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Meatballs with gravy calories. Minced meatballs with rice

It would seem that it could be easier: fill the molds with tap water and put in the freezer for a couple of hours. But the result is a milky substance, often with an unpleasant smell of chlorine. To prevent this, we will consider the correct technology for making ice at home in the form of transparent cubes or crushed pieces. Of the equipment, only a freezer is required, even molds can be replaced with improvised containers.

Theory. Homemade ice turns cloudy due to gases (including oxygen), mineral salts and other impurities contained in the water. Gases form tiny bubbles that, when frozen, form crystals that are too large. Heavy metal salts act in a similar way. Only purified, degassed water of low hardness gives complete transparency.

Properly made ice is not only transparent, colorless and tasteless, it also melts 30-50% longer. As a result, the drink is less diluted with water.

The difference between conventional freezing and the proposed technology


  • water (purified or distilled) - 1 liter.

Depending on the number and variety of drinks, an average of 600-800 grams of ice is required per party member.

homemade ice recipe

1. Pass ordinary water from a water supply system or a well (well) through a filter for purification, preferably with reverse osmosis, removing minerals and salts to the maximum. The harder the water, the better the cleaning should be. If there is no filter, it is better to purchase bottled water for children that has undergone additional softening.

The ideal option is distilled water, which can be bought at a pharmacy or made independently by distillation plain water on moonshine still any design.

Advice. Make sure the freezer and ice trays are odor free. For example, you can not make ice in a compartment where meat or fish is stored openly.

2. Pour the prepared water into any clean non-aluminum pan and bring to a boil. Turn off heating. After 2-3 minutes, cover with a lid.

3. Cool the water down to room temperature, then bring to a boil again, cover and cool to 20-25°C. Double boiling is guaranteed to remove the remaining oxygen and other gases, making the ice transparent.

4. Pour water into molds, cover with top cling film(preferably) and put in the freezer. If special molds no, they can be replaced with disposable cups or bottoms from plastic bottles.

The bottom is suitable for cubes, in the neck you can freeze ice for crushing

To make it easier to add ice cubes to a glass, I advise you to pour water in a layer no higher than 5-6 cm.

5. Freezing time depends on the temperature in the freezer and the volume of molds. If a bubble is visible in the center of the cube, the ice is not yet ready.

To speed up cooking, you can freeze initially hot water without wrapping the exposed surface with cling film. The main thing is not to melt the mold material.

To do homemade ice without bubbles inside, you will have to freeze the water in a couple of visits: first pour only on the bottom (1-2 cm layer), after hardening, add to half the mold, leave for a couple of hours in the freezer, pour in the remaining water and wait until completely frozen.

6. Remove the finished cubes from the mold by slightly bending the plastic base. Best before date homemade ice in the freezer is unlimited.

Surely you have noticed on the street luxurious girls in mink coats of an amazing shade, when the main color of the fur seems to be one, light, but at the same time it shimmers with a grayish or bluish tint that is completely unexpected for such an underfur, changing color, playing with shades depending on the lighting. If you fell in love with such a model, then it's time to learn more about the crushed ice color that fascinated you so much.

Colour crushed ice- This is the popular name for an artificial variety of blue or silver-blue mink. A mink coat of this color is called Fume, silver, (Silver blue). This is a rare natural shade of mink, which is achieved by bleaching the undercoat of the blue mink, because the breeders, no matter how hard they tried, could not breed this color in the nursery.

At the same time, the tips of the guard hairs remain their natural color, as they were: grayish, silvery, beige, light coffee, dark coffee, and the down becomes light - white or more often creamy, creamy. It is important that in this case the fur looks natural, and in fact remains natural, since discoloration does not affect the main pile of the skin and all the qualities of natural fur are preserved. The mink skin remains flexible and stretches easily.

The fur of this color has a high wear resistance, strength, well repels moisture. Due to the fact that the fur is not particularly damaged during bleaching, it shines and shimmers, changes shade under different lighting conditions - it becomes either beige, or grayish, or mother-of-pearl. Thanks to such magnificent properties, the mink coat Crushed ice becomes the object of dreams of many women.

Sometimes the color Crushed Ice can be confused with the color of the Cross Mink Cross, which was bred by breeders in North America. A mink coat of cross-color, if you look closely, is distinguished by the presence in the outer color of a clearly visible characteristic cross-shaped pattern of dark color, (photo).

