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Candied zucchini in the oven. Candied zucchini: three recipes for making a vitamin dessert

Cooking candied zucchini can be called an amazing transformation of a vegetable into a sweet treat for tea. It doesn't taste like squash at all. Everyone who tries it is sure that they are eating dried pieces of exotic pineapple.

Any housewife will cope with the preparation of candied zucchini. The only slight difficulty is proper drying for several hours. The pieces should not contain moisture so that they can be stored for a long time and not worry about the appearance of mold. Let's cook candied zucchini.

For 500 g candied squash ingredients:

2.5 kg of zucchini;
450 g of granulated sugar;
2 lemons;
powdered sugar for sprinkling.

How to cook candied zucchini

1. Remove the peel from vegetables, remove the inner soft part with seeds, and crumble the hard part into cubes of approximately 2 × 2 cm.

2. Transfer to an enamel basin, fall asleep granulated sugar- and let stand in the kitchen for a couple of hours. Sugared zucchini will release juice, the crystals will dissolve, and the slices will float in their own syrup.

3. Cut the zest from the lemons, squeeze out the juice. Grind the zest, add to the zucchini along with the juice. Put to boil over high heat. After boiling, reduce the power of the fire to a minimum and simmer the vegetables in syrup for 4 minutes.

4. Turn off the stove, insist the jam for 3 hours, boil again and boil for 4 minutes. Repeat the whole procedure with boiling and infusion 2-4 more times.

5. Get squash jam with transparent pieces. Throw them on a sieve, let drain as much syrup as possible. The more he leaves, the better.

6. Now the zucchini slices should be laid out on a baking sheet or on a tray of a special dryer. And put to dry: 5-6 hours at 50 degrees.

7. Roll the dried pieces in powdered sugar and pour into a glass dish with a lid for storage. You can also keep candied zucchini in a paper bag.

Despite the fact that zucchini is considered to be a vegetable without much taste and smell, very tasty candied fruits are obtained from it. It is enough to add the juice and zest of one lemon to the syrup during cooking. Candied zucchini is soft, juicy and transparent, like pieces of marmalade. You can surprise guests by serving such an unusual dessert for tea or decorating sweet pastries with candied vegetables.


  • zucchini - 1 kg
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • granulated sugar - 200 g


1. In order to cook candied fruit, you need to take a fairly ripe zucchini with dense pulp. Young vegetables are not suitable for this dessert, as they do not tolerate long-term cooking. Zucchini must be washed and peeled. Then cut them in half lengthwise. Use a regular spoon to remove the seeds and fibers.

2. Cut the peeled pulp into cubes. It should be remembered that during the cooking process, zucchini, which are more than 90% water, dry out very much. Therefore, they need to be cut into fairly large pieces.

3. Sprinkle the zucchini with sugar and leave for 30 minutes.

4. As under the influence of salt, so in this case, vegetable cubes will release abundant juice. Adding water for cooking candied fruits is no longer required.

5. Especially when you consider that the juice of one lemon must also be added to the syrup. Zest should also be boiled together with zucchini to improve the taste and aroma of candied fruits.

6. All ingredients this recipe must be combined in one basin for cooking jam and put on medium heat.

7. After boiling the syrup, the fire must be reduced to a minimum to ensure continuous, but not violent seething. Boil zucchini for 45-50 minutes. Lemon juice keep the vegetable pieces from softening. They will perfectly retain their shape and become transparent.

8. Until completely cooled, the zucchini should remain in the syrup. After 5-6 hours, they need to be thrown back on a sieve and wait for the syrup to completely drain.

Candied zucchini

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It turns out that candied fruits can be prepared not only from fruits and exotic fruits. A delicacy that is completely indescribable in taste is quite affordable without the use of imported products that do not grow in a particular area. Well, perhaps only with the smallest, most expensive content. Practice tip: the lightest candied fruits will come from golden varieties of zucchini, followed by milky greens, young zucchini will give candied fruits of a pale emerald hue.

