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How to cook a chicken dish recipes. Recipes for simple and delicious chicken dishes

The shelves of our modern stores are literally bursting with abundance chicken meat, here are whole carcasses, and chickens, already butchered, and giblets; we can always get both large broilers and tiny gherkins. One misfortune, for no amount of money will it be possible to buy a real fragrant country chicken grown on free pasture in a modern store. And demand plays a significant role in the absence of this product on the shelves of our stores. Unfortunately, many young housewives consider domestic village chickens to be a product that requires too much time and effort to cook, and the result is considered too unpredictable. And absolutely in vain! Those who are older will never forget the taste and aroma of noodles or broth cooked by a grandmother from chicken slaughtered in the morning. Take my word for it, and better check, you will never be able to cook anything like this from an industrially grown chicken. And do not be afraid that the village chicken will turn out to be too tough, subject to certain rules and small culinary tricks a rural bird dish will turn out juicy, tender, and soft, and its taste and aroma will enchant you once and for all. Today we invite you to figure out with us and remember how to cook domestic chicken.

If you think homemade chicken is only good for broths and soups, think again. And a hundred and two hundred years ago, our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, as well as their great-grandmothers, did not know any broilers grown in almost complete immobility and fed with mixed feed. But in each yard their own hens ran. And they prepared a huge number of a wide variety of dishes from these domestic chickens. They were boiled, and stewed, and fried, and baked; they cooked both noodles and porridge with them; domestic chickens were excellently suited for preparing appetizers, and for first courses, and for second courses. And what pies and pies were made with meat and giblets of domestic chickens! Nothing has changed today. Almost any familiar dish can be prepared from homemade chicken, only such a dish will turn out to be many times more tasty, fragrant and rich than prepared from ordinary store-bought chicken. And this applies not only to Russian dishes, but also to many other dishes. national cuisines. It turns out much tastier, for example, chakhokhbili from homemade chicken, and how fragrant and rich lagman comes out of such a chicken! And try to cook Indian curry from such a chicken, you yourself will be surprised at how much more delicious this already fragrant and fragrant dish can turn out to be! What can we say that, subject to some very simple rules, homemade chicken can be fried in the oven, baked in a pot with vegetables and spices, and cooked on a jar, adding extra softness and juiciness to it. Can you list everything? Just believe me, any dish made from homemade village chicken, kept free-range, it turns out incredibly tasty and fragrant, you just need to attach quite a bit of desire and your own culinary imagination.

Today the site "Culinary Eden" has collected and recorded for you the most important tips and secrets, coupled with proven recipes, which will surely help even the most inexperienced housewives and easily tell you how to cook homemade chicken.

1. First of all, let's figure out where we can get a real village domestic chicken. Do not even look for such chickens in stores, they simply do not exist there. At collective farm and farm markets, buy domestic chickens only from trusted sellers, because, unfortunately, now even chickens are falsified: they tint ordinary store chickens with turmeric and pass them off as domestic chickens, hoping for the inexperience of the buyer. It is best to buy domestic chickens directly from those who raise them. If you ask around, you will probably find someone who knows village grandmothers or good conscientious farmers who raise free-range chickens. Usually, you can drive up to such producers on your own, and they will personally slaughter and prepare the freshest chicken for you, and you will be able to see with your own eyes the conditions of keeping the chickens offered to you.

2. If you still decide to buy chicken in the market, choose your purchase very carefully. First of all, decide what kind of dish you need homemade chicken for. For broths and soups, a laying hen about a year old is best. Such a chicken should weigh no more than one and a half kilograms, the legs of such a domestic chicken should be long, the sternum should be rather hard, the chicken itself should be lean, not too fat. If you are going to buy a chicken for cooking main courses, then choose a chicken weighing no more than a kilogram, with a breast bone that is still quite soft, with legs that are still bright, yellow, and not white. To the touch, the meat of such a chicken will be soft, and the bones will be thin and fragile. Often, modern breeds of free-range broilers are also called domestic chickens. Of course, such chickens have more meat, they are both fatter and softer than laying hens, and it is much easier to cook them. One problem - in taste and aroma, even such home-made broilers do not reach real village chickens, although they, of course, are tastier than store-bought broilers. Here the choice is yours. Try it and choose for yourself which homemade chickens you like best.

3. Having made your choice, inspect the chicken more carefully. Next, carefully inspect the carcass of your chosen chicken. A good domestic hen will have blue drumsticks and yellow thighs due to fat. The skin of a good chicken will be quite thin, slightly transparent, yellowish. Don't buy chicken with too white or evenly colored yellowish skin - such a carcass was probably soaked in chlorine or tinted with turmeric to give it a more attractive presentation, but is it worth it to buy from a seller who tries to deceive you from the very beginning? Be sure to smell the chicken of your choice! A good rural domestic chicken has a rather thick but pleasant smell. If the chicken offered to you has the usual slightly sweetish, barely noticeable smell, you are being deceived, passing off an ordinary industrial bird as a domestic one. And, of course, make sure that the bird you are offering is fresh: look to see if it has weathered skin, smell if the chicken has begun to deteriorate, feel if the meat has lost its elasticity - everything is as usual when choosing a fresh bird.

4. When you bring your chosen homemade chicken home, start preparing it right away. Cut off the head and legs, wash the neck and head properly, and scald the legs, clean and cut off the claws. These chicken parts are perfect for making broth and giving it extra flavor and richness. Rinse the chicken carcass inside and out. Carefully inspect it, because even a very well-plucked and singed chicken could have small stumps from feathers lost in the deep layers of the skin - just pull them out with tweezers. If you are going to boil your chicken broth, the preparation is over. If you bought chicken for stewing or frying, soak it for a couple of hours in salted water, this will give the chicken meat extra juiciness and softness. After soaking, rinse your chicken thoroughly again and pat dry. Do not soak domestic chicken in milk or water with vinegar! This will deprive it of that charming, rich, thick aroma for which you spent so much effort finding and buying a real country bird.

5. Let's start our acquaintance with homemade chicken dishes with the preparation of the broth, the very fragrant, rich and very tasty chicken broth that your grandmother would be proud of. Place the gutted, peeled and washed whole chicken carcass in a deep saucepan, add the cleaned paws and head with neck. Pour cold water so that the water covers the chicken by 10 - 15 centimeters. Bring the water to a boil over high heat, remove the foam, reduce the heat to the smallest, cover the pan with a lid and leave to simmer almost without boiling for one hour. Meanwhile, peel one carrot and one onion. Stick a clove bud into the bulb. Tie a few stalks of parsley and celery with a thread. After an hour, add prepared onions, carrots, a bouquet of greens and a couple of bay leaves to your broth. Cover the pan with a lid and cook for another hour and a half. Do not add water while boiling the broth, this will deprive it of its strength and rich aroma! Salt the broth 20 to 30 minutes before it's done. When the broth is ready, remove vegetables, herbs and bay leaves from it, and leave the chicken to cool. Remove the chicken from the broth that has cooled to room temperature, and strain the broth. Such a broth can be served separately, can be used as a base for soup, noodles or lagman. If you want to save the broth for the future, pour it into plastic containers and freeze, believe me, a supply of such a tasty and fragrant broth will always come in handy in your kitchen!

6. The chicken left after boiling the broth can be used in soup or salad, you can serve it cold with horseradish, you can cook many different things from it. delicious snacks, or you can bake it whole with garlic and sour cream. Try it, it's very tasty! Mix one cup of good, thick sour cream with six minced garlic cloves, 1 teaspoon of your favorite chicken spice, and ½ teaspoon salt. Let it brew for 10 minutes. Lubricate the resulting sauce boiled homemade chicken inside and out and place in a greased baking dish. Place a few pieces of butter on top of the chicken. Bake in a preheated 180° oven for 20-30 minutes until golden brown. Serve with boiled potatoes and pickles.

7. It turns out very tasty homemade chicken baked in the oven with apples and lemons. Thoroughly rinse and soak a domestic chicken weighing about two kilograms in cool salted water for two hours. Remove chicken from brine, rinse and drain. Cut the chicken along the breast and open like a book, lightly beat with a mallet, rub with your favorite spices, crushed garlic and salt. If the chicken is not fat enough, then put a few pieces of butter under the skin. Three sour apple cut into large slices, removing the middle with seeds. Cut one small lemon into thick rings. Lubricate the baking dish with oil, put apples and lemons on the bottom, lay the chicken on top with its back up, add a couple of glasses of chicken broth or water. Bake in a preheated 180° oven for one and a half to two hours. Make sure that the chicken does not burn, periodically water it with the secreted juice and fat. Don't overdry your chicken! If the broth has completely boiled away, and there is still a decent amount of time left before the end of baking, feel free to add another half glass of broth or water.

8. Juicy and soft is homemade chicken cooked in the oven on a jar. Only unlike store-bought chicken, in the case of homemade chicken, you should not use beer or other liquids with a strong aroma, because the beauty of homemade chicken in its own rich smell and taste is enough to get by plain water or chicken broth. Soak for an hour in salt water, rinse and drain one domestic chicken weighing up to one and a half kilograms. Mix three tablespoons of sour cream with three tablespoons of softened butter, one minced garlic clove, salt, black and red pepper to taste. Rub the chicken with the resulting sauce. liter glass jar fill three quarters warm water or broth. On top of the neck of the jar, carefully put the chicken on, like a glove, tail down. Put the jar of chicken on a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 180 °. Bake for one and a half hours. If the chicken starts to brown too quickly on the top or on the wings, cover it with foil.

