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Blackcurrant liqueur quickly. Blackcurrant liqueur at home - simple recipes

Today we will teach you how to make real blackcurrant liqueur at home. Such a drink will pleasantly surprise you with its beautiful color, richness and unforgettable tart taste.

blackcurrant liqueur recipe


  • blackcurrant (berries) - 990 g;
  • sugar - 990 g;
  • vodka 40% - 990 ml;
  • drinking water - 755 ml;
  • currant leaves - 6-8 pcs.


We sort out the blackcurrant, tear it off the twigs, rinse and blot it, laying it on a towel. The leaves are thoroughly rubbed with a crush and put in a bottle. We add a berry, fill everything with vodka, close the container with a lid and put it away for 6 weeks in any warm place. After the specified time, pour water into the pan, throw sugar and send the mixture to medium heat. Bring the syrup to a boil and boil for 10 minutes. As soon as the mixture foams, remove the dishes carefully from the stove and cool to a warm state. We filter the contents of the bottle through cheesecloth into a saucepan, pour in sweet syrup and mix until a uniform rich color. Pour the drink into bottles and cork them with lids. If you insist it for about a week in a cool place, then blackcurrant liqueur on vodka will turn out to be more tasty and rich.

Classic blackcurrant liqueur recipe


  • alcohol - 990 ml;
  • sugar - 405 g;
  • blackcurrant berry - 990 g.


We throw the processed blackcurrant into a clean bottle, add sugar, mix and remove the container for 3 days in the cellar. After the berry gives juice, fill the contents with alcohol and cork the dishes. We put the container in a dark, cool place and insist for about 2 months. Then we filter the drink, bottle it and insist for 5 days.

Blackcurrant leaf liqueur in a slow cooker


  • blackcurrant berries - 205 g;
  • filtered water - 2 l;
  • cherry and currant leaves - 100 pcs.;
  • sugar - 605 g;
  • vodka - 880 ml;
  • lemon - a pinch.


We sort the berries, wash them and pour them into the multicooker bowl. Cherry and currant leaves are rinsed, shaken and spread over the berries. Upload content cold water, close the lid and boil in the appropriate mode for 20 minutes. Next, cool the liquid slightly, filter through a sieve, throw in sugar and boil. Then we throw a lemon, completely cool and pour out the vodka. Stir the drink, pour into bottles and before serving, be sure to cool.

Homemade blackcurrant liqueur with cognac


  • black ripe currant - 255 g;
  • - 505 ml;
  • water - 255 ml;
  • - 205 ml.


We wash the berries, knead with a crush and put them in a glass container. We fill alcohol base, cork and insist for a week, stirring occasionally. Then we filter the liquid and combine with sweet syrup. Pour blackcurrant liqueur into beautiful glass bottles, cork hermetically and leave for another 2 weeks.

Blackcurrant liqueur at home

Fragrant, moderately sweet and slightly sour blackcurrant liqueur, prepared at home, will not leave indifferent even the most fastidious gourmets.

And it's very easy to cook it. I propose to the court of my hostesses home recipe with step by step photos.


  • black currant - 1 kg;
  • vodka - 0.5 l (cognac is possible);
  • granulated sugar - 300 gr.

How to make blackcurrant liqueur at home

Currants, for the preparation of our homemade drink, I deliberately chose a little overripe. Well-ripened berries will not give excess acid to the liquor. And so, we first wash the currants by pouring them into a sieve or colander.

Then, we sort through, remove the remnants of twigs and leaves.

We take a three-liter bottle, pour a layer of berries into it and pour sugar on top.

Thus, we alternate layers until the ingredients run out. After that, add vodka to the bottle.

Don't worry, the sugar won't dissolve completely at first. It will dissolve in the process of infusion currant liqueur, gradually. He will insist for four weeks. First, we put the bottle in the sun on the windowsill and shake it vigorously every day. Just vigorous shaking will help us dissolve the sugar.

For another two weeks we insist blackcurrant liqueur on vodka in a dark place, shaking the bottle every four days.

Now, we just have to strain the liquor. I usually filter twice. The first time I filter through cotton wool, and the second time through gauze folded four times.

