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Preparation of dough for complex bakery products. Organization of the process of preparing complex bakery, flour confectionery products



Src="" alt="(!LANG:> YEAST DOUGH Prepared in two ways: 1. unpaired 2. sourdough">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Dough preparation Dough preparation: - liquid (water, milk) t"> Приготовление опары Приготовление опары: – жидкость (вода, молоко) t 30 – 350 С 50 -60% нормы; – дрожжи (растворить) - 100%; – муку просеять - 40 -60%; – для активности дрожжей 4% сахара от нормы муки.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Scheme for making dough in a non-dough way Milk (water) Yeast, sugar,"> Схема приготовления теста безопарным способом Молоко (вода) Дрожжи, сахар, мука Масло соль сливочное, маргарин Подогревают Растапливают До t = 35ºС И слегка охлаждают Растворяют и процеживают Замешивают тесто В конце замеса вводят маргарин и продолжают замес!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Milk (water) Yeast Sugar Salt, eggs"> Молоко (вода) Дрожжи Сахар Соль, яйца Мука Масло сливочное Приготовление теста (маргарин) опарным способом Подогревают Растворяют Растапливают до t = 35ºС Растворяют Замешивают опару Брожение опары 2, 5 – 3 ч Перемешивают Замешивают тесто!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>DETERMINING TEST READINESS 1. By appearance 2. When pressing on the dough, it "> DETERMINING THE READINESS OF THE DOUGH 1. In appearance 2. When pressing on the dough, it slowly levels out. 3. It has a pleasant alcohol smell.

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>EQUIPMENT FOR KNEWING DOUGH Rolling pin - dough divider">!}


Src="" alt="(!LANG:>BAKING Products are baked at t 180 -250 depending on the size of the products .Small"> ВЫПЕЧКА Изделия выпекают при t 180 -250 в зависимости от величины изделий. Мелкие изделия выпекают при более высокой температуре, а крупные изделия при более низкой температуре и продолжительном времени.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> BUNS Buns are simple or rich products of various shapes (round,"> БУЛОЧКИ Булочки представляют собой простые или сдобные изделия разнообразной формы (круглой, овальной, квадратной и др.) массой от 50 до 200 г. Дрожжевое тесто для булочек готовят безопарным или опарным способом. В нижеприведенных рецептурах широко используются различные добавки: ванилин, изюм, орехи, шафран и др. Большое содержание жира, сахара, яиц и вкусовых веществ делают булочки высококалорийными. Рецептуры для приготовления булочек приведены в табл.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Weight, g. Raw material"> Масса, г. Сырье Булочка с Булочка шафран «Бриошь маком домашняя дорожная овая » мука 2000 6755 6300 2800 3760 сахар 400 1420 1200 500 670 дрожжи 30 170 150 130 158 вода 300 2850 3050 700 1340 Масло 670 1485 1700 800 925 сливочное меланж 520 190 250 698 соль 20 60 30 мак 500 вино 100 какао 10 мед 100 изюм 670 шафран 2!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> SCHOOL BUN. The dough is prepared in a non-dough or sponge way; On dusted with flour"> БУЛОЧКА «ШКОЛЬНАЯ» . Тесто готовят безопарным или опарным способом; На подпыленном мукой столе готовое тесто делят на куски массой 47 грамм и формуют шарики; Укладывают на кондитерские листы швом вниз на расстоянии 3 -4 см друг от друга; Продолжительность расстойки изделий в теплом, влажном месте 25 -30 минут; За 5 -10 минут до выпечки булочки смазывают меланжем; Выпекают при температуре 250 -270*С в течение 8 -10 минут.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> HIGH CALORIE BUNS High Calorie Buns These are round buns,"> БУЛОЧКИ ПОВЫШЕННОЙ КАЛОРИЙНОСТИ Булочки повышенной калорийности Это круглые булочки, богатые сахаром и жиром. В рецептуру булочек входит 25% сахара, 18% масла, 20% яиц, 30% изюма и 20% молока. Сверху булочки посыпаются рубленым миндалем или орехом. Для улучшения вкуса и запаха в тесто кладут ванилин (ванильные булочки), лимонную эссенцию (лимонные булочки) или шафран (шафранные булочки). Вес сдобных изделий 50 и 100 г.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Wheat flour 1 grade - 250 gr. / 250 gr. Yeast pressed - 15"> Мука пшеничная 1 сорта - 250 гр. / 250 гр. Дрожжи прессованные - 15 гр. / 15 гр. Соль поваренная пищевая - 5 гр. Сахар-песок - 125 гр. Масло коровье сливочное несоленое - 90 гр. Молоко коровье пастеризованное с содержанием жира не менее 3, 2% - 100 гр. Вода - 30 гр. / 34 гр. Яйцо куриное в тесто - 75 гр. Яйцо куриное на обмазку - 25 гр. Ванилин - 0, 2 гр. Орехи дробленые для обсыпки - 10 гр. Виноград сушеный 150 гр. Продолжительность брожения 240. . . 300 мин*/ 80. . . 120 мин*** Время расстойки 80. . . 100 мин Температура духовки +180. . . 220*С Время выпечки 25. . . 35 мин Вес булочки 100 гр.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Muffin A characteristic feature of muffin is an extremely diverse shape with a clearly defined pattern:"> СДОБА Характерной особенностью сдобы является чрезвычайно разнообразная форма с чётко выраженным рисунком: кренделя, плюшки, устрицы; фигурная сдоба в виде грибов, животных и другие формы. К сдобным изделиям относят все виды хлебобулочных изделий, содержащих не менее 7% сахара и 7% жира на 100 кг муки. Тесто готовят опарным способом. Наиболее трудоемкая операция при производстве сдобы – их окончательная формовка и отделка поверхности. Все эти операции делают вручную. Поверхность сдобы может быть глянцевитой, отделанной сахаром, крошкой, маком, помадой, вареньем, кремом.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Name Raw material consumption, g of raw material"> Наименование Расход сырья, г сырья Сдоба выборгская Сдоба донская обыкновенная фигурная выборгская Мука пшеничная вс - 100 - Мука пшеничная 1 с 100 - 100, 0 Дрожжи 1, 5 2, 5 1, 5 прессованные Соль 1, 5 1 1, 5 Сахар 10 20 25 7 Масло сливочное 7, 0 10 - Яйца в тесто - 4, 0 1 - Яйца на смазку 3, 6 - 3 Изюм - 1 Ванилин 0, 05 Масло растительное 0, 5 Патока 2 Мак 1 Пудра рафинадная 1 Повидло или 12 - варенье!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> ORDINARY MAKING Muffin is made in the form of a bun (with two layered"> СДОБА ОБЫКНОВЕННАЯ Сдобу обыкновенную вырабатывают в виде плюшки (с двумя слоистыми лепестками), сердечка (с тремя и четырьмя лепестками), устрицы (круглой, продолговатой, спиральной, фигурной), розочки, улитки, бантика, оленьего рога, кукурузы, краба, метлы, паука, костра, дубового листика; в виде крученых изделий- плетенки, крученки, вензеля.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Spiral oyster. test"> Спиральная устрица. Тесто Продолговатая сворачивают рулетом. Разрезают устрица. Рулет из теста на кусочки, проверяют массу и приготавливают, как укладывают на противень разрезом описано выше. От вниз так, чтобы наверху оказался свернутого рулета отрезают другой разрез, напоминающий спираль. кусочки, которые, взвесив, Если при изготовлении рулета кладут на стол. Тонкой края пласта не скрепить яичной скалкой диаметром 1– 1, 5 см, смазкой, то концы спирали при держа ее руками за концы, расстойке и выпечке разойдутся и нажимают параллельно изделие потеряет форму. разрезам на кусок теста. При Необходимо хорошо приклеивать этом верхние слои с обеих край пласта к рулету или отделять сторон поворачивают вверх, от срезанного куска конец спирали а средние и нижние – и подкладывать его под изделие расходятся в обе стороны. при укладке на противень. Изделия приобретают форму устрицы.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> OYSTER"> УСТРИЦА Большой кусок теста раскатать скалкой в прямоугольник толщиной. 5 см. Смазать сливочным маслом. Закатать тесто в рулон так, чтоб образовалось 8 -10 витков наподобие рулета. Перевернуть рулет швом вниз и отрезать от него равные куски для формовки изделий!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> SPIRAL OYSTER"> СПИРАЛЬНАЯ УСТРИЦА Устрицу формуют в виде спиральки и конец спиральки подкладывают под середину куска ФИГУРНАЯ УСТРИЦА Эту устрицу формуют как спиральную, дополнительно делая надрез ножом, как при разрезе плюшки. При укладке на лист разворачивают по надрезу, получают фигурную устрицу в две, три, четыре спиральки, соединенные вместе.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Twisted products A large piece of dough is rolled out, buttered and cut into strips. The strips are twisted into"> Крученые изделия Большой кусок теста раскатывают, смазывают маслом и надрезают полосами. Полосы скручивают в жгутики, из которых делают !} different kinds products.

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>BRAID An oblong ring is formed from half of the bundle, the remaining end is twisted and fixed on the opposite"> ПЛЕТЕНКА Из половины жгута образуют продолговатое кольцо, оставшийся конец закручивают и закрепляют на противоположном конце кольца.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>MONOGRAM Both ends of the flagellum are twisted with both hands in opposite directions">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> BUN."> ПЛЮШКА. Тесто готовят опарным способом и разделывают в виде плюшек или устриц; Тесто выкладывают на подпыленный мукой стол и подкатывают в равные по толщине жгуты, которые разрезают на куски массой по 57 грамм; Кусок раскатывают скалкой, смазывают маслом или маргарином и завертывают в рулет; Сложив рулет вдвое, делают ножом один или два надреза; Изделия укладывают на смазанный жиром лист, оставляют для расстойки на 30 минут, за 10 минут; До выпечки смазывают яйцом и после выпечки посыпают сахарной пудрой; Выпекают при температуре 250 -260ºС!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> VANE VYBORGSKAYA Vyborgskaya bun is made from yeast sponge dough. The most common products Vyborg"> СДОБА ВЫБОРГСКАЯ Выборгская сдоба приготовляется из дрожжевого опарного теста. Наиболее распространенные изделия выборгской сдобы - плюшки, устрицы, булочки, обсыпанные крошкой, батончики и штолики. Выборгскую сдобу можно приготовить также в форме бантиков, колец, кренделей, подковок, вееров, завитушек и др. Для приготовления обсыпной булочки тесто разделить на куски, подкатать их в круглые шарики, обмакнуть в масло, обсыпать мучной крошкой и положить на противень. После небольшой расстойки сделать посередине булочки углубление, в которое положить повидло. После выпечки посыпать булочки сахарной пудрой.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Finish the surface of the Vyborg muffin with jam, lipstick, poppy seeds, sugar or flour crumbs For flour crumbs"> Поверхность выборгской сдобы отделать повидлом, помадой, маком, сахаром или мучной крошкой. Для мучной крошки из муки (одна часть), сахара (одна часть) и топленого масла (0, 5 части) замесить тесто и протереть его через грохот. Изделия весом до 100 г выпекать следует при температуре 240 - 260°!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> DONSKAYA SDOBA Produced in the form of piece products weighing 0, 1"> СДОБА ДОНСКАЯ Вырабатывается в виде штучных изделий массой 0, 1 и 0, 2 кг. Изделиям придается следующая форма: спираль; буква В; восьмерка; переплетение с двумя свободными концами; переплетение в виде двух крючков. Поверхность изделий глянцевая, покрытая яичной смазкой. Тесто готовят опарным способом !} Ready dough divided into blanks, rounded, give preliminary proofing. Formed on a roller machine and hand-shaped. Lay on sheets and send for proofing. After proofing, the blanks are smeared with egg grease and sent for baking. Baking with steam.

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> VYBORGSKAYA FIGURED GRAIN fifty"> СДОБА ВЫБОРГСКАЯ ФИГУРНАЯ Тесто готовится опарным способом с отсдобкой. Отсдобка - после 50 -60 мин брожения. Если мука сильная, то после отсдобки делают еще дополнительную обминку. Расстойка на листах - 60 - 120 мин. За 10 -15 мин до посадки в печь изделия смазывают яйцом. Некоторые изделия отделывают маком. Продолжительность выпечки в неувлажненной пекарной камере изделий массой до 0, 1 кг - 13 -16 мин, 0, 5 кг - 18 -25 мин при 200 - 220°С. Готовые горячие изделия оставляют на листах до полного остывания. Некоторые изделия после остывания отделывают сахарной пудрой или помадкой Сдобу выборгскую фигурную вырабатывают в виде птиц, животных, рыб и пр. Сдоба белгородская имеет форму лиры, подковы.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> RASSTEGAI Rasstegay is one of the types of Russian baked pies from"> РАССТЕГАИ Расстегай – один из видов русских печеных пирожков из несдобного !} yeast dough from the very various fillings, best with fish, such as salmon or beluga. Gilyarovsky wrote: “Egorov’s tavern, in addition to pancakes, was famous for fish pies. This is a round, full plate, pie stuffed with minced fish with a screech, and the middle is open, and in it, on a slice of sturgeon, lies a piece of burbot liver. The pie was served with a gravy boat of fish soup for free ... ”To his words, it can be added that melted butter was poured into the open middle of the classic pie after baking, and more often meat or fish broth with chopped parsley (for this,“ gravy boat of fish soup was served for free).

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Then the stuffing from vyaziga or rice with onions and hard-boiled eggs was covered piece"> Затем начинку из вязиги или из риса с луком и крутыми яйцами прикрывали кусочком благородной рыбы – отварной каспийской осетрины или малосольной печорской семги и «закрашивали» налимьей печенкой. Московский ресторан Семена Петровича Тарарыкина «Прага» на Арбате во времена Гиляровского особенно гордился своими расстегаями «пополам» – с начинкой из стерляди с осетриной Расстегаи укладывались на тарелку с золотой надписью «Привет от Тарарыкина» , к ним тоже подавали соусник горячей ухи бесплатно, а за деньги – давали еще и рюмочку. Сам пирожок делают небольшим, но удлиненным, придают ему форму туфельки. Часто расстегаи подают к супам: пирог с рыбой – к ухе, с мясом и грибами – к бульонам, с рисом, луком, морковью и яйцом – и к рыбным, и к мясным супам. Пирожки-расстегайчики когда-то были главной достопримечательностью московской торговли вразнос. В скоромные дни их выпекали с мясом и луком, в постные – с кусочками белуги, семги и молоками. Как и полагается расстегаю, начинка была на виду и тестом не закрывалась. Такой пирожок посыпали солью, перцем, смазывали маслом и заливали горячим бульоном – мясным или рыбным, который держали в луженых кувшинах, закутанных тряпками. Стоили такие!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Pies. Composition: yeast dough - 120 g, minced meat - 40 g; for lubrication:"> Расстегаи. Состав: тесто дрожжевое – 120 г, фарш – 40 г; для смазки: яйца – 2 шт. ; жир для листов – 0, 2 г. Выход – 143 г. Тесто для расстегаев готовят опарным способом, более густой консистенции, чем для печеных пирожков. Куски теста массой по 120 г формуют в виде шариков, оставляют на 5– 8 мин для расстойки и раскатывают в круглую лепешку, на которую кладут !} chopped meat with onions, fish with rice and screech or rice with mushrooms. The edges of the cake are pinched over the minced meat, leaving the middle open. Products are proofed for 20-30 minutes, smeared with melange and baked at a temperature of 280-290 ° C. Moscow pies are baked in the same shape, weighing 210 g each, with the same stuffing. In accordance with the type of minced meat, after baking, pieces of fish, marinated mushroom caps or chopped eggs are placed in the middle of the pie. Ready pies in hot form are smeared with butter. Snack pies are baked with the same types of minced meat, but with a smaller mass (yield - 50 g). pies with minced fish served to the ear, with meat - to the transparent meat broth, and pies with mushrooms - to mushroom broth or separately as a hot appetizer.

