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Technical and technological map of roasted pork. Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products

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The collection of recipes is compiled on the basis of control studies and compares favorably with other analogues in that it contains the most commonly used recipes in modern practice.

The recipes published in the Collection can be successfully and absolutely legally justified used in public catering establishments, because they comply with all currently valid Laws and regulations.

The regulatory documents for certification and standardization in force on the territory of the Russian Federation include industry standards (a set of business entities, regardless of their departmental affiliation and form of ownership, developing or manufacturing products of certain types that have a homogeneous consumer purpose); enterprise standards; scientific and technical and a number of other standards.

Standards are developed and approved by enterprises by enterprises independently, based on the need for their application in order to ensure the safety of life, human health and environment. In the production of the products described in the Collection, the manufacturer has the right to make some changes to the recipes of dishes, expand the lists of components, while avoiding violations of sanitary rules, the technological regime of production, and the deterioration of its consumer properties and qualities.

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Background information includes.

Presentation: according to the examination paper
"Beef Stroganoff", "Roast", "Shashlik from
Completed by: student of group No. 13 Kotov Nikita
Lecturer: Karnaukhova Z.G.

2. Relevance of the topic

Meat dishes are relevant to the industry
"public catering" because:
Meat occupies one of the first places in nutrition, as in their
composition contains almost everything necessary for the body
human nutrients. From meat it is possible
prepare a wide range of dishes
high palatability. Meat contains a lot
amount of water-soluble B vitamins:
thiamine, pyridoxine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid,
choline, as well as minerals (phosphorus, iron,
sodium, etc.).

The main commercial types of meat are…

…and so on.

To bring the meat to a state of culinary readiness,
which is characterized by certain structural
mechanical and organoleptic characteristics and
harmlessness, apply various methods of thermal
culinary processing: boiling, frying, stewing.

3. The purpose of the work

The study of the technology of cooking dishes from meat and
development of proposals for improvement
technology and organization of the production of dishes of this

4. Tasks

To study the technology of production of meat dishes.
Analyze the organization of their production,
select the necessary equipment, inventory and
Calculate the raw materials for the preparation of 10 servings
Make suggestions for preserving valuable nutrients
substances at cooking meat.

"Beef Stroganoff"

Meat, cut into sticks 30–40 mm long, is placed on
well-heated pan with fat, sprinkle with salt,
pepper and quickly fry for 3-5 minutes, while the meat

Fried meat is combined with sautéed onion
onions, pour sour cream sauce, add sauce
"Southern" and bring to a boil.

Registration and vacation. quality requirements.

When vacationing, beef stroganoff is put in a ram or
portion pan, sprinkled with chopped herbs
parsley, potatoes are served separately in a lamb,
fried from boiled. When cooking in
in large numbers released on a plate. As
garnish use boiled, fried, french fries,
pasta and a variety of cereals. Near, on
plate, you can decorate with vegetables (fresh cucumbers,
tomatoes, herbs, etc.). Appearance: meat is sliced
cubes, placed on a plate with sauce, garnish
located on the side. Consistency: meat - juicy, soft;
sauces are the same. Color: meat - light gray;
peculiar to vegetables and sauce.


Beef (tenderloin)
table margarine
Bulb onions
Weight of passivated bow
Wheat flour
Sour cream
Sauce "Southern"
roast beef weight
Sauce weight
Side dishes No. 378, 385
For 1 serving
For 10 servings

11. "Roast"

Prepared from beef, pork, veal.
The meat cut into cubes is placed on a hot
fat frying pan, sprinkle with salt, pepper and fry
until ready, add shredded sautéed
onion, tomato puree and fry for another 2-3 minutes.

12. Registration and vacation. quality requirements.

Roasting. Released in a portion pan. Separately
serve a side dish - fried potatoes, crumbly porridge.
When cooking a dish in a large number of side dishes
put next to the meat. Appearance: pieces of meat
pulp of a certain mass and size, the surface is not
windy. Consistency: muscle tissue is elastic, without
tendons, coarse connective tissue and cartilage. meat
- juicy. Taste: characteristic of the products included in


Beef (thick, thin
or pork (ham,
Bulb onions
Weight of passivated bow
tomato puree
Salo melted
Mass of fried meat
Weight of sauce
Side dishes No. 368, 377, 381,
For 1 serving
For 10 servings

14. "Beef skewers"

For beef skewers, it is preferable to take
tenderloin and it would be nice to pre-soak the meat in
sparkling water - so beef skewers will turn out
soft. The meat is cut into cubes of 30-40 g (3-4
pieces per serving), sprinkle with salt, pepper,
sprinkle with vinegar, add raw chopped
onions, mix and put in a cold place for
Marinate for 4-6 hours. Then they are fried from all

15. Registration and vacation. quality requirements.

When leaving in the middle of a serving dish or plate
put crumbly rice porridge or poached rice
on it - a shish kebab, rings of fried water are laid on top
deep-fried onions, poured over with meat juice, served separately
Southern Sauce. Appearance: the form must be
regular, even, well-done pieces
.Consistency: meat is juicy, not dry. Taste:
characteristic of the products included in the dish. Smell:
characteristic of the products included in the dish.


Beef (tenderloin)
Salo melted
Vinegar 3%
Bulb onions
Mass of fried shish kebab
Garnish No. 373
Bulb onions
Sauce "Southern"
For 1 serving
For 10 servings

17. The main types of technological equipment, inventory and utensils.

18. Conclusion:

This topic very relevant, because now
meat dishes and meat products very popular. Their
widely used on all types of POP. Prepared from meat
dishes by various methods of heat treatment: boiling,
poaching, frying, baking.
As a result of the work done, I mastered the technology
cooking, in accordance with the assignment for the WRC and with
traditional culinary requirements.

