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Technological map of potato soup on meat broth. Instructional-technological map for the dish “potato soup with mushrooms”

In table 2.1, consider the instructional technological map for the dish "Potato soup with mushrooms"

Table 2.1. Instructional-technological card for the dish "Potato soup with mushrooms"

Vegetables retain the correct cut shape, soft texture, the color of the dish is slightly yellowish with sparkles of orange fat on the surface. The dish retains the smell of sautéed roots and onions.

Dish quality control card

Consider the quality control of the dish in Table 3.1 and Figure 1.

Table 3.1. Requirements for the quality of soups (organoleptic evaluation)

Rice. one.

Commodity characteristics of raw materials

Standard set of products that are used for cooking potato soup with mushrooms: porcini, potatoes, carrots, parsley root, onion, leek, tomatoes, margarine, water.

Potatoes - tubers are whole, clean, healthy, dry, unsprouted, not withered. Chemical composition potato tubers: rich in water (75%), contain proteins (2%), carbohydrates (19.7%), fiber (1%), pectin, oxalic, malic, citric and other organic acids, a large amount of potassium (56, 8 mg%), phosphorus (50 mg%), vitamins C (26-42 mg%), B1 B2, B6, folic and nicotinic acids, a small amount of carotene.

Carrots - root crops fresh, whole, healthy, clean, not withered, not cracked, without signs of germination, without damage by agricultural pests, without excessive external moisture, shape and color typical for the botanical variety, with the length of the remaining petioles not more than 2.0 cm or without them, but without damaging the shoulders of the root crop.

Root crops should be smooth, regular in shape, without lateral roots, not beaten. Greenish or lilac heads of root crops are not allowed. Chemical composition: glucosir 6%, vitamins C, A, B, carotene, minerals P, K.

The chemical composition of root crops depends on the variety and storage conditions. They contain water (88-89%), carbohydrates (7%), including mono- and disaccharides (6%), starch (0.2%), fiber (0.6-1.2%), pectin and pectin acid (0.37-2.93%), proteins (1-1.3%), a small amount of essential and non-essential amino acids, fats (0.1-0.29%), which include palmetic, oleic, linoleic acids, phytosterols, lecithin (0.1%), essential oil; minerals (mg%): sodium (21), potassium (200-235), calcium (16-51), magnesium (36-38), phosphorus (55-60), iron (1.2-1.4) , sulfur, silicon, chlorine, in a smaller amount - aluminum, boron, bromine, iodine, manganese, arsenic, zinc, fluorine, copper, uranium, chromium, lithium, tin, molybdenum.

Carrots are rich in carotene, or the so-called provitamin A (5.4-19.6%), which is converted into vitamin A in the body. The largest number carotene in roots of red-orange color, the least - in roots of yellow color and very young, slightly colored. When root crops wither, the content of carotene rises to 51-58 mg% due to its synthesis. Other vitamins (mg%): B1 (0.03-0.18), B2 (0.02-0.062), B6 ​​(0.12-0.14), PP (0.2-1.47), C (2-10), E (1.2), K, D, folic acid (0.1-0.13), pantothenic acid (0.25-0.35), biotin (0.003), inositol (48) .

Onion. The chemical composition of the bulb: water (86%), proteins (1.5%), total carbohydrates (9.5%), fiber (0.7%), minerals (in mg%): sodium (18), potassium ( 175), calcium (31), magnesium (14), phosphorus (58), iron (0.6), sulfur (65), chlorine (25), zinc (0.85), manganese (0.23), copper , fluorine, chromium, iodine, cobalt, etc.; vitamins (in mg%): C (10), B1 (0.05), B2 (0.02), B6 ​​(0.12), PP (0.02), E (0.2), pantothenic acid, folic acid.

Onions contain an essential oil that gives the plant a sharp, pungent odor and has an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract and eyes. The onion contains saponins, glycosides, phytoncides. The latter have a pronounced bactericidal effect.

