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Unfortunately, the problems of single mothers are acquiring more and more unresolved issues in our time. A woman who independently "raises" a child is a very common phenomenon not only in our country.

A significant number of representatives of the weaker sex raise their children on their own, and there are many reasons for this, including the refusal of the father of the child to provide assistance, the birth of a child out of wedlock, adoption, and much more. However, whatever the reasons for the appearance a large number single mothers, they still need help and protection along with their children.

The state policy regarding this category of citizens is unequivocal - women who independently, without the participation of a father, raise a child should receive material support from the state. Financial assistance is manifested in special allowances for children and additional payments, benefits in the labor and tax spheres of life, an extraordinary placement of the baby in a kindergarten, etc. Let's try to consider what benefits single mothers enjoy.

Legislative status of single mothers

Legislation guarantees the legitimate protection of the interests of those citizens who raise a child on their own.

It is legally prescribed that this status is received by those women whose children in their birth certificate do not have any mention of the father.

It seems that the wording is quite clear, but it is not always able to explain and take into account all the nuances and features.

After all, we are talking about the actual infringement of the rights of the child, both morally and socially, from the second parent, who, as a biological unit, may be available, but as an assistant responsible for financial support and education, is absent. And as a result, the responsibility to meet the needs of the child falls on the state. And all this despite the fact that the benefits of a single mother in Russia are a very painful topic.

Who is considered a single mother?

The definition of the legal status of a single mother is quite clearly spelled out in Russian legislation. It is according to him that benefits are determined for the children of single mothers. To date, the aforementioned status can be claimed by:

  • women who gave birth to children outside the lawful bonds of marriage, if paternity is not established in the manner required by law: there is no joint application from both parents to the registry office to establish paternity or there is no corresponding court decision on the fact of establishing paternity;
  • a woman who, while not officially married, has taken part in a government adoption program and, from a legal point of view, has acquired the legal status of a single mother. Benefits and benefits will be provided to her in accordance with the requirements of the law;
  • a woman who adopted a child, being in the status of a married woman, provided that her official husband did not recognize the child and did not adopt him;
  • a woman who gave birth to a child while in a marital relationship, provided that paternal rights were challenged in court, and the court decided that her legal spouse is not the biological parent of the newborn;
  • a woman who gave birth within 300 days of the divorce proceedings, and whose ex-husband proved through the court that he was not really the father of the child.

If all conditions are met, then social workers can answer the burning question of whether there are benefits for single mothers, and which ones they are entitled to by law.

Who is not entitled to claim the legal status of a single mother?

Based on the provisions of family law in the Russian Federation, the following categories of citizens do not apply for the official title of single mother:

  • women who give birth and raise a child in an incomplete family, in the presence of an official father who, for one reason or another, does not provide his child with any financial and moral support;
  • women who are not officially married, but according to the birth certificate of the child, the father is still there, even if he does not live with him;
  • widows, in this case, financial support from the state for the child will be provided on other grounds;
  • mothers of children whose husbands were deprived of paternal rights in full compliance with legal requirements;
  • those women who gave birth to a baby within 300 days after the official end of the divorce proceedings, provided that their former spouses did not appeal their paternity through the courts. In this case, according to Article 48, part 2 of the RF IC, the registry office recognizes paternity, even if the man is not in fact the biological parent of the child.

What state bodies confirm the status of a single mother?

After giving birth, the mother is obliged to submit an application for registration of the child to the registry office at the place of residence (propiska). It is legally required that it be signed by both parents. If there is no second parent, then the mother needs to prepare a package of documents certifying that the father of her child is absent or has renounced paternal rights (including the need to obtain appropriate confirmation from the courts).

Only after that, the registry office will accept an application for registration of a newborn, and a dash will be put in his certificate. When issuing a birth certificate, the child's mother will additionally receive a certificate in accordance with Form No. 25 stating that she is a single mother. Such a document is useful in order to find out in more detail what benefits and payments are issued to single mothers and how to properly arrange them. Thus, confirmation of the title of a single mother is carried out in the registry office.

