recognizing your culinary success will help you love this activity forever.

Enjoy the process

The biggest trap that lurks around the stove is the idea that cooking is boring, tedious, difficult. I even know who invented this myth and tirelessly supports it, but this is a topic for another article. But the truth, here it is: how you feel about the case, so it will become for you. You will assume that the kitchen is a hard labor with which the gods punished you, then that is exactly what will happen. If you treat cooking as fun creative process, a complex chemical experiment or a scientific experiment with unknown (and often dangerous) consequences, then you will not be dragged away from the stove by any force.

cook a lot

So many people gradually cool off in cooking just because they have to do it too often. Daily cooking can get boring even for the biggest enthusiasts of this business. Therefore, try, if you have already taken it, to cook such an amount of food that is enough for you at least two meals. Thus, you can alternate days of work in the kitchen with days of complete idleness.

Save money and health

Cooking at home can be not only fun, but also quite profitable. Although there are countries where dining in a cafe costs almost less than at home, there are not so many such places. In most cases, you can save a significant amount of money each month simply by giving up all those pizzerias, McDonald's and other sausage eateries. Do not be shy at work to get lunch taken from home from your backpack. It is many times cheaper and certainly healthier.

Cooking can easily go from being a boring daily routine to a vibrant hobby that will allow you to fully express your creativity, improvisation and unusual things. In this area, you can improve all your life, without ceasing to discover new and unusual recipes, dishes and . And most importantly - not only you yourself, but also all your friends and relatives will be immensely happy with the fruits of your labors.

Every woman wants to please her loved ones with interesting dishes. But what if you don’t know how to do it at all, how to learn how to cook deliciously from scratch? There are, of course, some rules that must be followed in order to become a real craftswoman.

First you need to observe, and not start with the most complex recipes. No need to hope that mastery will come by itself. Observation is the first part in learning the basics of cooking. These basics include knowledge of how to clean vegetables, in what order they should be boiled. For those who do not have certain skills, it may not work the first time. Do not be upset, it was not the gods who burned the pots. Everything will work out, but everything needs experience. The next step is to study the sources, which contain detailed cooking recommendations. different dishes: from the simplest to the most complex.

These are cookbooks, and encyclopedias, and courses, and master classes. After the received theory, you need to move on to the practical development of cooking.

Let the experiments be not always successful. The main principle on which the taste of food depends is that everything should be done with kindness and love. The secret of each dish is that you need to cook not always exactly according to the recipe. You need to take as a basis the taste preferences of your family. After all, whatever good way, specific relatives will eat the cooked dish.

Where to begin?

You can start your culinary tests with ordinary sandwiches, then move on to salads, and then gradually to cooking soups and borscht.

An important point: one must be able to cook from the available products, since their abundance is not available to every housewife.

So how do you learn to cook delicious food from scratch? First you need to admit to yourself that you do not know how to do it at all. And there is nothing terrible in this. Everything can be learned. It's important to want it. And the desire arises immediately after the one and only one who really wants to be pampered with delicious appears.

How to learn to cook delicious food? Now it's time to learn a few simple rules. To please your loved ones with delicious dishes, you need:

  • cook simple meals
  • search for recipes in cookbooks Oh;
  • choose only high-quality products;
  • water that will be used for cooking must be filtered;
  • use good dishes, serviceable kitchen appliances and knives made of good steel.

You should not be away from the stove for a long time in the process of cooking. This condition must be observed if the young housewife does not want to treat her loved one with burnt foods. If the recipe says that the dish needs to be constantly stirred, it should be done. Those dishes that a woman prepares, she should taste for the presence of salt, sugar, spices. Everything should be done with pleasure, and ready meals you have to learn how to make it beautiful.

The simplest dishes can become especially tasty with an unusual sauce. Don't be afraid to fantasize. But for starters, your imagination should still be curbed by strict adherence to the recipe.

Rules for a novice hostess

How else can you learn to cook delicious food from scratch? No one is born with the ability to draw, sing, cook. These skills can be acquired and everything can be learned. In order to have enough time for everything, you need to properly distribute it. Choose products that do not require additional long-term processing.

