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Glass distiller for moonshine. glass moonshine still

Self-made strong alcoholic beverages For many, it has become an exciting hobby. Manufacturers offer a huge selection of devices for distillation. Glass alcohol mashine- relatively New Product slightly different from conventional models. Has its advantages and disadvantages.

The process of making moonshine begins with the preparation of mash. There are a lot of recipes for it, each master has his own secrets here. After the end of the fermentation of the substance in the liquid, alkaloids are formed, which are isolated by distillation. The starting material contains a large number of alcohol, in finished product its concentration reaches 50-60%.

To separate alcohol from water and fusel oils, devices are used that are commonly referred to as moonshine stills. The simplest device is alembic, sukhoparnik (reflux condenser), coil (Graham refrigerator) and containers for collecting raw alcohol.

Since the boiling point of alkaloids is lower than that of water, when heated to 80–95 degrees, it begins to evaporate. Through the connecting nozzle, steam passes to the refrigerator, which is constantly supplied with cold water. Due to the difference in temperature, condensate forms on the walls of the distiller, which is discharged into a receiving vessel. The container where the liquid enters is equipped with a spout to remove the remaining gases.

This method of distillation gives raw alcohol, which contains fusel oils. These harmful impurities also evaporate and condense along with the alkaloids. For more thorough cleaning, moonshine stills with a steamer are used. Its presence allows you to separate alcohol and oily components.

It should be noted that moonshine made of glass is not much different from all others. The device is equipped with all the elements necessary for distillation. Modern models also have dry steamers, which were not in obsolete designs. In the absence of this element after the primary processing, the distillation is carried out again. This procedure is necessary for maximum purification from harmful impurities.

Glass moonshine design

As mentioned earlier, any moonshine still has three main elements:

  • distillation cube;
  • coil (refrigerator);
  • container for collecting raw alcohol.

In addition, there are smaller details, the presence of which depends on the design features of the device. As a rule, such devices are designed to be connected to the water supply. With its help, the circulation of cold water in the distiller is ensured.

Most models of commercially available glass moonshine stills are equipped with a distillation cube made of metal. This material is more practical and allows you to make a working container up to 17 liters. For some models of moonshine stills, the mash cube can be made of heat-resistant glass. It has a small volume, not exceeding six liters.

Other elements are made of glass. Connecting flexible hoses are made of plastic intended for use in Food Industry. Despite the fact that a glass refrigerator for a moonshine still (distiller) is characterized by increased fragility and low thermal conductivity compared to metal counterparts, it provides some advantages to the finished product.

Standard equipment includes the following items:

  • distillation cube with a thermometer;
  • dephlegmator;
  • coil;
  • Bunsen flask;
  • sukhoparnik;
  • tripod for fixing containers.

glass moonshine still

The factory kit includes hoses for connection and adapters of different diameters. Most manufacturers add a hydrometer to this list to determine the strength of alcohol.

Assembling a glass moonshine still

The finished apparatus for moonshine consists, most often, of two parts: a distillation cube and a refrigerator. However, you can purchase the device in an expanded configuration or make your own steamer from a glass flask, closed with a rubber stopper, with a hole for a hose.

The device is assembled according to the following algorithm:

  1. Fill the distillation cube three-quarters full with feedstock.
  2. Attach the cover to the outlet tube.
  3. Install the container on the burner.
  4. Connect the connecting hose to the tube.
  5. Attach the other end of the hose to the coil or steamer.
  6. Connect the water inlet and outlet hose to the refrigerator.

Care must be taken to ensure that all joints are sealed.

Cons and pros of glass moonshine stills

The main advantage of glass devices is that this material does not oxidize with alcohol vapor. Therefore, the quality and taste of the final product differs from those in alcoholic beverages prepared using metal apparatus. Other benefits include:

  • ease of assembly;
  • interchangeability of parts;
  • long service life.

Among the positive aspects, one can also note a rather effective appearance devices.

Since glass is a fragile material, it must be handled with care. Such devices are not intended for intensive use, glass parts can be noticeably deformed. This, perhaps, is the main drawback of such moonshine stills. Among the minuses, it is worth noting the need for re-distillation if the device does not have a steamer.