Benefits and financial payments to single mothers in 2014

Single parents receive the same benefits that are guaranteed for all women, including those from intact families. However, it is worth noting that the amount of benefits for single mothers has been increased. Currently, a single woman will receive the following benefits:

  • maternity capital, if a woman gave birth to a second child;
  • a one-time payment to all women who timely registered with medical institutions before the 12th week of pregnancy. Legislatively in 2014, the amount of the above-mentioned allowance is set at the level of 515 rubles. 33 kopecks;
  • one-time payment at the birth of a child. In Russia, it is calculated in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 81-F3 "On State Benefits for Citizens with Children" dated May 19, 1995. The official amount of this financial assistance in 2014 amounted to 13,742 rubles;
  • monthly financial payments for the care of a child who is under 1.5 years old. Since the beginning of 2013, the amount of this benefit depends on the official earnings of the insured woman for the previous 2 years worked. In the analyzed year, the amount of the minimum monthly payment amounted to 2,576 rubles after the first birth and 5,153 rubles at the birth of a second child and subsequent ones;
  • pregnancy benefit. The amount of this allowance varies according to the amendments made (01.01.2013) to the Law No. 21-F3 of 02.25.2011. Now, when calculating this allowance, some periods in determining the average earnings for 1 working day will not be taken into account.

Other types of financial assistance for single mothers

In addition to the basic state payments, a single parent has an absolute right to receive additional financial incentives. Consider what benefits a single mother has in addition:

  • state monthly payment for a child until he reaches 1.5 years of age and, accordingly, from 1.5 to 3 years;
  • so-called children's money for a child under the age of majority, this benefit is permanent and is paid every calendar month;
  • monetary compensation in connection with the gradual increase in the cost of living;
  • monetary compensation in connection with the increase in food prices;
  • state aid in kind (a set of clothes for a child, a dairy kitchen for newborns, etc.);
  • monthly financial assistance from the state for the maintenance of a disabled child.

It is worth noting that the amount of all the above benefits varies depending on the region of the country, its financial capabilities and municipal social programs. It is also worth noting that a single mother with many children will receive slightly different, higher benefits in financing.

What documents do I need to submit to apply for and receive benefits for single mothers in 2014?

No changes were made to the standard documentary package, which is required when applying for benefits and additional payments, in 2014. The main list remained the same as in 2013. The following documents are required for registration:

  1. a certificate from the housing office, indicating that the child lives with his mother;
  2. documentary confirmation of the relationship between the child and the mother (birth certificate);
  3. copy of passport and mother's identification number;
  4. mother's work book, confirmed by management and certified by notaries;
  5. bank account number or savings book.

In addition to official cash benefits from the state, single mothers are also entitled to certain additional benefits relating to both the social sphere and the tax.

Tax breaks for single parents in 2014

According to the provisions of Art. 218 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, a single mother who continues to work has the absolute right to a double income tax deduction. In 2014, its amount for the first two children is 2800 rubles, for the third and subsequent - 6000 rubles.

The tax deduction from the mother's income for a disabled child of group 1 or 2 until he reaches the age of majority (in the case of inpatient higher education up to the age of 23) will be 6,000 rubles. Thus, these benefits for single mothers can reduce costs and increase income, which will positively affect the provision of the child.

Social assistance for single mothers

Social benefits for singles are accrued taking into account the federal budgets of different regions. Regarding their availability and receipt, it is necessary to find out from the local social security authorities. Moreover, these benefits can be very diverse:

  • providing the child with a change of clothes 2 times a year;
  • fare for single mothers in public transport is 50%. Such benefits for single mothers can save on travel in trams, trolleybuses, electric trains and public shuttle buses;
  • registration and acceptance of a child in a municipal children's institution without respect to the order, provided that the institution is state-owned. Until 2009, this benefit was guaranteed to every single mother, and after that, all responsibility was placed on local and federal authorities. Now only the administration of the institution can say what benefits a single mother will receive. Kindergarten reserves the right to provide or refuse them;
  • treatment in health institutions and visits to recreation camps at the expense of the state.

This list is approximate, each region has its own benefits, and to find out about them, a single mother needs to contact the local authorities. So, for example, benefits for single mothers in Moscow will differ from the Far North, Khabarovsk or Krasnodar.