9. It turns out very tasty roast from homemade chicken in pots. Rinse and chop one chicken weighing up to one and a half kilograms into small pieces. Cut two large carrots into cubes. Chop one large onion and two cloves of garlic. in large pieces chop 600 gr. potatoes. Cut two sweet peppers into small pieces. Heat a large cast-iron or heavy-bottomed skillet over high heat. Spread chicken pieces in small portions in a dry frying pan and fry until golden brown on both sides. Transfer the cooked chicken to a separate dish. When the whole chicken is fried, put the garlic and onion in the remaining fat in the pan and fry until translucent, then add the carrots and fry over medium heat until golden brown. Transfer the vegetables to a separate plate. Add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil to the pan, heat it up and add the potatoes. Fry over high heat, stirring frequently, until golden brown. When the potatoes are fried, add the fried vegetables, chicken, bell pepper, ¼ teaspoon of red pepper flakes, a pinch of ground black pepper, salt to taste. Stir and simmer everything together for 10 minutes. Then add 1 tbsp. spoon tomato paste and simmer, stirring, for a couple more minutes. Remove from fire. Place one bay leaf in portioned ceramic pots, arrange the chicken with vegetables and add three-quarters of the chicken broth. Put the pots on a baking sheet, cover with lids and send to the oven preheated to 180 ° for one hour. When the time is up, remove the casseroles from the oven, remove the lids, sprinkle the roast with your favorite grated cheese, and return to the oven for another 20 minutes.

10. It is very easy to cook very tasty homemade chicken in a jar. Chop the chicken into small pieces, cut a couple of cloves of garlic into petals, chop one small onion. Mix everything, add a couple of bay leaves, salt and black pepper to taste. Stir again and fill with the resulting mixture. liter jar. Cover the jar tightly with a sheet of foil, place on a baking sheet and place in a cold oven. Do not add any water or broth to the chicken - it will be stewed in own juice! Turn on the oven and bring the temperature up to 160°. Stew the chicken in a jar in its own juices for two hours, turn off the oven and leave the chicken for another 30 minutes in the cooling oven. Serve with boiled potatoes or rice.

And on the pages of "Culinary Eden" you can always find even more interesting ideas and proven recipes that will tell you how to cook homemade chicken.

We bring to your attention the top 9 chicken main course recipes. Juicy, tender, crispy, fragrant - what dish will you cook today?

Chicken skewers in the oven

Description of preparation

    Chicken skewers in the oven are incredibly tender and juicy. Meat marinated in a marinade with garlic and soy sauce, strung on skewers with “accordion” and baked in the oven, looks very appetizing and aesthetically pleasing. Good luck with your cooking!


  • Chicken fillet (we recommend Petelinka) - 2 Pieces
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Garlic - 2 Cloves
  • Sugar - 1 Art. a spoon
  • Coriander - 1 Art. spoon (dry or fresh)
  • Soy sauce - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • Chilli,
  • salt - to taste

Servings: 4


  1. Soak the skewers in water for about 30 minutes. Chicken fillet cut into long narrow strips. Prepare the marinade: in a deep bowl, mix 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil (olive or sunflower), 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. coriander, 1 tbsp soy sauce, 2 cloves minced or finely chopped garlic, a pinch of salt and pepper to taste.
  2. Then carefully thread the chicken fillet on skewers with an accordion and lower it into the finished marinade. We cover the whole fragrant case with a film and put it in the refrigerator to marinate for 2 hours.
    After the meat has marinated, preheat the oven to 200 degrees. We put the skewers in a convenient baking dish and cook for about 20 minutes.
  3. The shish kebab should turn out a beautiful golden color. Don't forget to flip the skewers once. Your relatives and loved ones will be pleasantly surprised by the juicy chicken skewers on the winter table.


  • Chicken wings (we recommend Petelinka) - 15 Pieces
  • Large tomato - 1 Piece (juicy)
  • Onion - 1 Piece
  • Red bell pepper - 1/2 pieces
  • Greens - 2 Pieces (bunches of dill and parsley)
  • Coriander - 2 Pinch
  • Cinnamon - 2 Pinch
  • Soy sauce - - To taste (instead of salt)
  • Mayonnaise - 2-3 Art. spoons

Servings: 3


  1. So, chicken wings wash well. We cut off excess skin, dry it and put it in a convenient dish. Then add finely chopped tomatoes (without skin), onions, bell peppers, greens to the wings.
  2. Add a couple of pinches of coriander and cinnamon, a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise and pour in soy sauce, which replaces salt. So try the marinade. It is important that it does not turn out salted or, on the contrary, lightly salted.
  3. We mix everything well with our hands. Then cover the dishes and marinate for about 2 hours.
  4. Then put the pickled wings on the wire rack. The coals should not be too strong, otherwise the chicken will burn quickly.
  5. Wings cook pretty quickly. Don't forget to flip the grill so that the wings are fried on all sides. To make the meat cook faster, pierce each piece with a fork. Juicy grilled chicken is ready!

Chicken in a roasting sleeve


  • Chicken liver (we recommend Petelinka) - 300 Grams (for stuffing)
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Egg - 1 Piece
  • Flour - 1 Art. a spoon
  • Garlic - 4 Cloves
  • Salt, pepper and seasoning - to taste
  • Baking Sleeve - 1 Piece

Servings: 5-7


    1. A grand event is ahead, but you don’t know how to surprise your guests? I propose classic recipe chicken in the sleeve for baking. The meat is very juicy and soft. First, prepare the liver by cutting it into small pieces. Rub the washed chicken with salt and seasoning to taste.
    2. I cooked stuffed chicken - so it turns out much tastier. To do this, combine the chopped liver with the sauce (flour + egg), mix thoroughly and fill the chicken with the resulting mass from the inside. The flour will absorb excess moisture and the sauce will soften the filling when baking.
    3. Place the carcass in the sleeve, if desired, you can add lemon slices - this will make the meat even spicier. The chicken is cooked in a baking sleeve for no more than 1.5 hours at a temperature of 180 degrees. After this time, take the chicken out of oven and let cool slightly, after which you can serve on a large platter.

For a side dish, you can take potatoes or vegetables, which are also perfectly baked in a sleeve or simply on a baking sheet.


  • Yeast - 11 Grams
  • Sugar - 1 Art. a spoon
  • Milk - 250 milliliters
  • Butter - 50 Grams
  • Flour - 350-400 Grams
  • Salt - 1 Pinch
  • Chicken (we recommend Petelinka) - 500 Grams
  • Mushrooms - 350 Grams
  • Bulb - 1 Piece
  • Soy sauce - 1 teaspoon (optional)
  • Pepper - 1 Pinch

Servings Per Container: 16-18

  1. To make the dough perfect, it is better to start the yeast separately. To do this, pour them with warm (but not hot!) Milk and add sugar. Mix thoroughly and leave for a while.
  2. In the meantime, you need to melt the butter and cool it. When the yeast has started to work, add the sifted flour, butter and a pinch of salt to it. Start kneading an elastic and soft dough.
  3. How to make chicken and mushroom pies soft? It is important not to interrupt the dough with flour. When it is ready, cover it with a towel and leave it in a warm place for about 1 hour. This time is enough to prepare the filling.
  4. For the filling, wash and dry the chicken, cut the fillet into small pieces.
    Pour a little vegetable oil into the pan and send the chicken there. Add salt and pepper to taste. Fry until done.
  5. Then also fry mushrooms with onions in a pan, seasoned to taste. Combine mushrooms with chicken and mix thoroughly.
  6. When the dough has increased in volume, it must be divided into equal parts (about 16-18 pieces).
  7. Roll each piece into a cake and put the filling in the middle.
  8. Close the edges carefully so that the chicken and mushroom pies do not spread. Put on a baking sheet, greased with oil and let them stand for about 5-7 minutes. Then send to a preheated oven and bake until golden brown.

Minced chicken cutlets


  • Chicken fillet (we recommend Petelinka) - 700 Gram
  • Eggs - 2 Pieces
  • Starch - 2 Art. spoons
  • Mayonnaise - 100 Grams
  • Salt - to taste
  • Pepper - to taste

Servings: 3-4


  1. Defrost the fillet, if necessary, and cut into small pieces.
  2. Let's prepare the rest of the ingredients.
  3. Add mayonnaise, 2 tbsp. starch, eggs, salt and pepper.
  4. Mix thoroughly and put in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes. The longer the meat sits, the better the cutlets will turn out!
  5. We take out and fry in vegetable oil over low heat. Stack it up and serve it to the table!

Chicken in kefir in the oven


  • Kefir - 0.5 Liter (2.5%)
  • Chicken thighs (we recommend Petelinka) - 3 Pieces
  • Potatoes - 6-7 Pieces
  • Garlic - 5 Cloves
  • Italian herbs - To taste (seasoning)
  • Salt - to taste
  • Pepper - to taste
  • Cherry tomatoes - 5-6 Pieces
  • Vegetable oil - 1 Art. a spoon

Servings: 3-4


    1. Let's prepare the ingredients. Rinse the chicken and pat dry with a towel. Wash and clean the garlic. Cut the washed potatoes into small pieces.
    2. Prepare the marinade for the chicken. Pour kefir into a container, add salt, pepper, Italian herbs and finely chopped garlic. Stir and then place the chicken thighs in the marinade. We marinate 30 minutes.
    3. Place potatoes in pre-greased vegetable oil baking dish. Crush the garlic cloves with the edge of a knife and place between the potatoes.
    4. Put the marinated chicken thighs on the potatoes.
    5. Cut the cherry tomatoes into quarters and arrange in a baking dish between the chicken and potatoes. Drizzle the remaining marinade on top. We put in the oven for 40 minutes, the temperature is 200 degrees.


