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Clear broth recipes. How to make clear chicken broth

Broth is not just food. This is the main dish that gives strength during illness. Also, on its basis, you can cook various soups, sauces, cereals, aspics and aspics. And many housewives often wonder how to make the broth transparent. After all, if it is presented as independent dish, it should look appetizing.

The main ingredient of the broth is meat. And the taste of the future dish depends on the right choice.

Beef meat broth will be the most fragrant of bulls up to 3 years. Their meat is juicy and tender. It cooks faster than old beef. But, unlike veal, it has accumulated many useful substances.

Pork is better to choose bacon breeds. They have lean meat with little fat. It cooks quickly, and the broth is fragrant and tender.

Chicken broth is more nutritious poultry. Broilers are absolutely not suitable. It is desirable that the bird be chilled, not frozen.


For cooking, you need three main components:

The dish turns out to be more saturated and fragrant not from the pulp. Meat should be with bone. With prolonged cooking, bones and connective tissue are released a large number of extractives.

Parts of the carcass also play an important role. Pork has the best meat for cooking - on the shoulder. Beef has brisket, neck and ham.

Chicken broth will turn out equally tasty from any part of the bird. You can use either a lean breast or wings, or a whole carcass. Both chicken and meat broth must be cooked in clean water. If there is no well or bottled, then you can use filtered.

Depending on the required concentration, approximately 2 or 3 liters of water will be needed per kilogram of meat. The meat must be completely covered with water. It should be borne in mind that when boiling, the water will evaporate, so it is advisable to immediately pour a little more water. If you add cold water as it boils away, then the taste will not turn out to be saturated.

Vegetables and herbs are needed to enrich the aroma and taste. Carrots, onions and celery are traditionally added to meat and chicken broth. If desired, you can add leeks, bay leaves, turnips and other roots to your taste.


So that the meat broth does not become cloudy, it is necessary to cook it correctly. To do this, you need to follow six simple steps:

  1. The first step is to prepare the products: wash the meat and vegetables. You don't need to cut the meat. It must be cooked large piece to give juices gradually. It is advisable to remove the skin from the chicken. Otherwise, the dish will turn out very greasy.
  2. The meat must be poured with cold water. To get a tasty broth, putting it in boiling water is categorically not recommended. In this case, the surface of the meat is covered with a protein film and extractive substances do not come out of it well. But the meat remains tasty and juicy.
  3. When the water boils, you need to remove the foam. It is convenient to do this with a slotted spoon. Don't let the foam sink to the bottom. This will spoil not only the appearance, but also the taste of the dish.
  4. Half an hour before the end of cooking, add prepared vegetables and spices. In order for the fat to be a pleasant golden color, you can put a little onion peel or an unpeeled onion. In order for the flavor of vegetables to be more saturated, they can first be fried in a dry frying pan, and then boiled in meat.
  5. You need to cook over low heat, avoiding a rapid boil. If it is difficult to make the necessary fire on the stove, then you can put the pan in the oven at a temperature of 100 - 120 degrees. Cooking time depends on the required concentration and quality of meat. Pork and veal should be cooked for 1 - 2 hours. Older beef is boiled for up to 3 hours. It is enough to cook the chicken for 1 - 1.5 hours.
  6. At the end of cooking, the meat with vegetables should be removed, and the broth should be filtered. To do this, you can use a fine sieve, a wet linen napkin or gauze folded in several layers.

If you follow these simple rules, the dish will turn out to be transparent, a pleasant golden color.


Sometimes the broth can become cloudy. But this is not a reason to be upset. You need to know how to make the broth transparent with a guy line. At the same time, for different kind different meat braces are used.

The first step is to remove excess fat from the broth. To do this, you can run a very cold ladle over the surface of the broth. After that, strain it through several layers of gauze.

After you can prepare a guy. Egg white- this is a universal guy for all types of broth. For two liters of liquid, you need to take one protein, 2 - 3 tablespoons of water and 100 grams of minced meat. Pour the mixture into the boiling broth and cook, stirring, for 5 minutes. After that, cool it and strain it.

For another type of protein brace, minced meat is not needed. To prepare it, you need to grease the plate with lemon juice and break the protein into it. Salt it a little and beat it. Pour the protein into the cold broth and bring to a boil. Turn off, let cool and strain.

To lighten the meat broth, you need to add to the protein chopped meat. If cloudy chicken, then add minced chicken.

In order to clarify the fish broth, the protein is mixed with water and grated carrots and finely chopped onions are added. Boil until the guy line settles to the bottom.


The pull must be cold. The broth can also be used warm, but its temperature should not exceed 70 degrees. First, half of the guy is inserted. After boiling, the remaining part is poured in and brought to a boil.

