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Restaurants that have been audited. It's official: Elena Letuchaya returns to the show "Revizorro

From a farm restaurant to Soviet nostalgic cuisine, from experiments to hunting prey - the harsh but fair Elena Letuchaya not only passes sentences, but also praises. ELLE - about five Moscow establishments recommended by the Revizorro program.

One of Elena Letuchaya's favorite restaurants is part of a large company, a farmer's cooperative of the same name. LavkaLavka is both a restaurant chain and stores selling domestic products. At the end of November, by the way, the American channel CNN mentioned LavkaLavka in a story dedicated to the gastronomic revolution in Russia, which happened thanks to Western sanctions. The owners of the restaurant emphasize that their establishment is farmhouse and innovative.

“We are not trying to recreate the cuisine of the 17th century, although we are ready and want to know it and take it into account in our work. We imagine that there was no Russian of the 20th century with its gastronomic degradation. We work as if Russian cuisine has evolved naturally all this century,” LavkaLavka says.

In one of the chamber courtyards in the center of the capital, there is an institution included, for a moment, in the TOP 100 best restaurants in the world. This is not a joke: The World's Best Restaurants published the first part of the 2016 rating - a list of restaurants in the second fifty, from 51st to 100th places. "Honest cuisine" is there. Everything, as they say, in fairness - delicious, the prices are not exorbitant, the author's handwriting in everything: from the cuisine to the general style. The owner and he is also a cook - Sergey Eroshenko. He is also a hunter - he personally gets what he turns into dishes.

"Honest Cuisine" is a place for those who appreciate gastronomy and love real, understandable and Tasty food for honest money,” says Eroshenko. Checking the institution Elena Letuchaya pleased. The presenter noted the reverent attitude to work, cleanliness and quality of products.

Varenichnaya No. 1 is the brainchild of the owners of Tarantino, the Lucky Luciano craft burger bar and the Ruccola chain of Italian cafes. According to this gentleman's set, it is clear that people are able to work equally successfully in all genres. Varenichnaya No. 1 was a success for them too. Visitors have to make a difficult choice when deciding what to eat, since there are 12 types of dumplings on the menu, from potatoes and cabbage to mushrooms and lamb. Plus sweet toppings that make you salivate. Portions, by the way, are serious - 20 pieces in each. Varenichnaya, as you might guess, is a nostalgic attraction that refers to the Soviet past, but this attraction is spinning so that your head is spinning. From impossible smells and tastes.

“If you have an old rotary phone, a suitcase, a tube TV - we will gladly accept it as a gift! Write!” - the administration of varenichnaya addresses its customers through social networks. Careful retro - this is how you can designate the concept of the institution.


The courtyard of an old house on Malaya Bronnaya, a fence made of woodpile, children's photos on the walls, a yellow bicycle for two - everything is very family-like, intimate, one might say, in a suburban way, albeit in the center of Moscow. The real twins, Ivan and Sergey Berezutsky, rule in Twins. In 2011, Ivan won the International Spanish Haute Cuisine Competition in Madrid, and three years later, Sergey took gold at the Acqua Panna & S.Pellegrino Young Chef of the Year international competition, in other words, he was recognized as the best young chef in the world.

January 11, 2017

For three years of regional checks, Lena Letuchaya was sent more than once ... to Moscow, offering to do a show in her city. In November 2016, the creators of the program brought the idea to life: the season “Revizorro. Moscow". The TV presenter staged a raid on the capital's institutions, revealing to the audience their not the most delicious secrets. Who coped with the test and was awarded the "Revizorro recommends" sign? In the review, the site - metropolitan cafes and restaurants with a proven reputation

GG Group is a growing holding that includes more than 30 restaurants in Moscow and other Russian cities. The first to open was GG Bar, a restaurant on Krasnopresnenskaya Embankment with summer veranda and a view of the Moscow River. Inside there is an 18-meter bar counter, cozy tables with sofas and armchairs for 220 people, as well as a stage - at night the restaurant turns into a noisy bar where famous artists and DJs perform. There is an abundance on the menu, but in addition to chakhokhbili and tkemali, guests can appreciate European cuisine.


The administrator met Flying with a slightly tense, but joyful smile - a little later, the girl admitted that she did not miss the releases of her beloved Revizorro. The entire staff reacted equally favorably to the "invasion". The manager wrote down all Elena's remarks and promised to correct them, although there were not so many of them: ignorance of the shelf life of products and a partial lack of labeling. Perfect cleanliness in the kitchen and in the hall, the famous blonde was bribed, because Flying was almost ready to give up the coveted plate. If not for a gross mistake: the waiter sold alcohol to underage visitors - assistants to the presenter - and thereby provided the restaurant with a fine of 300-500 thousand rubles and no recommendation.