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Quality requirements: pies should have a shiny light brown surface, boat shape, the middle is open,"> Требования к качеству: расстегаи должны иметь блестящую светло-коричневую поверхность, форму лодочки, середина открыта, виден фарш. Мякиш хорошо пропечен, пышный. !}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> RAISIN SHTOLI Prepare yeast sponge dough, cut candied fruits into small cubes;"> ИЗЮМНЫЕ ШТОЛИ Приготовить дрожжевое опарное тесто, цукаты нарезать мелкими кубиками; кардамон и !} nutmeg finely grind and add when kneading the dough; Sort the raisins, wash them and add them during the kneading of the dough (be careful not to crush the raisins, as the dough becomes grayish from this). Roll the finished dough into a round ball, form an oblong loaf and, after a five-minute proofing, make two wide recesses along the length of the loaf with a rolling pin, then fold in half (in length) and press again with a rolling pin. Place the stolli on a greased baking sheet. After complete proofing, grease the surface with oil and bake at a temperature of 210 - 220 °. After baking, grease the products with butter and sprinkle with powdered sugar and vanilla.

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Flour 1000, sugar 200, table margarine 200, raisins 300, candied fruit 100, yeast 30, milk"> Мука 1000, сахар 200, маргарин столовый 200, изюм 300, цукаты 100, дрожжи 30, молоко 100, яйца 430, масло сливочное для смазки изделий 10, соль 5, кардамон 2, мускатный орех 1. Чисто изюмные штоли с орехами!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Candied raisins with powdered sugar. Cut candied fruits into dough until raisin sizes">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>JAM'S Puff Rosanchiki">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Hungarian Cheesecake">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Roll out dough 0.5–0.7 cm thick, cut into squares with a side of about"> Тесто раскатайте толщиной 0, 5– 0, 7 см, нарежьте на квадраты со стороной примерно 10 см. Для творожной начинки протрите творог через сито. Яйца разотрите добела с сахаром, смешайте с творогом. Добавьте в творожную массу натертую на мелкой терке лимонную цедру. Взбейте белки в крепкую пену и осторожно введите в творог. Консистенция начинки должна напоминать очень густую сметану.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Place the filling in the middle of each square, overlap the corners in the middle, "house"."> На середину каждого квадратика положите начинку, соедините в середине уголки внахлест, «домиком» . Дайте постоять 15 мин. Выпекайте до готовности, 15– 20 мин. Готовые ватрушки подавайте посыпанными сахарной пудрой.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> PIES Pies learned to bake in Russia a long time ago."> ПИРОГИ Пироги научились печь на Руси очень давно. Ни один праздник не обходился без них. Само слово «пирог» , вероятнее всего, имеет своей основой «пир» . Пироги были обязательным атрибутом свадебного, новогоднего, именинного и любого другого !} holiday table. Pies in the house are a guarantee of well-being in the family - this has long been considered. The day after the wedding, the young woman baked a cake. She regaled them with a guest, and they, according to his taste, judged the homeliness of the future hostess. On the day of the name day, it was customary to bake pies and send them to relatives and friends, as a kind of invitation to the holiday. Sweet pies were usually sent to godfathers and mothers as a sign of special respect. Mandatory on the name day was a pie with cabbage. Russian cuisine knows a lot of recipes for a wide variety of pies. They have been worked out for centuries, passed down from generation to generation, nevertheless, each housewife tried to bring something of her own. Of all types of products, pies, as the most common, occupy the first place. Even the name "PIROG" comes from the ancient Greek "feast" - a holiday, fun. What kind of pies are not in Russian cuisine: open, closed, round, quadrangular, low, high, with one type of minced meat and multi-layered. And now pies differ in recipe, method of preparing dough (yeast, puff, unleavened, etc.), filling, shape (open and closed, small and large, round and square).

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> APPLE PIE Apples, without peeling, cut into thin equal size"> ПИРОГ С ЯБЛОКАМИ Яблоки, не очищая от кожицы, нарезают тонкими одинакового размера ломтиками, сбрызгивают соком лимона, чтобы яблоки не потемнели, пересыпают сахаром. Тесто раскатывают в виде овала толщиной 1 см, накалывают по всей поверхности вилкой. Подготовленные ломтики яблок аккуратно укладывают «чешуей» по поверхности теста, между дольками яблок разместить, как «искорки» ягоды брусники или клюквы. Края теста загибают, смазывают желтком, по краю овала прокладывают «веревочку» , сплетенную из двух тонко раскатанных жгутиков теста, прижимают ее к овалу и также смазывают желтком. Выпекают пирог при температуре 180 -200º С до готовности. Пирог с яблоками имеет приятный нежный кисло- !} sweet taste and aroma. Serve with tea.

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> FISH PIE Roll out the puff pastry, put it on a baking sheet, fold over the edges and put"> ПИРОГ С РЫБОЙ Слоеное тесто раскатывают, выкладывают на противень, загибают края и ставят в нагретую до 210º С духовку на 10 минут. Масло растапливают на сковороде, обжаривают в нем лук в течении 10 минут, добавляют чайную ложку соли. Отваренную рыбу, очищенные и нарезанные кружками помидоры выкладывают на остывший пласт теста, посыпают черным перцем, покрывают обжаренным луком. Яйца и сливки с красным перцем и солью взбивают и поливают получившейся массой рыбу и помидоры. Пирог ставят в нагретую до 190º С духовку на 25 минут (начинка должна подрумяниться). Подают в горячем виде.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> MEAT PIE"> ПИРОГ С МЯСОМ Тесто готовят опарным способом. Разделяют на куски массой по 600 г (часть теста оставляют на украшения). После неполной расстойки раскатывают в пласт. Выкладывают фарш, края теста защипывают над фаршем и укладывают на кондитерский лист швом вниз. Поверхность смазывают яйцом и украшают фигурками из теста. После полной расстойки поверхность смазывают яйцом еще раз и делают проколы, чтобы при выпечке не было разрывов.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> POPPY PIE PIE Yeast dough is prepared in a double or non-dough way, after fermentation"> ПИРОГ С МАКОМ Готовят дрожжевое тесто опарным или безопарным способом, после брожения раскатывают пласт толщиной 15 мм и разрезают на полосы шириной 120 мм, на середину наносят начинку. Один край смазывают меланжем и свертывают жгутом, начиная с края, не смазанного меланжем. Выровненный жгут смазывают меланжем, разрезают на куски и укладывают на листы в форме круглого пирога, растаивают и выпекают 30 -40 минут при температуре 180 – 200º С. После охлаждения пирог промачивают сиропом и глазируют помадой. Для приготовления начинки мак заливают водой и доводят до кипения. После чего воду сливают, остывший маг смешивают с сахаром, пропускают через мясорубку и смешивают с медом. Помаду готовят по основной технологии. Поверхность покрыта помадой. Мякиш хорошо пропечен, на разрезе видна прослойка мака!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> APRICOT PIE Mix evenly soft dough from flour, eggs, butter and "> PIE WITH APRICOT Knead an even soft dough from flour, eggs, butter and baking powder, divide it into two parts (ratio 1: 2). Roll out most of the dough with a layer 1 cm thick and put on a greased, a baking sheet sprinkled with flour.Place the apricots cut into halves on the dough.Crushed nuts can be sprinkled between the fruits.The other part of the dough is additionally kneaded with flour until a firmer consistency is obtained, grate on a coarse grater and sprinkle the cake on top.When the cake is baked

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Weight, g. Home Raw Materials"> Масса, г. «Домашн Сырье «Лаком ий с «Невский» ка «Московский» РЕЦЕПТУРЫ ПИРОГОВ мак » ом» мука 369 200 сахар 94 55 маргарин 82 75 соль 1 2 дрожжи 17 12 вода 170 30 меланж 70 Ванильная пудра 1, 5 Меланж для смазки 3 Сироп для промочки 170 150 32 Крем сливочный 160!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>CAKE EDGE DECORATION Fork edge Trim the edges"> УКРАШЕНИЕ КРАЕВ ПИРОГА Край, оформленный вилкой Обрежьте края теста вровень с краем формы для пирога. Вилкой с четырьмя зубцами прижмите тесто к краю формы. Пройдите по всему бордюру. Рифленый край Поставьте указательный палец одной руки с внешней стороны бордюра. Аккуратно обхватите его указательным и большим пальцем другой руки - у вас получится оборка. Повторяйте то же самое вокруг всего края. Между каждой оборкой должно оставаться 5 мм Острый рифленый край Поставьте указательный палец одной руки с внутренней стороны бордюра. Плотно обхватите его указательным и большим пальцами другой руки - у вас получится желобок. Повторяйте то же самое по всему краю пирога. Между желобками должно оставаться 5 мм.!}

Src="" alt=">"> "Twisted rope" Place your thumb at an angle to the edge of the dough. Then grab the dough between your thumb and forefinger knuckle. Place your thumb in the groove left by your index finger. Pinch. Repeat the same steps around the entire pie. Leaf border Prepare dough for closed pie. Roll out a large ball of dough into a layer and place it in a mold. Trim the dough flush with the edge of the mold. Roll out the second ball into a layer to a thickness of 2 mm. Cut the leaves out of this dough with a knife. With the blunt side of the knife, push the "veins" on the leaves. Lightly brush the edges of the dough with water. Press the leaves to the edge of the dough.

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> PIE QUALITY EVALUATION Features Product quality"> ОЦЕНКА КАЧЕСТВА ПИРОГОВ Признаки Качество изделий Внешний вид Форма продолговатая, (форма) круглая Консистенция Соответствует фарша требованиям к фаршу Консистенция Мякиш мягкий, пористый, без «закала» , выпеченного при надавливании пружинит теста Запах Сдобный, приятный, кислый отсутствует Цвет корочки От золотисто-желтого до коричневатого, поверхность блестящая!}


Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Prepare dough: Mix all dry ingredients: flour, cream(milk ), yeast, sugar, salt, beat the egg"> Приготовить тесто: Смешать все сухие ингредиенты: муку, сливки(молоко), дрожжи, сахар, соль. яйцо взбить вилкой и соединить с водой и постепенно вводя в мучную смесь, замесить тесто. Добавить цедру и масло, вмесить в тесто. Тесто получается липкое, но муку больше не добавлять. Накрыть тесто полотенцем и поставить подходить, примерно, на 2 часа. Приготовить крем: Развести крахмал в молоке, добавить желтки, сахар, ваниль, цедру и поставить варить на среднем огне постоянно помешивая (готовый крем начинает булькать). Остудить, добавить масло, слегка взбить и, добавив миндаль и сок, перемешать. Разделка: Обмять подошедшее тесто, рабочую поверхность припылить мукой и разделить тесто на 15 кусочков. Раскатать каждый кусочек овалом 12 -15 см. Выложить крем ближе к одному краю, отступив от края 3 см.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>2. Close the cream with dough and close the edges well.">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>3. Cut remaining edge of dough Place buns into strips and roll up bun ."> 3. Оставшийся край теста нарезать Поместить булочки на полосками и свернуть булочку. противень, застеленный пекарской бумагой, и поставить на расстойку на 30 мин. Смазать желтком и выпекать в прогретой до 180 гр. С духовке 15 минут до золотистого цвета. !} Ready buns cover with a towel and let cool for 10-15 minutes, sprinkle with powdered sugar. NOTE. You can also make chocolate "Parisians" by replacing 2-3 tbsp. l. flour on cocoa powder. In this case, it is better to add chocolate instead of butter to the cream.

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Pretzels Pretzels are made from dough without sugar, with sugar"> КРЕНДЕЛИ Крендели изготавливают из теста без сахара, с сахаром и с большим количеством сдобы. Тесто может быть дрожжевым и бездрожжевым. Что касается изготовления, то крендели могут быть выпеченными, заварными и жаренными во фритюре. Оформление кренделей самое разнообразное: с сахаром, маком, корицей и сахаром, тмином, солью, орехами. Крендели для торжественных случаев украшают цветами, фигурами и различными элементами пекарской скульптуры.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Mass, g. raw material Pretzel"> Масса, г. сырье Крендель крендель русский Крендель сдобный сахарный !} curd flour 1000 793 Pretzels 394 375 margarine 200 240 92 150 sugar 250 47 67 60 melange 160 63 55 80 yeast 8 15 milk 134 salt 11 3 vegetable oil 3 30 water 350 saffron 1 nuts 200 10 1 cinnamon 3 50 g each 560

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Riga Pretzel"> КРЕНДЕЛЬ РИЖСКИЙ "Рижский" крендель 1 кг муки 1 с. , 40 г дрожжей, 10 г соли, 230 г сахара, 180 г !} butter, 200 g of fat milk, 200 g of eggs (160 for dough, 40 for grease), 0.1 g of vanillin, 300 g of raisins, water. 20 g powdered sugar for finishing after baking, 20 g almonds for finishing before baking. Pretzels weighing 500 g or 1 kg. Sponge dough (dough 4 hours, dough 2 hours fermentation). Proofing 1.5 hours. Baking: Pretzels weighing 500 g are baked for 23-27 minutes at 190 C. Pretzels weighing 1 kg are baked for 27-32 minutes at 190 C.

