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How to eat fresh figs. How to eat dried figs (figs)

Figs are an amazing exotic fruit that people have been eating since ancient times. Many people, when faced with these amazing fruits for the first time, ask themselves questions - what is a fig, how to eat this fruit?

Fig is calling card mediterranean cuisine. In the countries of the Mediterranean region, you can always see these unusual berries or fruits on the tables. Figs do not need special preparation. The berries are served whole, you can serve beautifully cut into two or four parts. As a dessert, figs are served with cream, sour cream, syrups and liquors. Figs will always be fragrant if, before serving, hold them a little in the sun.

A unique fig berry - as it is eaten fresh, in the form of desserts, it can also be served with meat dishes, as a sauce and filling. Figs can also be served as an independent dish - stuffed with sweet sour cream sauce with nuts.

How to eat fresh figs, everyone decides for himself. This berry can be eaten whole with the skin, you can remove the skin and eat only the pulp. The berry should be clean and dry - if the fig is being prepared for serving, it must be washed and allowed to dry for a few minutes.

How do they eat fresh figs served on the festive table? The berries are cut into beautiful slices, whipped cream or sour cream sauce, prick with a dessert fork or wooden skewers and dip into the sauce. Whole berries can be eaten with your hands or cut with a knife.

There is no special rule how to eat figs. Do they eat fig peel - of course they do. An exceptional case is if figs are given little child- the pulp is separated for it, since the skin for the child will be a little harsh. Figs are eaten with skins, if the berry has just been plucked from a tree, you can also serve with skins to the table, after washing the berries. Most often, when buying dried figs, the berry is eaten with the peel, as it is dried in this form.

How to eat fresh figs if you follow a diet? A fresh berry is quite low in calories and you can eat it in any quantity, but you need to remember that figs are considered a wine berry. Each berry contains up to two percent alcohol, so when driving a car, it is better not to abuse figs.

How to eat raw figs - with sauce, liquor or just whole, it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that the berry is slightly heated in the sun, only then you can feel all the extraordinary taste and aroma of this berry.

Many pregnant women, knowing about the presence of alcohol in the berry, avoid using it, taking care of the health of the unborn baby. The nutrition of pregnant women should be well balanced and high in calories. Is it possible for pregnant women to eat figs, every gynecologist will answer - not only possible, but also necessary. The dietary fiber that this amazing berry contains is simply necessary for a future mother. Figs - very sweet berry, which contains a large number of sugar, so the only category of women who are not recommended to eat this berry are patients with gestational diabetes. Such women before using this berry, you need to consult a doctor.

Fig - fig - fig tree. This berry, which is mentioned in the most ancient scriptures - the Bible, the Talmud and the Koran. All religions have described the miraculous properties of this extraordinary berry. Do not deny yourself the pleasure, enjoy this unique taste.

The inhabitants of the planet have known about the value of figs for a long time. Figa (one of the names of the fruit) has a large number of varieties that differ in shape, color, taste and ripening time. In this regard, many are interested in how to eat figs. Usually, berries are eaten fresh or as dried fruits, but with no less success they are frozen, baked, boiled compote, jam or used in baking.

In what form and how to eat figs?

Fig fruits are green, yellow, brown or dark blue, reminiscent of a plum. Dark berries are much sweeter than light ones. The taste of fresh figs is light, sweetish, without sourness, and you can fully feel it when consumed fresh. True, it is difficult to find a “primordial” product in stores and on market stalls. A ripe berry is soft and tender, which makes it very difficult to transport it. But far from maturity, figs are not worth buying: they are unable to “reach condition” on their own, like other types of fruits.

People who have recently discovered this delicacy want to know how to eat figs with a peel. Indeed, the whole fruit is edible. You should not only give the skin to young children and eat too rough a shell. In other cases, the fresh fruit must be carefully washed in warm water. It is recommended to store the figs in a cool place for about an hour before cutting them.

Fresh fruit at room temperature remains edible for about a day. It is best to put it in the refrigerator - there it will retain its original appearance and taste longer (up to 3 days).

In addition, the berry can be frozen and stored for about 12 months. For this purpose, it is better to choose dark varieties. The frozen product is used for baking, jam, compotes.

Dried figs can be doused with boiling water before eating to kill germs. Some varieties, even when “dehydrated”, are quite juicy, while others should be held over steam or soaked in boiling water. Such a product can be eaten without anything, sent to pies or muffins, stewed with fennel and anise. And if you add spices, dried apricots, apples and figs to the water and cook it all for about 15 minutes, you will get a very tasty compote.

Figs: benefits and harms to the body

Figs have great nutritional value. Protein, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium - this is not a complete list of all the useful components of the product. By the amount of iron, the fig is ahead of the apple, and by the content of potassium it is second only to nuts. There is quite a lot of copper in fig fruits - one of the main trace elements that is found in the human liver and muscles, affects the production of elastin and collagen. It is no coincidence that figs are popular as an element of a healthy, proper diet.