Mechanical cooking consists of the following processes: thawing, washing, drying, culinary cutting, deboning, cleaning, sorting, semi-finished products

Defrosting. The purpose of defrosting is to maximize the restoration of the original properties of the meat. Defrosting can be slow or fast. With slow defrosting, carcasses, half carcasses or quarters are hung on hooks in special chambers so that they do not touch each other, the walls and the floor. Humidity in the chambers is maintained within 90-95%. The air temperature is gradually increased from 0 to 6--8°C. The process lasts 3-5 days and is considered complete when the temperature in the thickness of the meat reaches 0-GS. In this mode, ice crystals melt slowly, and the resulting moisture has time to be absorbed into the muscle fibers, which swell and largely restore their properties. However, this method is very time-consuming, and since it requires cold rooms, it can only be used in large enterprises.

With fast defrosting

meat (carcasses, half carcasses and quarters) is placed in special chambers, which are supplied with air at a temperature of 20--25 ° C and a humidity of 85--95%. Under such conditions, defrosting lasts only 12-24 hours. Rapid defrosting can be carried out directly in the workshops. To do this, carcasses or half carcasses are thawed at room temperature, and then placed in refrigerators with a temperature of 0 to 2 ° C and kept there for about 24 hours at a relative humidity of 80--85%. Exposure is necessary to equalize the temperature in all parts of the carcass, complete the hydration process, which helps to reduce the loss of meat juice during cutting. The loss of meat juice and the decrease in the mass of meat during slow defrosting in air ranges from 0.5 to 3%, with fast thawing - up to 12%. Meat juice contains: water - about 88%, proteins - 8, extractive and mineral substances - about 3 and B vitamins - up to 12% of their total content in meat. It is not recommended to defrost meat in water, as well as cut carcasses, half carcasses and quarters to speed up their defrosting into smaller pieces, as this leads to even more significant losses of meat juice, a decrease in the nutritional value of meat and a deterioration in the quality of semi-finished products.


The raw meat market is characterized by a sufficient supply of meat resources, as they are produced by peasants, farmers and personal subsidiary plots. When planning production volumes, meat processing plants focus primarily on the end consumer.

Significant growth in reopening food establishments has been an incentive to increase production semi-finished meat products domestic production. Public catering enterprises in Russia receive meat and freshly frozen meat products from domestic and foreign producers.

Meat has played an important role in human nutrition since ancient times. Meat is a valuable food product, a source of animal proteins, mineral salts and some vitamins that are important for the human body. Chemical composition meat depends on the type of animal, its breed, gender, age, fatness, as well as on the pre-slaughter condition of the animal, the degree of bleeding and storage conditions of the meat.

In this work, the main goal is to study the technology of cooking pork dishes, commodity characteristics of raw materials for the development of a range of dishes.

In accordance with the goal in this work, the following interrelated tasks have been solved:

Acquaintance with commodity characteristics of raw materials;

Studying the technology of cooking;

Acquaintance with the rules of registration, release, storage and sale;

Studying sanitary requirements in the preparation of pork dishes.

The knowledge gained can be used to develop recipes for dishes, determine technological standards for laying raw materials.

Pork meat is divided into two varieties. The first grade includes: scapular part, dorsal part (loin), brisket, lumbar part with flank and ham (hip part); to the second grade - tanks with a neck notch, forearms (knuckle) and shank.

Pork can be fried, boiled and stewed. From pork they cook: borscht, cabbage soup, pickles, cutlets, stews, jellies, kebabs, schnitzels, escalopes and other dishes. It is used (in half with beef) for making dumplings.

A large amount of pork is processed into various smoked products: ham, bacon, etc., and into various kinds of sausages. At home, you can cook boiled pork from pork.

A specially prepared whole pig can be served on the table as a separate dish (piglet). The table can be decorated with a pig or boar's head (especially at Easter).

In a number of religions (Judaism, Islam), a pig is considered an unclean animal, and its meat is taboo. On the other hand, in Hinduism, pork is considered one of the main types of meat due to the cult of the cow and the taboo on beef.

2. Technological part

2.1. Characteristics and features of techniques technological processing raw materials.

Despite the debate about the negative impact of pork on health, this meat is in the highest demand. This is due to its cheapness, pronounced taste and juiciness, as well as the fact that pork is most processed into sausages.

Signs of quality

carcass parts

Separate parts of the pork carcass can be cooked most different ways. The easiest and fastest way to cook pork is in the form of cutlets, fried or grilled. It is no less easy to cook a real delicacy, such as pork with hot pepper or glazed neck. Minced meat without addition minced pork will never be truly juicy.

1. Ham

The ham is the most compact and meat-rich piece of pork. The meat is covered with a thin layer of fat, which gives it a peculiar taste, regardless of whether it is fresh, stuffed, smoked, stewed, fried or boiled. A variety of raw smoked and boiled types of ham and ham are made from the ham, rump or thigh of the hind leg. At the same time, depending on the traditions of a particular locality, ham and ham have a peculiar, only inherent taste due to various ways stuffing and smoking. If the ham is cooked as a whole piece, then it is necessary to cut the skin in the form of a lattice so that the fat under it can come out during frying. The ham, already cut into its component parts, often goes on sale.

1a. Hip (short).

The most tender piece of ham is practically not inferior in quality to sirloin meat. The meat from the thigh is great for quick frying, as schnitzels or entrecote, it is also very tasty, baked in a whole piece.

Ib. Ankle.
Pork schnitzels are most often cut from the ankle (only across the fibers). Tender meat can be cooked as a whole piece roast. Boiled or smoked ham rolls are also prepared from this part of the carcass.

1s. Nut.

A ham "nut" is made from a nut. Although this part of the carcass is riddled with veins, the nut meat is very tender and perfect for quick frying. The nut is very tasty both as a roast whole piece and boiled. Walnut is sold larded and not larded.

Id. Lower ankle (ham).

Rolls or schnitzels are cut from the lower ankle. However, in most cases, it is used for roasts or rolls, with or without skin. Boiled or smoked ham is also made from this part of the carcass.

2. Pork legs (jelly, shanks)

There are front and rear pork legs. Fresh or stuffed, they can be boiled and fried. Pork legs are often prepared in completely different ways. To the north of the Main they stuff and boil, to the south they roast and serve with sauerkraut.