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Pretzel with ears, loaf with ears in the past had a special purpose. They were baked for"> Крендель с колосьями, каравай с колосьями в прошлом имели специальное назначение. Их выпекали к такому замечательному событию в сельской жизни, как окончание уборочной страды. Во все времена человек добывал свой хлеб в поте лица. Вырастить и убрать с поля урожай - это самое важное и значительное событие в жизни хлебопашца, потому и выпеченное изделие не просто хлеб, но - гимн хлебу, гимн человеческой жизни!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> PRETELL WITH EARS Knead a fairly stiff dough and put in a warm place to"> КРЕНДЕЛЬ С КОЛОСЬЯМИ Замесить довольно крутое тесто поставить в теплое место для брожения, дважды сделать обминку. После второй обминки, когда тесто вновь поднимется, раскатать из него жгут, завернуть из него крендель, положить на смазанный маслом противень, оставить для расстойки. Из !} grated dough prepare spikelets and after proofing the pretzel and lubricating its surface with yolk with the addition of a pinch of sugar, decorate the pretzel with spikes, which are greased only with protein. Bake the pretzel at 240*C. The finished product has a contrasting tint: golden spikelets on a bright brown pretzel. The secret of obtaining this is not only that the bright brown color is provided by using the yolk as a lubricant with a small addition of sugar, and the delicate shade of light golden spikelets is achieved by lubricating with one protein. The main thing is that the nature of the test is different. The dough for the pretzel is yeasty, rich, and for the ears it is grated from flour, water and yeast, without sugar.

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> FANTASTIC FOR TEA Stir sugar, yeast in warm milk and leave mass"> КРЕНДЕЛИ СДОБНЫЕ К ЧАЮ В теплом молоке размешать сахар, дрожжи и оставить массу бро дить. К закваске добавить яичные желтки, муку, смешав ее с солью, масло или маргарин и замесить достаточно крутое тесто, которое оста вить на расстойку. Раскатать его на посыпанной мукой разделочной доске, нарезать на небольшие куски, которые раскатать в длинные жгуты, и сформовать из них крендели. Переложить их на слегка смазан ный маслом противень, смазать взбитым яйцом и выпекать в духовке.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> PRETELLO Milk, granulated sugar, eggs, butter and yeast mix well and "\u003e SPONGE PRETREL Mix milk, granulated sugar, eggs, butter and yeast well and leave overnight. In the morning, add the sifted wheat flour, put salt and knead the dough. Put it in a greased form and leave in a warm place.After 30-40 minutes, put in the oven on low heat for 25 minutes, and then, increasing the heat, bake until done.

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>EVALUATION OF THE QUALITY OF PRETENSES Features Product quality Appearance (form)"> ОЦЕНКА КАЧЕСТВА КРЕНДЕЛЕЙ Признаки Качество изделий Внешний вид (форма) Форма продолговатая, круглая Консистенция фарша Соответствует требованиям к фаршу Цвет корочки От золотисто-желтого до коричневатого, поверхность блестящая Консистенция Мякиш мягкий, пористый, без «закала» , выпеченного при надавливании пружинит теста Запах Сдобный, приятный, кислый отсутствует!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> KULEBYAKI Kulebyaka is a stuffed pie, a traditional Russian dish"> КУЛЕБЯКИ Кулебяка – пирог с начинкой, блюдо традиционной русской кухни. Впервые упоминается еще в 12 веке. Изначально готовилась на основе дрожжевого теста, сейчас все чаще пресная закваска. Название происходит от слова «кулебячить» , то есть «мять руками» . один праздник у наших предков не обходился Ни без кулебяки, она обязательно присутствовала на Рождественском столе, а позже и на Новогоднем Оформляют кулебяку не всегда в виде продолговатого пирога. Если, к примеру, кулебяка с картофелем и свининой, можно пирогу придать форму поросенка. Здесь нужно помнить, что: уши и пятачок, чтобы лучше сохранил свою форму, делают из более крутого теста. Глаза можно сделать из изюминок или горошин перца.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>KULEBYAKA Ingredients: Flour 4150, granulated sugar 170, table margarine 100, melange 100, yeast 100, salt"> КУЛЕБЯКА Ингредиенты: Мука 4150, сахар-песок 170, маргарин столовый 100, меланж 100, дрожжи 100, соль 50, вода 1700, фарш 5300. Для смазки: меланж 100, жир для листов 25. Выход 10000 (10 шт. по 1000 г). Дрожжевое опарное тесто взвешивают по 600 г, подкатывают в виде небольшого жгута, расстаивают 8 -10 минут и раскатывают в пласт толщиной 1 см, шириной 18 -20 см, длинной по размеру кондитерского листа. Посередине полосы теста (по всей длине) равномерно распределяют фарш (по 530 г) и защипывают края. Кулебяку перекладывают на смазанный жиром лист и выравнивают. Укладывают кулебяки на расстоянии 8 -10 см друг от друга. Сформованные кулебяки украшают вырезанными кусочками из того же теста, приклеивая их яйцом. Для получения более рельефного рисунка украшения лучше делать из более крутого теста. Кулебяки расстаивают 25 -30 минут при температуре 30 -35 С, смазывают яйцом, прокалывают в 3 -4 местах для выхода пара во время выпечки. Выпекают при 220 -240 С.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>FOUR CORNERS">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Beef (boiler) Boil eggs for all kinds of fillings Yeast"> Говядина (котл) Яйца для всех видов начинок сварить Дрожжи в крутую, очистить. Грибы очистить прессованные крупно нарезать, обжарить на среднем Капуста огне до готовности, из сметаны белокочанная сделать сметанный соус. Сметанный Лук !} green sauce put in mushrooms, warm. Onion Shred the cabbage, simmer until cooked. Vegetable oil with butter. Eggs Grind butter, combine with cabbage. Wheat flour Cooking minced meat with the addition of sour cream 20% onion. For the onion filling: green onion finely chopped and Salt poached in butter for about 3 Champignons -x min, add finely chopped Eggs eggs.

Src="" alt="> ">

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> KURNIK Fillings for the chicken coop: cook the chicken until tender. Separate"> КУРНИК Начинки для курника: курицу сварить до готовности. Отделить мясо от кожи и костей, мелко порубить. Заправить соусом бешамель, приготовить на основе !} chicken broth, the consistency of the filling is viscous. fresh mushrooms cut into slices, stew or fry in oil, cool and season with bechamel sauce. Boil rice, season with butter, add finely chopped chicken eggs, greens and mix. Bake pancakes (18 -21).

Src="" alt="> ">




Src="" alt="(!LANG:>RITUAL BREAD. CAKES.">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Kulich is a bread symbol of Easter, an indispensable attribute of a bright Christian holiday. Baking kulich and his"> Кулич – хлебный символ Пасхи, незаменимый атрибут светлого христианского праздника. Выпечка кулича и его освящение в церкви – один из самых древних христианских обычаев, сохранившийся и до наших дней. Интересно отметить, что на самом деле кулич появился гораздо раньше появления самого христианства. В Ветхом Завете нет упоминаний ни о куличе, ни об обрядах, с ним связанных. Все это потому, что история кулича берет свое начало с языческих времен. У многих народов существовал обычай – печь весной хлеб, и приносить его в жертву земле. Ритуал был посвящен богам плодородия. Это еще раз говорит о том, что хлеб был основой основ во все времена. Он символизировал благополучие, здоровье и саму жизнь.!}


Src="" alt="(!LANG:> unleavened cake focaccia was invented in Genoa back in the Middle Ages and, as it happens"> Unleavened focaccia was invented in Genoa back in the Middle Ages and, as happens with folk cuisine, not from a good life. The climate of Genoa is very humid, so this cake stays fresh for a very long time You can always warm it up and it will be delicious. The filling of this bread is very simple: olive oil and coarse sea salt. You can also add rosemary and olives. - Italian wheat tortilla, which is made from various types of dough - either yeast, which is the basis for pizza, or unleavened butter.Traditional focaccia dough contains three components: flour, water and olive oil.

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>For this dish you will need: 1 kg of flour, 35 grams fresh yeast, 1 tablespoon "> For this dish you will need: 1 kg of flour, 35 grams of fresh yeast, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 3 teaspoons of salt, 600 ml warm water, olive oil, rosemary, cherry tomatoes. Grind the yeast, cover it with one tablespoon of sugar and pour a little warm water so that it fits a little. Yeast, which is already a little bubbling, I pour into a bowl, add 3 teaspoons of salt and water. Then add flour and knead the dough. which will gather into a ball. If the dough is very sticky, you can add a few tablespoons of olive oil. Transfer the dough to a bowl, drizzle with olive oil, cover with a towel and let rise for 30 minutes.

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> You can make focaccia with rosemary or tomatoes. Put the layer on a baking sheet , lubricated with olive"> Можно сделать фокаччу с розмарином или с помидорами. Пласт выложить на противень, смазанный оливковым маслом. Теперь его нужно посыпать крупной морской солью и сделать в тесте с помощью пальца дырочки. Половину теста посыпать веточками розмарина, а половину украсить помидорами черри. Чтобы фокачча не подгорела, нужно сделать следующее: взять банку, добавить туда столовую ложку оливкового масла и столько же воды. Все это взбить слегка и полить фокаччу. После того, как фокачча подготовлена, необходимо убрать ее в духовку. Через 10 минут нужно начинать смотреть за фокаччей, если масло не все впиталось, то нужно подержать ее еще минут 5. Главное - не передержать ее в духовке и не пересушить. Вытащив фокаччу из духовки, сбрызните ее еще оливковым маслом и посыпьте крупной морской солью. Соль здесь не будет лишней.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Chaba tta, ciaba atta (Italian ciab atta ? - " slippers") - Italian white"> Чаба тта, чиаба тта (итал. ciab atta ? - «тапочек» ) - итальянский !} White bread, made from wheat flour and yeast or wheat sourdough usually topped with olive oil. The peculiarity of this bread is a crispy crust and pulp with large, unevenly distributed porosity.

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Barnaul cooperative technical school


on production practice

Organization of the cooking process and preparationcomplex bakery, flour confectionery

4th year full-time student

specialty "Technology of catering products"

Kostylev Konstantin Alexandrovich

Head of practice from the technical school:

Instructor from the organization

Barnaul 2017

1. Practice diary

Description of work performed

Performing job duties at the workplace of the dough mixer, cutting and baking dough in the production premises of the confectionery shop. Working with equipment, inventory of the confectionery shop.

Analysis of the organization of jobs for the preparation of flour confectionery.

Participation in the organization of the technological process for the preparation of complex flour confectionery and festive bread.

Acquisition of skills in calculating raw materials and semi-finished products for the preparation of complex bakery products and holiday bread.

Development of a range of complex bakery products and festive bread. Participation in quality control and safety of complex bakery products and festive bread.

Participation in the organization of the technological process for the preparation of small-piece confectionery products.

Acquisition of skills in calculating raw materials and semi-finished products for the preparation of small-piece products.

Development of a range of small-piece confectionery products. Participation in the quality control and safety of the preparation of small-piece confectionery products.

Performing official duties at the workplace for the preparation of complex finishing semi-finished products in the production premises of the confectionery shop.

Analysis of the organization of workplaces for the preparation of complex finishing semi-finished products.

Acquisition of skills in calculating the mass of raw materials for complex finishing semi-finished products.

Participation in the organization of the technological process for the preparation of complex finishing semi-finished products.

Development of a range of complex finishing semi-finished products. Participation in quality control and safety of preparation of complex finishing semi-finished products.

Performing job duties at the workplace for the preparation of pastries and cakes in the production premises of the confectionery shop.

Acquisition of skills in calculating the mass of raw materials for cakes and holiday cakes.

Analysis of the organization of jobs for the preparation of cakes and holiday cakes.

Participation in the organization of the technological process for the preparation of complex cakes and holiday cakes.

Development of a range of cakes and holiday cakes.

Participation in the quality control and safety of the preparation of raw materials for pastries and holiday cakes.

1 . Principles of organizing the production of complex bakery, flour confectionery products

The practice took place in OOO "Fortuna". The address of this enterprise: Altai Territory, Novoaltaisk, 7 microdistrict. st.

The operating mode of the enterprise is from 08:00-21:00 daily.

Performing job duties at the workplace of the dough mixer, cutting and baking dough in the production premises of the confectionery shop. Work with equipment, inventory of the confectionery shop:

The confectionery shop occupies a special place in a public catering enterprise. He works independently and produces products that he sells in the halls of the enterprise. The workplace in relation to the confectionery shop is a separate room or section of the production area, assigned to one employee or group of employees. The room for kneading dough is equipped with machines for kneading dough with bowls of various capacities. The dough is kneaded sequentially first with the shortest cycle - rich. Shortbread, puff, and then - yeast. The mixer must:

Before starting work, check the readiness of the workplace for work - the serviceability and cleanliness of equipment, kitchen utensils, the cleanliness of the workplace, the availability of raw materials and semi-finished products in sufficient quantities of the required quality.

Before starting the test batch, organoleptically evaluate the quality of raw materials and semi-finished products. Observe the technology of kneading and proving bakery products from grain mixtures, premium flour and rye flour. Monitor the availability of raw materials and materials and promptly report their absence to the shift foreman, the released foreman, and the head of the bakery.

Maintain order and cleanliness of the workplace technological equipment, kitchen utensils, production premises of the workshop. Observe safety regulations and instructions for the operation of inventory, equipment and mechanization. After the end of the shift, the dough mixer must prepare the workplace for the next shift.

For kneading shortcrust pastry install - beaters, industrial sink, production table. After kneading the yeast dough, its maturation is ensured: the bowls are moved closer to the baking cabinets or to the room for proofing the dough (T = 30-35 ° C, humidity 85-90%). Features of the preparation of biscuit and custard dough determine heat treatment mixtures and whipping masses of various composition. Therefore, at the workplace for the preparation of these types of dough there are electric stoves, beaters.

The workplace for cutting yeast and shortbread dough is equipped with production tables with wooden coating and drawers for inventory, mobile racks; desktop scales. To speed up the portioning of yeast dough, manual dough dividers are used.

Shortbread dough products are molded using curly notches. At the workplace for cutting and shaping products from puff pastry there are production tables with a wooden coating, dough sheeters, a refrigerated cabinet, and mobile racks. At the workplace for cutting and shaping biscuit and custard dough, confectionery tables and mobile racks are installed. When working on the kneading machine, the safety guard must be lowered.

It is impossible to load products into the tank of the dough mixing and whipping machine during the operation of the lever; Before turning on the mixer, check that the change bowl is properly attached to the platform. All machines included in the universal drive should be tested at idle before loading products.

In the area for baking products from various types of dough, there are baking cabinets, combi steamers, racks for proofing blanks and cooling finished products, a production table, on which sheets with products are laid for lubricating them with ice cream.

When removing confectionery from the oven, the confectioner must wear special gloves. Exhaust devices should be installed above stoves and pans for frying pies.

An example is how the preparation of pies from yeast dough with filling is organized at the workplace.

Dividing the dough into pieces of the required weight - weighing on a scale

Rolling pieces of dough in the form of balls and their proofing 5 min

Rolling out the dough by hand with a rolling pin in the form of a cake 5-8mm thick

Filling dosage of 20-25 g manually or from a pastry bag

Forming pies, the edges of the cakes are smeared and tightly connected

Lay the products on the confectionery sheet with the seam down, while shaping

The proofing of pies takes place on racks or in proofing cabinets.

