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Sugar mastic for cakes. Mastic confectionery

Modern cooking cannot be imagined without mastic confectionery. not only attracts the eye, but is also very delicious product. Nevertheless, four centuries ago, people did not suspect what cake mastic was. In the 16th century, this sweet became popular among confectioners in Western Europe. However, at that time, purely sweets were made from it.

What is mastic for cake and pastries, the world learned closer to the 20th century. Today, this decoration is used in the preparation of sweets even more often than icing.

What is mastic?

For cake and other types of sweets, this substance plays the role of coating and decoration, as it has a pasty, elastic consistency. Thanks to this, confectioners can easily give their products any shape. It is important to understand that only dense cakes (based on several layers of cakes) can withstand the weight of the mastic.

The composition of this confectionery product can be varied. The only ingredient that is necessarily included in the mastic is powdered sugar. Otherwise, the composition may include starch, and protein, and gelatin, and marzipan, and marshmallows, and many other products. Dyes and flavorings are often used in wide production.

There are a lot of recipes for making mastic, so each person can look for a suitable option for himself to make it with his own hands. You do not need to take a special master class for this. A mastic cake is prepared at home in a matter of hours.

It should also be noted that in itself this decoration is very high-calorie. There are about 393 cal per 100 grams of product.

Variety of mastic

Today, powdered sugar decorations can be found in any confectionery and even grocery store. It is also quite possible to cook them at home. However, before that, it is important to distinguish between the types of mastic mass: gelatin, honey, marzipan, milk, flower. A separate variation of the product is the industrial type.

Gelatin mass in some recipes is called pastilage. Such mastic hardens very quickly, remaining elastic and firm. This effect is achieved thanks to the base of the decoration - gelatin. This option is ideal for cutting flowers and small details.

The next type of mastic is made not from sugar, but from honey. Thanks to this, the mass is very soft, but after drying it does not crumble.

Milk mastic is considered one of the most popular types of cake decorations. With the prepared mass, you can not only cover the entire upper cake, but also fashion small simple figures from it. The main ingredient is

Marzipan mastic is considered the softest in consistency. It should be rolled out in a thin layer, which will eventually cover the cake. On the other hand, it is not suitable for sculpting figures and even inscriptions.

The best option for complex products of mastic is the floral appearance. From such a mass, you can make both a large rosebud and small snowdrops. In any case, it will not lose its appearance and shape.

Industrial mastic is used for cakes in a wide distribution. It is impossible to cook it at home. This mastic is suitable for wrapping the cake, and for decorating it. The appearance is often prettier and brighter than when made at home, as various industrial dyes and other additives are used in the industry.

Basics of making mastic

In order to make a sugar mass, you need to take care of the availability of some tools that should always be at hand. First, it's a rolling pin and a wooden board. In fact, any flat and dry surface, including a table, is suitable for manufacturing. Also at hand should be cling film, a round sharp knife, a ruler, molds and various accessories (ribbons, beads, etc.).

Before cooking, it is important to understand what mastic is. For a cake, this is a decoration, but not its basis or layer.

Most often, mastic is made from powdered sugar, water, lemon juice and gelatin, but there are options. Many confectioners advise adding oil and glycerin to the mass so that the mixture does not dry out very quickly.

All ingredients are added to deep enamel pan or a bowl. Mix for about 15 minutes until smooth. It is allowed to sprinkle the finished mass with starch or powder to prevent sticking to a wooden surface and hands. The rest of the mastic should be stored in cling film so that it doesn't dry out.

To proceed only after the top layer of the cream has completely hardened. It is recommended that the confection be covered with a dry biscuit or marzipan mass.

homemade mastic recipe

For the cake, it is customary to use gelatin, marshmallow or milk mass. The first option is the most budgetary, but the other two are the most airy and delicious.

1. Home mastic for a gelatin cake, in addition to the protein “fixer” itself (2 teaspoons), it consists of the following ingredients: 450 g of powdered sugar and 50 ml of water.

