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What does a spider on coffee grounds mean. Fortune telling on coffee grounds: Predict fate while enjoying aromatic coffee! Fortune telling on coffee grounds: online interpretation

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Fortune telling on coffee grounds is one of the most famous ways to predict the future, there is hardly at least one person who has not heard about this effective magical rite.

At the same time, this way of predicting the future can hardly be called simple, because not everyone can understand its features, it requires deep knowledge of symbolism and vast experience.

According to some reports, fortune telling on coffee grounds appeared back in the 18th century, in Italy, where a list of basic symbols and signs was developed that can be seen at the bottom of a coffee cup. The Italians themselves say that with the help of such fortune telling you can really get truthful answers to any questions, but the Devil himself is their source. That is why this fortune-telling must be handled with the utmost care.

Divination process

This divination has been used for several hundred years, and its principles have survived to this day without much change. In Italy, the fortune-telling process took place as follows: hand-ground coffee was poured into a coffee pot, filled with water, put on fire and brought to a boil, pronouncing a certain magic formula.

When the coffee boiled, they poured it into a cup and drank it, turning the cup with the grounds onto a white saucer. After that, the interpretation of the symbols itself was carried out.
It was believed that in order to receive truthful answers, the fortuneteller had to utter a secret conspiracy known only to the initiated.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds

Based on this information, a similar ritual can be performed today, at home. All you need is a white porcelain coffee cup, natural coffee and a coffee pot.

It is best to use two tablespoons of coarse ground coffee mixed with one tablespoon of finely ground coffee for brewing. The sediment obtained from such coffee is the easiest to decipher.

Before proceeding directly to fortune-telling, you need to correctly compose your question. Think about what exactly you want to know from higher powers, compose the question in such a way that the answer is as accurate as possible.

After that, pour the already brewed coffee into a cup. Hold the cup in your hands, think about your question, concentrate on your own thoughts and feelings. When the coffee has cooled down a bit and infused, you need to drink it, but not completely, there should be some liquid at the bottom.

Now take the cup in your left hand, mentally say your question again, make a circular motion with the cup through the air three times so that the sediment is evenly distributed over the bottom and walls, and then quickly tip the contents of the cup onto a clean saucer, but do not remove the cup immediately after that, count up to 7 for the sediment to come off.

The answer to your question will be on the walls of the cup, it is by the stains left by the thick that you can determine your future. It is believed that the spots on the bottom of the vessel can tell about the events of the past days, and the signs on the walls - about future events.

An absolutely amazing way that you will definitely like. Learn to guess on the coffee grounds and you will be able to diagnose situations not only for yourself, but also for your friends.

Deciphering coffee symbols:

  • Pay attention to the size of the symbols, the larger the size of each sign, the more impact it has or will have on your life.
  • The closer the events are to the edge, the sooner they will come true.
  • The closer the signs are to the bottom, the longer they will have to wait.
  • The handle of the cup symbolizes the questioning person, because the symbols located next to it are the events taking place in your life at the moment.
  • The more dark color remains in the cup, the more problems future events can bring.
  • The less thick remains in the cup, the more joyful events await you in the future.

Meanings of shapes and symbols

For a competent interpretation of the signs formed by coffee grounds, you need to know as many of these symbols as possible, and also be able to rely on your own intuition and inner feelings. Below is a list of the most common and important symbols that may appear on the walls of the vessel.

  • The arch is a bad omen, it may mean that in the future you will have health problems or difficulties at work.
  • The harp is a sign of family harmony, as well as marriage and family for unmarried girls.
  • Drum - a scandal or quarrel, gossip spread by enemies.
  • Butterfly - adventure or risk.
  • A shoe is a road, movement, it can mean that unexpected changes will occur in your life, for example, moving or changing jobs.
  • Bottle - your health is in danger, beware of new diseases.
  • Libra is a symbol that can mean an imminent lawsuit or the triumph of justice in an old case.
  • Windmill - you need to make more efforts to achieve what you want, only by investing your own strength in business can you achieve success.
  • Question mark - you may be hindered by unnecessary doubts.
  • Nail - beware of criminals and unfair events.
  • Volcano - events can occur that can harm you or your business.
  • Eye - be careful.
  • Mountains - a high aspiration, you can achieve success in your goal.
  • Mushroom - the growth or increase of something.
  • Pear - material wealth and comfort.
  • The tree is the fulfillment of desires.
  • Home - reliability and favorable development of the situation.
  • Toad - beware of flatterers, they can bring a lot of trouble.
  • Fence - obstacles may appear that will tie your hands in some issues and situations.
  • Castle - strength of character and firmness of intentions.
  • Hare - shyness and cowardice.
  • Five-pointed star - you will achieve your goal, but this will not bring you the expected satisfaction.
  • Six-pointed star - good luck will accompany you.
  • Seven-pointed star - expect sad news.
  • Umbrella - make sure you have shelter or escape routes.
  • Snake - intrigue, hatred, betrayal.
  • Square - isolation, restrictions.
  • Dagger - impulsiveness, conspiracies.
  • The key is that in order to achieve your goal, you need to learn how to correctly assess the situation and conditions.
  • The book is a possible litigation in court or disputes with loved ones.
  • Goat - beware of enemies.
  • Bell - news or joyful events.
  • Column - your wishes will come true.
  • The ring is constancy, the end of some business.
  • Comet is a guest, a new person in your life.
  • Ship - luck is close, grab it by the tail.
  • Crown - great success awaits you.
  • Cat - beware of a loved one who wishes you harm.
  • Rabbit - fearfulness, indecision and problems because of this.
  • Rat - betrayal of a loved one or loss.
  • Pitcher - good health.
  • Swallow - a journey, events with a happy ending.
  • Swan - beauty and tranquility.
  • Leo - the appearance in your life of a strong, influential person.
  • Staircase - upward movement.
  • Line - progress in business.
  • Shovel - hard work, the need to make more efforts to achieve the goal.
  • The horse is beloved.
  • Moon - love and events in relationships.
  • Lighthouse - beware of trouble.
  • Bear - do not make unreasonable conclusions and decisions.
  • Hammer - learn to overcome difficulties.
  • Bridge - luck can turn away from you, be prepared for this.
  • Ant - assertiveness and perseverance will help to realize what you want.
  • A fly - problems, a lot of flies - a lot of small problems.
  • A knife is a break in relations with a loved one.
  • Scissors - forced separation or quarrel.
  • Fire - you do not need to jump to conclusions and learn to suppress your anger.
  • Necklace - you will receive the support of other people.
  • Circle - you can easily realize your plan.
  • Spider - you need to learn to be persistent and cunning.
  • Feather - impermanence.
  • Saw - problems in the family or in relationships.
  • The gun is a danger.
  • Parrot - scandal and gossip.
  • Birds - news.
  • Bee - success in society, the emergence of new friends.
  • Mermaid - don't be tempted.
  • Fish - fortune favors you.
  • Candle - learn, only new knowledge will help you.
  • Pig - you will succeed, but it will bring illness or spiritual discord.
  • Network - beware of traps set by enemies.
  • Skeleton - bad health.
  • Violin - selfishness and problems because of it.
  • Dog - friends will always help you, do not be afraid to trust them.
  • Owl - you have a lot to go through.
  • The sun - power, luck, joy, happiness.
  • The table is a meeting and a feast.
  • Arrow - bad news.
  • Ax - difficulties in achieving the desired.
  • The flag is a danger from an unexpected direction.
  • Flower - the fulfillment of desires.
  • Kettle - well-being or quarrel.
  • Man - you have to achieve the approval of society.
  • A suitcase is a long and happy journey.
  • Turtle - criticism.
  • Hat - the presence of rivals.
  • Egg - prosperity, good and loyal friends.
  • Anchor - success.
  • The hawk is a sudden danger.

Letter designations

In addition to various symbols, letters can also appear on the walls of the cup, they also have meanings.

  • A - you will be able to defeat all hidden and obvious enemies.
  • B - you will receive power, learn to manage it.
  • B - bad news and events.
  • D Go to church.
  • D - to financial losses.
  • E - remorse and trials.
  • K - problems with the inner world.
  • N - anxiety, unnecessary anxiety.
  • P - beware of deceit and betrayal of a loved one.
  • P - problems due to alcohol.
  • C - new acquaintances are possible.
  • X - a quick marriage is possible.
  • Yu - anxiety and reasonable fears.
  • I am a quick change of life for the better.

One of the most popular ways to find out your future is fortune-telling, and for good reason, because it allows you to accurately predict future events. However, this option is the most difficult, because it includes details on which the accuracy of the prediction depends. Consider how to guess on coffee grounds, symbols, and what each of them means.

Not everyone can correctly decipher images. Due to a slight inaccuracy, fortune-telling can acquire a completely different interpretation. In each individual situation, the outcome will be different from the other. It all depends on the conditions in which they guess. Affects accuracy:

  • purity of water and the presence of various additives in it;
  • the country where the coffee beans were brought from;
  • the degree of grinding grains;
  • the material from which the vessel is made;
  • Atmosphere pressure;
  • the mood of a person who is guessing;
  • thermal, radiation, noise background in the room.

For the accuracy of the interpretation, all of the above factors must be taken into account.