3. Hooves (pork legs).

The lower parts of pork legs are sold fresh or smoked. They can be boiled, fried and grilled, as well as stuffed. Pork feet are used to improve the taste of Eintopfs, sauces and broths. In France they are combined with truffles.

4., 5., 6. Kare cutlets.

Pork back consists of three parts: saddle - this is a part with short ribs, with fillet parts and kidneys, cutlets and neck (back of the head). A saddle and a cutlet together are called a square.

4. Saddle.

The so-called rump fillet (roast) is cut out of the saddle along with the sirloin and a tender pink ham is prepared. The saddle is sold fresh, stuffed and smoked. It can be boiled, fried, grilled, glazed and baked in dough.

4a. Fillet (pork loin).

Pork fillet, like the fillet of any other meat, is the most tender, juiciest and leanest. Pork tenderloin is baked whole or in a mass that forms a crispy crust (for example, in puff pastry). Fillet can also be cooked wrapped in vegetables or pork omentum.

5. Cutlet.

From this part of the carcass, the so-called "cutlet with a handle" is cut out. It is sold in a whole piece, stuffed, raw or boiled, like smoked and stuffed ribs. They, along with a piece of saddle, are offered as Kassel meat on ribs.

6. Neck (occiput).

From this part of the carcass, juicy meat sprouted with fatty veins and connective fibers is cut out, from which they are prepared stews, roast, goulash, stew and beef stroganoff. The neck can be boiled in a piece or fried in portions under the grill.

7a., 7b. shoulder blade (shoulder part, petal).

Shoulder meat is offered along with bone and skin. Ham, stew, goulash, blanket, pork with pepper and fricassee are prepared from it.
Lean cuts of meat are used for minced meat.

8. Thick ribs (brisket, chest rump).

This part of the carcass is offered fresh or stuffed, it is usually fried or boiled. From the breast rump are prepared stuffed pork belly, meat on ribs, goulash and various Eintopfs.

9. Subcostal part (from the stomach).

Meat with or without bones, fresh or stuffed. It can be stuffed, fried, stewed or boiled. It is served to the table warm, as well as in the form of jelly. A smoked ham is prepared from the hypochondrium, known as jerky or lean ham.

10. Fat (from the back).

Fat from the back is suitable for wrapping, stuffing lean meat and making pâtés. fresh fat from the back, in salted or unsalted form, they are smoked and offered in shops and markets. Salo is used to prepare many dishes in a very diverse way.

2.2. Assortment and classification of dishes.

Pork with chicken in mustard sauce.

300 g chicken breast fillet, 400 g pork fillet, 50 g Parmesan cheese, some frozen herbs, salt, pepper, 8 thin slices of ham, 2 bunches of green onions, 2 tbsp. l. granular mustard, vegetable and butter, 125 ml of dry white wine, 6 tbsp. l. Cream.


Wash and dry both meats. Grate the cheese and mix it with herbs. Grate the chicken breast fillet with the mixture, salt and pepper and wrap in ham. Green lu. Cut into pieces 6 cm long. Fry both meats in vegetable oil and put on a baking sheet. Roast in the oven for 20 minutes at 200 degrees. Take out and put in a warm place. Pour hot juice into saucepan. Add hot butter to juice. Simmer the onion in it for 3 minutes and remove. Mix juice with mustard, wine and boil. Add cream and season. Cut the meat. Serve with onions and sauce. Garnish with parsley.

Smoked loin with mango

800 g boneless smoked loin in a piece, ground black pepper, 1 tbsp. l. grated ginger, 7 tsp canned horseradish, 2 tsp Honey, 2 tbsp. l. sour cream 1 mango 2 tbsp. l. sauce fixer


Pepper the smoked loin and place in a baking dish. Add grated ginger and pour in some water. Simmer in a preheated oven for 45 minutes at 200 degrees. Mix 5 teaspoons of horseradish with honey, spread the roast with a mass and simmer for about 15 minutes more. Take out and put in a warm place. Bring to a boil the juice from the stew and 200 ml of water. Add sour cream and 2 teaspoons of horseradish. Season with ground black pepper. Wash the mango, cut in half, peel and carefully remove the stone. Cut the fruit pulp into small cubes and add to the resulting sauce. Boil for 5 minutes. Cut the loin into portions and serve with the sauce.

Pork with apricots

8 small chops, flour, 1 tbsp. l. butter, 1 can of canned apricot halves, 1 tbsp. l. Sugar, ginger root, 1 tbsp. l. ketchup, 5 tbsp. l. Cream.


Roll the meat in flour. Heat vegetable oil and butter and fry the chops for 8 minutes. Take out of the pan and put in heat. Drain juice from canned apricots. Sprinkle fruit with sugar and fry for 5 minutes in the remaining fat. Pour in 6 tbsp. spoons of juice. Ginger cut into thin strips. Add the ginger to the apricots and simmer gently for 5 minutes. Pour in the ketchup and cream and boil for about 5 minutes. Arrange the chops on plates, pour over the apricot sauce. It is good to serve boiled rice as a side dish.

Pork medallions


750 g pork fillet, 5 onions 1 garlic clove, 40 g melted butter, salt, pepper, 40 ml cognac, 100 ml meat broth, 150 g sour cream, 2-3 tsp. green peppercorns.


Cut the meat into slices 4 cm thick. Finely chop the onion and garlic. Preheat oven to 80 degrees. Fry the meat slices in ghee for 2-3 minutes on each side, season, wrap in foil and keep in a warm oven. Stew the onion and garlic in the fat from frying, pour in the cognac, broth and boil down to half. Rub through a sieve, mix with sour cream, season. Add crushed peppercorns. Arrange meat with sauce on preheated plates.

