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Instant soup in bags. Soup in bags - an overview, cooking features and reviews

Soups, which can often be found on the shelves for a small price, are very easy to prepare, and even on each pack you can always find a description of the cooking method. A saucepan, water and the mixture itself, that's all the preparations, you don't need any other kind of expenses. The powder is poured into boiled water, the waiting time is about 20 minutes, and you can start eating.

Water is poured into a small saucepan (of course, you need to take into account how much soup and how many bags you decide to use), then put on fire and cover with a lid.
- in the process of heating water, you can peel about 5 medium-sized potatoes and take at the rate of 2 potatoes per 1 liter of water, and cut into neat cubes.

After the fat is cut, or you can take the brisket, and put it in a pot of water and then cover it back.
- after when the water starts to boil, you need to remove the foam and throw in the potatoes that have been chopped.
- after that, you can pour in the soup mass and stir the prepared soup. The broth should have an appetizing beautiful color with a yellowish tint and have a characteristic aroma.
Be sure to check the soup for salt. In general, of course, salt is already included in the composition of the soup powder, but if you used more water than expected, salt may not be enough and you just need to add the right amount.

This soup takes about 20 minutes to cook. And before it is ready, to give it even more flavor, you can add a couple of bay leaves and a couple of black peppercorns. Then let it all boil for about 2 minutes and now your soup is ready, you can start eating. Lunch delivery is just offered here

There is another option for preparing such a soup. In the second case, the beginning of the cooking process is similar, we take a saucepan and put it on fire until the water boils, peel the potatoes in the same proportions, and also cut them into cubes. Then you need to peel the carrots and cut them into small cubes (it doesn’t turn out so tasty on a grater). We clean another onion and chop it as finely as possible on the board. Onions with carrots are fried in a pan with sunflower oil. After the water boils, pour the potatoes and fried onions with carrots into it. Slowly, stirring the broth, and pour in the soup from the bag. Cook for about 15 minutes, then you can also add parsley or dill, which is more preferable. All soup is ready. Enjoy your meal!

The habit of starting dinner with a bowl of hot soup "from a bag" can turn into serious health problems, warns Dr. Rachel Thompson, an associate at the World Cancer Research Foundation. According to her, soups from the “just add water” series (that is, a powder mixture that turns into borscht, cabbage soup, pea, chicken, beef or vegetable first dish) cannot be named healthy food, because they are leaders among semi-finished products in terms of salt content: one serving contains up to half the daily requirement of sodium chloride.

Meanwhile, as shown by a recently completed study by Japanese scientists, excess salt doubles the likelihood of developing stomach cancer. For 11 years, oncologists observed the lifestyle of 40 thousand inhabitants of the country rising sun, paying special attention to their gastronomic addictions and bad habits. According to the data, among men who preferred salty foods, one person in 500 was at an increased risk of getting cancer. This is twice the rate recorded among those who consume salt in minimal quantities. As for the beautiful half of humanity, lovers of salty foods are four times less likely to get sick than men. Note that stomach cancer is one of the most common forms of this dangerous disease. In terms of mortality - annually, malignant tumors of this localization take the lives of about 1 million inhabitants of the planet - it ranks second, second only to lung cancer.

By the way, the first semi-finished soup appeared in America at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, when women went to work en masse. Then one of the employees of the Canning Company of Joseph Campbell presented a truly revolutionary invention - a dry concentrate soup. The novelty was very liked by busy housewives, soldiers and travelers. In the USSR, first courses were also produced in bags with the famous star pasta. Now, as before, dry soups are in great demand among Russians who do not have time for long snacks at work, as well as among those who often go hiking and travel by train.


Semyon Rapoport, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenova, Deputy Chairman of the Association of Gastroenterologists of Russia, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation:

You don't have to be an expert to understand: the more chemicals in a product, the less healthy it is. If you look at the composition of powdered meals, it is easy to see that they contain a minimum of natural ingredients, everything else is preservatives (they are used to increase the shelf life), dyes, synthetic flavor and aroma enhancers, emulsifiers and other "improvers". Therefore, of course, soups should be preferred. home cooking, and soups "from a bag" are sporadically.

As for the high salt content, it still strikes the main blow not on the stomach, but on other organs and systems. Excess sodium chloride underlies a number of pathological processes. It is especially dangerous for people with diseases of the kidneys and the cardiovascular system, in particular for hypertensive patients (as you know, salt increases arterial pressure). Daily salt intake should not exceed 5-6 grams (a teaspoon with top). And this includes not only the salt that we add when cooking, but also contained in finished products- bread, sausage, cheese, chips, mayonnaise, etc.

And once again about soups.

Today we will talk about soups from packages. How do you feel about them?

For example, when I met Dr. Dukan, I was surprised by his addiction to soup cubes. Yes, not only me. However...

Food concentrates appeared in the 18th century. It was then that the Kharkov scientist Karamzin invented an apparatus for drying products of plant and animal origin. So,

Soups from a bag are divided into three groups.

1. Instant - soup (from the English. instant - “instant”), it is enough to pour boiling water over it (for example, “Hot Mug” from “Maggi”, vermicelli soups"Rollton", "Doshirak").

2. "Quick" soup requires a pot of water and a few minutes of cooking (for example, "Bvstrosoup" from Gallina Blanca).

3. “Ready” soup just needs to be warmed up in microwave oven or on the stove (for example, "Gourmania", "Pride of the hostess").

The first option is very popular. But is it really that useful?

Let's discuss..