Labor benefits for a single mother

The legislation of Russia guarantees for working single mothers a number of guarantees, indulgences and benefits in working conditions. Thus, the area of ​​labor law recognizes the benefits and rights of single mothers that they can claim according to their status.

  • A single mother who is raising a child under the age of 14 cannot be dismissed from her position. An exception in this case will be a systematic violation of the rules of the enterprise, negligence in official duties or their failure to fulfill them, theft or theft of material assets, as well as the disclosure of commercial information.
  • If the state ceases to be the owner of the enterprise, then the new owner will not be able to fire the single mother. He is obliged to conclude an agreement with her on voluntary dismissal in exchange for monetary compensation.
  • Single parents are entitled to a short additional leave, which, however, will not be paid. In 2014, it will be 14 calendar days. In addition, it is worth considering that it can be used both in parts and in conjunction with the main vacation.
  • An employer who has refused to place a single mother must explain to her in writing the reasons for his refusal. If this condition is not met, then a single parent can sue for violation of rights.
  • Hospital payments are paid at a higher rate and the period can be extended.

Medical Benefits for Single Mothers

Medicine also provides benefits to single mothers and their children. Moreover, they begin to act from the moment the child is born. If a child is disabled or has a serious illness, then the state guarantees additional bonuses for him and his parent. The benefits for single mothers in the field of medicine are as follows:

  • if the hospital to which the mother and child are assigned has a massage room, then the child can visit it 2 times a week absolutely free of charge;
  • the maternity hospital has the right to provide the child with a set of bed linen, diapers and clothes at the request of the mother;
  • the child has the right to receive vouchers for rest or recovery from state medical institutions every year free of charge (in some regions with a payment of 25% of the total cost);
  • if the hospital has a dairy kitchen, then its services for children under the age of 3 years are free;

Benefits for single mothers in educational institutions

For single mothers, a number of benefits are provided related to the presence of a child at school in a preschool and secondary educational institution:

  1. the obligatory right to receive good nutrition in the canteen of the institution at least 2 times a day;
  2. the right to free provision of the child with educational aids;
  3. receiving stationery sets and notebooks for the student (valid in part of the subjects of Russia);
  4. a 30% discount on attendance by a child of sports sections, a music school or theater and art circles;
  5. compensation of the cost of monthly payment for a preschool institution at the expense of the state budget (not valid in all regions, in some subjects of the Federation compensation is 70%).

Housing and communal services: benefits and concessions

Russian housing legislation provides single mothers with the fewest benefits. This legal sphere practically does not affect the interests of single parents and their children. To a greater extent, benefits for housing and communal services are implemented with the help of regional social programs to protect the population in individual regions of Russia. Currently, the following housing benefits for single mothers are available:

  • in the presence of a child under the age of 1.5 years, payment for garbage collection from an apartment building is not charged to a single mother;
  • if a single mother has not reached the age of 35, then in fact a woman has the right to participate in federal and regional housing programs. These benefits are provided to single mothers if the woman does not have health problems that would affect her ability to work;
  • the state is obliged to improve the living conditions of the mother and her baby, if necessary;
  • in the queue for free public housing, single mothers are placed at the top of the list.

In addition, in some cases, single mothers may try to apply for a subsidy to pay for LCD services. To do this, you need to contact the social security authorities at the actual place of residence for more detailed consultations and calculations. Only employees of social institutions can say what benefits single mothers have when calculating utility bills.

Every citizen of Russia is protected in accordance with labor legislation. But the rights of a single mother under the Labor Code in Russia in 2019 are somewhat expanded.

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After all, a woman who is raising a child herself needs additional help both socially and in labor terms.

What you need to know

A single mother, in accordance with judicial practice, acts as a parent who is independently involved in the upbringing and maintenance of her child.

Here it is important to take into account that this provision applies both to the woman's own children and to adopted ones. In this case, children are equal in rights.

In the legislation, there is no clear definition of a single mother. Therefore, it is difficult to find provisions in legislative acts that would concern the protection of this category of citizens.

But there are regulations that define possible options for assistance for such women. The country's labor law is no exception.