Leek - forms a long juicy stalk and leaves, in chemical composition it is close to onions, but somewhat richer in vitamins C (35 mg%), PP (0.5 mg%), B1, (0.1 mg%), B6 (0.04 mg%), potassium (225 mg%), calcium (87 mg%). Leek has the smell of onions, but less pronounced, more subtle.

Tomatoes (tomatoes), ground. The nutritional value: proteins: 1.1 (g), fats: 0.2 (g), carbohydrates: 3.8 (g), dietary fiber: 1.4 (g), organic acids: 0.8 (g), water: 92 (g), mono- and disaccharides: 3.5 (g), starch: 0.3 (g), ash: 0.7 (g).

Chemical composition: macroelements - Calcium: 14 (mg), Magnesium: 20 (mg), Sodium: 3 (mg), Potassium: 290 (mg), Phosphorus: 26 (mg), Chlorine: 57 (mg), Sulfur: 12 (mg); trace elements: Iron: 0.9 (mg), Zinc: 0.2 (mg), Iodine: 2 (mcg), Copper: 110 (mcg), Manganese: 0.14 (mg), Selenium: 0.4 (mcg) ), Chromium: 5 (µg), Fluorine: 20 (µg), Molybdenum: 7 (µg), Boron: 115 (µg), Cobalt: 6 (µg), Nickel: 13 (µg), Rubidium: 153 (µg) .

Rich in the following vitamins and minerals: organic acids - 40%, beta-carotene - 16%, vitamin A - 14.8%, vitamin C - 27.8%, cobalt - 60%.

Porcini. Nutritional information: proteins: 3.7 (g), fats: 1.7 (g), carbohydrates: 1.1 (g), dietary fiber: 3.2 (g), unsaturated fatty acid: 0.4 (g), mono- and disaccharides: 1.1 (g), ash: 0.9 (g), saturated fatty acids: 0.4 (g), water: 89.4 (g).

Macronutrients: Calcium: 13 (mg), Magnesium: 15 (mg), Sodium: 6 (mg), Potassium: 468 (mg), Phosphorus: 89 (mg), Chlorine: 22 (mg), Sulfur: 47 (mg) , Trace elements: Iron: 0.5 (mg), Zinc: 0.33 (mg), Manganese: 0.23 (mg), Chromium: 6 (mcg), Fluorine: 60 (mcg), Silicon: 0.02 ( mg), Cobalt: 6 (mcg), Rubidium: 26 (mcg).

Cep is rich in the following vitamins and minerals: vitamin B2 - 16.7%, vitamin B3 - 54%, vitamin C - 33.3%, vitamin PP - 42.5%, potassium - 18.7%, cobalt - 60%. Mushrooms contain a large amount of water (90%), proteins, fiber, minerals.

On the "mushroom soup".

"mushroom soup" produced dining room.

2. Raw materials used:

2.1. For cooking "mushroom soup"

3. Recipe 3.1

4. Technological process.

mushroom puree soup produced in accordance with the "Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for enterprises Catering».

4.2.Mushrooms are boiled until boiling, the first water is drained. Mushrooms are washed. Cook after that for 30-40 minutes. Then add peeled and chopped vegetables and cook until tender. Cream is poured into the soup 5 minutes before readiness. Ready soup is ground in a blender.


5.2. Supply temperature 75 about FROM.

5.3. Implementation period no more than 4 hours

appearance -

consistency - tender

color -

taste -

smell - mushroom soup with cream

6.2. Physical and chemical indicators are determined according to clause 5.13 of GOST R 50763-95 “Public catering. Culinary products sold to the public. General technical requirements".


