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How many days to salt ram at home. Dried ram: an exquisite delicacy at home

Ram - a kind of roach - has minor differences: fine scaly, fewer rays in the lower fin. Usually sold in outlets dried. It is a favorite fish for the Kuban people, the peoples of the Don, Azov. Ram is called mixed species of different fish species. The population of the Don region considers the Volga dried roach to be a ram.

Often rams, rams, rams are called any dried and dried fish from the carp family: the ram itself, roach, roach. Taranka is prepared from gobies, pike, crucian carp, bream.

Dried ram (snack) is a traditional Russian snack for beer lovers and dried fish lovers.

Dried ram: cooking at home

A ram is slightly smaller than a roach, wider in shape, similar to a young bream. It is caught in the spring for spawning, fishermen immediately make dried stocks for the whole year. Much tastier are large individuals that eat mollusks - zebra mussels.

For drying, it is better to take large fish, in which there is more fat. When drying, the carcasses are dehydrated, biochemical processes occur in the meat, due to which the ram matures, acquires a peculiar aroma and taste, and turns into a real delicacy. It is good without anything, in itself, does not require any heat treatment.

Easy to prepare.

What does a real dried ram, which is called dried ram, look like?

  • The fish is absolutely dry to the touch - all the fat is inside.
  • The scales are clean and pleasantly shiny.
  • The carcasses look transparent in the light, the skeleton is clearly visible.
  • The meat is dense, but not hard, pleasantly fibrous.
  • Saliva flows from one kind of such a seductive fish.
  • The taste is incomparable.
  • It is stored for several months without deterioration in taste and appearance - as if it had just been taken out of the dryer.

The fish has an excellent presentation:

How to cook dried ram

Recipe: on 1 kg fresh ram(medium carcasses of 200-250 grams) at least 0.5 packs of salt. Larger individuals are kept in a saturated solution - brine. The solution is saturated with salt so that a raw potato floats in it. Carcasses up to 250 g are not gutted before drying. Large fish are freed from giblets.

The generally accepted method of drying all cyprinids:

  • carcass rubdown,
  • sprinkling tightly packed layers of fish with salt or brine filling,
  • exposure under oppression for several days, depending on the size of the fish.
  • soaking, getting rid of excess salt,
  • hanging to dry.

Details of all methods of soaking and drying. They are well suited for drying ram.

In wet salting, fish are lowered into brine in bundles. When she starts to look out, salt is still poured into her. Small rams are kept for a couple of days, large fish - five to six. Fish in brine is often stirred to ensure that the brine evenly covers all the carcasses.

There is a lot of controversy about how to hang fish when drying: by the head or tail. Do not cling to the gills or lips, it is better to pierce through the eyes. Hanging by the tail is more difficult, but at the same time, the saline solution flows out faster through the mouth, excess salt accumulates under the gills, flies cannot lay eggs there.

In negligent owners, when drying, salt appears on the scales, the fish is unpleasant in taste, quickly rusts, insects spoil some of the fish. The fat melted from the heat quickly goes rancid, the fish acquires an unpleasant bitterness.

Winter cooking dried ram according to Astrakhan recipes

Inveterate fishermen store in basements wooden barrels in which brine is poured for salting fish. They lower the spring and autumn catch. And stored in this form until the winter dry cold. In winter, the ram is taken out of the brine, soaked, hung on the balcony or outside the windows, keeping a couple of weeks in a light frost.

In the cold, the fish does not deteriorate, the fat remains in the carcasses, there are no insects. In winter, it is more convenient to dry, the fish is well stored for a whole year in a cool place. Before use, the bundle is warmed in the house. Surplus can be sold. Hermetically packed dried ram is stored for 10 months.

About the benefits of ram dried at home

Dried and dried fish contain fatty acid"Omega 3". This means that ram is useful as a prophylactic product for:

  • cancer diseases,
  • heart disease - myocardial infarction.
  • senile dementia,
  • insufficiency and cerebrovascular accident - stroke.