For cooking, you will need two deep enameled bowls. In the first, cold water and gelatin powder are mixed. In the second, sift the powder. After the mass has swollen in the first bowl, it must be held for several minutes in a water bath. The next step is to add powder to the mixture. The finished mass is rolled into a ball and wrapped in cling film.

2. Marshmallow mastic is suitable for sculpting simple figures and pouring the top cake. By consistency, it should be soft and viscous. The composition of the ingredients includes: 200 g of regular marshmallow, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of water, 100 g of powdered sugar. Food coloring can be added if desired. In this recipe, marshmallows play the role of gelatin.

For quick preparation of this type of mastic, you need a microwave oven. Zephyr is filled with water and pounded with a fork. Then the mass is placed in the microwave for 1 minute. After the marshmallow is completely melted, sifted powdered sugar is added to it. As soon as the mass begins to resemble plasticine in consistency, the mastic will be ready for modeling. However, confectioners advise home cooks not to rush into modeling and leave the mixture in the freezer for half an hour.

3. Milk mastic is very popular with most housewives because of its richness and sweetness. In consistency, it will be similar to marshmallow. The composition of the ingredients includes: 200 g of condensed milk, 250 g of powdered sugar, 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. You can also add 5 ml of cognac to the mastic.

The preparation of a condensed mass is reduced to mixing all the ingredients to a homogeneous viscous consistency.

Processing and storage of mastic

At home, you can easily color the sweet mass. To do this, you need the right color. It should be added only at the stage of initial mixing of the ingredients. If you try to do this procedure after preparing the mastic, the color will be uneven.

To give the mass a light shade, you can also use the juice of spinach, beets or carrots.

from mastic

The most popular today are confectionery products with the addition of fresh apples, citrus fruits, berries and other plant products. Also very popular are mastic fruit cakes for a year for a child. This option kills two birds with one stone - both tasty and colorful, which is what children need.

The composition of the dough includes: 150 g of shortbread cookies, 125 g of butter, 60 g of milk chocolate.

For cream and layer you will need: 450 g of fat-free yogurt, 200 ml of cream, 20 g of vanilla and cappuccino powder, 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of gelatin added to taste. Jelly can be used instead.

Fruit mastic cake step by step:

1. Cookies are crushed to a powder, mixed with butter and melted chocolate.

2. The form is generously lubricated. You can not sprinkle its edges with flour or powder.

3. The resulting mass of cookies is placed in a mold, then in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

4. To prepare the layer, all the appropriate ingredients are mixed. The liquid mass is placed in the refrigerator.

5. The cookie dough is rolled into cakes. Bake only on low heat.

6. On ready-made cakes fruits and cream are laid out.

For such a cake, milk mastic is best suited. Figures can be made ahead of time.

Sponge mastic cakes

Do-it-yourself mastic biscuit cakes can be prepared in just 1 hour. To do this, you will need the following ingredients: 4 eggs, 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, sugar, flour, baking powder and cocoa powder, 1 tbsp. spoons of poppy seeds, raisins and chopped nuts. The cream contains only 400 g of butter and 800 g of condensed milk.

Sponge mastic cake step by step:

1. To prepare the cakes, all the ingredients for the dough are mixed.

2. The resulting mass is poured into the mold. Bake at 180 degrees.

3. Soak the cakes with cream and butter in a ratio of 2 to 1.

4. The edges of the cake can be decorated with chopped nuts.

For a biscuit product, marshmallow mastic is better suited. It is not recommended to install figurines on ground nuts or raisins.

Layered mastic cakes

To prepare such confectionery, it will not be superfluous to go through the following master class. Mastic Cake puff cakes requires the presence of products such as 650 g of flour, 400 g of butter, 2 eggs, 150 ml of water, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cognac and vinegar, salt. The main ingredients of the cream are milk (750 ml), egg yolk (4 pcs.), sugar (200 g) and butter (120 g). Also in the layer, you can add 50 g of flour and 1 tbsp. vanilla spoon.