__ » ________

Technological card #023

Name of the dish:

Cooking technology

Technological card #024

Name of the dish: Shchi "Petrovsky"

Cooking technology

Cut mushrooms into slices and fry in oil in a saucepan. Pour in the chicken broth and add the shchi. . Cut potatoes into strips and add to the broth together with chopped bacon. Bring to a boil and cook for 2 minutes. Salt. Pour into soup bowl. Chop parsley and add to soup. Pour sour cream sauce into a gravy boat

Technological card #025

Name of the dish:

Exit: 350/40
Proteins: 14.8 Fats: 6.5 Carbohydrates: 23.3 Calories: 208.1kcal (870.272kJ)
name of raw materials
and semi-finished products
Gross Net
Onion 16 12
carrot 17 12
white cabbage 41 30
chicken broth 90 80
Boiled potatoes 30 30
Brez "Borsch" 150 150
table vinegar 1 1
Crash garlic p/f 1 1
Salt 1 1
Sugar 1 1
Boiled beef p\f 32 30
Parsley 5 3
Sour cream 40 40

Cooking technology

Pour the broth into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Cut the potatoes into strips and add to the broth along with the Borsch and beef. Bring to a boil and cook for 2 minutes. Add salt, sugar, vinegar and garlic crush. Pour into soup bowl. Chop parsley and add to soup. Pour sour cream sauce into a gravy boat

Technological card #026

Name of the dish:

Cooking technology

Pour the broth into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Add the Solyanka breeze and the Solyanka meat set and cook for 4 minutes. Add salt, sugar, liquid smoke and lemon juice. Pour into a tureen. Cut a slice of lemon and put in the soup. Chop parsley and sprinkle on top. Pour sour cream sauce into a gravy boat

Technological card #027

Name of the dish:

Cooking technology

Cut the pepper into cubes and fry in a saucepan in oil until golden brown. Put the chopped leek and pour water. Bring to a boil and add the fish set "Ukha" and cook until the fish is ready. Season with Hondashi broth, salt and pepper. Cook for one minute. Cut cherry tomatoes into halves and put in soup. Remove from the stove. In a thin stream, while stirring, pour in the cream. Pour into soup bowl. Chop parsley and add to soup.

Technological card #028

Name of the dish: Mushroom cream soup

Cooking technology

Dilute the mushroom cream with cream and bring to a boil in a saucepan. Add salt and crush the garlic. Pour into a soup bowl. Cut the mushroom into two slices and burn on both sides on the stove. Put the mushrooms in the center of the cream soup. Pour the cream into a tablespoon and make circular pattern on cream soup. Sprinkle with olive and sprinkle with thyme leaves.


On the "mushroom soup".

1 area of ​​use. This technical and technological map applies to the dish "mushroom soup" produced dining room.

2. Raw materials used:

2.1. For cooking "mushroom soup" use raw materials or products that meet the requirements of regulatory documentation and have certificates of conformity or a declaration of conformity, veterinary certificates for products of plant origin, quality certificates.

3. Recipe 3.1

4. Technological process.

4.1 Preparation of raw materials for production " mushroom puree soup produced in accordance with the "Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for catering establishments.

4.2.Mushrooms are boiled until boiling, the first water is drained. Mushrooms are washed. Cook after that for 30-40 minutes. Then add peeled and chopped vegetables and cook until tender. Cream is poured into the soup 5 minutes before readiness. Ready soup grind in a blender.

5. Registration, submission, sale and storage.

5.1 The dish "mushroom soup-puree" can be served in portions in separate soup bowls.

5.2. Supply temperature 75 about FROM.

5.3. Implementation period no more than 4 hours from the end of the technological process.

5. Indicator of quality and safety.

6.1. Organoleptic characteristics of the dish:

appearance - uniform yellowish color (the shade depends on the type of potato and the density of the dish)

consistency - tender

color - golden with brown thread-like fibers

taste - salty, delicate taste of potatoes with mushrooms and cream

smell - mushroom soup with cream

6.2. Physical and chemical indicators are determined according to clause 5.13 of GOST R 50763-95 “Public catering. Culinary products sold to the public. General technical requirements".

Mass fraction of solids, % (not less than) 20.7

Mass fraction of fat, % (not less than) 2.1

Mass fraction of salt, % (not less than) 0.5

Microbiological indicators are determined according to the index 6.9.15 "Public catering products" SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the quality and safety of food raw materials and food products".