Pork with julienne

250 g carrots, 100 g celery root, 1 onion, 600 g pork fillet, 1/2 tsp. curry powder and dried thyme, 25 g coconut oil, 1 tsp. salt, 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce, 0.125 l of meat broth, 2 tsp. food starch, 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 1 pinch of pepper and sugar, 2 tbsp. l. chopped parsley


Peel the carrots, wash and cut into thin strips (“julienne”). Celery is also peeled, washed and cut into the same strips. Peel the onion and chop finely. Preheat the oven to 50 degrees. Wash the fillet, dry it, cut into 8 slices, lightly pressing with the palms, give a flat shape, grate with curry and thyme. Fry the medallions over high heat in hot coconut oil for 45 minutes on each side. Salt and put in warm oven. Fry carrot and celery sticks together with onion cubes in the remaining coconut oil, pour over soy sauce And meat broth and cook on low heat for 5 minutes. Mix the starch with lemon juice and brew the sauce with it. Add spices and parsley to vegetables, mix. Arrange the carrot julienne on plates next to the medallions. You can serve this dish with white bread straight from the oven.

Pork rolls with leeks

4 very thin pork schnitzel(about 500 g), salt, ground white pepper, 1 garlic clove, 4 tbsp. l. cream cheese with buttermilk and herbs, 2 tsp. Mustard, 2 large stalks of leeks, 50 g reduced-fat butter, 6 tbsp. l. Cream, 1/2 tsp. curry powder.


Wash and dry the schnitzels. Salt and pepper. Peel and pass a clove of garlic through a press. Season with garlic cream cheese. Spread the schnitzels first with a thin layer of mustard, and then with cream cheese. Wash and clean the leeks. Make 1 longitudinal cut so that long leaves are obtained. Blanch them in boiling salted water for 1-2 minutes, then put them on a sieve, pour over cold water and let her drain. Spread out 4 leek leaves. Put schnitzels on them and wrap them tightly in leaves. Carefully tie the rolls with a harsh thread or strips of leeks. Place the rolls in a large flat saucepan. Finely chop the remaining leek and add it to the rolls with butter, cream and curry. Cover and simmer for 20-25 minutes. Pour the leek sauce onto the preheated plates and arrange the pork rolls on top.

Pork dish "Aphelia"

600-650 g pork fillet, 1 tsp. coriander seeds, 1 tsp. Sugar, salt, pepper, 3 tsp. olive oil, 1 glass of red wine, coriander leaves.


Cut the pork into 1 cm thick pieces. Place the pork slices between two sheets of oiled paper and beat. Pound coriander seeds in a mortar, add salt, pepper and sugar to taste. Sprinkle the mixture over the meat on both sides. Leave for 30 minutes in a cold place. Heat oil in a frying pan. Fry until golden brown as many pieces of pork as will fit in the pan. Postpone. Roast the next batch. When all the meat is ready, put it in a frying pan, pour over the wine, hold for a minute over high heat, then reduce the heat, cover and cook until soft, 20-30 minutes. The liquid should reach the consistency of a syrup. Otherwise, transfer the pork to a plate and do not let it cool, and boil the liquid until the desired consistency is reached. Drizzle pork with sauce and garnish with coriander leaves.

Pork with oranges

Ingredients: pork tenderloin (1.5 kg), 2 garlic cloves, 2 types of red wine (200g), spices, mustard, 2 oranges, 1/2 lemon.


Grate the meat with mustard, stuff with garlic. Place in a roasting pan and top with sliced ​​orange and lemon wedges. Add spices and salt to the wine, stir. Pour the pork with wine, close the lid and put it in the oven at 200 degrees for 2.5 hours. Periodically it is necessary to monitor, if the liquid is all evaporated, then you should add a little water. Ready pork should be put on a dish and garnished with herbs and fruits.

2.3 Features of the technology of preparation and presentation of dishes

Methods pre-treatment to improve aroma and taste

Salting and marinating add extra flavor to fresh pork as the first steps in cooking. Salting, which can last from 12 hours to a month, also prevents the meat from spoiling, a process that was essential in preserving the product before refrigeration was invented.

Marinating - the process of impregnating meat with aromatic substances - is shorter in time, it changes the taste of meat, giving it tenderness. Pork salted from evening to morning loses some of its sweet taste. Then it should be dried and cooked like raw meat.

Salted for a longer time, pork becomes drier and firmer than raw meat. After 3-4 days of salting, the pork should be soaked in order to remove the salt from it before cooking. Pork, salted for 3 days, is soaked for 3-4 hours, and after 5 days of salting, it is soaked for about 6 hours.

Pork that has been salted for a week or more is soaked from evening to morning; before preparing dishes from it, pour it with cold water, bring the water to a boil over low heat, let it boil for a short time, then wash the pork and dry it.

The meat is salted either by covering it on all sides with large salt crystals, which is called dry salting, or by immersing it in brine. The name "dry salting" is, in fact, incorrect, because using this method, a brine is obtained, formed by the juices flowing from the meat, which dissolve the salt.

Dry salting is usually used for thin oblong-shaped pieces of meat, such as belly or ears, as shown in the picture below, because salt mixed with herbs and other seasonings is easily applied to the surface of the meat being salted. Thicker cuts of meat are easier to pickle in a cooked brine.

For salting, use a porcelain, ceramic or glazed container. earthenware; metal utensils may react with the brine and spoil the taste of the product. Although marinades can be any combination of seasonings, they usually include acidic substances such as vinegar or wine, which soften the hard tissue of the meat. The acidic action gives the meat a spiciness that contrasts with other, more flavorful additions such as onions and herbs. The amount of pickling liquid depends on its method.

So-called "wet" marinades, such as red wine blends, contain enough liquid to completely submerge the meat. They are especially well suited for stewing pork, as the marinade; can become the liquid in which the meat will be stewed.

Dry marinades contain significantly less liquid. They are applied to the meat, like a paste of sweet green peppers, and are not poured into the prepared dish. Such dry marinades can be left on the meat. The dish is sprinkled with breadcrumbs and thoroughly fried. At room temperature, pork is kept under the marinade for a day, in the refrigerator for about 30 hours, during which time the marinade gives the meat taste and aroma.