Shot from the show

“You can’t enter the river twice, but you can return to a proven kitchen,” the journalist decided and arranged a series of return visits, during which she also visited GG Bar. The shortcomings still remained, but Flying gave the institution more pluses than minuses. And most importantly, I was convinced that the violation of the law on the sale of strong drinks would not happen again.

The brainchild of chef Sergei Eroshenko is located near the Krasnye Vorota metro station. “You know what you pay for; you know how much you pay; you know who you pay. The chef personally selects the products, works in the kitchen himself and personally guarantees the quality of the dishes, and even the sincere atmosphere in the hall, ”the Flying read these loud words from the official website on the way to the restaurant and decided to personally verify the quality of the establishment. By the way, the creators decided to be honest with their guests in everything and took a bold step: they made an open kitchen so that everyone could see how his roast beef is cooked with roasted eggplant and ginger sauce or pumpkin cream soup with king crab meat and truffle oil.


Chefs and the owner of an establishment in the center of the capital received a lot of compliments. A small nook in the kitchen with a dirty floor and a mysterious jar in the refrigerator with the inscription "Let it stand" - these are all the restaurant's shortcomings. But on all products, blanks and semi-finished products there was a label - an example for other cafes. The flying woman was so pleased with this fact that she even twice noted with pleasure the fulfillment of an important requirement. As we have already said, the kitchen in the restaurant is open, so the employees themselves daily invite strict inspectors to their place - in the person of visitors who watch with curiosity the culinary exploits of specialists.

Shot from the show

Great place for family breakfast, lunch, dinner or party. The establishment has children's menu: will help to feed even the most important nehochuhu with porridge or soup. And then you can please him with a dessert from the main menu or, for example, New Year's. The cafe hosts master classes for the whole family, children's quests and events.


Flying also raided the family cafe twice. According to the results of the first check, there were only five comments: jewelry on staff, open products, delay and lack of labeling. The final point in Lena's anti-rating turned out to be decisive: a child disappeared in a cafe that positions itself as a family one: the employees did not notice how the boy escaped from the children's room. The second time, absolutely all the shortcomings were corrected, and the administrator did not fall for the bait with the lost child - she immediately called the police. Cafe Anderson received all the pluses - an unconditional victory!

Shot from the show

The establishment easily draws attention to itself. Firstly, this is a restaurant of new Russian cuisine, so that guests can feel like they are at a meal of the past, or even the century before last. Secondly, LavkaLavka is not only a restaurant, but also a store of quality farm products. Finally, the creators are clearly confident in themselves - if the client does not like the product, they will return the money for it.


For the restaurant, the first pancake came out lumpy: Volatile left the hall not entirely satisfied with her work in the kitchen. And, of course, I returned to the institution with perfect cleanliness and friendly staff. At first, it seemed that LavkaLavka would miss its chance again: an employee in a hat and gloves came out of the kitchen towards the blonde, and one of the cooks was again wearing jewelry. But the marking was on the smallest containers with blanks, and even a recently hired trainee was able to answer the tricky questions of the girl. Lena was seen off by all the employees at the end of the shooting - happy, smiling and with a well-deserved sign in their hands.

Shot from the show

The establishment is decorated in the Soviet style: old photographs, carpets on the walls, vinyl records and a soda machine from a distant childhood. The Soviet mood is also reflected in the menu: you can enjoy, for example, jelly or chicken Kiev. The highlight of the program is, of which there are several dozen: with potatoes, mushrooms, veal, cottage cheese, cherries, black currants, and so on and so forth.


The kitchen staff, seeing the famous blonde, rushed not from her, but to her - to take selfies and a joint photo. Only the administrator was not happy with the sudden visit: the girl persistently asked the film crew to leave the premises and let people work, convinced them to come without warning and even called the police. The trick did not work: the Flying and the team have long been accustomed to such claims and know what is possible and what is not.

Despite the incident, Lena continued the check. Of course, there were some blots, but the main dish of the establishment - dumplings and dumplings - were stored in accordance with all norms and rules. So the Volatile went to the hall and tasted the treats, which she rarely does. dumplings in chicken broth and dumplings with cherries helped the presenter make the final decision and recommend Varenichnaya No. 1 near the Kremlin, where it is not only tasty and clean, but also quite budget-friendly.