AT traditional medicine it also found wide application. The fruits help to set up the proper functioning of the stomach, have a beneficial effect on the state of the entire human circulatory system. Figs for women are extremely useful. The folic acid it contains is especially necessary for the fairer sex before conception and during the first 3 months of pregnancy. But, if a woman gains weight too quickly during this period, suffers from kidney disease or gestational diabetes, she should refuse the product.

Scientific studies show that figs are very important for women who are going through menopause. Daily intake of the product prevents breast cancer. This is all thanks to the significant levels of antioxidants, which is another benefit of eating figs.

Dried fruits almost do not differ in value from fresh berries. The process of evaporation of water occurs naturally, which helps to maximize the benefits of figs. Huge spectrum positive properties have yellow-green berries. An important quality of the product is the ability to quickly saturate it, since dried figs contain a large amount of fiber.

However, dried figs have high sugar levels, so people with various types of diabetes should avoid them. In addition, doctors do not advise using it in large quantities with the problem of excess weight, since the fig is quite high in calories. Figs are forbidden to use in acute gastritis and people with kidney disease.

How to choose the right fig?

So that you can safely eat berries in any form and get benefits, you need to buy quality product. Here are the characteristics of good fresh figs:

  • it should be slightly soft, but keep its shape steadily and not spread in the hands;
  • the skin must be smooth and without cracks, but small scratches are not considered a fault;
  • the smell of ripe fruits is pleasant and sweetish; sour indicates the beginning of the fermentation process;
  • a large number of seeds, as a rule, indicates excellent taste.

dried figs premium has a nice light brown color. All berries are even, regular, slightly flattened and relatively soft to the touch. White bloom on fruits is an indicator of high sugar content. In order not to run into low-quality figs, you need to feel it. Rough and dry fruits are likely to have expired. In addition, such berries have an unpleasant sour taste.

Foods that go well with figs

How to eat figs in combination with other products so that its taste gets a new sound? Here are some good ways.

  • First of all, pieces of this berry serve additional ingredient fruit and vegetable salads. Dishes can be seasoned with sour cream, yogurt or lemon juice.
  • Ham, cheese, herbs and figs - light and nutritious dish on every day.
  • Pieces of dried fruit are added to tea.
  • A nutritious breakfast will be a mix of cottage cheese, figs and honey.
  • Oatmeal lovers in the face of figs get a nice addition to it. Dried fruits for this dish should be soaked before using.
  • Despite the sweetness, figs go well with meat and poultry dishes. Before the end of frying the meat, the dried berries are added in pieces, they are all fried together and served.
  • An amazing taste is obtained by combining goat cheese and figs. These ingredients can be made light salad, bake them together in the oven or microwave.

Fig fruits are rich in useful qualities. They are rich in vitamins and microelements, are used in folk medicine, can be the highlight of many dishes. But, like any product, berries have their contraindications. Therefore, before starting their active use, you should familiarize yourself with some restrictions or consult a doctor.

calories and chemical composition dried figs. What kind useful material contained in the product, are there any contraindications for its consumption. Ways to cook dishes with a fig tree. Interesting Facts about the fruits of the ancient tree.

The content of the article:

Dried figs are the fruits of the dried fig tree, which is also called fig, fig, fig, fig, fig. They refer this product to dried fruits and consider it one of the most popular in our region, along with dried apricots, raisins and dates. Fig trees are widely cultivated in Asia Minor and Central Asia, the Caucasus, the Carpathians and the Crimea. They are widespread in the Mediterranean, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Krasnodar Territory and Abkhazia. Grow to a height of 10 meters, live up to 200 years. There are several varieties of figs. For the preparation of dried fruits, mainly light varieties are used, with a fruit weight of 50-70 g. They are used in cooking, cosmetic purposes, and traditional medicine.

Composition and calorie content of dried figs

A large number of nutrients has made dried fruit one of the favorite products of adherents of a healthy lifestyle.

Calorie content of dried figs - 257 kcal per 100 g of product, of which:

  • Proteins - 3.1 g;
  • Fats - 0.8 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 57.9 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 18.2 g;
  • Water - 16 g.
Minerals per 100 g:
  • Potassium - 710 mg;
  • Calcium - 144 mg;
  • Magnesium - 59 mg;
  • Sodium - 11 mg;
  • Phosphorus - 68 mg;
  • Iron - 0.3 mg
Vitamin composition of dried figs per 100 g:
  • Vitamin A - 13 mcg;
  • Beta-carotene - 0.078 mg;
  • Vitamin B1 - 0.07 mg;
  • Vitamin B2 - 0.09 mg;
  • Vitamin E - 0.3 mg;
  • Vitamin PP, NE - 1.2 mg.
The special value and benefits of dried figs are in the significant content of macro- and microelements:
  • Thanks to potassium, the water balance in the human body is maintained, the heart rate is normalized, and beneficial elements are retained in the musculoskeletal structure.
  • Calcium makes bones and teeth strong, accelerates metabolic processes normalizes the production of insulin.
  • Magnesium removes heavy metals from the body, has an anticonvulsant effect due to the normalization of the nervous system, support for the cardiovascular and endocrine systems.
  • Sodium is one of the main components for the normalization of water-salt metabolism. Activates the secretion of enzymes by the salivary and pancreas. Helps produce gastric juice. Supports acid-base balance. Has a vasodilating effect.
  • Phosphorus is needed for normal growth of bones and teeth. Participates in protein synthesis, helps the metabolism of fats, proteins, carbohydrates. Needed for growth and recovery of the body. Improves metabolism, helps cell division. Coordinates acid-base balance.
  • Iron is involved in the formation of hemoglobin, supports the immune system, protecting the body from bacteria. Synthesizes thyroid hormones. Helps with the absorption of B vitamins.
AT vitamin composition the most important place is occupied by vitamin PP. Nicotinic acid is the main element, without which redox processes do not proceed correctly, which jeopardizes the cardiovascular and digestive systems. In addition, this particular vitamin is a key component in the formation of such hormones as thyroxine, insulin, testosterone, progesterone, estrogen.

Useful properties of dried figs

Due to the low calorie content, low fat content, but at the same time, the rich composition of micro and macro elements, dried fruit is considered an excellent product for those who care about their own health.

Regular consumption of figs in food will allow:

  1. Improve intestinal peristalsis. This is an excellent remedy for those who suffer from constipation. Just one fruit of dried figs on an empty stomach, and you will forever forget about unpleasant sensations, and at the same time get the prevention of hemorrhoids, cystic formations and the development of tumors - both benign and malignant.
  2. Raise hemoglobin levels. Speaking of foods that can prevent anemia, we most often refer to the liver, beef, yolk chicken eggs and buckwheat. But we offend dried figs completely undeservedly. It is able to seriously increase the level of hemoglobin, while bringing a pleasant variety to our diet.
  3. Support the cardiovascular system. This effect is achieved due to a significant reduction in cholesterol, vasodilation, and improvement in their elasticity. As a result of these processes, you get the prevention of heart attacks and strokes, the normalization of blood pressure.
  4. Discharge the nervous system. Stabilization of the functioning of the central nervous system through streamlining the work of nerve endings helps to achieve a good anticonvulsant effect, cope with stress, depression, migraines, neurological tics, minimal brain dysfunction, hyperexcitability.
  5. Get rid of toxins. The antioxidants contained in dried figs destroy harmful substances and fight the negative effects of free radicals. It is important for the functioning of many organs, especially the liver.
  6. Reduce body weight. Improving intestinal motility, removing toxins and normalizing work digestive system steadily lead to weight loss. Moreover, this happens with health benefits, which makes losing weight not fast, but the effect persists for a long period.
  7. Recover. Dried fruits are a fairly common recommendation for those who restore the body after a long illness, fatigue, loss of strength. And dried figs in this context are mentioned especially often. It relieves fatigue, increases efficiency, improves brain activity. Since it has expectorant characteristics, eating it will help speed up recovery after a cold, bronchitis, tracheitis.
  8. Remove small stones from the kidneys and bladder. This useful property is attributed to all products that have a diuretic effect. And dried figs are no exception. Due to the natural removal of excess water from the body, it cleanses the kidneys and bladder from sand and small stones, while not washing away useful substances from bones and muscle tissues.
  9. Prevent bile stasis. The choleretic properties of dried fruits will cope with this. They will help prevent stagnation of bile, which are formed in the ducts with improper and irregular nutrition. This is the best prevention of gallstone formation.

Contraindications and harm of dried fig tree

Despite the positive effect in recovery from the regular use of the product, there are also negative aspects that are better to be aware of. Dried figs can sometimes be harmful, so you should be careful about eating them if you:
  • prone to flatulence. The ability to cause excess gas can be uncomfortable for those suffering from diarrhea and bloating.
  • Suffering from diabetes. Since figs can significantly affect blood sugar and insulin production, those who suffer from this disease need to be on the alert.
  • Suffering from gout and pancreatitis. Metabolic disorders and inflammation of the pancreas are direct contraindications to the use of dried fruit.
  • Have hard gallstones. Due to the choleretic effect, figs will remove small stones, but large ones can get stuck in the ducts, then they will have to be removed surgically.
  • Prone to food allergies. In this case, you need to start by eating a small amount of dried fruits, and only if the allergy does not manifest itself, you can introduce them into a permanent diet.