This applies to meat, fish, chicken. You can’t save on buying vegetables, cheap vegetables cannot be of high quality. Household kitchen appliances are a good help to the hostess.

It greatly simplifies the cooking process and saves time.

So, how to learn how to cook deliciously from scratch at home? You need:

  • prepare simple meals, snacks;
  • purchase good kitchen appliances (pot, frying pan, several knives, grater, board, apron);
  • rearrange to make it as convenient as possible to be in the kitchen;
  • get acquainted with the recipes, with the sequence of all the main actions;
  • you need to thoroughly master several dishes, without spraying on many;
  • do not stop there.

Teaching kids and teens how to cook

A woman, by her nature and the need to feed her family, learns to quickly cook borscht and fry pancakes, but how can children learn to cook deliciously from scratch? How to teach a child to cook food so that, having matured, he does not experience difficulties in the process of creating hot first and second courses? This is especially important in the modern world of fast food and quick bites. So how do you do it? Children should be instructed to prepare the simplest dishes. Let the child chop up the salad, salt it and season it with butter or mayonnaise. Let him bring his own dish to the table. This will give him weight in the family. The child will be proud of the fact that he is already independent. If they are afraid to give him a knife in his hands, you can instruct him to cook a cake without baking. Let him do only part of the work, the execution of which will be one hundred percent safe for him.

It’s easier to tell mothers and housewives how to learn how to cook deliciously from scratch for a teenager. This is a matured child who can do a lot on his own. He can be instructed to independently complete the entire process of preparing a simple dish.

Cook not only tasty, but also beautiful, interesting dishes

It is very pleasant to cook for the little ones. How to learn how to cook deliciously from scratch for children? The most important thing in this process is to find something that the kids will like. Sweets, many will say. They will be right. But you can’t feed a child with sweets, cakes and cakes alone. A growing organism needs meat, milk, vegetables and fruits. Ordinary vegetables will be eaten by kids with appetite, if you apply imagination and fantasy. Think about decorating the most common eggs and casseroles to give your child pleasure.

The basic principles of tasty and healthy food. Now it’s clear how to learn how to cook deliciously from scratch. Recipes in this case, as already mentioned, first choose the most simple.


Now I want to offer a short list of dishes that can be considered basic. When these dishes are mastered, you can move on to complex ones. They will have more components. We can assume that these dishes are for those who have just begun to learn the basics of cooking. These include:

  • fragrant chicken soup;
  • cabbage soup with fresh cabbage;
  • baked chicken;
  • fire cutlets.

For garnish you need the following dishes: fried potatoes, mashed potatoes. Greek and vegetable salad will be a great addition to the main dishes. And for dessert, pancakes and croutons are suitable.


Now that the first stage of mastering culinary delights has been mastered, you can safely experiment and move on. A woman who decides to feel like a real mistress in the kitchen, who wants to learn how to cook well and please every member of her family, will definitely achieve a positive result. Family members will appreciate the woman's efforts.

Children will delight mom with excellent appetite. The husband will thank you for a delicious lunch or dinner with a strong kiss. The obligation to be a mother will give confidence to the hostess. She will learn new and new recipes. But the biggest plus in this culinary comprehension will be the involvement of the whole family in the process of preparing family feasts. You can start today, you can’t put it off until tomorrow, because you always want to eat.

If you want to become an excellent chef who can always please guests and comes up with recipes himself, your dream is quite easy to fulfill. Learn something new, devote time to cooking every day for a month - and the result will surprise you! So, here simple tips that will lead you to your goal.

Sharpen your knives

If you can't even cut an avocado effortlessly, how will you cook it? interesting dishes? In some stores, you can even sharpen knives for free! Try to put all the knives in your house in order.

Learn to cut onions

Cut off the top of the bulb and discard it. Remove the top layers and then slice the onion vertically. After that, cut horizontally - that's it! This is the correct way to cut an onion.

Learn how to cook rice the right way

Always remember that one part of rice needs two parts of water. This is the perfect proportion to help you achieve fluffy and delicious rice.

Learn how to make a poached egg

Always crack an egg into a small bowl before pouring it into the water. Then the yolk will remain whole. If you want to feed a large number of people, try baking eggs in a muffin tin.

