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How to clean big fish. How to quickly and easily clean fish from scales

, this, perhaps, is the problem that stops many before cooking it, especially if it is a serious difficulty for you to quickly, without long fuss, remove all the scales.

It is the cleaning of the fish that seriously “slows down” the inspiration of many housewives to prepare a delicious fish dish. But not only hostesses do not like to clean, there are also fishermen who are ready only to catch it, and then transfer it to more skilled hands.

It also happens that the family is not at all happy with a good catch, again because of the problem of removing scales from this catch.

Meanwhile, for a long time, various devices have been invented for us that will help remove even the smallest scales from the fish, which is usually the strongest and holds.

We clean the fish properly. Basic Rules

The first thing you should learn if you are used to fishing on your own is any fresh fish it is much easier to part with its scales than one that has already lain for some time.

So, when you return from fishing, immediately start cleaning the fish, or even better, clean it in general when the catch has just been removed from the water.

What kind of fish can not be cleaned?

This includes salmon, as well as tench, which is popular in many reservoirs. Someone, for example, does not clean the gobies, but fry them just like that. The scales from the catfish can also not be removed, they only scrape off the mucus from it.

There is another option for cleaning this fish, when they simply remove the skin from it, as they say, with a "stocking". To do this, simply make an incision around his head first.

We clean carp and other carp fish

- this is one of the most simple fish in terms of cleaning it from scales. The same can be said about the whole family..

If aYou literally just caught it, then the scales are removed from it very easily. You can even do it with your finger.

If the fish is small, sprinkle it with salt first, rub it with your hands, and then rinse it under running water. After these procedures, you can remove the scales from it without problems.

We clean and ruff

These two varieties river fish it is especially difficult to clean, because of the very small scales. There are, however, general rules, which will help you free both of these fish from scales.

First of all, cut off all the spiny fins from the fish, and then place it in cold water for a while.

It is very convenient to remove the scales from the fish, if you insert a stick into her mouth. At the same time, the stick should rest and go no further.

You can take a plank and pin the tail of the fish to it, then the whole carcass is simply pulled out until a "crunch" appears, while holding it by the eyes.

It is best to use a large knife to clean the fish. With it, peeling off the scales will be much easier and faster.

What can you use to remove the scales from a fish?

Cleaning a fish quickly is actually not difficult; for this, you can use various improvised items or simple tools.

For example, the simplest such device is a small wooden block, on which a piece of tin can is simply nailed (even a can lid will do) or aluminum.

In the tin, holes are first punched with a nail, on one side of which, sharp notches are sure to appear. They will help you remove the scales from the fish.

You can not use a wooden block at all, but simply punch through the bottom of a tin can. The effect will be the same.

Another option is to nail beer bottle caps to the plank with a sharp edge up. This device has been tested for a long time, cleansvery good.

If you are reluctant to bother with the manufacture of such home-made products, then you can use a simple metal fork.

Even the absence of a knife can be made up for if you put the fish in boiling water, which will later help you remove the scales even without a knife. But the plastic bag will not allow the scales to scatter around the kitchen at the time of cleaning.

Another inconvenience, when the fish simply slips out of the hands, can be neutralized if it is sprinkled with quite a bit of salt.

How to clean fish from scales. We look.

According to experts, a person should eat fish at least 4 times a month. These are the norms healthy eating, and this is due to the presence of phosphorus in fish, which is beneficial for the body. But housewives do not have a particular desire to cook such dishes, because they know that cleaning the carcass takes a lot of time, and flying scales will completely discourage all the zeal for cooking. Therefore, to simplify the task, you need to know what methods exist for cleaning fish from scales.

Standard cleaning

Everyone faces the common problem of cleaning fish using the wrong methods. You need to know that such a procedure has been carried out since ancient times and to this day. Many methods have been invented, and all the chefs agreed that the classic cleaning method is relevant and effective.

Classic technology

As a rule, it is better to clean the fish in fresh when it was recently caught or purchased from a store. Only after processing, the carcass is placed in a freezer for further storage. And it is better to do the work directly on the pond or in the yard. In this case, contamination of the kitchen with scales can be avoided. How to clean fish according to the classic method:

After the work done, the fish is washed again under running water.

Cutting in other ways

If you plan to fry the fish in pieces, it must be cut into even slices. The carcass is placed on a cutting board, and the tail and head are removed. Then, with a knife, make cuts on the side so that they are the same size, and then cut the product into pieces. First, in the cutting process, you will go through the pulp and encounter a strong spine. To overcome an obstacle, put one hand on the edge of the knife, and keep the other on the handle. Then, sharply and with effort, press on the handle of the tool and break the ridge of the fish, after which the remaining flesh is cut off.

To remove the fillet, do not gut the fish into pieces, as some housewives do. The product is placed on the workplace - a cutting board. Take the carcass by the tail and cut it in half lengthwise so that the knife blade passes near the spine. It will turn out two parts, on one there will be ribs, and on the second - ribs and a ridge. Now remove the bones by picking them out with a knife. The job is done, cut the finished sirloin into equal parts.

To prepare fish cutlets with bones, you will have to remove all the skin with scales. Only after that, place the product in a meat grinder and twist until fine minced meat is formed so that the bones are crushed as much as possible. But it is desirable to remove all the bones and leave only the pulp for future cutlets.

