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How to cut a sturgeon at home step by step. What you need for proper cleaning and cutting at home

Sturgeons have long been considered the most delicious and expensive fish. Since such a delicious pleasure is very expensive, many can afford it on the table only on major holidays.

This is what in most cases confuses many housewives - how, for lack of experience, to properly clean the fish, and what such a mysterious word means - screeching. Numerous sources claim that this is the poisonous part of the sturgeon, but is it true?

General concept

A screech is a long chord that runs along the entire body of sturgeon fish. In appearance, it looks like a long white ribbon. It is quite difficult for the untrained eye to detect it, especially if the responsible process of cleaning the carcass occurs for the first time.

Previously, viziga was successfully used to prepare various dishes; pies with such a filling were considered a real festive delicacy. Nowadays, most often this part of the sturgeon is thrown away, since there is an opinion that it has poisonous properties.

It would be correct to say that the screech is not poisonous, it just spoils much earlier than the fish carcass itself - cooked or still raw. Therefore, the removal of this skeletal layer prolongs the shelf life of the dish, which guarantees the absence of any harmful effect on the body.

Sturgeon cleaning

Since the sturgeon does not have scales, cutting it requires certain skills. Unpleasant thick and rather sticky mucus, a number of sharp hard growths - all this requires complete removal.

Sturgeon cleaning - you need to cut off the fins and wash off the mucus

How to clean sturgeon, you ask? Having carried a little for the first time, in the future such a process will take you only a few minutes. It is best to use a large container to clean the fish - a bowl or even a bath (if the carcass is very large).

Boiling water from the kettle should be poured over the fish from the tail to the head. This procedure will almost completely remove the mucus. Also, the bone growths will become soft, they can be easily cleaned with your fingers. If, nevertheless, some spikes do not want to be removed, you can pick them up with a knife.

It remains to cut the abdomen and remove the milk. If you are lucky, then you will come across a fish with caviar - then a real holiday will come. Milk can be fried or stewed with vegetables, and caviar will go great with brown bread.

Maxim Syrnikov cleans sturgeon

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Basic cleaning rules

After the fish was rid of the scales and head, it is necessary to remove the chord. How to do it right, quickly and easily?

It is best to get the screech with a sharp knife. To do this, an incision is made in the prepared carcass near the tail. You need to cut in a circle, cutting through the skin and meat layer to the very so-called spine.

It is imperative to ensure that, along with the meat, do not damage the chord - this will make it difficult to remove it, it will simply break at the most inopportune moment. A little trick - you don’t need to immediately pull the screech, it’s better to wrap the tail fin several times in one direction.

After such procedures, it remains to carefully, but strongly pull the tail - the chord can be completely removed without difficulty. It remains to thoroughly rinse the fish, remove the fins, and they are followed by cutting the carcass into wonderful steaks.

Beneficial features

Despite the fact that few people use the extracted chord for cooking, knowing it beneficial features not prevent. The composition of vizigi is replete with vitamins and elements useful for the human body.

Among them:

  • sodium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • beta carotene;
  • molybdenum;
  • vitamins PP, A, B.

This set makes this product the most valuable component for use in cooking, but, as mentioned above, almost no one does this these days, preferring to feed a storehouse of useful elements to a cat or simply throw it away.

Cooking vizigi

Before using vizigu for cooking at home, it must be dried. The top layer must be removed from the chord - it is not suitable for eating.

The dried product is best stored in small paper bags, airing and looking for insect pests that adore such a delicacy. The temperature for storage is moderate, up to 20 degrees.

Before cooking, vizigu must be taken out of the bag, soaked in warm water, then drain the liquid and boil for half an hour. Such processing will return the dried product to its original form. It remains to chop with a sharp knife delicious delicacy and use for cooking fragrant pie or kulebyaki.

Such unusual recipe help cook delicious pies. The filling is very strange, reminiscent, thanks to the screech, of thick jelly.


  • 3 raw eggs;
  • 20 grams of sugar;
  • 10 grams of salt;
  • 70 grams of butter;
  • 30 grams of yeast;
  • 260 mils of milk;
  • 450 grams of flour;
  • 60 gr-mov dried screeches;
  • 100 grams of boiled rice;
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs;
  • 1 medium bulb.