How to choose dried figs

When choosing a dried fruit, you should be guided by the following rules:
  1. The product should be of medium dryness. Too dry fruits may indicate a violation of the cooking technology or that they are very old. On the contrary, soft figs indicate an insufficient degree of drying, which can cause it to ferment and rot.
  2. Dried fruits should be about the same size. This indicates the correct selection of fruits during drying.
  3. The color of the fig should be uniform. Or yellow-golden, if light varieties were taken, or brown, if a dark variety was dried. Light spots on dark and, conversely, dark spots on light figs indicate that rotten fruits were processed.
  4. Regardless of the variety, dried figs are a sweet product, and the presence of sourness indicates spoilage of the product.
Since dried fruit is very fond of all kinds of pests, you need to know how to store dried figs. It should be kept in a sealed container. For storage up to six months the best place- vegetable compartment of the refrigerator, a dry dark place is enough for storage for up to a week. If you want to keep it for up to a year, you can freeze it. At the same time, it will practically not change the taste after defrosting, but the useful substances in it, of course, will decrease.

How to eat dried figs

Excellent gastronomic features determine the great respect for this type of dried fruit. Dried figs are most often eaten on their own as a dessert.

It must be washed before use, as it is often contaminated during transportation. You can do this in running water with a brush or by soaking it in warm water and then draining it.

Since figs, as already described above, have a gaseous property, it is not recommended to consume it immediately after a meal. Do it in between, leaving it for snacks - it will perfectly fill you with energy, satisfy your gastronomic needs and charge good mood.

Also, the product is used in cooking for the preparation of complex desserts, side dishes, snacks and meat. It is especially tasty with honey and cheese. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the recipes for some dishes with dried figs below.

How to prepare dried figs

It is no secret that the largest number of useful components and the best taste qualities in any product are available immediately after preparation. This means that the longer it is stored, the less useful and taste it has. Therefore, many people prefer to cook dried fruits on their own. It's easy to do.

There are three main recipes for drying figs:

  • Under the sun. To do this, you need to take the fruits, spread them under the sun on prepared clean surfaces, cover with thin gauze (from flies and other insects) and dry for 3-4 days, periodically turning over. At night they need to be taken indoors.
  • In the oven. Cut the figs in half and arrange on a wire rack or perforated baking sheet. Preheat the oven to 60°C and place the fruit in there for 8-10 hours. Leave the door ajar, turn them over periodically.
  • in the dryer. Modern devices for preparing dried fruits allow you to cope with this process in 5-6 hours. It is only necessary to cut the figs into halves, load them into the electric dryer and set the appropriate program. The device will do the rest by itself - there is no need to monitor the product and turn it over.

Dried Fig Tree Recipes

The use of this dried fruit in dishes is a sign of haute cuisine. The ability of housewives to subtly introduce it into hot and meat dishes, salads and snacks indicates a certain status of a culinary specialist. If you want to please yourself or treat your friends with delicate and unusual dishes, be sure to take note following recipes with dried figs:
  1. Tagine with lamb. Take 1 kg lamb, wash, dry, cut large pieces. Cut 2 large onions into half rings, put the meat in a large saucepan. Add 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1 teaspoon turmeric, 1 dessert spoon salt and pepper mixture to taste, mix well. Pour lamb with water so that it barely covers the meat, simmer over low heat for 1 hour. Add 300 g of dry figs and 2 tablespoons of honey, simmer until the liquid has evaporated. Toast the crushed walnuts over moderate heat. Add to them a couple of cloves of garlic passed through a press and 100 ml tomato juice, steam over the fire, season the meat with this sauce, mix well. Simmer for another minute, turn off, let it brew for 20 minutes. Serve with chopped parsley or cilantro.
  2. Vegetarian pilaf. Take 600 g long parboiled rice. Rinse, put in a colander. Pour 50 ml into a heavy-bottomed pot vegetable oil, send there 1 large onion cut into half rings and 1 large carrot cut into cubes. Fry until half cooked over high heat, stirring constantly. Pour rice into the pot, pour boiling water over it so that the water is 1 cm above the level of the cereal. Add 1 teaspoon of turmeric, a pinch of salt and ground pepper, 100 g finely chopped dried figs. Simmer for 40 minutes over low heat.
  3. Salad with bacon and cheese. Put 2 large strips of bacon on a hot frying pan, melt the fat, fry until crispy, put on a paper towel, let cool. Put on a plate 100 g of a mixture of lettuce leaves, cut into medium-sized pieces. Cut 1 red onion into thin half rings. Top with 50 g of finely chopped pieces of dried figs steamed in a water bath, a handful of pine nuts, strips of bacon. In a bowl, mix 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar, a pinch of salt, pepper and oregano, 1 teaspoon of mustard seeds. Drizzle dressing over salad; top with shredded goat cheese.
  4. Figs with mascarpone. Take 300 g of dried fruit, rinse, cut off the stalks. Mix 1 glass of dry red wine, 100 g of sugar and 20 ml of balsamic vinegar, cook over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Send figs there, let boil for 5-7 minutes. Transfer the contents to a baking dish, sprinkle with crushed nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds), send to the oven, preheated to 180 ° C, for 30 minutes. When the figs have softened, place a ball of creamy mascarpone on each rosette and bake for another 3-5 minutes. Serve chilled.
  5. Cookies with nuts and dried fruits. Grind 200 g of almonds or cashews into flour. Add a pinch of salt, cinnamon, 2 tablespoons of maple syrup or honey, knead the dough. Roll out the cake into a thin sheet - 1-2 mm. Grind the figs in a blender to a paste. If it is very dry, you can add a spoonful of warm boiled water. Form cookies with cookie cutters, put a spoonful of fig paste on it, cover with another cookie on top. Bake in an oven preheated to 180°C for 10-15 minutes.