If minced meat is used in the guy, then you need to cook it over low heat for about an hour. With a brace on some proteins, clarification takes no more than 10 minutes.

After that, the dish must be allowed to cool. Remove the guy from the surface with a slotted spoon and strain. When clarified with proteins with minced meat, the dish is saturated with meat aroma. Its taste becomes richer and brighter.

When cooking the broth, you need to remove the foam in time and prevent a strong boil. In this case, the dish will turn out transparent. If it still turned out to be cloudy, then it can be lightened. And you can cook on its basis dressing soup. In this case, it will not be noticeable that the broth turned out to be cloudy.

In contact with

Adult men, recalling happy childhood years, for some reason claim that only their mother knew how to cook clear chicken broth. They say that some families collapsed under the burden of this axiom, if a woman who got a husband enchanted by her mother's broth could not come close to the culinary ideal. Every mom has her own recipe, and you will never know all the secrets and nuances, so we want to help you master the wisdom of this simple and mysterious dish. The recipe is not complicated at all, the devil, as usual, is in the details.

Origins of love for chicken broth

Ideally transparent chicken broth - consommé, it was invented by the French, who managed to make cooking an art. French chefs and many housewives know how to make transparent fragrant concoctions from different varieties meat and vegetables. We will study a recipe that can be used to prepare a separate dish or a soup base - in any case, the broth should not be cloudy. You can make the right chicken broth if you follow all the rules of preparation, although imperfect broth can be clarified. Over time, you will learn how to make a dish perfect right away and you can safely write down the recipe to your asset.

Chicken broth is not only tasty, but also very healthy dish. Children and adults with colds and flu recover much faster if they are soldered with fragrant broth. During cooking, lysozyme is formed - an enzyme with a pronounced antibacterial effect. In addition, in a dish of domestic chicken an abundance of cysteine ​​- an amino acid necessary for bronchitis and tracheitis. IN THE USA chicken soup called "Jewish penicillin", which in translation is Jewish penicillin. The experience of many generations confirms that the broth helps to recover no worse than the most modern antibiotics.

Cooking Canons

  • The recipe does not require the best meat with bones, but still there should be three times more meat than bones. The purpose of the bones and veins is to make the broth strong, and the meat gives it nutrition and flavor. You can cook meat without bones, but bones without meat. good result won't give. A truly rich broth can be made from broth chicken, which differs from the boiler in its slenderness and mature age. It takes several hours to cook such a carcass, but the result will be excellent - a fragrant and rich broth, the same grandmother's that we remember all our lives.
  • Rinse the chicken properly and cut off excess fat from it. A very plump chicken is best skinned, although this depends on your diet.
  • Pour two liters of water per kilogram of meat, and if the chicken is broth, add another half a liter, because the cooking process will be long and the water will boil away.
  • Do not cover the pot with a lid. Steam will rise, settle on the lid and drip back, distorting the taste and appearance.
  • The cooking time depends on the number of bones. All the best of the meat is extracted in 1.5 hours, and the bones should boil for an hour longer.
  • Start boiling chicken in cold water and bring to a boil over medium heat. Gradually, the protein from the meat will pass into the water, part of it will curl up and float to the surface in the form of foam. If you heat the pan too quickly, the protein in the top layers of the meat will curdle sooner and prevent the rest of the protein from dissolving in the water - which is why to get delicious piece boiled meat should be poured with boiling water. Our recipe is designed to produce the perfect broth, so we will fill the meat with clean cold water.
  • If you let the broth simmer and don't skim off the foam in time, you'll end up with a cloudy broth with a specific taste. It will not be possible to save this dish, in any case, you cannot do anything even remotely resembling consommé. Do not stray far from the kitchen while the broth is cooking, adjust the heat so that the boil is barely noticeable. If it is not possible to eliminate bubbles on the surface peacefully, add a quarter cup of cold water. Remove foam periodically.
  • The classic recipe recommends laying about 110 grams of vegetables per kilogram of chicken, that is, on four legs - one medium-sized onion, carrot, celery stalk. By adding some washed onion skins to the pan, you can make golden broth. Parsley root, parsnip, bay leaf and thyme perfectly emphasize the aroma of chicken. Fresh herbs can give a greenish tint, and bay leaves can give bitterness if you cook it for a long time. Salt per liter of water needs one teaspoon.
  • The less you stir the broth while cooking, the more likely it will be transparent. You can clarify the failed broth with the help of whipped protein, which, after boiling, is able to make the broth transparent.
  • When the broth is ready, fish out everything superfluous from it, trying not to touch the walls and bottom of the pan, strain through two layers of gauze or a fine sieve using a ladle. If you don't like the layer of fat on the surface, scoop it up with a spoon and discard.