The number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms, CFU in 1g. product, no more than 1x10.

Bacteria of the Escherichia coli group are not allowed in the mass of the product, g 0.01.

Caugulase-polluting staphylococci, not allowed in the mass of the product, g 1.0

Proteus are not allowed in the mass of the product, g 0.1

Potogenic microorganisms, including salmonella, are not allowed in the mass of the product, g 25

6. Nutritional and energy value

Responsible developer ____________ ___________

Technologist ____________ ___________________


Head of the dining room ____________ ___________. " __ » ________

Name of products

Weight, g

Chemical composition

Energy pricesness, kcal





Pearl barley




or vegetable oil

Yield: 250.

On diet number 15.

Cooking technology. Pearl barley is sorted out, washed several times, changing the water. Put in boiling water in a ratio of 1:3, cook, stirring, until half cooked, drain the broth. Pickled cucumbers are peeled and, if necessary, seeds are removed. In this case, the consumption rate of cucumbers (gross weight), given in the recipes, increases. Prepared cucumbers are stewed in a small amount of broth or water for 10-15 minutes.

Prepared cereals are placed in boiling broth or water, boiled for 10 minutes, potatoes cut into cubes, carrots stewed with butter or vegetable oil, browned onions are added. after 5-10 minutes, add poached cucumbers, salt and cook for another 10 minutes.

At the end of cooking season with sour cream and herbs, bring to a boil.

Serving temperature - 65 *C.

quality requirements. Vegetables have retained their cut shape, soft, cucumbers are slightly crunchy. Grain is soft. The taste is moderately spicy, salty, the aroma of cucumbers, cereals, vegetables.


Name of the dish: Azu

Name of products

Weight, g

Chemical composition

Energypriceness, kcal



Beef (side and outer pieces

hip part)




tomato puree


Mass of stew

Weight of prepared vegetables

Yield: 200.

On diets number 2, 15.

Cooking technology. The meat is cut into slices across the fibers, 2 pieces per serving weighing 30-40 g, potatoes and onions - into cubes. Then the meat is fried until a light golden crust is formed, the onion is blanched and sautéed, the potatoes are fried until half cooked. The fried meat and vegetables are placed in layers in a saucepan so that there are vegetables on the bottom and top of the meat. add browned tomato puree, salt, pepper and broth (products should only be covered with liquid), cover with a lid and simmer until tender. 5-10 minutes before the end of the quenching put a bay leaf.

The roast is released along with the broth and vegetables, sprinkled with chopped herbs. The dish can be prepared without tomato puree.

Serving temperature - 65 0 С.

quality requirements. The color of the meat is dark red (with tomato), the texture is soft. Taste and smell of vegetables and spices. Pieces of meat are cut across the fibers, retained the shape of the cut. The vegetables are soft, brown in color, the cut shape is preserved.



This technical and technological map was developed in accordance with GOST 31987-2012 and applies to the dish Potato soup with cereals produced by a public catering facility.


food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for cooking must comply with the requirements of current regulatory documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, safety and quality certificate, etc.)


Name of raw materials and semi-finished products \Gross\Net

Young potatoes until 1 Sept.75 60 93,8 75
*** from September 1 to October 3180 60 100 75
***from November 1 to December 3185,7 60 107,1 75
***from January 1 to February 28-2992,3 60 115,3 75
*** from March 1100 60 125 75
Wheat groats, pearl barley8 8 10 10
or rice, millet4 4 5 5
Carrots until January 110 8 12,5 10
*** from January 110,7 8 13,3 10
Onion9,6 8 12 10
Vegetable oil2 2 2,5 2,5
Water150 150 187,5 187,5
EXIT:200 250