Leave fat after frying

If you fried bacon, leave the fat in the pan - you can fry pancakes or scrambled eggs on it.

Learn how to make pickled vegetables

The ability to cook pickled vegetables seems impressive, but it's quite simple! You will need vinegar, water, salt and sugar for the brine, as well as chopped vegetables and spices. Just mix the ingredients for the brine and heat them in a saucepan, and then pour the vegetables in a jar and put it in the refrigerator after cooling. These vegetables can be stored for three weeks!

Learn to use clippings

Trimmings from vegetables, bones and crust from hard cheese will be an excellent base for the broth. Collect them in a bag in the freezer until you are ready to make a fragrant soup.

Try new spices

For example, discover turmeric. It is very tasty and extremely healthy.

Swap an aluminum pan for a cast iron one

Cast iron pans handle all temperatures, last a very long time, and are great for many dishes.

Buy more pots and pans

What separates an amateur from a professional? Pan size! If you use a frying pan or pot that is too small, your food may not cook evenly.

Store chicken breasts in the freezer

From chicken breast can be cooked quickly lovely dinner so keep a small supply on hand at all times.

Try a new vegetable

For example, try turnips. You can use it in fries, mashed potatoes or stir-fries, and you can add it to soups.

Store cheese in oil

Top with mozzarella, feta or goat cheese olive oil with spices to make it more fragrant and tastier.

Try while cooking

Season your food and taste it while cooking. If something is missing, you can always add.

Prepare a new dish with your favorite foods

love cauliflower? Make tacos with her! Roast her large pieces or just bake the whole head of cabbage!

Make homemade burgers and freeze them

Make homemade burger patties. They can be beef, fish or vegetables. Freeze them and you will always have an option to surprise your guests.

Make soup from scratch

Stop using convenience foods, learn how to make soup yourself. It's worth it.

Buy soy sauce, lemons and parmesan

These ingredients can transform almost any insipid dish. Always keep them handy.

Make your own jam

Your breakfast will be much more pleasant! You can make jam in just five minutes.

Learn to roast vegetables

Remember the tip about the bigger pot? The same goes for the baking dish. When you cook vegetables, they should not be too tight for everything to turn out crispy.

Cook something in red wine

Learn how to make pasta in red wine sauce. It's incredible tasty dish.

Try a new kind of meat

For example, lamb. Or pork chops. You can even decide on offal, for example, the liver.

Make your own bread and freeze it

You can make your own tortillas for dinner and then freeze them. Then they can be used for two weeks.

Taste new varieties of fish and seafood

Try scallops, cod, mussels or tuna. Do not limit yourself to the usual varieties of fish.

Add Salt to Salads

This secret seems too simple, but it's a great way to combine all the flavors. It is salt that creates the difference between a mixture of products and a delicious salad.

Try a new kind of cereal

You can try quinoa or amaranth. These are tasty and healthy varieties of cereals that you will love.

Add wine to butter

If you make gourmet butter, you will immediately feel like a skilled cook.

Go to specialty stores

A large supermarket is very convenient, but in specialty cheese or vegetable stores you can find more interesting products, and they will also be fresh. Be sure to try to visit such a store, you will immediately understand the difference.

Buy a small grater

With a special grater, you can grate Parmesan directly over your guests' plate. This is a simple detail, but it makes a huge impression on others.

Make simple desserts

Don't spend hours in the kitchen. A bowl of fresh fruit topped with whipped cream is just as delicious as an elaborate soufflé. You can just relax and enjoy your food!

“I don’t know how to cook at all” - these words are increasingly spoken by modern girls. Yes, not everyone can boast of culinary talents and skills in cooking delicious homemade food.

But sometimes the fate of relationships depends on the ability to cook food. The most correct way out: to learn the art of cooking. This article will tell you how to do it yourself.

Getting Started

When deciding how to learn how to cook from scratch, you need to understand:

Basics of cooking

Starting cooking, remember that it is difficult to cook tasty food from poor-quality and stale products. Choose only fresh and natural.