Candied fruits with zucchini with lemon

So, necessary products, for the preparation of candied fruits from relatives and all familiar zucchini:

  • a solid ripe zucchini, weighing about a kilogram;
  • one medium lemon;
  • one glass of sugar;
  • tablespoon powdered sugar.

Process description:

  1. Wash zucchini of any variety under running water.
  2. Dry, remove the peel with a vegetable peeler or a thin knife.
  3. Cut in half, scoop out the seeds and fibers with a spoon, leaving only the pulp.
  4. Cut the resulting raw material into cubes, 2 × 2 centimeters in size.
  5. Sprinkle the cubes with granulated sugar, set aside until a large number juice, on average, from half an hour. Pieces of vegetables should float freely in the liquid.
  6. Remove the zest from the lemon, squeeze the juice from the pulp.
  7. Add lemon ingredients to zucchini, put on fire.
  8. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, keep on the stove until the pieces are transparent.
  9. Leave the candied fruit in syrup for 12 hours.
  10. Take out in a colander, let the syrup drain
  11. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, put candied fruits on it.
  12. Bring the temperature in the oven to 60 degrees, place the workpiece in it.
  13. Keep candied fruits in the oven for about 4 hours without closing the door tightly.
  14. Try the readiness of the product every hour - ready-made candied fruits have a dense, elastic surface and a springy, marmalade-like inside. Ready candied fruits do not stick to fingers.
  15. Remove the product from the oven, cool and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
  16. Store in a tightly sealed container, away from light and heat.

Candied zucchini with orange

An excellent way to harvest overripe zucchini. You'll have to tinker, but the result justifies all expectations, besides, it's an excellent replacement for all kinds of store-bought sweets. And of course a wonderful addition to all sorts confectionery. Unless, of course, the household does not gobble up the delicacy before.

Proportions of required ingredients:

  • three kilograms of very dense zucchini;
  • one kilogram of granulated sugar;
  • one or two large oranges.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the zucchini under running water, remove the top skin.
  2. Cut the vegetables in half and take out all the insides with a tablespoon until they are firm.
  3. Cut the halves into strips about one and a half centimeters thick, then into cubes.
  4. Pour the zucchini with the prescribed amount of sugar, set aside until the juice is obtained in such a volume that the pieces float freely in the liquid. On average, this will take about three hours.
  5. Wash thoroughly so that the substances with which citrus fruits are coated for preservation do not get into the product.
  6. Remove the yellow layer of zest from the oranges with a fine grater, peel the pulp from the white layer and remove the coarse veins and seeds.
  7. Grind the zest with pulp in a blender or meat grinder.
  8. Add orange puree to the zucchini preparation, put on fire.
  9. After boiling, set the pan with the contents to cool completely and soak in syrup for 12 hours.
  10. Repeat the process until the cubes are transparent, about five times.
  11. Using a colander or metal sieve, drain all the syrup from the candied fruits.
  12. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and place cubes on it.
  13. Put the candied fruit in an oven preheated to 50 degrees, leave the door ajar to let the fumes out.
  14. Dry, stirring every hour, until tender.
  15. Finished products should not stick to the fingers, but be sure to maintain elasticity.
  16. Sprinkle candied fruits with powdered sugar and place in an airtight container.
  17. Store in a dark, cool place.

To be honest, all the past years we didn’t know what to do with zucchini, we fed half of the cattle. This year I cried here in SM (), the girls gave me recipes with zucchini, I am very, very grateful to everyone for this !!! I tried almost everything, some of them became favorites, especially jam from zucchini and zucchini in Korean. But most importantly, I found a way to almost completely utilize zucchini - these are candied fruits. A lot of zucchini leaves, the output is such a yummy !!! Well, they eat very quickly! I hide it on the far shelf in the closet - it does not help! My pickups loved it!

The recipe is not mine - everything is from the Internet, I will simply share my experience and notes on the process itself.