With a low calorie content (88 kcal), dried ram contains a large percentage of protein, a sufficient amount of fats and carbohydrates. Microelements useful for life: fluorine, chromium, magnesium, iron, molybdenum improve the effective activity of the brain, heart, and other organs. Iodine supports the functioning of the thyroid gland. Protein regulates metabolism. The fat present in fish contributes to the rapid clotting of blood cells, lowers "bad" cholesterol. Useful vitamins A, B, E support the vitality of the body.

Harvest dried ram for future use!

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Appetizing fat dried ram - the best snack for beer. I suggest that the housewives familiarize themselves with a simple homemade recipe and cook a delicious dried ram on their own. Such a fish of its own salting turns out to be moderately salted and as dry as you like. Using this simple recipe, you will reduce your financial costs to a minimum.

Usually, for salting fish, I buy one kilogram of fresh, recently caught, ram at the market. Remember that for salting with further drying, only fresh fish good.

For salting according to this recipe (dry salting method), try to select medium-sized fish. Each carcass should weigh approximately 200-250 grams. If the fish is larger, then it is better to salt it in brine.

And so, we need:

  • fresh ram - 1 kilogram;
  • two glasses of coarse table salt;
  • strong fishing line;
  • "gypsy" needle.

How to salt a ram for drying at home.

To make dried fish fatter, we will not clean and gut the ram. Just remove her gills. Then, in the hypogillary region, we push with our fingers table salt. Put in as much as you can.

Then, with salt, you need to rub each fish against the scales, as if lightly rubbing salt into the fish carcass.

Next, we put our ram in a container for salting in layers. First, pour a 2–2.5 cm salt “cushion” into the bowl. Then, lay the ram, then again a layer of salt. Sprinkle the top layer of fish with plenty of salt.

We cover the container with the fish with a lid and send it to the refrigerator for salting for 72 hours.

After three days, it is necessary to thoroughly wash off the salt from the ram under running water.

Then, the fish must be soaked for 12 hours in a spacious container filled with cold water. The water in the fish must be changed every four hours.

Then, we need to string the ram on a strong fishing line using a needle with a large eye. Try not to let the strung carcasses touch each other. I usually separate the fish with clothespins. How I do it is clearly visible in the photo.

Then, we need to hang the ram to dry in a ventilated place. I usually hang on the balcony or just in the kitchen. Fish should dry for three to seven days. The drying time depends on what degree of drying of the ram you like - drier or softer.

Ready dried fish must be stored wrapped in parchment paper, in a refrigerator.

Before serving dried ram you need to gut (remove the insides) and cut into portions. I usually cut into three or four pieces. So it's more convenient to eat.

Enjoy your meal.

Salted fish is the perfect snack for beer. And to be sure of its quality and taste, it is better to salt it yourself. Find out how you can salt the ram.

What kind of fish is suitable?

Small and medium-sized fish are suitable for salting, as large ones will not be completely salted and remain raw inside, which will affect the taste and increase the likelihood of contracting intestinal infections when eaten.

Instead of ram, you can use it for salting and any other not big fish, for example, rudd, scavengers, ruffs, sabrefish, minnows. The average fat content is optimal, since at low the fish will turn out to be very dry, and at high it will have an unpleasant taste.

Gut the fish?

Opinions about gutting fish before salting are divided. But if the ram was caught in the summer, then in the reservoir it probably fed on freshwater microorganisms and greens, and in this case, if the insides are not removed, an unpleasant odor may occur. In addition, the pulp will acquire a characteristic aroma and bitter taste, so gutting is still desirable.

It is not necessary to cut off the tail and head, it is enough to make a small incision in the abdomen and get everything superfluous. Next, the fish is thoroughly washed and dried. This completes the preparation, and you can go directly to the ambassador.

How to salt?