  1. Boil the soaked screech with onions and spices. Cool, chop and combine with boiled rice and chopped eggs.
  2. From yeast, salt, milk and sugar, prepare a dough, after half an hour add eggs, melted butter and flour, pounded to white. Knead, when warm, form small round pies.
  3. Bake until golden brown, before baking brush with a beaten egg with a few sugar crystals.
  4. Can you make this recipe open pie, adding a little salmon or sturgeon meat to the filling for juiciness.

In this way, from a sturgeon screech unknown to many, you can cook an unusual delicious treat. Useful simple tips help to rid the carcass of fish from the chord without the hassle. Now cleaning the sturgeon will bring only pleasure, because even an inept housewife can easily cope with such an important process, as a result of which the most delicious parts of the gourmet fish will go to the table.

And some secrets...

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  • discomfort when going up and down stairs;
  • unpleasant crunch, clicking not of their own free will;
  • pain during or after exercise;
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  • causeless and sometimes unbearable aching pain in the joints ...

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Video: Screech

Almost a master class from the rangers of the Partizan Forest Club, filmed during.
First of all, the sturgeon must be caught. As it turns out, this is not such an easy task. But let's assume that we successfully coped with this and here he is, a handsome man, in experienced hands.
Before butchering, the fish has to be killed, a simple extraction from the water is not enough for this, and the huntsman hits a small hammer at a certain point on the head of the fish. Ready!

The gills are removed first. If they are left, they will spoil the whole taste of the fish, because. bitter strongly. Plus sand. And blood. Strange thing, but there was practically no more blood during cutting.

Then the fish is poured with boiling water, this is done not only to easily remove the bone spikes from the carcass, but also to preserve the attractive appearance of the fish: if you do not clean off the mucus covering the carcass, then when cooking / frying, it forms gray nasty flakes. The spikes are cleaned with a special knife.

Watering and cleaning :)

Here is that spike from the guessing game :)

After removing all the spikes, the carcass is opened and the insides are cleaned. Plast from the side of the abdomen exactly in the middle of the fatty layer of the spinal cartilage. Then deep incisions are made on the "back of the head" (well, if the fish had a back of the head, then it's somewhere there) and tail, and a screech is pulled through the hole in the back of the head - this is such a vein in the central cartilage. If you do not get the screech from the sturgeon, then the meat will become poisonous.

What an assistant, but :)) Handsome, handsome, solid such. Waiting for his share.

OK it's all over Now. After cutting, the fish is cut into portions for further cooking.

Fish belonging to the sturgeon family has long been valued for its unique taste and delicate texture of meat. If you know how to clean sterlet, sturgeon and their closest "relatives", you can get a blank for a real delicacy. Proper manipulation will allow you to finish off not only meat that is unique in its characteristics.

Almost all parts of sterlet can be used in cooking. Moreover, even those that in other cases are regarded as garbage. At the same time, the approaches to processing carcasses are quite simple. It is only necessary to follow the sequence of manipulations and clearly follow the recommendations drawn up by professionals.

Features of cleaning sterlet

For cleaning, you will need the sterlet itself, a cutting board, a large sharp knife, a colander and hot water.

  • Rinse the fish under cool running water and put it on the board. We separate the head from the body with a knife, for this you will have to chop the dense cartilage, which is located under the pectoral fins.
  • On the back of the sterlet there are sharp spikes that can hurt you during the cleaning process. It is better to immediately cut them off with a knife or scissors. Now we begin the removal of ossified scales, using a knife for this. We move from the tail towards the head.
  • At the next stage, the sterlet is gutted. To do this, cut the abdomen and remove all the insides from it.

Tip: From the head of a sterlet you can cook the most different dishes. If it is planned to be used, the eyes and gills should be removed. After that, the product must be immediately put into action. Otherwise, it must be frozen.

  • One of the key points is the removal of screeches - this is a thin cord that is located along the spine. We make two circular or transverse incisions - in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe head and tail. We turn the tail around its axis until the white “lace” clearly stands out. It must be picked up and pulled out using a knitting needle or needle. The tail is completely separated, sent to the head or thrown away.
  • It is customary to skin the sterlet. To do this, grab a piece of the skin at the tail and begin to pull it towards the head. If difficulties arise in the course of manipulation, scald the carcass hot water then the process will go faster and easier.

  • We must cut the cleaned fish into slices 2 cm thick, make cuts perpendicular to the spine and put them in a colander with the backs up. We scald the blanks with boiling water and wait until the liquid drains. If this procedure is not followed, during the subsequent heat treatment, the sterlet may be deformed. Often, protein clots appear on its surface.