  • Chicken (we recommend Petelinka) - 1 Piece
  • Lemon - 1 Piece
  • Salt - 1 Kilogram

Servings: 4-6


  1. This incredibly easy salted chicken recipe only requires 3 ingredients. In addition, lemon is completely optional, and not always used. However, lemon gives additional flavor, and if you have it on hand, I recommend using it anyway.
  2. You really need a lot of salt. It must be laid out on a baking sheet or in a baking dish and leveled with a hand or spatula. Do not worry that from such an amount of salt the dish will be too salty - this is absolutely not the case. The chicken will take exactly as much as she needs and not a gram more.
  3. The chicken must be washed and dried thoroughly. This is quite important as wet chicken can stick to the salt. If desired, it can be cut, but it looks much more festive as a whole. Put absolutely dry chicken on salt, after placing washed and dried lemon in the middle.
  4. Salted chicken is ready and can be sent to a well-heated oven. No additional marinades or spices are needed anymore. If desired, of course, you can grease it on top with sour cream or tomato sauce, however, thanks to salt, it will be quite juicy and tasty without additional spices.
  5. Depending on the oven and temperature, the dish will be ready in 1-1.5 hours. Then the chicken must be carefully removed from the salt and can be served immediately.

Chicken with cheese in the oven


  • Chicken fillet (we recommend Petelinka) - 6 Pieces
  • Sour cream - 3 Art. spoons
  • Garlic - 3 Cloves
  • Greens - To taste (dill or parsley)
  • Hard cheese - 300 grams
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt - to taste
  • Pepper - to taste

Servings: 6


  1. Rinse and dry the chicken fillet. Then cut into 2 parts, beat off with a kitchen hammer. Salt and pepper to taste.
  2. On a hot frying pan, sunflower oil fry the chicken pieces. Then put everything on a baking sheet.
  3. Let's prepare the sauce. Mix sour cream, finely chopped dill and garlic in one container.
  4. Lubricate the chicken fillet with the resulting sauce. Sprinkle grated cheese on top.
  5. Bake in preheated oven for 30 minutes at 200 degrees.
  6. Ready!


  • Chicken (we recommend Petelinka) - 800 Grams
  • Eggplant - 1 Piece 1
  • Tomato - 1-2 Pieces
  • Tomato paste - 113 Art. spoons
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Parsley - to taste

Servings: 4-5


  1. Cut the chicken into pieces, wash and dry.
  2. Cut eggplant into small pieces.
  3. Cut the tomatoes into pieces.
  4. Lay layers of chicken, eggplant.
  5. Lay the tomatoes on top.
  6. Lay the chicken pieces over the vegetables and pour over the tomato paste diluted with water.
  7. Put on the "baking" mode for 60 minutes.

Every good housewife should know how to cook chicken deliciously. This is an inexpensive and low-calorie meat, which must become part of the family's daily diet. There are many good chicken dishes out there.

The easiest and fastest way to bake a bird is in the oven. The meat will be juicy and tender. Especially if you take care of the fragrant delicious marinade.

Whole roasted chicken in spices

Ingredients: large chicken carcass (about 2 kg), half a lemon, 40 ml of refined oil, salt, a pinch of ground coriander, black and red pepper, ginger, whole cumin seeds, curry.

  1. The whole bird is washed with cold water. Excess moisture from the carcass is removed with paper towels.
  2. The chicken is placed in a wide deep bowl. On all sides, it is rubbed first with lemon slices, and then with juice squeezed from half a citrus. The carcass is left for 45 minutes.
  3. All declared spices are combined and ground. Oil is poured into them, salt is poured in.
  4. With the resulting marinade, the chicken is rubbed on each side, the bowl is covered with a film and left directly on the table for 3 hours.
  5. Prepared chicken is placed in a mold, covered with foil. The oven temperature is set to 220 degrees.

The whole chicken is baked in the oven for 40 - 45 minutes, after which the coating is removed. The temperature drops to 170 degrees. After another half an hour, she returns to the previous mark. Soon a beautiful crust will appear on the dish.

Filet in French

Ingredients: 540 g fillet, 4 tbsp. l. classic mayonnaise and thick sour cream, onion, 220 - 240 g of unsalted cheese, garlic in the teeth, fresh dill, salt, sweet paprika and black pepper, pounded in a mortar.

  1. The fillet is chopped with thin plastics, each of which is processed with a kitchen hammer, rubbed with salt and spices.
  2. The onion head is cut into thin half-rings, after which they are fried in hot fat until transparent.
  3. For the sauce, salted sour cream, grated cheese (60 g), mayonnaise and crushed garlic are combined. Chopped fresh dill is added to the mixture.
  4. The prepared form is oiled. Pieces of chicken are placed at the bottom (most). Half of the sauce is smeared on top and the onion is laid out.
  5. Next are the remaining fillet pieces and the rest of the sauce.
  6. The casserole is sprinkled with the rest of the grated cheese.

The dish is baked at a high temperature for 25 - 30 minutes.

Julienne with mushrooms

Ingredients: onion, salt, dry mixture of Provence herbs, chicken fillet, 330 g of defrosted champignons, 3 pinches of flour, a glass of cream, 2 tbsp. l. butter, 220 g salted cheese.

  1. Fat is heating up in a pan. Miniature pieces of onion are fried on it. As soon as the vegetable becomes transparent, mushroom slices and fillet slices are poured into it.
  2. Products are fried for another 4 - 7 minutes. Spices, salt, flour fall asleep.
  3. After a couple of minutes, cream is poured in. After boiling, the mass remains on low heat until it thickens.
  4. The resulting mixture is approximately ¾ filled special molds for julienne.
  5. The remaining space is filled with grated cheese.

The julienne is baked in the oven for 17 - 25 minutes. During this time, the cheese should brown.

How to cook grilled chicken in the oven?

Ingredients: carcass (weighing about 2 kg), a large spoon of salt, a pinch of sweet paprika and black pepper, 3 large spoons of olive mayonnaise, 1 large spoon of mustard, vegetable oil.

  1. The prepared bird is rubbed on each side with salt, spices (except paprika). It needs to be processed internally.
  2. In another bowl, olive mayonnaise and mustard are mixed. Chicken meat is covered with a spicy mass on top.
  3. The chicken is laid out on the grill. A large form with water is installed below.

The carcass is baked for about an hour, after which it is rubbed with a mixture of 2 tbsp. l. oil and paprika and brought to readiness for another 10 minutes. This will allow you to cook a dish with a golden crust.

Breast baked with pineapple

Ingredients: large breast, 4 "washers" fresh or canned pineapple, 60 g hard cheese, 5 tbsp. l. unsweetened thick yogurt, butter, curry, sea ​​salt, paprika.

  1. The breast is cut into 4 thin slices. They fight back, rubbed with salt, curry and paprika.
  2. Pieces of poultry are placed in an oiled form. Fruit rings are distributed on top. Salted yogurt is added. Instead, you can use classic mayonnaise.
  3. Grated cheese is sprinkled on top.

The breast is baked in this form for half an hour. Medium temperature will suffice.

Potato casserole with poultry

Ingredients: half a kilo of potatoes and meat, 2 onions, 230 g of cheese, 4 cloves of garlic, 1.5 tbsp. medium-fat sour cream, 3 tbsp. l. classic mayonnaise, rock salt, spices.

  1. The fillet is thinly cut, smeared with a marinade of mayonnaise, garlic, salt and spices.
  2. Chicken is infused for about a quarter of an hour.
  3. Thin potato circles are laid out in the prepared form. Onion rings are distributed on them.
  4. Next comes salted sour cream with spices and chicken.
  5. All grated cheese is sprinkled on top.

The casserole is cooked for about an hour at 180 - 190 degrees. The readiness of the dish is checked with a toothpick or a sharp knife.

Classic Chicken Tobacco

Ingredients: chicken carcass, 6 tbsp. l. refined oil, 1 tsp. hops-suneli, spicy adjika and dried coriander, salt, 2 cloves of garlic.

  1. The prepared bird carcass should be spread along the back with the skin up.
  2. All spices are ground. Crushed garlic and coarse salt are poured into them.
  3. The resulting mass lubricates the carcass on each side.
  4. First, the chicken is fried until browned in a pan, then it is moved into a mold and sent to a preheated oven.

The bird must be crushed with a heavy lid. It will take about a quarter of an hour to prepare.

Bake with vegetables in pots

Ingredients: 1 piece onions, the same amount of potatoes, zucchini, eggplant and carrots, 1 kg chicken breast, cup grated cheese, 4 - 6 cloves of garlic, a pinch of salt and pepper.

  1. First you need to fry half rings of peeled onions. Then pour chopped meat to them and simmer the food together until cooked.
  2. All other peeled and washed vegetables are randomly chopped. They are fried until softened. Salted, peppered. Mashed garlic is added.
  3. Meat is laid out in pots first, then vegetables. Some salt water is added.

Top chicken with potatoes and other vegetables sprinkled with grated cheese. The dish in the pots is baked for about an hour at a high temperature in the oven.

Chicken baked with lemon and thyme in foil

Ingredients: 230 g chicken thighs and chicken drumsticks, large lemon, 30 ml olive oil, 30 g fat butter, 20 g thyme, 4 cloves of garlic, 120 ml dry white wine, salt.

  1. All chicken parts are rubbed with pepper, salt, and placed in a prepared baking dish.
  2. In a separate container, the zest of a whole lemon (finely grated), dried thyme, two types of oil, chopped garlic are mixed. Butter must first be softened.
  3. The mixture obtained in the second step is rubbed on the surface of the chicken. The lemon left without zest is cut into slices and laid out side by side.
  4. Wine is poured into the mold.