How to salt ram at home? The process is simple but requires patience. In addition, there are three main methods: drying, dry method and wet. All options are considered in detail.

Dry way

This option is simple and requires a suitable container (it can be a wooden box or an enamel basin), salt and the fish itself.

Description of the method:

  1. At the bottom of a clean container, pour a layer of salt about 7-10 millimeters thick.
  2. Rub all the fish with salt, pushing it into the mouth and gills. You can also make several holes for better salting.
  3. Put the fish on the salt, sprinkle it with a centimeter layer of salt. Laying for better compaction is done with heads to tails and backs to bellies so that there are no free spaces.
  4. After laying in layers and sprinkling all the fish with salt, cover it, for example, with a thick cardboard, a perforated board, or a lid with a diameter smaller than the container itself. Place an oppression weighing about 7-10 kg.
  5. Send the container to a cool place, such as a refrigerator, cellar or balcony (during the cold season).
  6. How much to salt the fish in this way? The duration depends on the weight of one carcass: about 100-150 grams - two days, 500-700 grams - three to four days, more than 800 grams - from five to seven days to two weeks (for large specimens).
  7. In the process of salting, juice will be released, which must be drained daily. Readiness can be determined by the absence of liquid.
  8. Now wash the salted fish and soak it in water to remove excess salt, and then in an acetic solution (50 ml of 9% table water per 10 l) to kill bacteria and repel flies.
  9. It remains to hang the carcasses in a ventilated room and dry to the desired state. You can also dry the fish in wooden open boxes or on trays, turning regularly.

Advice! If the mass of oppression is increased after a day or two, then the fish will be salted more fully and well.

wet way

Such a recipe involves salting in a concentrated saline solution. And you will need this:

  • fish;
  • water;
  • table salt (100-150 g for each liter of water).


  1. Immerse the washed and, if desired, gutted fish in the prepared saline solution so that it completely covers the carcasses.
  2. Press down on top of the fish to prevent it from floating up.
  3. After two to five days (depending on size), remove the carcasses, rinse thoroughly or keep half an hour in cold water and dry.


This method is also easy. All you need is fish and salt. The process is also simple:

  1. Rub the fish very carefully on all sides with salt. Make holes and pack salt into them.
  2. Prepare a wire or rope, string salted carcasses on it.
  3. Now hang the strung fish in the courtyard of a private house, on a balcony or in a constantly ventilated room. To protect against flies, you can cover the structure with gauze or arrange something like a tent or dome from this material.
  4. The ram will be salted for at least two days. And the longer the period, the drier the pulp will be, so adjust the timing at your discretion, taking into account taste preferences.

Finally, some helpful tips:

  1. If you decide not to gut the fish, then for high-quality salting inside, you should pour a strong saline solution through your mouth through a syringe. Some fishermen do this immediately after receiving their catch.
  2. You can optionally add various seasonings to the salt to give the finished salted ram an aroma and piquancy.
  3. It is best to use coarse salt, as fine salt will increase the salting period and may form a crust on the surface.
  4. If, when using the wet method, add a little granulated sugar, then the finished fish will be more tender and even tastier.
  5. If you plan to dry large fish, then to speed up the process, make several longitudinal cuts in it. And small carcasses will dry out anyway.
  6. If the fish is very dry, then it can be made softer if moistened with a brush or sponge, and then wrapped with parchment. Next, periodically moisten the paper so that the pulp absorbs moisture. You can also correct the situation with under-dried rams if you wrap it in a newspaper that will absorb excess liquid.
  7. Properly salted ram is stored for up to 3-5 months, and in cold and sealed packaging - up to 9-10.

Salted ram will be a success if you choose the right recipe and follow all the salting rules.

Taranka - delicious fish. It is especially good in dried form. But first, the product must be properly salted. How to do it? Of course, there are some nuances, but everything is incredibly simple. Let's take a look at the options available.

How to prepare a ram for salting?