Cleaning popular fish species

The complexity of cleaning depends on the type of fish. For example, species such as goby and salmon are not cleaned of scales at all. This is due to the small size of the scales, which are also soft. Other specimens are subject to mandatory removal of the skin, for example: eel, catfish and burbot. It is necessary to cut the base of the head shallowly and use a knife to remove the skin. How to quickly clean fish from scales:

Sometimes, after processing river fish, an unpleasant odor cannot be completely eliminated. To do this, the carcasses are placed in a container with salted water for two hours. Then they are taken out of the water and processed lemon juice. This is the most common odor removal method.

Fast scale removal

There are many methods and devices for removing scales on fish. All methods differ in the way they work. It remains to choose the most suitable option, which will not only speed up the process, but also create comfortable conditions. How to quickly scale a fish:

These are the main quick cleaning methods that are considered the best. There are many other options that craftsmen from all over the world have come up with, but they are less popular.

Housewives often use a plastic bag, which prevents scales from scattering. They take a fish carcass and put it inside, then scrape off the scales. Waste stays right in the bag. This means that you do not have to collect fish particles throughout the room. How to clean fish from scales using proven tips:

Everyone can scrape off fish scales different ways using available material.

Possible consequences

Quite often, housewives neglect safety precautions and face various injuries. In this case, it is important to be extremely careful. On the surface, it seems that the process of removing scales is a harmless matter, but it is not:

Removing fish scales is a nuisance and is considered one of the dirtiest jobs in cooking. But with gaining experience and the right tool, the cleaning process will be reduced. In order not to harm yourself, follow safety precautions and take your time. Then the risk of injury will be significantly reduced.

How to scale a fish with a knife

A knife is the most common tool used to clean fish. It should be well sharpened, comfortable and small. It is best to start cleaning after you have caught it. First you need to remove all the fins with special scissors. It is necessary to start cleaning the fish from the tail and gradually approaching the head. Scales should be removed against their direction. Then gut the carcass and cut off the head.

If you have never cleaned a fish before, then it is better to do it with the blunt side of the knife. You can also use a regular fork.

How to clean fish from scales under water
Often all the scales fly in different directions during cleaning. To prevent this from happening, you need to draw water into a container and immerse the live bait in it, then nothing will fly apart. A rare scale will not be able to overcome water resistance and fly out. But with this method, you can cut yourself with a knife, so you need to prepare rubber gloves in advance. It is better to choose options with a ribbed inner surface, so the fish will not slip out.

You can also place the carcass in big package made of polyethylene and clean it without removing it. In this case, all the husk will remain inside the package.

How to clean fish from scales with a grater
Cleaning fish that has hard scales, such as ruff or perch, must be done with a special grater. At the same time, hold the carcass by the tail and make smooth and at the same time strong movements. The area near the tail is treated with a knife. This method allows you to clean and big fish. You can make a grater yourself. To do this, you need to nail tin beer caps to a wooden plank. Rub the fish starting from the tail and towards the head. Thus, the scales will easily move away and practically not scatter.

You can also build a fish scaler by nailing a piece of tin to a wooden bar, on which to make holes with a nail. A grater can be made from a can with holes.

How to clean fish from scales with boiling water
It is very easy to get rid of the husk with boiling water. This option is suitable for fish with hard scales. To do this, pour the carcass with boiling water. Then pull it out and put it under a stream of cold water.

You need to remove the scales starting from the tail and towards the head, so as not to damage the skin. The scales of the flounder can be removed along with the skin by making an incision in the tail area and sharply removing the skin.

Remember that you can’t keep the fish under boiling water for too long, because the scales can move away with the meat.

How to clean fish from scales quickly - freezing the carcass
To facilitate cleaning, you can leave the fish for 8 hours in the freezer. Then pull the carcass 2 hours before cleaning into the sink. During this period, the scales will thaw slightly, and the fish itself will remain frozen.

How to clean fish from scales quickly - gutting
After the scales are removed, you need to start gutting. To do this, cut the belly, remove the intestines and the rest of the insides. If the gallbladder is damaged, then these places need to be treated with salt. Remove black film. After all manipulations, the carcass must be thoroughly rinsed with water.

The above tips and tricks will help you cook quickly and easily. tasty dish from fish, and cleaning from scales will take a minimum of time and effort.

The perch has rather small scales that sit tightly in the skin. This type of fish is extremely difficult to clean. When cleaning, the scales can scatter in different directions, and after cooking, cleaning is required. However, experienced anglers and lovers of fish dishes know that cleaning a perch can be done quickly and easily.

The use of boiling water

Hot water can be used to clean the perch properly. The method is especially liked by people who love crispy skins. For many gourmets, this part of the fish is the most delicious and appetizing.

Perch cutting can be done in two ways:

  • The fish is placed in the sink for washing dishes, and then doused with boiling water.
  • The product is placed in a boiling pot of water for a few seconds, after which it is cleaned with a sharp knife or a special tool for cleaning fish.

After removing the fish from boiling water, be sure to cut off all the fins. It is best to use scissors for this purpose. Removing the fins will prevent cuts to the hands when cleaning the product. Perch can be cleaned with a special fish knife or an ordinary kitchen knife. Scales steamed with boiling water are removed much easier and practically does not scatter. After removing the skin, it is necessary to gut the fish, rip open its belly.