Finished confectionery products are stored in the expedition, which is equipped with a refrigerator, racks, scales and production tables.

The shelf life of confectionery products is from 7 to 36 hours.

Confectionery inventory:

pastry bag or syringe and a set of nozzles for them

spatulas, beaters, mixer

cutters and knives for dough, marzipan, icing and fondant, scissors

curly shapes and recesses

confectionery combs, and parchment paper and cling film

kitchen scales, measuring cup, measuring spoons, ruler

trays and trays, strainer - bowls, saucepans, rolling pin

forms for baking.

product name

Temperature conditions, °C

Baking time, min

Baking time, h

Sand dough products

Custard products

almond cakes

air cakes

Puff pastry for cakes

bakery products

Biscuit dough for cakes

Analysis of the organization of jobs for the preparation of flour confectionery products of the confectionery shop:

The confectionery shop is managed by the head of the shop. He introduces the foremen to the range of manufactured products, distributes raw materials between the teams, and controls the technological process of preparing confectionery products. In large confectionery shops, work is organized in two shifts. Brigades are organized by type of product (one prepares products from yeast dough; the other cakes, pastries).

Among the members of the brigade, an operational division of labor is carried out. Confectioners of the V category make figured, custom-made cakes and pastries. They carry out the preparation and quality control of raw materials, fillings, finishing semi-finished products, preparation of dough, molding of products, and artistic finishing of products.

Confectioners of the IV category make various cupcakes, rolls, biscuits of the highest grades, complicated cakes and cakes. Confectioners of the III category produce simple cakes and cakes, bakery products. They prepare various types of dough, creams, fillings. Confectioners of the II category perform individual work in the process of making cakes, pastries, prepare syrups and creams.

Confectioners of the 1st category perform work under the guidance of confectioners of the highest category, remove baked goods from baking sheets, clean confectionery sheets, baking sheets and forms. Bakers II and III categories bake and fry confectionery and bakery products. They determine the readiness of semi-finished products for baking, prepare the seasoning and lubricate the products.

3. Cooking technology

Participation in the organization of the technological process for the preparation of complex flour confectionery and festive bread:

Modern bakery production is characterized by a high level of mechanization and automation of bread production processes, the introduction of new technologies and the constant expansion of the range of bakery products.

All this requires high professional training, knowledge of traditional and modern technologies preparation of dough and the ability to organize the execution of technological operations for the preparation of various types of bakery products at the highest level.

Depending on the technological process and the raw materials used, flour confectionery products are divided into the following groups: cakes, cakes, cookies, biscuits and crackers, butter cookies, gingerbread and muffins.

As raw materials in the manufacture of confectionery products, various types of flour, granulated sugar, starch syrup, honey, various fruit preparations (mashed potatoes, preparations, supplies), starch, milk, dairy products, eggs, fats, cocoa products, nut kernels, coffee, food acids, flavoring agents, gelling agents, etc. Flour confectionery products have a high calorie content, good digestibility.

Their nutritional value is due to the significant content of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

The production of flour confectionery at a modern public catering enterprise is a complex technological process that consists of a series of sequential operations for processing products, preparing semi-finished products and finished flour confectionery.

The products included in the formulation of dough products have a high energy value and are an important source of carbohydrates (starch and sugars), fats (buff pastry products), B vitamins, valuable minerals and dietary fiber (flour).

The role of flour dishes and products is especially great in Russian cuisine, a feature of which is a wide range and a large proportion of flour dishes (pancakes, fritters, noodles) and culinary products (pies, pies, etc.). Their nutritional value is determined primarily by the composition of the flour.

Sugar cookies are baked from a plastic, light tearing dough. It is characterized by a high content of sugar, fat, milk, eggs, improved aroma, fragility, friability, high swelling.

It has a square or rectangular shape, a light brown surface with a pattern. It is baked from premium flour, 1st grade, 2nd grade.

Butter biscuits - small curly products, the recipe of which is dominated not by flour, but by fat, sugar, egg products and flavorings; its surface is often finished with candied fruits, almonds, lipstick, etc. Depending on the recipe and method of preparation, cookies are divided into sand-removable, sand-jigged, whipped, almond-nut, croutons.

The cracker has a layered and brittle structure, contains, as a rule, a large number of fat. It is used instead of bread for soup (cracker with cumin, anise, salt) or for breakfast (with cheese). Gingerbread contains a significant amount of sugar, molasses, honey and various spices.

According to the method of preparation, they are divided into custard (with brewing flour) and raw (without brewing flour); flour grade - products made from wheat flour of the highest, 1st, 2nd grades and from a mixture of rye flour and wheat flour of the 1st and 2nd grades; finishing - glazed and unglazed, with and without filling; shape and size - small (of various shapes, less than 30 pieces per 1 kg) and gingerbread (in the form of rectangular flat layers, whole or cut into pieces).

Wafers are made up of wafer sheets with or without filling. As a filling, various candy masses are used: fruit and berry, fondant, chocolate and nut, cream, fat.

Wafers can be rectangular, round, shaped and in the form of sticks or tubes, partially or completely covered chocolate icing or with other exterior finishes. Bread products, depending on the type of flour, can be rye, rye-wheat, wheat-rye and wheat.

According to the dough recipe, they are baked simple, improved and rich (wheat only). According to the method of baking, bread is hearth and molded. Wheat products are more often baked hearth, rye and rye-wheat - in forms. According to the method of implementation, bread is baked by piece and by weight. At present, the bulk of bread is made piece by piece.

The traditional ways of preparing wheat dough are sponge and non-pair.

Sponge methods involve the preparation of the dough in two phases: the first is the preparation of the sponge and the second is the preparation of the dough. Depending on the amount of flour and water in the dough, there are methods for preparing dough on a large thick dough (65 - 70% flour of the total), on a thick dough (45 - 55% flour) and on liquid dough (30% flour).

Preparation of dough on a thick dough includes two stages: dough and dough. The dough is prepared from 45 - 55% flour of the total amount intended for the preparation of the dough. The initial temperature of the fermentation of the dough is 25-29ºC, the duration is 180-270 minutes.

The dough is kneaded from the entire amount of dough with the addition of the rest of the amount of flour, salt solution and water, as well as additional raw materials provided for in the recipe.

The initial temperature of the dough is 27 - 33 ° C, the duration of fermentation is 60 - 90 minutes. The preparation of thick dough and dough is carried out mainly in a periodic way. The dough is kneaded until a homogeneous mass is obtained for 8-10 minutes. The fermented dough is used for kneading dough.

The dough is kneaded in batches for 6-10 minutes. until a homogeneous dough is obtained. It is not recommended to add flour or water to an already kneaded dough, as this may lead to unmixed dough at the bottom of the bowl.

Preparation of dough on a large thick dough, like the previous one, includes two stages: dough and dough. The main features of the preparation are as follows: - the dough is prepared from 60 - 70% of flour from its total amount spent on preparing the dough.

The initial temperature of the fermentation of the dough is 23 - 27 ° C, the duration is 180 - 270 minutes.

Knead on continuous equipment for 8 - 10 minutes; the dough during kneading is subjected to additional machining. It is kneaded from dough, water, flour and additional raw materials in a continuous machine for 8 - 10 minutes; the duration of dough fermentation is reduced to 20 - 40 minutes.

Preparation of dough on liquid sponges also includes two phases: sponge and dough. Liquid dough is prepared from 25 - 35% flour of the total amount spent on making bread. The initial temperature of the dough should not exceed 30 °C.

Duration of liquid dough fermentation 210 - 300 min. The dough is kneaded from the entire amount of dough with the addition of the rest of the flour, water, and all additional raw materials. With a periodic method of preparation, the dough is kneaded for 15 - 20 minutes. on intensive dough mixers 2.5 - 4.0 min., the initial temperature of the dough is 29 - 30ºC. The duration of fermentation of dough prepared on liquid sponges is 30-60 minutes.

The essence of the non-dough method is to prepare the dough in one stage from the entire amount of flour and raw materials according to the recipe. The duration of dough fermentation is 120 -140 minutes at a temperature of 28 - 32 °C.

The fermentation process provides for two successive kneadings of the dough after 60 and 120 minutes. after kneading the test. Dough preparation by a non-dough method is carried out both in continuous and batch ways.

Dough cutting includes the following technological operations: - division of dough into pieces (carried out on dough dividing machines in order to obtain blanks of a given mass); - rounding of dough pieces (carried out on dough rounding machines in order to improve the structure and shape); - preliminary proofing of dough pieces (carried out in a workshop on conveyors, tables, in cabinets in order to give the pieces of dough properties that are optimal for molding); - molding of dough pieces (carried out on seaming machines or manually in order to give dough pieces a certain shape); - final proofing of dough pieces (carried out in special proofing cabinets at a temperature of 35 - 40 ºC and relative humidity of 80 - 85%; proofing time is from 20 to 120 minutes). flour confectionery cake dough

Baking includes the operations of cutting dough pieces and baking. Cutting dough pieces is carried out in order to give products a special look and to prevent the formation of explosions and cracks on the surface of the crust during baking.

Baking of dough pieces is carried out in baking ovens in order to turn dough pieces into bread. Baking temperature - from 220 to 240 ºС; the duration of baking depends on the mass and shape of the workpiece and is 15 - 60 minutes. Cooling and storage of bread is carried out in the cooling department, where special conditions are created.

Bread that has foreign inclusions, a crunch from mineral impurities, signs of disease and mold, crumpled or deformed products is not allowed for sale.

Bread is stored in clean, dry, well-lit and ventilated rooms with an air temperature not exceeding 17 ° C, in compliance with the sanitary regime, and systematic disinfection. The term of implementation in the retail trade network from the moment of removal from the oven of road bread from wheat flour is no more than 48 hours, other types of bread - 24 hours.

3.1 Calculationraw materials and semi-finished products for cookingcomplex baked goods and holiday breads

The recipe is the main component of the technology of flour confectionery. The purpose of the recipe is to regulate the ratio of raw materials, providing a certain structure of the product with characteristic quality and taste properties.

To determine the required recipe set, it is required to determine the consumption of raw materials in each phase, taking into account the loss of solids in the manufacture of a semi-finished product in this phase.

Recipes establish the normative consumption of raw materials for the manufacture of each type of product, which makes it possible to take into account the consumption of raw materials for all manufactured products during its production.

Depending on the technological process of production of products, recipes can be simple (one- or two-phase) and complex (multi-phase).

Simple recipes include recipes for cookies, biscuits, crackers, etc., complex recipes for cakes, pastries and waffles. To calculate recipes, it is necessary to have the following initial data: the consumption of raw materials and semi-finished products (in kg) for loading by production phases.

These data are obtained in the laboratory when developing product technology, followed by production verification, during which the ratio of raw materials and semi-finished products is specified; mass fraction of solids in raw materials and p / f in finished products, which is approved by a higher organization and is mandatory when calculating recipes.

Working recipes are compiled at each enterprise, depending on the required assortment and taking into account the capacity of the enterprises. This is especially true for products such as cakes and pastries, muffins and butter cookies.

The basis for calculating the recipe is the recipe for 1 ton of the product, approved by the parent organization. At the same time, it should be taken into account that in the approved multiphase recipes, the consumption of semi-finished products per 1 ton of products is shown without taking into account the losses of raw materials formed at the stage of finishing and preparing the product.

3.2 Development of a range of complex bakery products and festive bread

The baking industry of our country bakes a huge number of types of bread, bakery, lamb, rusk, dietary and national bread products.

Bread products, depending on the type of flour, can be rye, rye-wheat, wheat-rye and wheat. According to the dough recipe, they are baked simple, improved and rich (wheat only).

Some varieties of bread are named according to the type and grade of flour (for example, wheat bread made from flour of the highest, 1st or 2nd grade); in others, the name of the flour variety is omitted, but certain features of the recipe are emphasized (mustard, milk bread); in some, attention is paid to the shape of the product (Romashka bread).

Bakery products are baked in the form of loaves, round rolls, braids, etc.

Simple products include loaves of the 1st and 2nd grades, loaves of the Capital and City, differing only in shape. Improved bakery products are numerous in terms of names and production volume. These include loaves that differ in weight (0.4-0.5 kg), shape, cuts.

Sliced ​​long loaves (0.5 kg), sliced ​​Milk loaves are prepared from premium flour; from flour of the 1st grade - cut (0.4 kg), Student and Amur. Buns of the highest and 1st grades Stolichny, Moskovsky with poppy seeds weighing 0.1 and 0.05 kg are round in shape, often packed in polyethylene individually or 3-5 pcs.

The range of pastry products is diverse, so they are usually divided into two subgroups - large-piece (0.2 kg or more) and small-piece (less than 0.2 kg).

Large-piece products include: shaped fancy bread packed in waxed paper, as well as Maysky rich; Orenburg and Leningrad bread rolls, the surface of which is sprinkled with crushed nuts and sugar; Bars for tea.

Small-piece rich products according to the recipe are usually divided into several groups:

I'll take the usual. Products weighing 0.1-0.2 kg are molded in a relatively simple form - in the form of a bun, bar, braid, monogram, rosette, etc. The surface is smeared only with an egg.

Vyborg simple muffin. Products are molded in the form of bows, butterflies, ties, a bear's paw, cakes with jam, pies with cloves, etc. The surface of the products is smeared with an egg, sprinkled with poppy seeds, powdered sugar, crumbs, etc.

I will bake the Vyborg curly. These products are molded in the form of figures of various animals - hares, birds, fish, etc., as well as in the form of pretzels. The surface is smeared with an egg.

Puff pastry products.

Amateur products. Cut in the form of horns, rosettes, peakless caps, curlicues, braids, etc.

3.3 Controlquality and safetycomplex baked goods and holiday breads

The quality of bread and bakery products must meet the requirements of standards. It is determined by appearance, crumb state, taste and smell, humidity, acidity and porosity.

Appearance of bread and bakery products. The shape must be correct, without lateral overflows, not wrinkled; for tin bread - the corresponding bread form in which it was baked, with a slightly convex upper crust; for the hearth - round, oval or oblong-oval, not vague, without impressions.

The surface should be smooth, for certain types of products - rough, without large cracks and undermining; rolls, loaves - with cuts; for hearth products, pins are allowed.

The rind should be light yellow to dark brown in color depending on the variety, without burning or pallor. The thickness of the crust of bread should be no more than 4 mm, and for long loaves and small-piece products it is not standardized.

The state of the crumb. The bread should be well baked, not sticky and not wet to the touch, without lumps, voids and traces of unmixed, with uniform porosity, elastic.

The crumb after light pressing with your fingers should take its original shape, be fresh. The taste and smell should be characteristic of this type of bread.

