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Soup pickle technological map. Technology for the preparation of pickles

AT Soviet times in almost any dining room they prepared pickle "Leningradsky". The dish was distinguished by its special composition and cooking technology. Most often included beef kidneys, salty barrel cucumbers, brine. Cooked the soup meat broth with the addition of browned vegetables and tomato paste. Cucumbers were necessarily peeled, and not only from the peel, but also from large seeds. Barley was cooked separately and put into the soup ready - it was easier to calculate its amount. Meat or kidneys were cut into pieces, which were put on a plate immediately before serving the dish to the table or at the distribution. Classic recipe has undergone many changes, various variations. Rassolnik "Leningradsky" is prepared from different cereals and types of meat, including chicken and chicken offal. Only the characteristic sour taste thick and flavorful soup.

Cooking features

Under the name "Rassolnik Leningradsky" are combined recipes for soup on meat broth with the addition of pickles and brine, which are considered classic. In order for the first dish to be worthy of this name, it must be prepared following certain rules.

  • Basic ingredients for pickle such as broth, pearl barley, sautéed vegetables, poached pickles are cooked separately from each other, after which they are mixed and brought to readiness. In this case, it is important to follow the sequence of adding the ingredients indicated in the recipe.
  • You should not refuse to use organ meats because they need a long preliminary preparation: they give the pickle a unique taste, while making the dish cheaper.
  • If you use beef kidneys to make pickle, they must be soaked in cold water to get rid of the bad smell. Soaking time is at least 3 hours. Water must be changed 3-4 times. After that, the kidneys are poured with clean water, brought to a boil, boiled for 5 minutes and the water is changed again. Pour again with clean water and cook until ready, it takes an hour.
  • Chicken ventricles, if they are involved in cooking, must be thoroughly washed to remove yellow films, otherwise they will turn out to be bitter and spoil the taste of the finished dish.
  • Pearl barley should be boiled separately. Pre-soaking the cereal in cool water will speed up the process. Thanks to this trick, the broth will remain transparent. Otherwise, the soup will turn out to be cloudy due to the high content of gluten in pearl barley.
  • Pickled cucumbers differ from salted cucumbers in taste; it is undesirable to use them for making pickle, as the soup will lose its characteristic taste because of this. Replacing cucumber pickle with marinade is also unacceptable.
  • Salt pickle should be shortly before its readiness. If you do this before introducing the brine and pickles, there is a risk of over-salting the dish.
  • If tomato paste is added to the soup, it must be fried.
  • When cooking pickle in Soviet canteens, margarine was most often used to prepare vegetable fry. It can be replaced with vegetable or butter, as well as their mixture. Butter allows you to give the soup delicate creamy notes, soften the piquant taste of pickles.

Pickle "Leningradsky" is usually served with sour cream. If you sprinkle the soup with fresh herbs, its taste and aroma will only benefit from this.

Rassolnik "Leningradsky" with kidneys

  • beef kidneys - 0.65 kg;
  • potatoes - 0.65 kg;
  • beef on the bone - 0.4 kg;
  • onions - 0.2 kg;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • pearl barley - 40 g;
  • pickles - 0.3 kg;
  • cucumber pickle - 125 ml;
  • tomato paste - 60 ml;
  • margarine - 45 g;
  • water - 2.5 l;
  • bay leaf, salt, pepper, fresh herbs - to taste;
  • sour cream (optional) - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Rinse pearl barley, pour a small amount of water, boil until tender.
  • Boil the pre-soaked kidneys, cool, cut into portions.
  • Pour beef with water, add bay leaf, peppercorns, carrots and one small onion. Salt lightly. Boil for an hour. When boiling, do not forget to remove the foam.
  • Take the meat out of the broth. For soup, it is no longer needed, it can be used to prepare other dishes, such as salads.
  • Strain the broth, discarding the vegetables.
  • Peel cucumbers, cut out areas with seeds. Cucumber pulp cut into thin strips.
  • Peel and cut the onion into small cubes.
  • Melt the margarine in a frying pan, using about half, put the onion in it. When it turns golden, add tomato paste, sauté it for 3-4 minutes.
  • In a separate pan in the remaining margarine, lightly fry the cucumbers, add the brine to them and simmer for 5 minutes.
  • Peel potatoes. Cut it into cubes of one and a half centimeters.
  • Boil the broth. Put potato cubes and barley in it. Boil 15 minutes.
  • Add fried vegetables and cucumbers, continue to cook for 5 minutes.
  • Salt and season the soup to taste. Add chopped greens. Boil the soup for 2-3 minutes, turn off the stove.
  • Infuse the pickle under the lid for 15-20 minutes.

When serving, you need to put a piece of a kidney in each plate, pour over the soup, add a spoonful of sour cream. The soup prepared according to the above recipe was often served in Soviet canteens, on the menu it was listed as "Rassolnik Leningrad".

Rassolnik "Leningradsky" with chicken ventricles

  • chicken ventricles- 0.3 kg;
  • chicken or meat broth - 1.5 l;
  • pickles - 0.2 kg;
  • cucumber pickle - 60 ml;
  • pearl barley - 40 g;
  • potatoes - 0.3 kg;
  • margarine - 40 g;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • tomato paste - 40 ml;
  • salt, pepper, sour cream, herbs - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Boil the broth. You can even make it from cubes.
  • Rinse well chicken stomachs, put in a saucepan, cover with water and boil for an hour. Remove, cool, cut into strips.
  • Rinse the barley and boil it until tender in a separate pan.
  • Peel the potatoes, cut into medium-sized bars.
  • Peel cucumbers, cut into thin strips.
  • Peel carrots and onions. Cut the onion into thin half rings, chop the carrots on a coarse grater.
  • Melt margarine in a frying pan, put carrots and onions in it, fry until soft.
  • Add cucumbers, fry for another 2-3 minutes.
  • Add tomato paste, fry it for 5 minutes along with vegetables.
  • Add brine, stew vegetables in it for 2-3 minutes.
  • Boil the broth, put potatoes and barley in it, cook for 15 minutes.
  • Add chicken ventricles and fried vegetables. Continue cooking 5 minutes.
  • insist ready soup covered for 10-15 minutes.

When serving pickle to the table, sprinkle it with chopped herbs, season with sour cream.

Pickle "Leningradsky" with meat

  • beef on the bone - 0.7 kg;
  • water - 2.5 l;
  • pearl barley - 60 g;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • cooking oil - 40 g;
  • pickles - 0.25 kg;
  • tomato paste - 40 ml;
  • potatoes - 0.4 kg;
  • brine - 125 ml;
  • salt, pepper, bay leaf - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the meat, cover with water, bring to a boil. Remove the foam, turn down the fire. Boil for an hour and a half. Half an hour before readiness, add pepper and bay leaf.
  • Remove the meat from the broth, cool, cut into medium-sized pieces and return to the pan.
  • Remove the skin from the onion. Cut the vegetable into small cubes.
  • Grind peeled cucumbers on a coarse grater.
  • Peel the carrots, grate coarsely.
  • Melt the fat in the pan. It can be replaced with vegetable or butter.
  • Fry onions with carrots, add tomato paste, fry it with vegetables for several minutes.
  • Pour in the cucumber pickle with chopped cucumbers, simmer the vegetables for 5 minutes.
  • Peel, cut potatoes into medium-sized cubes.
  • Boil pearl barley until tender.
  • Put potatoes and barley in boiling broth, cook for 15 minutes.
  • Add the rest of the ingredients, cook the pickle for another 10 minutes.

A meat pickle recipe similar to the one above can be found in cookbooks, in them it is called "Leningradsky". Compared to a similar soup, which includes kidneys, its preparation requires less time and effort.

Rassolnik "Leningradsky" is a culinary classic of the Soviet period. His recipes are based on traditional ones known since ancient times, but the cooking technology has been improved, as a result of which the famous dish of Russian cuisine has become even tastier and more appetizing.

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  • Introduction
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography


The technological process for the production of culinary products consists of a number of stages and operations, including the receipt and storage of raw materials, as well as the production ready meals and products and their sale. All operations technological process students do in practice.

All technological processes are considered in unity with the physical and chemical changes that occur in products during their primary and thermal processing.

Such a presentation of the material allows future specialists with methods and methods of managing technological processes in order to optimize them and obtain products with desired properties. The course material is presented on the basis of knowledge acquired by students in the study of general education and a number of related general technical and special disciplines.

The quality of finished food largely depends on the quality of raw materials. Therefore, the technology of cooking is closely related to commodity science. food products. The study of this discipline is necessary not only for assessing the (nutritional) quality of raw materials and their proper storage, but also for choosing the best methods and modes of processing products, evaluating nutritional value ready meals. It is equally important for a cook to know the basics of nutritional physiology. Most products are subject to cooking, and the absorption of nutrients depends on how well it is carried out.