If it is supposed to fry a river perch with a head, it is worth removing the gills as well. You can cut off the whole head.

Cleaning in a minute

This option is considered optimal. It will help the hostess to easily clean the sea bass from the scales. However, this method has one significant drawback: the scales are removed along with the skin. Since most fish lovers prefer to eat fried product with crispy skins, this cleaning method is not suitable for them. Thus, cleaning can be completed in as little as 60 seconds.

You will need to do the following:

Cutting frozen fish

Sometimes it becomes necessary to clean the frozen sea bass. You can deal with this yourself at home.

Exists easy way processing of fish stored in the freezer.

When cleaning the product, the following steps must be followed:

  • Frozen perch must be removed from the upper back, the length of the piece is from head to tail. Fins should also be considered. The piece should be thin, cut it off very carefully. The movements in this case should resemble peeling potatoes. After that, you can cut off the abdomen.
  • The next step is trimming the tail of the perch.
  • Now the skin can be easily removed, starting from the head.
  • After removing the skin, you can move on to the head. The upper part of the catch is also cut off with a kitchen knife. Some housewives do not throw away the head, but cook fish broth from it.
  • The last step should be gutting the product. To do this, cut the abdomen and remove all the insides. With frozen fish, this is quite easy to do.

Using the methods of proper processing of the catch, each housewife can quickly clean the perch from scales at home.

The choice of cleaning method depends on personal preference. Sometimes the fish must be cleaned as soon as possible and sometimes ease of cleaning comes first.

What you need for cleaning and cutting fish

Many of us prefer to clean and butcher carcasses with a regular kitchen knife. But there are many cleaning methods that may require other tools:

  • sharp knife;
  • scaler;
  • grater;
  • chopsticks;
  • fork;
  • tablespoon;
  • fishing knife;
  • high pressure hose or karcher;
  • tin;
  • drill;
  • rubber gloves;
  • kitchen scissors.

How to properly clean a fish

Of course, cleaning river and sea fish are different. Mainly because of the size of the scales. The sea is cleaned easier and faster, as it is covered with small scales that quickly come off with physical impact. However, there are some rules you should know to make your job easier.

How to clear mucus

Some types of fish, before removing their scales, need to be cleaned of a layer of mucus. There are several options for solving this problem:

  • We lower the carcass for 15-20 seconds in very hot water. Mucus will come off during this time, and it will be possible to start cleaning.
  • The second method is also quite simple. Before cleaning, the product is rubbed with salt. The carcass stops slipping in the hands.
  • When fishing, you can use sand instead of salt. But this method is not very convenient, because it is difficult to wash the grains of sand from the meat well later.
  • For 3 l. dilute water 1 tbsp. l. table vinegar. We lower the carcasses into the solution for 1-2 minutes. Slime is easily removed.

It's time to catch eels. Caught, brought home. The fish is interesting, but how to clean it from mucus. They brought the fish, put it in a bowl or any other dish and sprinkled the fish with coarse salt at regular intervals. They let it stand for 20 minutes. Salt corrodes mucus. It remains to rub a little with the remaining salt and rinse with water.


I make it even easier. Right on fishing, roll the fish in dry sand, with one hand tightly hugged around the scruff of the neck, with the other you take it by the head and stretch it out. And so several times, it cleans great.


And you can also get rid of mucus, and not only on eels, but also on other fish, using an acetic solution.

The right way to scale

Before you start cleaning, fill the sink, basin or any other container with water. We lower the carcass into the water. This will avoid unnecessary cleaning: the scales will not scatter around the kitchen, but will settle in the liquid.

  1. We cut off the fins so as not to get hurt on them when cleaning.
  2. We firmly take the fish with one hand by the head.
  3. In the other hand we take a fish scaler.
  4. We begin to clean from the tail towards the head, prying the scales with a fish scaler.
  5. After cleaning, rinse the carcass under running water.

Instead of a fish scaler, you can use a fishing knife, a sharp kitchen knife, a tablespoon or a fork. This method is perfect for various types: river and sea. However, with larger individuals, you will have to make more efforts.

How to properly clean a fish

Cleaning the fast way

One of the most efficient and quick ways cleaning fish from scales, this is cleaning with a grater. For this method, we use a grater with 4 ribs, it is more convenient to use.

  1. Put the fish on the work surface and press it with your hand. If the fish is small, you can pierce the tail with a fork or awl, holding the tool and fixing the carcass.
  2. We take a grater. Cooking side vegetable puree(with sharp teeth), we clean the scales in the direction from the tail to the head.
  3. The scales at the base of the tail can be cleaned with the coarse side of the grater.
  4. Rinse the product under running water.

In nature, instead of a grater, you can use a tin can, breaking through the bottom with nails. In this way, pink salmon, chum salmon, pike perch and other species are cleaned. For individuals with hard scales, a large-mesh grater rib can be used.

How to quickly clean a fish with a grater

How to do it with ... a drill

Folk methods are often unusual, but nevertheless effective. We will tell you how to clean with a conventional drill:

  1. We prepare a clean container for fish.
  2. We put the drill on a stool and fix it with tape.
  3. We insert a drill with a diameter of 10 mm into the drill.
  4. We turn on the tool, setting the mode with a minimum number of revolutions.
  5. Next to the stool we put a trash can or a bag into which the scales will crumble.
  6. We take the carcass, holding it over the bucket, we substitute it under the drill.
  7. We clean the scales in this way in the direction from the tail to the head.