The cleaning process is over. Now you need to immediately start preparing the planned dish. Fins, head and tail can not only be put on the ear. These components make excellent fish casseroles. In addition, they can be smoked or stewed in the oven.

Rules for cleaning sturgeon

Due to the fact that many housewives do not know how to clean sturgeon, they have to give up delicious fish kebabs, salted fillet, tender baked meat. But the process is quite simple and does not cause much trouble. In addition to the fish itself, you only need to prepare a knife, a board and a little boiling water.

  • Finding fresh sturgeon today is not so easy, most often you have to deal with a frozen product. process it pre-treatment it is better to spend in the open air (in extreme cases, with room temperature with air access), using dishes for this, from which water will constantly drain. If you violate the defrosting technique of the component, the skin will crack on it and it will not be so good for baking.

Tip: If the fish is fresh and even alive, it is not necessary to kill it. It is enough to send the individual to the freezer for 1 hour. She will fall asleep and it will be possible to calmly carry out all the necessary manipulations.

  • If the sturgeon will be baked, then it is not necessary to clean it. It is enough to cut off the sharp spikes on the fins. In young individuals, these formations are easily grinded off with dense brushes or special knives for cleaning fish.
  • But if the component needs to be cut before heat treatment, salted or pickled, you will have to additionally carry out a few more manipulations. There are no scales about the sturgeon, and its skin looks like sandpaper. First, put the individual in a colander and scald with boiling water. Then we rip open her abdomen and remove all the insides. We wash the workpiece with cold water, removing blood clots. We extract caviar or milk and salt it.
  • Remove the gills from gutted fish. Now we extract the screech by making two cuts in the head and tail sections. We pull the white lace through the incision on the tail. The main thing is not to break education. Although the negative effect of the component on the human body is not documented, during the heat treatment it noticeably increases in size, due to which the meat is deformed and the skin bursts.

  • Next, the final processing of the component is carried out, during which, depending on the recipe, the fins and skin are removed, and the head is cut off. The skeletal system of fish is represented by cartilage, which does not have to be removed. If the product will be baked as a whole, then it appearance trying to keep as much as possible taste qualities the product will not be affected.

Fish from the sturgeon family have a special taste, so you should not try to cook from them complex dishes. The less additional ingredients is used, the more pleasure you can get from using the product.

Sturgeon is the most valuable commercial fish. It can be fried, stuffed, stewed, baked, salted. But first of all, the fish must be cleaned and cut. However, not everyone knows how to clean a sturgeon and cut it properly, but it is very important not to make mistakes, otherwise the taste of the dish will be spoiled, and all your efforts will be in vain.

We clean the sturgeon

In order not to spoil the fish when cutting it, you should stock up on the necessary accessories in advance, namely a caviar bowl, a sharp knife and an hatchet.

It is very important to buy live fish, because in the intestines sturgeon fish causative agents of botulism multiply in large numbers. But if you bought frozen fish, then before cutting the sturgeon, it should be thawed, and this is best done by placing it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. First of all, you should pour very hot water over the sturgeon so that all the mucus comes off it, then it will be easier to remove the scales on the sides.

If you know that the fish is caviar, then you need to carefully open its belly, take out the caviar, and after it all the insides. In this case, you need to act very carefully so that the gallbladder is not affected, because if bile spills on the meat, then nothing can save it, you just have to throw it away.

Butchering the sturgeon

After the entrails with caviar have been successfully removed, the head of the fish should be cut off along with the pectoral fins, which does not have to be sent to the trash can, since it can make a wonderful jellied meat. You only need to pour boiling water over it, cut off the seals or bugs, remove the gills, chop the head into several pieces and boil it.

The next step in cutting the sturgeon will be the removal of the squeal. Screech is a spinal vein that runs along the entire body of the fish, it is considered poisonous and should not be eaten without specialized processing. To do this, you need to take the sturgeon by the tail, make a circular incision along the skin at the very base of the fish, then lift it up and the squeal will easily slip out by itself.

Now we remove the plaques that run along the entire body, for this the carcass must be doused with boiling water. If you have big fish, then for this procedure you will have to cut it into transverse pieces. But when you don't have time to mess with it, you can simply cut them off along with a strip of leather. That's all the sturgeon is butchered.

The cut fish can be left whole or cut into portions, it all depends on the dish you want to cook from this royal fish. Now you know how to clean a sturgeon, and how to cut it properly, and you will succeed delicious dish from this fish.