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How to make butter at home. Butter at home cream recipe with a mixer

It is most convenient to prepare cream with a stand mixer with a deep bowl, but you can also do this with a conventional hand-held electric mixer. Pour in the cream room temperature into a large bowl (3 times the amount of cream you have). Wrap the bowl with a double layer of cling film so that the cling film is secure (it's best to just wrap the whole bowl of cream in cling film).

Make cuts in the film so that the beaters of the mixer crawl through them. Place the beaters in the mixer, carefully insert them into the slits and start beating at low speed, gradually increasing it to maximum.

First, the cream will whip into a fluffy foam, then the foam will become dense and, finally, it will change color from white to pale yellow or white with yellow splashes. These inclusions are oil. The process takes at least 8-10 minutes.

Continue beating for another 2-3 minutes to separate the oil. The separated liquid (buttermilk) will begin to splatter in all directions - for this moment you should have covered the bowl with cling film. Turn off the mixer.

Set the colander in a bowl, line it with a thin linen napkin or gauze in several layers. Remove the film from the bowl, pour its contents into a colander, leave for 15 minutes.

Then use a wooden spoon or silicone spatula to scoop out the contents of the colander to remove any remaining buttermilk and smooth out the butter. Knead for approximately 5 minutes. Add salt to taste and stir again. The oil is ready, store it in the refrigerator.

How can you do butter at home without special equipment, skills from knowledge? In fact, there is nothing easier. Almost every home has an automatic mixer.

And getting heavy cream or thick rustic sour cream is also not a problem. And fat milk can also be found on the market - in fact, this is enough, because butter, in essence, is well-whipped cream, from which maximum moisture has been removed.

We will tell you in detail about how you can make it at home in a matter of minutes right now.

Making butter at home is not as difficult as it seems. To do this, it is enough to take 400-500 ml of heavy cream (from 33% and above). Actually, this is the only ingredient, because natural butter includes only cream.

You can also add a few pinches of salt or sugar - many just like salted or slightly sweet butter. And from the equipment we need only a mixer.

Here's how butter is made according to this recipe:

Step 1. Pour the cream into a fairly deep container and turn on the mixer at the highest power. Swiping them in a circle, beat the mixture for 8-10 minutes.

Step 2. After this time, it will be noticeable how the cream has noticeably thickened and has almost turned into butter. At the same time, a little liquid forms on the surface - it must be drained.

Step 3. After that, turn on the mixer again and continue beating for literally 5 minutes. The resulting liquid is again removed.

Step 4. And let's work with a mixer for 1-2 minutes. We get a hard, dense lump, which should lie down for half an hour. A little more liquid may stand out from it, which also needs to be drained.

Step 5. Actually, this can be finished, but if you like salty or slightly sweet butter, it's time to add these spices. Previously, the product is laid out on parchment in an even layer so that the salt is evenly dispersed throughout the volume. At the same stage, you can also add greens or a little garlic.

Step 6. Let's let the product rest for an hour in the refrigerator, after which it can be served. We decorate with greenery.

How to make butter from milk at home

Immediately make a reservation that butter is prepared from cream and only from cream. But cream, in turn, can be obtained from milk, but, of course, not from any.

Ordinary purchased milk, as a rule, does not have sufficient fat content, therefore it is better to purchase country milk (cow or goat). Although on the network you can find reviews of hostesses that some trade marks supply such milk from which cream can be obtained. However, experience shows that in most cases this is not possible.

First of all, we need to make a calculation based on the fact that about 40-50 ml of cream is obtained from a liter of milk. Accordingly, you need to stock up on 4-5 liters, or even a large amount of this drink. That is why butter is much more expensive than milk: the whole point is not even in the production technology, which is quite simple, but in the amount of raw materials.

Step 1. We take 1 large or 2 medium containers and pour the milk there, put it in the refrigerator and leave it overnight (preferably 12 hours).

Step 2. If the milk has sufficient fat content, then the next morning a layer of cream is formed that has a fairly thick consistency. Of course, a separator can also be used to separate them, but not every city apartment can find such a technique, so you will have to wait 1 night.

We remove this layer with a spoon in a separate container.