Homemade currant liqueur turned out very tasty and fragrant.

We quickly cool it down and invite friends for a tasting. Keep homemade liqueur blackcurrant is better in a glass bottle for no more than two to three years.

Hercule Poirot's admirers know that his favorite drink was Crème de Cassis. Agatha Christie mentioned him more than once in her works. What is this drink? Back in 1841, the owner of a cafe in Dijon formed a recipe for delicious blackcurrant liqueur. This Frenchman's name was Auguste-Denis Lagute.

To this day, it is in this region that the best copies of the drink are produced, but even they cannot surpass Creme de Cassis home cooking.

Blackcurrant liqueur at home

There are a lot of recipes for this drink, but they all boil down to one preparation technology: first, the berries are delicately crushed, then for two months they are infused in alcohol (traditionally brandy is used), the alcohol infusion is squeezed out and combined with sugar.

The result is a rich purple liqueur with a slight berry aroma.

In order to get 2 liters of finished liquor take:

  • 1.36 kg of berries,
  • 1.36 liters of vodka (the best option is 50% alcohol),
  • 0.9 kg of sugar.


  1. Currants are thoroughly washed and sorted in such a way that there are no stems, rot or other foreign elements in the berries.
  2. Berries crush in small portions so that each of them was crushed, but the bones remained intact. You can use a food processor or blender for this.
  3. After that, the currants are poured into a container of the required volume and poured with vodka. The process of maceration follows - soaking the berries in vodka in a dark, cool place. Duration of soaking - 1 month.
  4. After this time, with the help of gauze, the alcohol juice is squeezed out, the liquid is filtered several more times and passed through a cotton filter.
  5. The filtered alcohol infusion is combined with sugar. To obtain a regular tincture, it will be enough to take 20% of the sand from the total volume of juice. For the famous Cassis, you need about 45% sugar. In this case, the ingredient is added in small portions and stirred until completely dissolved.
  6. The final stage is bottling and sealing. It is very important that the liquor is tightly closed, as it tends to oxidize quickly. You can notice this when the drink changes its color from purple to brown.

Reference! Creme de Cassis, unlike the usual tincture, is more saturated and viscous. It is usually not drunk in its pure form, but is used to make cocktails.

The technology for making blackcurrant liqueur is described in the video:

Redcurrant on vodka - a simple recipe

Interesting and rich is the tincture of red currant on the Belarusian vodka Zubrovka.

To get an interesting tincture in Polish traditions, you will need:

  • 0.5 l of Zubrovka vodka (can be replaced with regular, but taste qualities there will be others)
  • 0.2 kg of red currant berries;
  • 0.1 kg of granulated sugar.

Prepare the tincture in Polish like this:

  1. Currants are well washed, carefully sorted out. Berries are separated from twigs and other foreign matter.
  2. The berries are placed in a jar and ground together with sugar.
  3. The next step is to add vodka. After that, the container with the future drink is placed in a dark, cool place, where it will be infused until the berries are completely discolored (about two weeks). At the same time, once every couple of days, the container must be shaken to completely dissolve the sugar.
  4. Filter the tincture and bottle for further storage.

How to make a fragrant redcurrant liqueur on vodka is described in the video:

How to drink a drink?

Some time ago, currant liqueur was served in cafes for free. However, not a single Frenchman drank it in its pure form. The liqueur was necessarily diluted with wine, champagne, vermouth and even mineral water.

Blackcurrant vodka liqueur.


1 kg blackcurrant,

750 g sugar

1 liter of strong vodka.

To prepare this recipe for currant liqueur, we sort out the berries, wash them, separate the berries from the twigs and pour them into a jar along with sugar.

We close the jar, and after 1.5-2 months we filter the released juice, add strong vodka or alcohol, filter and bottle.

Blackcurrant liqueur on cognac.

Blackcurrant liqueur on cognac is prepared from: 1 kg of berries, 500 g of sugar, 0.25 l of water, 1 l of cognac and currant leaves.

We sort out the currants, wash them, separate the berries from the twigs, pour them into a jar, knead with a crush.

Add a few currant leaves and pour alcohol.

We close the jar, stand for 1 week, and then filter.