Recipe and step by step instructions

  • The number of servings is 5-6.
  • Cooking time - from 1.5 to 3 hours, depending on whether you are cooking stock chicken or boiler.

Gathering the ingredients:

To flavor the broth, you need to prepare:

Broth preparation
  1. We put the chicken well washed under running water in a saucepan and pour two liters of clean cold water. If you decide to make broth from a laying hen, carefully inspect its innards and remove everything you find there. The heart, liver, and stomach can be cooked with the chicken after cleaning and rinsing. The recipe remains the same, only the cooking time is increased.
  2. We put the pan on medium heat, wait for the boil and reduce to a minimum.
  3. We remove the foam with a spoon.
  4. When the foam stops floating, add the onion, parsley root and carrot.
  5. It is advisable to tie thyme and peppercorns in a bag of gauze and lower them into a saucepan.
  6. Cook for an hour and a half without a visible boil, without closing the lid, if necessary, add a little cold water. This will stop the bubbling and help lighten the broth a bit.
  7. 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking, lay the bay leaf and salt.
  8. Remove the broth from the fire. If it's a bit cloudy, you'll need to lighten it.
  9. We filter through a fine sieve or several layers of clean gauze.
  10. brighten cloudy broth You can use raw protein mixed with cold water and lightly whipped. Stir well and pour the mixture into the hot broth, let it boil and strain.
  11. You can start eating. Pour the broth into large cups and sprinkle it with chopped parsley, or put a hard-boiled egg in a plate, cut it into several pieces, pour over the broth and sprinkle with herbs. simple and delicious recipe, try it for sure.

Classic chicken broth should be rich, concentrated and clear as a tear. It is ideal to cook it from homemade chicken. Even without the addition of bouillon cubes and other unnecessary spices, it will turn out to be rich in taste and with a pleasant yellowish tint.

Homemade chicken broth will be concentrated, it can be diluted, and also used to make a sauce or soup with homemade noodles. In order for him to acquire rich taste and golden color, you need to follow simple rules.

5 tips for making clear chicken broth

  1. For cooking, take a whole chicken with skin or meat on the bone. A pure broth from a fillet alone will not work, as white meat tends to form a lot of noise on the surface. In addition, the broth chicken fillet will not be rich enough.
  2. To prevent too much noise on the surface of the broth, drain the first water when boiling. The first broth, in which the bird is boiled for 5 minutes, is designed to collect ichor, so there is no need to monitor its purity.
  3. After the chicken comes to a boil in fresh water, cook it on the lowest heat. In no case should the liquid boil strongly. Slow boiling will be the key to the transparency of the broth.
  4. In no case do not stir the broth during cooking! But remove the foam from its surface and remove all the noise.
  5. To make the chicken broth clear, strain it through a double layer of cheesecloth. The second option is to mix it with whipped protein, and then strain it after folding it.


  • domestic chicken 1 pc.
  • onion 1 pc.
  • carrot 1 pc.
  • water 2-3 l
  • bay leaf 1-2 pcs.
  • parsley 5-6 sprigs
  • black peppercorns 5-7 pcs.
  • salt 0.5 tbsp. l.


Serve chicken broth with fresh parsley or use for more complex dishes.

Even the most experienced housewives sometimes they are faced with a situation where, for some reason, a dish does not turn out the way it should have. Today we will deal with frequently asked question, found on culinary forums - "why is chicken broth cloudy?" and find out what can be done in such a case. Do not rush to pour out a cloudy or whitened broth, because it turns out that it can even be saved - and our useful tips will help you with this.

Why chicken broth becomes cloudy or white: a step-by-step analysis

Just like that, of course, chicken broth cannot become cloudy. It's usually the fault of not following certain rules for its preparation. But what exactly, we will now figure it out.

Choosing the right chicken parts for chicken broth

First, pay attention to the parts of the bird you are using for the broth. Very often, the cause of the turbidity of the broth is cooking it from an uncut chicken carcass.

Skin, bones, and entrails (such as liver) or their remains can give the broth a characteristic white or grayish color. To prevent this from happening, carefully inspect the bird that you are going to cook.

Add turbidity and fatty parts of the chicken, so when cooking the broth from them, it is better to drain the first water after boiling, and make the broth secondary.

When cooking chicken broth, watch the fire

Secondly, cloudy chicken broth can come out when you cook it over high heat. It is not for nothing that each recipe indicates that the fire should be large only until the water boils, and after that it must be reduced, and preferably to a minimum.

It is better to boil the bird longer, but get a transparent broth, than to shorten the cooking time by sacrificing appearance broth.

