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How to sell coffee beans. How to open a coffee shop, stationary coffee sale

90% of people are sure that opening coffee to go is easy. On the one hand, they are right. The only clarification is that it is simple and easy to open coffee to go only if you know how to do it correctly. Despite the fact that the coffee to go format seems simple, like any other business, ignorance of the subtleties and nuances can turn a profitable and promising business idea into a loss-making enterprise that works to zero and sucks out the last pennies.

To avoid such a situation, you need to know where to start and what stages of the business should be given utmost attention.

For example, you need to start by defining the target audience for coffee to go. By asking yourself who will buy your coffee, you will be able to adjust the design, strategy and concept of your small business to the needs and requests, interests and desires of specific people - your future customers.

The target audience of coffee to go is mainly young people from 18 to 24 years old. In 70% of cases, they are girls.

Students, young professionals, lower-level managers - these are your potential customers. They appreciate low prices, friendly service, efficiency and social activity. Of course, older people should not be discounted either, there are coffee-to-go fans among people over 50. But to be honest, answer yourself the question, how many of these fans will walk past your coffee to go every day and how many of them will consider buying?

But it is the number of people passing by, coupled with their “quality” (belonging to the target audience) that is the key to the success of the coffee to go point. Finding a place like this is half the battle for coffee to go.

However, do not forget about another important fact for the coffee to go business. This is the taste and quality of the coffee itself. If you prepare delicious invigorating drinks, then they will come back to you, they will recommend you to friends and acquaintances. So you can ensure that spontaneous purchases will be reduced, and the number of regular customers will increase.

About all these subtleties and others important little things we will tell further.

Investment size

Opening a take-away coffee shop can be considered a business with little investment. According to the experience of entrepreneurs who have opened their own take-away coffee points, you can meet 200 thousand rubles, and the upper limit of the starting capital is unlikely to exceed 400 thousand rubles.

This difference in initial capital is explained by the wide opportunities to save.

Of course, the amount of funds needed to start will largely depend on several large expenses, without which it is simply impossible to open a coffee point with you. The first is rent, which we'll talk about a little later. Secondly, the equipment.

Takeaway coffee machines

If the flow of customers depends on the choice of the rental place, then the ability of the point to quickly and efficiently serve this flow will depend on the equipment on which you will prepare coffee.

Professional coffee machine and grinder - the main means of preparing and selling coffee to go.

It makes no sense to put a home or even a super-automatic coffee machine on the point of coffee to go. Firstly, such equipment will not be able to provide the required quality of the product, and secondly, it is not designed for continuous and uninterrupted operation. And if the coffee machine breaks down, you will no longer sell a single cup of coffee. Remember, the miser pays twice: time spent, money lost.

That is why many entrepreneurs are trying to buy high-quality, foreign equipment, the cost of which can be 150, and 250 thousand rubles, or more. If you don’t have that kind of money, but working on professional equipment is still a priority for you, equipment rental or the purchase of used coffee machines comes to the rescue.

Usually, coffee equipment for rent (even free of charge) is provided by coffee bean suppliers, subject to the purchase of a certain amount of coffee from them. At the same time, they also advise on the selection of the necessary list of equipment depending on the expected scope of work (for example, one- or two-chamber coffee machines) and provide maintenance and repair of equipment. However, even in the case of free rent, many companies require a security deposit - from 20 to 50 thousand rubles.

As for used equipment, it will take no more than 100 thousand rubles to buy it.

What else will you need to spend on?

You will also have to spend money on a sales stand or the design of a rented kiosk. Naturally, when designing the appearance of a coffee to go point, you need to pay attention to the fact that it attracts attention and attracts glances. Appearance should cause a reflex desire to drink coffee or tea. The name on the sign should not subtly hint that an invigorating drink is being poured here, but shout about it so that a person at first glance understands that you are offering coffee, and not selling donuts or SIM cards...

Returning to the investments required to open a coffee-to-go business, it is also worth mentioning all sorts of little things, which are nevertheless important for comfortable work without failures and overlaps.

Purchase of consumables for the preparation of a variety of coffee drinks - milk, toppings and syrups; additional assortment - snacks, sweets and snacks; purchase of disposable cups, lids, spoons; purchase of bar equipment.