In conclusion - a few tips on the operation of a glass moonshine still. During the distillation, the pressure inside the distillation cube should be closely monitored. If it exceeds permissible value, the glass container will burst. After use, the device must be cooled, then carefully washed and packaged. If the device is used occasionally, it is better to wrap it in a soft material.

The most popular among distillers are moonshine stills made of stainless steel. But this does not mean that other types of equipment for making alcohol at home are not on sale. A glass moonshine still can be considered a novelty on the market for units designed for the manufacture of alcoholic beverages on their own. Such a device has a special design, as well as its own advantages and disadvantages.

How is it different from others?

The principle of operation of a moonshine still made of glass is no different from that which is made of stainless steel. The device is also equipped with all the elements required for the distillation of moonshine that classic devices have. The only difference is that glass moonshine stills have a refrigerator made of glass. Also, the device can be equipped with a glass coil. All these features allow you to qualitatively control the process of distillation of moonshine in such a unit. Yet most distillers who use a glass refrigerator for moonshine prefer to combine such an invention with a steel still and the same serpentine.

Glass moonshine still "Alexander Butlerov"

On sale you can also find moonshine stills, all the details of which are made of glass, including the coil. In such a unit, all elements are attached to a metal frame. The distillation cube glass for the moonshine still heats up from an alcohol lamp.

The operation of devices that have a glass refrigerator requires compliance with special operating rules. First of all, it should be noted that moonshine stills made of glass are never equipped with a steamer - an important component of the equipment for distilling moonshine. Therefore, after the distillation of mash into raw alcohol, subject to the use of glass equipment, you will have to take care of the secondary distillation. It is she who will purify alcohol from all unnecessary impurities that degrade its quality.

If an apparatus with a coil made of glass is used, then in this case it is fixed on rubber pads in the holes of the refrigerator. The refrigerator container itself should have a greater depth, which will allow you to attach the coil closer to the bottom. This approach will protect the coil from damage. To drain the heated water, it is better to use a hose made of rubber.

As for attaching the glass cooler to the alembic, it is better to use flexible tubes for this purpose.

In distillery shops, you can buy glass moonshine stills that are connected to the water supply. All models of glass moonshine stills on sale are equipped with a distillation cube made of metal. If a cube of large volume were made of glass, then when heated, it could shatter into small fragments, which is not at all acceptable.

Apparatuses with a glass refrigerator are distinguished by the capacity of the distillation cube, which often varies from 5 to 17 liters. If this is an apparatus whose distillation cube is made of glass, then its capacity does not exceed 6 liters.

The main advantage of glass moonshine is that glass, as a material, does not react with alcohol fumes.

Moonshine stills made of glass also have a large number of disadvantages, and they are quite serious:

  1. If a high vapor pressure is formed inside the apparatus, this can lead to the formation of a crack, after which the apparatus becomes unsuitable for further operation.
  2. If you often use a device for distilling moonshine made of glass, then in this case its elements are deformed, which is why the distiller will have to think about buying new equipment.
  3. If the device is made of glass, then its constituent parts may not be securely attached to each other.
  4. After using the device with glass elements, you should wait until it cools down, and only after that you can start washing the equipment.

Glass distillers require very careful handling and storage. Any careless movement can lead to damage to the element of the moonshine made of glass.

A unique model of a glass moonshine still on a gas burner

Dimensions: 43 x 31 x 83 cm
volume of the tank: 6 l
the weight: 14 kg

215 000 ₽

Glass moonshine still GSG Bar Alembic

It is not difficult to buy a moonshine distiller in Moscow, but it is much more difficult to buy for real quality product, which will delight its owners with functionality and reliability in operation, and the appearance will create a festive atmosphere. We present to your attention a model of a moonshine still made of heat-resistant glass and stainless steel on a gas burner.