Humidity is provided by the standard, taking into account the type, method of baking and recipe of bread: for rye plain and custard - no more than 51%, for wheat bread from wholemeal flour - no more than 48%, hearth products have less moisture than molded products. The acidity of bread is determined by the way the dough is prepared and the type of flour. Rye products prepared with sourdough have a higher acidity (up to 12°) than wheat products prepared with yeast, and their acidity does not exceed 4°.

The porosity of wheat bread is higher (52-72%) than that of rye bread (45-57%), and the porosity of tin bread is higher than that of hearth bread.

Increasing the grade of flour increases this figure. Bread and bakery products are perishable products, moreover, they are easily deformed, as a result of which they lose their marketable appearance.

Therefore, it is necessary to strictly observe the availability of packaging, labeling, as well as the rules for their installation, transportation and storage.

The quality control of bread is also the rules for laying, storing and transporting bread products, which are determined by GOST 8227-56. Products after baking are placed in wooden trays, the dimensions of which are determined by GOST 11354-82. Storage conditions.

The period of maximum exposure at the manufacturer of unpackaged bakery products after removal from the oven, no more than, h:

From wheat flour - 6 - weighing up to 0.2 kg inclusive, - 10 - weighing more than 0.2 kg;

From sown rye baking flour and its mixture with wheat flour - 6 - weighing up to 0.2 kg inclusive, 10 - weighing more than 0.2 kg;

Other types of bakery products made from rye and a mixture of rye and wheat flour - - 6 - weighing up to 0.2 kg inclusive, 14 - weighing more than 0.2 kg.

The term for the implementation of unpackaged bakery products after removal from the oven, h, not more than:

From wheat flour - 16 - weighing up to 0.2 kg inclusive, 24 - weighing more than 0.2 kg.

From rye baking flour and its mixture with wheat flour - 16 - weighing up to 0.2 kg inclusive, 24 - weighing more than 0.2 kg;

Other types of bakery products made from rye and a mixture of rye and wheat flour - - 16 - weighing up to 0.2 kg inclusive, 36 - weighing more than 0.2 kg.

4. Technology for the preparation of small-piece confectionery products

4.1 AboutorganizationIsmall piece confectionery

In the production of cupcakes from unleavened dough, softened butter or margarine is beaten for 7-10 minutes, gradually loading sugar and melange. Depending on the type of cake, raisins, saffron tincture, grated almonds or chopped nuts, or cottage cheese are added to the whipped mass, and everything is thoroughly mixed, flour is introduced and the dough is kneaded.

The total duration of whipping the ingredients is 25 - 30 minutes, kneading - 10 - 15 minutes. Dough temperature 20 - 25 ºС, humidity - 20 - 31%. When cutting the dough, it is portioned and laid out in forms, oiled or lined with paper.

For cupcakes "Capital" and "Saffron", the surface is leveled and the middle is cut along the entire length with a spatula moistened with water. For baking, the molds are placed on sheets. The duration of baking cupcakes depends on the temperature and weight of the dough. Weight cupcakes at 160 - 180 ° C are baked for 80 - 120 minutes; at 180 - 190 °C - 70 - 80 min. The duration of baking piece cakes at 180 - 190 ° C is 70 - 80 minutes; at 205 - 215 ° С - 25 - 30 min.

Finishing cupcakes depends on their type. Cupcakes "Capital", "Tea", "Nut" are sprinkled with refined powder through a sieve, "Moskovsky" are covered with lipstick and decorated with candied fruit.

Cookies, gingerbread and gingerbread are produced at public catering establishments in a small assortment. Cookies can be made from sugar or long dough, as well as from rich yeast-free dough. The first has high plasticity and easily takes and retains the given shape. Protracted dough is resilient and elastic. To give it plastic properties, the dough is subjected to repeated rolling with maturation between series of rolling.

Technological process biscuit production : preparation of raw materials for production; dough preparation; dough molding; bakery products; cooling; finishing; packaging, packaging, storage. The technological process may include additional operations for the preparation of certain types of semi-finished products (powdered sugar, prescription mixture), for the preparation of dough before molding (aging or proofing of a protracted dough, making a dough tape). Sugar cookies are made from plastic dough with a high content of sugar and fat. Products made from such a dough are more porous than hard cookies, crumbly and swell well. On the front surface of the cookie there is a pattern that is applied to dough pieces and, due to the plasticity of the dough, does not disappear after baking.

Long biscuits are produced from an elastic-plastic-viscous dough, which, in the process of preparation for molding, is subjected to repeated rolling, which ensures its layered structure. Products have less porosity than sugar cookie, have less brittleness and swelling. Butter biscuits are produced in a more varied form from pastry high in fat, sugar and egg products.

Butter biscuits are subdivided into sand-removable, sand-jigged, whipped butter, nut cookies. Butter biscuits are produced using various technologies. Sand-extracted dough has plasticity.

Gingerbread is made from raw gingerbread dough, and gingerbread is made from choux gingerbread dough. In the latter case, flour (40 - 45% of the total) is brewed in sugar syrup at a temperature of 75 ° C. A special place among gingerbread products is occupied by gingerbread, which are several layers of baked semi-finished products, with or without a layer of filling.

The main raw materials for the production of gingerbread products are wheat flour of the highest, first and second grade, peeled and seeded rye flour, as well as sugary substances (granulated sugar, molasses, invert syrup, natural or artificial honey), fats, melange, chemical baking powder, fruit - berry semi-finished products, nuts. Spices and essences are of great importance in the production of gingerbread products.

From spices, substances with a strong and pleasant aroma of plant origin are used from plant fruits (cumin, coriander, vanilla, cardamom, etc.), seeds (nutmeg, etc.), flowers (saffron), roots (ginger), bark (cinnamon) and leaves (bay leaf).

Spices are used in ground form individually or as a mixture - "dry perfume". Essences include mint oil, lemon, vanilla, cranberry, etc. Dyes, as well as cocoa powder and burnt oil, are used to color products.

Technological process of production of gingerbread consists of the following stages: preparation of raw materials for production; dough preparation; molding; bakery products; cooling; glazing (for glazed gingerbread); packaging and storage.

Marshmallow - a kind of sugary confectionery; is obtained by churning fruit and berry puree with sugar and egg white, followed by the addition of any of the forming (jelly-forming) fillers to this mixture: pectin, agar syrup, gelatin (marmalade) mass. Zephyr is produced both in unglazed and glazed (coated) form; the main glaze is chocolate.

Pastila, depending on the mass, is divided into:

Adhesive (using agar-sugar-treacle syrup or pectin-sugar-treacle syrup as a gel-forming base)

Custard (with the use of apple-sugar-marmalade mass - tea leaves as a gel-forming base)

Pastila production technology includes the following operations: preparation of raw materials; preparation of agar-sugar-treacle syrup; preparation of pastille mass; pouring pastille mass; structure formation of the pastille mass and drying of the formation; cutting the pastille layer into separate products; drying and cooling of marshmallow; sprinkling pastila with powdered sugar; packaging and labeling.

Depending on the method of molding pastille products are divided into:

carved - in the form of products of rectangular section;

· cast - in the form of products of spherical, slightly flattened, oval or other form.

Range development small piece confectionery:


pastille confectionery

Gingerbread confectionery

Pastries and cakes

Biscuit rolls

Cupcakes, rum baba

Flour oriental sweets

Each type of product has its own characteristics, which are formed during the technological processing of raw materials, as a result of changing its chemical composition, properties, structures.

The cracker is high in fat, has a layered and fragile structure.

Biscuits are made from wheat flour and raising agents (yeast and chemical raising agents) with or without the addition of various types of raw materials.

Gingerbread confectionery products are distinguished by a high content of sugary substances, spices, have a variety of shapes, a convex surface. A variety of gingerbread products are gingerbread.

Waffles are flour confectionery products made from thin wafer baked sheets without filling or with fillings (fatty, praline, fruit, cream, fondant, etc.). The shape of the waffle is varied.

Cakes, rum baba - products made from very rich dough with a high content of fat, eggs, sugar and various fillers.

Flour oriental sweets are biscuit-type products containing crushed and whole nut kernels, dried fruits, candied fruits and spices.

4.2 Controlquality and safety of small-piece confectionery preparation:

4.2.1 Biscuits

Shape: Rectangular for all types of biscuits and also square and round for improved and dietary biscuits. Damaged corners and edges are not allowed. Biscuits with a double-sided slip are allowed (blind from breaking the stuck together edges of products during baking) when working with a solid stamp (without trimmings), diet biscuits (with a reduced fat content) with raised edges that allow for proper stacking in boxes, for other types it is not allowed more than 5% of biscuits (by weight) with raised edges.

Surface: smooth with punctures, without extraneous inclusions and stains.

For simple biscuits made from wheat flour and a mixture of wheat wholemeal flour and flour of the first grade - with traces of flour, and for simple biscuits made from wheat flour and a mixture of wheat wholemeal flour and flour of the first grade, in addition, with bran sprinkling. Separate small solid non-bursting bubbles are allowed on the upper surface, separate inclusions of baked dough, uncontaminated traces from the edges, seams of the sheet and canvas are allowed on the lower surface.

Colour: Straw yellow to light brown with darker bulges, biscuits not burnt. The color of the underside is lighter or darker than the top. The overall color tone of individual biscuits in a packaging unit must be the same.

Fracture appearance: Layered, with uniform porosity, without swelling, hardening, traces of non-mixing.

Taste and smell: Peculiar to well-baked biscuits, without foreign tastes and smells.

4.2.2 cupcakes

Taste and smell: Characteristic of this product name without foreign taste and smell.

Form: Inherent to the given product name.

View in a break: Baked product without hardening and traces of unmixed.

4.2.3 Cookie

Shape: Correct, corresponding to the given name of the cookie, without dents, the edges of the cookie must be even or curly.

Surface: Smooth with a clear pattern on the front side, not burnt, without inclusions of crumbs. The surface of glazed biscuits should be smooth or slightly wavy without traces of "graying" and bare spots. The surface of the sugar-coated cookies should be covered with an even layer of sugar.

Color: Peculiar to the given name of the biscuit, various shades, uniform.

Taste and smell: Baked cookies with uniform porosity, without voids and traces of unmixed.

Broken view: Cookies should be baked. stuffing in puff pastry should not protrude beyond the edges.

4.2.4 Gingerbread products

Shape, surface, color, taste and odour: Products characteristic of the given name, taking into account flavoring additives, without foreign odor and taste.

Fracture view: Baked product without traces of non-mixing, with uniform porosity.

5. Technology for the preparation of complex finishing semi-finished products and use in decoration

Analysis of the organization of workplaces for the preparation of complex finishing semi-finished products:

Finishing semi-finished products are made in confectionery shops: fillings, syrups, sweets, creams, jellies, etc. Syrups for creams and sweets are cooked in a room for cutting and baking products. The workplace should have electric 2- and 4-section stoves, production tables. Syrup is cooked in cauldrons.

The prepared syrup is poured into a special bath for cooling. In the absence of a special bath for cooling the syrup, a bath is provided in which a boiler with syrup is placed. The bath is poured cold water.

The cooled syrup is poured into the beater tank, where it is whipped until a fudge is obtained in the form of a white crystalline mass. The finished fudge is placed in a cauldron and left to ripen for a day. Before glazing products, fondant is heated in a water bath at a temperature of 50C. Creams are prepared in a separate room, in which beaters of various capacities and with different capacities of bowls and boilers are installed. The cream is brewed in special tipping boilers with a steam jacket or in stove-top boilers.

At the workplace organized for decorating cakes and pastries with cream and other components, a table with a refrigerated cabinet is installed. Confectioners decorate products by applying patterns using pastry bags with various tips and pastry combs, as well as using stencils.

To impregnate confectionery with syrups, watering cans with a special (shower) nozzle are used. This speeds up the process of work and promotes uniform wetting of the surface of the products. DK cream dispenser is used to fill choux pastry tubes with cream.

5.1 Organizationtechnological process of preparationcomplex finishing semi-finished products

Finishing semi-finished products are intended for artistic decoration of cakes and pastries, giving products a flavor, a certain taste, characteristic only for this type of cakes and pastries. One of the main semi-finished products used for surface finishing of cakes and pastries is cream.

In the confectionery industry, various fondant masses are also often used as a finishing semi-finished product. For embossing the surface of cakes and pastries, gelatinous jelly is used (jelly in liquid form is used to cover the surface of products), nuts and various glazes (chocolate, protein), as well as fruit and berry semi-finished products. To decorate the surface of cakes during their artistic decoration, they use chocolate products varied configuration. For flavoring and coloring products, increasing shelf life and making cakes and pastries juicy, various sugar and invert syrups, zhzhenka, spices, and cocoa products are used.

5.1.1 Creams

Cream is a lush foamy mass, which is formed due to the high saturation of raw materials with air in the process of churning. The cream differs from other finishing semi-finished products by the presence of an air phase, high nutritional value and digestibility, since only natural high-quality raw materials are used for its production: butter, egg products, sugar, etc.

Due to its high plasticity, the cream is used both for smearing and finishing the surface of baked semi-finished products, and for their artistic decoration in the form of figured decorations of a three-dimensional shape. There are the following types of creams: creamy, protein, "Charlotte" and "Glace", custard, cream, cottage cheese, cheese. The butter used to make creams must be unsalted. Butter creams include: creamy basic, creamy "New" (on milk-sugar syrup), creamy fruit, etc. On the basis of these creams, a number of derivative creams can be prepared with the addition of cocoa powder, nuts or fruit and berry decoctions and surfactants. Butter creams are used for layering or decorating cakes and pastries.

To prepare butter cream (basic), peeled butter is cut into pieces and beaten in a beater for 5-7 minutes, then (after switching the machine to high speed), refined powder, condensed milk are gradually added and whipped for another 7-10 minutes. At the end of whipping, vanilla powder, dessert wine or cognac are added and a homogeneous lush mass with a glossy surface that retains its shape is obtained.

Cream "Charlotte" (basic) is prepared by adding chilled syrup "Charlotte" to slightly softened butter while whipping. To do this, granulated sugar, eggs are loaded into the digester, beaten for 2-3 minutes, hot milk is added with continuous stirring and the mixture is heated for 4-5 minutes to 104-105C, after which it is filtered and cooled to 20-22.

To prepare the "Glace" cream, the eggs are loaded into a beater and beaten first at a low speed, and then at a high speed for 20-25 minutes. After that, without stopping whipping, boiled sugar syrup with a temperature of 119 - 120 ° C is poured in a trickle and whipping is continued until the mass cools to a temperature of 26 - 28 ° C. The egg-sugar mixture is gradually introduced into the whipped butter and beating is continued until a fluffy mass is formed, to which dessert wine or cognac and vanilla powder are added.