The surest way to do everything right is to focus on recommendations from the original source, but this is quite difficult, since Italians, Germans, French, and residents of the post-Soviet space claim the authorship of this prediction.

The birthplace of the method is the country of origin of the coffee beans themselves - North and South America, and the parents are the tribes of the Indians who inhabited these lands. Unfortunately, the original rituals cannot be restored, as they were destroyed in wars.

You can experiment, and highlighting the basic information, apply it in practice, changing the conditions and checking in the future the reliability of what you see. It is important to comply with the following conditions:

  1. Coffee must be viscous and strong - this is the key to success.
  2. The bowl should be made of porcelain, light and preferably plain.
  3. Instant coffee is not suitable, because a thick liquid cannot be obtained from it, so the coffee must be ground.
  4. by the most the best recipe brewing a drink for the ritual will be one where two tablespoons of coarse grinding and a tablespoon of fine grinding are used per serving.
  5. The person who asks the question drinks the drink.
  6. It is better not to add sugar, but if it is completely impossible without it, then you can add a little bit to sweeten it. Make sure it dissolves completely.
  7. Before you start the ritual, be sure to accurately formulate the question. If you jump from a question to another while drinking, the thick will not give a clear answer.
  8. When you finish drinking the drink, make sure that about a tablespoon of density remains at the bottom.

step by step

So, for the action you need a strong ground coffee coarse and fine grinding. We brew coffee: pour a couple of tablespoons of coarse and one fine grinding, add a minimum of sugar (if necessary), and put on fire until tender. The drink should be poured into a plain vessel of light colors without a pattern. Ideally, if it is a white cup. We wait 5 minutes until the coffee cools down a bit, and you can proceed to the main thing.

We drink slowly, thinking about an exciting issue. In this case, it is required to leave a tablespoon of thick in the cup. Now comes the fun part:

  1. We take the vessel with our left hand, and make circular movements clockwise, slightly shaking the contents.
  2. Now, moving away from us, we put the bowl on the saucer, and with one edge we put it on the edge of the saucer, and with the second - on its bottom. So the thick flows down, forming images on the walls of the container.
  3. It remains only to wait just a couple of minutes, turn the cup over again with your left hand - and you can interpret the patterns.

Arrangement of drawings

First of all, you should pay attention to the location of the drawings. The closer to the center the images are located, the further events will occur in the future. But the pictures formed on the saucer symbolize the past.

It is necessary to consider the drawings in this order: first we look from left to right, then from right to left, then at the bottom, and last of all we look from the edge of the wall to the center.

There are patterns that allow you to more accurately interpret the signals:

  1. Its influence on life depends on the size of the sign: the larger it is, the greater the influence.
  2. An image located close to the edge of the dish will come true within a month.
  3. Pictures located closer to the bottom come true within a year.
  4. The signs located right next to the handle of the vessel symbolize the present time.
  5. The darker the patterns, the more problems a person has.
  6. Accordingly, the brighter the picture, the easier the life of a person.

Let's proceed directly to the decoding of images.


Long straight line - warns that life is wasted.
An oblique contour is a possible disease.
A few crooked strokes - failure in business.
A lot of broken contours - the complication of the financial situation.
Short and long straight lines - happiness in life.
The line in the middle of the cup is an interesting ride.
A large number of straight strokes - longevity.
Straight curving - a possible illness or adventure.
Curve line - be careful, there is an enemy in the environment!
A lot of crooked dashes - a lot of enemies.
Wave - travel.
The contours intersect - probably the heart will be broken.


0 - congratulations, you are under the reliable protection of a guardian angel;
1 - they think about you;
2 - the possibility of the appearance of many diseases;
3 - the concluded transaction will be profitable;
4 - do not build castles in the air;
5 - they will gossip about you;
6 - problems in a close circle are likely;
7 - family happiness;
8 - a quarrel with a loved one;
9 - communication with a stranger is soon possible;
10 - happy life;
101 - longevity.


A - you will emerge victorious from the current situation;
B - empowerment;
B - beware of possible grief;
D - you can not do without the help of higher powers;
D - financial difficulties;
E - you are not to blame for anything;
F - gossip is added about you;
Z - you will enjoy life;
And - carefully consider the possible consequences;
K - difficult trials await you, get ready for them;
L - love will come to life;
M - material wealth is provided;
N - alarming news;
Oh - travel;
P - the environment is insincere with you;
P - feast;
C - dispute;
T - strangers in the environment;
U - quarrel;
F - do not lose hope;
X - quick wedding;
C - career growth;
H - loss of a loved one;
Sh - reconciliation;
b - flirting;
b - unexpected guests;
E - theft of property;
Yu - a serious illness;
I am improvement in every area.

human figures

In fortune-telling on coffee grounds, outlines of human figures or body parts are often found:

A rose between two persons is marriage.
The line between two persons is a divorce / separation from a loved one.
Two faces enclosed in a circle - a marriage proposal.
Head without torso - you have a true friend.
Head in profile - you have a guardian angel.
Head looking down - danger awaits you.
Head looking up - help from the defender.
Women's - soon meet the chosen one.
Male - separation.
2 or more goals - you are surrounded by real friends.
The girl is love.
An aged woman is a happy family life.
The guy is apart.
Grandma is a hot passion.
Rybak - a long-term relationship with a loved one.
A man with wings is the protection of a guardian angel, fast decision problems.
Angel is good news.
Damn - a reckless act.
The hand is disappointment.
Mouth - efforts will bear fruit.
A person together with an animal is a chore.

Pay special attention to the heart, eyes and lips.


The heart should be looked at as a signal for love joys and attention from the opposite sex.

Perhaps there will be a large number of emotional experiences. Very quickly meet a person whose communication will change the worldview and the old foundations. In addition, there are a couple of interpretations of the picture:

  • a heart pierced by an arrow warns of the betrayal of a loved one, breaking a long relationship with him, quarrels, resolution of plans and defeat in the struggle;
  • inverted heart - being in a world of illusions, one should return from an imaginary world to reality.


Eyes in this context signal observation and curiosity.

Pay special attention to business offers of partners. Depending on what you see in the thick, the decoding will be as follows:

  • Lowered corners of the eyes, sadness in them - depression, loneliness. Beware of bad news. It is likely that you will be deprived of the opportunity to demonstrate your talents and skills.
  • If a triangle is located near the eye, be sure that, despite the obstacles, any test will end well. Expect positive changes in your life
  • Large and beautiful eyes mean a surge of strength and powerful patronage.
  • On the contrary, bulging eyes warn of betrayal, complication of relationships, manifestation of suspiciousness and cowardice.
  • Narrow eyes like an Asian recommend keeping calm and poise. It is better not to talk about your plans for the future, and to reveal your secrets to people as little as possible.


Lips are considered a sign of stability. Much depends on their location:

  • location in the center - financial stability;
  • location at the bottom of the container - meet a good person who can be safely entrusted with business;
  • lips located near the field - romantic adventures, a happy wedding;
  • open lips - surprise from people watching your activities;
  • next to the lips of the face - one of the most important adventures in life will happen in the future.


The Dragon

The dragon symbolizes climbing the career ladder and improving the quality of life, but in order to accurately understand the meaning of the signal, one should compare it with other symbols.


Auspicious sign. If you found it, then this means:

  • stable financial position;
  • contentment;
  • security;
  • additional source of income;
  • cash prizes.
  • big fish means big deal;
  • a large number of small fish speaks of a quick solemn event.


Wolf means danger from gossip and intrigue, as well as:

  • greed;
  • envy;
  • robbery.

2 or more wolves, or an animal howling at the moon indicates a threat of blackmail. If there is a grate near him - a warning about false accusations, imprisonment.


The lucky ones who came across a camel should prepare:

  • show firmness of character and calmness;
  • to overcome difficulties;
  • reaching heights.

It is also a sure sign of traveling the world. If the camel was with a burden on its back, change your place of residence.


Beware, among friends there are ill-wishers! But this animal with a cub hints that there may be a desire to patronize your closest people. You may even have to make sacrifices for the sake of relatives.


Squirrel is cunning and quick wit, which are present in the character traits of a fortuneteller. A rodent among the branches speaks of a reward for being quick-witted and ingenious.

A monkey

The sign is not interpreted separately, it must be compared with other figures. Here are the most common cases:

  • A monkey hanging on a tree - dissatisfaction with life, the realization of how little has been done. There may be misunderstanding with the second half, whims and resentments, which will only increase contention.
  • A monkey in tandem with a rooster - the society will ridicule the action.
  • Monkey with bars - you drive yourself into a cage, creating difficulties and illnesses for yourself. It also portends skepticism and suspiciousness.


A good symbol that tells about satisfaction with intellectual and spiritual work, cash bonuses, and also about sports achievements. In addition, there are several more meanings of the seen picture:

  • Horseman - mastering another profession, unexpected news, travel and a successful marriage.
  • A horse and a straight contour next to it - longevity, a healthy lifestyle.
  • Horse and rat tandem - beware of conflicts and quarrels, pay attention to your health. Accidents are possible.


Those who see an elephant will be recognized, rewarded for long hard work, as well as a long happy life.


If the bird is singing, then prosperity and prosperity will soon come to life, but if it is in flight, there will be trouble. Depending on the bird itself, the meaning will be different:

  • Owl - wisdom and independence. Not the most favorable signal for sick people - the disease will be difficult and long, a fatal outcome is likely.
  • Duck - wedding. The duck guarantees a good faithful husband.
  • Swan - has a double meaning: financial take-off or a calm, carefree life.