The Revizorro audit was also successfully passed by:

Twins Restaurant

Chicken Run Cafe

Restaurant Prichal

Canteen at the Academy of Music. Gnesins

Elena Letuchaya goes to restaurants in Moscow: why such a panic? Is everything really so bad and should residents of the capital go to restaurants less often? Especially for the readers of the site, the directors and chefs of popular Moscow restaurants expressed their opinion about the program. True, it was not easy to get comments - 11 restaurants "merged" at once, saying that the topic was slippery - they did not need such PR. To the question: “Are you afraid of something?” there was no answer. Although no, some decided to speak incognito.

Provincial "Revizorro"

"Revizorro" causes an ambiguous reaction among restaurateurs, mostly negative. For checks are not interesting when someone is filming what is happening in the kitchen, showing flaws in the work. In addition, Lena Volatile, using secret guests, is engaged in frank setups, creating non-standard working conditions for waiters, hoteliers, and so on.

Do not forget that her arrival always disrupts the technological processes in the kitchen and in the restaurant, brings confusion to the work. That is, initially, her arrival at a restaurant or hotel is a stressful situation for the staff, there are many risks, and the pluses are quite illusory.

There is always something to find fault with in the kitchen, if there is a desire. And evaluation methods are not always objective and reliable. She checks the label and, on this basis, concludes that the product is fresh, but it may be that the chef puts a new label on yesterday's product, and vice versa - the product is fresh, and the label is old due to the fact that the employee does not have time to update the data.

In fact, of course, she made a stir in Odessa Mom and other places, but the fact is that a normal restaurateur and a normal chef themselves always monitor the freshness of the products, because no one wants to poison guests. In addition to harm to the client, this causes significant damage to the image of the restaurant and again hits the revenue of the establishment. And after food poisoning, checks almost always come. Flying is treated as a host, who, in pursuit of ratings, seeks scandals. And, of course, everyone understands that the people are on her side.

To say that after the very first Moscow enchanting check, the rest will somehow start preparing for it in a special way? Is not a fact. Chefs did not work in gloves, and they do not work. And who needs to technological processes wear gloves, put them on. Cleanliness in the kitchen is always observed, because you cannot leave a dirty stove to the changer, these norms are not invented from scratch, everything has a foundation and a basis.

It’s clear that no one wants to let her in: any normal chef is against the camera in his kitchen ... Well, if he comes, you won’t do anything. By law, she definitely has the right to shoot in a restaurant, but there is no consensus on filming in office premises. She appeals to the ruling of the law, and due to the fact that she is with a camera, many are hushed up.

In general, her cause is good, another question is how all this is done, in what light restaurants are exposed, not always deservedly receiving negative ratings and losing their reputation.

Well, now those who are not afraid of anything will express their opinion about the program. And we are grateful to them!

Khusajanov Umid, owner of Too much restaurant

"Revizorro" I'm not afraid. Let them come. Surely something will be found, nothing is perfect! Another thing is that breaking into a restaurant is ugly. There is a law whereby I can keep a person out of my restaurant, but there is no law whereby I can kick a guest out. So, since they have already come, let them film it, no matter how provocative they behave.

We constantly conduct trainings with staff on how to behave in different stressful situations. Just in case, we will have to play the situation on the topic of arrogant people with cameras who are bursting into the kitchen ...

Andrey Zavarnitsin, Meatless Brand Chef

We are not afraid of the visit of the program. We have nothing to hide. All in sight. If Flying with the team finds shortcomings, we will listen to her and take action. There are no perfect restaurants. But we give the guest quality food, everyone is happy. And we have our own internal controls.

As for whether we would let the film crew into our kitchen... The restaurant is a private area, so here the question arises of our desire to allow or not allow someone into the kitchen. Many do not like it when they invade their territory without warning. And this is also their right: to let them in or not to let them in.

Well, the audience should not forget that this is an entertainment program, a show.

Anastasia Tatulova, managing partner of the Anderson chain of family cafes and pastry shops

I am neutral about the program, the rating program is on the scandal. Focused on the negative. Not afraid. We are not preparing specially, and they have already been. In addition, we have a very strong quality service of our own, which carries out such checks every day. I think that the presenter has no right to enter the kitchen. Moreover, many of the things she says show the strangeness of our outdated requirements for the industry. The standards were updated in 2003. From that moment on, the equipment, respectively, and the shelf life of what is prepared and packaged on such equipment, have changed significantly. But the legal requirements remain the same. On the other hand, where they find violations, it is generally clear whether people are engaged in sanitation and kitchen control or not. Therefore, the benefit is greater than the harm. It's just that the time is hard, we are all already tortured by both checks and the crisis, and now it's on our heads! Here in "Khachapuri" they poured a bucket on her head - and morally I understand them.