Step 3. Further "production" technology is exactly the same. Beat the cream with a mixer several times until the liquid is completely removed.

The resulting lump can be held for several minutes in cold water, while kneading it, as if kneading the dough. Then homemade butter will last much longer and at the same time retain its original freshness.

Step 4. Well, now we let him rest in the refrigerator and serve. From 4 liters of milk, you will end up with about 100-150 g finished product. Expensive, but tasty, healthy and natural.

Butter from sour cream

Lovers of pleasant sourness can try to make butter from sour cream, which is also possible at home. The manufacturing technology is exactly the same - sour cream is whipped several times with a mixer, excess liquid is constantly drained. That's just sour cream, of course, you need to choose the fattest, ideally - rustic.

Homemade butter on a churn: a retro recipe

It is possible that someone else still has a butter churn, and someone probably remembers such units that were kept by their grandmother in the village. In fact, the churn is a regular mixer, but only in large sizes. And the technology for making butter at home is exactly the same - beat and remove the liquid.

You can clearly see the whole process on the video.

Making butter at home is not that difficult. There are many options for creating it from sour cream, cream, etc.

I was lucky, literally a few stops away from me lives a pleasant grandmother, from whom I gladly buy fresh sour cream, cottage cheese and milk. I asked her to save me 500 g fresh cream and she selected the fattest ones for me. Honestly, I don’t know the fat content of this dairy product, but it’s definitely more than 33%, since the cream was so thick that even a spoon standing in it was difficult to remove.

I put the cream in the refrigerator and my family ate 100g, so I had to make butter with 400g of cream, but it had almost no effect on the yield - I got about 350-380g of fresh butter.

Remember: the fatter the cream, the less it is necessary to whip the product, and the more oil will come out of it.

To make homemade butter, use these products.

Transfer the cream to a bowl with high sides so that the entire kitchen does not become oily while whipping, and start whipping the cream with a mixer at medium speed.

After 3-4 minutes, you will notice how the mass begins to thicken, and liquid is slightly separated from it. If you whip thick sour cream, then you will need more time for this effect.

By the way, the buttermilk released is very fragrant, and whipping sour cream produces much more of it at the exit. Don't rush to throw it away, buttermilk is a great ingredient for baking pancakes, pies, etc.

From the cream of buttermilk, about 1-2 tablespoons turned out, and therefore there was no point in bothering with its storage - I just merged it!

As soon as the buttermilk is separated, add salt to the butter and beat again with a mixer - 1-2 minutes.

The resulting homemade oil has a delicate salty aftertaste. I laid it out in two bowls: one for food, and the second, which is larger, I sent to the freezer in reserve.

This milk product best savored with brown bread - the taste is simply incredible. I recommend trying to cook butter at home on your own - both cheaper and healthier!

“It is necessary not only to know, but also to apply.
It is necessary not only to wish, but also to do ... "
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

To make essential oils at home, you need to know which part of the plant (leaves, stems, flowers, roots, fruits, peel or seeds) to use to make the oil. The amount of essential oil by composition and the content of useful components All plants are different. And fluctuates in range from 0.04 at the lily of the valley until 6% in fennel seeds, and most of all in buds clove tree - 22%.

Raw materials for essential oil preparation

In the same plant healing properties may differ depending on the time of day and the season of collection of raw materials. And also on the method of extracting the essential oil and on the conditions and duration of storage

Do-it-yourself essential oil can be made from plants grown in the backyard or from wild plants.

Flowers are harvested at the moment of their full disclosure (calendula, rose, chamomile). Leaves and stems - before flowering plants (basil, rosemary). If the entire aerial part of the plant is used, then the collection is also carried out during the flowering period (lavender, St. John's wort, yarrow).

Fruits and seeds are harvested fully ripe (coriander, milk thistle). During this period, the content of medicinal components in the plant (flavonoids, aldehydes, phytoncides) is maximum. This improves the healing properties of oils.

Roots and other underground parts of plants are dug up in autumn (burdock root). At this time, the growing season is over and the roots are saturated with useful components.