The principle is the same as in zucchini jam, but less sugar and a little more body movements.
We take mature, well-grown dense zucchini (young ones are not suitable here) 3 kg (approximately) + 1 kg of sugar + 1 orange + 1 or 2 lemons. (I’m already doing everything by eye and just trying the brine. I cut a big pot right away, they gave the juice and immediately settled, I immediately add a couple more zucchini.)

We clean the zucchini, take out the soft insides with a spoon (not only the seeds, but the whole crumb), cut into cubes (not small 1.5 * 1.5, a little more). I cut along the squash in long strips and then into cubes.

We fall asleep with sugar, let stand for 3 hours, so that the juice comes out. From a lemon and an orange, I rub the zest on a fine grater (only the yellow top layer), peeled off all the excess peel, took out the seeds, you can remove the coarse veins (if they are and if it’s not difficult, you can not remove them), beat the insides with a blender until completely liquid. Pour the zest and slurry into zucchini and set to boil until boiling. It gurgled a little, turn off and set aside until it cools completely (usually the procedure is morning-evening-morning-evening). So bring to a boil 4-5 times until the zucchini become transparent and boiled down.

Now strain the brine through a colander and, if there is a dryer, then put the zucchini in the dryer. If there is no dryer, then, I know, they dry it in an ajar oven at a minimum heat (I have a dryer, so I have not tried the oven). If a electric oven with convection, it is generally the same as in the dryer. Until dry, but not like crackers.
Then I sprinkle with powdered sugar (you can grind ordinary granulated sugar) and now I put it in jars.

It turns out that candied fruits are obtained not only from pineapples, pumpkins and other well-known bases for making this crunchy dessert. You can cook from the most unexpected products! For example, from zucchini.

Candied zucchini turns out soft, with pleasant taste and texture. When I cooked them for the first time, I was skeptical about the idea, because there are practically no sweet dishes from zucchini. But the result was excellent. And to be honest, I don’t know how many candied fruits need to be cooked so that they stale for at least two weeks. Everything is eaten in the first days.

The process of preparing candied squash, although long in time, is not at all troublesome, everything happens as if in between times and requires almost no attention.

On a note:

  • at first glance, it may seem that one onion is clearly not enough, but it turns out quite a lot of rings, just for two servings,
  • you can do without sesame seeds by adding any spices to the breading mixture.


  • zucchini 1 kg
  • sugar 300 g
  • citric acid - 0.25 tsp.

How to cook candied zucchini

  1. I clean the zucchini from the soft inside and be sure to remove the skin. I cut first into plates 1-1.5 cm thick, and then into cubes of the same size.

  2. I put them in a bowl. Pour sugar, add citric acid.

  3. Mix and leave in a warm place for 3 hours. As time passes, the zucchini will float in sugar syrup, although absolutely no liquid was added. And the cubes themselves will noticeably compact.

  4. Now the caramelization process begins. I put the pan on medium heat and boil until it boils. At the same time, I try to mix the zucchini carefully and carefully so that they do not fall apart. I turn off the stove and leave the contents of the pan to cool completely, this is about 2 hours. Then I repeat the procedure again. And I do this 4 times. After that, the zucchini cubes will decrease slightly in size and become amber in color. And there will be very little syrup at the bottom of the pan, some of it will evaporate, and some will soak the zucchini.

  5. I line the baking sheet with parchment. I spread the zucchini slices with a fork. They must not touch each other.

  6. Further, the drying process will occur by itself at room temperature. So that dust does not sit on future candied fruits from zucchini, I put them in the oven (cold), open the door a little. After 2 days, I turn the pieces over, and after another 2-3 days, the candied fruits are ready. But the time depends on the temperature in the room and on the size of the pieces of zucchini.

  7. I transfer sticky candied fruits to a plate.

  8. I sprinkle with a tablespoon of powdered sugar and mix with my hands, so the pieces separate well from each other and will not stick together. You can store in the refrigerator for quite a long time, but over time, candied zucchini will become more and more dense.