The drill removes scales from river and sea individuals. It does an excellent job with both small and large hard scales.

Cleaning video guide

Cleaning with KARCHER

This method of cleaning fish from scales is convenient in nature, in the country or in the courtyard of a private house:

  1. Put the fish on a working wooden surface.
  2. So that the carcass does not move under the pressure of water, we fix it with self-tapping screws, placing covers from plastic bottles under the screw cap. In this case, the cover acts as a washer, tightly pressing the tail to the board.
  3. We turn on the kercher.
  4. With a jet of water we knock down the scales in the direction from the tail to the head.

This method is convenient for cleaning large individuals. Small fish will not be able to withstand the pressure of water and will break off the latch.

Cleaning from scales with a karcher

How to clean frozen

Many experts advise to defrost the fish before removing the scales from it. But most often there is not enough time for defrosting. Is it possible to clean a carcass that has just been taken out of the freezer? It is possible, because frozen products are quite easy to clean from scales.

  1. Cut off the fins.
  2. We cut off a strip of skin along with scales along the back and abdomen.
  3. Cut off the tail.
  4. Pry off the skin with a knife at the base of the tail.
  5. With a knife, remove the skin along with the scales in the direction from the tail to the head.
  6. We cut off the head, cut open the abdomen with a knife and remove the frozen entrails.

The method is perfect for small fish weighing up to 1.5 kg. It is better to defrost carcasses weighing more than 1.5 kg so as not to get hurt when cleaning and cutting. This method is used when removing scales from river species: crucians, perches, breams and others, as well as from marine fish, including salmon.

Processing video for frozen fish products

Evenk way of cleaning

In the north, this method is used constantly, it is convenient and easy to use:

  1. Any sharp knife can be used.
  2. Holding the fish by the tail, we put it vertically, resting our heads on the work surface: board, stump, etc.
  3. We cut off the fins with sharp movements.
  4. Cut off the scales from the tail to the head in thin strips.

The method is interesting in that even when cleaning fish with small scales, only the scales are cut off, not the skin. She remains untouched. Thus, in the north, all types that have been frozen are cleaned.

Cleaning fish from scales in Evenki

How to cut a carcass

After cleaning from the scales, the fish must be butchered in order to proceed to the cooking stage.

  1. Pressing the carcass to the cutting board, we make an incision on the back at the base of the head. If we plan to cook fish without a head, we cut it off immediately.
  2. Then we make an incision along the ridge.
  3. We cut the abdomen along the entire length of the carcass.
  4. We extract the insides.
  5. Rinse under running water.
  6. Inserting the knife into the incision on the back, smoothly cut the fillet from the bones.
  7. Flip over to the other side. Cutting meat from bones will now be easier from the tail.
  8. Lay the halves on the board so that the skin is in contact with the work surface.
  9. Holding the knife at a 45 degree angle, pry off the skin at the base of the tail.
  10. Cut the fillet off the skin.
  11. Let's feel it. If left small bones, remove them with tweezers.

How to Gut with Chinese Chopsticks

This method of gutting fish is used when it is necessary to keep the carcass intact.

  1. On the abdomen at the caudal fin, we make a shallow transverse incision with kitchen scissors or a knife.
  2. Tear off the mouth of the fish, insert the stick inside, turning it over the gills.
  3. Having pressed the gills with a stick, we insert the stick deeper, thrusting it inside until the incision on the abdomen.
  4. We do the same with the second stick, on the other side of the carcass.
  5. Holding the carcass tightly, we bring the ends of the sticks together from the outside and begin to twist them.
  6. When scrolling the sticks, gradually pull them out of the carcass.
  7. We remove the insides along with the gills from it, rinse from the inside with water.

How to gut fish the Chinese way

How to cut fish in different ways

You can cut fish products in different ways. It depends on how we are going to cook them.

How to quickly fillet

To quickly and efficiently cut the fillet, we need a sharp knife.

  1. Put the fish on a cutting board.
  2. We cut off the head.
  3. We make an incision along the ridge along the back.
  4. Cut the carcass into halves, separating from the bones.
  5. We put half of the carcass on the board so that the meat is on top.
  6. Pry the skin with the tip of the knife, holding it with your fingers.
  7. We cut the fillet, holding the knife at an angle.

This method is also called "Finnish". For cutting, it is more convenient to use a knife with a long blade.

For portioned pieces - "rounds"

  1. After cleaning from scales, remove the remaining fins.
  2. We cut off the head.
  3. The skin and spine are not removed.
  4. We clean the insides through the hole formed after cutting off the head. You can use a tablespoon.
  5. We clean the carcass inside from the films. We do not cut the abdomen, leave it whole.
  6. We wash from the inside.
  7. Lightly discuss.
  8. We cut into portioned pieces - rings, or, as they are also called, "round".
  9. The thickness of the pieces varies from 1 to 2 cm.

For stuffing

Basically, the fish is stuffed either in portions or whole.