Of particular importance is the knowledge of the theory of rational nutrition in the context of the transition to holiday complex breakfasts, lunches and dinners, the menu of which should provide not only the energy value of the diet, but also its quantitative composition in terms of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, the desired ratio of sugars, starch, fiber, minerals, vitamins and other food ingredients.

Food products and ready-made culinary products, if improperly processed, violated shelf life, can serve as an environment for the development of microorganisms, and therefore it is necessary to strictly observe the established sanitary rules when preparing, storing and selling ready-made food.

During the culinary processing of products, complex physical and chemical processes take place in them, without knowledge of which it is impossible to choose rational processing modes, reduce the loss of nutrients, aromatic, flavoring substances and improve the quality of food. Enterprises Catering equipped with mechanical, refrigeration and heating equipment with gas, electric and steam heating. It is impossible to achieve high labor productivity, improve the culture of service without knowing the basics of organizing public catering.

Soups are the face of Russian cuisine, there are a lot of them, and they are one of the oldest varieties of dishes in our culinary tradition.

Although the word "soup" itself is of European origin, it easily took root in the Russian language, appearing in it in the era of Peter I, along with many other innovations.

Until then, in Russia, what is now called soup was called here stew, bread, fish soup, yushka, some soups had their own names - cabbage soup, botvinya and others.

Even now we do not call soup borsch, cabbage soup, okroshka, but use their own names for this.

The fundamental difference between Russian soups and European ones is that European soups have a uniform puree-like consistency, while Russian soups consist of a liquid part and thick.

This applies to cold and hot soups.

It is difficult to list all the products from which soups are prepared in Russia: without exception, these are vegetables, meat products, fish, potatoes, mushrooms, noodles, cereals, legumes and much more.

The liquid component of Russian soups is broths from meat, poultry or fish, vegetable or mushroom broths, yogurt, kvass.

Cold soups include okroshka, holodniki, botvini, they are consumed in the hot season.

The range of hot soups in Russian cuisine is much wider, which is quite natural in our harsh climate.

These include cabbage soup, borscht, fish soup, pickles, saltwort, various dairy and cereal soups, and behind each of these names there are a number of dishes related to each other.

Various soups were cooked on fasting and modest days: on fasting days, soups were prepared on vegetable, mushroom and fish-based, which were filled with lean (linen, hemp or sunflower oil), and in modest days, the basis of soups was meat broths, and as a dressing, the soup could be flavored with milk or sour cream.

1. General characteristics of pickles

If we talk about the dishes most common and beloved by our people, then borscht can be put in the first place, cabbage soup in the second, and pickles will certainly take the third place in this symbolic popularity rating.

This dish has also been known to us for a long time, only earlier it was called "cala". It was cooked with caviar, chicken, meat. In the old days, cucumber pickle was sometimes replaced with a solution lemon juice, but only wealthy people could afford such a luxury.

Pickled cucumbers are an obligatory part of pickles. Rassolniki are prepared vegetarian, on broths: bone, meat and bone, fish, poultry, mushroom broth. Released with giblets, kidneys and other meat products. Pickled cucumbers are cut into strips or rhombuses. In cucumbers with rough skin and large seeds, the skin is pre-cleaned and the seeds are removed. In this case, the rate of laying cucumbers with gross weight increases. Prepared cucumbers are stewed in a small amount of broth or water for 15 minutes. Potatoes are cut into cubes or slices. Carrots and onions are sautéed.

In pickles, offal is mainly used - either beef or calf kidneys, or a set of offal (ventricles, heart, liver, lungs, legs), as well as offal from poultry(chicken, turkey, goose, duck). In the absence of offal, they can be replaced with beef meat, but this is no longer a full-fledged pickle in the best sense of the word. Grain for pickle is selected depending on meat products. Pearl barley is considered a classic additive - it seems to be created for classic pickles with kidneys, rice - suitable for chicken and turkey giblets, barley - for duck and goose giblets, buckwheat - suitable only for a vegetarian pickle.

In order for pickles to have a delicate, slightly sour and slightly salty taste, it is necessary to maintain a balance between the salty part (cucumbers) and neutral absorbers (cereals, potatoes, root crops - 100-120 g per 1.5 l of soup). Pure brine is rarely added to pickles and in small doses - if the cucumbers are not salty enough. Before pouring the brine into the broth, it must be boiled.

The taste of pickle largely depends on the quality of pickles and brine, so you need to pay special attention to this product.

Pickled cucumbers should be used with a pleasant crispy and dense flesh that has a salty-sour taste and aroma with a hint of spices. The brine should also have a pleasant aroma.

To prepare pickles, root crops are cut into strips, and onions are chopped, sautéed separately, and in a sealed container, over low heat, stirring occasionally. If the white roots are put into the broth raw, the taste of the pickle worsens, and the roots themselves become watery and less tasty. In addition, some varieties of roots darken and give the pickle an unpleasant taste and color. Potatoes should be cut into small cubes.

Particular care must be taken to prepare the kidneys. They smell bad and transfer their smell to everything they come into contact with. But this does not mean that their use should be abandoned. You have to work hard to cook them right. After separating the ureas, external blood vessels, film and fat, each kidney must be cut lengthwise, rinsed well, poured with cold water (in a ratio of 1: 4) and soaked for 5-8 hours (it is advisable to change the water every 2-3 hours). Then drain the water, pour fresh (3 liters of water per 1 kg of kidneys), bring to a boil, drain again, pour cold water over the kidneys again and only then cook them until tender. If after that an unpleasant odor remains, you should change the water again and bring to a boil. Boiled kidneys must be washed with cold water and stored in a container, covered with a damp cloth.

Depending on the products used, the following types of pickles are distinguished: ordinary, homemade Moscow, Leningrad, etc.

In addition to cucumbers, the pickle contains: potatoes, parsley, celery, onions, leeks, spinach or sorrel leaves, cut into 2-3 parts. Potatoes, sautéed roots, onions are placed in the boiling broth, and after 5-6 minutes, poached cucumbers. Spinach is lowered 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking. Rassolnik can be prepared without sorrel and spinach.

Rassolnik home. Prepared with meat, fish products or mushrooms. Part homemade pickle except cucumbers include: potatoes, parsley, celery, onions, leeks, spinach or sorrel leaves, cut into 2-3 parts, fresh cabbage and carrots. Cabbage is chopped and placed in a boiling broth, boiled, then the potatoes, sautéed vegetables, and poached cucumbers are dipped. 5 - 10 minutes before the end of cooking, spinach is lowered, spices and salt are added. Rassolnik can be prepared without sorrel and spinach.

Rassolnik Leningrad. This pickle is cooked in meat broth with various meat products, in fish broth - with fish, as well as with fresh or dried porcini mushrooms.

Peel the cucumbers from the skin and, cutting lengthwise, remove the seeds, and then cut across into large strips.

Put the steamed pearl barley into the boiling broth and cook for 40-50 minutes. 15-20 minutes before the end of cooking, add sautéed roots, potatoes, a bunch of greens, and then cucumbers, bay leaves, peppers. At the end of cooking, fill the pickle with boiled strained cucumber pickle.

Serve with sour cream and herbs. Pearl barley for pickle can not be boiled, but sautéed in oil. At the same time, the taste of pickle will improve significantly.

Rassolnik Moscow. Kidneys require preliminary preparation. to do this, they must first be cleaned of fat, ureters and films, soaked in cold water for 5-6 hours. Then you can boil them. Pour the kidneys with cold water and cook for 5-10 minutes. After that, drain the water, rinse the kidneys with cold water, pour water again and cook until tender. While some guides advise cooking pickle with kidney broth, it is recommended to use regular meat and bone broth as the liquid base for making pickle.

Take pearl barley, sort, rinse well, pour into a saucepan, pour boiling water or broth (3 liters per 1 kg of cereal), close the lid, put on the side of the stove and steam the cereal for 40-60 minutes. Cut the potatoes into cubes, the roots into large strips, chop the onion. Saute roots and onions in fat.

Put the sautéed vegetables, cucumbers, spices into the boiling meat broth; cook it all for 15-20 minutes. 5-8 minutes before the end of cooking, add spinach, sorrel, salt and (if the pickle is not sharp enough) cucumber pickle (to taste), which is pre-boiled and strained, into the pickle.

Moscow pickle is usually seasoned with a boiled mixture of egg yolks and milk (or cream). When serving, put chopped kidneys on a plate, add dressing from eggs and milk, pour pickle and sprinkle with herbs. Separately, you can serve cheesecakes with cottage cheese.

You can also cook pickle with veal, lamb, chicken, chickens.

Fish pickle. Cut the head of sturgeon fish into 2-4 parts, rinse well and cook for 60-70 minutes. Then separate the pulp from the cartilage, while removing the shell plates, bring the cartilage separately to readiness. Cut fish of partial breeds into fillets with skin and costal bones, cut into pieces, cook separately until tender.

Sorrel and spinach leaves (or lettuce replacing them) sort out and cut into pieces. Peel the cucumbers from the skin and, cutting lengthwise, remove the seeds, and then cut across into large strips. Gherkins and small pickles with thin skins and small seeds can be put in the pickle unpeeled, but only chopped.