By the way, we had the program twice, they filmed two episodes. Finally got a sticker.

Lawyer, head of the project "People's Advocate" for the South-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow Ilya Reizer

Ilya Reiser

Recently, the scandalous program "Revizorro" has become widely known. TV presenter visits establishments Catering and arranges a "check" on the quality of cooking, cleanliness of premises, etc. The host of the program refers to the Federal Law No. 2124 “On the Mass Media”.

This law does not provide journalists (regular and freelance media workers) with any special rights that allow them to freely enter any organization. Since there is no mention of such a right in the law, journalists can visit organizations on a general basis. If the order of the public catering establishment prohibits the passage of strangers into the kitchen, then representatives of the press cannot enter there. "Revizorro" abuses the rights of the media.

The inspection of sanitary and other norms is carried out by state authorities. The mass media are not among these regulatory bodies. Therefore, the actions of "Revizorro" in this case can only be considered as an attempt to assign power.

Secondly, public catering establishments are not a "public place", since the only definition of "public place" is contained in Art. 20.21 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation "Appearance in public places in a state of intoxication." There, streets, parks, stadiums, public transport are indicated as public places. Restaurants, bars or cafes do not belong to such places. Service and utility rooms of cafes and restaurants cannot be considered public places.

In addition, nowhere in 2124 FZ it is not indicated that a journalist has the right to freely enter non-public places, especially as an inspector, in addition to the owner.

Decree 1036 of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the rules for the provision of catering services" does not give the right to inspect the kitchens of restaurants and cafes, but only prescribes that, at the request of the consumer, the contractor must provide complete information about the food product - name, price, information about the weight of the product, its nutritional value, used ingredients, vitamins. That is, "Revizorro" by its actions violates the legislation of the Russian Federation, trying to replace the authorities and appropriate powers of authority. Many other similar groups of social activists are engaged in this, for example, StopHam and Lev Against.

The actions of the Revizorro film crew are subject to articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation 136 “Violation of the equality of rights and freedoms of man and citizen”, 143 “Violation of labor protection requirements”, 201 “Abuse of authority”, 330 “Arbitrariness”. When the victims of the actions of "Revizorro" apply to law enforcement agencies, it is possible that participants in illegal actions will be prosecuted.

She left the Revizorro project, upset many viewers of the Friday! channel. The TV presenter spoke about her decision to leave in April of this year. A new no less famous girl came to replace Flying - the former soloist of the Via GRA group Olga Romanovskaya. However, many were dissatisfied with the new inspector and waited for the beloved blonde to return.

During the time that Elena was on vacation, she managed to get married and go on a honeymoon, from where she delighted fans with her pictures in a bikini.

True, quite recently, at a closed presentation of the Pyatnitsa TV channel, it became known that Elena Flying is finally returning to the program! Very soon, the long-awaited check of the capital's establishments for the new season called "Revizorro. Moscow".


Konstantin Ivlev,

“In all the restaurants and hotels in Russia that we checked for cleanliness and quality of service, we were often asked: “Why don’t you clean up? Can’t we clean up in Moscow ourselves? “And now, we are fulfilling the request of the Russians,” Flying said.

Flying also shared the good news on her Instagram: “Today is a special day for my fans and #revizorro fans! I want to please you all, my dear ones, with the news - I'M BACK! Very soon, on the Friday TV channel, watch the New Season of Revizorro Moscow ”(Spelling and punctuation more. — Note ed..).

Fans, in turn, are already looking forward to new releases of the program.

While I was traveling in China, the Revizorro program reached Moscow and blew up Moscow's Facebook. I only found out about this today because Facebook is blocked in China. I watched several issues devoted to how the presenter inspects the Moscow restaurants "Odessa-mama" and "Children of Rayk". I read articles by liberal journalists... I was even surprised how they managed to find some hidden meanings in such a petty-bourgeois show for the entertainment of the crowd. Okay, Kashin did it - he can write a column about the fate of the Motherland about a pebble in his shoe, but how about the rest?

Probably, I should also speak about Lena Letuchaya and her show (I didn’t think that I would live to this moment). So, what do I have to tell you about this show, as they say in our Odessa-mother. The only thing that surprised and outraged me was that the presenter in every restaurant fucks up the staff about the lack of gloves. They let TP into the kitchen...

So, my dear collective farmers, remember once and for all... The cook cooks without gloves! This may seem wrong, outrageous, unhygienic to you, but it is right. No normal chef will cook with gloves on! This Lena Letuchaya of yours can break into any kitchen in the most the best restaurants world, and nowhere will she see gloves on cooks.