By the way, there is an option to save money on buying consumables - for example, disposable tableware, if you can cooperate with other coffee-to-go owners who buy non-branded cups.

Step-by-step instruction

Having calculated the required amount of investment in the coffee to go business, it's time to take action.

For starters, legalize the business. It would be best to register yourself as an individual entrepreneur and submit an application to the tax office about choosing a UTII taxation system. This tax will allow you to pay less due to the lack of employees and the small rented area on which activities are carried out. Taking into account the minimum required area of ​​a coffee-to-go outlet of several square meters, you will pay an average tax of about 3,000 rubles. In addition, for individual entrepreneurs on UTII, a cash register is not required, which means that you can issue a check only on demand using a conventional CPM (check printing machine).

The OKVED code for the coffee to go business is 55.30 “Activities of restaurants and cafes”.

Despite this OKVED, you do not need to obtain any permits, since there is no full-fledged kitchen, which means that there is nothing for the supervisory authorities to check. All that is required of you is to notify Rospotrebnadzor of the start of activities. It is worth waiting for checks from the SES only if complaints appear. If you're lucky, you won't have your first audition meeting until three years later.

Attention to the workplace

You should also take care of ordering a sales rack in advance. It will take at least two weeks to design and manufacture. Provided that you already have a selected rental location.

The very process of installing a counter, bar or kiosk equipment can also cause difficulties and problems that will entail the postponement of the date of the planned opening.

In advance, for example, you need to take care of proper energy supply. If it is not there, you will have to call an electrician and conduct an additional line, which will need to be agreed with the landlord. Therefore, all issues related to electricity, heating or water supply must be resolved at the stage of signing the lease. At the same time, the contract itself should not be concluded for a long period: your expectations about traffic may be erroneous and in practice the pedestrian flow will not be converted into buyers and customers...

From coffee to cookies: how to choose a supplier?

Naturally, in parallel, you need to look for suppliers of consumables and raw materials.

And first of all, it is necessary to decide on the supplier of coffee beans. If your customers don't like your coffee, all is lost. Delicious coffee is one of the main components of the success of the coffee to go business. There are a huge number of varieties of coffee that suppliers can offer. Both your own taste and the advice of the suppliers themselves, and analysis of competitors will help you navigate the choice.

If you buy your own coffee equipment, you will not be dependent on a particular coffee supplier and the range of varieties offered can be much wider.

Find out if your chosen variety is suitable for classic coffee drinks, as it is on the usual espresso, latte, cappuccino, americano and mochachino that you will specialize. The volume of the initial purchase will depend on the conditions under which you sign a contract with the supplier, whether you will rent equipment, etc. No need to be afraid of numbers of 10 kg or more.

A small 200 ml cup of coffee takes 9 g of coffee, and 18 g for a 400 ml cup.

Thus, the purchased 10 kg of coffee will go to just over 1100 small cups of coffee. At the same time, a working point of coffee with you in a passable place sells much more per month.

Except coffee card it is necessary to draw up a menu and a list of additional assortment. Will you sell various chocolates and sweets, or maybe ready-made sandwiches or even pastries?

If the answer to this question is yes, you should look for profitable suppliers or partners who could provide you required amount products, usually not too big. You can buy chocolates or oatmeal cookies at wholesale markets and bases, as well as at stores such as Metro, Lenta and Auchan.

Of course, coffee as a drink will remain the main component for a coffee to go point, and various sweets and “snacks” are needed more likely only to increase the average check and customer convenience. You can hardly make money on chocolates or pastries. Still, the margin on the resale of someone else's products is small.

In general, the volume of additional assortment does not exceed 5-7% of the turnover.

The assortment of snacks and additions to coffee will change - some positions will disappear, others will be added. It is definitely necessary to experiment with the assortment, but only when the work of the outlet stabilizes and the changes do not entail a sharp decline in revenue.

Barista for coffee to go

An important factor in the success of the take-away coffee shop is the professionalism and competence of the barista. This person should not only cook tasty coffee, but also to properly serve customers, communicate with them, be able to resell, thereby increasing the average check. With the search and hiring of such a person, certain difficulties may arise both at the launch stage and at the first time of working coffee with you.