The dish is baked for 45 - 55 minutes. Enough 190 degrees in the oven.

Hips in the sleeve

Ingredients: 8 - 9 thighs, a mixture of classic mayonnaise with sour cream, 5 garlic cloves, salt, spices.

  1. Prepared thighs are covered with salt, favorite spices and grated garlic. If you have time, you should leave them to marinate for 40 - 50 minutes.
  2. The thighs are lubricated with a mixture of sour cream and mayonnaise, located in the sleeve. On the sides it is fixed with special clips. In several places, the sleeve is pierced with a toothpick. Otherwise, the chicken will not have an appetizing golden brown crust.
  3. The dish is baked at 220 degrees in the oven. The whole process will take 40-45 minutes.

Chicken baked in this way goes well with various vegetable salads.

Wings in honey and soy sauce

Ingredients: half a kilo of chicken wings, 1 tbsp. l. liquid natural honey, 3 cloves of garlic, 1 tbsp. l. refined oil, 3 tbsp. l. classic soy sauce, salt, pepper mixture.

  1. For the marinade, soy sauce, oil, liquid honey, crushed garlic are mixed.
  2. Each wing is divided into 3 parts. The smallest part is cut off and thrown away. It has no meat on it.
  3. The bird is placed in a deep bowl. Rubbed with salt and a mixture of peppers. Keep in mind that soy sauce is also salty.
  4. The marinade is poured on top. In this form, the wings are left for a couple of hours.
  5. The chicken is laid out in a heat-resistant form and put into a hot oven for 40 minutes.

The readiness of the dish is determined by the bright ruddy color of the crust.

In a slow cooker

If the cook has a slow cooker at his disposal, then it can be actively used in the preparation of chicken meat. Such a device is especially relevant if you plan to make a healthy low-calorie lunch.

Chicken jelly in a slow cooker

Ingredients: whole chicken carcass (for 1.6 - 1.8 kg), 1 kg chicken feet, 2 onions, medium carrot, 2 bay leaves, garlic, salt, water, spices.

  1. The paws are washed, the claws are cut off from them. Next, these parts of the carcass are soaked in cold water for 2 hours.
  2. The whole chicken is washed, chopped into pieces and also filled with water.
  3. The prepared meat is transferred to the bowl of the device along with salt, spices, parsley and vegetables.
  4. The contents of the bowl are filled with water so that it completely covers the products. The extinguishing mode is activated. The meat will be cooked for 3.5 - 4 hours. If it is completely cooked, it will be easy to separate from the bones.
  5. 20 minutes before the broth is ready, it is tested for salt. Chopped garlic goes into the bowl. Its amount is adjusted to taste.
  6. The meat is removed from the bones, cut and laid out in molds.
  7. Strained broth is poured on top.
  8. The jelly goes to freeze.

The appetizer can be decorated with slices of boiled carrots.

delicious pilaf

Ingredients: medium bird carcass, 2 carrots, 2 multi-cups of long rice, 2 tbsp. l. fresh chopped ginger, the same amount of dried barberry, 6 multi-glasses of water, 3 onions, rock salt.

  1. Straws of vegetables are fried on heated fat in the device until they are beautifully golden.
  2. The chicken carcass, cut into chunks, is laid out in the roast.
  3. After 12-15 minutes, all the spices and half of the salted water are added.
  4. The extinguishing mode is activated for 20 minutes.
  5. Next, the washed cereal is put into the bowl, the remaining water is poured out and salt is added to taste.
  6. The “Pilaf” mode is set with the standard time for it.

Ready-made chicken pilaf is left heated for another half an hour.

Light chicken soup with vermicelli

Ingredients: 2 liters of water, lavrushka, 90 g of small vermicelli, 3 potatoes, 2 carrots, chicken leg, onion, fresh herbs, salt, spices.

  1. Carrot rounds are fried in a suitable mode until they become soft.
  2. Cubes of potatoes, a whole onion, a leg and a parsley are laid out to the vegetable.
  3. Salt and spices are added.
  4. In the cooking program, the dish is cooked for 50 - 55 minutes.
  5. Onions and parsley are thrown away, the meat is removed from the bone and returned to the soup in small pieces.
  6. Water is added to the desired level, more salt is added.
  7. Vermicelli pours in.

It remains to cook the soup for 8 - 9 minutes. Already ready meal garnished with fresh herbs.

Dietary steamed chicken fillet

Ingredients: 2 chicken fillets, 1 liter of raw water.

  1. The breast fillet is well washed, gets rid of all the films.
  2. Chicken meat is located on a stand designed for steaming products.
  3. All the heated water is poured into the electric pan. Above is the construction from the second step.

Under the lid, the fillet is steamed for 40 - 45 minutes in a suitable mode.

Stew with sour cream and garlic

Ingredients: 1 kg of any chicken parts, a full glass of homemade sour cream, 4 - 5 cloves of fresh garlic, 3 bay leaves, water, salt, spices.

  1. The chicken is cut into portioned slices and immediately laid out in the device.
  2. All sour cream mixed with mashed garlic is distributed on top. The amount of the latter can be increased to taste.
  3. Spices and lavrushka are added, as well as about 1 tbsp. hot water.
  4. The "Milk porridge" mode starts for 40 - 55 minutes.

It is very tasty to serve such a chicken with gravy to any dry side dishes.

Chops with cheese in a slow cooker

Ingredients: large chicken breast, 90 - 120 g of cheese, spices for chicken, salt, 3 tablespoons eggs, 4 large spoons of classic mayonnaise, 1 tbsp. flour, pepper.

  1. The breast fillet is cut into equal thin slices. This is best done while the chicken is still slightly frozen.
  2. The pieces are covered with two layers of cling film or a regular bag, after which they are carefully beaten off with the side of the hammer with cloves. The main thing is that the fillet does not tear in the process.
  3. Prepared slices are salted, peppered, rubbed with selected spices for poultry.
  4. The cheese rubs coarsely.
  5. The batter is prepared from the remaining products. They are vigorously whipped with a whisk. A little mixture of peppers is also added to the already prepared composition.
  6. Each chicken piece is dipped into the resulting mass.
  7. Then it is laid out in a multicooker bowl with heated oil in the frying mode.

When one side of the chops is ready, they are turned over, and grated cheese is poured onto the second side. While the bottom part is fried, it should be completely melted.

Macaroni with chicken in a slow cooker

Ingredients: 620 g breast fillet, carrot, a couple of sweet peppers, onion, a pound of pasta, salt, aromatic herbs.

  1. First, chopped carrots and onions are fried until soft in the device on heated fat. Then pepper strips are added to the vegetables. Roasting continues for another 11 - 13 minutes.
  2. Small chunks of chicken fillet are poured into the bowl.
  3. Approximately 9-10 minutes later, pasta is added.
  4. Water is poured with dissolved salt and herbs. The liquid should lightly coat the pasta.

The chicken in the multicooker will be cooked in the pilaf program until it ends. The dish will immediately turn out with a side dish.

Chicken stewed with mushrooms and potatoes

Ingredients: half a kilo of mushrooms, 5 potatoes, 420 g chicken fillet, 1 pc. onions, juicy carrots, half a glass of sour cream, garlic, spices, fine salt.

  1. First, all cut vegetables are fried in oil in the device. Then they are cooked with mushroom slices until the liquid evaporates from the multicooker bowl.
  2. Chicken pieces are added to the container. Cooking continues until the meat turns white.
  3. Potatoes are cut into slices, which are then laid out on top of the roast. Sour cream, salt, chopped garlic, spices are added. A glass of hot water is poured out.

After thorough mixing, the treat is stewed in a slow cooker for 60 - 70 minutes.

Fry and simmer in a pan

Even on the simplest chicken pan, you can cook the real cooking masterpiece. It is advisable to choose thick-walled dishes for this purpose. For example, a cast iron skillet.

Chakhokhbili from chicken

Ingredients: 1.4 kg chicken legs, 2 onions, 3 tomatoes, a bunch of fresh basil and cilantro, 3 cloves of garlic, 30 g butter, salt.

  1. The legs are washed and cut into two parts. Then they are fried on each side until golden brown in butter fat. The chicken should be crispy.
  2. Tomato cubes are laid out to the meat. Under the lid, the products are stewed together for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Separately fried ruddy onions are sent to the pan.
  4. After another half an hour, all the chopped herbs, garlic, salt are added.

The dish languishes under the lid for another 7 - 8 minutes.

Fried chicken pieces in a frying pan

Ingredients: large chicken carcass, seasoning for poultry, salt.

  1. The washed carcass is cut into pieces. Each is lightly beaten with a hammer, rubbed with selected spices and salt.
  2. The meat is left for 10 minutes.
  3. Prepared pieces are fried in a frying pan in small batches in hot oil. A crispy crust should appear on each slice.

If a fried chicken is ready in the pan, then when a piece is punctured with a knife near the bone, transparent juice will stand out.

Juicy chicken cutlets

Ingredients: 1 kg chicken fillet, 230 g white bread, 2 onions, 2 eggs, 90 of any broth, breadcrumbs, salt, spices.

  1. Bread gets rid of crusts and poured with broth.
  2. The onion is cut into medium slices.
  3. The fillet is randomly chopped.
  4. Chicken meat is scrolled through a meat grinder along with onions and squeezed bread.
  5. The mass is sprinkled with spices and salt, after which it beats a little on the bottom of the bowl.
  6. Minced meat should stand in the cool for about half an hour.
  7. Then you can form cutlets out of it, roll them in breadcrumbs and fry on both sides until cooked.