Important Concepts

In order to better understand all the features of labor relations, you should familiarize yourself with the basic terms in this area:

single mother Woman raising a minor child on her own
Sick leave A document confirming that a person has medical indications for his release from work for a certain period of time
Reduction of the worker The dismissal procedure, the reason for which is personnel changes in the structure of the enterprise
Vacation Type of rest, which involves the release of the employee from work. Usually there are several types - paid and without content

What opportunities does this category of citizens have

For women who raise children on their own, a number of benefits are provided:

In the field of regional concessions, a woman receives the following set of benefits:

Legal grounds

The concept of a single mother is found only in judicial practice. So, you can find this definition in the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. 1 “On the application of legislation regulating the labor of women, persons with family responsibilities and minors”.

It is not worth looking for this concept in other legal acts. As for the social set of benefits, the provisions on this are mainly contained in the legislative and regulatory documents of the local authorities.

In terms of federal legislation, Federal Law No. 256 “On additional measures of state support for families with children” should be used.

This document regulates all issues related to the provision of family capital, which can be received by both a complete and a family with one parent.

The main condition is the presence of two or more children. And only the mother, in accordance with the provisions of Article 12, has the right to transfer funds to her funded part of the pension.

All other options for supporting the mother are dealt with by labor legislation, since there are many abuses in this area. mothers need to be able to protect their rights, based on the documentary provisions of the law.

The main aspects of the rights of single mothers under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

The Labor Code contains a number of supporting provisions in various areas of labor. It is important to understand that a mother who raises a child on her own can enjoy all the privileges that the country's legislation provides her.

The main areas in which the issuance of benefits will be as follows:

Benefits for TC

Due to the fact that a woman has to raise a child on her own, there is more pressure on her. It affects both the working environment, which requires her attention and full dedication, and the upbringing of the child, which can take strength.

The main feature that is observed in the country in 2019 is the early exit of mothers from maternity leave.

Based on the fact that the child is still small and the woman needs to take care of it in full, she can count on support from the law and the employer.

But in order to receive benefits, it is imperative to notify the boss - for this they bring the appropriate document:

  • birth certificate without a father in the document;
  • a document confirming the death of the father;
  • certificate of incapacity of the second parent or that he was missing.

Working mode

For a woman who is raising a child, it becomes impossible to work at night or in an irregular format. That is why the employer cannot insist on such a mode of work.

In this case, the woman draws up in writing a refusal to carry out labor activities in this format. The same applies to business trips and shift work.

It is forbidden to call a woman to the workplace on weekends or holidays. If a woman agrees to such a regime, she can also write an application for consent.

At the same time, the fact that he did not familiarize the woman with her right to refuse such a format of work will also be a violation on the part of the employer.


The mother will in any case have the standard 28 days of leave, which the employer must pay. Additionally, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation makes it possible to get another 14 days.

But when concluding a contract with an employer, you should study the contract. It is the collective agreement that regulates this possibility of vacation. Vacation is issued at any convenient time - it should be used for a year.

This right will be granted to the mother until the baby turns 14 years old. After that, this type of leave is not required by law - the exception is the illness of a disabled child.

Part time

For a woman who herself is engaged in raising a minor child, benefits are provided in terms of limiting the length of the working day. In this case, everything is carried out at the request of the employee herself - on the basis of her application.

There are two types of benefits:

What will happen to wages. Its size will depend on the indicator of hours worked or on the amount of work performed.

Seniority and vacation will be accrued in the standard mode. But it should be understood that such a benefit is most often used before the start of the opportunity to arrange a baby in a kindergarten.

Sick leave

A woman can count on full payment for such a sick leave if the document is issued for 10 days. If the care period is exceeded, then the payment will be only 50% of the average earnings.

Also, the amount of the payment depends on how much insurance experience a woman has:

In this case, for a single mother, the calculation of sick leave payments will be the same as for complete families. And the same indicators should be taken into account, additional benefits for them have not been established.

Upon dismissal (downsizing)

Russian legislation does not provide for the possibility of dismissing a single mother until the child is 14 years old. But there are a few exceptions to this rule as well.

The employer may terminate the contract with the employee in the following cases:

  1. The enterprise where labor activity is carried out is completely liquidated.
  2. The employee systematically refuses to perform her work duties, which leads to a violation of the working regime.
  3. Violation of labor discipline in the workplace. In this case, one episode will suffice.