To get started to cook puff cakes from mastic with your own hands, you should mix vinegar, cognac and water in a glass. Then do the same procedure with eggs and salt in a small bowl. After that, both masses are mixed until smooth. At the final stage, oil and flour are added to the mixture. Ready dough is divided into 12 parts (future cakes). In parallel is done custard in the oven at 220 degrees.

The cake should be well layered. For decoration, ordinary gelatin mastic is suitable.

If the mastic does not roll well, it can be slightly warmed up.

Installing figures is best on a layer butter cream or marzipan.

Unused mastic in the film should not be stored for more than 2 months.

When they talk about mastic, the children's game of "edible-inedible" comes to mind. This concept, indeed, has different meanings. The word "mastic" does not raise questions among those who were engaged in home repairs. But it also has a different meaning, which is not familiar to everyone. Let's try to figure out what mastic is, what are its varieties, and where they are used.

Inedible mastic

A mastic tree that grows in Greece has been known for a very long time. Its resin, called mastic, is used in cosmetology and perfumery. From it make medicinal tinctures used for gum disease. This resin is the basis of varnishes imitating gilding for coating various surfaces.

Mastics are also used in repair, construction, restoration work. There are many varieties of mastic (window, zinc, bituminous, roofing). It is needed for leveling surfaces, sealing seams, sticking various materials (linoleum, parquet). There is a mastic that covers the bottom of cars from corrosion. Polishing mastics are used in the furniture industry.

What is mastic made of? Various substances are used in production: gypsum, lime, sand, clay, wax, resins, oils, glass.

Mastic confectionery

And now let's talk about delicious mastic. The main quality of confectionery mastic is decorative. What is cake fondant? This is a substance that resembles plasticine or putty (hence the name). Due to its plasticity, any shapes can be molded from it to decorate confectionery. To make them bright, they add to the mastic food colorings.

What is confectionery mastic made of? You can cook it yourself. Mastic is made from powdered sugar (the main ingredient), mixed depending on the type of mastic with marshmallows (candies resembling marshmallow), gelatin or milk (milk mastic), and even chocolate (chocolate). A little starch and butter are also added.

The most interesting thing is a cake completely covered with mastic, decorated with colored figures. Sold special tools for working with mastic. The cake layers should be dry (for example, a biscuit), and the cream should by no means be liquid (oil or jam will do): mastic does not like moisture. How to grease the mastic so that the surface of the cake shines, choose for yourself. Can be coated with protein or food varnish. Also use a mixture of honey with cognac or vodka in equal proportions.

Knowing about all the variety of mastics and their areas of application, choose which kind of mastic you may need.

A perfectly flat surface of the cake, almost like living edible flowers and figurines of your favorite cartoon characters - all this can be done from sugar dough (mastic). Working with this material is no more difficult than with ordinary plasticine, and it can be prepared from the simplest and most affordable products. Mastic for the cake is made in different ways: from chewing marshmallows or powdered milk, on honey, on condensed milk or on gelatin.

This is the most popular and easiest mastic recipe. It requires a minimum of ingredients to make it. finished product then you can use it both for covering the cake, and for making flowers, and for sculpting various figures.

Since chewing marshmallows are often already colored in different colors, colored mastic can also be prepared without dyes, simply by taking the sweetness of the desired color as a basis.

List of ingredients used:

  • 90 g marshmallows;
  • 15 ml lemon juice or milk;
  • 100 g of powdered sugar;
  • 50 g of starch;
  • 5 g butter.

Mastic recipe step by step:

  1. Mix powdered sugar and starch, sift the resulting mixture through a fine sieve. If the mastic will be rolled out very thinly, for example, for flowers, then it is better to sift it not through an ordinary sieve, but through a piece of organza.
  2. Put marshmallows in a deep bowl, butter and pour in milk (lemon juice). Next, these ingredients need to be melted. This can be done in a steam bath or in the microwave.
  3. Mix the melted marshmallows until smooth and, adding small portions of the sugar-starch mixture, knead the mastic like dough. Wrap a smooth ball of mastic with cling film so that it does not wind up, and let it lie down for at least an hour. After that, it is completely ready for use.