It is best to salt freshly caught fish. However, this is not always possible, so you can also use a frozen product, which you must first defrost when room temperature. This completes all preparatory work. No need to wash, clean and gut anything.

How to salt a ram?

There are several ways to salt a ram. Let's get into the details.

Dry salting method for rams

In this case, there are two options. Both are simple. So choose which one you like best. So:

Option number 1

Take the prepared fish and rub it with salt from the tail to the head. Try to keep the husk rising. Fill the mouth and gills of the ram with salt. After that, string the carcasses on a thick thread or wire and hang them in the shade in a draft. So we salt and dry at the same time. The fish should hang in this state for at least 2 days.

Option number 2

Prepare deep enamel or glassware. Wash and dry the container. Now pour a little (25 g) of salt on the bottom. Lay out the ram in one layer. Next is salt. Next is the fish. And so on until the end of the main product. As for the ratio of fish and salt: from 1:0.1 to 1:1. It all depends on the season and conditions. If you can send the prepared semi-finished product to the refrigerator, then put less salt. And if it’s summer outside and you don’t have a cool place, then pour 1: 1. After that, put oppression on top and after 1-2 days get the fish. Then rinse off the salt. You can soak the ram a little. And again, hang in the shade in a draft.

Wet method of salting ram

AT this method salting fish is also not difficult. Just dilute water with salt in a ratio of 1: 0.1. Now fill the prepared fish so that it is completely covered. Press something on top so that the carcasses do not float. Soak the ram in brine for 2-3 days. Then take it out (you can soak for 20-30 minutes in cold water) and hang it out in the same way as in other cases.

Of course, a variety of spices can be added to salt. For every kilogram of fish, take about 1 tablespoon of chopped spices. Pour whatever you like.

Roach is one of the most common fish in Russia. Its most famous subspecies are vobla and ram. They love her because she is caught almost all year round and is very good in dried form. Any experienced fisherman knows how to dry roach and how to properly salt it before drying.

If desired, everyone can make such a great snack at home. Only the process must be taken seriously so that you can eat it and not be afraid for your health: as you know, River fish, and in particular roach, is often infected with helminths. Therefore, it is very important to achieve the salt concentration necessary for the death of the larvae, and this can be done if the deadlines are observed.

If we talk about its benefits, then it is worth noting the low calorie content and the presence of vitamins such as A, B (B 1 and B 2), C, E, PP. It contains a lot of chromium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, sodium. However, it should still be remembered that a salty product, in principle, cannot be useful, and only consumption in small quantities will not result in health problems.

As experienced fishermen say, it is best to dry the roach in the spring, at which time it spawns and is characterized by high fat content and has not yet been saturated with the smell of mud.

It is very important that the fish is fresh.

Dried roach can be gutted and not gutted. The advantage of the first is that without the insides, the carcasses are salted faster.

If the roach is very large, it is still recommended to gut it to avoid the rotting process. In summer, you should not dry it entirely: this is due to its nutrition during this period. It feeds on aquatic greens, which decompose and make the flesh taste bitter.

Despite the fact that each fisherman has his own recipe for salting and drying roach, in general the process will always be about the same. In the same way, you can wither ruff, bleak, small pikes, rudd, perch, asp and representatives of other species.

Stages of drying roach

The process consists of several stages: salting, soaking and drying. You can pickle in two ways - dry and brine (wet).

Salting brine

The brine that forms when salt is dissolved in the liquid that oozes from the fish is called brine. It must be periodically drained during salting so that bacteria do not multiply in it.


Gutted usually large roach weighing about 1 kg. Rinse the roach, do not remove the scales, remove the insides, remove the gills and rub with salt inside and out. Take enamelware, pour a layer of coarse salt on the bottom, put roach in it, cover and press down with a load. Due to oppression, cavities are not formed in the carcasses, where bacteria can start, from which rotting will begin. Refrigerate for three to four days. After a while, juice will begin to stand out from the fish.