Put sautéed vegetables, cucumbers, spices into boiling fish broth; cook it all for 15-20 minutes. 5-8 minutes before the end of cooking, add spinach, sorrel, salt to the pickle.

When serving, put the warmed fish pulp and head cartilage, sour cream and greens on a plate. It is not necessary to serve sour cream to fish pickles.

All pickles are served with sour cream and sprinkled with finely chopped parsley or dill

Cheesecakes with cottage cheese are served separately for meat pickles, pies for fish.

The order of laying products in the pickle is as follows: potatoes, sautéed roots, onions are placed in the boiling broth, and after 5-6 minutes, stewed cucumbers.

If the taste of pickle is not sharp enough, 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking, you can add cucumber pickle, previously filtered and boiled.

Cheesecakes with cottage cheese can be served with pickles on meat broths (review No. 1098), and pies on fish broth (review No. 1100).

Pickles (with the exception of pickles with fish products) are served with sour cream. When on vacation, pickles are sprinkled with parsley or dill.

Pickle dressing, canned or quick-frozen, is a mixture of julienned and sautéed pork fat fresh vegetables(carrot, onion, white root) with the addition of chopped pickles and cucumber pickle.

When using a pickle dressing, the products included in it are excluded from the recipe.

To prepare pickle from a semi-finished product, put chopped fresh cabbage, potatoes into boiling broth or water and cook them until half cooked, then add dressing for pickle, bring to a boil and cook for another 10-15 minutes at a low boil. Quick-frozen dressing for pickle is prepared and used as quick-frozen borscht dressing.

Strained cucumber pickle (30-40 g per 1000 g of soup) brought to a boil can be added to the pickle.

Salt, spices are consumed in the amount of 50% of the recipes provided in the Collection for the preparation of pickles from raw materials.

2. Technological process and scheme for preparing pickle

Shredded cabbage is put into boiling broth or water, brought to a boil, potatoes cut into cubes are laid, and after 5-7 minutes, sautéed vegetables and stewed cucumbers. 5-10 minutes before readiness, spices and salt are introduced.

3. Calculation of food and energy value Leningrad pickle

To calculate the nutritional and energy value of the Leningrad pickle, the average data on the content of the main nutrients in foods from the collection were used. chemical composition products, as well as the name of the raw materials and the rate of laying in the dish from the collection of recipes for dishes.

Since the dish undergoes heat treatment, the amount of loss of essential nutrients affects: proteins - 6%, fats - 5%, carbohydrates - 12%, energy value - 3%

The content and calculation of nutrients and energy value of borscht with cabbage and potatoes are shown in Table 2.

The value of losses of the main nutrients of products during thermal cooking, given in accordance with the collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products is:

Table 2 - Calculation of the nutritional and energy value of Leningrad pickle

Name of products

Net weight for 1 portion, grams

In 100 gr. product, grams

Chemical composition of the dish, gram


Parsley (root)


table margarine


Total, taking into account the heat. arr.

4 Technical routing on the dish "Rassolnik Leningradsky"

1 area of ​​use

1.1 This technical and technological map applies to the Leningrad pickle dish produced by the restaurant and its branches.

2. List of raw materials

2.1 For the preparation of "Leningrad pickle" use the following raw materials:

Pearl barley - GOST 5784-60

margarine - GOST 240

fresh food potatoes - GOST 26545

fresh table carrots - GOST 26767

fresh onion - GOST 27166

Sour cream - GOST R 52092-2003

Pickled cucumbers - GOST 7180-73

or products of foreign firms that have certificates and certificates of quality of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2.2 The raw materials used to prepare the dish "Rassolnik Leningrad" must comply with the requirements normative documentation, to have certificates and certificates of quality.

3. Recipe

3.1 Recipe for the dish "Rassolnik Leningrad"

4. Technological process

4.1 Preparation of raw materials for the production of the dish "Rassolnik Leningradsky" is carried out in accordance with the "Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for catering establishments" (1996).

Pearl barley, sort, rinse well, pour into a saucepan, pour boiling water (3 liters per 1 kg of cereal), close the lid, put on the side of the stove and steam the cereal for 40-60 minutes. Cut potatoes, carrots into cubes, roots into large strips, chop onions. Saute roots and onions in fat.

Peel the cucumbers from the skin and, cutting lengthwise, remove the seeds, and then cut across into large strips. Gherkins and small pickles with thin skins and small seeds can be put in the pickle unpeeled, but only chopped.

15-20 minutes before the end of cooking, add sautéed roots, potatoes, carrots, a bunch of greens, and then cucumbers, bay leaves, peppers. At the end of cooking, fill the pickle with boiled strained cucumber pickle.

5. Registration, submission, sale and storage

5.1 Dish "Rassolnik Leningrad" should be served in a plate with a deep bottom. Serve with sour cream and herbs.

5.2 The serving temperature of the dish must be at least 65°C.

5.3 The shelf life of the dish "Rassolnik Leningradsky" when stored on a food warmer or a hot stove is no more than 3 hours from the end of the technological process.

6. Quality indicators in safety

6.1 Organoleptic characteristics of the dish:

Appearance- two pieces of chicken per serving vegetables retained the shape of the cut, evenly mixed.

Consistency - soft, juicy.

Color - yellow with an orange tint.

Taste - moderately salty with a hint of fried mushrooms.

Smell - braised chicken with vegetables and fried mushrooms.

6.2 Physical and chemical parameters:

Mass fraction of solids, % (not less than) - 20.7

Mass fraction of fat, % (not less than) - 7.11

Mass fraction of salt, % (no more) - 0.7

6.3 Microbiological indicators:

The number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms, CFU in 1 g of the product, not more than - 1.1

Bacteria of the Escherichia coli group, not allowed in the mass of the product, g - 0.01

Caugulase-positive staphylococci, not allowed in the mass of the product, g - 1.0

Proteus, not allowed in the mass of the product, g - 0.1

Pathogenic microorganisms, including salmonella, are not allowed in the mass of the product, g - 25 g

Nutritional and energy value

pickle dish cooking scheme


In the done term paper the Leningrad pickle dish, its technological scheme of production, calculation of food and energy value were considered. The full characteristics of the dish were studied. Portion serving calculations were made, with the help of which in the future it is possible to calculate a much larger number of servings in order to choose the right right amount raw materials at no extra cost.

For this type of soup, a dressing was selected with which the dish can be served, for better assimilation and adding an improving taste effect.

The microbiological indicators and the complete design of the dish according to the standards, as required in public catering places, where such a dish is very common and is in great demand among consumers, have also been studied.


1. Medkova I.L., T.N. Pavlova. "Alternative world". M., "Inter-Soya", 2005. - 643 p.

2. Collection of recipes for culinary products and dishes. Normative and technological documentation. - M.: Khlebprodinform, 1986. - 386s

3. Technology for the production of public catering products / V.S. Baranov, A.I. Mglinets, L.M. Aleshina and others. M .: Economics, 2003. - 447s

4. Handbook of catering technologist / Under the editorship of O.I. Ovsyannikov. M.: Food industry, 2001. - 489s.

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1. Prepared bones are poured with cold water, brought to a boil and boiled at low heat for 2-3 hours, then meat is laid, quickly brought to a boil, removing excess fat. The duration of cooking meat - 1.5 -2 hours. 30-40 minutes before the end of cooking, put lightly baked roots and onions, a bunch spicy vegetables. At the end of cooking, the finished meat is removed, the broth is drained and filtered.

2. Soups are classified by serving temperature - into hot and cold; the temperature of serving hot dishes is not lower than 75 ° C, cold - not higher than 14 ° C.

3. Cooked soups are left without boiling for 10-15 minutes so that they infuse, the fat floats to the surface and becomes more transparent, and the soup becomes fragrant.

Technology for the preparation of Leningrad pickle

This pickle is prepared in meat broth with various meat products, in fish broth with fish, as well as with fresh or dried porcini mushrooms.

Peel the cucumbers from the skin and, cutting lengthwise, remove the seeds, and then cut across into large strips.

Put the steamed pearl barley into the boiling broth and cook for 40-50 minutes. 15-20 minutes before the end of cooking, add sautéed roots, potatoes, a bunch of greens, and then cucumbers, bay leaves, peppers. At the end of cooking, fill the pickle with boiled strained cucumber pickle.

Serve with sour cream and herbs. Pearl barley for pickle can not be boiled, but sautéed in oil. At the same time, the taste of pickle will improve significantly.

Dish " Rassolnik Leningrad"Should be served in a plate with a deep bottom. Serve with sour cream and herbs.

The serving temperature must be at least 65°C.

The shelf life of the "Rassolnik Leningradsky" dish when stored on a food warmer or a hot stove is no more than 3 hours from the end of the technological process.