Do not make the blanks too thin, otherwise the finished dish will turn out to be dryish.

soy sauce stir fry recipe

Ingredients: about 1 kg of any parts of the carcass (chicken drumsticks, wings, legs), 2 onions, 120 ml of classic soy sauce, dried herbs, salt, 1 tbsp. l. refined oil.

  1. The chicken parts are washed and the skin is removed from them.
  2. The onion is cut into half rings.
  3. Chicken pieces are salted, mixed with a vegetable.
  4. The marinade from the remaining components is poured on top.
  5. The chicken is infused in it from 1 to 12 hours.
  6. In a hot pan with hot oil, the pickled pieces are fried on each side.

Already ruddy chicken is covered with the remaining marinade and continues to “reach” under the lid for about half an hour.

Chopped cutlets

Ingredients: half a kilo of chicken fillet, 1 tbsp. boiled round rice, bell pepper, 2 tbsp. l. chopped dill, 2 eggs, salt, spices.

  1. The meat is cut into very small cubes.
  2. Chicken meat is mixed with still warm boiled rice, spices, dill and salt.
  3. Small straws of bell pepper are added to the meat.
  4. Eggs are beaten into the mass one at a time. You need to look at the density of minced meat. Perhaps even one egg will be enough.

From the resulting mass, small cakes are molded, which are fried to a golden hue in heated oil.

Chicken fillet chop

Ingredients: 3 chicken fillets, a glass of cracker crumbs, a large egg, salt, spices.

  1. Each fillet is cut into two parts, beaten with a hammer, salted and sprinkled with dry herbs.
  2. The egg is shattered in a bowl.
  3. Cracker crumbs are poured into a separate bowl.
  4. The chops are first dipped in egg mass then rolled in breadcrumbs.

In cream sauce

Ingredients: 330 g chicken fillet, 1 onion, garlic, 1/2 cup thick sour cream, 140 ml heavy cream, salt, pepper mixture.

  1. The fillets are cut into small pieces and fried until golden brown in any heated fat.
  2. Thin slices of onion are first poured over the chicken. When it becomes transparent, chopped garlic is added.
  3. The mass is salted, peppered.
  4. After another 2 - 4 minutes, cream is poured into the pan and sour cream is shifted.
  5. The gravy is brought to a boil and stewed over low heat until tender.

Delicious served with pasta.

Chicken thighs in a pan with a golden crust

Ingredients: 5 chicken thighs, salt, poultry seasoning, 80 ml of water.

  1. Each wing is divided into three parts. The chicken is chopped at the joints. The last part without meat is thrown away.
  2. All other declared products, except for mustard and honey, are mixed. Red wine can be replaced with natural pomegranate juice.
  3. Mustard with honey is rubbed in a separate bowl.
  4. Prepared wings are poured with marinade and left for at least an hour at room temperature. In the process, they are periodically mixed by hand. For longer pickling, the mass can be removed in the refrigerator.
  5. Next, the chicken is poured in one layer in a frying pan with heated fat. First of all, the wings are fried over high heat for 5 - 6 minutes so that they are covered with a crust.
  6. Then the blanks are poured with the remaining marinade, closed with a lid and cooked over low heat for another 25 - 30 minutes.

3 - 4 minutes before full readiness, the wings are smeared with a mixture of mustard and honey. It is convenient to do this with a silicone brush. This will allow the meat to acquire a delicious caramel crust.


Chicken meat is part of a variety of snacks. These are both cold and hot versions of them. Poultry fillet can be the basis of hearty holiday salads and filling for a variety of snack rolls.

Salad of boiled breast and Chinese cabbage

Ingredients: 210 g boiled chicken breast, 30 g cheese, half a glass Korean carrot, salt, 1/3 cup canned sweet corn, 150 g Peking, classic mayonnaise.

  1. Chinese cabbage is shredded into very thin long straws. All cheese is finely rubbed.
  2. The cooled chicken is cut into small pieces.
  3. In a large bowl, all the products prepared in the previous steps are combined, as well as carrots and corn grains squeezed from the marinade.

The resulting appetizer is salted, poured with mayonnaise and mixed.

Chicken rolls with mushrooms

Ingredients: 190 g of thawed champignons, 2 onions, spices, a kilo of chicken fillet, salt.

  1. The onion is thinly cut and fried in hot fat until golden brown.
  2. Mushrooms are chopped into thin slices and poured over to the vegetable. Together, the products are cooked until all the liquid has evaporated from the pan.
  3. The meat is cut into thin slices, salted, rubbed with selected spices.
  4. A small amount is wrapped in each piece of fillet. mushroom stuffing. Tight neat rolls are rolled up.
  5. Each of them is fixed with a toothpick. The blanks are moved to a baking sheet covered with oiled foil, seam down.

The rolls are baked for 15 - 17 minutes in a very hot oven.

Mushroom salad with chicken fillet

Ingredients: half a kilo of thigh fillet, 320 g of pickled champignons, 5 boiled eggs, salt, mayonnaise, large sour cucumber.

  1. The fillet is boiled or baked until tender. The cooled meat is cut into small cubes. The sour cucumber is also cut.
  2. Eggs are divided into components. The protein rubs coarsely. The yolk crumbles with your fingers.
  3. The marinade is drained from the mushrooms. If necessary, they are cut into slices.
  4. The first layer of appetizer will be meat with salty mayonnaise.
  5. The second - cubes of cucumbers.
  6. Subsequent: protein, mushrooms with mayonnaise and crumbled yolk.
    1. The breast is boiled, after which it is left to cool and twisted in a food processor to a state of medium or small crumbs.
    2. Mayonnaise is salted and mixed with mashed garlic. The mixture is added to the meat. The mass is mixed until smooth.
    3. The first pita bread is smeared with mayonnaise with chopped chicken and covered with a second sheet.
    4. The top layer is smeared with salted sauce and covered with grated cheese.

    A tight neat roll is wrapped. It must be wrapped in a bag and put away in the cold.

    Salad with Korean carrots and cucumber

    Ingredients: half a kilo of chicken fillet, the same amount of Korean-style carrots, 3 boiled eggs, half a glass of grated cheese, 2 fresh dense cucumbers, salted mayonnaise.

    1. The chicken is boiled, cooled and cut into cubes.
    2. Cucumbers without skins and cooled eggs are also crushed.
    3. Carrots are squeezed out of the marinade.
    4. All products are mixed. Grated cheese is added to them.

    The dish is poured with salted mayonnaise.

    So that the chicken always turns out juicy and with a bright rich taste, before heat treatment, it should be marinated. For example, just rub it with vegetable oil and spices or pour soy sauce. For salads, it is especially convenient to buy ready-made smoked chicken.

Why? Because everyone wants to cook chicken and knows how to do it in their own way, observing their own rules once derived and following little tricks. To improve the taste chicken dishes supplemented with certain spices. And at the same time, red ground pepper suits someone, and black pepper suits someone. The taste and color, as they say ... By the way, the most delicious are chicken fillet dishes, since they have the most tender and pleasant taste. But the preparation of legs can be considered the most popular. The explanation is simple - affordable prices.

Home chicken one of the most useful pets in the world. First, for many, chickens are primarily a source of eggs. And, daily. Secondly, chickens provide an excellent dietary product - their own meat, otherwise called chicken. Thirdly, since ancient times, pillows have been stuffed from fluff and chicken feathers, featherbeds, mattresses, and so on have been made.

How to cook delicious chicken?

Many eminent culinary specialists of the world consider the preparation of chicken breast to be one of the most important processes in their work. And Russian housewives cooking chicken liver long and successfully managed to bring to perfection. An example of this is delicious pâtés home cooking. New Year's cooking chicken in the oven has become a good tradition of Russians and residents of neighboring countries.

Chickens, like many representatives of the fauna, are divided into breeds. The functions of each breed of chicken are different - it all depends on what exactly this or that chicken (and its breed) is ultimately intended for. In total, three main chicken groups can be distinguished:
a) so-called chickens egg breed;
b) so-called chickens meat and egg breed;
c) chickens of meat breed.

What can be cooked from chicken?

Cooking chicken is familiar to any housewife, because her meat is part of a large number dishes. Chickens in the oven, more precisely, the aroma exuded by them will gather all friendly neighbors. much tastier than the same salad with meat. Salad Olivier with chicken meat is more tender than the same salad with sausage. - a universally recognized dish for all sick and recovering people. Who will argue with what smoked chickens- a mandatory attribute of any tourist traveling by train? And chicken with mushrooms is a real song for gourmets and those who are “in the know”. And, of course, chicken fillet dishes, which are also suitable as dietary product, And How children food. In addition, the preparation of wings has recently become popular.

However, cooking chicken does not take so much time, because chicken meat is cooked quite quickly (especially if the chicken was bought not in the market, but in the store). And chicken main dishes are also included in this list (the chicken fillet dishes already mentioned above are cooked almost instantly).

On our website you can find interesting dishes from chicken with photos added by hostesses from around the world, learn how to cook chicken wings or how to cook chicken in the oven. These include both chicken main dishes and dishes from minced chicken, and chicken breast dishes, and chicken liver dishes, and dishes from chicken stomachs, and chicken dishes in the oven.

As you can see, to the question of what can be cooked from chicken, there will be not only a lot of answers, but a lot. No less popular requests from novice cooks remain: what to cook from chicken breast, cooking chicken in the oven and chicken fillet dishes, recipes of which are also available in this section. If you don’t know what to cook from chicken fillet, or how to cook wings, how to cook delicious chicken, and in general what can be cooked from chicken “components”, look carefully at the recipes, because many fillet dishes are decoration of the festive table.