Store marshmallow mastic in the refrigerator, without access to air, tightly wrapping it with a film. Before use, you will need to let her lie down for a couple of hours with room temperature.

Cooking with egg whites

The basis of any mastic is powdered sugar, but more is required additional component that will hold it together. Egg whites do this very well.

But in order for the mass to remain plastic, glucose syrup must be added to it, which can be replaced with molasses, invert syrup or liquid honey.

Proportions of ingredients:

  • 1 protein;
  • 1 ml glucose syrup;
  • 450 g of powdered sugar.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Beat the protein lightly. It is not necessary to achieve foam and peaks, it will be enough just to break its structure, making it liquid.
  2. Mix the protein with syrup and knead the sugar dough, adding small portions of sweet powder.
  3. Mixed and balled mastic, put it in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator for two hours.
  4. Then take out the mastic and knead again. If it sticks to your hands, add powdered sugar. After that, the mass is completely ready for use.

Gelatin based recipe

The simplest gelatin mastic recipe includes only three ingredients: powdered sugar, water and gelatin. But from such a mass it will be too difficult to mold something, and it is not suitable for wrapping a cake. The only worthy use of this mass is the modeling of basket handles, bridges and other simple elements that must be rigid.

But there is another version of gelatin mastic, which is not inferior in quality to the marshmallow mass:

  • 20 g of gelatin;
  • 50 ml of water;
  • 100 ml glucose syrup;
  • 20 ml of glycerin;
  • 1000 g of powdered sugar (may take less).


  1. Soak gelatin in water. When the mass swells, put it on fire and bring it to a state of a homogeneous liquid.
  2. Pour glucose syrup into gelatin and heat for 3-4 minutes to make the mixture homogeneous.
  3. Remove the composition from the fire, add glycerin and some flavor (for example, vanillin).
  4. Sift some of the powdered sugar and make a well in it. Pour in the hot liquid component and quickly knead the mass. You need to knead the mastic very carefully so as not to burn your hands.

Chocolate mastic for cake

Chocolate mastic is by far the sweetest. Flowers and figurines from it smell like chocolate, and it tastes no worse than your favorite sweets. In the preparation of chocolate for modeling, you will additionally need glucose syrup, which can be replaced with liquid honey.

The main difficulty in making shocomastics is that chocolate and honey are different, so the exact proportions of their ratio do not exist, they can only be found empirically.

The approximate ratio of ingredients will be as follows:

  • 250 g dark / milk / white chocolate;
  • 130/110/90 g of honey for each type of chocolate, respectively.


  1. Melt the chocolate until a smooth homogeneous mixture. This will happen when heated to 50 - 60 degrees. Heat honey to the same temperature.
  2. Add honey to chocolate and stir. The mass should “curl” and turn into a flowing dough that will not stick to the walls of the dish.
  3. Spread the chocolate over the cling film in a thin layer and cover with another piece of cling film on top. With a ruler, make notches into portioned squares and leave the workpiece to stabilize at room temperature for 12 hours.
  4. Then break off small pieces of chocolate mastic, knead it well in your hands and use it to create sweet figures and flowers. If the mastic in the work sticks to the hands, this means that there is little honey in it. It can be saved by melting and adding a little liquid product beekeeping.

To make chocolate mastic suitable for covering cakes, it is enough to mix it with mastic prepared on chewing marshmallows. This will help keep chocolate flavor and the required plasticity.

From milk powder

Less sugar is obtained from milk powder mastic. A pleasant moment will be the fact that in the process of its preparation it will not be necessary to heat or melt anything.