Practical (calculated) part

Technological map of the dish "Rassolnik Leningradsky" No. 594


Gross, g

Gross for 4 servings

Net for 4 servings


Parsley (root)




tomato puree

table margarine

broth or water

Equipment, safety

Organization of work in the hot shop.

Pre-cooking includes hot and cold shops of catering establishments.

In the hot shop, hot first courses, second courses, side dishes, sauces are prepared, and all technological operations for the heat treatment of semi-finished products for the cold shop are performed. The cold shop produces a variety of cold dishes, snacks and culinary products.

The work of pre-cooking workshops is based on the menu plan. The release of dishes and culinary products during the day is made in small portions taking into account the loading of the trading floor and the schedule of the flow of consumers. The largest part of the products of pre-cooking shops is made before the opening of the hall.

The hot shop is the main one at the enterprises high power with several shops. It is located next to the hall with the largest number seats, while in other trading floors distributing rooms with food warmers are equipped. The hot shop is adjacent to blank shops, a cold shop, a washing kitchen utensils, and when you leave dishes from the stove - washing tableware.

In the hot shops of large enterprises, a soup department is organized for the preparation of first courses, and a sauce department is organized for the preparation of second courses, side dishes, sauces.

Hot shop equipment, its capacity depends on the throughput of the shop. Of the thermal equipment, stoves, cooking boilers, electric ovens, electric frying pans, electric fryers, boilers are installed.

The placement of equipment in the hot shop should provide the most convenient conditions for the work of cooks. The procedure for arranging equipment depends on the types of machines and apparatus used, the fuel used, the area and shape of the kitchen room and the location of the dispenser.

The stove is placed in the center of the hot shop to provide free access to it from all sides. It is advisable to place the slab perpendicular to the wall with windows, facing the outer wall.

Cooking a wide range of soups, main courses, side dishes, sauces requires providing a hot shop with a variety of utensils and equipment.

In the soup department, work is organized as follows. For the preparation of first courses, pre-measured types of containers are used, intended for various products and semi-finished products (potatoes, cabbage, carrots, etc.).

On the desktop there should be: a table board, a knife and a slide, i.e. a metal rack with several sticks on which dishes with spices and seasonings are placed. The range of slides depends mainly on the type of enterprises. On the hill are usually stored prepared salted cucumbers, onions, root vegetables, chopped greens, tomato, bay leaf, peppercorns, salt, etc., sautéed with tomato The presence of a slide facilitates the work of the cook, speeds up the preparation and release of dishes, and thus develops the chef's sense of responsibility for their quality.

By-products (liver, brains, kidneys, tongue) are processed at the same workplace with a gap in time.

To collect food waste, the workshop must be equipped with barrels with tightly closed lids.

After using the mechanical equipment of the hot shop, it is necessary to disassemble it, wash it with hot water (at least 65 C) with detergent, then rinse with hot water (about 50 s) and let it drain. Then wipe with a dry, clean cloth, lubricate the mechanical parts of the machines with oil, wipe the body with a damp and then dry cloth.

Mechanical equipment used in the hot shop:

1. Meat grinders;

2. Bone cutters;

3. Meat mixers;

5. Dough mixers

6. Cleaners, etc.

Electric heating equipment is also used:

1. Electric stoves; 2. Food warmers;

3. Electric frying pans; 4. K.P.E.

5. Fryers. 6. Autoclaves, etc.

This equipment is not dismantled, but at the end of work, the cooled down equipment is treated with hot water and detergents and rinsed with hot water as well.

Compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements for the maintenance of equipment, inventory and utensils plays an important role in the prevention of food poisoning, infections and helminthic diseases.

For washing dishes, washing baths and washing machines are used.

Dishwashing mode:

1 - removal of food residues in tanks.

2 - washing with hot water with detergents (water t 50 C).

3 - disinfection 10 - 15 minutes.

4 - rinsing or scalding (water t not lower than 60 C).

5 - drying in special cabinets.

Glassware washing mode.

1 - release from food debris.

2 - washing with detergents (water t not lower than 50 C).

3 - rinsing (water t 65 C).

4 - drying on grates.

Inventory washing mode.

Metal inventory, after washing with detergents, rinsed and calcined in the oven.

Wooden inventory is cleaned of food debris, washed with detergents, rinsed and dried on lattice packs and racks.

Washing cutting tables warm water with detergents and doused with hot water.

Brushes and washcloths for washing dishes are washed with detergents, boiled for 10-15 minutes, rinsed, dried and stored in special places.

Trays are washed with hot water separately from kitchen utensils in special baths. The mode of washing containers and trays is the same. They also wash the thermos.

Washing baths after use are washed with cleaning products, doused with boiling water, daily. Washing machines are disassembled, washed and wiped dry. Disinfected once a week.

The hot shop is designed for the centralized production of ready meals, semi-finished products of a high degree of readiness, including chilled ready meals, and culinary products from semi-finished products. This workshop is connected with all industrial and commercial premises, therefore, it is located close to the cold workshop, distributing and washing tableware. It is connected with the blank shops through freight elevators or inter-shop transport.

In the hot shop, there must be a daytime consecration. The operating mode of the hot shop is set depending on the conditions for the sale of dishes and the requirements of the service organization. He can work in one, two or three shifts. Accordingly, chefs are also distributed according to their qualifications in order to ensure high-quality and timely release of products. If there is a large amount of work in the hot shop, specialization in certain types of products is possible, a culinary shop is distinguished.

The quality of the work of the hot shop largely depends on the correct organization of jobs, on equipping jobs, on equipping them with equipment, utensils and inventory.

The most modern is considered modular equipment.

Its linear arrangement provides the necessary sequence for performing various operations of the technological process, reduces the movement paths for cooks, and allows saving the size of the production area by 25%. The standardization of equipment and inventory provides significant savings in production space, rationalization of the acceptance, storage of products and their supply to the workshop and to the workplaces of cooks, improvement of cooking technology, and acceleration of portioning and dispensing of dishes.

The dimensions of frying pans, grates, trays, baking sheets are unified and linked with the parameters of heating and refrigeration equipment.

Above the thermal equipment, ventilation hoods are arranged to remove vapors and combustion products. The common ventilation duct is equipped with grease filters. The traditional location of the stove in the center of the hot shop, and specialized equipment around the perimeter of the room creates inconvenience in the work of cooks and causes waste of working time associated with the movement of workers around the kitchen.

For the preparation of first and third courses and side dishes, cooking devices for 60 and 40 liters were created, consisting of stationary steam generators and mobile boilers.

Boiler bone broth made in the form of a rectangle of stainless steel with a removable lid.

To remove the fat formed on the surface, a tap is provided, and to drain the broth - a cork tap with a grid.

The bones are loaded into the cauldron in a special basket with handles. During cooking, the broth is periodically mixed with the blades of the mixer. Heating is produced by heating elements, every hour heating elements and electric mixers are turned off. The fat that floats to the surface is removed.

Also in the hot shop there is a convection cabinet, consisting of a body with a rack and a rack trolley, where 10 grates are placed. The air is heated by heating elements, mixed by a fan. The cabinet is equipped with a steam generator. It can defrost, fry, stew, steam, bake and bake various foods.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrova

Agro-technological faculty

Department of Biotechnology




1 General characteristics of pickles

2 Technological process and scheme for preparing pickle

3 Calculation of the nutritional and energy value of the Leningrad pickle

4 Technical and technological map for the dish "Rassolnik Leningradsky"



The technological process for the production of culinary products consists of a number of stages and operations, including the receipt and storage of raw materials, as well as the production of ready-made dishes and products and their sale. All operations of the technological process are performed by students in practice.

All technological processes are considered in unity with the physical and chemical changes that occur in products during their primary and thermal processing.

Such a presentation of the material allows future specialists with methods and methods of managing technological processes in order to optimize them and obtain products with desired properties. The course material is presented on the basis of knowledge acquired by students in the study of general education and a number of related general technical and special disciplines.

The quality of finished food largely depends on the quality of raw materials. Therefore, the technology of cooking is closely related to the merchandising of food products. The study of this discipline is necessary not only for assessing the (nutritional) quality of raw materials and their proper storage, but also for choosing the best methods and modes of processing products, assessing the nutritional value of ready meals. It is equally important for a cook to know the basics of nutritional physiology. Most products undergo culinary processing, and the absorption of nutrients depends on how well it is carried out.

Of particular importance is the knowledge of the theory of rational nutrition in the context of the transition to holiday complex breakfasts, lunches and dinners, the menu of which should provide not only the energy value of the diet, but also its quantitative composition in terms of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, the desired ratio of sugars, starch, fiber, minerals, vitamins and other food ingredients.

Food products and ready-made culinary products, if improperly processed, violated shelf life, can serve as an environment for the development of microorganisms, and therefore it is necessary to strictly observe the established sanitary rules when preparing, storing and selling ready-made food.