When opening their first coffee-to-go outlet, entrepreneurs often personally stand behind the counter and serve their first customers, working 12-hour days without days off and lunch. But such work on two fronts quickly drains. In any case, an entrepreneur will need a shift or a full-time employee. At the same time, hiring a professional barista is not always possible. Basically, young people who do not have the slightest idea of ​​​​how to properly prepare coffee respond to the vacancy of a barista at a coffee point with them. She is attracted by flexible hours, hourly pay, etc.

Careless young coffee baristas bring their friends to work so they don't get bored. And instead of working, they arrange a farce.

A feature of working with the staff of the coffee point with you is a large turnover of staff - which will stop only when you hire the right person - friendly, honest, hardworking and responsible, who will also quickly master the art of making delicious and high-quality coffee. Agree, such people, especially young ones, are rare today ...

Therefore, for the first time, the future owner of coffee to go will have the task of finding and training a reliable person who can replace you at the counter. Subsequently, if you do not stop at opening one point of coffee with you, the need for employees will increase. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately determine the stages of selection and training of employees, as well as develop a shift schedule, a system of motivation and control.

One of the barista motivation options is bonuses or bonuses for overfulfillment of the sales plan and the absence of comments (a percentage of the total revenue or a percentage of each coffee sold in excess of the plan).

But even the motivation system does not insure against unscrupulous workers who do not go to their shift, arrange a booth at the point, or simply treat work superficially. The owner of coffee to go is faced with the acute issue of control of an employee or shift.

Alternatively, you can install a surveillance camera at the coffee-to-go point and thus monitor the employee online.

Regardless of which option you choose to work with staff - a stick or a carrot - when opening a coffee point with you, be prepared that at any moment you will be forced to personally stand at the counter and work as a barista.

If you are planning to open a coffee point with you, you should know that all your profit will depend primarily on the place. At the same time, choosing the right location for a coffee to go point can be one big problem.

A couple of years ago, when no one heard anything about coffee to go, landlords, especially large shopping and business centers, did not understand how coffee could be prepared on three square meters and refused to rent. Today, almost all the tidbits in more or less large shopping centers and business centers have long been occupied.

However, the rental market is quite competitive and involves a change of tenants. It's just a matter of price. If you have found a tasty place, but it is occupied, you should start negotiations with the owner or the rental department, find out the rental rate and offer to pay more, or convince that your coffee shop can generate additional traffic and attract a certain audience.

By the way, you can open a coffee point with you not only in megacities, where the lifestyle pushes people to do everything on the run, including drinking coffee, but also in small towns. Moreover, it is even easier to find a profitable place for coffee to go in a small town - there are fewer points with high pedestrian traffic in small towns, which means that the probability of choosing an unsuccessful place is reduced.

However, it is still quite easy to make a mistake with the choice of a rental place for a coffee point with you. It often happens that a location seems to have high traffic, but its quality can only be assessed by starting to work. For example, it may turn out that there is simply no target audience among the traffic passing by. Or the point itself is not located in the flow of people, as it should, but “around the corner”.

When considering locations for coffee to go, you don’t need to limit yourself to rental options in shopping or business centers.

An advantageous place can be, for example, in a construction hypermarket.

Of course, the most profitable is rent in shopping and entertainment centers. Business centers are also promising, but they are more susceptible to the impact of economic changes and can be empty in two or three months, leaving a coffee point with you without a single client. Take-away coffee points do not always take root at public transport stops and in underground passages, which, it would seem, are characterized by high pedestrian traffic. Another conversation is if you can rent a kiosk in the "glass" format near universities, on the main pedestrian streets of the city or in the business center.

Remember, the economic performance of the coffee to go point will largely depend on the place of rent and the rent. For example, the influence of the season on the amount of profit received will depend on the place of rent. If you rent a kiosk near the university, expect a drop in sales during the holidays. Any other street kiosk will also depend on weather conditions. Rain or frost does not contribute to the desire to linger on the street to order even a warming coffee. Therefore, when considering places like locations, consider and plan your expenses in advance so as not to go into the red.