This article will be a handy hint for anyone who is trying to find what to cook with chicken. There are a lot of dishes with the bird under discussion. Below are published only the most successful and delicious recipes.

What to cook from chicken in the oven?

Cooking chicken in the oven does not require a lot of time. Most of these treats are quick and easy to prepare. It is enough to grind the components, put them in a mold and send to bake.

Whole roasted chicken in spices

Ingredients: about 2 kilos of poultry carcass, vegetable oil, half a lemon, salt, a pinch of freshly ground black pepper, coriander, sweet paprika, ginger, curry and cumin seeds.

  1. The chicken is placed in a convenient bowl and rubbed with lemon slices on all sides. Then it is left for 20 minutes.
  2. All spices are carefully ground together in a mortar. Salt is added to them.
  3. The carcass is again rubbed with a dry marinade from all sides. And left under the lid for a couple of hours.
  4. The legs of the chicken are tied together, after which it is mixed into an oiled refractory dish.

From above, the container is covered with foil and the dish is baked for 40-45 minutes at medium temperature. Without coating, the chicken will brown in the oven for about half an hour already at 210–220 degrees.

Filet in French

Ingredients: 920 g skinless fillet, salt, 3 ripe tomatoes, 280 g cheese, a mixture of peppers.

  1. The dried meat is cut into wide thin layers and beaten off.
  2. The blanks are transferred to the prepared baking sheet, salted and peppered.
  3. For each piece of fillet, several circles of tomatoes are laid out and grated cheese is poured out.

In a moderately heated oven, the dish is baked for 20-25 minutes.

Julienne with mushrooms and chicken

Ingredients: half a kilo of chicken, 270 g fresh champignons, large white onion, 90 g of cheese, a glass of medium-fat sour cream, 1 tbsp. l. first-class flour, 40 g butter, salt, a pinch of nutmeg.

  1. Chicken fillet is boiled in salted boiling water, cut into strips.
  2. In heated oil until transparent, only onion cubes are first fried, and then, together with mushrooms.
  3. When all the liquid has evaporated from the pan, you can sprinkle its contents with flour and spread the sour cream and meat.
  4. After a couple of minutes of roasting, the mass is salted, sprinkled nutmeg and laid out in special forms. Grated cheese is sprinkled generously on top.

Julienne with mushrooms and chicken is baked for no more than 20 minutes at 190 degrees. The finished dish will be covered with a delicious ruddy crust.

How to cook grilled chicken in the oven?

Ingredients: whole chicken carcass, 3-5 garlic cloves, salt, 1 tbsp. water, any spices.

  1. The washed chicken carcass is dried with paper towels, rubbed with a mixture of selected seasonings and salt.
  2. The meat will be marinated in coolness from 2 to 9 hours.
  3. Water is poured into a special rack for roasting chicken. On top of it is a carcass.

Grilled chicken in the oven will cook for 70-90 minutes at 200-220 degrees. The exact baking time depends on the size of the carcass.

Breast baked with pineapple

Ingredients: 6 pcs. chicken breast (halves), a can of pineapple in syrup, 110 g light mayonnaise, 260 g cheese, salt.

  1. The fillet is cut from the bones, stripped of veins, cut into medium pieces, beaten off on both sides.
  2. Prepared meat is laid out on a baking sheet, greased with oil, sprinkled with salt.
  3. Pieces of canned fruit without syrup are distributed on top.
  4. Next comes coarsely grated cheese and mayonnaise mesh.

A treat is baked in hot oven about 40-45 minutes.

Potato casserole with poultry

Ingredients: half a kilo of potato tubers and chicken, 220 g of white onion and cheese, garlic to taste, 1.5 tbsp. sour cream, a little mayonnaise, salt, aromatic herbs.

  1. Chicken is cut into thin slices, garlic - slices. These products are mixed, salted, seasoned with herbs and poured with mayonnaise. The resulting mass should stand for about 20-25 minutes.
  2. The onion is cut into thin rings, the cheese is rubbed coarsely.
  3. Sour cream is salted and mixed with any aromatic herbs.
  4. The potatoes are cut into thin slices.
  5. An onion layer is laid out in an oiled form. Topped with potatoes with a lot of sour cream sauce.
  6. Next, the chicken is tightly packed and sprinkled with cheese.
  7. Layers are repeated until the products run out.

The casserole cooks for a little less than an hour at medium temperature. Its readiness is easy to check with a sharp knife.

Classic Chicken Tobacco

Ingredients: medium chicken carcass, 5 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, by small a spoonful of dried coriander and homemade adjika, granulated garlic.

  1. Chicken carcass gets rid of excess fat. It must be spread along the spinal bone, washed and dried.
  2. The bird is rubbed with dry garlic, adjika and coriander.
  3. Then you can leave the chicken to marinate or immediately send it to cook.
  4. First, the carcass is lightly fried on both sides in hot oil under a heavy lid (so that the meat does not lose its shape).

Bake with vegetables in pots

Ingredients: medium eggplant, 420 g poultry fillet, 230 g zucchini, large tomato, leek (1 pc.), 2 bell peppers of different colors, 3-5 teeth. garlic, carrot, 2 tsp. seasoning broth, salt.

  1. The eggplant is cut into cubes, covered with salt, mixed and left for 20-25 minutes.
  2. At this time, straws of pepper and carrots are fried in hot oil. When the vegetables soften, all the rest are transferred to them - washed eggplant cubes, chopped zucchini, leeks, tomatoes.
  3. After a couple of minutes of frying, finely chopped garlic is poured.
  4. Together, the mass is stewed for 5-6 minutes.
  5. The fillet is cut into cubes and laid out in equal portions in four pots. Vegetables from the pan are laid out on top.
  6. Seasoning broth is added to each pot and salted water is poured into 2/3.

The dish is baked for a little over half an hour in the oven at 200-210 degrees.

Chicken baked with lemon and thyme in foil

Ingredients: 300 g of chicken drumsticks and thighs, a large lemon, 25 g of olive oil and butter, 2 garlic cloves, small. a spoonful of thyme, 90 ml of dry white wine.

  1. The chicken is washed, rubbed with salt.
  2. In a separate bowl, chopped lemon zest, thyme, two types of oil, crushed garlic are mixed.
  3. Rub the chicken pieces over the salt with the mixture from the previous step.
  4. The lemon left without zest is cut into 6-8 parts.
  5. Chicken is laid out in the form. Between its pieces are slices of fruit.
  6. Wine is poured from above.

The dish is baked for about 50 minutes at 190 degrees.

Hips in the sleeve

Ingredients: 9-10 thighs, 5-6 garlic cloves, a mixture of sour cream and mayonnaise, salt, spices.

  1. The washed and dried meat is moved to a deep bowl. It is salted and rubbed with spices. In this form, the thighs are left for 40 minutes.
  2. The meat is mixed with a sauce of mayonnaise, salted sour cream and crushed garlic. Then it is transferred to the sleeve for baking. The coating must be pierced with a toothpick in several places so that steam comes out.
  3. The workpiece is placed on a baking sheet.

The dish is cooked in a very hot oven for 40-45 minutes.

Wings in honey and soy sauce

Ingredients: a kilo of wings, 3 small. spoons of honey, 2 garlic cloves, ¾ tbsp. soy sauce without additives.

  1. Each prepared wing along the joint is cut into three parts. The thinnest edge is discarded or set aside for soup.
  2. Sauce is poured into the container, bee honey is added.
  3. Wings are laid out to the ingredients, garlic passed through the press is added. Products are well mixed directly by hand.
  4. It is advisable to leave the wings in the marinade all night.
  5. In the morning, parts of the bird are laid out in a heat-resistant oiled container. Pour some of the remaining marinade on top.

At 180 degrees, the treat will bake for about half an hour.

Chicken with buckwheat under cheese crust

Ingredients: medium chicken carcass, 2 tbsp. buckwheat and the same amount of boiling water, onion, dry garlic, salt, a pinch of suneli hops, mayonnaise and sour cream, 80 g of cheese.

  1. The groats are washed and immediately laid out on the bottom of the oiled form.
  2. Onion cubes and dry garlic are scattered on top.
  3. Next come the medium pieces of chicken.
  4. The meat is sprinkled with suneli hops.
  5. The chicken is smeared with a mixture of sour cream and mayonnaise, and is also poured with salty hot water.
  6. All grated cheese is sprinkled on top.

The future dinner is sent to the oven for about an hour at medium temperature.

In a slow cooker

The slow cooker does a great job of preparing a variety of chicken treats. For this, any device model is suitable.

Chicken jelly in a slow cooker

Ingredients: a whole chicken carcass of about 1.5 kg, 2 onions, 1 kg of chicken feet, 3 bay leaves, medium carrots, garlic, salt.

  1. The paws are washed, they get rid of the claws, they are cleaned. Then they need to be soaked in cold water for a couple of hours. Separately, the chicken carcass chopped into pieces is also soaked in an ice liquid.
  2. The soaked meat is transferred to the bowl of the device. Other components listed in the recipe without garlic are also sent there. Vegetables - whole.
  3. The contents of the "smart pot" are filled with liquid so that it completely covers the food.
  4. In the mode intended for stewing, the future aspic languishes for 4–4.5 hours.
  5. Minced garlic is added 20 minutes before readiness. The broth is being tasted. If necessary, you can add it. If you are tormented by doubts about whether the jelly will harden, at this stage, dissolve a little gelatin in half a glass of broth and pour it into the multicooker bowl.
  6. Meat is removed from the bones, vegetables and lavrushka are thrown away.
  7. The broth is carefully filtered.
  8. Meat fibers are laid out in bowls and filled with liquid from the previous step.