During the culinary processing of products, complex physical and chemical processes take place in them, without knowledge of which it is impossible to choose rational processing modes, reduce the loss of nutrients, aromatic, flavoring substances and improve the quality of food. Catering establishments are equipped with mechanical, refrigeration and heating equipment with gas, electric and steam heating. It is impossible to achieve high labor productivity, improve the culture of service without knowing the basics of organizing public catering.

Soups are the face of Russian cuisine, there are a lot of them, and they are one of the oldest varieties of dishes in our culinary tradition.

Although the word "soup" itself is of European origin, it easily took root in the Russian language, appearing in it in the era of Peter I, along with many other innovations.

Until then, in Russia, what is now called soup was called here stew, bread, fish soup, yushka, some soups had their own names - cabbage soup, botvinya and others.

Even now we do not call soup borsch, cabbage soup, okroshka, but use their own names for this.

The fundamental difference between Russian soups and European ones is that European soups have a uniform puree-like consistency, while Russian soups consist of a liquid part and thick.

This applies to cold and hot soups.

It is difficult to list all the products from which soups are prepared in Russia: without exception, these are vegetables, meat products, fish, potatoes, mushrooms, noodles, cereals, legumes and much more.

The liquid component of Russian soups is broths from meat, poultry or fish, vegetable or mushroom broths, yogurt, kvass.

Cold soups include okroshka, holodniki, botvini, they are consumed in the hot season.

The range of hot soups in Russian cuisine is much wider, which is quite natural in our harsh climate.

These include cabbage soup, borscht, fish soup, pickles, saltwort, various dairy and cereal soups, and behind each of these names there are a number of dishes related to each other.

Various soups were cooked on fasting and modest days: on fasting, respectively, vegetable, mushroom and fish-based soups were prepared, which were seasoned with lean (linseed, hemp or sunflower oil), and on modest days, meat broths were the basis of soups, and soup was used as a dressing. could be flavored with milk or sour cream.

1 General characteristics of pickles

If we talk about the dishes most common and beloved by our people, then borscht can be put in the first place, cabbage soup in the second, and pickles will certainly take the third place in this symbolic popularity rating.

This dish has also been known to us for a long time, only earlier it was called "cala". It was cooked with caviar, chicken, meat. In the old days, cucumber pickle was sometimes replaced with a solution of lemon juice, but only wealthy people could afford such a luxury.

Pickled cucumbers are an obligatory part of pickles. Pickles are prepared vegetarian, on broths: bone, meat and bone, fish, poultry, mushroom broth. Released with giblets, kidneys and other meat products. Pickled cucumbers are cut into strips or rhombuses. In cucumbers with rough skin and large seeds, the skin is pre-cleaned and the seeds are removed. In this case, the rate of laying cucumbers with gross weight increases. Prepared cucumbers are stewed in a small amount of broth or water for 15 minutes. Potatoes are cut into cubes or slices. Carrots and onions are sautéed.

In pickles, offal is mainly used - either beef or calf kidneys, or a set of offal (ventricles, heart, liver, lungs, legs), as well as offal from poultry (chicken, turkey, goose, duck). In the absence of offal, they can be replaced with beef meat, but this is no longer a full-fledged pickle in the best sense of the word. Grain for pickle is selected depending on meat products. Pearl barley is considered a classic additive - it seems to be created for classic pickles with kidneys, rice - suitable for chicken and turkey giblets, barley - for duck and goose giblets, buckwheat - suitable only for a vegetarian pickle.

In order for pickles to have a delicate, slightly sour and slightly salty taste, it is necessary to maintain a balance between the salty part (cucumbers) and neutral absorbers (cereals, potatoes, root crops - 100-120 g per 1.5 l of soup). Pure brine is rarely added to pickles and in small doses - if the cucumbers are not salty enough. Before pouring the brine into the broth, it must be boiled.

The taste of pickle largely depends on the quality of pickles and brine, so you need to pay special attention to this product.

Pickled cucumbers should be used with a pleasant crispy and dense flesh that has a salty-sour taste and aroma with a hint of spices. The brine should also have a pleasant aroma.

To prepare pickles, root crops are cut into strips, and onions are chopped, sautéed separately, and in a sealed container, over low heat, stirring occasionally. If the white roots are put into the broth raw, the taste of the pickle worsens, and the roots themselves become watery and less tasty. In addition, some varieties of roots darken and give the pickle an unpleasant taste and color. Potatoes should be cut into small cubes.

Particular care must be taken to prepare the kidneys. They smell bad and transfer their smell to everything they come into contact with. But this does not mean that their use should be abandoned. You have to work hard to cook them right. After separating the ureas, external blood vessels, film and fat, each kidney must be cut lengthwise, rinsed well, poured with cold water (at a ratio of 1:4) and soaked for 5-8 hours (it is advisable to change the water every 2-3 hours). Then drain the water, pour fresh (3 liters of water per 1 kg of kidneys), bring to a boil, drain again, pour cold water over the kidneys again and only then cook them until tender. If after that an unpleasant odor remains, you should change the water again and bring to a boil. Boiled kidneys must be washed with cold water and stored in a container, covered with a damp cloth.

Depending on the products used, the following types of pickles are distinguished: ordinary, homemade Moscow, Leningrad, etc.

In addition to cucumbers, the pickle contains: potatoes, parsley, celery, onions, leeks, spinach or sorrel leaves, cut into 2-3 parts. Potatoes, sautéed roots, onions are placed in the boiling broth, and after 5-6 minutes, poached cucumbers. Spinach is lowered 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking. Rassolnik can be prepared without sorrel and spinach.

Rassolnik home. Prepared with meat, fish products or mushrooms. In addition to cucumbers, the homemade pickle includes: potatoes, parsley, celery, onions, leeks, spinach or sorrel leaves, cut into 2-3 parts, fresh cabbage and carrots. Cabbage is chopped and placed in a boiling broth, boiled, then the potatoes, sautéed vegetables, and poached cucumbers are dipped. 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking, spinach is lowered, spices and salt are added. Rassolnik can be prepared without sorrel and spinach.

Rassolnik Leningrad. This pickle is prepared in meat broth with various meat products, in fish broth with fish, as well as with fresh or dried porcini mushrooms.

Peel the cucumbers from the skin and, cutting lengthwise, remove the seeds, and then cut across into large strips.

Put the steamed pearl barley into the boiling broth and cook for 40-50 minutes. 15-20 minutes before the end of cooking, add sautéed roots, potatoes, a bunch of greens, and then cucumbers, bay leaves, peppers. At the end of cooking, fill the pickle with boiled strained cucumber pickle.

Serve with sour cream and herbs. Pearl barley for pickle can not be boiled, but sautéed in oil. At the same time, the taste of pickle will improve significantly.

Rassolnik Moscow. Kidneys require preliminary preparation. to do this, they must first be cleaned of fat, ureters and films, soaked in cold water for 5-6 hours. Then you can boil them. Pour the kidneys with cold water and cook for 5-10 minutes. After that, drain the water, rinse the kidneys with cold water, pour water again and cook until tender. While some guides advise cooking pickle with kidney broth, it is recommended to use regular meat and bone broth as the liquid base for making pickle.

Take pearl barley, sort, rinse well, pour into a saucepan, pour boiling water or broth (3 liters per 1 kg of cereal), close the lid, put on the side of the stove and steam the cereal for 40-60 minutes. Cut the potatoes into cubes, the roots into large strips, chop the onion. Saute roots and onions in fat.

Put the sautéed vegetables, cucumbers, spices into the boiling meat broth; cook it all for 15-20 minutes. 5-8 minutes before the end of cooking, add spinach, sorrel, salt and (if the pickle is not sharp enough) cucumber pickle (to taste), which is pre-boiled and strained, into the pickle.

Moscow pickle is usually seasoned with a boiled mixture of egg yolks and milk (or cream). When serving, put chopped kidneys on a plate, add dressing from eggs and milk, pour pickle and sprinkle with herbs. Separately, you can serve cheesecakes with cottage cheese.

You can also cook pickle with veal, lamb, chicken, chickens.

Fish pickle. Cut the head of sturgeon fish into 2-4 parts, rinse well and cook for 60-70 minutes. Then separate the pulp from the cartilage, while removing the shell plates, bring the cartilage separately to readiness. Cut fish of partial breeds into fillets with skin and costal bones, cut into pieces, cook separately until tender.

Sorrel and spinach leaves (or lettuce replacing them) sort out and cut into pieces. Peel the cucumbers from the skin and, cutting lengthwise, remove the seeds, and then cut across into large strips. Gherkins and small pickles with thin skins and small seeds can be put in the pickle unpeeled, but only chopped.

Put sautéed vegetables, cucumbers, spices into boiling fish broth; cook it all for 15-20 minutes. 5-8 minutes before the end of cooking, add spinach, sorrel, salt to the pickle.

When serving, put the warmed fish pulp and head cartilage, sour cream and greens on a plate. It is not necessary to serve sour cream to fish pickles.

All pickles are served with sour cream and sprinkled with finely chopped parsley or dill

Cheesecakes with cottage cheese are served separately for meat pickles, pies for fish.