Protein creams are used to decorate cakes and pastries and fill wafer rolls. They are based on egg white, whipped with powdered sugar. Creams can be tinted and flavored. Distinguish protein creams: custard - with the addition of hot sugar syrup to the whipped protein mass and subsequent whipping for 10 minutes, and protein on agar. Use these creams immediately after preparation.

Custard is used to make tubes, baskets and other products. Cakes and pastries are not decorated with this cream, since it is impossible to get a relief pattern on it. To prepare custard, milk is mixed with sugar, brought to a boil and boiled for 1-2 minutes. The flour is heated at a temperature of 105C for about 40 minutes, cooled and ground with eggs, then the prepared milk syrup is poured in and, stirring, heated at 95C for 5 minutes. Cream "Charlotte" is introduced into the thickened mass, thoroughly mixed and cooled. The cream is a homogeneous gelatinous mass of yellow color.

Cream of cream is prepared from cream 30 - 35% fat and sour cream with the same fat content at a ratio of 2.5: 1. Chilled cream and sour cream are whipped at a temperature not exceeding 7C for 1 minute. Refined and vanilla powder are added to the whipped mass and gently mixed.

5.1.2 Sugar semi-finished products

Sugar semi-finished products are mainly used for surface finishing of baked semi-finished products. These include lipstick, coffee syrup, icing sugar, invert sugar, burnt sugar, sugar mastic, jelly and syrup for soaking. Sugar syrup is the basis for the preparation of lipstick, jelly, lobster syrup for soaking semi-finished biscuits, coffee syrup, caramel mass. The preparation of sugar syrup begins with the dissolution of sugar in water.

Flavored syrup for soaking. To prepare it, granulated sugar is dissolved in water (the ratio of water and sugar is 1.1: 1), brought to a boil, the emerging foam is removed, the syrup is boiled to a density, then cooled to 20 - 25C, filtered and flavorings are added (essence, cognac or wine).

5.1.3 Pomade

This is a plastic, fine-crystalline mass obtained by boiling sugar syrup with molasses or invert sugar and rapidly cooling the mass during churning. Lipstick is used to finish the surface of pastries and cakes, so that the products acquire an attractive appearance and last longer.

Depending on the types and properties of the raw materials that make up the lipstick, there are simple or sugar creamy fondant, creme brulee fondant, chocolate, milk. To obtain a fine-crystalline lipstick, the recipe must necessarily include anti-crystallizers (molasses, invert sugar, etc.) in an amount of 5-10%, which prevent the growth of crystals.

Sugar-sand is dissolved in hot water in a ratio of 3: 1 and heated to 107 - 108 C, periodically removing the foam. Then molasses is added, preheated to 40 - 50 C. The syrup is boiled down until its temperature reaches 115 - 117 C (soft ball test). Essence is added at the end of cooking. The boiled syrup is poured in a layer of 20 - 25 mm on a table with a marble top or in a stainless steel pan and lightly sprinkled with water. The cooled syrup (35 - 45 C) is whipped or stirred with a spatula, while it thickens and becomes white. The finished lipstick is laid out in a bowl and left to mature for 12 - 24 hours. The lipstick acquires a fine-grained structure, which gives it tenderness and plasticity. Before use, the lipstick is heated to 50 - 55 ° C. Chocolate fondant is obtained from sugar fondant with the addition of cocoa powder, burnt sugar and vanilla powder to it when heated. When preparing milk fondant, the process of boiling sugar-molasses-milk syrup is extended by 5 minutes, and otherwise the technology for preparing fondant is the same as for sugar fondant. Milk fondant, the recipe of which includes powdered sugar, condensed milk and molasses, has a delicate structure, pleasant taste and appearance.

Coffee syrup. To give products a pronounced coffee aroma, coffee syrup is used, which is prepared as follows. Coffee extract is added to the sugar syrup in a ratio of 2:1. The prepared mixture is boiled to a moisture content of 51 ± 3%. After cooling, various flavoring and aromatic additives are added to the syrup. Coffee extract is prepared by boiling ground coffee with water in a ratio of 1:6. Then the cooled extract is filtered so that the finished solution does not contain black inclusions of coffee.

Sugar icing is used as an external surface finish for such flour confectionery products as gingerbread, muffins, etc. In addition, the sugar crust formed on the surface of the product prevents intensive removal of moisture and protects the product from staling.

Sugar and water are loaded into an open digester in a ratio of 2.5: 1 and boiled, stirring, for 35-30 minutes. The resulting syrup is filtered.

5.1.4 caramel mass

It is obtained by boiling sugar solutions with molasses or invert sugar. Hot caramel mass is a viscous liquid that can take any shape at a temperature of about 70 C. As it cools further, it becomes hard and brittle.

Caramel mass is prepared as follows.

The granulated sugar dissolved in hot water is brought to a boil in an open cauldron and boiled to a temperature of 108--110 C, then molasses heated to a temperature of 50 C is added to the syrup and the syrup is boiled down to 116--117 ° C. Then the heating rate is slightly reduced and cooking continues. The end temperature of cooking depends on the subsequent purpose of the caramel mass: drain 157--163 C, satin 150 C, plastic 193 C.

For the preparation of decorations from the hot caramel mass, a drain caramel mass is prepared by depositing, spraying and molding. Fountains, domes, small figurines are prepared by depositing.

By spraying, caramel cobwebs are prepared. For molding decorations, the caramel mass cooled to 70 ° C is rolled into a thin layer on a heated board, and then figures are molded directly in a mold or without a mold.

5.1.5 sugar mastic

This is a plastic mass that is used to make voluminous decorations, as well as cards for congratulatory inscriptions on cakes. Sugar mastic is prepared by mixing powdered sugar with an aqueous solution of gelatin. Gelatin is pre-washed in water and soaked at a temperature of 20--25 C in a ratio of 1: (12-15). After 2-3 hours, the excess water is drained, and the remaining aqueous solution of gelatin is heated, stirring, until it is completely dissolved (temperature is about 60 ° C).

Finely ground powdered sugar is added to the gelatin solution cooled to a temperature of 25--35°C and the mixture is thoroughly mixed until a very homogeneous plastic consistency is obtained. When preparing cards for cakes, the mastic is rolled out with a rolling pin to a thickness of 2–3 mm and the cards of the required shape and size are cut with a knife. After drying for a day and applying various inscriptions to them using a cornet, the cards are ready for decorating cakes. Various volumetric decorations from sugar mastic can be made by hand or using molds and, after drying, used to decorate cakes.


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The process of production of bread and bakery products consists of the following six stages: 1) reception and storage of raw materials; 2) preparation of raw materials for putting into production; 3) dough preparation; 4) cutting dough; 5) baking; and 6) storage of baked products and sending them to the distribution network.

Each of these stages, in turn, consists of separate, sequentially performed production operations and processes.

As an example, below we very briefly characterize these operations and processes at individual stages of the production of loaves from wheat flour of the 1st grade, the recipe of which, in addition to flour, includes water, pressed yeast and salt. To simplify, we assume that the dough is prepared in portions in separate bowls in a single-phase (non-steam) way.

Reception and storage of raw materials. This stage covers the reception, movement to warehouses and containers and subsequent storage of all types of basic and additional raw materials supplied to the bakery. The main raw materials include flour, water, yeast and salt, and the additional raw materials include sugar, fat products, eggs and other types of raw materials provided for by the recipe of the produced bakery products. From each batch of raw materials received, primarily flour and yeast, an employee of the laboratory of the enterprise takes samples for analysis, checking compliance with quality standards and establishing baking properties.

Preparing raw materials for production. Based on the data of the analysis of individual batches of flour available at the bakery, the laboratory staff determines the appropriate mixture of individual batches of flour in terms of baking properties, indicating their quantitative ratios.

Mixing flour of individual batches in predetermined ratios is carried out in the appropriate installations - flour mixers, from which the mixture is sent to the control sifter and magnetic cleaning. Then the mixture enters the supply silo, from which, as necessary, it will be fed to the preparation of the dough. Water is stored in tanks

cold and hot water, from which it is then sent to water dispensers in proportions that provide the water temperature required for dough preparation. Salt - previously dissolved in water, the solution is filtered; a solution of a given concentration is sent to the preparation of the dough. Pressed yeast - pre-crushed and in the mixer turn into a suspension of them in water. In the form of such a suspension, yeast is used in the preparation of dough.

Test preparation. With the unpaired method, the preparation of wheat dough consists of the following operations and processes.

Dosing of raw materials. Appropriate dosing devices are measured and sent to a bowl installed on the platform of the dough mixer, required quantities flour, water at a given temperature, yeast suspension and solutions of salt and sugar.

Test batch. After filling the bowl with flour, water, salt solution and yeast diluted in water, turn on the dough mixer and knead the dough.

Fermentation and kneading dough. In the kneaded dough, a process of alcoholic fermentation occurs, caused by yeast. Carbon dioxide - carbon dioxide released during fermentation along with ethyl alcohol, loosens the dough, as a result of which its volume increases. To improve the structural and mechanical properties of the dough during fermentation is subjected to one or more kneading.

To do this, the bowl with dough is again rolled onto the plate of the dough mixer, the dough is re-mixed for 1--3 minutes. This operation is called kneading the dough. During kneading, most of the carbon dioxide is mechanically removed from the dough, as a result of which the volume of the dough decreases, approaching the original volume (immediately after kneading).

At the same time, as a result of kneading under the influence of the mechanical action of the working body of the dough mixer, the structural and mechanical properties of the dough are improved.

After punching, the bowl is rolled back again for further fermentation of the dough. The total duration of the fermentation of a doughless dough, depending on the amount of yeast in it, can vary between 2-4 hours.

The bowl with the ready fermented dough is turned to the position where the dough is unloaded into the dough hopper located above the dough dividing machine. The bowl, freed and cleaned from the rest of the dough, is rolled back to the dough mixer for kneading a new portion of the dough.

Test section. Under the general name “cutting the dough”, it is customary to combine the operations of dividing the dough into pieces of the required mass, giving these pieces a shape determined by the type of baked product, and proofing the shaped pieces (dough pieces).

The division of the dough into pieces is carried out on a dough dividing machine. Pieces of dough from the dividing machine enter the dough rounder. Rounded pieces of dough are placed for intermediate proofing in the nests of the cradles of the first proofing conveyor unit. During the intermediate proofing (3-7 min), the pieces of dough are at rest.

From the unit of the first proofing, the pieces of dough are fed for final molding (in our example, to give the pieces of dough a cylindrical loaf shape) to the seaming machine. From the seaming machine, the formed dough pieces for final proofing are transferred to the appropriate conveyor cradle assembly or rolled into the proofing chambers on trolleys with appropriate devices.

The purpose of the final proofing is to loosen the dough pieces as a result of the fermentation that occurs in them. Therefore, in units or chambers for proofing, it is necessary to maintain the optimum temperature and humidity for this. The duration of the final proofing depends on the properties of the dough and on the parameters of the air, and for loaves it can vary between 30-55 minutes. The correct determination of the optimal duration of the final proofing significantly affects the quality of bakery products.

Insufficient proofing time reduces the volume of products, the looseness of their crumb and can cause breaks on the crust. Excessive proofing time also adversely affects the quality of products. Hearth products will be excessively spread, and pan breads will have a flat or even concave top crust.

Bakery products. Baking dough pieces of wheat loaves weighing 0.5 kg takes place in the baking chamber of a baking oven at a temperature of 280-240°C for 20-24 minutes. At the same time, as a result of thermal-physical, colloidal-chemical and biochemical processes, the test piece passes into the state of a finished baked product, in our case, a loaf.

Storage of baked products and sending them to the distribution network. The baked loaves are transported to the bread storage, where they are stacked in trays and then on trolleys or in special containers. On these trolleys or in containers, loaves are stored until they are sent to the distribution network.

The stay of bakery products at the bakery ends with the loading of trays or containers with them into the appropriate vehicles that deliver them to the distribution network. During storage after baking (in the bread storage, and then in the distribution network - until the moment of sale), the loaves cool down, lose part of the moisture, and when long-term storage and freshness (stale).

This is the sequence of the main stages of the simplest technological process for the production of loaves from wheat flour.

The textbook was created in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary Vocational Education in the specialty "Technology of public catering products", PM.04 "Organization of the cooking process and preparation of complex bakery, flour confectionery products."
The classification, assortment, commodity characteristics of raw materials and finished mixtures are considered. industrial production used in the preparation of complex bakery, flour confectionery products, the technological processes for their preparation, the rules for the interchangeability of raw materials, the assessment of the quality and safety of raw materials and finished products, the conditions and terms of their storage. The order of preparation of the main products and additional ingredients for use, organization of work of the confectionery shop, sanitary and hygienic requirements for its technical equipment, as well as requirements for the organization of production.
For students of institutions of secondary vocational education.

In modern conditions, there are various public catering enterprises that produce and sell complex bakery and flour confectionery products.

A public catering enterprise [catering enterprise] is an object of economic activity intended for the manufacture of public catering products, the creation of conditions for the consumption and sale of public catering products and purchased goods, as well as for the provision of additional services (GOST R 50647 - 2010 “Public catering services. Terms and Definitions").

Public catering establishments include: restaurant, cafe, culinary, bar, coffee shop, fast food restaurant, snack bar, buffet, cafeteria, canteen, etc.

According to the number of employees, public catering enterprises are divided into three groups: small (from 30 to 50 people), medium (from 50 to 500, less often up to 300 people) and large (more than 500 people). When assigning an enterprise to one of the groups, the following indicators can be used: the number of employees, the cost of output, the cost of fixed production assets.

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Organization of the cooking process and preparation of complex bakery, flour confectionery products, Burchakova I.Yu., Ermilova S.V., 2014 -, fast and free download.

  • Artistic work, Grade 8, Option for boys, Chukalin V.G., Yakovlev R.M., Tanbaev X.K., Ermilova E.V., Velker E.E., Losenko O.S., 2018

Performing technological operations in the preparation of various types of bread; temperature regime of storage; quality requirements; serving methods and decoration options

The technological process of making bread consists of the following stages:

kneading dough and other semi-finished products, fermentation of semi-finished products, dividing

- test for pieces of a certain mass, the formation and proofing of dough

l blanks, baking, cooling and storage of bread products.

Kneading and dough formation

Dough kneading is the most important technological operation, on which the further course of the technological process and the quality of bread largely depend. When kneading dough from flour, water, yeast, salt and other components, a homogeneous mass with a certain structure and physical properties is obtained.

Loosening and fermentation of dough

In order for the baked product to be porous and easily digestible, the dough must be loosened before baking. This is a prerequisite for a good baked dough. The dough begins to ferment under the action of carbon dioxide, which makes it possible to obtain bread with a well-loose porous crumb. The purpose of the fermentation of dough and dough is to bring the dough to a state in which it will be best prepared for cutting and baking in terms of gas-forming ability and structural and mechanical properties. At the same time, the accumulation in the dough of substances that determine the taste and aroma characteristic of bread from well-fermented dough is no less important.