When to collect raw materials

The time of harvest is also important. It is better to collect plants in the morning, when there is no longer dew, and in sunny weather. Remember that plants cannot be collected from roadsides, near industrial enterprises. They absorb all the dust, dirt and various industrial waste. Best Places for collecting plants - this is a forest, mountains, meadows, not plowed fields.

How to dry

Dried raw materials are also used in the preparation of essential oils. It is necessary to dry plants, as well as medicinal herbs, in ventilated sheds or other rooms, on bedding made of paper, fabric, on shelves or boards. Another prerequisite is the absence of sunlight. Under the influence of the sun, essential oils evaporate and the beneficial components contained in the plant break down. They also dry in ovens or electric dryers at a temperature of 30-40 °C. As a result of drying plantslose more than half of their weight.

Compliance with all conditions for the collection and preparation of raw materials guarantees the production of high-quality natural oil.

Homemade oils are identical in properties to natural essential oils, but are less concentrated and therefore can be used without dilution.

At home, it is better to prepare oils in small quantities and those for which special complex machines are not required. With your own hands, you can cook oil of calendula, lavender, rose, St. John's wort, sea buckthorn, burdock, from white lily flowers.

cooking recipes

St. John's wort oil

There are more than 20 types of St. John's wort and only one is medicinal, it is called Hypericum perforatum. St. John's wort is common in the central part of Ukraine. It differs from other species in its narrow leaf shape with a smooth edge and large flowers with elongated petals.

St. John's wort (hereinafter referred to as St. John's wort) is harvested during flowering. St. John's wort oil at home is prepared both from fresh raw materials and from dried ones. The dried raw materials are threshed, removing the stems.

There are many ways to make your own St. John's wort oil based on vegetable oils, such as sea buckthorn, olive, almond, linseed, sunflower and others.

Consider the 5 most simple and commonly used ways to prepare St. John's wort oil:

1. Pour 20 g or 2 tbsp. spoons fresh harvested St. John's wort flowers 1/2 cup olive oil(100 ml). Insist 4-6 weeks. Then squeeze, pass through the filter and pour into bottles. Store in refrigerator. The resulting oil is used with kidney stones, diseases of the bile ducts.

2. Pour 20 g or 2 tbsp. spoons of fresh chopped raw materials 300 ml of olive oil. You can take almond or sunflower. Insist 21 days. Then wring out, filter through a fine sieve and gauze. Pour into dark glass bottles and store in the refrigerator or cool place. This oil is used with bruises, abscesses and suppurations.

3.Fill 3 art. spoons of dry crushed raw materials from the leaves and flowers of St. John's wort 200 ml of any vegetable oil. Insist in a sealed container for 15-20 days, shaking occasionally. Then squeeze and strain through cheesecloth, folded in two layers. Place in refrigerator. Apply the resulting oil for burns and non-healing wounds.

4.Fill 2 tbsp. spoons of fresh flowers 150 ml of any vegetable oil, preferably almond oil. Insist 2 weeks in a dark cool place. Then squeeze and filter. Put in a cool place. Apply for the care of dry and aging skin, to prevent wrinkles.

5. Place 500 ml sunflower, corn or olive oil on the water bath. Add 150 g dried crushed flowers and leaves of St. John's wort. Keep on low heat for an hour. Then insist for two days. Then strain, pour into bottles and put in a dark place.

Calendula oil

To prepare calendula oil, the flowers of the plant are collected without pedicels and in a ratio of 1 to 5. Take 1 part crushed flowers and 5 parts vegetable oil poured olive oil. For example, for 20 g of flowers, 100 ml of olive oil. Insist 3 weeks. Then squeezed and filtered. The oil is used to treat wounds, cuts, bruises.

lavender oil

To prepare lavender oil, flower stems are harvested and tied into bundles. Oil is made from fresh leaves and flowers and dried. To make butter, take 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed raw materials. Pour 200 ml any basic vegetable oil(olive, linseed, macadamia, almond). Insist in a dark cool place for 2 months. Shaking periodically. At the end of this period, strain the resulting oil and pour into dark glass bottles.

rose oil

To prepare rose oil, pick rosehip petals or garden rose petals in the morning with the brightest and richest scent. Roses should not be treated with any chemicals. On the same day, prepare oil or rose water according to one of the recipes.