It is worth saying a few words about how not to buy a fake instead of the color of crushed ice:

  1. When buying, pay special attention to whether the long pile has been tinted or painted. Rub the pile in this area, preferably with a white handkerchief, see if there are traces of paint left. The pile must be natural, not dyed, otherwise such a fur coat does not match the declared color and quality, and its price should be much lower.
  2. It is the creamy or creamy color of the down that indicates that you really have the color of Crushed Ice.

What is good about a mink coat in the color of crushed ice?

Thanks to the magnificent rare shade, such a fur coat is very beautiful, it looks unusual, original, especially against the backdrop of a white winter landscape. This alone makes such a fur coat exclusive, and its owner a luxurious beauty. But the color Crushed Ice also has a lot of other, practical advantages. First of all, due to its elasticity, which we talked about above, any options can be sewn from this mink: long, short fur coats, jackets, coats, capes, etc. Fur coats with cut or plucked fur are now fashionable, they even cut and burn out fur coats trendy beautiful patterns.

A fur coat of the color Crushed ice with a transverse cut of the plates is especially good (photo). In addition, Crushed Ice fur does not turn yellow or almost does not turn yellow, which sometimes happens with other light shades. Moreover, even if such a fur coat turns yellow, this yellowness is not noticeable or it only emphasizes the beauty of the fur, making the color even more original.

We have already spoken about the high wear-resistant and moisture-resistant qualities of this fur - such a mink is very durable. Another advantage of this shade is that pollution is not as noticeable as on other shades. All this makes a mink model of this color a very desirable purchase for many women, as evidenced by the rave reviews of the owners.

However, before going for a model in this color, it is important to consider which color suits you. Mink coat color Crushed ice suits dark-skinned brunettes, it emphasizes their natural data. With what to wear such a mink color to blondes and is it even possible for them to wear it? Of course, you can, if you dilute this color with something bright, for example, a hat or scarf, so that your “light image” does not merge with a light fur coat. What else to wear with such a fur coat to shade your natural data, your imagination will tell you - there can be many options here. The main thing is that the color of the fur does not merge with your color type.

So, we made sure that a mink coat in Crushed Ice color is one of the most beautiful and luxurious options, and at the same time, it is surprisingly practical, allowing you to wear such a model for many years. Reviews from both buyers and sellers clearly confirm this. Therefore, having invested in just such a fur coat, you will enjoy its beauty, warmth and luxury for many years.

“Ice is the soul of a cocktail,” say experienced bartenders. Any alcoholic drink with large piece clear ice it will seem tastier, and it will be aesthetically more pleasant to drink it. After all, alcohol is not only and not so much an “effect”, but a process, atmosphere and communication.

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transparent ice

Have you ever noticed that the ice served in restaurants is transparent, and the cubes that you take out of your refrigerator molds are cloudy and white?

How to make clear ice at home? Do not believe if you are told that it is enough to boil or filter the water. Even using distilled water will not help.

The fact is that no matter how hard you try to purify water from impurities, it will still contain one component other than H2O. This is air.

By its very nature, freezing water tends to form a distinct crystalline structure. At the same time, it pushes the trapped air and impurities away from the freezing zone.

In the ice tray, this process occurs on all sides of the cube. The last part that freezes is the center, and it is this that turns out to be cloudy and filled with air bubbles.

Do we need absolutely transparent ice? What is its advantage over ordinary cloudy ice from silicone molds?

First, due to the absence of air bubbles, clear ice melts more slowly than usual, which means your drinks will stay cold longer.

Secondly, since clear ice melts more slowly, this means that your drink will be more slowly diluted with water and retain its flavor longer. rich taste.

Well, a big piece. pure ice in itself is a cocktail decoration. A huge transparent cube of ice, squeezed into the "old fashion", literally squeezing out a portion of whiskey or rum - it's cool.

How to make crystal clear ice at home

You can, of course, buy it, which produces very clean and transparent ice, but it takes up decent space in the bar and costs from 15 thousand rubles.

The best way get crystal clear ice cubes - the so-called directional freezing.


  • small portable food cooler
  • a water tank that will freely enter the car refrigerator
  • filtered water
  • long serrated knife


Interesting fact: Spheres have the smallest surface area to volume ratio, which makes ice cubes rather than cubes ideal candidates for cooling drinks.