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Chicken pancakes without starch. Chicken pancakes - healthy can be delicious! step by step photo recipe

Browse flawless, tried-and-true chicken fritter recipes on the Culinary Traditions and Innovations webpage. Try variations with yeast and unleavened bulk dough, based on fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt, with and without mayonnaise. Add flavoring colors with various spices. Olady - it's very fast!

Choosing between yeast and unleavened base liquid dough for chicken pancakes, you should rely on personal inclinations and preferences. The yeast base will be more lush. But unleavened dough cooks faster. Eggs or kefir are needed to give the desired texture to the bulk dough.

The five most commonly used ingredients in chicken fritter recipes are:

Interesting recipe:
1. Wash the chicken flesh thoroughly and dry it a little.
2. Cut into small pieces.
3. Chop the peeled onion very finely or chop with a blender.
4. Mix fillet pieces with onion, mayonnaise, egg, flour. Salt and pepper to taste. Add curry or turmeric.
5. Fry in a hot pan in a small amount of oil like pancakes until golden.
6. Serve hot with any side dish.

Five of the fastest chicken fritter recipes:

Helpful Hints:
. Finely chopped vegetables can be added to the cooked semi-liquid dough: onions, carrots, zucchini, tomatoes, green pea, potatoes. This technique will not only increase the number of servings, but also give the dish a unique flavor.
. Ready-made chicken pancakes can be decorated with grated cheese, spicy herbs or your favorite gravy.
. Ready pancakes are recommended to first put on paper kitchen towels to remove excess fat.
. Any dish can serve as a side dish for such a dish. vegetable puree, pasta or cereal.

Chicken fritter recipe step by step

  • Meat chicken breast(if you did not buy ready-made chicken fillet) rinse, peel and separate from the bones. Cut into small approximately equal pieces.
  • Onion also cut not very large.
  • Next, mix the prepared ingredients - chicken fillet, cut into pieces, onions and mayonnaise. Salt to taste, season with spices, mix everything well and leave the resulting mass for 20-30 minutes.
  • Finely chop the herbs (I used fresh parsley). Lightly beat the eggs with a fork, add chopped herbs and flour to them, mix everything thoroughly.
  • Combine both masses - meat and egg, knead them thoroughly.
  • Spread the mass with a spoon in a frying pan in heated vegetable oil in the form of small cutlets or pancakes. But not too thick so that the products are better fried. Fry over low heat on both sides until golden brown. These pancakes cook very quickly, especially if the pan is well heated.
  • Serve chicken pancakes better hot. This chicken breast dish goes well with any vegetable side dish or salad.

Chicken fillet is one of those products whose benefits for the human body are invaluable, and it is this part of the chicken that is recommended for both adults and children! It's all about the greater amount of protein contained in the fillet - it is much more than in other types of meat. And there are just not so many carbohydrates and fats here, which allows us to consider the product as a dietary one, while being very nutritious! However, chicken fillet has one big minus - when cooked, it most often turns out dry. Fortunately, many housewives and cooks have found many solutions to this problem, and one of them is making pancakes!

This dish is made from chopped fillet pieces, joined together with eggs and flour, although in shape and serving it is more like cutlets. Ready-made chicken pancakes from chicken fillet really turn out to be very juicy and tender, they just melt in your mouth! Of course, about this dish it is no longer possible to say that it is low-calorie, but in small quantities you can and even need to treat yourself!

So, to make chicken fillet fritters, we will take the ingredients from the list and start cooking!

Wash the chicken fillet and cut into small pieces, transfer to a convenient bowl.

We also cut the onion into medium-sized cubes and add to the meat.

Almost all the ingredients are immediately used: eggs, sour cream, mustard and spices (salt, black pepper, turmeric and dried garlic).

Mix everything thoroughly so that the ingredients form a relatively homogeneous mass. At this stage, you can pause and leave the bowl of chicken fillet in the refrigerator for a couple of hours - for marinating and getting more bright taste. If you are in a hurry, you can continue cooking.

We add flour.

As well as grated cheese and fresh dill (or other favorite fresh herbs).

Mix again. Dough for chicken pancakes is ready!

Heat the pan, pour a small amount vegetable oil and spreading the mass with a spoon, we form pancakes of the desired size.

Fry on both sides under a closed lid until golden brown.

Chicken fillet fritters are ready! Enjoy your meal!

From time to time I cook such chicken pancakes for the family and each time I am convinced of how much this dish can help out. When the amount of time for preparing lunch or dinner is strictly limited, when there is no desire and mood to cook something that requires a lot of effort, and finally, when the goal is just to feed the family with a delicious lunch or dinner, then the chicken fritters recipe comes to the rescue.

Chicken pancakes have a lot in common with minced chicken cutlets, but the difference between these two dishes is not small. chicken fritters more tender and softer than meatballs. When preparing chicken pancakes, you don’t have to “dirty” your hands, kneading the minced meat and rolling the breaded cutlets (minced meat or the so-called dough is kneaded with a spoon). Chicken pancakes are cooked much faster and easier. I would call chicken pancakes a recipe for beginner home cooks. This dish is hard to mess up and you are guaranteed to feed the whole family with a delicious meat dish.