  1. When cleaning from scales, we try not to damage the skin.
  2. We make deep cuts on the back.
  3. We cut through the costal bones running along the ridge.
  4. We break the ridge at the tail and head, remove it from the carcass.
  5. Through the incision on the back, remove the insides.
  6. We wash from the inside.
  7. From the inside, cut out the meat and bones.
  8. We leave the meat on the skin with a thickness of 1/2 cm.
  9. Remove the gills and eyes from the head.
  10. We stuff.

Another way to cut fish

  1. We cut the skin around the head of the fish.
  2. We pry with the tip of a knife.
  3. We remove the skin "stocking" from the carcass.
  4. We cut the ridge at the tail.
  5. We wash the skin without separating it from the tail.
  6. We gut the carcass, wash it.
  7. Separate the bones.
  8. We use the meat as minced meat and stuff the removed skin.
  9. Tie with thread and cook.

For minced meat

  1. We cut the fish in the same way as for the fillet.
  2. Medium-sized bones are removed with tweezers.
  3. We scroll the meat through a manual meat grinder 2-3 times.
  4. Stew the minced meat for 1-2 minutes until the smallest bones that could get into the minced meat are completely softened.
  5. Mince is ready.

When using this method, a manual Soviet meat grinder is indicated. You can use other household appliances: a combine, a blender or an electric meat grinder. But a combine or an electric analogue of a meat grinder does not grind fish bones so finely, there is a high risk of injury after eating ready-made minced meat.

I often make cutlets from silver carp. I buy a whole silver carp, peel off the skin along with the scales, it shrinks like a stocking. I cut off the meat from the ridge, it turns out two fillets without large bones. I grind in a Soviet meat grinder, all the bones remain in the meat grinder, and already from minced meat I make delicious cutlets.


I made minced meat in a combine, it turned out to be airy, but the combine does not grind the bones, I once tried it.


Features of cleaning and cutting fish

  • When cleaning and cutting salmon: salmon, pink salmon, chum salmon, salmon, and others, you can not clean the scales, but cut the fillet from the skin.
  • Small perches can be scaled with your fingers. It is enough to scald the carcass with boiling water and remove the scales.
  • It is better not to peel off the scales from the flounder. We remove the skin in the direction from the tail to the head along with the scales. To do this, we make a small incision at the base of the tail and pry the skin.
  • When cleaning and cutting carp, it is very easy to get rid of small bones. We make frequent cross cuts. During cooking, small bones soften under the influence of high temperature.
  • Small bones from herring, trout, rudd, omul are removed with tweezers.
  • Small fish, such as capelin or sprat, are cooked whole. If we are still afraid that the bones will fall into the ear, you can boil it in a gauze bag.
  • When stuffing, the eyes and gills are necessarily removed from the head of the carcass.
  • If the gallbladder ruptured during gutting, wipe the place where the bile got into with salt.
  • For the preparation of minced meat, it is better to choose large fish: salmon, catfish, pike perch.

As we can see, it is not difficult to quickly clean and cut fish into fillets, minced meat or portioned pieces. The fish retains its structure and taste qualities with any method of cleaning and cutting. Now you can be sure that fish meals will please not only amazing taste, but beautiful appearance.

The classic way to clean fish

  1. In general, fish is easier to clean if it is fresh. Therefore, if your faithful came from fishing, it is better to clean the entire catch at once and only then place the fish in the freezer for storage. It is even better to clean the fish right next to the pond - this way the risk of dirtying the kitchen is minimal.
  2. If the fish is very slippery in your hands, sprinkle it with salt. This will make the cleaning process easier.
  3. Carefully cut off all fins except for the tail. Without a tail, it will be much more difficult to clean the fish. The fins are cut off in order not to get hurt - in some species of fish, these fins are quite sharp.
  4. The next step is to clean the fish from scales. To do this, take a large sharp knife. The larger the knife, the easier it is to clean. Place the fish on a cutting board, grasp the tail with one hand. With your other hand with a knife, remove the scales from the fish, swiping from the tail to the head, that is, against the location of the scales.
  5. If the scales are scattered all over the kitchen, you can draw some water into the sink and lower the fish into the water. Clean the scales under water so that they do not fly apart.
  6. When all the scales are off, rinse the fish with water. The next step is gutting. To do this, take a thin knife, which must be very sharp. Spread the belly of the fish from the head to the rear lower fin. Carefully take out the insides of the fish and try to peel off the thin film that covers the belly from the inside. When removing the entrails, be careful with the gallbladder of the fish - do not damage it. Otherwise, the fish may acquire an unpleasant bitter taste.
  7. When eviscerating, pay attention to the contents of the belly. Sometimes there may be caviar that should not be thrown away in any case.
  8. If by recipe it is planned to cook the whole fish (including the head), then you need to remove its gills.
  9. Do not forget to rinse the fish again after cleaning.
  10. If you are not going to bake the whole fish, but want to fry it in pieces, then it must be cut. First cut off the head and tail. The rest is cut into small pieces. Then the fleshy part of the fish is cut, then with a sharp blow of the knife it is necessary to break the spine of the fish at the place of the cut. Then the rest of the fish is cut.
  11. If you need a fish fillet, cut it across into pieces should not be. You need to take the fish by the tail and cut the flesh along the carcass with a sharp knife, as close as possible to the ridge. You will get two halves - on one spine and ribs, and on the second only ribs. After that, the ribs and large bones are easily removed. Then the fillet is cut into portions - into pieces of the desired size.
  12. If you are planning to cook fish cakes, along with the bones, you need to clean the fish from the skin.