Dry salted with herbs

1 - Salting meat

Salt with various seasonings are mixed in a bowl. Seasonings can be ground Jamaican pepper and cloves, chopped juniper and bay leaves, pepper and dried herbs. Sprinkle a layer of this mixture on the bottom of a glass or ceramic dish. Place the meat (the picture shows the belly and ears of the pig) in this dish. Rub the meat with the mixture and sprinkle with additional salt.

2 - Turning meat

Close the dish with a lid and place in a cool place. Turn the meat occasionally to ensure even brining. Salting meat should last at least 12 hours; to prepare pickles, meat should be salted for 3 to 7 days. After about 10 hours, when the meat gives juice, a brine is formed. After the meat is salted, brines and salt go to waste.

Filling with brine of fresh meat.

1 - Preparing the brine

Pour cold water into a saucepan. Tie seasonings, such as juniper leaves, cloves, thyme, laurel, and crushed nutmeg, into a muslin knot. Place the spice bundle in the water. Add salt and some sugar to the water. Bring to a boil over medium heat. Don't forget to remove the foam. When the sugar and salt dissolve, after 2-3 minutes, remove the pan from the heat.

2 - Pouring meat with brine

Let the brine cool down. Pierce the meat intended for salting (pictured: the neck of a pork carcass) in several places with a sharp object that you have so that it is better salted. Place the meat in a deep dish. Remove the seasoning bundle from the brine. Pour brine over cooked meat.

3 - Meat under oppression

Place a plate on top of the meat and place a weight on top of the plate. Use a stone, ceramic or glass container as a load, for example glass jar with water in it. Make sure the entire piece of meat is under pressure, then cover the dish with a lid to keep dust out.

4 - Meat extraction

Place the dish with the meat in a cool, dark place, away from sunlight and other sources of heat that can promote bacterial growth. Stir the contents of the dish every three days with a wooden spoon. When the meat is ready to your taste, remove it from the dish with tongs or a special fork.

Seasoned meat, red wine marinade:

For a "wet" marinade, place the meat - in the photo: chopped shank - into a bowl. The meat is sprinkled with herbs and aromatic seasonings, in this case it is parsley, thyme, bay leaf, chopped garlic and onion. All this is poured over with red wine. The bowl is covered with a lid and left to marinate at room temperature.

Green Pepper Marinade

Dry marinade for sliced ​​pork

Mix peeled and chopped sweet Green pepper with salt and garlic or ginger and onion. Pound into a mushy mass and add white wine. With a spoon, apply the mixture on the meat on both sides - in the photo: boned loin. Close the container with a lid and leave to marinate at room temperature.

Cooking technology

In the hot shop, heat treatment of products and semi-finished products is carried out, broths are cooked, soups, garnish sauces, main dishes are prepared, flour culinary products are baked, and the products are also heat treated.

In the process of technological processing, raw materials are not only subjected to sorting, washing, cleaning and heat treatment, but, by combining different kinds raw materials and semi-finished products, receive complex dishes, which sometimes include several dozen different products.

At public catering establishments, where a free choice of dishes is provided, the amount of raw materials is determined by the menu.

The number of products included in the dishes, and their ratio is called the layout or recipe. The calculation is performed for each type of dish separately according to the layouts given in the current collections of recipes.

The “Recipe Book” defines not only the ratio of products in a dish, but also the weight of the dish (yield), the allowable waste size and weight loss during processing, the basic rules for the technological processing and presentation of dishes, the rules for replacing one product with another.

The recipe book is the most important technical document. It consists of several sections: calculation of the consumption of raw materials, the yield of semi-finished products and finished products, layouts for separate groups of dishes, tables of the duration of heat treatment of products and norms for the interchangeability of products.

The collection of recipes regulates: raw material input rates by gross weight in grams, waste during primary (cold) processing of raw materials as a percentage of gross norms; norms for investing products by net weight (weight of the semi-finished product). Losses during heat treatment as a percentage of the net norms and the mass of the semi-finished product; output standards for finished products; the mass of products in the finished product, the mass (in grams) of each dish as a whole.

The consumption of spices, salt and herbs is not indicated in each recipe, but in the introductory part of the relevant sections. In the collection of recipes, the consumption rates of these products for one dish are given.

Currently, in order to most fully meet the needs of the population, catering establishments can develop new original recipes and recommendations.

Seasonings for meat dishes

General rules:

Meat dishes dressed with salt, spices, herbs, various juices and purees.

Salt is contained in meat in sufficient quantities (OD -0.5% KaSG), so do not get carried away.

Spices in peas are boiled and stewed together with meat, chopped spices are put in ready-made food, otherwise they run out of steam.

Fried meat is seasoned weaker than boiled; gentle - weaker than spicy.

Preference should be given to spice-flavored plants, since they contain minerals and vitamins in addition to taste.

Fresh greens are crushed and sprinkled with the finished dish; the dried leaves are powdered and added a few minutes before the dish is removed from the stove.

The roots are added when the meat is already half cooked.

Tomato paste, spicy sauces, lemon juice and fruits can be put into the pan immediately: their acidity will speed up the tenderization of the meat.

Table mustard, horseradish, marinated salads should be served with cooked meat, because when heated, their taste changes irrevocably.

Below, in alphabetical order, is a list of seasonings for meat dishes and their brief description.

Basil. The green and dried leaves have a very strong flavor and go well with beef, lamb and wild game.

Barberry. Ripe berries are dried, sometimes ground, used as a seasoning for meat dishes and sauces.

Wine. Table dry (8-12°) white and (or) red: Rkatsiteli, Saperavi, Abrau Riesling, Abrau Cabernet. It is used as a condiment when preparing a marinade for meat, and for seasoning ready-made sauces.

Carnation. Dried unopened buds of a tropical clove tree. It is used in broths, sauces formed during stewing of game (1-2 pieces per liter).