Opening checklist

Is it profitable to open

If you think that by opening a coffee point with you, you will make a profit of hundreds of thousands of rubles, we are in a hurry to disappoint you. The average monthly profit of one point rarely exceeds 100 thousand rubles and on average varies from 40 to 80 thousand. In the first month of work, you are unlikely to be able to go even to zero. Nevertheless, with the coincidence of positive factors and tireless work both on the assortment and on promotion, even one point can reach a profit of 140 thousand rubles.

This amount of profit from one point of coffee to go is explained by the fact that despite the fact that the cost of a cup of coffee is 30-40% of the price, its profitability is only about 20%. Most of the proceeds are eaten by rent, which, in turn, is the key to greater profits - a vicious circle.

To recoup the rent and the cost of consumables, the coffee shop needs to sell 30 to 60 cups of coffee per day. Only after this amount, each next sold cup of coffee will bring 60-70% of net profit.

Another thing is when you open not one point, but several at once or gradually open points one after another. In this case, you can achieve a good profit, several times higher than the mark of 100 thousand, with 3-4 points and a good manager. Moreover, coffee-to-go outlets located in different places will balance the total revenue, compensating for sales dips in one of the outlets. For example, a peak in coffee-to-go sales in a shopping mall over the weekend will offset the zero revenue of an outlet in a business center.

In any case, when opening a coffee to go business, you need to understand that, on the one hand, coffee to go as a product is characterized by one-time, spontaneous or even reflex purchases, but, as many owners of such a business say, it is regular customers who provide stable revenue.

It is possible to earn the trust and loyalty of customers with the help of many factors, such as friendly service, various bonus programs (for example, when buying a cup of cappuccino in 400 ml oatmeal cookies as a gift), promotions (“The sixth coffee as a gift”), activity in social networks, etc.

And if you want to become the owner of a profitable coffee-to-go business and make even one of your outlets profitable, you need to do more than just prepare delicious and high-quality coffee in the right place. Now, in the face of intense competition, when coffee is pouring out of every door with you, you need to rely on service and marketing, work with the menu and assortment. If you love this business with all your heart and put your strength and soul into it, you will succeed!

Coffeemania has swept the entire planet. Many people prefer this particular tonic and fragrant drink, forgetting about the usual teas, cocoa and other hot drinks.

In this regard, selling coffee is now very profitable. How can you build your business on the second most popular consumer product? Consider the most promising options for coffee business.

So, in order for anyone to have the opportunity to buy or sell coffee, the raw material itself is necessary. i.e. whole or ground coffee beans, as well as their soluble equivalent.

Do not forget about those who like the taste of coffee, but for some reason they cannot afford to drink this drink (allergies, hypertension, increased nervous excitability, etc.). For them, you can offer coffee substitutes.

Most often, these are dried and crushed parts of any plants: chicory, dandelions, oak, baobab, rye, barley, beets. This is a separate segment of the coffee market, because the demand for these products is directly related to their ability to imitate taste qualities coffee beans.

Engaging in the sale of coffee raw materials, that is, directly selling coffee as such, is perhaps one thing. Because everyone needs beans or coffee powder: both sellers of coffee drinks and coffee lovers home cooking, and owners of coffee machines.

The sale of coffee can be organized even via the Internet. Including offering people a subscription to a monthly purchase of various unusual varieties of coffee.

After all, in fact, the coffee assortment is very rich and varied. Ideally, you need your own online store.

The next most popular today is selling through. Here, in general, everything is extremely simple.

It is enough to purchase or rent an automatic device for the retail sale of hot drinks. It can be selling only coffee or an integrated option: (cocoa, hot chocolate, jelly, powdered milk, etc.).

Next, you need to look for a room with high traffic (hypermarket, office building, educational institution) and agree with the administration on the lease of a small plot of it. Believe me, a hot coffee drink (especially in the cold season and in the morning) is in great demand.

Putting such machines right on the street is unsafe, and not cost-effective. A person still wants to sit somewhere or at least hide from prying eyes in order to calmly drink coffee.

Agree, it is not very pleasant to do it directly on the street. Especially in cold windy winters.