We cook syrup from sugar and water and mix it with strained juice.

Ready liquor is poured into bottles.

Blackcurrant liqueur with spices.

Ingredients: 1 kg of blackcurrant, 400 g of sugar, 5-6 cloves, 1 liter of vodka.

We sort out the currants, wash them, separate the berries from the twigs, pass them through a meat grinder, put them in a bottle, add cloves and pour vodka.

We close the bottle, put it in a sunny place and keep it for about 6 weeks. Then we filter the contents of the bottle and squeeze through gauze folded in 4-5 layers. Add sugar to the resulting liquid and bottle it. Shake the bottles from time to time. When the sugar has melted, the homemade blackcurrant liqueur is ready to drink.

Ingredients: 1.5 kg of red currant, 4-5 leaves of red currant, 800 g of sugar, 2 cups of water, 1.5 l of vodka.

We sort out the currants, wash and separate the berries from the twigs.

Pour the berries into the bottle along with the leaves and pour. We cork the bottle and keep it in a sunny place for 5-6 weeks.

Then drain the infusion, filter and add thick syrup made from sugar and water.

Redcurrant liqueur is filtered, bottled and corked well.

We will look at how to make currant liqueur at home according to two proven recipes. Any variety is suitable, but red and black berries should not be mixed in the same drink. Before cooking, the fruits should be separated from the ridges, carefully sorted out, removing spoiled and moldy ones, otherwise the taste of the drink will deteriorate. The alcohol base (alcohol diluted to 40 degrees, vodka, double distillation moonshine or cognac) must be of high quality. There are no other requirements, you just need to adhere to the technology.


  • black or red currant berries (separately) - fresh, dried (half less than in recipes) or frozen (thaw beforehand, then use with the released liquid);
  • currant leaves - improve flavor;
  • sugar - can be replaced with liquid honey or fructose;
  • alcohol (vodka);
  • water - reduces the strength and is needed to make syrup.

When using honey instead of sugar to keep useful material, do not bring the syrup to a boil, but heat it to a maximum of 40 ° C and stir until the honey is completely dissolved in water.

Attention! When insisting, it is important to choose the right container, the alcohol base should overlap the layer of berries by at least 2-3 cm, if necessary, pour in more alcohol.

blackcurrant liqueur recipe


  • berries - 1 kg;
  • leaves - 6-8 pieces;
  • vodka (alcohol, moonshine) - 1 liter;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 750 ml.


1. Put the washed berries and leaves in a jar, pour the alcohol base, close the lid tightly. Leave for 5-7 weeks in a warm, dark room. Shake every 5-6 days.

2. After aging, filter the contents of the jar through cheesecloth or special filter paper. Squeeze the berries dry (no longer needed).

3. Make sugar syrup. To do this, boil water, add sugar and boil over low heat until foaming (about 4-6 minutes). Then remove the syrup from the heat and cool to room temperature.

4. Mix currant tincture with sugar syrup. Pour the resulting drink into bottles, close tightly. Keep 5 days in the refrigerator to improve the taste.

Blackcurrant liqueur

Serve chilled. Shelf life when stored away from direct sunlight - up to 3 years. Fortress - 15-17 degrees.

redcurrant liqueur recipe


  • berries - 1 kg;
  • leaves - 5-6 pieces;
  • vodka (alcohol, moonshine) - 0.5 liters;
  • water - 0.5 liters;
  • sugar - 800 grams.


1. Berries fall asleep in glass bottle or a bank. There also add currant leaves and vodka (alcohol). Close tightly, keep 5-6 weeks in a sunny place (on the windowsill). Shake every 7 days.

2. Strain the resulting infusion through gauze. Squeeze out the berries.

3. Prepare sugar syrup according to the technology described in the previous recipe.

4. Add cold syrup to currant infusion, mix, pour into glass bottles and close tightly.

After 5-6 days, you can start tasting.

If sediment or turbidity appears, filter through cotton wool.

Redcurrant liqueur

Fortress - 10-11%. Shelf life (in a dark room) - up to 3 years.

Despite the fact that the recipes for currant liqueurs differ only in the proportions of the ingredients, the taste of the drinks is very different.