There are many ways to cook food, it can be:

  • fry;
  • cook;
  • put out;
  • bake;
  • marinate;
  • and so on.

Having decided how you will process the food, prepare the appropriate dishes. For pilaf - a cauldron, for borscht - a saucepan or cast iron, a special pan for pancakes.

Get Started in Cooking with simple meals, the recipes of which you remember yourself.

Then make it harder. Use cookbooks and the internet. Good helpers step by step recipes with photos and videos.

Use salt and seasonings at first carefully. Add them little by little. Over time, you will get used to it, and you will know when to stop. Do not leave the stove or oven unattended. Do not go to another room if you have something cooked or fried. Will definitely run away or burn.

Pay attention not only to the taste of the dish, but also to its design. It has long been known that appearance food improves its palatability.

Learn how to use kitchen equipment and appliances. First, master simple tools: shovels, skimmers, hand graters, knives for cutting various products, and so on. There are a lot of such devices, easy to use and very necessary in the kitchen. All of them are your faithful kitchen assistants.

Having mastered simple devices, proceed to complex ones. A slow cooker, a mixer, a food processor - all this needs to be mastered.

kitchen helpers

These are the most important helpers. And there is more: pots, pans, knives, molds, mortars.

The list of appliances and gadgets for the kitchen is inexhaustible. To begin with, master the most necessary of them, those that you will use when preparing your first courses.

Learning to cook: simple recipes for beginners

As mentioned above, if you need to learn how to cook food quickly and tasty, start with the simplest dishes. They are often the most delicious!

So, learn to cook deliciously from scratch. With no practical cooking skills, you can surprise your family with a full three-course meal and dessert. To do this, use the recipes for beginners below:

Main course - breaded pork chop

Delicious and tender chops are loved by both adults and children. Men are especially indifferent to them.

You will need:

  • Pork chops;
  • Breadcrumbs;
  • Manka;
  • Eggs;
  • Vegetable oil for frying;
  • Salt, ground pepper, sesame seeds;
  • mashed potatoes or braised cabbage for garnish;
  • Cucumber and tomato for decoration.


cook quick soup with sausages. Children love him very much. And adults will love this light and very tasty soup.


  • 6-8 pieces of thin sausages;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • a handful of millet;
  • Greens of parsley and dill.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Peel the potatoes, cut into even cubes, dip into a pot of water and put to boil;
  2. soak millet cold water for 10 minutes;
  3. Peel onions and carrots. Finely chop the onion. Grate carrots on a coarse grater. Dip onions and carrots into a saucepan;
  4. Drain the water from the millet and add it to the pan;
  5. Cut the sausages into pieces, add to the soup;
  6. Finely chop the greens and add to the dish 1 minute before readiness.

Cabbage salad with pear and apple

Very healthy and tasty dish, rich in vitamins. It can be prepared in minutes.

You will need:


  1. Wash all ingredients;
  2. Finely chop the cabbage and mash with your hands so that it starts up the juice;
  3. Finely chop the apple and pear;
  4. Mix everything and season with sour cream or yogurt.

pineapple dessert

A very tasty and simple dish. Prepared without baking.

For dessert you need to take:

  • fresh pineapple;
  • Coconut;
  • Berries for decoration.


  1. Pineapple wash, peel, cut into slices;
  2. Fry the coconut in a dry frying pan until golden brown;
  3. Roll pineapple slices in coconut;
  4. Decorate as desired.

The 21st century brought a culture of fast food and convenience foods fast food, but home cooking will not replace anything. Learn from scratch or improve in the culinary arts, the Internet and mobile applications can always help you. However, finding among the variety of options can be difficult and time consuming.

Do you dream of cooking a delicious dish yourself?We have put together a list of the most interesting, instructive and inspiring resources to helpyou become an excellent cook, a jack of all trades.

Online courses and sites where you can learn how to cook

Salads 100 recipes

Not expensive to prepare, tasty, and most importantly, healthy recipes salads are collected in the application: "One Hundred Recipes". Beautiful photos complete the interest in using this kitchen helper. The only drawback of the application is that recipes cannot be shared with friends. However, this is not a significant drawback if you want to cook tasty and light dish. Download app for