Preparing wheat dough

Dough preparation is the most important and longest operation in the production of bread, taking up about 70% of the production cycle time. When choosing a specific method of dough preparation, first of all, the produced assortment of products, as well as other production data, are taken into account. It is customary to distinguish traditional ways dough preparation and new, progressive. traditional technology provides for a long fermentation of semi-finished products, a total of 4.5--7 hours. Progressive (accelerated) technology is characterized by a reduction in the dough preparation cycle. At present, about 70% of the total mass of products is prepared using advanced technology, simpler and more economical. The list and ratio of certain types of raw materials used in the process of making a certain type of bread is called a recipe.

Preparing dough for dough

The most common method of dough preparation is the sponge method, in which the dough is the first phase of dough preparation. Opara is a semi-finished product obtained from flour, water and yeast by kneading and fermentation. Ready dough is completely consumed for the preparation of the dough. To prepare the dough, take part of the total mass of flour (30--70%), most of the water and the entire amount of yeast. After 3-5 hours of fermentation on the dough, the dough is kneaded, which ferments for 30-120 minutes. The quality of the flour and the temperature of the room affect the initial temperature of the dough, which can be 29--32 °C. The dough on the dough ferments for 1-2 hours, depending on the type of product, the quality of the flour and other factors. In the process of fermentation, it is recommended to knead the dough from flour I and premium (especially strong flour). Knockdown is repeated mixing of the dough for 1-2 minutes during the fermentation period in order to remove fermentation products and improve the structure. Punch is done 50-60 minutes after kneading the dough.

Cooking wheat dough in a steamless way

The single-phase method consists in the fact that the dough is kneaded in one step from the entire amount of raw materials and water put according to the recipe, without adding any fermented semi-finished products (dough, starter). The dough is prepared with a high consumption of yeast (1.5--2.5% of the total mass of flour). The increase in yeast consumption is explained by the fact that worse conditions are created for their vital activity in the dough than in the dough (thick environment, the presence of salt, etc.). An increase in the dose of yeast is also necessary for loosening the dough in a relatively short period of time (2-3 hours). To reduce yeast consumption and improve taste properties products, yeast is usually activated before kneading the doughless dough. The initial temperature of the dough is 29--31 ° C, the duration of fermentation is 2.5-3 hours. After 50-60 minutes after kneading, it is recommended to punch the dough. The kneading during the preparation of a doughless dough is of greater technological importance than for a dough prepared on a dough. It should be noted that the dough prepared by the non-dough method contains less acids, aroma-forming and flavoring substances than the dough prepared by the dough. Fermentation, colloidal and biochemical processes proceed less intensively in a non-dough dough due to the thick consistency of the dough and the reduced fermentation cycle.

Cutting the finished dough

In the production of wheat bread and bakery products, dough cutting includes the following operations: dividing the dough into pieces, rounding, preliminary proofing, shaping and final proofing of dough pieces. The division of the dough into pieces is carried out in dough dividing machines. The mass of a piece of dough is set based on the given mass of a piece of bread or bakery products, taking into account the loss in mass of a piece of dough during its baking (upek) and a piece of bread during cooling and storage (shrinkage). After the dough dividing machine, the dough enters the rounding machines, where they are given a round shape. After that, the dough piece should rest for 3-8 minutes to restore the gluten carcass, after which it enters the molding machine, where it is given a certain shape (loaves, rolls, rolls, etc.).

bread baking

Baking is the final stage in the preparation of bread products, which finally forms the quality of bread. In the process of baking inside dough piece microbiological, biochemical, physical and colloidal processes proceed simultaneously. All changes and processes that turn the dough into finished bread occur as a result of heating the dough piece. Bread products are baked in the baking chamber of baking ovens at a steam-air temperature of 200--280 °C. Baking 1 kg of bread requires about 293-544 kJ. This heat is spent mainly on the evaporation of moisture from the dough piece and on its heating to a temperature (96--97 ° C in the center), at which the dough turns into bread. A large proportion of heat (80--85%) is transferred to the dough by radiation from the hot walls and vaults of the baking chamber. Dough pieces are heated gradually, starting from the surface, so all the processes characteristic of baking bread do not occur simultaneously in its entire mass, but in layers, first in the outer and then in the inner layers. The speed of heating the dough, bread in general, and, consequently, the duration of baking depends on a number of factors. With an increase in temperature in the baking chamber (within certain limits), the heating of the workpieces is accelerated and the baking time is reduced. The formation of a hard bread crust occurs as a result of dehydration of the outer layers of the dough piece. A hard crust stops the increase in the volume of dough and bread, so the crust should not form immediately, but after 6-8 minutes after the start of baking, when the maximum volume of the workpiece has already been reached.

Determination of the readiness of bread

In production, the readiness of products is still determined organoleptically according to the following criteria: the color of the crust (the color should be light brown); crumb state (crumb ready bread should be relatively dry and elastic). Determining the state of the crumb, hot bread is broken (avoiding crushing) and lightly caught with fingers on the crumb in the central part. The state of the crumb is the main sign of the readiness of bread; relative weight (the mass of the baked product is less than the mass of the unfinished product, due to the difference in packaging). The readiness of bread can also be determined by the temperature in the center of the crumb at the moment the bread comes out of the oven using a thermometer. In order to avoid damage to the thermometer when it is introduced into the bread, it is recommended to first make a puncture in the crust with some sharp object, the diameter of which would not exceed the diameter of the thermometer. Typically, the temperature of the center of the crumb, which characterizes the readiness of rye pan bread, should be about 96 ° C, wheat - about 97 ° C. The experimentally established temperature of the bread, which characterizes its readiness, can be used to control the readiness of the bread and the size of the bread.

Performing technological operations in the preparation of various types of pancakes and fritters, products from yeast puff pastry; temperature regime of storage; quality requirements; serving methods and decoration options

Dough for pancakes and pancakes.

It is prepared in a liquid (for pancakes) or semi-liquid (for pancakes) consistency. When preparing dough for pancakes, salt, sugar are dissolved in a small amount of water or milk, pre-diluted yeast is added, the mixture is filtered, combined with the rest of the liquid heated to a temperature of 35--40 ° C, the sifted flour is poured, eggs are added and mixed until a homogeneous masses. At the end, melted fat is added. To make baked products lighter, more porous, beaten egg whites can be added to the finished dough.

The kneaded dough is left to ferment for 3-4 hours in a warm place (25--35°C). During this time, it is mixed (kneaded) several times.

Pancake dough is sometimes made from a mixture of wheat and buckwheat flour, taken equally. Instead of buckwheat flour, you can use semolina.

The dough for pancakes is prepared in the same way as for pancakes, but with a thicker consistency. To prepare dough for pancakes, 1.5 liters of liquid are taken for 1 kg of flour, and 1 liter of liquid for fritters.

Product range:

There are a huge number of pancake recipes, as well as ways to serve them to the table: classic pancakes, pancakes with sweet and savory filling, pancakes with sauce, pancakes with filling, as well as pancake pies and cakes.

As a side dish for pancakes and pancakes, it is customary to serve various types of jams and jams, jam, honey, sour cream, etc. The stuffing for pancakes is prepared from meat, vegetables, fruits and berries, dairy and fish products.

As well as many recipes for fritters based on pureed fruits and vegetables, as well as with cheese or cottage cheese. In general, there are traditional pancakes, sweet and savory pancakes, as well as stuffed pancakes. Fritters are usually served with sour cream or butter, jam or honey, or any other gravy or sauce.

Yeast puff pastry

In the preparation of yeast puff pastry, two methods of loosening are used: loosening with the help of carbon dioxide formed by yeast, and creating such a layering, as in the preparation of puff unleavened gesta.

The dough preparation process consists of the following operations: preparation of yeast dough using a sponge or non-dough method, dough lamination, product molding, and proofing. Proofing in this case is necessary, since in the process of preparing puff pastry, most of the carbon dioxide escapes and it takes time for it to accumulate again.

The dough is prepared in a sponge or non-dough method, of medium density. When laminating it with butter or margarine, the temperature of both should be 20-22 "C. At this temperature, the butter does not melt and does not penetrate into the dough, but forms plastic layers between them, which ensures good loosening and facilitates the formation of products. The dough is laminated in two ways.

The first way of puffing dough. Butter or margarine is softened to a plastic state, without lumps. If, according to the recipe, the product includes a large amount of sugar, then part of it is put when kneading the dough, and part is combined with butter.

The chilled dough is rolled out into a layer 1-2 cm thick, part of the layer (2/3) is covered with softened butter or margarine. The layer is folded in three so that two layers of butter and three layers of dough are obtained. The edges of the folded layer are carefully pinched so that the oil does not leak out. Then turn the dough layer 90 ", sprinkle with flour and roll it out again to a thickness of 1 cm, sweep away the flour and fold the layer four times. Thus, eight layers of butter are obtained in the dough. When making dough with a large amount of butter, it is rolled out again and the layer is folded in half , triple or quadruple, resulting in 16, 24 or 32 layers.As the dough is further rolled out, thin layers of dough and layers can break, and the layering of the dough deteriorates.In addition, the layers of butter are so thin that after baking, the layering of the dough is not noticeable.

Product range:

l Puff with jam

b Bun puff

l Puff with marzipan

b Kruchenik puff

e Hungarian cheesecakes

Performing technological operations in the preparation of products from waffle and shortcrust pastry; temperature regime of storage; quality requirements; serving methods and decoration options

Waffle products.

Wafer sheets are baked in special ovens between two massive metal plates with a gap of 2-3 mm. In this case, the dough layer is in direct contact with the heating surfaces. This method of baking is called contact. Due to the small thickness of the sheets and the large evaporation surface in wafer forms, the baking process lasts only 2 minutes. The process is carried out at a temperature of the surface of the plates of 170 ° C (30-40 minutes before the start of work, the furnace is turned on to idle and gas burners are ignited

Due to the large surface of the plates and the small thickness of the dough (2-3 mm) on them, its temperature exceeds 100 ° C in a matter of seconds. Finished sheets are removed from the plates and sent for cooling. After the end of work, the pump and the test supply line are disassembled and thoroughly washed with water at a temperature of 35 ± 5

Baked wafer sheets have a temperature of 150-170 ° C, they must be cooled to room temperature.

The most rational way to stand wafer sheets is to cool single sheets on a mesh conveyor. Due to the uniform access of air to the sheet surfaces, uniform moisture sorption by the sheet occurs in all its zones, accompanied by a uniform change in the linear dimensions of the sheet, as a result of which warping and cracking of wafer sheets is excluded. The duration of sheet cooling with this method to the temperature of the workshop room is 1-2 minutes.

Smeared wafer sheets are folded into several layers and the resulting multilayer layer is covered with a clean sheet. Thus, a wafer layer is formed, consisting of several layers of filling and wafer sheets, which is sent to a cooling cabinet.

Hardened wafer layers are stacked in three layers in one stack 30 mm thick for subsequent cutting into finished goods. Vystoyka depends on the humidity of the filling and the ambient temperature. When cutting wafer layers, trimmings are formed, which, after grinding, are introduced into the corresponding types of fillings in an amount of not more than 12% by weight of the filling.

Sand dough products.

Products made from shortcrust pastry have a crumbly structure. That is why the dough got its name. It is all made from the same flour, margarine (butter), eggs and sugar.

Margarine, sugar and eggs are mixed in one bowl until homogeneous mass. Flour is added to the resulting mass and kneaded by hand. After about two minutes, the dough must be cut. If the dough becomes hot during kneading, then it is necessary to withstand it until it cools completely.

During the preparation of shortcrust pastry, room temperature should be between 15 and 20 degrees. If the temperature is lower, then the dough will begin to harden, and it will not be so easy to roll it out. Too high a temperature will adversely affect the oil content of the dough. It will begin to melt and will separate from the total mass. Thick pieces of shortbread dough are poorly baked, so all products should be prepared from thinly rolled layers 4--8 mm thick.

Before rolling, knead the dough a little with cold hands, without adding flour, and form a rectangular piece in the form of a brick. This piece is placed on a floured table or board, sprinkled with flour on top and rolled into a layer.

The dough should be rolled out on a flat board or table. If the table is uneven, the layer will have a different thickness, when baking, thin places will burn, and thick ones will remain unbaked.

Different figures are made from the rolled out layer with a knife or notches or the layer is transferred to a baking sheet using a rolling pin. Excess dough around the edges of the baking sheet is cleaned with a knife.

The baking sheets must be clean, dry, and without any grease, as shortbread dough products do not stick to the baking sheets.

I bake sand products at a temperature of 230--250 ° C until golden brown on the surface and inside the cakes. AND]. Doughs baked for sliced ​​cakes and auctions are pricked with the tip of a knife. If the layers are baked in one place, and in another place the dough is still raw, then sheets of paper are placed on the baked places above and below and baking continues until the entire layer is baked.

Baked shortcrust pastry products are very delicate and break easily. Large layers, which are then glued together with creams or fruit fillings, should not be baked on baking sheets, but on iron sheets, from which it is easier to remove the baked layers.

During baking, the layers are slightly glued to the iron sheet. To tear off the sheet from the iron sheet, you need to cool the sheet a little, take it with both hands and lightly hit the edge of the sheet on the edge of the table or on another object until the sheet moves. Then, holding the iron sheet with your left hand, carefully slide the layer off the sheet with your right hand. Fruit fillings and custards can stick together warm layers, only cold ones with oil creams.

The crumbs formed when cutting baked sand layers are used to sprinkle the sides of cakes and sometimes pastries.

Performing technological operations in the preparation of products from gingerbread, air and almond dough; temperature regime of storage; quality requirements; serving methods and decoration options

Preparation of products from gingerbread dough

Products made from gingerbread dough are distinguished by a variety of shapes and contain a large amount of sugar and various spices, which give them a special flavor. A mixture of spices added to gingerbread dough, is called "bouquet" or "dry perfume". It consists (in%): cinnamon 60, cloves 12, allspice 12, black pepper 4, cardamom 4, ginger 8. In addition to gingerbread, gingerbread is baked from the same dough, layered with fruit filling or jam. Sometimes, instead of sugar, artificial honey or invert syrup is put in the dough, part of the wheat flour (50%) is replaced with rye. This improves the quality of gingerbread, reduces their shrinkage during long-term storage due to the increased hygroscopicity of these products.

Raw dough preparation

Sugar or sugar syrup, water, honey, molasses or invert syrup, eggs are well mixed for 6-10 minutes. The sugar dissolves in the liquid and is evenly distributed throughout the mixture. The higher the temperature at which the dough is kneaded, the less time kneading, as otherwise the dough may be drawn out. After mixing, finely ground spices, soda, softened butter or margarine and flour are added. The dough is kneaded for 4-12 minutes, depending on the amount of dough and the temperature conditions of the room. The finished dough is a homogeneous mass of astringent loose consistency.