There will be changes and good friends. There will be an opportunity to prove yourself, the started trading will be very profitable. A bear head surrounded by jagged strokes strongly recommends paying attention to your health. But if there is a ring near the bear, then the second half will appear, which is in a good financial position.

A bear paired with a straight line - go to work abroad. And if there are several contours near the animal, the plan will be defeated.


To see a deer means to be generous, open to the world, wise and sincere with your loved ones.


You have secret enemies, in addition, you may suffer losses due to the incompetence of relatives. Pay attention to the images next to:

  • a triangle next to the mouse - there is a lost expensive thing;
  • mouse with zero - handle decorations carefully so as not to lose them;
  • mouse inside the contour of the face - beware of scandals and squabbles;
  • the mouse is in the middle of the dishes - a sudden financial difficulty.


Small cash incentives, good luck at work. Since in mythology whales were guides between worlds, in fortune-telling on coffee grounds they broadcast about a possible trip, a long road.


The image of a crocodile asks to be careful in dealing with management and customers, and especially if there is a human figure or the initials of an unreliable comrade next to it. The crocodile at the top of the container portends a wrong decision.


The most popular divination drawing. Dolphin portends the help of a friend, travel and travel, friendly support. When you see a dolphin, know that the situation is under control.

Other animals

Separately, the following designations of animals should be distinguished:

  • Butterfly - the influence of a person somewhat younger in age. Butterfly at the top - events that bring happiness. Butterfly with dots - life is wasted.
  • Bull - danger awaits. The bull at the bottom of the bowl is the treatment of the disease. The bull is at the top of the bowl - you are completely healthy.
  • Raven - grief in the house.
  • Dove - there is a kind person next to you.
  • Hedgehog - take a closer look: one of your friends is using you for their own purposes.
  • The crane is synonymous with longevity, strength and endurance.
  • Hare - fear.
  • A zebra is not a good signal: difficulties in finding a common language with people, or you have created an idol for yourself, which you are trying to be like.
  • Snake - take a closer look, there is an enemy near you.
  • A goat is a danger posed by enemies.
  • Cow is good luck.
  • Cat - financial fall, poverty.
  • Chicken - helping a stranger.
  • Leo - power and might.
  • The fox is just a deception around.
  • Frog - good news; unexpected guests; depression. A frog near the cage - the disease will be cured.
  • Fly - expect a financial take-off.
  • The ant is an unnecessary fuss.
  • Deer - wisdom and honesty.
  • Eagle - victory after a long struggle.
  • Rooster head down - positive changes. Rooster - welcome news or wedding. Rooster at the top - news of a dear person. Rooster at the bottom of the vessel - a conspiracy is being prepared against you.
  • The spider is a surprise.
  • The dog is a friend.
  • An owl is a very serious illness.
  • Tiger - strong anger.
  • The lizard is an unexpected occurrence.

Trees and plants

The meaning of symbols when fortune telling on coffee grounds also depends on whether there are any plants in the picture. The interpretation and characteristics of plants are below.


Young strong tree with rich foliage and powerful roots predicts excellent health, vigor and prosperity. Often comes across people with a creative type of thinking who know how to achieve recognition in the social sphere. But if the branches of a tree are lowered, impotence, difficulties and ailments will enter life for a long time. When the branches are dry, without leaves - failures and troubles will be with relatives.

A broken plant stem speaks of losses, and a broken one indicates that it is not worth starting business, as they will fail completely.

Depending on the type of interpretation, they may be as follows:

  1. Oak - a surge of strength, getting rid of a protracted illness.
  2. Spruce - comes across long-livers, means accumulated life experience.
  3. Willow - longing, tears, depression.
  4. Bush - deterioration in business, troubles that will fall like snow on your head, obstacles.
  5. Forest - go the wrong way.
  6. Only leaves - support from strangers or unfamiliar people, success in business.
  7. Walnut tree - people take into account your opinion, put it in priority.
  8. Apple tree - bright and rich impressions.

The interpretation of fortune-telling on coffee grounds is associated with the place where the symbol itself is located:

  • the tree at the bottom of the container indicates a strong resistance to the difficulties that prevent the achievement of the goal;
  • the figure of a tree on the walls of the dishes draws attention to the affairs within the family, its interests.


Mushrooms in fortune-telling on coffee grounds can have two meanings at once: these are either monetary rewards or victories that come unexpectedly, or a warning that sooner or later you will have to pay in full for your actions.


AT general characteristics- these are love interests for single people, and the warmth of a family hearth for those who have found their soul mate.

Bouquet - strengthening the meanings of the drawings next to them.

Here are some interpretations of the most common images:

  • dark flowers at the top of the cup - soon meet your destiny;
  • a flower in the middle of the bowl - a happy old age is guaranteed: relatives and friends are guaranteed to brighten up the remaining days, providing warmth and comfort;
  • at the bottom of the vessel - a sortie into nature, a feast and fun;
  • side by side with face plants - fall in love with a new friend;
  • flowers in tandem with animals - an addition to the family;
  • flowers are fragrant near the road - people rush to visit, whom they did not expect to see in the near future;
  • rose - wedding, engagement;
  • violet - a rich wedding;
  • chrysanthemum - keep faith in sincere feelings, despite difficulties and troubles.

Shapes and lines

St. Andrew's Cross - in the future, seal your union with marriage.
Star - a difficult task will find a solution.
A vicious circle - your views and the views of friends diverge.
An open circle is an interesting acquaintance.
Arc - a traitor hid among friends.
Oblique lines are a dangerous situation.
The cross is bad news.
Black cross, white inside - happiness in the sphere of family and relationships.
Broken lines - a difficult financial situation.
Zigzags - rest, otherwise you will be exhausted.
The circuit is interrupted - you will incur losses.
Triangle - achieve recognition in all areas.
Intermittent triangle - a wise person will help.
Points - good luck in all endeavors.
Strokes - good luck.
The quadrilateral is love.
Dash - takeoff in a career.


There is a house on top of the mountain - feel free to start new projects.
The building next to the circle - buy a new housing.
A full-fledged house with a roof and windows is family happiness.
There is a cross on the window - a fire is possible.
Window - thieves will get into the house.


Let's look at the decoding of the rest of the words:


Arch is a gift.
Diamond - happy love.
Harp - family harmony.


Baggage is travel.
Bank - friendly help.
The drum is a quick success.
Boot - a clear outline means that you are loved by friends and neighbors; blurry picture - the environment does not like you. A torn shoe is a disgrace.
Tambourine - unstable relationship with the opposite sex. A tambourine at the bottom of the dishes - non-reciprocal love. The tambourine at the top of the container is a new novel. A tambourine in the middle is a stormy romance.
Bottle - beware of diseases.
A bouquet of flowers is happiness.


Vase - quick profit. A vase standing straight is the generosity of a person. Bending vase - loss of money.
Wreath - success in all matters.
Bicycle - continue to follow the chosen path, it will lead to success.
Broom - change.
Rope - deterioration in financial terms. A rope connected with something is a deterioration in health.
Libra - subpoena.
Paddle - efforts spent in vain.
Hair - in no case do not give out other people's secrets.
The kite is the fulfillment of desires.
Balloon - moving.
Question mark - doubt.
Volcano - the emergence of personal problems and passions around them.
Horsewoman - a meeting with a woman who will bring trouble and discord.
The rider is the patronage of an influential person.


Nail - unfair treatment of you.
Nest - work related to children or pets.
A garland is someone's wedding.
The dog's head is the fidelity of the second half.
Head with one eye - promises made will not be realized.
Mountain - the desire to stay on top; fuzzy outlines - think about how best to achieve goals; a clear picture - achieving goals; several mountains - achieving several goals at once.
Rake - things are in order, but you need to adjust the rhythm of life. A rake at the bottom of the vessel - you will soon reap the fruits of your activity. A rake at the top of the dishes is a big profit. A rake in the middle of the tank - the result of the action is worth the effort.
The coffin is the arrival of sadness and grief in the family. The coffin standing near the bed is a serious illness.
Mushrooms are a new addition to the family.
Pear - prosperity and comfort in the family.


Door - success in a new business.
Tree - with effort, success will be achieved.
Paper money - receiving a large amount of money.
Money in coins is smaller money, but the more coins there are, the more money there will be.
Airship - a wish will come true if you get creative with it. Complete tasks on time to fulfill wishes faster.
Road - there will be a trip soon.
Oak - a long-awaited victory, a triumph.


Women's handbag - by buying a lottery ticket, you will win a big win.
A woman with flowers - a friend is sincere with you.
A woman with a tulip - danger comes from a friend.
A woman with a rose - the second half will have someone on the side.
A woman with a stick - a spouse to meet another woman, which can lead to many problems in the family.
Acorn - love for nature and relaxation in it.


Fence - a certain constraint in actions, planning for the future.
Castle - a strong character suppresses the surrounding people.
Keyhole - there will be many obstacles on the way to the goal.
A star with five ends - you will reach the goal, but this will not bring joy; with six ends - the fulfillment of a dream; with seven ends - grief; with eight ends - an unexpected event.