Finely chop the onion, cut the carrots into small cubes and sauté. Potatoes are cut
In boiling broth or water, put prepared in accordance with the requirements
SanPiNa cereals, potatoes, browned vegetables and cook until tender. Salt and spices are added 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking. Rice groats are placed in broth or water at the same time as
sautéed vegetables.
Potato soup with pearl barley can be cooked with fish, portions of fish are boiled


Serving: The dish is prepared according to the consumer's order, used according to the recipe of the main dish. Shelf life and sale according to SanPin, SanPin


6.1 Organoleptic quality indicators:

Appearance: potatoes and vegetables are distributed in the liquid part of the soup, cereals are well
boiled, but not out of shape
Consistency: vegetables are soft, the cereal is well boiled, the ratio
liquid and dense part of the soup
Color: soup - golden, fat on the surface - light orange, vegetables -
Taste: potatoes, stewed vegetables, moderately salty
Smell: characteristic of the products included in the dish

6.2 Microbiological and physico-chemical parameters:

According to microbiological and physico-chemical indicators, this dish meets the requirements technical regulations Customs Union “On food safety” (TR TS 021/2011)


With wheat groats

200 2,14 2,24 13,71 83,60
250 2,68 2,80 17,14 104,50
With pearl barley
200 2,00 2,23 13,60 82,60
250 2,50 2,79 17,00 103,25
with rice
200 1,58 2,19 11,66 72,60
250 1,98 2,74 14,58 90,75
With millet
200 1,74 2,27 11,43 73,20
250 2,18 2,84 14,29 91,50

Technological engineer.


Potato soup with legumes (peas)

Product name

Gross weight, g

Net weight, g


split peas

or fresh table carrots

or fresh onion

Dried parsley roots


Drinking water


Nutrients, g


Minerals, mg

Vitamins, mg

Cooking technology: vegetables are washed with running water for 5 minutes. Fresh peeled potatoes (semi-finished product sulphated) are placed in boiling water, brought to a boil and boiled for 5-7 minutes, the broth is drained. Prepared potatoes are cut into large cubes, peeled carrots are cut into small cubes, onions are finely chopped. Shredded carrots, onions and parsley root are stewed in a small amount of water with the addition of butter for 10-15 minutes.

Peas are sorted, washed, put in cold water (2-3 liters per 1 kg of legumes): for 3-4 hours, then boiled in the same water without table salt with the lid closed until softened.

Prepared peas are placed in water, brought to a boil, potatoes, poached onions, carrots, parsley root are added and boiled until tender.

Serving temperature: 70±5°С.

Implementation period:


Potato soup with legumes (beans) meat broth

Product name

The consumption rate of products for 1 serving with a net weight of 100 g

Gross weight, g

Net weight, g

Potato fresh peeled semi-finished product

or fresh food potatoes

Peeled table carrots semi-finished product

or fresh table carrots

Onion fresh peeled semi-finished product

or fresh onion


meat broth

Salt enriched with reduced sodium content

Dried parsley roots

Food beans (white)

Parsley (greens)


In 100 grams this dish contains:

Nutrients, g


Minerals, mg

Vitamins, mg

Cooking technology: for cooking, use the broth obtained by cooking meat for the second course. The broth is filtered through a sieve. Peeled vegetables and parsley are washed with running water. Fresh peeled potatoes (semi-finished product sulphated) are placed in boiling water, brought to a boil and boiled for 5-7 minutes, the broth is drained. Prepared potatoes are cut into large cubes, carrots - into small cubes, onions are finely chopped. Shredded carrots, onions, parsley root are stewed in a small amount of water with the addition of butter for 10-15 minutes.

The beans are sorted, washed, put in cold water(2-3 liters per 1 kg of legumes) for 5-8 hours, then boiled in the same water without salt with the lid closed until softened.

Prepared beans are placed in the broth, brought to a boil, potatoes, poached onions, carrots, parsley root are added and boiled until tender. At the end of cooking, finely chopped parsley is added.

Serving temperature: 70±5°С.

Implementation period: no more than 2 hours from the moment of preparation.