As for the main ingredient for making chicken fritters - minced meat, you can buy it at ready-made and cook it yourself. Fans of dishes from the “fatter” series are recommended to use ready-made minced chicken. I made mine with chicken. I like it that way. Fillet chicken pancakes can be safely attributed to dietary food, if you close your eyes to the presence of the frying process.


  • 500 g minced chicken
  • 1 large onion
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons sour cream
  • 2 tablespoons starch
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 0.5 teaspoon ground pepper
  • 4-5 tablespoons sunflower oil

So, we take ready-made purchased minced chicken or cook it ourselves. If you use ready-made, then you should separately peel and finely chop or grate a large onion. Add onion to mince.

If you decide to cook minced chicken yourself, then just scroll the onion along with the meat through a meat grinder.

To prepare chicken pancakes for 500 g of minced meat, we need two eggs and two tablespoons of sour cream. If desired, you can add three tablespoons of sour cream, this will not spoil the chicken pancakes. Due to the presence of sour cream in them, pancakes become more tender in taste.

At the same stage of cooking chicken fritters, add salt (one teaspoon) and pepper (half a teaspoon).

Mix the minced meat with the accompanying ingredients with a spoon. Remember? In this recipe, we do not have to “dirty” our hands. After stirring the minced meat to make chicken fritters, it looks watery and has a soft pink color. In principle, such minced meat can already be used and you will even get good chicken pancakes out of it, but they will look a little flat. Therefore, we will continue to prepare the correct “dough” for chicken pancakes.

We will need two tablespoons of starch. Why starch and not flour? In my opinion, starch chicken pancakes are tastier and more beautiful. The color of the finished chicken fritters is simply mesmerizing. It is tender, white-golden, and starch plays an important role here.

And you may have noticed that the recipe for making chicken fritters is easy enough to remember. For 500 g of minced chicken, you should take only 2: 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons of sour cream, 2 tablespoons of starch, well, salt and pepper for taste.

So, add starch to minced meat dough for making chicken fritters. Again, work with a spoon - mix until smooth.

Warm up the pan well. Add a little sunflower oil (2-3 tablespoons) to its surface. And with the help of a tablespoon, lay out portions of minced meat on the surface of the pan. One chicken pancake - one tablespoon of minced meat dough. Usually 3-4 pancakes fit in the pan.

Fry chicken pancakes for 3 minutes on each side over medium heat. During this time, the tender chicken mince will be completely fried, and the pancakes will acquire their final appetizing appearance.

As needed, during the frying process of the next batches of chicken fritters, periodically add one to two tablespoons of sunflower oil (refined is better for this purpose).

After frying, it is advisable to put the chicken pancakes on a plate lined with paper napkins. The paper will absorb the excess oil.

Do you have chicken fillets in your refrigerator? Are you wondering what to cook with it? My advice to you is to make chicken pancakes from chicken breast that is cut into pieces. A recipe with a photo step by step will help you with this.

Pancakes will perfectly complement your lunch or dinner and will not leave anyone in the household indifferent. Well, you, as a hostess, will definitely achieve praise.


  • chicken fillet - 500-700 grams,
  • egg - 3 pieces,
  • flour - 5 tablespoons,
  • mayonnaise - 180-200 grams,
  • onion - 1 small head,
  • garlic - 1-2 cloves,
  • salt, pepper, dried dill - to taste,
  • vegetable oil - up to 50 grams.


As you already understood, the main ingredient in our dish is chicken fillet. What are we going to do with him? And we will cut it into small cubes.

And then we take garlic and onions. If you do not welcome garlic, you can do without it. But who is his fan, he knows what happens with him fragrant dishes. Bow in this recipe red was used, it is more sweet and tender. But white onions are also great. Finely chop the onion and garlic.

We combine chicken cubes with onions and garlic. We supplement everything with eggs, flour and mayonnaise. We mix. Salt and pepper are added according to your taste. The dill in the recipe is dried, but you can use fresh. In general, you can diversify the taste with various spices. Thus, it will always be slightly different pancakes. So, salted, peppered, dill added.

Now mix well again. Done, you can fry.

Once the pan is hot, reduce the heat to almost low. Pour in the same amount of oil as when frying chops. Spoon the minced meat into the pan, forming small pancakes.

Why are we simmering? Because chicken pancakes must be baked from the inside. When frying over high heat, there is a chance that the internal contents will remain raw. We will fry on both sides. They will be ready when they get golden brown.

Put the finished chicken pancakes from the chicken breast on a plate and serve. They are delicious to eat piping hot. But even after they cool down, they remain unimaginable yummy. Prepare them. And you will definitely hear from your relatives: “I want more!”

I also suggest you cook.


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