Cooking dough in a custard way

The process of preparing this dough consists of three stages: brewing flour in sugar-honey, sugar-honey or sugar-honey syrup; cooling the tea leaves; kneading welding with all other types of raw materials. Cool the tea leaves in baking sheets, where the dough is laid in layers and greased vegetable oil or sprinkle with crumbs so that a monolithic mass does not form. The brewed dough is cooled to a temperature of 25-27°C. It is impossible to knead the dough without preliminary cooling, as it loses its properties, the gingerbreads turn out to be dense, non-streamlined, baking powder and aromatic substances evaporate.

You can cook the dough in a semi-cooked way. To do this, take 80% of the water according to the recipe at a temperature of 70 ° C. add sugar, margarine and heat up to 90 ° C, mix thoroughly, gradually add 45% flour. Continue stirring for another 6-8 minutes. This mass is cooled to 25°C. Dissolve honey, soda in the remaining water, combine with the chilled mass, add eggs and the remaining flour. The dough is stirred for 10 minutes and cut.

Forming and baking

The finished dough is laid out on a table heavily dusted with flour, crushed and given an oblong shape. The layer is gradually rolled out with a smooth wooden rolling pin in different directions, periodically dusting with flour, to a thickness of 8-10 mm. The layer must be evenly rolled out, otherwise the products will be of different thicknesses and bake unevenly. Before molding products, test molding is carried out in different places of the formation to determine the uniformity of its rolling. Drawing on the surface of the layer is applied with a notched or corrugated rolling pin. Before laying on the sheets, the flour from the products is swept away with a brush. For gingerbread and loaves, the dough is rolled out into a layer 12 and 8 mm thick, respectively. The layer must match the size of the baking sheet. Loaves are cut with a knife or a disk cutter into pieces of the appropriate size of a rectangular shape. After rolling, a layer of dough for gingerbread is placed on a sheet, previously lubricated with vegetable oil or dusted with flour.

The surface of the product is moistened with cold water and pierced in several places with a knife to avoid swelling.

Pieces of tough dough are placed on dry sheets dusted with flour or oiled. On products stuck to the sheet, voids are formed, and the bottoms are different. If the products are greased with an egg before baking, then so that they do not move during lubrication, they are laid on sheets greased with a mixture of fat and warm water. The surface of products of some varieties before baking is sprinkled with sugar, crumbs, chopped nuts or almonds, decorated with raisins, candied fruit or nut kernels.

Gingerbread cookies are baked at 200-240°C for 10-15 minutes immediately after cutting, and gingerbread and mint gingerbread - at 190-210°C. The mode and duration of baking depend on the thickness of the products. The greater the thickness of the baked products, the lower the temperature and the longer the baking time.

After baking, egg-brushed gingerbread cookies are rubbed several times with a soft brush to obtain a better shine.

Gingerbread cookies can be glazed with sugar syrup. For this purpose, boilers with a capacity of 3 to 5 liters are used. The cooled products are poured with pre-prepared sugar syrup at a temperature of 85-90°C. The gingerbread is mixed with syrup with a wooden paddle for 1-2 minutes, and then they are taken out and put in one row, dried.

Air dough and products from it

Air (protein) dough is a fluffy mass of well-whipped proteins with sugar, without flour. Proteins should be cooled before whipping, and sugar should be added without stopping whipping. At the same time, the volume of the test increases by 6-8 times. Proteins cannot be "interrupted" (the protein foam crumbles, and the product settles during baking) and "not finished off" (the foam turns out to be fragile and blurs during baking). It is considered that proteins are beaten well enough if the foam retains its shape and keeps on the whisk without slipping. For decorating products air test use whipped cream, berries, fruit, jam or butter cream. Preparation of products consists of beating the mass, shaping and baking. Need to use only fresh eggs. Carefully separate the whites from the yolks. The utensils in which the proteins are whipped must be clean, without traces of fat, and also of sufficient volume, since when whipping, the proteins increase in volume by 6-7 times. Before whipping, cool the proteins, then quickly beat them into a stiff foam, add sugar without stopping whipping. The duration of whipping the mass is different and depends on the amount of protein and sugar. For this recipe whipping time with a mixer is 9-10 minutes.

Formation of the protein mass. The whipped protein mass is deposited in the form of round cakes or shells with the help of a pastry bag on a greased sheet and baked immediately, otherwise the mass may settle. For cakes, the whipped mass is spread on a baking sheet lined with paper, leveled over the entire sheet and baked. In the process of baking, the cakes need to be pricked with a fork or the tip of a knife over the entire surface to protect them from breaking. The paper will easily move away from the products if you put a damp cloth under it for 2-3 minutes.

Baking products. A baking sheet with products prepared for baking should be placed in a freshly lit puff and slowly, for 1.5-2 hours, dry (bake) products at a temperature of 100 ° C. It is necessary to strictly observe the baking temperature, since a higher temperature leads to a rapid hardening of the surface of the products with a wet middle. You can open the oven during baking and remove the products from the baking sheet as soon as they are ready. After cooling, they are finished with cream, berries, fruits, etc. Light fragile products of white or golden-pink color are called meringues.

Almond dough and products made from it

Almond dough being prepared different ways with almonds, egg white, with sugar, with and without flour, with and without whipping, heated and not heated. During production, the dough is saturated with air bubbles, which expand during baking and increase the product in volume.

Performing technological operations in the preparation of products from biscuit dough; temperature regime of storage; quality requirements; serving methods and decoration options

Cooking biscuit dough in a cold way. In egg yolks (1/4 of the norm), carefully separated from the proteins, put sugar (3/4 of the norm) and grind the mass white in a machine or manually with an elastic whisk. Then, without ceasing to rub the mass, gradually add the remaining yolks and continue grinding until the grains of sugar disappear and the mass increases in volume by about three times.

At the same time, in another bowl, beat the whites with a clean, chilled whisk in a cold room; it must be remembered that even traces of fat should not be in the bowl in which the proteins are whipped. At first, beat the egg whites slowly, then gradually increase the speed of beating. In order for the squirrels to beat better and the dishes not to spoil, you should not touch the edges and bottom of the dishes with a whisk when whipping. At the end of whipping, when there are signs of protein curdling (proteins become pockmarked), add powdered sugar or granulated sugar in small portions (V4 part according to the norm). Sugar prevents the curdling of proteins and improves the structure of the protein mass. When the squirrels increase in volume by four to five times and hold firmly on the whisk, stop beating. If the proteins are not beaten well enough, then large air bubbles form in them, which are destroyed when the dough is stirred, and the product is dense. Over-whipped proteins have small bubbles with very thin walls; such bubbles burst when the dough is heated in the oven, and the products “sit down”. Add beaten egg whites (1/3 part) to the mashed yolks and, after mixing lightly, pour in the flour mixed with potato starch; then put the rest of the whipped proteins. All this is lightly mixed until a homogeneous dough is formed.

Cooking biscuit dough with heating. Pour the eggs or melange into a hotplate, add sugar and, continuously whisking with a whisk, heat in a water bath (bain-marie) to 40--50 °. Then remove from the food warmer and, whisking with a whisk, cool to 20 degrees, then heat again, continuing to beat, cool again and mix with flour. It must be remembered that flour does not mix well in a warm mass, the biscuit turns out to be dense. With mechanical whipping, the mass is heated on a food warmer once, after which it is poured into a beater, cooled and mixed with flour for 15-20 seconds. A biscuit cooked with heating is more crumbly than a biscuit without heating. Biscuit mould. Pour the finished dough into a cake mold or onto a baking sheet, the bottom of which is greased with oil; fill the dishes only to 8/4 of the height, taking into account that during baking the dough increases in volume and may spill out of the mold. Level the surface of the dough with a knife and bake immediately, as small air bubbles formed in the dough quickly disappear, which worsens the quality of the products.

Biscuit cakes must have a thickness of at least 30 mm. Biscuit baking. The dough is baked for 25-30 minutes at 200-220 °, and during the first 10-15 minutes the biscuit cannot be touched, since the weakest walls of the bubbles burst from the slightest shock, the air escapes and the biscuit becomes dense, difficult to bake.

The readiness of the biscuit is determined by the color of the crust and by elasticity; when pressed with a finger, a dimple remains on the unbaked biscuit. A fresh sponge cake is difficult to cut (crumbles), so it must be kept after baking for at least 24 hours.


To remove a biscuit capsule from a baking sheet, you need to circle the walls of the baking sheet with a knife and, turning it upside down, put the capsule on a board or table. From the biscuit capsule, scrape off the burnt places with a knife or grater, sweep away the crumbs with a soft brush and cut into two or three layers (layers) with a long narrow knife. On the lower layer of the capsule, apply a layer of well-whipped cream, and put the upper layer on it, which is abundantly moistened with syrup. To make the surface of the biscuit beautiful, smear it lightly with cream (priming), then apply a second layer of cream - thicker, and draw wavy or straight lines with a pastry comb. After cooling the cream, cut the biscuit into cakes with a knife dipped in hot water. The biscuit cake should be in the shape of a rectangle 8-9 cm long, 4-4.5 cm wide and 3.5-4 cm thick.

Prepare the baked biscuit as described above, but use cream instead fruit filling. Cover the surface of the biscuit with fruit filling with a layer of 1-2 mm and outline the lines along which to further divide the biscuit into cakes. Then put canned or fresh fruits, pour warmed jelly and, when it hardens, cut the biscuit into cakes.

Bush. Prepare the dough in a cold way, but without adding starch. From a pastry bag with a tube 2 cm in diameter, release the dough in the form of cakes onto a sheet covered with paper and bake at 190-200 °. After 24 hours, remove the cakes from the paper; use flat cakes for the top of the product; trim uneven with a knife, apply fruit filling on them, then cover them with even cakes, cool and dip in syrup for 15-20 seconds. Glaze products with warmed lipstick, decorate with fruits or candied fruits and put in corrugated paper capsules (burdocks).

Performing technological operations in the preparation of products from unleavened puff and choux pastry; temperature regime of storage; quality requirements; serving methods and decoration options

From this magnificent fresh puff pastry you can cook products with sweet and savory fillings.

When kneading puff pastry from the total amount of sifted flour, 5--10% should be left for mixing with butter and 5--8% for sprinkling when rolling out the dough.

Dissolve salt and acid in water (take 3/4 of the total amount of water, according to the norm), add eggs, then flour and knead the dough in a machine or by hand, gradually adding the remaining water. After kneading, leave the dough on the table for 30 minutes to swell and loosen the gluten.

After kneading the dough, prepare the butter, that is, wash it, squeeze out the moisture and mix with flour, making sure that no lumps form. As a result, the oil becomes drier, more plastic and more sticky. You should not roll the butter into the dough without squeezing out the moisture, as this prevents a uniform layer formation. Butter mixed with flour, molded into rectangular layers. Roll out the finished dough on the table in the form of a small rectangle so that the edges are slightly thinner than the middle. In the middle of the dough, report the prepared piece of butter and wrap it in the form of an envelope. When cutting puff pastry, you need to make sure that the knives or notches are sharp, as blunt equipment crushes the edges of the dough, and this prevents it from rising. It is also impossible to crush the edges of prepared products with your fingers.

So that the layers of dough laid on the baking sheets do not deform during baking, you need to roll them out not according to the size of the baking sheets, but a little longer and wider.

When laying on baking sheets moistened with water, move the dough from the edges to the center.

Grease the surface of the puff with eggs. Do not grease the edges of the products, as they harden during baking, which impairs the rise of the dough. A puff that is sprinkled with sugar should not be smeared with eggs mixed with water; sugar dissolves in water and when baked, the product becomes unattractive.

It is necessary to bake a puff at a temperature of 250-260 °, very carefully, without shaking, otherwise the products will “sit down” and a raw layer is formed - hardening.

The knife or notches used to shape the dough must be sharp; a blunt tool crumples the edges of the dough, which impairs its rise.

So that the layers laid down on the baking sheet do not deform during baking, the baking sheet must be sprayed around the edges with water. Prick the dough with the tip of a knife before baking to avoid puffiness. The egg can only be greased on the upper surface of the shaped dough, it is not necessary to grease the side surface so as not to impair the rise of the dough.

A fresh puff is baked for 25--30 minutes at a temperature of 210--230°C. When baking, shocks should not be allowed, otherwise the dough will settle and the products will turn out with hardening.

The readiness of a piece product is determined by elasticity and color, and the readiness of the layer is determined by lifting the corner of the layer with a knife: in an unbaked layer, the corner is easily bent.

Choux pastry obtained by brewing flour with water, oil and salt and then kneading the custard mass with a lot of eggs. During the baking process, intensive evaporation of moisture occurs, and a cavity is formed inside the product, which is filled with cream or fillings. Milk or water is poured into a saucepan, salt and butter are added, stirred, brought to a boil, and the measured and sifted flour is gradually poured into the boiling mixture. On low heat, quickly stir the mixture with a wooden spatula until the lumps of flour disappear, and then heat for 1-2 minutes.

Remove the brewed mass from the heat, cool it to 70--80 ° and, stirring, gradually add the eggs. In this case, the mass should not be beaten, but only mixed until a homogeneous dough without lumps is obtained. If the eggs are large, then they should be taken one less than the recipe. The finished dough at the end of the batch should be a viscous mass.

The prepared dough is placed in a paper cornet or a jigging bag with a metal tube with a diameter of 10-15 mm and all kinds of shapes are deposited on a baking sheet.

The baking sheets should be greased with a very thin layer of fat. On a greased baking sheet, the bottoms of the products are torn. If the baking sheet is completely dry, the products stick to it, and after baking they must be cut with a knife. Custard products need to be baked for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 °. At a higher temperature, products of large volume with a torn surface are obtained, at a low temperature, with poor lifting. Normal dough after jigging on a baking sheet slightly spreads, rises well, large cavities form inside the products from this dough. Thick dough does not rise well. From liquid dough fuzzy products are obtained. If the dough turned out to be liquid, you need to again prepare a thicker dough and add liquid to it. If the product shrinks during baking, then the dough was beaten too much. If the product falls off after baking, then it was taken out of the oven early. If the ends of the product are bent up, then the stove was not heated enough. If the product is soft, greenish in color, then the stove is not heated enough.

Profiteroles are very tasty choux pastry cakes, usually small in size. At its core, profiteroles are very similar to eclairs (choux pastries or tubules) - the same culinary products from thin dough, hollow inside, but only usually round in shape.

Profiterole recipes may differ from each other mainly in their filling, it can be sweet: curd, custard, condensed milk, or unsweetened: cheese, mushrooms, pate, etc.