In the event that a company is downsizing, then a single woman with a child has an advantage and protection from dismissal.

In the event of the complete liquidation of the enterprise, the employer must help the woman with employment, and not just fire her - in accordance with Article 261 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Will there be changes in 2019

At the legislative level, it is not planned to make changes to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Socially unprotected segments of the population receive subsidies, benefits and social assistance from the state. A special category of the population includes women who have the official status of a loner and raise their children without a father. Such women are guaranteed special rights and benefits under the Labor Code, regional and federal legislation.

In turn, about how a father abandons a child, read

The rights of a single mother under the labor code in 2018

A woman with the status of a single mother is entitled to receive all benefits and assistance under the Labor Code and the UK, which are associated with the birth of a child and are paid to other mothers. These include all federal payments, as well as subsidized funds and benefits under the Labor Code. In 2018, benefits will be awarded only if:

  • a single woman took custody of her children;
  • paternity was not certified in the registry office, was not registered through the judiciary;
  • the fact of paternity was refuted in court.

The legal father of the child is considered to be the man whose details are specified in the marriage certificate or document issued after the birth of the baby.

What benefits is a single mother entitled to?

Single mothers are provided with the following assistance:

  • free underwear for newly born children;
  • benefits for children's sanatorium vouchers for recovery;
  • deferred payment of fees for waste disposal and maintenance of a multi-storey building;
  • 25% or more discount on visit preschool institutions, circles and sections;
  • preferential milk nutrition children under two years old;
  • discounts on medicines;
  • benefits in accordance with the current Labor Code;
  • benefits for meals in educational institutions;
  • benefits for sessions of children's massage for medical reasons.

What rights does a single mother have at work?

Some single women are concerned about the question of whether they have the right to fire a single mother from work? Qualified lawyers argue that according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation it is forbidden to dismiss such a category of women from their positions. Even in the event of the liquidation of the enterprise, a woman, upon her dismissal, must be provided with a job. According to the Labor Code, work on holidays, after-hours, as well as business trips are carried out only with the written consent of the mother.

At the same time, if there is a child under the age of 14, a woman under the Labor Code has the opportunity to work part-time while maintaining her earnings. Also, for this category of citizens, according to the Labor Code, the institution should provide for the opportunity to take additional leave at any time, consisting of 14 working days.

Read about how single mothers are paid for processing.

Can a single mother get housing?

Today, with the question of whether a single mother has the right to receive housing, they turn to lawyers very often. In almost any region of Russia, a single mother and her child are entitled to a significant list of benefits, including the possibility of obtaining free housing. In order to take advantage of such benefits, it is necessary to collect documents and, together with the corresponding application, send them to the housing commission at the place of residence. The package of documents includes:

  • single mother certificate;
  • Russian passport;
  • certificate of registration;
  • baby's birth certificate;
  • certificate of the value of property subject to tax deductions;
  • act of inspection of living space;
  • income statement of family members.

For some reason, as well as to clarify individual circumstances, the applicant may be required to provide other documents in accordance with the Labor Code and the UK.

Does a single mother have the right to file for child support?

Many single women with children wonder if the father is deprived of parental rights and whether the mother is considered a loner. According to the RF IC, mothers who raise children on their own from a former spouse and those who were not married, but paternity was recognized voluntarily, in court, are not entitled to the status of single. A woman who raises a child on her own has the right to file for alimony. In this case, it will be necessary, voluntarily or involuntarily, to establish paternity. The mother will lose the status of single, as well as the assistance required by the Labor Code and the UK. Thus, you should first evaluate all the advantages, disadvantages of establishing paternity and only then apply for alimony.

Raising a child on your own is difficult not only from a moral point of view, but also from a material one. It is all the more difficult to do this in Moscow, since the capital is traditionally distinguished by high prices for basic and related groups of goods for children. To facilitate the task of single women, the state provides various benefits and benefits. In 2018, some points of these social programs will remain unchanged, and some will be revised and changed.

In the fall of 2017, the Moscow Government supported the initiative to increase certain types of benefits for this category of women. In addition, explanatory work is constantly carried out by social authorities about which of the women is entitled to receive such payments, since the legal concept of “loner” differs from the generally accepted one.