After that, the fish can be sent to the pan, oven or pan.

How to clean different types of fish

Cleaning fish depends largely on its type. Some types of fish may not be cleaned at all, for example, salmon or goby. They are fried together with scales, because it is quite soft and small.

Other types of fish are cleaned by completely removing the skin from them, for example, catfish, burbot, eel. To do this, you need to make a small incision near the head of the fish and pull the skin off in one motion.

Some fish (for example, crucian carp) are cleaned very easily, with the help of fingers. To do this, you just need to thoroughly rinse the crucian with a stream of water. And if you sprinkle small fish of any kind with salt, the scales will move away without any problems.

Pike, perch and pike perch can be scalded with boiling water. To do this, clean fish must be lowered into boiling water for a while. Blanching time depends on the size and freshness of the fish and can vary from 30 seconds to three minutes. It is very important here not to overcook the carcass, otherwise the scales will go away along with the boiled meat.

If you decide to cook tench, then you must first thoroughly rinse it from mud and mucus. If this does not help, put the washed fish in the sink and pour boiling water over it. You will immediately see the mucus begin to curdle like egg white. After that, you just need to rinse the fish. Some believe that it is not necessary to remove the scales from the tench, they say, it is so thin that it simply dissolves in the ear. If the smallest particles bother you, you can dip the tench in boiling water for a minute and remove the scales along with the skin.

If river fish smell like mud, and you are afraid that after cooking the smell will remain, you need to leave the washed fish carcass in salt water for a couple of hours. And just before cooking, pour the fish with lemon juice. And then you will get only a pleasant appetizing aroma of cooked fish.

We have put together a few more tips for you to make cleaning fish really quick and comfortable.

  1. Some clean the fish with a grater. It is very convenient, besides, the scales do not fly off half a meter. Take an ordinary grater, and preferably a four-sided one - it is easier to hold it in your hands. Carefully drive the grater over the fish against the location of the scales.
  2. If the fish is not needed right now, it can be pre-salted. Just sprinkle the carcass with salt, place in a plastic container and leave in the refrigerator until morning. In the morning, the scales will come off along with the skin.
  3. Fish can also be frozen first. This will make the cleaning process easier. Leave the fish in the freezer for a day, and then take it out. After an hour, when the scales have already melted, and the fish itself will still be frozen, it will be very easy to clean it.
  4. Most cutlery sets have a special knife for cleaning fish. Its serrated edges do everything for you - cleaning fish in this way is a pleasure.
  5. In hardware stores today there are a huge number of newfangled devices for quickly and safely cleaning fish. This is a cutting board with a special clip that secures the tail of the fish. And a universal fish scaler, which is a plane with sharp notches.
  6. In field conditions, when there is no knife at hand, the fish can be easily cleaned with a metal spoon or fork.
  7. If with any type of cleaning the scales scatter throughout the kitchen, you can use a plastic bag. Put the fish in there and clean right in it. After that, the package can be thrown away along with the peeled off scales.
  8. In field conditions, you can attach the fish to the board for ease of cleaning using an ordinary nail or awl.
  9. To make it easier to clean fish of any kind, a stick or toothpick is inserted into its mouth so that the mouth of the fish is fully open.
  10. To make cleaning quick, pre-stretch the fish “to a crunch”. To do this, secure it with a nail or clip in the tail area, and with your other hand, pull the carcass by the eyes. After a characteristic crunch, it will be much easier to clean the fish.
  11. If there is nothing at hand that would help clean the fish, you can use a piece of tin, a small bar and a nail. Make holes in the tin with a nail so that all the notches look in the same direction. Nail the tin with the flat side to the bar and get a ready-made fish cleaning tool.
  12. Fish can be cleaned with a piece of wood and a few beer caps. Nail the lids to the wood so that the sharp part is facing out. The fish is cleaned with such a tool quickly, easily and efficiently.

Our simple tips help you do complex things easily.

Cleaning fish is a rather unpleasant task, perhaps one of the most unpleasant processes in all cooking. However, do not give up on delicious fish dishes because of this. Clean fish easily, quickly and comfortably!

Interesting ways to clean fish

Most fish are covered with scales, and pike and zander are the most difficult to get rid of. By following some tricks, the process of cleaning fish will not present any difficulties.

Method 1

  1. Lay the fish carcass on a work surface.
  2. Use scissors to cut off the fins, which can injure your fingers during the cleaning process.
  3. Dip the fish in a basin of water for a while and gently rinse it under running cold water.
  4. Put the carcass back on the work surface with the head towards you.
  5. Put on rubber gloves on your hands and arm yourself with a knife with a thin and sharp blade.
  6. Start the process from the side of the tail towards the head.
  7. Clean the carcass first on one side, and then on the other.
  8. Rinse the fish carcass again under running water and check for scales.
  9. If necessary, repeat the cleaning process again.
  10. Gut the cleaned fish and rinse under the tap.

A similar kind of method that will allow you to get rid of fish scales without much difficulty is to clean the fish directly in a bowl of water. All manipulations should be performed in the same order as described above.