  • in the majority quick soups, according to the promises of the labels, put dried mushrooms, powdered tomatoes, shrimp or meat (also dried, reminiscent of soy to taste).
  • If among the ingredients there is a flavor that is identical to the natural one (mushroom, vegetable, chicken), then it is likely that the soup will be purchased not with taste, but only with the aroma of the specified product.
  • In addition, there are very few biologically active substances in such soups, so fiber, vitamins and beneficial enzymes will have to be obtained from more familiar foods.
  • Another component of bags and cups is the famous E-621, also known as monosodium glutamate. Such a contradictory condiment. There is an opinion that it improves the functioning of the brain and bears the proud name of “mind serum”. But it is also known that its excessive use can lead to visual impairment and other health troubles. Both statements find their supporters among scientists. And while they are actively arguing, proving the validity of their opinion, and looking for the truth, it is better to give up this spice. This means that you will have to avoid “quick” soups (as well as bouillon cubes and seasoning mixtures) - the concentration of monosodium glutamate in them is very high. By the way, it is he who gives the instant soup an unpleasant aftertaste.
  • Another popular ingredient is Palm oil. Recent studies have shown that it impairs fat metabolism in the body and can cause the development of atherosclerosis.
  • The composition of quick soups necessarily includes salt, which they do not spare for them. Eating from a bag, a person receives at least 15 g of this spice per day, while the norm for an adult is about 3-5 g.
  • In addition, instant soups are generously seasoned with stabilizers, preservatives and other ingredients with the letter E - otherwise they simply could not be stored for such a long period (from a year to a year and a half). Abuse of instant soups can be harmful to health: such products are poorly digested and difficult to remove from the body . At best, this leads to heartburn. At worst, it negatively affects the functioning of the liver, causes gastritis and weakens the immune system. Bouillon cubes and dry soups are contraindicated in hypertensive patients due to their high salt content, as well as ulcers due to numerous food additives and enhancers "improvers" taste. So you should stay away from the shelf with "fast" dishes, except in emergency cases. Moreover, nutritionists categorically do not recommend eating instant soups more often than once every two weeks, and nutritionists categorically do not recommend completely replacing lunch or dinner with them.

A few simple recipes will help reduce the harmfulness of soups from concentrates.

  • Boiling the soup with boiling water - vermicelli, it is better not to add the oil included in the kit to it. Replace it with a teaspoon of regular vegetable oil. Some buyers even refuse the soup base, replacing it with natural salt, pepper and fresh herbs that are at hand.
  • In the instant soup, you can add a little boiled potatoes - it will absorb excess salt.
  • A quick soup that requires boiling is recommended to be filled with less water than indicated on the package - the dinner will be thicker and more rich. The same potato will cope with excess salt, just put it in a container at the beginning of cooking raw, and before serving, simply remove and discard.

Hi all. "Once a day the soup should be in the stomach," have you heard such a proverb? It is a pity that in reality the soup turns out to cook very rarely. The fact is that for its preparation it is necessary to spend a certain amount of time, and it is always not enough.

However, soups are designed to solve this problem. fast food. We will look at one of these today. This is a mushroom soup from the Home Bistro company, the cost of a bag is 67 rubles.

Ordinary bags of instant soups are very small, but they are cheaper than this instance. I originally wanted to cook more soup, so I took a larger package, here 60 grams.

There are inscriptions on the packaging, they say there are inside

porcini mushrooms and champignons, large pieces of vegetables and steamed barley

Barley was steamed, apparently for its quick preparation along with other ingredients.

There is nothing criminal in the composition, except that there is a mushroom flavor. Indeed, when you open the pack, the smell of mushrooms is very well felt. Apparently, this is the merit of just the same flavoring.

And the rest of the composition is a lot dried vegetables, as well as cereals.

The back of the package also tells you how to make soup with this package. You need to bring water to a boil, then add the contents of the bag and cook for 15-20 minutes. By the way, one sachet is designed for 1 liter of water.

But for cooking delicious soup Of course, the contents of the sachet alone are not enough, so we will supplement the cooking recipe a little.

To begin with, we will prepare some potatoes and cut them. When the water boils, add these potatoes to the pan along with the contents of the bag.

Next, fry the onion and mushrooms separately in a frying pan. I have frozen mushrooms, thanks to my father, who repeatedly went to the forest in the summer and picked mushrooms. Basically, these are porcini mushrooms, as well as mushrooms, for soup this best mushrooms in my opinion.

I know that the cat cried in a bag of mushrooms, there is only aroma from them, so your product will not hurt.

So, put the mushrooms and onions in a hot frying pan with oil.

Fry the onion until light golden, in no case overcook.

We add this frying to the pan after about 15-20 minutes of cooking the soup, after which we keep the stove at a low temperature for some more time.

Everything, the soup is ready, you can remove it from the stove and call everyone to the table.

The soup turned out to be very tasty, a bright mushroom taste is achieved with the help of its natural fried mushrooms, initially there are few of them in a bag. However, I tried the broth during cooking, even without the addition of a natural product, so to speak, the taste and aroma of mushrooms can be caught.

The groats are boiled perfectly, it is pleasant to eat. Even taking into account the fact that in the pan I obviously had not 1 liter of water, but more, there were enough seasonings, the taste is simply excellent. Unless I added a little more salt, which also fits into the size of the prepared portion.

In fact, this way of making soup is quite good and the company Home Bistro is clearly worthy. I can recommend this manufacturer's instant soup, do not be lazy to make a little more effort and then you will get a very tasty soup.