If you settled on coffee machines, then at least equip some tables with chairs next to them.

Thus, you will simultaneously show concern for customers, increasing their loyalty to you. And increase your sales volumes, because it is the lack of convenience that deters many from buying coffee from street machines.

Maintenance of coffee machines consists in the daily replenishment of water, coffee raw materials and other consumables. With good sales per day, the most popular types coffee drink almost completely spent.

As for the coffee business, they are either less popular or require more organizational and financial arrangements. Therefore, it is easiest to sell coffee today in these two ways.

In terms of investment: a new vending machine for selling hot drinks costs at least about 200,000 rubles. And 1 kg of coffee at retail can be purchased at a cost of 800 rubles (wholesale, of course, cheaper)

The post has been changed:

Coffee lovers cannot imagine a morning without an invigorating drink that wakes them up, gives them strength and energy for the whole day. Just imagine, walking home in the evening, you suddenly caught yourself thinking that your favorite coffee has run out at home and you will have to have breakfast without the drink that disturbs your consciousness. And everything would be different if there was a coffee shop on the way home, where you would buy the coveted coffee and enjoy it in the morning hours of awakening.

If you cross your desire to discover and love for such an attractive drink as coffee, then you should think about opening a coffee shop, well, or at least a small kiosk in a crowded place. Thus, you can not only make decent money, but also get immeasurable pleasure from owning a business and communicating with like-minded people.

In our country, there are many different shops and pavilions where they sell coffee and tea. But there are very few specialty stores selling only coffee, which means that the idea of ​​opening a coffee shop is promising.

The key to the success of this business is correct location. You only need a small area of ​​about 10-20 sq.m. in a crowded place. Places like shopping centers, supermarkets, various mini-markets are ideal for implementing the idea of ​​​​opening a coffee shop. To conduct business, you only need to register as an individual entrepreneur.

Necessary equipment, assortment for a coffee shop

To equip the store, you need a counter, a rack, a showcase, a container for storing coffee. For storing coffee beans, it is better to use transparent jars to visually showcase your assortment.

It will be very cool if you install a stationary coffee maker and coffee grinder in your shop. Coffee grinding services are in great demand, and this service will be a side addition to the sale of coffee. Remember the smell of freshly ground coffee, it is difficult to pass by such an aroma and not be tempted to buy. Having a coffee maker at your disposal, it will not be superfluous to conduct tastings of new varieties of coffee right in the store, this will have a positive effect on attracting new customers.

There must be a large assortment of coffee on the shelves, otherwise you will not be able to compete with ordinary stores that also sell coffee. It is worth selling only natural loose coffee from various countries. It is the variety of fine coffees that will interest your main customers. After all, it is these customers who are ready to pay almost any money for their favorite variety, while providing you with a good income. But you should not write off ordinary instant drinks in packages, they also have many adherents.

In every business, focus on the customer. You should have promotional brochures on your shelves with information about each coffee, business cards (making business cards) and the history of its occurrence. Such materials can be found on the Internet or from suppliers with whom you work. should not be neglected and related products:

  • Cezve
  • coffee cup set
  • mills
  • coffee pots

Advertising, personnel, earnings

We have already said that in order to attract customers to the store, you need to choose the right place to open a coffee point of sale. A well-located store will be a great help to advertising and you will not have to invest in advertising. Although, do not forget about an attractive sign that will encourage people passing by to buy.

The customers of your coffee shop will be ardent connoisseurs of the drink, and the coffee aroma spreading through the air will lure people passing by and transform them into customers. The best remedy fight against competitors, if any, will be an individual approach to each client. Provide customers with rare and exclusive varieties of coffee, hold tastings and, most importantly, approach the client. And also, a friendly atmosphere is an indispensable component of success.

As for the staff, you should first decide whether you will trade yourself or whether all trading powers will be transferred to hired sellers. You will need at least two sellers to trade. Hire only experienced workers, but it is worth paying close attention to the fact that the seller must be partial to coffee and can keep up the conversation with customers on the topic of their favorite drink.