Do not use the lid of the pot when cooking

The third reason why chicken broth is white or cloudy may be the lid. Yes, yes, it turns out that transparency can only be achieved if you do not cover the pan with a lid. When it is covered, that same ugly gray foam that we usually remove after boiling does not rise to the top, but settles to the bottom, which gives the broth an ugly cloudy color.

Wrong timing for adding salt

Another important nuance is at what time we salt the broth. If we add vegetables during cooking, then we need to salt the broth before putting them in the pan, and not after - then the salt will disperse in the broth and will not allow the vegetables to affect its color.

Chicken broth is white or cloudy due to carrots

And also pay attention to carrots - it is they who can make the chicken broth cloudy. This does not mean that you do not need to add this vegetable at all - you just should not grate it or chop it finely, as many do by mistake.

It is better to put the peeled carrots whole, or cut them in half lengthwise.

The broth when cooking chicken does not become cloudy if you pour cold water

If you want your broth to remain transparent and beautiful, in no case do not fill the meat with warm or hot water- it must be cold.

Removing skin from meat

Well, do not forget about the simple rules: remove the gray foam that appears during cooking, and also strain the broth after it is ready so that all the "chunks" are successfully removed from our future soup. If you don't, don't be surprised if the broth is white or cloudy.

How to Clarify Cloudy Chicken Broth

If you violated any of the above rules, and the broth came out aesthetically ugly, do not rush to pour it out. Try to restore transparency to it with a simple absorbent - ordinary egg white.

Before clarifying the broth, do not forget to strain it through a fine sieve or several layers of cheesecloth. And then we do the following.

  1. Beat the egg white with a whisk or fork until foamy and pour it in a thin stream into the slightly cooled chicken broth, stirring it constantly until it is evenly distributed throughout the pan.
  2. Then put the broth with absorbent on a small fire and let it boil.
  3. We boil for five minutes, turn off the fire, let the broth stand for a quarter of an hour, after which the protein, curdled at the bottom, is pulled out with a slotted spoon, or we filter the broth again. If a beautiful golden color did not work out, repeat the procedure again.

To clarify two liters of cloudy chicken broth, just one protein will be enough. If you have cooked more fat, take the appropriate amount of protein.

You can also add a little crushed eggshell to the broth - it also tends to absorb all the “turbidity”. The main thing - do not forget to strain the broth later!

Now that you know why chicken broth is cloudy, you can prevent the unsightly color from appearing during the cooking process. And if for some reason this did not work out, then use the proven means of clarifying it!

Photo Shutterstock

First of all, the broth must be properly cooked. To make a medium pot of broth you will need: - half chicken breast without skin or 150-200 g of lean beef on the bone; - 1 medium-sized peeled carrot; - 1 small peeled onion; - 2-3 bay leaves; - half a small bunch of parsley (no need to chop); - a few peas of black pepper; - optional: celery stalk, 2-3 cloves, leeks.

Put all the ingredients in a saucepan and fill them with cold running water so that all the food is hidden under it. Then put the pan on a large fire, and after boiling, reduce it to a small one. The broth should be boiled until cooked, which is easy to determine by the lagging of the meat from the bone. For chicken it will take less than an hour, about 40 minutes, and for beef it will take 1.5-2 hours, depending on the toughness of the meat.

When the broth is boiled until cooked, you should throw away all the excess: boiled vegetables, roots, bay leaves and black pepper. The meat and the resulting aromatic liquid should be left to cool, after which the broth should be filtered.

How to properly strain the broth

The broth is filtered in order to get rid of debris, bone fragments and foam formed as a result of boiling the meat. Straining makes the broth golden and very appetizing. So, to make a cloudy broth transparent, you will need: - several layers of gauze; - a saucepan of a size similar to the one in which the broth is cooked; - a colander or sieve that can be installed on the pan. First, get rid of excess fat in the broth. If the broth is chilled well enough, you will see rounds of congealed white fat floating on its surface. They need to be removed with a slotted spoon. Then place the colander in a clean, empty pot. Spread gauze rolled up in several layers over a colander.

Do not use new gauze, it may have a strong odor. Before use, such gauze should be washed

Carefully pour the broth from one pot to another. As a result, you should get a completely transparent, ready-to-use liquid. Based on this broth, you can cook a delicious soup.

Easiest Chicken Noodle Soup

You will need: - 2–2.5 liters of strong chicken broth; - half chicken breast meat; - 1 teaspoon of salt; - a few sprigs of parsley; - 100 g of vermicelli (1/5 pack). Dilute the pre-strained broth with water (up to 3 liters) and put on fire, it should boil. After boiling, pour vermicelli and salt crushed up to 3 cm into it.