Milk mastic ingredients will be required in the following proportions:

  • 150 g of powdered milk;
  • 150 g of powdered sugar;
  • 150 g of condensed milk;
  • 5 ml lemon juice.

How to make mastic from powdered milk:

  1. Mix powdered sugar with milk powder and sift through a fine mesh sieve.
  2. Next, pour condensed milk and lemon juice into the dry mixture in a thin stream, knead an elastic sweet dough.
  3. After half an hour of stabilization in the refrigerator, the mastic can be used for its intended purpose.
  4. If necessary, it can be colored with food coloring by dropping a few drops on the mastic and kneading well.

How to make from condensed milk

Condensed milk makes the sweet mass quite plastic. This allows not only to sculpt figures from mastic, but also to cover cakes and pastries with it.

Together with powdered sugar, you can take baby food, powdered cream or powdered milk as a base.

Composition of mastic based on condensed milk:

  • 110 g of condensed milk;
  • 100 g of powdered sugar;
  • 100 g baby food(dry milk or cream);
  • 5 ml lemon juice;
  • starch.

Sequence of actions:

  1. Mix condensed milk and dry ingredients (powdered sugar and baby food). At the end add lemon juice.
  2. Sprinkle the working surface of the table with starch, put on it a viscous mass, which was obtained in the previous stage, and knead until smooth. After spending 40 - 60 minutes in the refrigerator, the mastic will be ready.

Sugar mastic for cake

Any mastic in which powdered sugar acts as the basis of sweet dough refers to sugar. Above were the recipes for sugar mastic on gelatin, marshmallow and on egg whites... But there is another, less popular, recipe for delicious fruit-flavored marmalade-based mastic.

For its preparation you will need:

  • 700 g of powdered sugar;
  • 250 g marmalade;
  • 50 ml water or fruit juice.

The recipe for making mastic in stages:

  1. Prescription amount of marmalade cut into smaller slices, pour them cold water or fruit juice and send to languish in the steam bath. It is necessary to warm the mixture to 60 degrees and a homogeneous gelatinous state.
  2. Next, pouring the resulting liquid into the recess on the sifted powdered sugar slide, knead the plastic sugar mastic. This mass hardens and dries quickly, so during operation, it must be placed in cling film and placed next to a heat source.

Honey preparation option

Honey mastic is prepared from simple and available ingredients that can be found in every kitchen. By consistency, it is suitable for any application (covering a cake, sculpting figurines and creating flower arrangements).

An important point: the lighter the honey, the whiter the sugar mass will turn out.

Required products and their proportions:

  • 15 g instant gelatin in granules;
  • 45 ml of water;
  • 125 ml of liquid honey;
  • 950 g of powdered sugar.


  1. Pour gelatin with water and leave for the time indicated on the package. Then add honey to it and send these products to a steam bath or melt everything in microwave oven short impulses.
  2. Combine the liquid base with powdered sugar, after sifting it, and knead the sweet dough. So that the finished edible plasticine does not dry out and does not absorb foreign odors, it should be stored in a tightly closed bag.

The shelf life of honey mastic at room temperature, in the refrigerator and freezer is 3, 6 and 12 months, respectively.

"Flower" mastic for the cake do it yourself

Mastic for sugar floristry should have the following properties: do not crumble, do not tear, dry quickly enough and keep the shape well.

Paste that meets these requirements can be obtained from the following products:

  • 40 ml of drinking water;
  • 15 g of gelatin in granules;
  • 15 ml syrup (invert, corn, glucose or jam);
  • 10 g of fat (butter, margarine, cooking oil, coconut oil and any other solid fat without foreign odors);
  • 5 ml of alcohol (liquor);
  • 475 g of powdered sugar;
  • 25 g starch.