Muscovites who raise children without fathers can count on 2 types of payments and benefits:

  • paid to all Russian citizens who fall into the category of single mothers;
  • provided only by the regional Moscow social program.

The reasons for getting them are the same.

Women eligible for benefits and allowances as single mothers:

  • those whose child is born out of wedlock and the mother is independently engaged in education;
  • those who independently raise a foster child and are not married at the same time;
  • women whose baby was born in marriage or within 300 days after the termination of marriage, but the official paternity was disputed.

Women who do not qualify as single mothers:

  • are divorced but do not receive alimony from their father;
  • gave birth to a man whose paternity was officially established, but the marriage was not registered;
  • gave birth to a man who died or was deprived of parental rights;
  • gave birth within 9 months after the divorce or recognition of the marriage as invalid.


For 2018, it is not planned to revise the amount of financial payments to single mothers at the federal level. For this reason, they will remain at the level of 2017.

List of payments provided until birth, as follows:

  • for women registered for pregnancy before 12 weeks - monthly 613.14 rubles (this type of assistance is issued regardless of the outcome of childbirth);
  • payment for pregnancy and childbirth officially employed - 100% of the average monthly earnings (accrued for the period from the 30th week of pregnancy to the 70th day after the birth of the child);
  • payment for pregnancy and childbirth to students - 100% scholarships;
  • payment for pregnancy and childbirth to the unemployed - 581 rubles;
  • payment for pregnancy and childbirth to military personnel or those working in the defense sector - the amount of 1 cash benefit.

After the baby is born A woman is entitled to the following types of financial assistance:

  • at a time - 16,350.33 rubles;
  • if childbirth is recognized as difficult, 16 days of sick leave are additionally paid.

In the case of the adoption of two children at the same time, who are related to each other, an additional 118.5 thousand rubles are due.

During maternity leave before the baby is 18 months old, a single mother is entitled to the following benefits:

  • for women with a permanent official place of work - 40% of the average monthly salary during the last 180 days before childbirth (the employer is obliged to pay the allowance);
  • for women dismissed during pregnancy due to the liquidation of the enterprise - 2,908 thousand (the allowance is paid by the social fund);
  • for the unemployed - 3.0 thousand (for one child) or 5.817 thousand (for two or more children).

A special situation arises if, before the decree, a single woman was employed, but immediately after the first decree, she goes to the second. The allowance paid by the employer to such single mothers up to 1.5 years is doubled and amounts to 80% of their average monthly salary.

For residents of Moscow

Muscovites are entitled to an additional list of payments. In October 2017, the mayor of Moscow took the initiative to raise certain types of benefits. The adopted program also applies to single mothers.

Throughout 2018, single mothers who are Muscovites will be entitled to receive the following types of monthly financial assistance:

  • before the age of 3 years - 15 thousand;
  • compensation for regional price increases - 750 rubles. for the poor and 300 rubles. for everyone else;
  • compensation for regional growth in prices for baby food - 650 rubles. (until the child reaches the age of three).

If a single mother living and registered in Moscow has given birth to a third or more child, she can receive an additional 18.7 thousand monthly until the age of three for each of the children.

All regional surcharges and benefits provided to single mothers in Moscow are multi-level. This means that if a woman falls simultaneously into 2 categories for which payments are provided (for example, a single mother and a large family), she is entitled to receive all such benefits in full without any restrictions.


Single mothers living in Moscow in 2018 will be able to use not only special payments, but also preferential programs. Their list includes:

  • natural aid;
  • privileges;
  • additional rights;
  • labor privileges.

Natural help:

  • free clothes for newborns;
  • sets of linen for babies;
  • free children food dairy cuisine up to 2 years;
  • essential medicine kits;
  • massage course in a children's clinic;
  • two meals a day at school;
  • providing vouchers to health-improving institutions for preschoolers and schoolchildren.


  • extraordinary admission to the selected preschool educational institution;
  • 50% discount on payment for educational and upbringing services in preschool educational institutions;
  • reduced cost of education in schools;
  • preferential participation in the "Housing" program to solve problems with housing;
  • allowance for payment for services provided by housing and communal enterprises.