The order of laying products in the pickle is as follows: potatoes, sautéed roots, onions are placed in the boiling broth, and after 5-6 minutes, stewed cucumbers.

If the taste of pickle is not sharp enough, 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking, you can add cucumber pickle, previously filtered and boiled.

Cheesecakes with cottage cheese can be served with pickles on meat broths (review No. 1098), and pies on fish broth (review No. 1100).

Pickles (with the exception of pickles with fish products) are served with sour cream. When on vacation, pickles are sprinkled with parsley or dill.

Canned or quick-frozen pickle dressing is a mixture of fresh vegetables (carrots, onions, white root) cut into strips and sautéed in pork fat with the addition of chopped pickles and cucumber pickle.

When using a pickle dressing, the products included in it are excluded from the recipe.

To prepare pickle from a semi-finished product, put chopped fresh cabbage, potatoes into boiling broth or water and cook them until half cooked, then add dressing for pickle, bring to a boil and cook for another 10-15 minutes at a low boil. Quick-frozen dressing for pickle is prepared and used as quick-frozen borscht dressing.

Strained cucumber pickle (30-40 g per 1000 g of soup) brought to a boil can be added to the pickle.

Salt, spices are consumed in the amount of 50% of the recipes provided in the Collection for the preparation of pickles from raw materials.

2 Technological process and scheme for preparing pickle

Shredded cabbage is put into boiling broth or water, brought to a boil, potatoes cut into cubes are laid, and after 5-7 minutes, sautéed vegetables and stewed cucumbers. 5-10 minutes before readiness, spices and salt are introduced.

3 Calculation of the nutritional and energy value of the Leningrad pickle

To calculate the nutritional and energy value of the Leningrad pickle, the average data on the content of the main nutrients in food products from the collection of the chemical composition of products, as well as the name of the raw material and the rate of laying in the dish from the collection of recipes were used.

Since the dish undergoes heat treatment, the amount of loss of essential nutrients affects: proteins - 6%, fats - 5%, carbohydrates - 12%, energy value - 3%

The value of losses of the main nutrients of products during thermal cooking, given in accordance with the collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products, is:

Table 2 - Calculation of the nutritional and energy value of the Leningrad pickle

Name of products 2,98 13,6 16,8 194
Net weight for 1 portion, gramsIn 100 gr. product, gramsThe chemical composition of the dish, grams

BANDAtEn. c.BANDAtEn. c.
Potato75 2 0,4 16,3 80 1,5 0,3 12,2 60
Parsley (root)15 1,5 0,6 10,5 53 0,23 0,09 1,58 7,95
Onion15 1,4 0 9,1 41 0,21 0 1,37 6,15
table margarine12 0,3 82 1 743 0,04 9,84 0,12 89,2
Sour cream10 2,4 40 2,6 381 0,24 4 0,26 38,1
Cabbage40 1,8 0,1 7,7 27 0,72 0,04 3,08 10,8
Pickles30 0,8 0,1 1,6 13 0,24 0,03 0,48 3,9



3,17 14,3 19,1 216
Total, taking into account the heat. arr.

4 Technical and technological map for the dish "Rassolnik Leningradsky"

1 area of ​​use

1.1. This technical and technological map applies to the Leningrad pickle dish produced by the restaurant and its branches.

2. List of raw materials

2.1. For the preparation of "Leningrad pickle" use the following raw materials:

Pearl barley - GOST 5784-60

margarine - GOST 240

fresh food potatoes - GOST 26545

fresh table carrots - GOST 26767

fresh onion - GOST 27166

Sour cream - GOST R 52092-2003

Pickled cucumbers - GOST 7180-73

or products of foreign firms that have certificates and certificates of quality of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2.2. The raw materials used to prepare the Leningrad Rassolnik dish must comply with the requirements of regulatory documentation, have certificates and quality certificates.

3. Recipe

3.1. The recipe for the dish "Rassolnik Leningradsky"

4. Technological process

4.1. The preparation of raw materials for the production of the "Rassolnik Leningradsky" dish is carried out in accordance with the "Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for public catering establishments" (1996).

Pearl barley, sort, rinse well, pour into a saucepan, pour boiling water (3 liters per 1 kg of cereal), close the lid, put on the side of the stove and steam the cereal for 40-60 minutes. Cut potatoes, carrots into cubes, roots into large strips, chop onions. Spassirovat roots and onions in fat.

Peel the cucumbers from the skin and, cutting lengthwise, remove the seeds, and then cut across into large strips. Gherkins and small pickles with thin skins and small seeds can be put in the pickle unpeeled, but only chopped.

15-20 minutes before the end of cooking, add sautéed roots, potatoes, carrots, a bunch of greens, and then cucumbers, bay leaves, peppers. At the end of cooking, fill the pickle with boiled strained cucumber pickle.

5. Registration, submission, sale and storage

5.1. Dish " Rassolnik Leningrad"should be served in a plate with a deep bottom. Serve with sour cream and herbs.

5.2. The serving temperature of the dish must be at least 65°C.

5.3. The term for the implementation of the dish "Rassolnik Leningradsky" when stored on a food warmer or a hot stove is no more than 3 hours from the end of the technological process.

6. Quality indicators in safety

6.1. Organoleptic characteristics of the dish:

Appearance - two pieces of chicken per serving vegetables retained the shape of the cut, evenly mixed.

Consistency - soft, juicy.

Color - yellow with an orange tint.

Taste - moderately salty with a hint of fried mushrooms.

Smell - stewed chicken with vegetables and fried mushrooms.

6.2. Physical and chemical indicators:

Mass fraction of solids, % (not less than) - 20.7

Mass fraction of fat, % (not less than) - 7.11

Mass fraction of salt, % (no more) - 0.7

6.3. Microbiological indicators:

The number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms, CFU in 1 g of the product, not more than - 1.1

Bacteria of the Escherichia coli group, not allowed in the mass of the product, g - 0.01

Caugulase-positive staphylococci, not allowed in the mass of the product, g - 1.0

Proteus, not allowed in the mass of the product, g - 0.1

Pathogenic microorganisms, including salmonella, are not allowed in the mass of the product, g - 25 g

Nutritional and energy value

Responsible developer Nurgazinov A.


In the course work done, the Leningrad pickle dish, its technological scheme of production, the calculation of food and energy value were considered. The full characteristics of the dish were studied. Portion serving calculations were made, with the help of which in the future it is possible to calculate a much larger number of servings in order to correctly select the right amount of raw materials without unnecessary costs.

For this type of soup, a dressing was selected with which the dish can be served, for better assimilation and adding an improving taste effect.

The microbiological indicators and the complete design of the dish according to the standards, as required in public catering places, where such a dish is very common and is in great demand among consumers, have also been studied.

Interdisciplinary connections:


I. Organizing time

II. Induction training

2.1. Motivational moment

Rassolnik is a dish of Russian cuisine, a soup based on pickled cucumbers, cucumber pickle can also be added.

Map of logical thinking when preparing pickle

Suggested questions

5. What is called priming?

Suggested answers

1. Prepared bones are poured with cold water, brought to a boil and boiled at low heat for 2-3 hours, then meat is laid, quickly brought to a boil, removing excess fat. The duration of cooking meat - 1.5 -2 hours. 30-40 minutes before the end of cooking, put lightly baked roots and onions, a bunch of spicy vegetables. At the end of cooking, the finished meat is removed, the broth is drained and filtered.

2. Soups are classified by serving temperature - into hot and cold; the temperature of serving hot dishes is not lower than 75 ° C, cold - not higher than 14 ° C.

5. Simmering is cooking with a small amount of liquid or own juice in a sealed container.

  • pour soup;

The students are watching.

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"Rassolnik Leningrad"

Vizing branch of GPOU "KRAPT"



Prepared by:

Master of industrial training

Ivanova A.V.

With. Vizinga

    Industrial training lesson plan. Preparation of Leningrad pickle.

    Collection of recipes for dishes.

    Map of tasks of logical thinking.


    Table of control of assimilation of skills of professional activity.

    Technological scheme for the preparation of Leningrad pickle.

    Requirements for the quality of pickle.

    Helpful Hints in the preparation of Leningrad pickle.

    Educational material.

    Standard (sample) of the finished pickle.

Methodical development of an industrial training lesson. Topic: Preparation of Leningrad pickle.

Topic PM.03 Cooking soups and sauces

Lesson topic: Preparation of Leningrad pickle.

Lesson Objectives:

1.educational– formation of a system of skills for the implementation of a full technological cycle for the preparation of Leningrad pickle.

2.Educational- mastering the reproductive skills of complex planning of professional actions, choosing the most rational combination and alternation of them, taking into account the type of work.

3.Educational- the formation of a responsible attitude to professional duties, self-confidence, the ability to work in a team.


    To repeat the material studied in the lessons of theoretical training on the technology of preparing Leningrad pickle.