Drinks made from dried fruits have a spicy taste and a large set of useful elements:

  • Compote with spices. Bring 3 liters of water to a boil in a large saucepan. Throw in boiling water 200 g of pitted prunes, 200 g of dried apricots, 100 g of raisins and 100 g of dried figs. All dried fruits must be thoroughly washed before being sent to the pan. Add 5 pcs. dry cloves and 2 cinnamon sticks. Bring dried fruit to a boil, meanwhile dice 2 apples and 1 orange and 1 lemon each. Send to boiling water and boil for 3-5 minutes. Turn off and let sit overnight. Serve chilled.
  • Vitamin Smoothie. The recipe for this cocktail is very simple, and its benefits are enormous. Take 200 g of low-fat live yogurt, mix with 1 tablespoon of honey, 100 g of any fresh or frozen berries and 100 g of finely chopped figs. Combine all ingredients in a blender. Drink immediately after preparation.
  • Alcoholic cocktail. To create an excellent basis for alcoholic cocktails take 500 g of dried figs, rinse it well, pour 2 liters of boiling water, simmer for 30 minutes. Add the zest of 2 large oranges to the bowl, bring to a boil, turn off, let it brew for 30 minutes. Then squeeze the orange juice and send it to the drink along with the cake, leave to cool completely. Send overnight in the refrigerator. Strain, add fresh mint leaves and an alcoholic component - vodka, vermouth, red or white wine - whichever you prefer. Pairs well with champagne. If you like light cocktails, dilute an additional concentrate of carbonated mineral water, if you like it stronger - mix it with alcohol in its pure form.

Fig trees are considered one of the most ancient fruit crops. It was cultivated in Arabia, then in Syria and Egypt.

This plant is mentioned in the Bible, because Adam and Eve were covered with fig leaves to hide their nakedness. Moreover, there is an opinion that it was the figs that were the forbidden fruit that the couple ate, and apples in this context were mentioned only to make the story clearer and closer to a large number of people.

But then it was about raw fruits, and later dried figs were mentioned in the sources. For example, Alexander the Great respected the dried fig very much, always carrying dried fruits in large quantities to battles, as they helped restore strength, gave energy and increased immunity.

A special place in the first-aid kit was occupied by dried figs and the famous doctor Avicena. He used it as an antitussive and as a preventative for constipation, skin diseases, and digestive problems.

Watch a video about dried figs:

As you can see beneficial features dried figs were appreciated long before we were born. Therefore, do not neglect this experience - be sure to use the healing properties of dried fruits and enjoy their excellent gastronomic qualities.

The inhabitants of the planet have known about the value of figs for a long time. Figa (one of the names of the fruit) has a large number of varieties that differ in shape, color, taste and ripening time. In this regard, many are interested in how to eat figs. Usually, berries are eaten fresh or as dried fruits, but with no less success they are frozen, baked, boiled compote, jam or used in baking.

In what form and how to eat figs?

Fig fruits are green, yellow, brown or dark blue, reminiscent of a plum. Dark berries are much sweeter than light ones. The taste of fresh figs is light, sweetish, without sourness, and you can fully feel it when consumed fresh. True, it is difficult to find a “primordial” product in stores and on market stalls. A ripe berry is soft and tender, which makes it very difficult to transport it. But far from maturity, figs are not worth buying: they are unable to “reach condition” on their own, like other types of fruits.

People who have recently discovered this delicacy want to know how to eat figs with a peel. Indeed, the whole fruit is edible. You should not only give the skin to young children and eat too rough a shell. In other cases, the fresh fruit must be carefully washed in warm water. It is recommended to store the figs in a cool place for about an hour before cutting them.

Fresh fruit at room temperature remains edible for about a day. It is best to put it in the refrigerator - there it will retain its original appearance and taste longer (up to 3 days).

In addition, the berry can be frozen and stored for about 12 months. For this purpose, it is better to choose dark varieties. The frozen product is used for baking, jam, compotes.

Dried figs can be doused with boiling water before eating to kill germs. Some varieties, even when “dehydrated”, are quite juicy, while others should be held over steam or soaked in boiling water. Such a product can be eaten without anything, sent to pies or muffins, stewed with fennel and anise. And if you add spices, dried apricots, apples and figs to the water and cook it all for about 15 minutes, you will get a very tasty compote.

Read also:

Figs: benefits and harms to the body

Figs have great nutritional value. Protein, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium - this is not a complete list of all the useful components of the product. By the amount of iron, the fig is ahead of the apple, and by the content of potassium it is second only to nuts. There is quite a lot of copper in fig fruits - one of the main trace elements that is found in the human liver and muscles, affects the production of elastin and collagen. It is no coincidence that figs are popular as an element of a healthy, proper diet.