Ready chicken jelly is left in the cool all night to solidify.

Delicious pilaf with chicken

Ingredients: a pound of poultry meat, 180 g of onions and carrots, 4–6 garlic cloves, 2 multi-cooker glasses of rice and 2 times more water, salt, a set of seasonings for pilaf.

  1. In the “Baking” mode without a lid, medium pieces of chicken are fried first. Then they are cooked already with chopped vegetables for another 10-12 minutes.
  2. Washed rice is poured over the roast, whole garlic cloves are laid out. Salt and seasonings are added.
  3. Water is poured onto food.

Chicken pilaf according to this recipe will be cooked in the corresponding program until it is completed.

Beshbarmak from chicken in a slow cooker

Ingredients: chicken carcass, 5 onions, 380 g of special noodles, 3–4 bay leaves, 30 g of fresh dill, salt, spices.

  1. The chicken is cut into pieces, placed in the bowl of the device along with salt, 2 whole onions, parsley, spices. From above, the products are completely filled with water and cooked for 70 minutes in the Soup program.
  2. Thickness is removed from the broth. The meat is removed from the bones and divided into fibers, and the rest is thrown away. The remaining broth is brought to a boil. Thin onion rings are lowered into it in turn for about 30 seconds.
  3. Special noodles for beshbarmak are also boiled in the broth, according to the instructions.
  4. Noodles are first laid out on a flat dish. Chicken meat and onions are distributed on top.

Ready chicken beshbarmak is decorated with chopped dill and served to the table.

Light chicken soup with vermicelli

Ingredients: 270 g of chicken, fine salt, onion, 80 g of spider web vermicelli, carrots, 2 liters of purified water, 3 potato tubers, 3 stalks of green onions, a mixture of peppers.

  1. Randomly minced onions and carrots are sautéed in the smart pan in the baking program.
  2. When these ingredients are “golden”, pieces of chicken meat and potato straws are laid out to them.
  3. Immediately after this, water is poured in, peppers and salt are added.
  4. In the Soup program, the treat will be cooked for 60–70 minutes.
  5. 6-7 minutes before readiness, vermicelli is poured into the dish.

The soup is served with chopped green onions.

Dietary steamed chicken fillet

Ingredients: 2 breasts, 1 liter of purified water.

  1. The fillet is removed from the breast, from which all films must be cut.
  2. The bird is laid out on a special stand for steaming.
  3. Hot water is poured into the bowl of the appliance. A meat tray is placed on top.

Under the lid, the bird cooks for 40–45 minutes in the “Steamed” program.

Braised chicken with sour cream and garlic

Ingredients: medium chicken carcass, half a glass of fat sour cream, salt, 5-6 cloves of garlic, 5 tbsp. l. sifted flour, a glass of purified water, a mixture of peppers.

  1. The bird is chopped into medium pieces, rubbed with salt and pepper, rolled in flour. Next, the slices are fried until browned in a suitable program with a small amount of oil. They need to be laid out in a bowl in one layer and cooked in portions.
  2. The whole chicken is put into a container, sour cream and crushed garlic are added to it.
  3. After mixing the products, the “Extinguishing” mode is activated for 60–70 minutes.

The exact cooking time depends on the size of the meat pieces.

Chops with cheese in a slow cooker

Ingredients: large chicken breast, 80 g cheese, salt, seasoning mixture, a glass of first-class flour, 3 large spoons of mayonnaise, 3 raw eggs.

  1. The meat is cut into equal even pieces, beaten off. The slices are salted, sprinkled with seasonings.
  2. The eggs are beaten, flour is gradually added to them.
  3. The cheese is cut into pieces according to the size of the chops.
  4. Oil is heated in the bowl of the device. Slices of meat are laid out in it, immersed in batter on one side (it is with this part that they fall into the oil).
  5. A piece of cheese is placed on top of the chop and a little more batter is poured.
  6. In the "Bake" program, the dish is fried on both sides.

A ready-made dish is served with rice or vegetables.

Italian style chicken drumsticks

Ingredients: 6 drumsticks, 2 sweet peppers of different colors, 5 tomatoes, garlic, 2 onions, a couple of sprigs of marjoram, rosemary, a glass tomato juice(thick), salt.

  1. First, in a suitable mode, the drumsticks rubbed with salt are fried on all sides.
  2. Further, onion rings, chopped garlic, pepper straws are poured to the meat. Together, the products are fried for another 6-7 minutes.
  3. Chopped tomatoes are loaded into the bowl of the device.
  4. Juice from tomatoes is poured from above, rosemary and marjoram, peeled from the stems, are added.
  5. The baking program starts for 40-45 minutes.

A treat is served along with the resulting gravy.

Stew with mushrooms and potatoes

Ingredients: 4 potato tubers, 380 g chicken fillet, carrots, 130 g fresh champignons, 1 tbsp. l. tomato paste, salt, mixture ground peppers, onion.

  1. Finely chopped meat is lightly fried in a suitable mode. All arbitrarily chopped vegetables and mushrooms are sent to the chicken. Together, the components languish for 8-9 minutes with frequent stirring. During this time, they should soften slightly.
  2. Next, a small amount of water is poured into the container with salt, dry peppers and tomato paste.
  3. The dish is languishing until the potatoes are boiled in the “Stew” program.

The finished treat is served hot with homemade bread.

Macaroni with chicken in a slow cooker

Ingredients: 270 g chicken fillet, 170 g onion, garlic clove, 3 cups dry pasta, 2.5 tbsp. purified water, salt, freshly ground pepper.

  1. In the roasting program for 13 minutes, small pieces of fillet are cooked with the lid closed.
  2. 3-4 minutes before the end of the regimen, half rings of onion and pieces of garlic are sent to the meat. Products are fried together. The mass is salted and peppered to taste.
  3. Next, dry pasta and unboiled water is poured.

The dish is cooked in the Spaghetti program until the appropriate signal.

What to cook from chicken in a pan?

If the hostess in the kitchen does not have assistants in the form of a slow cooker or oven, then even in an ordinary frying pan she will be able to cook delicious dishes from chicken. True, among them there are mainly options for a daily lunch, and not a festive table.

Chakhokhbili from chicken

Ingredients: 1.5 kilo chicken carcass, 370 g turnip, 60 g butter, 4–7 teeth. garlic, 720 g tomatoes, 220 g bell peppers, a bunch of any greens, half a chili pepper, 2 tsp. fine salt, a pinch of saffron and suneli hops.

  1. The carcass is cut into medium pieces. They are rubbed with salt.
  2. Sweet pepper is chopped into strips, and hot and garlic - into small cubes.
  3. Onions are chopped in half rings, peeled tomatoes are rubbed on a coarse grater.
  4. The greens are washed and finely chopped.
  5. In a dry frying pan, pieces of poultry are fried until browned. Then they are transferred to a warm place.
  6. On the remaining fat, mixed with melted butter, the products prepared in the second and third steps are fried, except for tomatoes.
  7. When the pieces of vegetables are “golden”, tomatoes are laid out to them, salt and chicken are added. Under the lid, the mass languishes over low heat for about half an hour.
  8. Fall asleep greens, all spices. The dish is stewed for another 8-9 minutes.

The finished chicken chakhokhbili is removed from the heat and left for 15-17 minutes.

Fried chicken pieces in a frying pan

Ingredients: 720 g chicken fillet, salt, 2 tomatoes, half a medium zucchini, a mixture of peppers, half an eggplant.

  1. The chicken is cut into small pieces, salted and quickly fried over high heat until golden brown.
  2. Then the meat is transferred to a separate bowl, and pieces of vegetables are cooked in the same container until soft.
  3. It remains to put the chicken to them, pepper the mass and simmer it over low heat for 10-12 minutes.

During this time, the fried chicken in the pan will be saturated with the aromas of vegetables and will become tender, soft.

Juicy chicken cutlets

Ingredients: 830 g chicken fillet, 2 pcs. turnips, large egg, salt, favorite seasonings.

  1. Large pieces of onion, together with poultry fillets, are crushed with a special blender attachment. For this purpose, you can use a meat grinder.
  2. Salt, spices, raw egg are added to minced meat.
  3. Products mix well.

The resulting mass with a spoon is laid out in a pan in the form of cutlets, which are fried on both sides.

in soy sauce

Ingredients: about a kilo of any parts of a chicken carcass, 2 pcs. turnips, 90 ml of soy sauce, a pinch of any dried herbs, 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, salt.

  1. Salt and thin half-rings of onion are added to large pieces of chicken.
  2. For the marinade, the remaining components are combined.
  3. The meat is poured with sauce and left overnight (if there is no time, 3-4 hours will be enough).

Marinated chicken, along with onions, is fried in a pan with well-heated fat.

Chopped chicken cutlets

Ingredients: 620 g chicken fillet, 80 g sour cream, large egg, onion head, 30 g sifted flour, a bunch of greens, salt, ground colored peppers.

  1. The fillet is cut into very small cubes with a sharp knife. Finely chopped greens are immediately sent to him.
  2. The remaining components are added to the mass.
  3. The mixture should not be too liquid, otherwise the cutlets will fall apart during frying.
  4. After the next kneading of the components of the "dough" is laid out in a pan with a wide spoon.
  5. Each cutlet is fried on each side for 6-7 minutes. No need to cover the pan with a lid.

A ready-made treat is served with any side dish.