Mustard. The seeds are added to the sauce obtained by stewing beef, leggings and lamb. Roast big game and lamb are brushed with table mustard before the oven, which greatly enhances its flavor. To fatty meat dishes, sausages are served on the table separately.

Mushrooms. fresh mushrooms, mushroom extract, powder from dried mushrooms used for cooking meatballs, minced meat dishes, sauces and complex side dishes.

Allspice. Round dry fruits, more fragrant than black pepper. It is used in jelly, when stewing, etc.

Oregano. Fresh and dry ground parts of the plant for dressing all meat dishes, sauces for them, pates and sausages (especially, together with marjoram, blood dishes).

Greenery. Dill, parsley, celery, chervil, cilantro, tarragon, all types of onions (chives, leeks, slime) are an essential addition to ready meals: for the digestion of meat, the body needs a sufficient range of vitamins and trace elements. Add greens to ready-made dishes so that they do not lose their nutritional value.

Ginger. The grated root has a strong taste and smell. Good for venison and lamb, dressing sauces.

Hyssop. Fresh and dried leaves and flowers have a pleasant bitter taste. Used with all meat dishes.

Capers. Salted or pickled flower buds and ovaries of a large nasturtium. Nice delicate taste. Applicable to all dishes and sauces.

Cardamom. Ground seeds. Very pungent smell. For minced meat, sauce.

Pickled vegetables. Sauerkraut, cabbage and shredded, pickled apples and berries (lingonberries, cranberries, currants), pickles, etc. - not only components of amazing side dishes, but often direct components of dishes (remember the famous duck with apples).

Roots. Celery, parsley, carrots, in approximately equal amounts, together with onions, make up a mixture of seasonings most often used for dressing food. They are added to meat dishes, usually pre-heating them in a small amount of fat.

Coriander. Dried fruits, fresh herbs (cilantro).

Cress (large nasturtium). Pickled green seeds (capers), fresh herbs are used in meat sauce.

Kupyr. Fresh leaves are used for all dishes, especially offal.

Bay leaf. Add a little, half a sheet per serving for four people.

Lemon juice. For stewing, sauce, roast. It is recommended to rub whole poultry and roasts. Lemon slices are placed on fried slices of meat. You can use citric acid.

Marjoram. Fresh and dried leaves give good taste all meat dishes and sauces, especially good for blood and liver dishes.

Olives. Salted or pickled olives are added to stews and fried meats and sauces after they have been cooked.

Melissa. With a lemon-like smell and mild taste, fresh and dried leaves are a good seasoning for tender meat dishes and sauces.

Juniper berries. Dried ripe (blue) juniper berries in whole form and in powder are used for seasoning lamb, beef and meat of wild animals.

Muscat. Due to the sharp taste, nutmeg is added in small quantities to minced meat, sausages and ham dishes, as well as to sauces and pates.

Mint. Fresh leaves and flowers are added to game meat, sauce formed by stewing beef and elk, but in small quantities.

Pepper. Black peppercorns add a good flavor to stewed broths and sauces. Chopped peppers are sprinkled on prepared meat dishes. white pepper, which has a milder taste, is obtained by peeling ripe peas from the shell. Red peppers are made from dried chili peppers. It is softer in taste, suitable for white meat.

Parsley. Fresh and dried leaves and roots are suitable for all meat dishes and sauces. The roots are rich in essential oils, the leaves are rich in fluorine, carotene and vitamin C.

Onion. Contained in onions essential oils improve the taste of all meat dishes, so onions are the most common seasoning for meat dishes. The onion warmed up in fat is especially tasty.

Rosemary. Fresh and dried leaves are especially suitable for dressing roast pork and lamb.

Ruta. Dried leaves, due to their strong, somewhat garlic-like smell, are a good seasoning for lamb, game, and blood dishes.

Sugar. A small amount gives pleasant taste sauces and meats.

Celery. Due to the pungent taste and smell, it is suitable for spicy and dark types of meat - beef, venison, wild boar; add carefully to white meat.

Spice mixes. For seasoning meat dishes are often used, given their spiciness. Many ready-made known mixtures. Curry comes from India and consists of 10-20 substances: ginger, pepper, allspice, paprika, cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, cumin, sage, coriander, etc. Usanmyan is used in Asian countries. Consists of cinnamon, dill, cloves, star anise, ginger.
A common spice mixture for jelly: 4 black peppercorns, 2 allspice, 1 clove and 1/2 bay leaf. This mixture is suitable for dressing marinades, sauces and stews. Spices taken in this ratio can be mixed, ground and added to food to taste.

Salt. Boiled meat is salted after descaling. If food is seasoned with salted roots or dressings, salt is added after that in order to avoid oversalting. Salted meat is sprinkled with salt after the crust has formed, otherwise a lot of juice is released and the meat is poorly fried.

Sauces are spicy. The food industry produces various puree mixtures for dressing dishes. Their main component is tomato, soy, fruit or paprika puree with the addition of various spices. Most commonly used tomato ketchup. In general, there are an unimaginable number of sauces, their composition is not always determined. Spicy tkemali and adjika are good, banal mayonnaise is often suitable.

Capsicum, or paprika. There are bitter and sweet varieties of pepper. Red, green, yellow pods are rich in flavoring substances and vitamins, so it would be better to use as much capsicum as possible instead of peas. Fresh? the pods are cut into strips or chopped and added to food 10-15 minutes before being removed from heat. Pepper pods are not recommended to be fried in hot fat, this spoils their color and taste. Dried Bell pepper in crushed form is commercially available under the name of red pepper. You can make a universal dressing in the fall from finely chopped peppers, tomatoes, onions and roots, sprinkling them heavily with salt. Store in refrigerator without sterilization.

Dried fruits. Raisins, dried apricots, prunes, dried apples and pears are used by inspiration in all meat dishes. They diversify the taste and are a valuable food additive.

Cheese. Grated dry cheese is sprinkled on meat dishes baked in the oven; cheese is also added to sauces for boiled meat.