In addition to all of the above, single mothers in 2018 will be able to take advantage of the following labor privileges:

  • until the youngest child is 14 years old, the employer does not have the right to fire a woman even if the position is inappropriate;
  • in case of liquidation of the enterprise, the employer is obliged to provide another place of work with a wage level not lower than the previous one;
  • at any time of the year, a single mother has the right to an extraordinary leave without pay for a period not exceeding 14 days;
  • exemption from night work, business trips, overtime work, as well as going to work on holidays or weekends (in the event that a woman provides an official refusal in writing);
  • additional sick leave allowance, which depends on the length of service (the first 14 calendar days of sick leave - 100%, the next days - 50% of the salary);
  • sick leave until the age of seven, the child is paid in full, regardless of its duration;
  • the opportunity to work on a daily reduced schedule until the child is 14 years old;
  • when applying for a job, the status of a single mother cannot be considered a sufficient reason for refusal, therefore, in case of refusal, the employer is obliged to provide an explanation of the reasons in writing or electronically.

In addition, a single mother is entitled to a reduction in the amount of income tax paid. Its size will depend on the number of children and the woman's salary.

The whole complex of national and regional payments, subsidies and benefits to single mothers is aimed at ensuring that, with the help of the state, a woman can provide a decent level of organization of life and upbringing for her children.

Single mothers will increase "children's": video

Families with children know very well that in order to raise at least one child, it is necessary to expend a lot of effort, financial investment and patience. When the family is complete, the responsibilities for raising the baby are distributed between mom and dad.

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However, there are situations in which the burden of raising and caring for a child falls only on the shoulders of the mother. In other words, a woman who raises children without the intervention of their dad acquires status.

This one is official and is contained in government legislative documents.

The state of the Russian Federation provides support to socially unprotected categories of citizens. This kind of assistance is expressed in a variety of benefits and financial support.

General information

Women who have the status of single mothers in 2019 are guaranteed to have special rights under labor, regional and federal legislation.

What is the social support from the state for mothers raising children without fathers:

  • in tax and labor benefits;
  • in cash payments and subsidies;
  • in benefits related to the social sphere.

Who can get the status?

A woman who is raising a baby without a father can apply for the status.

Moreover, this does not mean the absence of her husband, but the absence of a father in the baby. Thus, only those women whose children have a dash in the line “father” in the birth certificate receive benefits.

Reasons for not paternity:

  • The birth of a child for himself. The baby's dad is not known, he is also not familiar with the fact that he has a son or daughter.
  • The father did not accept the newborn, and filed papers to challenge paternity in court.
  • The child is adopted.
  • The baby's father died before the conclusion of an official marriage with the child's mother in the registry office. At the same time, instead of a dash in the line “father”, the name of the real dad can be indicated in the birth certificate of the baby. However, in this case, the phrase "according to the mother" is added. Despite the presence of an entry in the birth certificate, such a woman claims to receive the status of a single mother.
  • women who have never been in a civil marriage;
  • adopting a child;
  • women whose husbands are not the biological fathers of children;
  • divorced women who gave birth to a baby within three hundred days from the date of the divorce proceedings.

Some employees of the registry office deliberately advise not to include potential fathers of children in the birth certificate, unless, of course, the father of the child is going to take part in the upbringing.

This solution has both positive and negative sides:

  • on the one hand, when traveling abroad, you will not have to ask the consent of the second parent;
  • on the other hand, in this case, the child will not claim to receive an inheritance from the pope.

What does the law say?

Although the status of a single mother was introduced in official documents only three years ago, the state has supported this category of citizens before.

What rights does a single mother have?

Women raising babies without fathers are entitled to receive payments for, subsidies and. Unfortunately, not all representatives of this category of citizens know what rights a single mother has in accordance with the law.

To receive all and compensation, as well as the provision of benefits, official confirmation of the corresponding status is required.

Currently, the following documents are required to confirm the status:

  • birth certificate;
  • certificate from the registry office;
  • a certificate from the USZN - the department of social protection of the population (on receiving benefits).


Mothers of many children who raise children without the participation of fathers are doubly difficult. A mother of many children is considered a woman who has more than two children.