Umbrella - will need support.
Snake - gossip is woven around.


Cabbage - refrain from jealous feelings, otherwise they will lead to difficulties.
Square - isolation, restriction in something, up to restriction of freedom.
Dagger - hot temper; Enemies are building evil plans against you.
The key is that in order to open up new opportunities, you need to soberly assess the situation.
The book is an open book: court squabbles, closed: difficulty in finding.
Bell - important news, two bells - you will laugh a lot.
Ring - independent decision-making, completion of what has been started, engagement; two rings - dreams will come true.
Comet - wait for guests from afar.
Ship - victory is near.
The crown is a big victory, probably getting a good inheritance from a close relative.
Cat - among friends there is a traitor who composes gossip behind his back.
Bed - neatly folded - great intelligence; unkempt - sluggishness.
Pitcher - good health.


Staircase - progress in business.
Lines - shift in running processes.
Boat - no matter how difficult it is, everything will be decided for the better.
Shovel - hard work will be rewarded at its true worth.
Moon - if full - then love; new moon - new goals; the old moon is a breakdown, despair. The moon surrounded by dots - marriage, marry by calculation.


Lighthouse - troubles will be foreseen and eliminated in advance.
Hammer - you are prone to cruelty, but thanks to it you can overcome obstacles.
Bridge - luck will slip out of your hands only a step before victory.
Ant - the path to victory passes through perseverance and effort.
The ball is the fulfillment of a wish.


Knife - long friendships will be broken.
Scissors - a strong quarrel, parting with loved ones.


Fire - hastily drawn conclusions and impulsive decisions will not play into the hands.
Necklace - be sure friends will support; torn necklace - break up with your soulmate.
The circle is a good result of the work done.


Palm - honors, recognition.
Parachute - a dangerous situation will be resolved.
Feather - choose the main task, and focus on solving it.
Saw - a stranger will interfere in family harmony.
Pistol - danger threatens health.
The letter is bad news. Dots around the letter are business agendas.


Fork in the road - it's time to choose the road to go.
Shotgun - family harmony is threatened by ill-wishers.
Mermaid - temptations, be careful.
A glass is a generous feast.


Candle - make an effort in your studies.
Network - beware of traps.
Skeleton - health problems, money.
Violin - selfish inclinations.
The sun - a lot of positive emotions, joy, power.
Table - a feast, a meeting of relatives at the festive table.
Arrow - disturbing news.
Chair - the situation will go up.


Ax - obstacles.
Point - several: monetary reward, one - strengthening the value of the symbol near.
Triangle with top up - victory, top down - defeat.


The flag is a hidden enemy.


Kettle - spout up: great luck, spout down: conflicts in the family.
Man - to receive guests or give a gift.
Suitcase - a quick decision, a trip.

W / W

Hat - competitors will appear, defeat.
Brush - minor troubles are temporary.


The egg is a symbol of prosperity, brotherhood.
Anchor - successful promotion of affairs.


The interpretation of the results can only predict the likely course of events, but what comes out of this depends solely on you.

With the help of such a ritual, it is really possible to predict future events. Take him seriously. Think carefully about your actions, because they determine where life will turn.

Has it ever occurred to you, every day, when you pour a cup of fragrant freshly brewed coffee in the morning, that you can use the rest of the thick in your ritual, which came to us from our ancestors. To do this, you just need to see the symbols that have formed and correctly interpret their meaning. Especially among young girls who want to know their future or tell fortunes about their betrothed. Gaining more and more popularity divination on coffee grounds and interpretation values ​​that we have tried to collect in this article based on multiple matches, confirming the symbols seen in a small cup of coffee.

It turns out that on Christmas Eve you can not only guess at the betrothed you saw in a dream, but also the magic silhouettes you saw in coffee cup. They have a powerful effect on Christmas Eve.

This is due to the popularity and availability of this drink. Therefore, it is increasingly used as an element for predicting one's future. Signs can be very different. You can see a dragon, a flower, animals, trees, and more. All of them have their own meaning.

When is the right time to start cheating

It is believed that it is best to tell fortunes during the period when the clock shows the time in multiples of three. For example, it could be twelve, six, three o'clock, and so on. Conducting will not require any exceptional items.

Everything you need is sure to be found in your home:

  • cup with saucer. It is better if they are light;
  • coffee. Take fine and coarse grinding in a ratio of 1: 2;
  • glass of water;
  • Turk. In its absence, you can prepare a drink in a regular saucepan.

Enjoy the fragrant and delicious coffee, you can start to tell fortunes.

How to predict fate with coffee

When the unknown torments you and you want to know how to act under certain circumstances, coffee grounds will help you get the right answer. But the thought that excites you must be clearly formulated.

You know the process of making coffee.


  • Coffee is brewed over low heat, stirring slightly.
  • Then pour into a bowl and let cool.
  • It is better to choose dishes in pure white, without any patterns.
  • When interpreting, they may interfere with your good look at the resulting image. The cooled drink is drunk by a person who wants to get an answer to his question.
  • In this case, you should focus on your problem completely, other thoughts should not spin in your head.
  • You should not drink to the end, you need to have a little drink left at the bottom (approximately a tablespoon) and thick.

Now let's get to the most unusual.

The process of divination

  • Turning the cup clockwise with your left hand three times.
  • Do not forget that thoughts are exclusively about the topic that concerns us!
  • Then quickly turn over on a pre-prepared white saucer.
  • We count to ourselves to seven and remove the cup.

The coffee grounds on the saucer have formed into a certain image, which must be carefully studied and correctly interpreted. This procedure also has its own recommendations and tips.

  • The signs on the saucer will tell us about the past, and on the cup - about the future.
  • Plays the value and location of these figures.
  • Closer to the center are concentrated symbols that tell about certain moments that may happen to us in the distant future.

How to read coffee grounds symbols

The order of study is also determined by strict rules.

  1. First, we try to determine the received images from left to right, only then - vice versa.
  2. Lastly, we examine the figures from the very edge, then we move closer to the center, after having carefully studied what is located at the very bottom.
  3. At the bottom is always information that was in your past.
  4. On the sides and on the saucer - what awaits.
  5. But, if the figure is close enough to the bottom, then expect this event to happen soon.

You managed to make out five images, you did it, you can study the table of interpretation of each figure.

The forms that you can see will be very different. These can be parts of the human body, animate and inanimate nature, simple ordinary lines, and others. Select those whose outlines seemed the most clear to you, and study their interpretation in the table. Do not worry, fortune-telling on coffee grounds interpretation is not at all a complicated procedure. You can easily figure out all the actions you take on your own.

Images in the form of lines - how to interpret

You have examined a certain set of drawings on the walls of the cup and on the saucer, consisting of lines. It remains only to look at their meaning in the table, and you will find out what to expect, what your plans are destined to come true, and which will be postponed indefinitely.

What do the lines mean

line view Meaning
oblique You are at risk of some kind of disease
straight long Your life is meaningless and useless
Several oblique Failure in business
Broken Financial situation will be shaken
Two straight lines: short and long luck and success
Line at the bottom of the cup The trip you've been waiting for
Several straight lines Long years of life
Straight line slightly curved Unforeseen illness or unpleasant events
Curve Enemy in your environment
Multiple Curves The enemy is not alone
wavy Long exhilarating trip
Crossed curves Broken heart

Figures of coffee grounds objects meaning

The elements that you saw resemble certain parts of the body, various animals, figurines, trees or flowers, they should also be understood in a certain way.

Therefore, after conducting fortune-telling on coffee grounds, carry out the interpretation in accordance with the proposed table.

Interpretation of figures, objects, animals

Figure Meaning
Certain parts of the body
Lips Good news
Head A familiar person will change your life for the better
Hand Troubles, turmoil, grief
Eyes Changes in the usual course of life
Clear outline of the heart Good luck in love affairs
Blurred view of a heart Take care of your health
figure of a woman Love relationship, fast wedding
Outlines of animals, insects, birds
The Dragon Happy life and good luck in everything
Buffalo Unpleasant unexpected twists of fate
Butterfly love message
Camel Successful and successful business
Pigeon devoted friend
Crow Illness, quarrels, failures
Dolphin Solving problems with someone's help
Hare Lack of courage
Snake Detractor, enemy
Cat Loss in everything
Cow Fortune is on your side
Chicken Helping a friend
Swan Soon the onset of happiness
a lion Strength and power
Fox Your attention to everything that happens should be increased
Frog Good luck and getting what you have planned
Bear minor danger
ant Bustle
Fly Money prospects
Deer Sincere attitude of others
Eagle Celebration and triumph
Spider An accidental presentation, perhaps good, perhaps not so good.
Cockerel Quiet family life
Fish good news
Elephant Well-being and success
Dog good friend
Owl Bad luck, sickness, trouble
Tiger Keep "in check" your emotions, otherwise you will face problems
Lizard Tranquility and serenity
Trees and flowers
Forest Your lover will make a mistake
Violet wedding with the rich
Chrysanthemum Unexpected meeting
Wood Everything will go as it should, you just need to pull yourself up
Flowers Bliss and Grace
Oak Win, win
Willow Tears, stress, turmoil
Clover Decision of your plans in the near future
Bush Hopeless idea and dreams
Lily Faith in loved ones
Rose Successful marriage, marriage
Auto Business trip
Diamond Marriage will be successful, love
Angel Get unexpected information that will help solve the problem
Fork Prosperity and good luck in money matters
Coffin Illness, grief, failure
Door Successful completion of affairs
House Calm, happy, prosperous and harmonious life
Dagger Quarrel with a friend or loved one, loss
Key Your dreams won't come true
Wheel Journey, unexpected news
Ring A quick wedding that will be successful
Box Happy purchase, happy gift
A hammer It takes patience and the ability to wait.
Knife Betrayal, loss of a friend, betrayal of a loved one
Scissors unexpected cash prize
Shoes Vigilance will help to ensure that the danger will pass by
Folder happy ending plans
The loop Failures, troubles and health problems
Glove Accidentally see an ex (ex)
Horseshoe Good sign
Tableware Significant event, unexpected date
Candle Hope and Mirage
Chair Success, wealth, prosperity
Flag If fortune-telling on coffee grounds shows the interpretation of the flag, this means risk, money spending.
Hat Value in society, your opinion will be appreciated
Anchor Peace and quiet on the front of love
Mathematical figures
curved line Adventure
Straight line Quiet existence
Interrupted Losses
quadrilateral Victory on the love front
Triangle An accidental acquaintance that will determine the further development of events
dashes Work-related changes: shift, career, salary increase
Oval Wedding celebration or happy family life
A circle Unexpected acquaintance
Cross Marriage proposal or family luck
Square Financial well-being and a decent existence
Star Problems and enemies will remain outside your ship of life
Arc Foe, dangerous relationship