To open your own coffee business, you will need about 100-130 thousand rubles. This amount includes the rent of premises, the purchase of equipment and goods for the first time, as well as the salary of sellers. The income from such a store will be about 40-100 thousand rubles a month, but do not forget, everything will depend on the number of visitors. The initial costs will pay off in 2-3 months, possibly faster.

Good luck with your new business!

And finally - "Creative from coffee", enjoy watching.

According to research, in 2017, about 57% of Russians periodically purchased takeaway coffee, and 22% of Russians did it daily. The most active consumers of coffee to go were people from 25 to 44 years old, they accounted for about 49% of drink purchases. Other age groups also show interest in coffee. Such high and stable demand provided opportunities for business development in the "coffee-to-go" format.

Point formats

Business in this segment can be launched in the following formats:

  • ordering window,
  • kiosk located on the street,
  • counter in a shopping or business center,
  • seat.

Business Coffee to go pros and cons

On the one hand, such a business is more flexible. Firstly, the assembly of kiosk structures, racks does not require much effort. It is possible to launch a point in a short period of time: for example, the Red Cup network, which has experience in opening enterprises, manages to do this in 14 days. Secondly, the amount of primary costs is several times lower than the launch of a full-scale institution Catering: most of the formats of the takeaway coffee business, namely the ordering window, kiosk and counter, require an area of ​​​​1.5 to 8 m 2 - this significantly reduces the rent. Thirdly, structures can be moved to another, more popular place.

On the other hand, special attention should be paid to the place of the enterprise - the “wrong” place will not be able to provide high traffic. You need to focus on locations close to metro stations, on the way to work, universities. Moreover, there is a lot of competition not only with points in this format, but also with “full-fledged” establishments that sell coffee to go. Such competition dictates its own rules: you need to keep an eye on your opponents, offer quality product, stock.

Business profitability Coffee to go

Since most of the formats, namely the order issuing window, kiosk and counter, require an area from 1.5 to 8 m 2, the initial costs for opening a point will be low compared to a full-scale coffee shop. The average check of take-away coffee enterprises is from 100 to 150 rubles, and the monthly turnover is from 100 to 800 thousand rubles. The profitability of the point can reach 24-30%. The payback period of business in this segment is from 2 to 12 months.

Do I need a license to operate Coffee to go?

To create a mobile point for the sale of coffee, it is optimal to register a company in the IP format and select a UTII taxation scheme. Such a taxation system will reduce costs due to the small area of ​​​​the enterprise and the small number of employees. Also, within the framework of UTII, individual entrepreneurs do not need to purchase a cash register, which allows you to print checks on a conventional check printing machine. The monthly tax of a point in the format of a kiosk, counter, occupying from 1.5 to 8 m 2, ranges from 3-5 thousand rubles.

Coffee to go business plan

Opening this business requires the following basic expenses:

Equipment for business Coffee to go

It is necessary to purchase a professional coffee machine - a coffee machine for home is not intended for commercial use due to the small volume of containers for grain, water and waste. The choice of equipment is carried out depending on the number of orders per day. With a good location and, accordingly, high traffic and in large numbers customers are advised to purchase an automatic coffee machine with bean grinding. It will reduce the time of preparation of the order.

How to choose a coffee machine for a cafe

What else to look for when choosing a coffee machine with a large flow of visitors?

  • The functionality of the machine - the more flavors it produces, the more choice at the client.
  • Cup warming option - allows you not to cool the finished portion of the drink.
  • Display - will facilitate the maintenance of the barista machine, highlight when you need to clean the device, add water or coffee.
  • Function of preliminary wetting of grains - will improve taste properties coffee.
  • Adjusting the degree of grinding (each type of coffee has its own necessary grinding, which maximizes the taste of the drink).

With low traffic, the cost of buying and operating an automatic coffee machine may not be justified, so you should pay attention to a pod or capsule coffee machine. If the machine does not have a coffee grinding function and a separate coffee grinder is purchased, it is recommended to give preference to a coffee grinder with metal burrs: ceramic ones work silently, but their service life is not long.

Business Coffee to go: menu and prices

For successful competition in the segment, it is necessary to provide consumers with high-quality, delicious coffee, as well as follow the latest. The menu of the largest coffee chains includes from 7 to 14 types of hot drinks, cold drinks (smoothies, frappes), pastries (croissants, cakes, buns), additives (marshmallows, syrups, sprinkles) are also provided. A seasonal menu may be provided.