Cooking steps:

  1. Put syrup, fat and alcohol on the slowest fire. Avoid boiling mass, bring it to a liquid homogeneous state.
  2. Remove the hot mixture from the heat and transfer the gelatin swollen in water to it, stir. Under the influence of temperature, the gelatin will completely “disperse”.
  3. Combine powdered sugar with starch and liquid base, carefully knead the mastic.
  4. Lubricate a tight bag (for example, for freezing) inside with soft butter and transfer the mastic into it. If possible, release all the air and let the mass lie down for 24 hours.
  5. After that, you can start creating sugar flower arrangements.

marzipan decoration

Marzipan mastic tends to lie on the cake in a very thin and even layer, so it is suitable not only for sculpting figures, but also for covering desserts. The ratio of powdered sugar and powdered almonds gives the mass a moderate sweetness and nutty taste.

For one portion of the plastic mass of marzipan, you need to take:

  • 300 g ground almonds;
  • 400 g of powdered sugar;
  • 2 egg whites;
  • 2-3 drops of almond or vanilla extract.

How to do:

  1. Grind the dried and peeled almonds in a coffee grinder very finely, sifting it through a very fine sieve. Mix the resulting powder with powdered sugar.
  2. Mix egg whites with flavoring and shake a little with a fork. Then pour the resulting mixture to the bulk components and knead the sweet plastic mass. Marzipan mastic is ready.

How to make mastic colored or shiny

In order for a self-made cake with mastic not to be inferior in beauty to the creations of eminent confectioners, the sweet mass for covering and sculpting will need to be painted in different colors. For this purpose, you can use both professional food paints and dyes from improvised means.

  1. To color the mastic with gel food coloring, you need to break off a piece of white mastic, drop a few drops of dye on it and knead well. The color will be evenly distributed, and the mass will be colored. For a more intense color, more dye may be required.
  2. When staining with dry dyes, they need to be diluted a little with vodka (it evaporates quickly) and mixed with mastic. It will not work here to achieve an intense color, because a large number of dye will increase the amount of moisture in the mass, and it will begin to lose its properties.
  3. If food coloring is not in the arsenal of a home confectioner, you can color the mastic with fruit and berry juices (carrots, cherries, beets, spinach, blueberries) or spices (cocoa powder, turmeric, paprika).

In the process of working with mastic, it is often necessary to dust it with starch or powdered sugar so that it does not stick to the working surface of the table. Because of this, particles of powder may remain on the cake, which spoil appearance products.

To prevent this from happening, you need to moisten an artificial bristle brush in vodka and go through the mastic details with it. All dust particles will go away, and the mastic will become glossy and shiny. Alcohol evaporates in minutes.

Cooks use mastic to decorate holiday cakes and goodies. With its help, they give confectionery various forms. Consider how to make mastic for a cake with your own hands.

Decorations made of mastic will turn an ordinary cake into a work of culinary art. It is easy to mold various figures, flowers, leaves and even whole flower arrangements from the sweet mass. The most skilled chefs manage to create decorations so beautiful that people who are honored to taste a cake or a pie feel sorry for them.

At first glance, it seems that it is not difficult to prepare high-quality mastic. However, the first attempts of most beginners end in failure. To obtain good result You need to be patient and practice. At first, I recommend experimenting with a small amount of mastic. Ultimately, learn how to prepare a plastic mass that is similar in consistency to plasticine.

For the preparation of mastic, various ingredients are used - lemon juice, gelatin, powdered sugar, marshmallows, chocolate and other products. The finished mass is kneaded on a table sprinkled with powder or starch.

For tinting, dyes of a natural nature are used - the juice of beets, spinach, carrots and berries. Factory-made food coloring from the store will also work. Use mastic to decorate the cake should be after the cream has hardened. It is best to apply the mixture on a dry biscuit or on top of marzipan mass.

Now I will present step by step recipes, which I myself use to make mastic.