In folk medicine, he also found wide application. The fruits help to set up the proper functioning of the stomach, have a beneficial effect on the state of the entire human circulatory system. Figs for women are extremely useful. The folic acid it contains is especially necessary for the fairer sex before conception and during the first 3 months of pregnancy. But, if a woman gains weight too quickly during this period, suffers from kidney disease or gestational diabetes, she should refuse the product.

Scientific studies show that figs are very important for women who are going through menopause. Daily intake of the product prevents breast cancer. This is all thanks to the significant levels of antioxidants, which is another benefit of eating figs.

Dried fruits almost do not differ in value from fresh berries. The process of evaporation of water occurs naturally, which helps to maximize the benefits of figs. Yellow-green berries have a huge range of positive properties. An important quality of the product is the ability to quickly saturate it, since dried figs contain a large amount of fiber.

However, dried figs have high sugar levels, so people with various types of diabetes should avoid them. In addition, doctors do not advise using it in large quantities with the problem of excess weight, since the fig is quite high in calories. Figs are forbidden to use in acute gastritis and people with kidney disease.

How to choose the right fig?

In order for berries to be safely eaten in any form and benefit, you need to buy a quality product. Here are the characteristics of good fresh figs:

  • it should be slightly soft, but keep its shape steadily and not spread in the hands;
  • the skin must be smooth and without cracks, but small scratches are not considered a fault;
  • the smell of ripe fruits is pleasant and sweetish; sour indicates the beginning of the fermentation process;
  • a large number of seeds, as a rule, indicates excellent taste.

Dried figs of the highest grade have a pleasant light brown color. All berries are even, regular, slightly flattened and relatively soft to the touch. White bloom on fruits is an indicator of high sugar content. In order not to run into low-quality figs, you need to feel it. Rough and dry fruits are likely to have expired. In addition, such berries have an unpleasant sour taste.

Foods that go well with figs

How to eat figs in combination with other products so that its taste gets a new sound? Here are some good ways.

  • First of all, pieces of this berry serve as an additional ingredient in fruit and vegetable salads. Dishes can be seasoned with sour cream, yogurt or lemon juice.
  • Ham, cheese, greens and figs - a light and nutritious dish for every day.
  • Pieces of dried fruit are added to tea.
  • A nutritious breakfast will be a mix of cottage cheese, figs and honey.
  • Oatmeal lovers in the face of figs get a nice addition to it. Dried fruits for this dish should be soaked before using.
  • Despite the sweetness, figs go well with meat and poultry dishes. Before the end of frying the meat, the dried berries are added in pieces, they are all fried together and served.
  • An amazing taste is obtained by combining goat cheese and figs. You can make a light salad out of these ingredients, bake them together in the oven or microwave.

Figs, or, as it is also called, figs or figs, have been known to mankind since ancient times. He owes his popularity, and to his interesting taste, and,. Figs are often found on the tables of the inhabitants of Egypt, Abkhazia, Tunisia, Morocco, and Turkey. Today it can, without problems, be bought in Russian stores. Dried or dried figs are often found. It is eaten in the same way as other dried fruits, instead of sweets, it is added to meat dishes and poultry dishes. And, here, few of our compatriots know how to eat fresh figs.

What's more, taking soluble fiber is important in terms of regulating blood sugar levels by emptying the stomach, because a sudden change in blood sugar levels can lead to life-threatening injuries. Indeed, societies whose diets are high in fiber have been found to have fewer cases of diseases such as cancer and heart failure. In addition, a very big health benefit is that both soluble and insoluble fibers are present at the same time.

It has been found that when they are present at the same time, they are much more effective at preventing cancer than when they are alone. The presence of both types of fibers, soluble and insoluble, in the figure makes it one of the most important food products in this respect. Antioxidants neutralize harmful substances that occur as a result of chemical reactions in the body or are removed from the outside and thus prevent cell destruction. In a study conducted at the University of Scranton, dried figs were found to have much higher levels of antioxidant-rich phenol than other fruits.

Choosing figs

Ripe figs are soft and fragrant. But, you need to eat them right away - they can quickly deteriorate. In our stores, they usually sell a little underripe, they are easier to transport. A little advice on how to eat figs like this: bring it from the store, put it in a warm place, preferably in the sun, and after a couple of hours you can eat. When choosing fruits, look for those that are not damaged. They can be eaten with or without the skin, as desired.

Phenol is used as an antiseptic to kill microorganisms. The amount of phenol in figs is much higher than in other fruits and vegetables. Another study from Rutgers University in New Jersey showed that due to the omega-3, omega-6, and phytosterol essential fatty acids found in dried figs, they may play a significant role in lowering cholesterol levels. It is known that omega-3 and omega-6 cannot be produced in the body and therefore must be taken with food. Moreover, these fatty acids are essential for the normal functioning of the heart, brain, and nervous system.