    To carry out in teams a complex process of preparing Leningrad pickle according to a given algorithm.

    Continue practicing labor techniques for cutting vegetables, sautéing onions, carrots, and seasoning pickles.

    Make an organoleptic assessment of the cooked dish, learn to identify the types of defects, defects: burning food, clouding of the broth.

Lesson type- a lesson in mastering labor techniques and operations.

Form of educational activity - brigade

Conducting methods:

Demonstration of labor technological operations;

Independent work of students according to the algorithm using written instruction documents;

Self-assessment of the work done.

Necessary equipment- electric stove, production table, scales, refrigeration equipment.

Tableware- pots, table spoons, deep plates, trays, bowls marked "Raw vegetables", "Raw meat", "Boiled meat", frying pans.

Stock and tools- chef's knives, measuring cups, chef's needle, cutting boards marked "raw vegetables", "raw meat", "boiled meat", pouring spoons, stewpans, slotted spoons, scoops, shovels.

Raw material- meat and bone broth (beef bones, beef meat), pearl barley, or rice, or oatmeal, carrots, onions, table margarine, pickles, cucumber pickle, sour cream, herbs, salt, black ground pepper, Bay leaf.

Didactic equipment of the lesson:

    lesson plan for industrial training "Preparation of Leningrad pickle"

    collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products (recipe No. 208/3) (Appendix 2)

    logical thinking cards;

    safety instruction card when using an electric stove;

    table of control of assimilation of skills of professional activity;

    instructional and technological map for the preparation of Leningrad pickle (Appendix 3);

    technological scheme for the preparation of Leningrad pickle (Appendix 4);

    quality requirements for Leningrad pickle (Appendix 5);

    useful tips for preparing Leningrad pickle (Appendix 6);

    Educational material (from Anfimova's textbook) (Appendix 7)

    standard (sample) of the finished pickle.

Interdisciplinary connections:

Cooking (Soups; cooking pickles);

Organization of production of public catering enterprises (Operation of dial scales; Organization of a workplace in a hot shop);

Equipment of catering establishments (Operation of electric stove; Operation of refrigeration equipment);

Fundamentals of physiology of nutrition, sanitation and hygiene (Conditions and terms of storage of first courses).


I. Organizing time

The master meets students, appoints a duty officer.

The attendant examines the appearance, personal hygiene; reports to the master about the readiness of the group for the lesson, about the students present and absent.

II. Induction training

2.1. Motivational moment

Rassolnik is a dish of Russian cuisine, a soup based on pickled cucumbers, cucumber pickle can also be added.

Rassolniki have been known in Russia since the 15th century (then they were called kalia). Cucumber pickle in kale could be replaced citric acid. Now kalia is called slightly acid soups with fish.

Rassolnik can be prepared as a vegetarian or with meat. As a rule, offal is used as meat (pork or beef kidneys, offal, including poultry). Potatoes, various cereals (rice, buckwheat, barley, barley, etc.), spicy vegetables, herbs (parsley, parsnip, celery roots) can be added to the pickle.

The master formulates the topic of the lesson, introduces students to the structure of the lesson.

Students listen to the master, write down the topic of the lesson in a workbook.

2.2 Updating the knowledge of students

The master invites students to revive in their memory the material covered in the lesson of theoretical training on the recipe and technology for preparing broths and pickles. There are two ways to do this.

2.2.1. Actualization of knowledge by performing a map of logical thinking. Map of logical thinking in the preparation of Leningrad pickle

Exercise 1. Cross out the excess product in the indicated set intended for the preparation of the Leningrad pickle:

bouillon; potato; pearl barley; onion turnip; carrot; cucumber pickle; fat; salt; spices; cabbage; salted cucumbers.

Task 2. Enter the missing product in the specified set, intended for the preparation of the Leningrad pickle:

cucumbers; salt; spices; potato; carrot; bouillon; onion turnip;…….. .

Task 3. Circle the number of the product set that corresponds to the product "Rassolnik Leningradsky":



Pearl barley

Cucumber pickle

onion turnip

onion turnip

Cucumber pickle

Salted cucumbers

Salted cucumbers

Salt, spices

Salt, spices

Task 4. Underline the names of the methods of heat treatment of vegetables used in the preparation of the Leningrad pickle:

a) cooking in the main way;

b) admission;

c) frying;

d) sauteing;

e) baking;

e) baking.

The master gives cards of logical thinking.

The students complete the tasks and hand them over to the master.

The master records the results of the work in the knowledge and skills control table.

2.2.2. Updating knowledge through a frontal survey of students

Suggested questions

1. How to make meat and bone broth?

2. How are soups classified by serving temperature?

3. Why is the cooked soup left without boiling for 10-15 minutes?

4. What soups are called filling?

5. What is called priming?

6. List the safety rules that must be observed when using an electric stove.

The master conducts a frontal survey.

Students answer questions.

Suggested answers

1. Prepared bones are poured with cold water, brought to a boil and boiled at low heat for 2-3 hours, then meat is laid, quickly brought to a boil, removing excess fat. The duration of cooking meat - 1.5 -2 hours. 30-40 minutes before the end of cooking, put lightly baked roots and onions, a bunch of spicy vegetables. At the end of cooking, the finished meat is removed, the broth is drained and filtered.

2. Soups are classified by serving temperature - into hot and cold; the temperature of serving hot dishes is not lower than 75 ° C, cold - not higher than 14 ° C.

3. Cooked soups are left without boiling for 10-15 minutes so that they infuse, the fat floats to the surface and becomes more transparent, and the soup becomes fragrant.

4. Filling soups soups are called, during the preparation of which vegetables, potatoes, cereals, legumes are boiled until ready in broth, mushroom broth or water, pasta. These soups are seasoned with browned vegetables.

5. Potting is cooking with a small amount of liquid or your own juice in a sealed container.

6.Basic safety rules when using an electric stove:

a) the electric stove must be grounded; b) it is necessary to move the cookware smoothly, without jerks; c) the surface of the plate must be smooth, without cracks and gaps; d) the lid of the cookware must be opened with a “toward” movement; e) the floor on which the stove is installed must be flat, not slippery, without protrusions.

2.3. Briefing on the main issues and upcoming practical work

2.3.1. Refinement of the recipe of the dish and the quality of the preparation of products for its preparation

The master once again draws attention to the Leningrad pickle recipe (No. 208/3) and demonstrates to the group a standard (sample) of a pre-prepared dish;

Students watch and listen.

2.3.2. Demonstration of new technological methods for the preparation of Leningrad pickle

The master personally shows how to cut carrots, onions, pickles and asks students to suggest how to proceed with them.

Students watch and presumably respond.

At the end of the introductory briefing, the master shows the students the rules for the release of the Leningrad pickle.

    warm up a soup plate or soup bowl;

    first put warmed pieces of meat;

    pour soup;

    sprinkle with finely chopped dill, parsley or onion;

    if the soup is served with sour cream, then it is placed in a bowl with soup or served separately in a gravy boat.

The students are watching.

III. Current briefing

Independent work of students

The master invites students to independently prepare the Leningrad pickle.

Students are divided into teams.

The foreman provides students with written instructions in a differentiated way: instructional and technological cards for foremen.

Students are familiarized with the issued documentation.

3.2. The stage of the implementation of the technological process by the students

In the process of performing complex work by students, the master carries out their target rounds in order to check:

the timeliness of the start of work and the correct organization of the workplace;

compliance with the rules of the technical process;

compliance with health and safety regulations.

Students perform work on the preparation of Leningrad pickle:

    prepare products;

    produce curtains of semi-finished products;

    cutting products;

    pickled cucumbers;

    sautéing vegetables;

    the broth is brought to a boil;

    prepared products are laid only in a certain sequence;

    lay prepared cereals (rice);

    bring to a boil;

    lay potatoes;

    cook until half cooked;

    put browned vegetables;

    put poached cucumbers;

    cooking soup at a low boil;

    adding spices, cucumber pickle;

    cooking until ready;

    infusion of soup;

    sanitize workplaces, hand them over to the duty officer.

IV. Final briefing

4.1. Summing up work, cleaning jobs.

The master invites students to portion the prepared Leningrad pickle, taste, compare with the standard.

Dear guests, you are invited to taste our pickles. They will be evaluated on a five-point system. After tasting, please fill in the card of this dish, appearance, taste qualities. And your opinion will be taken into account when grading.

4.2. Analysis and evaluation by the master of students' activities

The master performs the analysis of the students' activity and its evaluation, using the completed cards of logical thinking, his observations of the progress of work and the table for monitoring the assimilation of skills of professional activity.

Table of control of mastering the skills of professional activity

For completing a logical thinking card

For the organization of the workplace

For the correct forms of cutting vegetables

For the sequence of operations

For compliance of the dish with organoleptic requirements

For serving food

Final mark

The master comments on the final marks. Answers students' questions.