The meanings of numbers and letters when divining for coffee

So, you clearly imagined the problem that worries you and turned the cherished cup over. And what did you see at the bottom? Did you manage to see certain outlines? When fortune-telling on coffee grounds, you can see the interpretation of the letters of the alphabet or numbers familiar to everyone.

What do the numbers mean

Image What promises
0 From infancy, the star of luck follows you on your heels.
1 Your image settle in someone's thoughts and feelings
2 Expect serious illness
3 Money deal promises to become profitable
4 Your hopes and wishes are in vain
5 Bad thoughts of people around you
6 Problems in preparing for the wedding
7 Happiness in family relationships
8 Discord with friends
9 Meet a nice person soon
10 Happiness and luck
101 Long life will develop qualitatively
BUT Plans will be successful
B Strength and power in everything
AT Grief and trouble
G Go to church
D Money troubles
E You have nothing to be ashamed of
AND Intrigue in your environment
W Entertainment and well-fed life
And Beware of trouble after decisions you make rashly
To Buy a cross
L Joy, happiness, love
M You won't know you need anything
H Anxiety and doubt
O Unforeseen trip
P Beware of too frank people
R You will abuse the booze
FROM Disputes and quarrels
T Unlimited dating
At Serious quarrel
F Don't give up hope
X Expect wedding chores
C Career Growth
H Loss of a loved one
W Reconciliation after a serious quarrel
b Flirting and coquetry
Kommersant random guests
E The loss
YU Complicated unfortunate disease
I Expect changes for the better

Remember that all the images that you see during the ritual are just the work of your general imagination. Therefore, your attitude will help you see those figures and signs that are needed at the moment. So, relax, put aside all the worries and troubles, focus on only one thing - the problem that worries you. In this case, you will definitely wait for a positive result.

It is very easy to carry out fortune-telling on coffee grounds at home and the interpretation of what you see should not cause you questions and doubts. Just follow the tips and you will be fine.

You will be interested.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is one of the most ancient predictions of fate. Even a beginner can tell fortunes at home with the help of coffee. For correct divination you need to brew a fragrant drink, pour it into a porcelain cup and drink it slowly, setting your thoughts to positive. Sugar should not be added, as this can distort the results of divination. Then you need to mentally ask a question about the future and turn over the cup with the rest of the coffee grounds in a certain way. The outlines of the figures formed on the bottom and walls of the dishes will give a hint about upcoming events.

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortuneteller Baba Nina:"There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow..." Read more >>

    Divination lessons

    Divination lessons on coffee grounds, step by step instructions:

  1. 1. Take 2 tablespoons of coarse and one finely ground coffee to get the most accurate prediction.
  2. 2. Brew a drink in a Turk and pour into a cup, wait a few minutes for the coffee sediment to settle at the bottom of the dish.
  3. 3. Drink hot coffee, leaving some liquid at the bottom of a porcelain cup.
  4. 4. Mentally formulate the question of interest, it must be clear.
  5. 5. Take the cup in your left hand by the handle of the dishes, the fortuneteller must make 3 circular movements clockwise. They need to be done so that the coffee sediment touches the edge of the cup.
  6. 6. With a sharp movement of the hand, tip the contents of the cup on the saucer and count to seven at a slow pace.
  7. 7. Turn the cup back and look at the stains formed on the walls of the dishes.

    To get the correct decoding of fortune-telling, you need to carefully look at the location of the spots. They can go from top to bottom (1, 2), be at the bottom (3), on the handle (4), go from right to left or vice versa (5, 6). Description of the symbols that are shown in the figure:

    • 1 - the event will happen in the near future or the present moment;
    • 2 - the prediction concerns the distant future;
    • 3 - this area is considered unlucky, so the predictions will be negative;
    • 4 - the interpretation concerns a fortuneteller, the event is happening at the moment;
    • 5 - an event that will soon remain in the past;
    • 6 - the event will happen soon.

    It is necessary to connect fantasy and associative thinking in order to be able to discern the outlines of symbols and figures formed as a result of divination on coffee grounds.

    The larger the resulting image, the greater its significance in human life.

    Interpretation of symbols and figures

    Interpretation of figures and symbols:

  1. 1. Car. Clear outlines - a long-awaited journey, a blurry picture - vain expectations, vain hopes.
  2. 2. Angel with wings. An unexpected event, help from a person who is an outsider, spiritual balance.
  3. 3. Diamond. Mutual love.
  4. 4. Harp. A sign of love and great passion.
  5. 5. Arch. Great joy, a pleasant event.
  6. 6. Bank. Friendly support, success in the started business.
  7. 7. Drum. Popularity, great success, talent.
  8. 8. Ram. Loss of trust of superiors, difficulties in business relations.
  9. 9. Bagel. A waste of time, a useless activity.
  10. 10. Bottle. A sharp deterioration in health, a latent illness.
  11. 11. Bicycle. The man has chosen the right path in life.
  12. 12. Wreath. The business started will be crowned with success.
  13. 13. Rope. Difficult life period, problems in the family and professional activities.
  14. 14. Cherries. Short-term joy, positive emotions, vivid impressions.
  15. 15. Algae. The person is confused and cannot find a way out of a difficult situation.
  16. 16. Question mark. Uncertainty about your future, indecision, doubts, low self-esteem, inferiority complex.
  17. 17. Volcano. Passions run high, if the situation is not defuse in time, a grandiose scandal is guaranteed.
  18. 18. Nail. Threats, blackmail, a person will be treated unfairly.
  19. 19. Garland. Good news, a solemn event.
  20. 20. Human head. Memories, nostalgia, an obsessive thought about a person from the past, self-criticism and suspiciousness. If the human head looks up - the patronage of an influential person, down - a threat, a danger to health and life.
  21. 21. Eyes. Changes in all spheres of life.
  22. 22. Mountains. The man has great ambitions.
  23. 23. Rake. It is necessary to reconsider your goals and correctly prioritize in life, without repeating past mistakes.
  24. 24. Mushroom. A set of body weight, a person grows and develops.
  25. 25. Coffin. A tragic event, deep sadness.
  26. 26. Pear. Cozy house, pleasant atmosphere, comfort and harmony.
  27. 27. Lips. Passionate kisses, love.
  28. 28. Fence. Prohibitions and restrictions on actions.
  29. 29. Ladies handbag. Unexpected lottery win.
  30. 30. Door. Success in business.
  31. 31. Girl. Pure love.
  32. 32. Tree. Fame, fame, general recognition and respect.
  33. 33. House. A clear image - family well-being, success and prosperity, blurry contours - troubles with household members.
  34. 34. Road. A long journey is ahead, full of adventure and fun.
  35. 35. Arc. The appearance of an enemy, a dangerous ill-wisher.
  36. 36. Star. Five-pointed - the plan will be fulfilled, but a person will not receive moral satisfaction from this, six-pointed - luck, seven-pointed - mental suffering, a sad event, eight-pointed - an unpleasant incident.
  37. 37. Umbrella. Life's adversity, short-term failure. Important decisions should not be made in the near future.
  38. 38. Christmas tree. Someone uses a person for their own selfish purposes.
  39. 39. Drops. Huge wealth, easy money.
  40. 40. Cabbage. The person is extremely jealous and suspicious, it is difficult for him to trust others.
  41. 41. Maps. Big changes are coming.
  42. 42. Brush. Uninvited guest.
  43. 43. Key. Brilliant opportunities and prospects are open to man.
  44. 44. Book. New knowledge and skills. If the book is closed, learning will not be easy, open means self-improvement.
  45. 45. Wheel. An exciting adventure.
  46. 46. ​​Ring. The whole - an early wedding, torn - a break in relations with a lover, alienation. To see two rings - everything conceived will become a reality.
  47. 47. Bell. Good news. Two bells - great joy is expected.
  48. 48. Comet. The arrival of a distant relative, the emergence of conflict situations with neighbors.
  49. 49. Ship. Major positive changes.
  50. 50. Crown. Receiving a huge inheritance, valuable knowledge from an elderly relative, a magical gift.
  51. 51. Cross. Marriage. If the cross inside is black, bad news is foreseen; if it is white, family life will be happy and calm.
  52. 52. Bed. If it is tucked in - clear life goals, self-discipline, if the bed is not made - a person does not know what he wants, has no purpose in life.
  53. 53. Circle. Life changes. If the circle is vicious - good relationships with loved ones, mutual understanding between lovers. Broken - a new fascinating acquaintance is foreseen, a pleasant meeting.
  54. 54. Forest. A person will soon make a fatal mistake.
  55. 55. Lemon. Black envy, hypocrisy, anger.
  56. 56. Leaves. Whole - good immunity, torn - big health problems, frequent illnesses.
  57. 57. Boat. A person is in search, he does not know what his true destiny is, and lives in an illusory world.
  58. 58. Shovel. Hard work will soon be appreciated.
  59. 59. Lighthouse. A person has internal magnetism and is able to win over anyone.
  60. 60. Bridge. A person will be able to avoid an unpleasant conversation.
  61. 61. Meat. An incurable disease that may be asymptomatic.
  62. 62. Spoon. Abundance, family idyll.
  63. 63. Mill. You can’t be led by people from your inner circle, you need to make responsible decisions on your own.
  64. 64. Knife. Deep disappointment in a lover or a person from a close circle, betrayal, adultery, lies, hypocrisy, breaking family ties.
  65. 65. Scissors. You should immediately make a choice, otherwise you will have to pay for your slowness for a long time.
  66. 66. Note. A person loves entertainment and boundless fun, carelessly relates to life.
  67. 67. Fire. A long-awaited meeting, a romantic date with a loved one. You need to control yourself and control your words, because short temper can cause a serious conflict.
  68. 68. Necklace. Minor casualties, minor family troubles.
  69. 69. Window. Fraud, theft. If a cross is drawn on the window - a warning about a possible fire.
  70. 70. Island. Lonely existence, lack of support from loved ones, hope only for one's own strength.
  71. 71. Octopus. You should not trust a stranger, there is a big risk of losing your reputation.
  72. 72. Glasses. Great danger due to the inattention of a person who does not notice obvious things.
  73. 73. Lake. Man is surrounded by liars, hypocrites and traitors.
  74. 74. Web. A sign of victory and great achievements in business.
  75. 75. Glove. Rekindling a relationship with a person from the past.
  76. 76. Feather. You have to distinguish yourself with intelligence and ingenuity, to show ingenuity.
  77. 77. Loop. Big trouble, sudden death.
  78. 78. Pistol. Man is in great danger.
  79. 79. Dress. The plan will definitely come true in the near future.
  80. 80. Train. Business trip, business trip to another country or city.
  81. 81. Crescent. False expectations, broken dreams.
  82. 82. Spot. Tragedy, accident.
  83. 83. Shell. Great creativity, hidden talents.
  84. 84. Child. Family chores, the birth of a child. If the baby is located at the top of the cup - an unexpected pregnancy, an early conception. The child that appears at the bottom of the cup symbolizes past events that are associated with children.
  85. 85. River. Mirror reflection of feelings.
  86. 86. Rose. Wedding ceremony, wedding.
  87. 87. Rhombus. Love connection.
  88. 88. Hand. The back side is a great misfortune, the palm is success, respect.
  89. 89. Mermaid. You have to be tempted.
  90. 90. Glass. Inner harmony, life balance.
  91. 91. Salute. Creation, creativity, undiscovered talent.
  92. 92. Boot. Long-distance travel or short-term business trip.
  93. 93. Heart. Ideal Shape- family idyll, distorted heart - deterioration in health, loss of strength, diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  94. 94. Cigar. Favorable life period for major transactions and real estate purchases.
  95. 95. Candle. Insight, purposefulness, diligence.
  96. 96. Skeleton. You will have to experience material need, health problems.
  97. 97. Frying pan. A major family quarrel, a break in friendly ties.
  98. 98. Sun. The person has leadership qualities, he knows how to convince.
  99. 99. Chair. Career advancement.
  100. 100. Arrow. The symbol is the answer to the question asked. If the arrow is pointing up - a positive answer, down - negative, to the side - uncertainty.
  101. 101. Steps. Promotion, salary increase, general recognition and respect of colleagues and management.
  102. 102. Chest. Letter from an old friend.
  103. 103. Plate. Excessive emotionality and harsh statements can cause a grandiose scandal with loved ones.
  104. 104. Axe. Courageous deed, courage, bravery.
  105. 105. Cake. The cherished dream will soon come true.
  106. 106. Dots or strokes. Luck, luck. Many points - big money.
  107. 107. Triangle. If the figure is closed - unexpected luck, if broken - the person is completely safe and has nothing to be afraid of.
  108. 108. Iron. Hard hard work that will not be appreciated.
  109. 109. Knot. Unreasonable anxiety, strong feelings, baseless suspicions.
  110. 110. Flag. It will happen to attack, show aggression and imbalance.
  111. 111. Flower. Great love, the fulfillment of a secret desire.
  112. 112. Teapot. If the nose is directed upwards - family well-being, downwards - troubles, minor domestic troubles are expected.
  113. 113. Cup. Minor losses, loss.
  114. 114. Suitcase. Trip to distant countries, trip abroad.
  115. 115. Quadrangle. Great success with members of the opposite sex.
  116. 116. Damn. Actions contrary to fate, a senseless struggle.
  117. 117. Hat. Glory and honor.
  118. 118. Yula. A useless pastime, a waste of strength and vitality.
  119. 119. Apple. Creativity, great success in art.
  120. 120. Egg. If it is whole - a major purchase, broken - large material losses, up to complete bankruptcy.
  121. 121. Anchor. The person is rich and successful in business.

The line is a symbol of life. If it is interrupted - a large material loss, a serious illness, an insurmountable test. A long and straight line is a carefree and happy life. Undulating - a long road that will be difficult and full of dangers. Zigzag - a love adventure. Curve - you should beware of a dangerous ill-wisher. If the line crosses the bottom of the dishes - a useful pastime, is in the middle - a fun trip with close friends, pleasant emotions.

Many oblique lines on the walls of the cup - the plans conceived are not destined to come true, life priorities are incorrectly defined. A large number of broken lines indicates a difficult financial situation. Many straight lines - excellent health, long years of a happy life.

Meanings of Animals, Birds and Insects

Divination decoding:

  1. 1. Shark - a person is very vulnerable, enemies are not asleep.
  2. 2. Butterfly - the intervention of an outsider in the personal life of a person who is guessing. If this insect appeared at the top of the dish - for a fun pastime, at the bottom - for a love adventure, a short-term romance.
  3. 3. Squirrel is a waste of time. A person cannot complete a single business he has begun, he acts chaotically and at random. You should rationalize your actions and prioritize your life.
  4. 4. Bull - a warning of danger from an ill-wisher.
  5. 5. Camel - an obstacle on the way to the intended goal, a vital obstacle. If a person shows diligence and perseverance, wealth awaits him soon.
  6. 6. Wolf - a heroic deed, overcoming difficult trials, a deadly disease.
  7. 7. Raven - a great misfortune, a sad event, a family tragedy.
  8. 8. Viper - universal recognition, honor and respect.
  9. 9. Dove - be honest and kind, immaculate soul.
  10. 10. Goose - the fortuneteller will soon receive an invitation to a significant event.
  11. 11. Giraffe - a period of life stagnation, vain expectations, unfulfilled dreams.
  12. 12. Hare - inner fear, fears, constant anxiety, indecision, cowardice.
  13. 13. Zebra - find it difficult to find a common language with others, be constrained and shy.
  14. 14. Crane - a sign of excellent health and longevity.
  15. 15. Kangaroo - a person is too careless and frivolous, he lives in a world of illusions.
  16. 16. Whale - insignificant profit, receiving praise from superiors and monetary rewards.
  17. 17. Goat - the need for a good rest. The man is too busy with work. It is necessary to take a short break and restore physical strength and mental balance.
  18. 18. Cat - drag out a miserable existence, need money, be unhappy. A person whom the fortuneteller considers a friend can greatly damage his reputation by spreading false rumors and dirty gossip.
  19. 19. Cat - a man knows a terrible secret, it is difficult for him to remain silent. It is necessary to keep a secret from everyone so that serious trouble does not arise.
  20. 20. Cow - great happiness is foreseen, a pleasant meeting with an old acquaintance or school friend.
  21. 21. Crocodile - this animal symbolizes danger, it can come from a person from a close circle or a competitor in the business field.
  22. 22. Swallow - a trip is foreseen in the near future, which will bring positive emotions and unforgettable impressions.
  23. 23. Leo - inner power, nobility and decency.
  24. 24. Swan - a beautiful, luxurious life, peace, tranquility and harmony.
  25. 25. Bat - strong friendly ties, long life, good health.
  26. 26. Fox - a person is highly intelligent and has a broad outlook and good ingenuity, he will succeed in all endeavors.
  27. 27. Horse - a new acquaintance with an interesting person, a long road.
  28. 28. Frog - great luck, good news, pure and bright love.
  29. 29. Bear - a hard fate, constant disagreements and conflicts with people from the immediate environment. A person is in a depressed state, he experiences dissatisfaction with his life and does not know how to change it for the better.
  30. 30. Medusa - a warning of imminent danger, the negative influence of an outsider.
  31. 31. Ant - a troublesome event, anxiety.
  32. 32. Mouse - you will have to fail, collapse in business.
  33. 33. Fly - problems associated with receiving an inheritance.
  34. 34. Monkey - a dubious event, scam, hypocrisy of friends, betrayal, deceit, unjustified risk.
  35. 35. Sheep - achievement of goals, self-realization in professional activities.
  36. 36. Deer - life wisdom, common sense.
  37. 37. Eagle - fate opens up new horizons for a person, great prospects for the future.
  38. 38. Wasp - one should not attach great importance to the opinions of others, one should be guided by one's intuition in making a responsible decision.
  39. 39. Fish - a noisy party, a gala event, an invitation to a dinner party.
  40. 40. Cancer is a harbinger of a serious illness, depression, moral devastation.
  41. 41. Pig - a secret desire will come true in the near future. Success will be replaced by mental disorder and serious illness.
  42. 42. A dog - a person is surrounded by faithful and devoted comrades who will never leave you in trouble.
  43. 43. Elephant - a difficult life period will soon be replaced by prosperity and financial prosperity.
  44. 44. Owl - to an imminent death or an incurable disease.
  45. 45. Tiger - you need to show character and get angry with yourself in order to achieve success in the business you have begun.
  46. 46. ​​Parrot - empty talk, gossip.
  47. 47. Snail - if the symbol is at the bottom of the dish - great opportunities, in the middle - a slow but sure movement towards the goal, in the top - unexpected guests, a family holiday.
  48. 48. Duck - for a girl, such a drawing promises a romantic trip with her lover soon.
  49. 49. Turtle - self-righteousness, determination, perseverance.
  50. 50. Lizard - an unexpected turn, unforeseen circumstances that will take a person by surprise.