What do figs eat with?

Figs are a sweet fruit. It is ideal as a dessert. To do this, simply cut the fruit into slices with a knife, and serve with whipped cream, or sweet sauces (sour cream works well). Pieces of figs are pricked on a skewer and dipped into the sauce. Simple and delicious!

How else do they eat figs? You can make a cross cut on the fruit and put it there soft cheese. This appetizer goes well with light wines and champagne.

Phytosterol allows cholesterol from animal products, which can harden the heart arteries, to be expelled from the body without mixing with the blood. Although it is one of the oldest fruits known to man, rice, described by a California drawing advisor as "nature's most perfect fruit," has been rediscovered by food manufacturers. nutritional value of this fruit and its health benefits have given it a whole new meaning. Figs can be part of any special diet.

If you bought an unripe fruit, bake it in the oven. Cut the fruit, put nuts to taste there and pour honey over it, wrap each fruit in a piece of foil. Do not keep the dish in the oven for too long, 10-15 minutes is enough.

Figs are suitable not only for sweets, they go well with meat and poultry. A simple but interesting combination will turn out if you stew pork, cut into cubes with pieces of figs. The meat will get a sweetish aftertaste and an unusual aroma. This dish can also be made with dried figs.

Because figs naturally contain no fat, sodium, or cholesterol, but are high in fiber, they are an ideal food for those trying to lose weight. At the same time, figs have a higher mineral content than all of our known fruits. Forty grams of figs contain 244 mg of potassium, 53 mg of calcium and 2 mg of iron. Calcium levels in figs are very high, with rice second only to orange calcium content. One bowl of dried figs provides the same amount of calcium as a bowl of milk.

Figures are also taken as a medicine to give strength and energy to long-term patients who are in need of recovery. They eliminate physical and mental difficulties and give strength and energy to the body. The sugar level in figs is one of the highest.

Greek chicken with figs can decorate any holiday table. To do this, take chicken legs, marinate, rub with your favorite spices, put in a baking dish. And, between the legs lay out slices of fresh figs. Keep in the oven for about an hour. As a result - the most tender meat in a sweetish juice!

dried figs

Often in stores comes across dried or dried figs. How to eat dried figs? Such a fruit is better, first pour boiling water over it, or hold it for a couple. In the second option, useful substances are better preserved in the fruit. You can eat steamed figs, both with and without skin. it great alternative sweets and chocolate. Calories - minimum, pleasure - maximum!

The jar is placed in the dark and in a cool place for at least a month, and maybe more. Then strain and store in the dark, if necessary, dissolve two teaspoons of the alcoholic extract in 100 g of water and drink the solution before meals three or four times a day. This extract helps with digestive problems as it contains a lot of enzymes. In older people, it often happens to reduce their amount in the body, and this is where digestive disorders occur. A few years ago my father had this disorder and no herbal remedies could help overcome it.

Fruits exotic for our area appeared on the shelves, one of them is figs. Previously, it was sold only in dried form, but today you can buy fresh fruits. Not everyone knows how to eat it correctly. If you haven't tried this fruit yet, check out our article and learn how to consume it.

How do they eat dried and fresh figs?

If you try it at least once, you will like it. Dried fruits are more saturated and sweet, fresh - juicy and tender. They are the perfect snack as they contain fast carbohydrates, fiber and provide energy for the day.

When he ate something, he quickly ran to the toilet, where he appeared to have a subscription. He was in despair because the doctors told him that he was deficient in the enzyme and that it could hardly be obtained otherwise, his body was supposed to produce it. He enlightened me on the healing properties of fig leaves and instructed me to make a lemon extract out of them. Interestingly, only a few days were enough to achieve his recovery. It is necessary to repeat this several times until they disappear.

My mother used to make jam from ripe figs. The fig is a dioecious tree, with male and female fruits that ripen in September. They are made from sweet both types and have a different taste. old recipe grandmother Dina. Here you can see the fig tree from Kavatsit, described in the stories of our blogger Lubarata.

How do you eat figs? It all depends on the form in which you purchased it - dried, dried, fresh. Dried fruit can be added to a compote mixture, a meat dish, a game dish. It also goes well with cereals such as oatmeal, rice milk. And of course, dried figs can be eaten just like that, instead of harmful sweets and cookies. Before use, be sure to rinse the fruits in water to remove dust from them. Fill them with clean water and leave for half an hour to make them softer. Then put on a napkin and let the moisture drain.

"If you want to find the causes of your illness, look at the bottom of your plate" - Chinese proverb. Good morning new week friends. May it be healthy, abundant, harmonious, full of inner strength, knowledge and joy. We continue the cognitive cycle. How to get rid of "incurable" diseases.

Most of my work is focused on the physical body. Many people work in energy healing and knowingly or not spread the misconception that these skills are a gift to the chosen ones. But energy healing is something very simple and accessible to each of us, it is not "given" to the chosen people. Spiritual are key in these turbulent days. But a huge, significant and inevitable part of all this transformation is our physical bodies. Spirituality does not mean that we should deny matter, but vice versa - we should learn, honor and master the energy of matter right here and now!