Thyme (thyme). Dried leaves are used to season meat dishes made from meat with a spicy taste, dishes from the liver, heart, blood, minced meat.

Caraway. Caraway seeds are added to vegetable and meat stews and boiled meat 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking. Cumin is especially suitable for meat of wild animals and sauce for stewed and boiled meat.

Tomato puree. Braised in fat with onions, it gives good taste and softness to dark types of meat.

Dill. Chopped fresh is suitable for all meat dishes. It is recommended to serve it on the table as a seasoning, which everyone can add to taste. Salted dill is seasoned with stews and boiled dishes 10-15 minutes before done. Dry chopped dill is part of spice mixtures and as a separate seasoning. Seeds, whole and crushed, are the most valuable addition to all dishes.

Vinegar. Ordinary table vinegar- 2-3%. Commercially available 30% vinegar must be diluted at least 1:10. Vinegar can be seasoned with chopped spicy greens, letting it stand for 2-3 weeks. Chopped basil, dill, tarragon, thyme, mint, sage, dawn, juniper berries and parsley are suitable for dressing with vinegar. The components are mixed, and little greens with a spicy taste are taken. You can use apple cider vinegar and wine vinegar.

Horseradish. Pleasant bitter taste, strong bactericidal properties, very helpful for digestion. It does not tolerate heat and quickly oxidizes in air (darkens), therefore it is served with ready-made dishes, and after rubbing it is immediately mixed with sour cream or vinegar. Due to the hardness and pungent odor, it is difficult to process. There is a way to scroll it in a meat grinder with a plastic bag put on it, but grated, of course, is more tender.

Savory. Fresh and dried leaves are added to poultry, meat, offal and sauces. It has a sharp peppery taste.

Garlic. Due to the very strong taste, it should be used with caution, sometimes it is enough to rub the meat with garlic. It is used for stuffing and dressing dishes from meat of wild animals and minced meat. Crushed garlic is used in seasoning mixtures and sauces.

Sage. Leaves with a spicy taste in fresh and dried form are added to dishes from minced meat, offal. Use in small quantities.

Saffron. Rice for pilaf and meat sauce often seasoned and dyed with saffron. Can also be used as a dressing for stews.

Sorrel. Young fresh leaves can be added to stews and fried meat dishes, under the action of acid, the meat becomes softer.

Tarragon (tarragon). Stems and leaves, fresh, dried, soaked in vinegar, are a good seasoning for all meat dishes and sauces

Preparing and serving meals

The ability to make a dish beautiful is one of the components of cooking. For this, decorations are used, made from a wide variety of products (vegetables, herbs, fruits, etc.). These decorations can themselves be independent dishes: in the first case, these will be appetizers, salads or fruits for dessert, in the second, they will simply be decorations that are placed on plates or on the table (dinner or with cold appetizers).

The right combination Remember the main thing: the dish and the decoration that complements it must be combined with each other. In fact, most often it is enough to adhere to the generally accepted combination of certain products, and the decoration itself should provide originality. So, potatoes - but in the form of mushrooms or buttercups - perfectly complement the meat. Lemon in the form of a rose or a butterfly will decorate fish and seafood dishes.

Very often, to achieve the best effect, you have to limit the number of decorations. Some dishes look much better in their natural form. If the main thing, the “crown” dish is beautifully decorated and looks great, you should not underestimate the effect it produces, overloading the rest of the dishes with all sorts of decorations.

Location of individual elements
Think carefully about where and how all the decor elements will be located. Remember that any dish with decoration attracts much more attention than without it. Choose dishes that cannot compete in beauty with the food you have prepared and decorated.

Color harmony To make your decorations look more spectacular, resort to contrasting color combinations. For green, use vegetables such as leeks, cucumbers, parsley or watercress, orange for carrots, red for tomatoes or beet juice, white for hard-boiled eggs or turnips. Everything else will be completed by your imagination. It is also useful to have patrel seasoning in the kitchen: it can be used to color neutral-colored vegetables, such as potatoes, brown.

Clarity, Accuracy and AccuracyYour jewelry will be attractive if it is carefully crafted. When cutting out individual parts of jewelry from products, make sure that the lines of decorative cutouts are clear and concise, use, if possible, various kinds of molds for notching. Sharpen your knives regularly. In addition, before serving dishes, do not forget to wipe the edges of the plates.

Products Used
The base foods used to make jewelry are not always meant to be eaten. For the manufacture of various jewelry and their parts are very often used raw foods, which cannot be cooked, as they lose their decorative qualities. For example, raw, and therefore hard, potatoes or turnips are used to create white flowers, and red flowers are cut from raw beets. The same applies to carrots, which must be raw and fresh so that various sculptural forms can be easily made from them. Lettuce leaves, bay leaves, mint, chives, leek shoots, cucumber or bell pepper skins can all be used successfully to make leaves and stems of culinary flowers. And finally, lemons, oranges, watermelons, melons easily turn into all kinds of baskets, sailboats, funny animals.

Combination of flavor and color
Color, as a rule, serves as one of the means of creating or emphasizing the taste of food. If you need to resort to dyes, use natural products pleasant in color and taste. For example, to tint vegetables, saffron and other spices (paprika, curry) are used, and ketchup is added to give the desired color to sauces, in particular mayonnaise, tomato paste. In addition, mayonnaise, which is often served with cold fish, fresh vegetables or hard-boiled eggs, can be dyed green with parsley juice or by adding finely chopped spinach leaves.

For hot dishes, decorations are prepared in advance. After all, they must be placed as quickly as possible before the food has cooled down. Otherwise, it will lose most of its palatability.

Immediately before serving dishes of fish, meat, grilled or skewered poultry, “walk” over them with a brush slightly moistened with vegetable oil. This will add a shine to the toasted crust and make the dishes even more appetizing. To enhance the color and shine of cold dishes and snacks, they are covered with a thin layer of edible gelatin.