It is also worth thinking about the price at which the products will be offered. A price that is several times higher than that of the closest competitors can reduce the flow of customers or increase requests from them. Too low a price raises questions from buyers about the quality of products. Therefore, it is important to set prices according to the “golden mean” principle based on competitive analysis. In 2017, the cost of coffee averaged from 20 to 45 rubles, the average price of a Moscow espresso was 123 rubles, an Americano was 145 rubles, a cappuccino was 194 rubles, and a latte was 216 rubles.

Open your coffee shop from scratch

The "coffee to go" option is also used by large catering establishments. As of 2017, 35% of consumers buy takeaway coffee at McDonald's, 18% at Shokoladnitsa, and 12% at Starbucks. However, to open such an enterprise, a high amount of investment is required - from 1 million rubles. For example, the initial costs of launching "Shokoladnitsa" range from 10 million rubles.

Business Coffee to go franchise

The largest chains selling coffee to go, as a rule, develop according to the franchising system. Under this form of partnership, companies grant the right to use their business scheme and trademark. In exchange for the secrets of organizing a particular network, the businessman pays dues. Investments to launch a franchise range from 150 thousand to 1.59 million rubles, depending on the format of the enterprise. The lump-sum contribution for the take-away coffee business is from 55 to 370 thousand rubles. Royalties - from 3% to 6% of monthly revenue or a fixed payment from 2.5 thousand rubles.

Brand Quantity
lump sum
Coffee Like 301
From 6 months From 680 thousand rubles.
From 180
thousand roubles.
peppy day
5 to
8 months
312 thousand rubles /
490 thousand rubles /
950 thousand rubles
100 thousand rubles

150 thousand rubles /
160 thousand rubles /
250 thousand rubles
55/ 160/
250 thousand rubles
2.5 thousand rubles
red cup
53 3 to
6 months
490 thousand rubles

10 thousand rubles
4 to
12 months
350 thousand rubles

>50 From 8
Kiosk - 1.5 million rubles /
Room module -
RUB 1.37 million/
Coffee bar with
places -
1.59 million rubles
370 thousand rubles
take & wake
23 3 to
6 months
From 560 to
700 thousand rubles
200 thousand rubles -
100 thousand rubles -

Reading time: 4 minutes

The coffee selling business is more suitable for large cities with a population of one million, otherwise it will simply not be profitable to open such a narrow niche in small cities. Coffee, of course, is loved by everyone, and at least every second family uses it, so a coffee shop with a large assortment will bring good profit.

home coffee shop business

Starting capital: 2 - 25 thousand rubles;

Monthly profit: 2 - 25 thousand rubles;

Payback: 1 - 4 months.

There are several dozen types of coffee, so the business of selling coffee from home involves owning as many types of coffee as possible. To get started, you need to find suppliers and create a business website to sell coffee. It is not necessary to create an online store that needs to be registered, it is enough to create a one-page website, place all types of coffee with prices (prices are lower than store prices, otherwise it makes sense to open a coffee selling business?), Contacts, terms of payment and delivery of goods. The site should indicate which city the business belongs to. Also, each product should have a high-quality description, photos and real reviews.

In order for the site to start attracting customers, it needs to be advertised. Social media, forum advertising, regional advertising such as a newspaper ad, quality stop advertising, and banner ad placement.

Business selling coffee from a stall

Starting capital: 25 - 50 thousand rubles

Monthly profit: 5 - 20 thousand rubles

Payback: 2 - 4 months

If you are not satisfied with selling from home, you can sell from a stall. The downside here is that you have to constantly sit at your workplace, and even though all of the above chips can be used with selling coffee from a stall, it’s still easier to sell from home.

Advertising and business organization is the same. It will only be tedious to add an outdoor advertising sign. The business also requires registration.

It is easy to start a coffee selling business from home by finding suppliers, creating and promoting a website. The fight against competition will not be difficult if you use all of the above chips. Also, such a business does not require registration and is easily combined with other activities on the Internet.

In contact with