To prevent fish scales from flying around the kitchen, experts recommend cleaning fish in a plastic bag. To do this, rinse the carcass of the fish, cut off the fins and put it in a plastic bag with the tail out. With the tip of a knife, remove the scales towards the head. Thus, all the scales will remain right in the bag.

Method 2

  1. Prepare a sharp knife with a thin blade.
  2. Lay the washed fish on a stable surface.
  3. Make an incision near the tail.
  4. With the tip of a knife, gently lift the skin along with the scales - a pocket is formed.
  5. Slowly moving towards the head of the fish, expand the pocket by carefully cutting the skin with a knife inside.

Homemade cleaning tool

You can make a special device for cleaning scales yourself, at home.

Option 1

You will need to prepare:

  1. Corks with glass bottle- 3 pcs.
  2. Self-tapping screws - 3 pcs.
  3. Wooden base (handle from a paint brush).

Using an awl, make a hole in each of the plugs. Then, attach the covers to the edge of the wooden base and screw each of them with self-tapping screws. With this device, you can easily clean the scales.

Option 2

  1. wooden board
  2. Nails - 2 pcs.
  3. Mini high pressure car wash.

With such a device, cleaning fish will not take more than 2 minutes.

Lay the fish on a board and nail it with two nails - drive one nail into the ridge near the tail, the other in the head area. The pressure of water to move towards the head. As a result, only a smooth sirloin on the ridge will remain.

This method is suitable for those who are fishing away from home and can't wait to try fresh fish soup.

Salty fish

Herring fish is a delicious product that no one can refuse. To save themselves the unpleasant cleaning process, many people buy ready-made sirloins in packages. However, by preparing herring at home on your own, you can get more delicious product. But first of all, the selenium fish must be cleaned, and in some cases gutted.

  1. Remove the fish from the brine and cut off the fins with scissors.
  2. Make an incision in the skin along the back of the fish with a sharp short knife.
  3. Make the same incision around the head.
  4. Carefully separate the skin in the head area and remove it with a stocking towards the tail.
  5. Use kitchen scissors to rip open the belly of the fish and pull out the caviar or milk.
  6. Then remove the bladder and intestines with your hands.
  7. Clean the fish inside from the black film and rinse under the tap.

Now you can start cooking herring at home. First, release the sirloin from the ridge and cut into portions. Then follow the recipe for cooking herring.

Cleaning fish scales is not the most pleasant process. The methods described above will allow you to cope with this, at first glance, a difficult task without much difficulty.

We remove the scales in various ways

Perhaps this is one of the most unpleasant moments, because the fish will strive to slip out of your hands, and the scales can scatter all over the kitchen. To prevent the fish from slipping, you need to thoroughly rinse it under cold water. They clean from head to tail, then the scales are better separated.

Scales from fresh fish are much easier to clean, so, if possible, fish should be cleaned right after the catch. But most housewives still deal with frozen or chilled fish therefore, the most important thing is to figure out how to clean fish from scales at home. There are a few tricks that will help you cope with this task easily:

  • You can clean it in a plastic bag, then all the scales will remain inside it.
  • Place the fish in a container with cold water - then the hands are under water and the scales do not scatter.
  • Pour boiling water over the fish, if the scales do not leave at all, for 10-15 seconds.
  • Salt the small fish well and rub it with your hands for a longer time, then it remains only to rinse it in cold water.

Anyone who knows how to clean fish well puts a stick into her mouth all the way - it's much more convenient.

Instead of a knife, many people use various devices. You can make a fish scaler by nailing 2-3 beer caps to the plank. The same effect will be obtained if a plate of tin with holes punched by a nail is nailed to a wooden block (so that there are sharp jagged edges). Even a simple tin can with holes in the bottom can be a handy fish scaler. Yes, and in the hardware store there are many special knives for cleaning fish, but experienced housewives will say that the most reliable thing is an ordinary large knife.

By the way! So that when cleaning your hands do not slip, you need to rub the fish with coarse salt. True, then there should not be wounds on the hands (it will hurt if you do not use gloves).

River fish cleaning

Most often, amateur fishermen catch fish in rivers. So, first of all, you need to know how to clean river fish. In some cases, cleaning is not required, for example, without removing the scales, you can prepare snacks from:

  • perch
  • salmon
  • goby
  • burbot

Really, delicious ear obtained from perch or small bream directly in the skin. In this case, the broth can be filtered from the scales and the fish soup can be boiled further in it, and the fish can be peeled and served separately with herbs.

They also do not clean salmon, gobies for frying or scrambled eggs, and scales can be removed from crucian carp even with your fingers. But with catfish and burbot, the scales are not removed at all (they only carefully clean off the mucus), or they are removed together with the skin, as they say, with a stocking. To do this, make an incision near the head and remove down to the tail.

Perch deserves special attention, because it is he who is most often caught. This fish is loved for its taste and the ability to cook different ways. In summer, near the river, the catch can be immediately smoked, just by washing in clean cold water. The smoked skin is easily separated along with the scales, and under it a wonderful taste and aroma is preserved. If you need to clean perches for frying or baking at home, then there is a great way that can be called folk

  • cut off the prickly fins of the perch with scissors;
  • put the fish on a cutting board and clean the insides from the abdomen;
  • we take the most ordinary metal tetrahedral grater (preferably the old one, from Soviet times, if preserved) and carefully clean the side where there are holes with notches.