Without gutting

In this way, only medium-sized roach can be salted - weighing from 250 to 500 grams and no larger than 30 cm in length. It is recommended to gut a small roach in the summer, when the fish eat greens, which give it a bitter aftertaste.

Before salting, a whole roach should be washed under running water, but you can not wash it, but just wipe it with a dry cloth.

For salting, you need to prepare enameled dishes or a stainless steel container. Sprinkle salt on the bottom and lay the roach in tight rows (belly to back, head to tail). Sprinkle each layer with salt to completely cover the fish. Larger specimens are placed down, small specimens are placed up.

For salting, you need to take only coarse salt

Cover the roach with something flat and press down with a load (brick, jar of water, stone) on top. Place the container with the fish in the refrigerator so that the pulp does not deteriorate, where the salt has not yet penetrated, and leave it under oppression for three days. After three days, the roach is washed and left for 2 hours in cold water. The process of salting roach weighing no more than 500 grams takes two days.

Readiness can be determined by the firm back, yellowish-red caviar and the dark gray color of the meat.

Dry salting

Such salting is more suitable for larger specimens and it lasts longer than brine - up to seven days.

The roach needs to be gutted, and cuts should be made along the ridges. Sprinkle the fish with salt, not forgetting the bellies, and put them in wooden boxes in a row. Cover with plastic wrap on top and put in a cold room.

With this method, the juice from the fish also stands out, but flows through the cracks in the box

When the fish is salted, it must be washed under water and left to soak.


After two days, the fish is washed under running water, and then soaked for two hours.

It is believed that soaking lasts as many hours as the days the fish was salted.

The soaking time also depends on which fish you like best: lightly salted or salted. In the first case, you need to keep the roach in the water longer, in the second - get it early.

Drying (drying)

When the soaking is over, the water is drained, and the fish is dried, laid out on paper for half an hour. Then the carcasses are hung out.

Hang a fish upside down by threading a string through its eyes

The fish should be dried in a shaded place in a draft. The optimum air temperature during drying is about 20⁰C.

In the summer, hanging carcasses must be protected from flies. To do this, the fish are dipped in three percent vinegar and lubricated vegetable oil or shielded with gauze or mosquito netting. It is best to hang the roach in the evening when the flies are gone. During the night, the carcasses will dry out, and in the morning the flies will not harm them in any way.

In winter, the kitchen in the apartment is suitable for drying roach. The fish is hung over a gas stove.

Drying roach lasts from one to four weeks. After drying in natural conditions, roach should mature within three to four weeks. Small fish (up to 500 grams) can be eaten immediately after drying, skipping the ripening stage.

Dried roach should be stored in a cloth bag in a cool, ventilated area.

Drying with the addition of sugar during salting

Another recipe for dried roach involves the use of a mixture of salt and granulated sugar when salting.

For drying you will need:

  • 5 kg of roach;
  • 1.2 kg coarse salt;
  • 100 g of granulated sugar.

Before salting, the fish must be cooked. It must be placed in a large container of water, for example, in a bath, pour water and rinse thoroughly.

Prepare a pot or bucket for pickling roach. Mix salt with sugar. Lay a plastic bag on the bottom of the container and pour a little mixture of salt and sugar into it.

From salt and boiled water, make a concentrated solution and use a syringe to inject it into each carcass in the tail area, then put it in a salting container.

Lay the fish in a container in layers and be sure to sprinkle with a mixture of salt and granulated sugar

Cover the laid roach from above with another layer of salt and sand. Put something heavy on the fish, such as a jar or a bottle of water, cover with a film, but so that there is air access to the fish, and put it in a cold place for five days. On the fourth day, remove the load, mix the roach and leave to add salt. The term can be extended if desired. When the fish is salted, soak off the salt and dry as described above.

purchased dried roach cannot be compared with home-made, withered by one's own hands. It is quite possible to master the technology of its preparation, the main thing is to approach the matter with a soul.