Sprinkle the mixture over the meat on both sides. Leave for 30 minutes in a cold place. Heat oil in a frying pan. Fry until golden brown as many pieces of pork as will fit in the pan. Postpone. Roast the next batch. When all the meat is ready, put it in a frying pan, pour over the wine, hold for a minute over high heat, then reduce the heat, cover and cook until soft, 20-30 minutes.

The liquid should reach the viscosity of a syrup. Otherwise, transfer the pork to a plate and do not let it cool, and boil the liquid until the desired consistency is reached.

Drizzle pork with gravy and garnish with coriander leaves.

Pork with apples


2 apples
1 carrot
2 onions
300g pork fillet
vegetable oil
curry seasoning
green onion
ground black pepper

1. Wash the apples, cut into two parts, remove the core, and cut the pulp into slices. Peel the onion from the husk, cut into thin half rings.

2. Cut the pork fillet into portions, beat, salt, sprinkle with curry seasoning, pepper and fry in vegetable oil until tender.

3. Cut the carrots into thin sticks. Fry apples, onions and carrots in vegetable oil.

When serving, garnish the dish with green onions.

4. Glossary of terms

Entrecote- the back of the beef carcass (thick edge), used for cooking steaks, rump steaks, fillets, beef stroganoff and entrecote.
Anchovies- small oily sea fish, has great taste, used for cold snacks.
anchovy oil- anchovies, freed from skin and bones, rubbed through a sieve along with butter.
artichokes- dessert vegetables used to prepare clear soups and side dishes, as well as second courses with sour cream sauce, bechamel sauce, sabayon or any other egg-butter sauce.
Bechamel - milk sauce of various density, made from sautéed flour and boiled milk.
Blanching- boiling the product in boiling water for 4-5 minutes to remove foreign odor from it or to make it a little softer.
Bouzhenina - large piece pork, roasted in the oven,
skewer- a rod for roasting meat over a fire.
Whisk- bring the semi-liquid product to a fluffy state with a whisk or a whisk (creams, mousses, proteins, cream, etc. are whipped).
Water bath- dishes half-filled with water, in which molds with various products are placed, and brought to readiness.
Oppression, or press- the load placed on the product (liquid curd, baked eggplant etc.) to remove excess moisture.
Toast-pieces white bread(without crust), cut into various shapes and dried in the oven. Served with pureed soups, broths.
Jelly- gelatinous food. It is sweet when hot syrup with fruit juice tighten with gelatin, giving it a gelatinous consistency, and salty, when the clarified broth is tightened with dissolved gelatin, sometimes tinting food coloring.
tint- create on baked or fried product golden crust.
Breaded- roll in flour or breadcrumbs the prepared product before frying.
Tighten- make a product of a jelly-like consistency by pouring into it starch or gelatin, or lezon, or flour sauteed dissolved in water.
Batter- a type of dough with a liquid consistency. It is prepared from fluffy beaten eggs, flour, milk, salt, sugar and a small amount of vegetable oil. Used to coat food before frying.
Watercress- a variety of green salads with small leaves.
Croquettes- a culinary product made from boiled cereals or potatoes, mashed and seasoned with egg, salt, pepper. Croquettes are shaped into balls, truncated cylinders, sealed in white breadcrumbs and fried in fat.
Marinade - cold sauce from chopped vegetables sautéed in olive or vegetable oil, seasoned with vinegar, salt, sugar and spices. Is used for cold fish, vegetables.
chop- cut vegetables into desired shape.

stuffed- make punctures with a chef's needle

Along the fibers and put into the hole the sticks of root crops, bacon.

fight off- beat the pieces with a wooden mallet raw meat or fish to loosen the fabric and make the pieces thinner.
recline- pour boiled products into a colander or sieve to drain water.
Pull back- to lighten cloudy broth with improper cooking. Clarified with a mixture of finely chopped sinewy meat mixed with chilled water and egg whites.
Passer- bring vegetables to readiness in hot fat without changing their color.
let in- bring food to readiness in a small amount of fat broth or water.
deep frying- a mixture of cow's lard and vegetable oil, used for frying potatoes and other foods in a large amount of fat.

5. Conclusion

The art of cooking has a rich centuries-old history, reflecting the most ancient branch of human activity, its material culture, bringing together the experience and skills of cooking different peoples that have come down to our time.

Meat cooking has about the same long history. At first, the meat was eaten raw, then they began to fry over a fire, boil, stew ... Today, several hundred different dishes can be prepared from meat.

The meat processing industry is also progressing. In the traditional sausage production, the manufacture of semi-finished products, canned food, new trends appear every year. So, recently one of the meat processing giants released New Product- sausage snacks, which are much healthier than chips or crackers.

Since those ancient times, not only the recipes and technologies for preparing meat dishes and products have changed, but the meat itself has changed. The reason for this is changes in the environment, so modern "butchers" and "sausage makers" are looking for new ways of processing and manufacturing meat products.

Theme of my term paper reflects food industry industry. The scope and nature of the catering services is determined by the type of enterprise, its capacity, location, specific working conditions and the range of dishes produced.

Based on this, we can conclude that the cook must develop a delicate and well-developed taste, because without this, even the most accurate observance of recipes and technological rules will not allow him to cook delicious and nutritious meals. The success of the business is decided by bringing the dish to taste, that is, adding sometimes the smallest amounts of sugar, salt, pepper, vinegar, spices, etc. to it.

6. List of used literature

Regulatory Literature

1. Law of the Russian Federation on the protection of consumer rights of 07/09/1996

2. Law of the Russian Federation on the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population of March 12, 1999

3. Law of the Russian Federation on quality and safety food products from 1.12.1999

additional literature

1. A. Korsunskaya "Meat Dishes" Moscow "Astrel" 2000

2. V. Davydov "Meat dishes" Talin "Valgus" 1994

3. N.M. Danilevsky " modern kitchen» Moscow "Tekhnika" 2000

4. M. Klimentova " Delicious dishes from meat "Prague "Avmzenum" 2000

5. Verlag fur de frau "Learning to cook deliciously" GDR "Leipzig" 2002