What do they have?

A case in point occurred in 2014 in California. They decided to introduce a law that obliges all cooks to cook food with gloves. The news caused a flurry of discontent among professional chefs. They said that cooking with gloves is inconvenient, inefficient, not environmentally friendly, and in general, because of them, the dish may turn out to be tasteless. Many chefs claim that gloves create a false sense of cleanliness and discourage people from washing their hands often in the workplace.

Due to the stormy reaction of the cooks, this law was canceled six months later. Under laws in several other states, only food that has already been cooked cannot be touched with bare hands. If the dish is to be cooked, then the use of gloves in its preparation is optional. Apparently, Russian law provides for the same.

Here are the main theses against the use of gloves. Some of them are confirmed by scientific research, the other part is the opinion of professional chefs.

1. Hands sweat when wearing gloves, and a warm and humid environment is an ideal place for bacteria to breed. These bacteria can easily get into the food if the integrity of the gloves is damaged (this often happens due to nails), or at the moment when the cook changes them. There are on this topic.

2. Gloves create a false sense of cleanliness, and their use can only be effective if they are changed with each new product. Handwashing is just as effective as frequent glove changes and much more effective than long periods of wearing the same gloves. At the same time, it is noted that wearing gloves still does not eliminate the need to wash your hands. It turns out that without gloves it is quite possible to do.

3. If a chef cooks with latex gloves, it is almost certain that latex proteins will be in the dish. This, in turn, is for the one who eats the cooked dish. In some states in America, restaurants are required to inform customers that latex gloves are used in their kitchens. Latex has an alternative - vinyl gloves. They are absolutely safe for allergy sufferers, but tear much more often (see point 1).

4. Cooking with gloves is much more difficult. For example, some products stick to them, and even through gloves it is more difficult to control the pressing force, temperature or texture of the product. All this will affect how the finished dish will turn out in the end.

5. The introduction of a law on the mandatory use of gloves in the kitchen causes great concern among environmentalists. In the United States, for example, against the background of proposals to ban the use of plastic bags, the law on gloves looked a little strange.

6. The need to constantly change gloves will greatly increase the preparation time for meals and drinks, and this in turn will affect the income of restaurants. Not to mention that the constant supply of cooks with quality gloves will also cost a lot. All this can affect the price of dishes.

In general, many professional chefs agree that "it's better to cook without gloves and wash your hands than not wash your hands and work with gloves."

And now, especially for the collective farmers who burst into the kitchens and squeal that the cooks are without gloves ... Let's break into the best cuisines peace...

Frenchman Joel Robuchon, who is called the "chef of the century." It has a total of 31 Michelin stars and 12 restaurants worldwide.


Another French chef Alain Ducasse, the owner of a total of 19 Michelin stars and five restaurants around the world.

Thomas Keller, a famous American chef with seven Michelin stars and a restaurant twice named the best in the world.


Japanese chef Yoshihiro Murata, he also has 7 Michelin stars and 4 restaurants Japanese cuisine around the world.

Even the famous Gordon Ramsay, who has more than 20 restaurants around the world, cooks without gloves.

As for Lena's other claims, they may be justified. Delay, garbage and unsanitary conditions in the kitchen are unacceptable. There are no questions here. But get off the gloves! If you don't know, mind your own business!

As for the show itself, I personally find it unpleasant to watch. Just a physically unaesthetic sight. The host is some kind of habalka, rude, unpleasant, behaves boorishly, provokes conflicts. I do not like such women and get very upset when I observe such behavior. Watching people lose their human appearance in pursuit of likes/traffic/popularity is personally unpleasant for me.

In addition, even if there is a scandal due to cleanliness and sterility in the kitchen, then Lena Letuchaya should pay attention to her team. When a crowd of cameramen bursts into the kitchen of the restaurant, some incomprehensible people in street clothes, dirty shoes, without hats (and in the program it is clearly seen that only the presenter on camera puts on a bathrobe and hat, the rest are in ordinary clothes), me as a visitor to the restaurant this is much more of a concern than dust under the sink.

PS: Here in the comments, some people think that I am shielding the restaurants that got into the program. At one time I often went to Odessa-mother. So, I stopped going there six months ago. Not because they cook from the wrong products. And they just started to cook tasteless. The kitchen is very deteriorated, and I'm not used to eating all sorts of shit. So, I closed Odessa for myself in the summer. Ryke's children were always a dump, where you could only drink alcohol after the Lighthouse.