The design of the new GSG bar alembic contains know-how nodes and elements with which to use glass distiller not only convenient, but also exciting. These are quick-detachable modules of a design without threaded connections that do not require additional tools, as well as a mechanical system that drives the sliding bars. The glass used is heat-resistant and chemically resistant to aggressive environments. And the use of silicone seals protect glass elements from mechanical stress.

Convenient packaging deserves special attention. The main idea of ​​a plywood box is not only in transportation, thanks to easily removable plywood panels it is convenient to present a gift during the presentation, i.e. there is a surprise effect.

Basic information
dimensions: 830x310x430 mm, tank capacity: 6 liters, net weight: 14 kg, material: food grade stainless steel 12x18H10T, brass, heat-resistant and chemically pure glass, mahogany.

your mark

Everyone who has made moonshine at least once in their life knows why such a detail as a distiller is needed. This part serves to eliminate the smell that appears during the production of an alcoholic beverage. It also removes distillation by-products, which are very harmful to human health. In practice, the drink acquires a pleasant aroma and taste. To achieve the ideal result, the drink is distilled several times.

The glass distiller in the moonshine device is intended not only to eliminate the smell, but also to preserve the natural aroma. This is quite pronounced in the manufacture of fruit drinks such as tinctures and liqueurs. During the manufacturing process, it allows the natural aroma to evaporate.

What is a distiller?

A classic distiller usually consists of two tubes. One of which is inside the second. The external one acts as a radiator or cooler, as cold water passes through it, which ensures a low temperature in the entire apparatus. The inner tube has a serpentine shape, hot steam flows through it. Under the influence of cold water, the steam condenses and settles on the walls of the tube. Next, the condensate flows into the flask.

Design features of glass moonshine

When studying all the designs of devices for the manufacture of an alcohol product from various materials, one can also see those made of glass. This is the so-called glass moonshine still. There is not only a glass distiller, but also a distillation cube, usually it is made in the form of a flask. It is very important that there are no oxides on glass structures during the distillation of mash. In most other devices, the mash is oxidized. It is highly undesirable to make these devices from aluminum, since this metal has a high ability to oxidize. Alternatively, you can choose stainless steel. Moonshine made from laboratory glass is fragile and requires care. And also the glass apparatus gives a small yield of alcohol, since the flask is small. A huge advantage of a glass device is the ability to monitor the distillation process. Control is very important in the manufacturing process of this product. The details of the assembled device are located on a frame made of metal, and the glass flask is heated on a spirit lamp.

Advantages and disadvantages of a glass distiller

It could be said that it is ideal, as it produces a very high quality product. But there is one thing - it does not happen with a glass sukhoparnik and therefore secondary distillation is required. it is better to use a cooler made of glass complete with a metal alembic. In order not to bother looking for a glass bulb, you can replace it with a steel or copper one. The volume of these containers will be much larger than glass. And fix the glass coil in the holes of the cooler with rubber gaskets. To drain the heated water, use a small hose. A glass distiller is quite affordable and easy to buy. They are great for distilling mash for alcohol. They can also be connected to tap water. The connection of the distiller to the distillation tank is carried out using flexible transparent tubes. Further, the entire structure is mounted on a metal frame. Most often, the device is sold as a kit, which includes a distillation tank made of metal. There are several models and their only difference is the size of the flask. which ranges from 5 to 17 liters. They also have different names. This device is considered the most convenient, since it can be heated on a gas or electric stove.

Most often, “distilleries” at home have a capacity of no more than 6 liters. The thickness of its walls is not large, which is a plus when it is heated. Glass coil for moonshine and cooler in such devices. They can also be made of glass.

In the case of high alcohol vapor pressure, any small crack can cause a rupture, so it is very important to control the pressure during the manufacturing process.

It is better to store such a design wrapped in a soft cloth and away from children.

It is very important for the moonshine brewing process to get as much product as possible from the spent raw materials. For this, devices made of glass are rarely used. But if there is laboratory glassware or any suitable one at home, then of course it is worth trying to make alcohol. When the flask with mash is ready, you can distill it daily in small portions throughout the week.

This article lists all sorts of advantages and disadvantages, and the decision on how to use it is up to you.