The quality of cleaning in this way will be much higher than when working with a knife, and the scales will almost not scatter around the kitchen. And so that the fish does not crawl on the board, you need to hold it tightly with a fork by the tail. This method is most conveniently performed in pairs.

Special attention: tench!

Tench, a fish found in lakes or other bodies of water where there is no strong current, has become more and more widespread in recent years. Distributed in the European part of Russia, but occasionally found even in Lake Baikal.

The taste qualities of this fish, as well as fats and proteins, in in large numbers contained in tench meat, attract more and more housewives who want to pamper their loved ones with something new instead of bored greenlings or pink salmon, which are sold in abundance in the fish departments. If you have difficulty with how to clean, know tench fish requires the following steps:

  1. Rinse thoroughly under running cold water to remove mucus and mud, and leave in the sink.
  2. Pour boiling water on top to curdle the mucus, like egg white. And then rinse with cold water.
  3. Many argue that it is not necessary to clean the scales, because after cooking, especially when baking or smoking, it seems to dissolve. If you feel the need to remove the scales, then you need to hold the fish for 20 seconds in hot water, and then scrape off the scales with the blunt side of the knife in cold water. When cutting out the intestines, it is important not to damage the gallbladder, otherwise the fish will turn out bitter. Since they cook with the head, it is also better not to leave the gills.

By the way! If you feel a strong smell of mud, you can get rid of it by thoroughly washing the tench in a strong saline solution, and watering it with lemon juice before cooking.

Instead of an afterword

Over time, any hostess will adapt to a particular fish. And if the husband often fishes, then the wife will have to master the recipes for cooking pike perch, crucian carp, pike, and perch and bream for sure. Sooner or later you will understand how to properly clean fish, and fish dishes are much healthier for men than chicken, stuffed with antibiotics and containing hormones. Therefore, for men after forty, fish is preferable. Yes, and they begin to fish more actively at this time: the children have already grown up, it’s not respectable to go to parties and parties, so the main male hobby remains - fishing.

Women are also encouraged to eat fish in order to maintain harmony or at least a constant weight. In addition, there are many recipes for fish dishes that will decorate any festive table. After all, it used to be a real decoration royal table dish with baked sturgeon! Many peoples even have customs associated with fish. For example, on Catholic Christmas it is customary to bake carp with a lemon in its belly. Since carp have very large scales, such fish are cleaned from the tail, and it is customary to carry carp scales in your wallet all next year so that you always have money.

This article is devoted to cleaning river fish (in general, the cleaning scheme is the same for all fish found in freshwater bodies of Russia). Having mastered the technique on carp, perch, pike, roach and bream, which is often found in central Russia, experience can be easily extended to both sea ​​fish(trout, salmon, dorado, sea bass) and options common in stores (carp, silver carp, grass carp). In general, it does not matter which fish to clean - the principle and sequence of actions will be the same.

1. For clarity, let's take the most common medium-sized crucian carp in reservoirs.

2. Cleaning live fish is not humane and not convenient, so the first thing to do is to kill it. To do this, either leave it in the air for a while until she falls asleep or hit her on the head, for example with a knife handle.

3. Next, you need to actually clean the scales. The scales begin to move away from the tail of the fish and end up towards the head. For this operation, a small knife is best suited, and its sharpness does not matter, even a blunt one is preferable, since it cannot be cut. But you should only think about a separate cleaning knife if you need to clean a lot of fish. First, one side of the fish is cleaned of scales, then the other. Also, do not forget about the abdomen - there is a particularly tough and durable scales that are the hardest to clean.

4. After removing the scales, the eyes can be removed from the fish, the key point is that it is not necessary to remove the eyes, they are edible and almost do not differ in taste from the rest of the fish, but there are people whom they embarrass on a plate, so they are removed. This is done with the sharp tip of a knife.

5. Now the most crucial moment (perhaps the only point if you make a mistake in which you can spoil it). The belly of the fish must be cut and this must be done so that the knife is parallel to the fish and in no case is directed with a sharp tip inward. So it is necessary to cut from the head to the ventral fins. This is where the gallbladder is located.

7. All intestines and swim bladder from the belly of the fish must be removed. If there is, you can leave caviar or milk separately, but this is for fish caught from late August to May.

8. When removing the intestines, you should be careful and in no case damage the gallbladder. If you pierce it and the bile spreads over the fish, then it is easier to throw it away than to continue cleaning and cooking - the taste will be bitter and nasty.

9. Nothing should remain in the belly of the fish after cleaning. If the fish had caviar or milk, they can be put back in the belly and cooked like that.

10. The last thing to do with the fish before transferring it to the kitchen for further cooking is to remove the gills. To do this, you need to cut the jumper from below with a knife between the head and the rest of the body of the fish.

11. The gills are quite simply removed, the main thing is to pick them up with a knife and just pull them out.

12. That's all, the fish (crucian carp) is cleaned. After cleaning and before cooking, it is advisable to rinse the fish in clean water. It took 7 minutes to clean this one, taking into account photography. If you are not distracted, then it takes 2-3 minutes for one medium-sized carp. Larger fish turn out to be cleaned more slowly, since the scales are removed more and it is not convenient to hold.