Mastic based on vegetable oil


Servings: 5

  • powdered sugar 500 g
  • gelatin 1 st. l.
  • egg white 1 PC
  • vegetable oil 2 tbsp. l.
  • water 30 ml
  • glucose 1 st. l.

per serving

Calories: 393 kcal

Proteins: 0 g

Fats: 1 g

Carbohydrates: 96 g

30 minutes. Video recipe Print

    Pour the ox into a small bowl, pour in the gelatin, stir and wait until it swells. After gelatin dissolve in a water bath and cool well.

    Combine gelatin with glucose, vegetable oil, egg white and powdered sugar. After mixing with a spatula, mix the resulting mass thoroughly to become homogeneous.

    Roll the mastic into a ball, put in a bag and leave for several hours. Then knead the mass well and you can start sculpting or rolling.

Recipe number 2

The second recipe is simpler, but the mastic prepared according to it is ideal for decorating cakes, biscuits and other baked goods.


  • Water - 50 ml.
  • Gelatin - 2 teaspoons.
  • Powdered sugar - 0.5 kg.


  1. Pour gelatin into a bowl, add water and stir. Then dissolve in a water bath and wait until it cools down.
  2. Pour gelatin into the sifted icing sugar and mix well. In the end it will homogeneous mass, which, as in the first case, roll into a ball and put in a bag.

You got the first idea of ​​​​how to make your own cake fondant. As you can see, there is nothing difficult in preparing the sweet mass. Excessive stickiness will help to remove the addition of powdered sugar.

The best mastic recipes at home

Culinary fondant is a wonderful decorative material used to decorate cakes, muffins and pies. Decorated pastries easily become a true work of art. It is not surprising that every novice decorator is interested in how to make mastic at home.

The preparation of professional mastic involves the use of special ingredients, which are not easy to acquire. But, this is not a reason for worry and frustration. You can cook from more affordable products.

Milk mastic based on condensed milk

The most versatile is milk mastic, characterized by ease of use. It is great for wrapping cakes and creating edible figures. It is not difficult to make such a milk mass at home based on condensed milk.


  • Condensed milk - 100 g.
  • Powdered sugar - 150 g.
  • Powdered milk- 150 g.
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Combine condensed milk with powdered milk and powder. Sift the quick ingredients thoroughly. Knead the mastic until it is no longer sticky.
  2. Pour in the lemon juice. If the result is too sticky - add a little powdered sugar, if too viscous - add a mixture of powdered milk in equal proportions.
  3. It remains to wrap the mixture in a film and keep in the refrigerator for at least twelve hours. Before work, the edible material is slightly warmed up and kneaded.

Delicious chocolate mastic

Now I will teach you how to make very tasty chocolate mastic. If you use for cooking White chocolate and dyes, it will turn out to decorate the cake with all the colors of the rainbow.


  • Dark chocolate without additives - 200 g.
  • Liquid honey - 4 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Melt chocolate in the microwave. Add honey and mix well. After the mass has solidified, put it on a covered film flat surface.
  2. Knead the chocolate paste thoroughly for ten minutes. Then put in a bag and leave for thirty minutes. After time, the mastic will become suitable for decorating confectionery.

Video recipe

Sweet mass is stored in the refrigerator for two months. If put in the freezer, the shelf life will increase to one year.

How to make marshmallow fondant

A cake skillfully decorated with mastic is considered culinary masterpiece. No wonder, because it looks bright, original and very beautiful. Step-by-step instruction making mastic from marshmallows, dispel the myth of what to create beautiful cake impossible at home. All you need is a ready-made decoration and a good idea cake.


  • Chewing marshmallow (marshmallow) - 200 g.
  • Powdered sugar - 400 g.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. a spoon.
  • Butter - 1 teaspoon.
  • Food colorings.


  1. Put marshmallows in a container for heating, add lemon juice and butter. Send the dishes with marshmallows to the microwave or oven for about one minute. This time is enough for the marshmallow to increase in volume.
  2. Add dye, thanks to which the mastic will get color. You can decorate cakes and sculpt figures using white mass.
  3. Start mixing. Add powdered sugar little by little and mix well. When mixing with a spoon becomes difficult, put the mass on the table, pour in the powder and knead until it loses stickiness.
  4. Put the finished mastic in a plastic bag and send it to the refrigerator for several hours to rest. You can keep it in the refrigerator until needed.
  5. Reheat slightly in the oven before use and knead again. Then it will become suitable for decorating New Year's cakes and sculpting sweet figurines.