In this regard, the state has provided for this category of citizens the following rights:

  • Non-working large families are entitled to a fixed, annually indexed allowance. Employees are also entitled to an allowance, calculated as 40% of wages (up to one and a half years for a baby).
  • Providing a 30% discount on utility bills.
  • Granting the right to free travel in urban public transport. When living in a rural area or a village - benefits for travel on intercity buses.
  • Providing children with school uniforms and uniforms for physical education.

At work

As a rule, single mothers leave maternity leave earlier than the deadline in order to feed themselves and the child.

In this case, the employer must be notified of the special status by showing one of the following documents:

  • birth certificate of the baby with a dash in the column "father";
  • father's death certificate;
  • a court verdict that the father of the child has been convicted, and a certificate from the correctional institution;
  • a court decision stating that the baby's father was declared incompetent, dead or missing.

What rights does a single mother have at work after notification of the employer about the special status? She is entitled to the following benefits:

  • Privileged work regime. It can be either part-time or part-time. Salary will be calculated in proportion to the amount of work. This mode of work does not affect the duration of the vacation and the accrual of seniority.
  • Special procedure for terminating an employment contract.

Dismissal of a woman with a special status is possible only in certain cases:

  • when she repeatedly failed to fulfill her own labor duties;
  • the company was liquidated;
  • in the presence of a gross violation of discipline, which is provided for in paragraph 6 of article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

When there is a downsizing in the workplace, single mothers have priority in terms of staying in the workplace.

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, for single mothers, 2 additional weeks can be added to the vacation.

Single mothers are exempted from work at night. Night time includes the period from 10 pm to 6 am.

A special procedure for sending on business trips and working on a watch. A woman can be involved in such work only with her written consent.

A single mother cannot be denied a job because she has a special status.


For single mothers, the state provides a set of benefits to support her and the child.

Benefits can be conditionally divided into:

  • labor;
  • tax;
  • social.

Employment benefits were discussed in the previous section. Benefits related to taxes and the social sphere should be analyzed in more detail.


Social benefits include:

  • An increase in the standard baby allowance paid each month. Usually, the amount payable is twice the amount of the regular allowance.
  • Double sick pay for sickness.
  • Registration of a sick leave lasting 15 days for mothers of schoolchildren.
  • In some cases, the opportunity to participate in sales of children's things at reduced prices from social departments.

Depending on the region of residence, a single mother may be provided with the following benefits:

  • free meals in the school cafeteria for the child;
  • reimbursement of expenses for the child's stay in kindergarten;
  • free or partially funded vouchers to sanatoriums with appropriate medical indications;
  • 50% discount on the purchase of medicines from the category of essentials.


Mothers raising children without the participation of fathers can count on a double deduction from the tax base for each baby.

So, if the standard monthly amount is 300 rubles, then for the category of single mothers it is at the level of 600 rubles.


To clarify the benefits due to a single mother, it is better to contact the social security office at the place of registration.

Mothers raising children without fathers are entitled to state benefits:

  • maternity allowance;
  • allowance paid in the 1st trimester of pregnancy - paid upon registration in the antenatal clinic;
  • a one-time allowance issued after the birth of the baby;
  • monthly allowance for child care up to 1.5 years;
  • a monthly benefit payable at double the regular rate until the child reaches 16 years of age.

Similar benefits are offered to mothers who raise children with their fathers. However, for single mothers, the amount of benefits has been increased.

In the regions of Russia, there are also additional benefits. To receive them, it is necessary to provide the mother's work book to the department of social protection at the place of registration.

Additional benefits may include:

  • reimbursement payments in ascending cost of living;
  • compensation for expenses related to the increase in the price of food for the baby;
  • other payments.


Moms with special status can apply for:

  • Reimbursement of utility bills, provided that the total income of family members does not exceed the subsistence minimum. To determine the amount of subsidies and the possibility of obtaining them, you must contact the department of social protection. Subsidies for utility bills can only be provided if there are no arrears in payments.
  • Targeted subsidies under the federal program. Under this federal program fall young citizens whose age does not exceed 35 years. To participate in the program, you must join the queue for preferential housing.