We will give an accurate and complete description of the most frequently encountered symbols when reading coffee grounds.


  • straight long line- your life will be useless and careless.
  • oblique line- disease.
  • oblique lines- the planned affairs will end sadly.
  • Lots of broken lines- financial problems.
  • Lots of straight lines- health and longevity.
  • Straight line bends adventure and sickness.
  • very crooked line- the enemy hid, who better not get caught.
  • wavy line— a long unpredictable journey.
  • Lots of crooked lines, the line is crossed by others- heart wounds.
  • There is one line at the bottom of the bowl- for a great trip.


  • 0 You were born under a lucky star.
  • 1 - someone loves you.
  • 2 - Trouble awaits you.
  • 3 - good outcome.
  • 4 - do not hope for a good outcome of events.
  • 5 - gossip.
  • 6 - unexpected problems.
  • 7 - happiness in the house.
  • 8 - a quarrel with a loved one.
  • 9 - an unexpected useful acquaintance in the future.
  • 10 - a long and happy life.
  • 101 - a happy life in health and strength.


  • BUT is expected to win.
  • B- the power is in your hands.
  • AT- grief.
  • G- Put candles to St. George (Georgy is addressed with requests for protection from evil, for bestowing good luck on hunting, for the harvest and livestock, for healing from ailments, for childbearing).
  • D- financial difficulties.
  • E your conscience is clear.
  • AND- a conspiracy against you is possible.
  • W- entertainment and pleasure in life.
  • And- reckless actions with bad consequences.
  • To- buy a cross, tests are coming.
  • L- lucky in love, you will find happiness.
  • M- wealth.
  • H- anxiety state.
  • O travel is expected.
  • P- insincerity.
  • R- prepare the liver for the feast.
  • FROM- controversy.
  • T- acquaintance.
  • At- quarrels are coming.
  • F- you are not able to influence the future, hope for a favorable outcome.
  • X- a wedding in the near future.
  • C- career.
  • H- the loss of a loved one.
  • W- reconcile.
  • b- flirt.
  • Kommersant- guests.
  • E- missing items.
  • YU- an unfortunate disease.
  • I- life will get better.


Figures of people and humanoid creatures

  • Angel, generally winged humanoid figure - you are too passive, relying too much on others. You need to take the initiative yourself. For those who do not suffer from a lack of initiative, a warning to test yourself: are you too susceptible to the most primitive nationalism?
  • Eye- be very careful. Things are going on behind your back that can seriously hurt.
  • Head in profile- you are protected.
  • woman head- love.
  • Man's head- problems with loved ones.
  • human head- there is good friend who take care of you.
  • head looking up- someone wants to help you.
  • Two faces in a circle- marriage.
  • Two faces with a flower in the middle- close marriage and happiness.
  • Two faces separated by a line- to divorce.
  • Two people facing each other- love is mutual.
  • Girl- to great love.
  • Girl (Woman): pay attention to the accompanying figures, if they are favorable, then this is a good symbol, meaning female support, if they are negative, the meaning of the female image during divination is negative: rival, gossip.
  • Clown- the symbol of coffee grounds broadcasts that sadness and joy are different sides of the same coin.
  • Face- a symbol of friendship, love, intimacy and trust. You know how and want to help your loved ones, so they treat you with love.
  • Bride- in divination for serious changes.
  • Guy- to separation.
  • Mermaid- do not be tempted by ephemeral goals, they will not bring what you want.
  • Knight- a noble and courteous man.
  • Human- you will give gifts or receive guests.
  • Crap You are arguing with fate.

Figures of animals and other living beings

  • Butterfly- for a woman - a warning: stop abusing your power over men, do not play with them, you will be rewarded for everything else in this life. For a man - advice not to mess with "fatal women".
  • Bull- Danger awaits you.
  • Camel- to financial success.
  • Crow- grief.
  • Pigeon- you have a good person.
  • Goose- an important arrogant person.
  • Dolphin- friend, help in any matters.
  • Dinosaur- help that you will provide to someone in terms of education and spiritual development in general.
  • The Dragon- a wise enemy, a strong opponent. If you are guessing at a situation, then for its success, first of all, you will have to overcome yourself.
  • Unicorn- a symbol of incredible and unexpected incidents.
  • Hedgehog (Hedgehog)- interpreted as necessary protection and caution.
  • Giraffe- foresight will help in a protracted matter.
  • Bug- they talk about you (bad or good depends on neighboring signs).
  • Hare- you needlessly fear failure. If the hare is located next to the wolf, then you are in real danger.
  • Snake- you have an ill-wisher, quite cunning and dexterous.
  • Kangaroo- someone needs your care.
  • Whale- the need for a strong patron, a reliable partner, generally an indication of the (temporary) weakness of your position.
  • Goat- and that's it. This unworthy person is plotting against you.
  • Horse (Horse)- the appearance of sweetheart in your life. If you are guessing on coffee grounds for an event, then you will have to work a lot, but the result will be ambiguous.
  • Cat (Kitten)- Looks can be deceiving. An enemy lurks in your environment.
  • Cat- treachery, betrayal on the part of those from whom this, it would seem, cannot be expected in any way. It is unlikely to be avoided, it is better to take measures to reduce the possible consequences.
  • Crab- someone's interference in your personal affairs, friends or relatives trying to impose their opinion on you. You need to believe in yourself more, defend the decisions made and not succumb to other people's influence. Fortune telling advises to actively fight for your idea - it's worth it.
  • Crocodile- dangers and troubles.
  • Rabbit- a symbol of insecurity.
  • Rat- a sneaky attacker.
  • Chicken- a caring woman, kind, but not distinguished by a special mind.
  • Swan- an auspicious symbol that promises a strong family, a faithful soul mate.
  • a lion- prophesies a strong defender invested with power.
  • Fox- a cunning person "on his own mind."
  • Elk- a strong adversary.
  • Frog You are surrounded by gossip and vile rumors.
  • Bear- a strong and worthy opponent; interpretation in combination with a ring, a wreath and other wedding symbols in coffee grounds means the groom.
  • Jellyfish“You have something to hide,” this figure says. But the one who knows many secrets risks a lot. Maybe it's better to drop the secrets and live in peace - at least for a while?
  • Mouse- a bad woman, beware of trouble from her.
  • Insects- chores, worries, but short-lived. A bee or an ant - painstaking work, a cockroach or dragonfly - minor troubles, etc. What to do, such is life.
  • Rhinoceros- significant misadventures, treacherous partner.
  • A monkey- false friend, pretense, ambiguous situation.
  • Deer- to the betrayal of a loved one (beloved).
  • Eagle- a way out of the existing difficulties with honor.
  • Octopus- the presence of a constant energy "vampire" in your environment. Most often it turns out to be some older lady, relative, neighbor or colleague.
  • Peacock self-admiration, beauty. You are envied.
  • Panther- female enemy. Symbol of formidable danger.
  • Pegasus: fortune-telling advice on coffee grounds- rely on your own instinct, and you will achieve even more than you expected.
  • Rooster- big news.
  • Penguin- an official person.
  • Parrot- do not believe what will be said in secret.
  • Bird (Bird, Nestling)- hear unusual news.
  • Bee: work, perseverance and high goals. Stay true to yourself in any situation - and you will achieve not only your goal, but much more - success will exceed your wildest expectations.
  • Crayfish You have to go back and do it all over again.
  • Fish- to an addition to the family (not necessarily a birth, it may turn out to be the arrival of relatives and the like).
  • Pig- ingratitude and rudeness.
  • Scorpion- an insidious enemy.
  • Elephant- you have great power (commander, banker, scientist) - be prudent and use it for the benefit of people, otherwise it will hurt you too.
  • Dog: friend's help. Interpretation of a dog grinning at you- quarrel with a friend.
  • Owl is a symbol of wisdom.
  • Ostrich- your problems are far-fetched.
  • Tiger- a terrible enemy, beware!
  • Seal- your lack of initiative will not lead to good.
  • Snail It's time to become more sociable and open.
  • Duck- luck in love.
  • Chick- a little joy, a gift.
  • Gull- sad news.
  • Worm (small snake)- warns against frivolity, invites you to think about the current situation and your relationship with other people.
  • Turtle- a symbol of wisdom and eternity. Everything that can happen is already inscribed on the shell of the great cosmic turtle, and therefore - where to hurry? Do not think about what cannot be, Parmenides said, — what cannot be, will not be. Think only of the possible.
  • Lizard- minor troubles, attacks of ill-wishers.