Videos cooking

I am overwhelmed with hope that after reading the instructions, you will not have difficulty decorating cakes. In addition, this little culinary guide will be an excellent base for experiments.

Marshmallow mastic

Many housewives use marshmallows, called marshmallows, to make mastic. It is not sold everywhere, unlike ordinary marshmallows.

Marshmallow-based mastic is great for creating original and unusual decorations that are often found on cakes. We are talking about various figurines and edible products of arbitrary shape. A cake decorated with such figures is a wonderful gift for the New Year or birthday.


  • Zephyr - 200 g.
  • Powdered sugar - 300 g.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. a spoon.


  1. Divide marshmallows into halves, which are heated in the microwave. Twenty seconds is enough.
  2. Zephyr connect with lemon juice, powdered sugar and mix thoroughly.
  3. Wrap the sweet substance in a film and refrigerate for about forty minutes.

Agree, making marshmallow mastic at home is just quick. As a result, mold various figures, flowers and other objects from it to decorate desserts.

How to cover the cake with fondant correctly

I devote the final part of the article to creating figurines, decorating cakes and confectionery subtleties. If you want pastries and desserts to look great, be sure to listen to the recommendations.

To create clear and beautiful figures, you will need special equipment - curly knives, various cuttings and shapes. The tool helps to create jewelry of unsurpassed beauty.

According to experienced chefs, for the preparation of mastic you will need finely ground powdered sugar. As a result, the layers will not break during operation, which will reduce cooking time and simplify preparation for the New Year, birthday and any other holiday.

Apply the mastic on a dry base to completely eliminate the possibility of melting the material, which is characterized by enviable tenderness. To connect the figures, lightly moisten the sweet mass.

To cover a delicious cake with soft mastic correctly, put the sweetness on a circle with a rotary mechanism. It is recommended to roll out the mass on a powdered surface to a thickness of five millimeters. The layer of mastic should be larger than the diameter of the cake.

You can use a rolling pin to place the mastic. Be sure to sprinkle your hands with starch. Initially, level the layer of sweet mass on the surface of the dessert, and then cover the sides. Use a knife to cut off the excess.

If after making the cake the mastic remains, put it in a bag and send it to the refrigerator, where it will lie for up to two weeks.

The story came to an end on how to make mastic for a cake with your own hands. Using recipes and adhering to generally accepted rules, create a variety of delicacies on your own, which, in addition to taste and aroma, will please you with a beautiful appearance.

But no one says how this consumer well-being was achieved. After all, only the confectioners themselves see the composition of industrial mastic.

1. Sugar, glucose syrup- so far so good. Sugar must be included, glucose syrup too. Glucose is just a type of sugar that allows mastic to be elastic.

2. Water also does not cause concern.

3. Modified potato starch. He also hides under the name Thickener and additives E415, E1422, E466. Here is a little more difficult.

Additive E1422-E1422 is an acetylated distarch adipate (modified type starch) treated with adipic anhydrides and acetic acid. For some reason, in our country, this additive is recognized as absolutely safe, and it is used even in the production of baby food. But what is it really? It can greatly harm the pancreas, and even cause a terrible disease - pancreatic necrosis.

Modified starch slows down the processing of food, provokes bloating, indigestion, nausea and pain. In some cases, it causes a stoppage of the stomach and serious intoxication of the body.

4. Equivalent to cocoa butter, vegetable margarine. Here, probably, it is already clear to everyone. Now the cheapest and most common product behind these names is palm oil. Margarine uses stearin, one of the palm oil, whose melting point is 48-52 degrees. The harm of the product is due to the high content