4.3. Issuing homework

At home, the master invites students to repeat the material on the preparation of pickles studied in the lesson of theoretical training and draw up a technological scheme for the preparation of Leningrad pickle, which was prepared in the lesson, in additional literature to find recipes for the preparation of pickles.

Students write down their homework in their work diaries.

Attachment 1.

Elements of the external structure of the lesson

Elements of the internal (didactic) structure of the lesson

Stage tasks


p/o masters



1. Introductory briefing

1.1 Organizational moment

Check readiness for the lesson

Motivation of students to perform Leningrad pickle

Checks readiness for the lesson

Reporting the topic, goals and objectives of the lesson

Announce readiness for the lesson


Topics to be included in the workbook

1.2. Target setting

To identify how students are ready to perform pickle Leningradsko

go; restore in memory the skills of cutting carrots, onions, potatoes.

Show the execution of the preparation of the Leningrad pickle, instructional and technological cards, the standard of the finished dish.

Updating knowledge on the topic by selective methods

th frontal oral and written

th surveys (map of logical thinking).

Instruction on the main issues of the topic:

Distribution and commenting on the content of instructional and technological

cooking cards

Leningrad pickle;

Helpful tips for cooking

Leningrad pickle;

advice on rules

t / b when cooking

They answer the oral answers of the p / o master and the written answers to the questions of cards of logical thinking.

Understanding the content of the instruction:

Transfer to workbooks of the main positions of the instructional


Answers to safety questions in the vegetable and hot shops of a public catering enterprise.

1.3. Updating of basic knowledge and experience

1.4. Formation of an indicative basis for the actions of students

2. Current briefing

2.1. Formation (working out) of new methods of action


stable skills in preparing the Leningrad pickle

Shows correctness

cutting vegetables;


laying products in the broth; correct

ness of portioning of the finished dish.

Watch and repeat

2.2. Application (consolidation, development, deepening) of mastered methods of action

To consolidate skills when preparing Leningrad pickle

Shows individual sautéing operations

vegetables, slicing pickles and poaching them

Watch and repeat;

2.3. Issuing homework

Strengthen your knowledge of cooking

Leningrad pickle

Draw up a technological scheme for the preparation of Leningrad pickle

Watch and repeat;

Write down d / z in workbooks

3. Final briefing

3.1. Summing up the lesson

The result of the lesson

to correct

shortcomings. exhibiting

grades for the lesson to teams of students

and every student


Correlation of defects possible during preparation

Leningrad pickle (standard), with specific facts of defects that occurred in the lesson. Calculation of the number of points earned in a lesson within teams.

Appendix 2

208/3. Pickle Leningrad


Name of products

Gross, Mr.


Gross, Mr.



Pearl barley, or rice, or oatmeal



table margarine

broth or water

Appendix 3

Self-control card in the preparation of the Leningrad pickle


What to control

How to control

Workplace organization

Make sure that the electric stove was turned on for strong and weak heating; so that a pot with broth, a stove-top cauldron, bowls for chopped vegetables, a frying pan, a ladle, a stewpan, a pouring spoon, a table spatula, tasting spoons, dinner plates, a fun are conveniently placed on the production table.

Root sautéing

The pan is heated together with fat to t110-120°C. First load the onion, lightly fry, stirring with a fun. After 5 minutes, carrots are added and sauted, continuing to stir so that the vegetables do not burn. Passing lasts 20 minutes. Fat by the end of the process should be colored yellow. Sautéed vegetables should be soft and retain their shape at the same time, should not have a golden crust on the surface.

Admission pickles

The capacity of the saucepan when preparing 20 servings of pickle is 2 liters. The broth or brine for stewing should cover the cucumbers by 1/3 of the height. The process is carried out with low heat and lasts 15-20 minutes.

It is carried out in a certain sequence. First, pearl barley, bring to a boil, then potatoes, cook, and after 5-7 minutes, browned vegetables and poached cucumbers. Salt and spices are added 5-10 minutes before readiness.

Infusion of cooked pickle

Produced on board stove for 10 - 15 minutes.

Determination of the compliance of pickle with organoleptic requirements

Appearance: vegetables are not overcooked, they have retained the cut shape.

Taste: moderately salty, spicy, taste of cucumbers and cucumber pickle.

Smell: Sauteed vegetables.

Color: transparent.

Consistency: cucumbers - slightly crunchy; carrots, onions, potatoes - soft.

Appendix 4

Technological scheme for the preparation of Leningrad pickle.

    Sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcucumbers or rhombuses are allowed to simmer for 15 minutes

    Pearl barley is pre-boiled until half cooked.

    In a boiling broth, put cereals, cooked until half cooked, then potatoes and bring to a boil and cook until half cooked.

    Then add browned onions, carrots

    Poached cucumbers are placed in the boiling broth

    5-10 minutes before readiness put salt, spices


Appendix 5

Requirements for the quality of Leningrad pickle.

    Taste - cucumber pickle, spicy, moderately salty;

    Color - slightly cloudy, on the surface of the sequins of yellowish fat;

    Consistency - vegetables - soft, cucumbers - slightly crunchy;

    Appearance - vegetables should retain their cut shape;

    Smell - those products that are part of the dish.

    Serving temperature 75ºС

Appendix 6

Helpful Hints:

    If the pickle is not sharp enough, boiled strained cucumber pickle is added to it.

    It is not necessary to serve sour cream to pickles with fish products.

    Pickled cucumbers with thin skins and small seeds can be put in the pickle unpeeled and whole.

    If you put pickles, sorrel or other products containing acid in the soup first, and then potatoes, then it will remain tough.

    Pearl barley for pickle can not be boiled, but sautéed in oil. At the same time, the taste of pickle will improve significantly.

Appendix 7

Educational material (from Anfimova's textbook)


An obligatory component of pickles are pickles, cucumber pickle and white roots. Vegetarian pickles are prepared, on bone, meat and bone, fish broths, with offal, with kidneys, on poultry broth, mushroom broth. Pickled cucumbers are cut into pieces, put in a saucepan or saucepan, 1/3 is poured with broth or water and simmered for 15 minutes. Potatoes are cut into cubes or slices, bark 1ya and onion - into strips. To give pickles a spicy taste, cucumber pickle is used, which is filtered and boiled.

Rassolnik. Sliced ​​potatoes are placed in the boiling broth, brought to a boil, parsley and celery, sautéed onions and leeks are put, continue to cook for 5-10 minutes, poached cucumbers are added, at the end of cooking put sorrel or spinach leaves cut into pieces, salt, spices , pour in cucumber pickle and cook until tender. When preparing a pickle without spinach or sorrel, the rate of laying cucumbers or vegetables is increased.

When on vacation, put a piece of meat, poultry or fish on a plate, pour pickle, put sour cream and herbs; separately, you can serve a cheesecake, to a pickle with fish - a pie. Do not put fish sour cream in the pickle.

Potatoes 320, parsley (root) 80, celery (root) 15, onion 48, leek 53, pickled cucumbers 67, sorrel 53 or spinach 54, table margarine 20, broth or water 750.

Rassolnik Leningrad. Prepared cereals (pearl, rice or oatmeal) are placed in the boiling broth, brought to a boil, potatoes are laid, cooked until half cooked, sautéed vegetables are placed, then poached cucumbers, sautéed tomato puree, spices, cucumber brine is poured in, salt is added and cooked until tender. . Ras solnik can be prepared without tomato puree.

When you leave, put meat on a plate, pour pickle, put sour cream and greens.

Rassolnik home. Put in boiling broth white cabbage, chopped into strips, bring to a boil, lay the potatoes, cook until half cooked, put the browned vegetables, after a while add the stewed cucumbers, spices, introduce cucumber pickle, salt and cook until tender.

When on vacation, put meat on a plate, pour pickle, put sour cream and greens.

Rassolnik Moscow. Rassolnik is prepared for chicken broth, with giblets and kidneys. Distinctive feature This pickle is that it is prepared without potatoes and it contains white roots (42% of the set of vegetables).

Browned white roots and onions, cut into strips, poached cucumbers are placed in the boiling broth, boiled for 5-10 minutes, chopped spinach, sorrel or lettuce leaves, spices are added, cucumber pickle is poured in, salt is added and boiled until tender.

When you leave, pour the lezon into the plate, put a piece of chicken, offal or chopped kidneys, pour pickle, sprinkle with herbs; cheesecake is served separately.

To prepare the lezon, raw egg yolks are placed in a bowl with a thick bottom, mixed thoroughly, warm boiled milk or cream is gradually poured in and boiled at a temperature of 70-75 ° C until thick, then filtered. Soup seasoned with lezon should not be boiled. During mass preparation, the pickle is cooled to 70 ° C and seasoned with ice cream.


    Anfimova N.A. - "Cookery" - Moscow, 2001.

    Kruchnikov G.I. - handbook of the master of p / o - Moscow, 2006.

    Lakotsenina T.P. - "Modern lesson" - Moscow 2007.

    Matyukhina Z.P. - "Commodity research of food products" - Moscow, 1991.