Shapes of objects and everything else

  • Drum- rumors, gossip about you, especially regarding personal matters, so be careful.
  • Hippo: this animal promises affection and love. But you should not be too deceived and wait for a fantastic manifestation of feelings - nevertheless, hippos are not in vain thick-skinned animals.
  • Squirrel- To achieve the plan, you will have to work hard.
  • Fan- difficulties in the service, friction in the team, reorganization or liquidation of the enterprise is possible.
  • Paddle: the business you have chosen is very important and necessary, even if now you doubt it. So keep going - the results will convince you that you made the right choice.
  • Grape- a symbol of love and friendship, good luck and prosperity.
  • Wolf- beware of ill-wishers. If during fortune-telling a grinning wolf's muzzle looms, then its interpretation - the fight against the enemy will be serious.
  • Mountain: obstacles on the way to the goal. On the hill you see the figure of a man- overcoming all difficulties and reaching dizzying peaks.
  • Rakes, scallops, harrows and other serrated objects- the need to put things in order in your affairs, perhaps establishing a daily routine, revising your lifestyle.
  • Mushroom- "clouding of the mind", the danger of getting used to any doping, in general, a disease or just an illusion.
  • Tree: broadcasts about the state of health, see what it is- frail and sick or lush and branchy?
  • House- the symbol has a complex interpretation. A strong, good house means well-being, reliability, especially in business, you can start new business. Poorly traced walls - troubles at home are possible. If the house has a crooked roof, there will be problems with the neighbors. Home is the place where you feel good, where you are exactly at home... The figures closest to it belong to your family. Ahead - luck, success, family happiness.
  • Road- travel. The interpretation of its success and results depends on the meaning of neighboring symbols.
  • Christmas tree (Spruce) You are being used for other people's interests.
  • Lock- They are hiding something from you.
  • Embryo (embryo)- you will "hatch" your ideas for a long time.
  • Star- a sign of well-being and well-being. All undertakings will now be a great success.
  • Mirror- coffee grounds predict the opportunity to change an unfavorable situation for the better.
  • Kalach (a figure resembling a lying letter "B")- Unforeseen delay or movement on the wrong path.
  • Key to the castle- you will finally reveal the secret that has long been a burden.
  • Bell- the news, most likely from afar. A smooth, symmetrical bell is good news, a crooked or chipped bell is bad news. Several bells - alarm, danger is possible.
  • Ring- harmony, luck; broken ring - failure, disappointment, breakup.
  • Comet- unexpected guests from afar, possibly from abroad.
  • Ship (Sailboat, Sails, Boat)- fulfillment of desire, a long journey.
  • Basket: the end of a period of life. The next work is finished, the plot is exhausted. But you should not calm down, let alone despair - a new period begins, even more interesting than before.
  • Crown- to fame and fortune.
  • Cross- unhealthy, heavy burden.
  • Wings- you will be visited by inspiration, an incredible idea.
  • Tree leaf- many envy you, intrigues are not excluded. So be careful.
  • Shovel- labor in the sweat of your face, most likely - to help others out, and not for your own benefit.
  • Moon (Crescent)- despondency and longing, the completion of a business that will not bring joy.
  • Mask in coffee divination- mysteries and secrets.
  • Hammer: yes, of course, you have enough strength, and you don’t have to take the will, but still, before you act, think Is it worth crushing a mountain when you can bypass it?
  • Bridge The best way out of your situation is a compromise. By standing your ground, you end up winning less. Build a bridge! If there are two or more bridges, this indicates anxiety and self-doubt. A crooked bridge, broken or destroyed can mean illness.
  • Anvil- a stable, strong position, achieved by conscientious work. The only thing that can threaten him is the game. Do not gamble, especially with people you don't know very well.
  • Leg- road; the outcome is judged by whether she is shod or barefoot. A foot without shoes does not bode well. The interpretation of the foot in the boot is financial achievements at the end of the road.
  • Nose- a sign of heightened intuition, the sixth sense will not fail.
  • Vegetables (carrot, cabbage, turnip, etc.)- trouble because of someone else's envy or jealousy - perhaps because of your own. Just in case, moderate your temperament.
  • Fire Remember the saying “Too good, not good either”. Be moderate in your desires and actions.
  • Glasses- it seems that you are making a mistake, but you do not dare to admit it to yourself. Points mean "a tendency to deny signals of deviation from the right path," as Antonio Meneghetti writes (Meneghetti A. Dictionary of Images. L., 1991). We need to look at things more broadly!
  • Stump- the symbol speaks of the reliability, solidity of the business you have conceived, the right choice of partner.
  • Pistol, machine gun, cannon, etc.: danger, threat, although more psychological than physical- They want to use you for their own purposes.
  • Dress— new acquisitions, pleasant purchases.
  • Crockery (jug, cup, spoon, etc.)- near the handle - peace, order in the house, far from the handle or on the bottom - a family quarrel.
  • Rocket, projectile, torpedo- to achieve your goal, you will need a significant effort, a jerk, an “attack”. Act smarter!
  • Sink- Relationship problems with the opposite sex. However, the problems are temporary, and they arose through no fault of yours, so do not be discouraged, but wait a while. Everything will work itself out.
  • Horn- abundance, profit; work in any fund or for the fund. As a rule, this symbol indicates the stability of the situation.
  • Rose: the interpretation is clear- have tender feelings for you.
  • Hand: unexpected help or vice versa- a request for help (pay attention to the meanings of neighboring characters).
  • Airplane- fortune-telling warns - you dream a lot, start implementing your plans already.
  • Boot- achievements, protection from pain. Points away from the handle - resignation; torn - defeat.
  • Candle- you will have hope.
  • Heart: symbol of love. Broken heart in coffee grounds- unrequited feelings.
  • Track- the event that happened will become significant in your destiny.
  • Snowman- Cruel person.
  • Sun Fortune-telling promises happiness.
  • Arrow- an unexpected trick.
  • Axe- the danger of conflict due to someone else's harshness, perhaps yours; can also mean the threat of physical attack. So be careful!
  • Triangle- top to the edge of the cup - success, completion of the work begun, top to bottom - success is delayed. Don't worry, everything has its time.
  • Smoke pipe- well-being, long life. Stick to your chosen course and you'll be fine.
  • Shoes- for dancing, celebration and fun.
  • Geometric figures from coffee grounds: a circle is a victory, an oval is a slow success, a square is an obstacle, a rectangle is a delay and obstacles, a triangle is an unexpected benefit, a trapezoid is a lot of obstacles in achieving the intended.
  • Flag - military affairs- marriage with the military, a call to the draft board, a trip to the area of ​​military operations; for the military - participation in hostilities, transfer to another place, another rank. On the bottom can mean injury.
  • Fruits (banana, pear, apple)- profit, gain, fee, increase in income.
  • Flowers- you have been noticed, they yearn for you.
  • Kettle- the interpretation says - wait for the guests.
  • Watch You don't have much time left to get what you want.
  • Scull- a symbol of the frailty of being, the completion of the old and the beginning of the new.
  • Quadrilateral (square)- peace, security, stability. Your situation does not require changes - leave everything as it is.
  • Cap, hat- success ("it's in the bag"). However, if the cap is “with holes” or is on the bottom, success is doubtful.
  • Ball, ball or shot- the situation is stable, things are in order, the main thing is to keep it up! Do not stop halfway, keep moving towards the goal, and success is guaranteed to you.
  • Pants: fork in the road, crossroads. “If you go to the right, you will lose your horse...” Choose, like that knight from a fairy tale, the most dangerous path - and go boldly - fate helps the brave.
  • Apple- a symbol of life, wisdom, health. The more similar the figure to a real apple, the better its value. A crooked, chipped, shapeless apple may mean that a temptation awaits you, which is better not to succumb.
  • Egg- an ancient symbol of the hidden, unmanifested. It can mean fears, fears of something, a period of heightened reaction to the environment. But it can also symbolize simply the beginning of something new, a renewal of personality or the birth of a child.
  • Anchor Something is holding you back from reaching your intended goal.