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World of Hobbies, bestgarden.rf, online store - seeds, seedlings, roses, bulbous and perennial flowers of European quality. Chocolate roses Rose hot chocolate encyclopedia of roses

Buy floribunda rose Raffles Chocolate (Chocolate Ruffles) in Voronezh with delivery in Russia wholesale and retail in the Florini nursery.

Floribunda Rose “Chocolate Raffles” or “Chocolate Lace”.


A very original variety. The height of the bush is 50-60 cm. Flowering is long, almost all summer and autumn. Does not require shelter in the Central region. Flower with carved petals and simple. The color of the petals is orange-chocolate red on the inside and pink on the outside. Delicate, light fragrance.

Videos roses

Pictures of floribunda roses Chocolate Raffles

How to plant a rose "Raffles Chocolate"

A rose can grow in one place for decades, so the planting site requires careful preparation.
Prepare the landing hole. The size of the planting pit for a rose is 60x60, depth 50 cm. Leave the top fertile soil layer next to the pit, remove the lower layers of soil. The soil for planting roses should be loose, fertile, with a neutral reaction, so add humus, biohumus, and well-rotted compost to the soil from the top layer. Add sand to heavy soils, if necessary, add additional additives to reduce the acidity of the soil: wood ash or dolomite flour. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and fill the planting hole with the mixture.
How deep should container roses be planted?

1) How to plant Chocolate Ruffles grafted onto rose hips.

1.1. If you need to preserve the root system of the wild rose, then the vaccination level should be + - 2-3 cm from the soil (higher, level, lower). In this case, you just need to save the grafting site in winter with the help of shelter, otherwise the varietal rose may die and you will be left with a wild rose.
Rosehip shoots are periodically cut out.
With this planting, over time, the wild rose dominates and your varietal rose disappears. Roses need to be taken care of very carefully.
1.2. If you decide to transport the rose to your own roots, the planting depth of the graft should be from 5 to 17 cm. The transition to its own roots lasts from 3 to 18 months. At this time, it is better to protect the rose from frost with a light shelter for the winter. Subsequently, mulching the soil with 3-5 cm of bark (wood chips) will be sufficient.

2) How to plant your own rooted Chocolate Ruffles.

2.1. Seedlings of this year are planted in a deepened hole so that about 15 cm of the side still remains above the planting level in the hole. In the first year, for the winter, the seedlings in the hole are mulched (wood chips, bark, shavings or foliage), and covered with a board (glass, a sheet of cellular polycarbonate) on top. The following year, as the rose grows, the hole is covered with fertile soil for roses. As a result, you will grow a very powerful self-rooted rose. From the second year for the winter, the rose can only be mulched.
2.2. From the age of two, a self-rooted rose can be planted without worrying about the depth of planting.


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Name options - Hot cocoa, Nubya.

Floribunda, 60-80 cm high.
Originator Carruth, 2002, USA.

For lovers of hot and unusual.

Have you ever opened the door of a cooling furnace in a dark room, in the furnace of which the life of a burned-out fire still glimmers? If you carefully blow, then barely smoldering coals come to life, their muted red color becomes brighter ...

Rose "Hot Chocolate" conceals in the middle the same hidden trace of fire, fading to the edge of the bud, and turning into a red-brown, noble color that gives a feeling of peace and tranquility. We have never seen another rose of this color.

This small floribunda is similar in flower shape and fragrance to hybrid tea roses. The flowers are large, and in full dissolution - brighten. The most beauty is in the barely blossoming buds.

The aroma is weak, typical for a hybrid tea rose.

In the photographs, we try to convey the color as accurately as possible, with this variety it is especially interesting and important. I think the best color turned out on the top and bottom photo. Although it is also difficult to consider it an ideal color reproduction. The color is so unusual for a rose that it is almost impossible to judge it from a photo, alas.

The foliage is large, dark green, emerald, shiny. the plant is resistant to diseases, tolerates drought well and tolerates rains more or less normally.

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Rose Shannabelle Harkness floribunda ZKS 4-6 l

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Rose Eglentine Austin shrub ZKS 4-7 l

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Rose Young Litsidas Austin shrub ZKS 4-7 l

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Rose Polarstern h/g trunk 80 cm

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In the center, a lemon shade is visible, but a fully opened flower of a radiant white color. The flowers are densely double, the petals gracefully bend down. They are very dense, so the variety is resistant to rain, the bud is round and slowly opens. In hot weather rose flower fully open and show golden stamens. The flowers are almost always solitary, on long, stiff stems. Foliage is large, disease resistant, although sometimes powdery mildew is possible. It blooms very profusely, so, although flowers and follow in a series of waves, the bush never stands without flowers until autumn. 29960 Rose Polarstern (Rosen Tantau, 1982)


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Rose Rose du Motre D "Ecole Gallic ZKS 4-6 l

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Rose with a delicious name Chocolate Raffles impresses with unusual coloring and even more extraordinary shape of flower petals. When you read the name of the variety, you expect to see a plant of an unusual brown color. It wasn't there! This rose is much more than just a chocolate miracle! This is chocolate with orange filling, as the color of this plant is not uniform, but very juicy, bright and multi-colored.

Extraordinary color and shape

The flower of roses from the Raffles series has a large size of 6-8 centimeters in girth, and is distinguished by the original shape of the edge of the petals. It is heavily indented, and haphazardly, so two identical or even similar flowers cannot be found. In addition, the petals are convex, corrugated, and their edges are turned outward. The flower itself is densely "stuffed" with petals, terry and very elegant. Not buy this rose is simply impossible - it has not only a unique shape, but also a color. The inner part of the flower is a juicy orange color with inclusions of yellow, gradually turning from the center to smoky, and then to a rich burgundy-chocolate tone. The surface of the petals open to the eye is velvety, delicate, and the wrong side is silk, smooth and one-color, orange-yellow, rather light, with a noticeable pattern of veins. The aroma of the flower is weak, pleasant, but unobtrusive, which is especially suitable for people with a tendency to allergies to odors.

Growing roses

This variety of rose belongs to the Floribunda class, which is famous for its abundant and long flowering. The bush reaches 40-50 centimeters in height, which allows you to buy seedlings for growing on balconies, patios and terraces in containers and large pots. The flowers are located on the shoot in 3 or 5 pieces, they are large and continue to retain their attractiveness for a long time, they can also be used in cutting, and they look great solo. With such a bright color, this rose is unlikely to tolerate competitors.

When grown in open ground does not show excessive pickiness, like all roses, requiring only nutritious, moderately moist, loose soil, a sunny place of growth and protection from piercing winds. At wholesale buying from this variety alone you can get a rose garden unusual look and colors.

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