Chicken fillet chop

Ingredients: large egg, 4 tbsp. l. whole grain flour, 2 chicken fillets, a pinch of salt, the same amount of freshly ground black pepper, 6 tbsp. l. purified water, 1 tbsp. l. linseed oil, dry garlic.

  1. The fillet is cut into pieces suitable for chops. Then it is carefully beaten off, rubbed with a mixture of salt, dry garlic and pepper.
  2. To prepare the breading, the egg is beaten until foamy.
  3. Sprinkle whole grain flour on a separate flat plate.
  4. First, prepared pieces of chicken are dipped in an egg, and then rolled in flour.

Chops are fried in well-heated linseed oil.

Cooking in butter sauce

Ingredients: 330 g poultry fillet, 2 garlic cloves, large onion, 5-6 green onion feathers, 90 g sour cream, a pinch of salt and a mixture of ground peppers, 130 g heavy cream.

  1. First, the thinnest half-rings of onion and pieces of garlic are fried in a frying pan until golden brown.
  2. Next to them are laid out small pieces of chicken.
  3. Salt and pepper are added.
  4. After 10-12 minutes, you can pour in sour cream and cream.
  5. The mass is brought to a boil and stewed over low heat until fully cooked.

Chopped is added to the resulting gravy. green onion, after which it can immediately be laid out on a portion of the side dish.

Chicken thighs in a pan with a golden crust

Ingredients: 6 thighs, 4 tbsp. tablespoons of fat sour cream, 1 tbsp. l. raspberry vinegar, salt, 12 pcs. spicy plums, 6 tbsp. l. mayonnaise, a mixture of peppers.

  1. The skin is removed from the thighs. Non-through cuts are made on the meat, in each of which a half of a plum is placed.
  2. Next, the chicken is coated on all sides with salted and peppered mayonnaise.
  3. Dishes with a bird are covered with a lid and cleaned for a couple of hours in the cool.
  4. Prepared chicken is fried in a heated frying pan on all sides until golden brown. In this case, you can not add oil.
  5. Next, vinegar is poured into the pan and sour cream is laid out.

It remains to simmer for another 20 minutes.

How delicious to cook chicken wings in a pan?

Ingredients: 6 pcs. wings, a pinch of curry, salt.

  1. The wings are cut into three pieces. Phalanges without meat are removed.
  2. The remaining parts are sprinkled with salt and curry. It is not forbidden to add any other favorite spices to them.
  3. You can leave the chicken to marinate for a couple of hours or immediately put it in a frying pan and fry until a crust appears.

Delicious served with spicy ketchup.

Chicken snacks

Boiled, baked and fried chicken becomes the basis of delicious snacks. Among them, many holiday options with appetizing original design.

Salad of boiled breast and Chinese cabbage

Ingredients: 180 g boiled breast, up to 270 g Peking, a handful of grains sweet corn(canned), 2 boiled eggs, a handful of white crackers, mayonnaise, dill, salt.

  1. Corn grains without liquid are immediately sent to the salad bowl.
  2. Then they pour out straws of boiled meat, chopped fresh Pekin and cubes of boiled eggs.
  3. A salad of boiled breast is dressed and Chinese cabbage salted mayonnaise.

Portioned decoration is sprinkled with crackers and chopped dill.

Chicken rolls with mushrooms

Ingredients: 820 g chicken fillet, 270 g fresh champignons, onion, 60 g semi-hard cheese, 1.5 st. cream of medium fat, 4-5 sprigs of dill, salt, favorite spices.

  1. The chicken fillet is cut into thin plates and carefully beaten off on both sides.
  2. Rubbed with salt and pepper.
  3. Fresh mushrooms are cut into strips and well fried with onion cubes. All moisture should evaporate from the pan. The mass is salted to taste.
  4. For each prepared slice of meat, a little filling from the previous step is laid out. Pieces are twisted in the form of rolls and laid out in a pan with a seam down.
  5. First, the treat is well fried in hot oil on both sides. Then it is poured with salted cream, sprinkled with grated cheese and simmered under the lid until moisture is absorbed.

Ready rolls are cut into pieces, sprinkled with chopped dill and immediately served to the table.

Pizza with mushrooms and chicken on a thin crust

Ingredients: 320 g of first-class flour, a pinch of salt, a glass of kefir, half a pack of butter, 1 tbsp. l. granulated sugar, ½ small. spoons of soda, large egg, 130 g of boiled poultry fillet, cheese, tomatoes, fresh mushrooms, ketchup, oregano.

  1. The butter is melted, cooled, mixed with a beaten egg and a warm fermented milk product.
  2. AT homogeneous mass all dry ingredients are poured in turn.
  3. The finished dough is covered with a clean towel and left for 17 minutes.
  4. For the filling, tomatoes, mushrooms and chicken fillet are cut into slices, the cheese is rubbed coarsely.
  5. The dough is rolled out, the resulting layer is smeared with ketchup and sprinkled with oregano.
  6. The filling is randomly laid out on top. The main thing is that the cheese comes last.

The pizza will bake for 20-25 minutes in a hot oven.

Lavash roll with poultry fillet

Ingredients: 2 thin Armenian lavash(length 1 m), 230 g boiled fillet, mayonnaise, fresh garlic, 90 g of cheese, salt, spices.

  1. Boiled chicken is twisted by a combine to a state of fine crumbs. Crushed garlic and mayonnaise are added to it.
  2. The mass is salted, sprinkled with spices, kneaded well.
  3. The cheese rubs finely.
  4. On the first pita bread laid out chicken filling. You need to evenly distribute it over the base.
  5. The second sheet is placed on top. It is well smeared with mayonnaise and sprinkled with grated cheese.
  6. The design is folded into a tight roll, which is wrapped in cling film and cool down for a couple of hours.
  7. On top is carrots without brine.
  8. Next comes the cheese sticks and grated fresh cucumbers.
  9. Each layer of appetizer is smeared with salted sauce, for example, ordinary mayonnaise.

The culinary ring is removed from the salad and its top is arbitrarily decorated.

Mushroom salad with chicken fillet

Ingredients: 460 g of boiled salted fillet, 320 g of fresh champignons, 5 boiled large eggs, salt, sauce.

  1. Pre-cooked chicken is cooled and randomly chopped. You can cut it into cubes or tear it into fibers.
  2. Mushrooms are cut into very small pieces and fried until tender. In the process, they need to be salted to taste.
  3. Rubs against the cooled champignons egg white. Next, the resulting mass is laid out in the first layer in a salad bowl.
  4. Fillet with sauce (for example, with mayonnaise) is placed on top.
  5. The last layer is crumbled egg yolks.

The salad is served to the table after a couple of hours of soaking in the cool.

Appetizer of chicken breast in tomatoes

Ingredients: 2 ripe tomatoes, chicken breast, 3 tbsp. l. olive oil and low-fat sour cream, 1 tsp. balsamic vinegar, 8-9 basil leaves, 2 sprigs of fresh oregano, salt, garlic to taste.

  1. In large ripe tomatoes, the tops are cut off with a sharp knife. With a small spoon, the soft core is cleaned out of them.
  2. The breast is boiled until tender, chopped into cubes, mixed with chopped oregano leaves and garlic.
  3. Vinegar, oil, chopped basil, salt and sour cream are added to the future filling.
  4. Vegetable cups are rubbed with salt. The stuffing is laid out in them.
  5. The blanks are sent to the oven for 8–9 minutes at 150–160 degrees.

Optionally, you can bake tomatoes with a “cap” of grated cheese.

Vegetable salad with chicken and croutons

Ingredients: 380 g chicken fillet, 130 g cheese, a handful of white wheat croutons, 2 pcs. tomatoes and fresh cucumbers, red and yellow bell peppers, garlic to taste, mayonnaise, salt.

  1. The meat is cooked until tender, torn into strips and placed on the bottom of a flat plate.
  2. Tomato cubes are sent on top, mixed with crushed garlic and salted mayonnaise.
  3. Next come the colored cubes of peppers. Mayonnaise is distributed.
  4. It remains to make layers of straw fresh cucumbers, crackers and grated cheese.

The resulting snack will infuse in the cool for about 1.5 hours.

Layered salad with chicken breast and corn

Ingredients: 70 g each of low-fat sour cream and mayonnaise, dry garlic, 3 boiled eggs, 230 g boiled chicken breast, 90 g canned corn, strong fresh cucumber, salt.

  1. The fillet is cooled, after which it is cut into cubes with a sharp knife. It will be the very first layer of lettuce. You can immediately coat the meat with a sauce of sour cream, mayonnaise, salt and dry garlic.
  2. Next, randomly chopped boiled eggs. The easiest way is to cut them into cubes.
  3. The next layer will be cucumber straws with sauce.
  4. Sweet corn grains are the last to fall asleep for a snack.

Can be decorated to taste ready salad any fresh herb. Before taking a sample from it, you need to let the dish brew for 2-3 hours.

Hot salad with chicken, peppers and green beans

Ingredients: half a kilo of chicken fillet and green beans, red and yellow bell pepper, large purple onion, 20 ml of high-quality olive oil, 40 ml of soy sauce and balsamic vinegar, table salt.

  1. String beans without prior defrosting are immersed in boiling salted water for 2 minutes. Then she leans back into a colander. To keep the bright saturated green color of the product, you can pour it with cold water.
  2. The chicken is boiled until cooked, torn into fibers. If desired, fillet pieces can simply be fried on a preheated butter to blush.
  3. Onions are cut into thin half rings, and peppers of two colors are cut into bars. Both vegetables are fried in hot oil for 2-3 minutes.
  4. In the remaining fat, the beans also warm up.
  5. All prepared components are combined in one salad bowl, mixed, salted.