1.distillation method with steam used in industrial production. A similar mini installation can be done at home.
From only 5 kg of rose petals, only 1 g rose essential oil in industrial production.

You will get very little oil, a few drops. But floral rose water is enough.

2. natural rose water cooking at home is easier than butter.

Take a wide saucepan, place rose petals in several rows at the bottom. Pour in water so that the petals are completely covered with water. Put on fire, closing the pan with a lid. When the water boils, make a small fire and boil the petals for about 1 hour until they lose their color.

Then squeeze the petals, strain the resulting rose water and pour into sterile jars. Place in refrigerator. Such pink water can be stored without loss of its smell and properties during the year.

3.This how to get rose water a bit like the previous one. You also take a saucepan, on the bottom of which several layers of rose petals, filled with water, are laid. Inside the pan, in the middle, place a deep bowl or jar with a wide neck on the rose petals. The edges of the jar or bowl should be above the water layer.

Cover with an inverted lid and put on fire. When the water begins to boil, reduce the flame of the burner, and fill the inverted lid with ice cubes. The steam, together with the rose essential oils, will rise up, settle as a distillate on the lid and drain into the jar.

For an hour, heat the pan with rose petals over low heat. Do not forget to check if all the water has boiled away. Water can be added. At the end of the process, there will be natural rose water inside the pot in a jar. Store the resulting rose water in a cool place. You can use it for a year or even more, while rose water retains all its healing properties.

orange oil

If you want to make orange oil at home, then you need to take the peel from several oranges.

  • Wash, peel the flesh and chop finely.
  • Pour into a jar and fill with any vegetable oil so that the crusts are completely covered.
  • Then put in a dark place.
  • After 3-4 days, put the jar with crusts in a water bath for 30 minutes, while the lid on the jar should not be closed tightly.
  • Then strain the resulting liquid, and squeeze the crusts, the oil is ready.

Store in a cool place.

According to the same recipe, you can make butter from lemon, lime and tangerine.

How to make citrus water

natural citrus water prepared at home like this:

  • Remove the peel of 1-2 citrus fruits, wash and cut into small pieces.
  • Pour some water into a steamer or saucepan.
  • In a double boiler - on the grate, and in a saucepan - on a sieve of a smaller volume inserted into the pan, pour the chopped peel.
  • Cover with a lid and bring to a boil. When it boils, turn it off, let it brew and cool.
  • Then pour into bottles and store in the refrigerator.

It must be used within 10 days. This fragrant water is used to cleanse the skin of the face, neck and décolleté, morning and evening.

Attention! When growing, citrus fruits are sprayed with pesticides, just like we have apples, the last spraying is usually long before the fruit ripens. And before transporting the fruits, exporters cover them with wax or paraffin with preservatives to increase the shelf life.

Therefore, before cooking oil, very wash the skin thoroughly using a brush or kitchen scraper for washing dishes. Then dip in boiling water for 1 minute to melt the wax. You can use soap or baking soda to wash. I wash and pour boiling water from the kettle.

Another variant- buy fruits grown without the use of pesticides. In the West, they are sold in the bio-departments of supermarkets. Prices for such goods are usually 2-3 times higher.

Attention! grapefruit oil at home don't cook.

clove oil

Pharmacy clove oil has a high concentration. It must be strongly diluted and only a one percent solution should be used. Who does not want to guess at percentages, it is better to make clove oil at home. It can be used for toothache, in the treatment of colds. Based on it, make ointments and creams for the body.

For cooking clove oil you will need:

  • 2 sterile glass jars with lids;
  • olive oil or any base oil;
  • clove buds, preferably as fresh as possible

Here are a few ways to make clove oil at home:
1. Rub 4 fresh(8 - what are) clove buds. Pour into jar with olive oil(300 ml). Close the lid and leave to infuse for a week.
After a week, strain through two layers of gauze and pour into another prepared jar. Add 4 more crushed clove buds, close the lid. Leave for another week to infuse. Strain before use.