How to eat fresh figs? If everything is clear and understandable with dried fruits, more questions arise with fresh fruits. One of the main questions - do I need to remove the peel? No, because the skin on fresh figs is thin and tender. If you see any damage on it, remove it and eat only the pulp.

Check out our article The benefits and harms of figs for men

Namely, healing through food. Like everything else on the Living Planet, our bodies are designed and structured to be perfect self-sustaining, self-cleansing self-healing systems. The human body was originally designed to live over 200 years of full, healthy life. However, man has not existed since those times in our known history. But you see, these advanced machines have been programmed to take in a certain amount of energy in order to function that way.

We, however, led by the progress of "civilization" got tired, and we began to act foolishly, becoming a victim of the crying of money and power. According to Taqwu, the least profane daily life that is caught in a vicious circle is "food is bad, sick voluntarily, voluntarily chemically processed, which lasts for years and quickly, but just as surely kills us."

You can eat it just like that, make jam or sauce out of it, and also add it to fruit or vegetable salad. It is also served as a dessert, just remove the top, cut into wedges and garnish with whipped cream or sour cream. It also goes great with chocolate sauce.

If you have some free time, prepare stuffed figs. You need to cut it and put goat cheese in the middle, bake for 10 minutes. It can also be stuffed with nuts and raisins.

It's like buying a car that only consumes the highest level of gasoline, but you're making regular diesel instead. Then you're wondering why it breaks and doesn't do a good job. He is busy, hurried, angry, irritated and nervous. Alcohol and cigarettes are an integral part of everyday life, and drugs are considered a symbol of freedom and elitism. All this not only does not provide the necessary nutrition to Humanity your body, but also dulls the innate intelligence and clogs to such an extent that the haze that accumulates inside too young age clogs the intellectual system called the "physical body" and it simply refuses to work properly.

Make delicious fig sandwiches. Brush bread with Greek yogurt or cream cheese and top with fruit slices and herbs. Delicious, healthy and original!

Are you a smoothie fanatic? Complement your morning fruit smoothie with 1-2 figs and it will sparkle with new colors and tastes. It will go well with bananas, berries, kiwi.

As a result, so-called "diseases" arise. The first manifestations of intoxication of skin diseases, colds, purulent tonsillitis, chronic migraines, inflammatory processes. The next stages are diabetes, endocrine problems to get cancer. For all this, of course, the reasons are complex, ranging from state, beliefs and beliefs, but in this case we are looking at food.

One of the first things we must do when we consciously embark on the path of health. You can eat for health and let food be your medicine! If the food we eat creates an acidic environment in the body, it also affects the blood and the body tries to balance the pH. The body, as we have said, is an incredibly intelligent machine. When the body absorbs food that increases acidity, the body sucks valuable minerals - calcium, potassium, sodium - from bones and organs. These minerals neutralize acids and they are then discharged from the body.

Since fresh fruits harmonize well with meat and poultry, they can be added to stews. If desired, prepare a sauce from the fruit with the addition of aromatic spices.

Fresh figs can be combined with tender ham, goat or blue cheese, Mascarpone cheese, Greek yogurt, chicken, walnuts. The fruit is almost universal, which is why it is so loved by many chefs.

Among the minerals from which the body flies out, not having a sufficient source for its restoration. Stop more than 300 enzyme operations, calcium processing and absorption is impossible. The body begins to suffer and is often not seen for years and often leads to serious illness. But it is strange why medicine prefers to remain silent about this. But the sad truth is that the blood is mineralized for the simple reason that it tries to neutralize acidity and powerfully draws and discards vital minerals to balance the environment.

How to store?

Since fresh fruits deteriorate quickly, they must be stored in the refrigerator. Store dried fruits in a closed glass or plastic container in a dark and dry place.


Since the fruit contains a lot of sugar, people with diabetes and obesity should eat it in limited quantities. The calorie content of fresh figs is about 70 calories per 100 grams, and dried up to 250 calories per 100 grams.

Normal healthy cells are alkaline and, as we mentioned, cancer cells are acidic. Many studies have shown that cancer, candidiasis and viral bacteria cannot survive in an alkaline environment. At pH 7.4 cancer cells are lethargic and at pH 8.5 upward cancer cells die.

How to restore the acid-base balance of the body? Cleanse the toxins first. Then exclude from your diet white bread and any pasta derivatives, white rice, meat, soft drinks, black tea, coffee, alcohol, sugar, pickles, tobacco, waffles and biscuits, eggs, milk, cheese, refined fats Candy and chocolate. Medicines also create a strong acidic environment. To restore health, we need to eat 80% alkaline food and 20% acid food.

If you love figs, be sure to add it to dishes and sauces, cook from it delicious desserts. This fruit will make any dish more interesting, original and tasty. Experiment!