2. Rub one glass of cloves pour into a sterile jar. Pour vegetable oil(olive or corn) so that it is a few centimeters higher than clove powder. Close the lid and leave to infuse in a sunny place for two weeks. After two weeks, pour the filtered oil into another sterile jar, tightly close the lid.

3. Shredded cloves pour out into the multicooker. Pour in any base oil so that it completely covers the cloves. Cook for 3-4 hours at the lowest temperature. Then strain and pour into a sterile jar, close the lid. If you don't have a slow cooker, use the oven at the lowest temperature and a thick-walled saucepan.
The resulting oil store in a cool dark place, use Within two months.

Melissa oil

Melissa oil, made at home, is used to treat the skin, as the basis for masks and creams.

To make butter you need:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of dry raw melissa;
  • 1 glass of any vegetable oil;
  • 200 g jar with lid;

Pour the dry crushed leaves with vegetable oil. Close the jar with a lid, put in a warm dark place for a week or two. Shake periodically. Then filter through a sieve and squeeze the filtered raw material. Store at room temperature.

Also recommended to see :
‎How to make pine oil from needles with your own hands
Methods for obtaining essential oils
How to make sea buckthorn oil at home
How to make linseed oil at home

step by step recipe with photo

Butter is neither an independent food product nor a separate dish. Meanwhile, without it it is difficult to imagine modern kitchen, especially for children. The high calorie content of high-quality oil is leveled by a high degree of assimilation. For cooking at home, you will need only the freshest raw materials of the highest quality.

Whipping cream is a way to reduce the content of the latter in a mixture of fat and water. The whey that separates is used for baking. It should be remembered that a product made by hand has a short shelf life.


You will need for 250 g of butter:

  • 300-500 g homemade cream


1. The difference in grams of homemade cream is due to the fact that sometimes you can buy dense, thick cream, and sometimes liquid. But do not confuse them with a store-bought product - cream from a supermarket is only good to add to coffee. To create butter, you need a homemade dairy product with a fat content much higher than 33%! They can be found in the markets. Transfer the cream into the bowl of a food processor or into a deep container if you plan to whip it with a mixer.

2. Add salt immediately to help separate the buttermilk from the whey.

3. Start whipping at the highest speed of the technique. For heavy cream, 10-15 minutes is enough and the volume of buttermilk released will be 1-2 tbsp. l., but for liquid cream whipping time will increase significantly and will be about 25-30 minutes. At the same time, you will need to drain the buttermilk that stands out from time to time (do not pour it out - pancakes and pancakes baked with such whey turn out to be incredibly tasty)!

4. Put the finished whipped butter into a prepared container, which can be easily broken or removed after freezing. Then place in the freezer for 1 hour.

5. After the oil has set, remove the container and move the layer of whipped home product on the parchment paper or in a storage bag. Wrap it up and tie it, and then place it in the refrigerator. In this way, you can prepare a larger amount of oil, but remember that you need to store it in a freezer in a separate compartment if you do not plan to taste it right away, as it absorbs various aromas very strongly.

Add butter, the recipe for which you already know, to any side dish or simply spread on bread or toast.

Note to the owner

1. Probably all housewives tried to use whey as the basis of pancakes, but few use its full potential in other areas of cooking and in cosmetology - at home, of course. Buttermilk with pomegranate, tomato or citrus juice will be an excellent marinade for meat that is too tough. Supporters of low-calorie breakfasts fill her with corn flakes and muesli. In tandem with crushed rhubarb pulp or grated pickled cucumber it turns into a mask for blackheads and similar oily skin problems. And there are so many recipes for serum hair balms that there is, perhaps, for every occasion and any type of hair.

2. If hot buttermilk is poured over cottage cheese, excess acid will leave it.

3. It is advisable to freeze the finished oil with more than one large piece, and a few - about a hundred grams; if the family is large - with bars of a slightly larger size, 200 grams each, like standard store packs. Therefore, it is better to lay it out for solidification in several separate molds. The best would be silicone, designed for baking muffins. The foil wrapper will protect the product from absorbing foreign odors.

4. From a mixture of cream removed from goat and cow's milk(1:4), also make butter. Just such a proportion is recommended so that the fat content corresponds to GOST - about 72%.