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Victoria jam with large whole berries - recipes for the winter. Victoria jam

Victoria is a variety of garden strawberries. Her berries, unlike other varieties, are the largest and most fragrant. Victoria makes a very tasty jam. It is cooked according to the same rules as in the case of strawberries or strawberries.

Preparing Victoria for making jam

Wash the ripe berries under running water and dry on a towel. If you are sure that Victoria is clean, collected from your own garden, you can not wash it. After drying, tear off the sepals from the berries. Set aside the smallest berries, and cut the larger ones into halves or quarters. Try to make them the same size as the delayed Victoria. If this is not done, then small berries will cook faster, and large ones will begin to boil.

Standing Victoria with sugar for jam

Put the prepared berries in a wide basin. Place the whole ones on the bottom, and the cut ones on top. Sprinkle the Victoria with granulated sugar - do it evenly. For every kilogram of berries, take 1 kg and 300 g of sugar. Cover the basin with a towel and let the sugar soak in the victoria juice. Depending on its juiciness and the total amount of raw materials, it will take from 5 to 8 hours.

Cooking jam from victoria

Put the basin with Victoria in the sugar mass on a very small fire and wait for it to boil. Remove the formed foam. Make jam like this:

  • 5 minutes - boil.
  • 4 hours - cooling.
  • 10 minutes - boil.
  • 6 hours - cooling.
  • 15 minutes - boil.
  • 20 minutes - cooling.

Packaging jam from victoria

Lay out the jam in sterilized jars when it cools down a bit - the last 20 minutes. If the workpiece is packaged very hot, then when rolling up the lids, the berries can rise under the very lid. It won't affect the taste, but appearance the jam will not be very presentable. If the dessert is allowed to cool slightly before packaging, then the berries in the syrup will be distributed evenly.

Storing victoria jam

Like any jam made from berries or fruits, it also needs to be stored in a cold and dark place. On a bright kitchen shelf, it will quickly lose its rich bright color and turn brown. If there is no room in the refrigerator for victoria jam jars, then it can be put in a regular pantry or a closed cabinet. To keep it warm without problems, the jam should be further sterilized. How to do it:

  • Spill warm jam in hot jars with a volume of 0.5 liters.
  • Cover jars with hot lids.
  • Put the jars in a saucepan and pour into it hot water. It should reach the shoulders of the cans.
  • Transfer the pan to the stove and turn on the fire.
  • Bring the water in a saucepan to a boil and boil the jam jars for 15 minutes.
  • Remove the jars from the boiling water and quickly seal the lids.

Transfer the jars to the pantry after they have completely cooled.

Although the Victoria berry itself is very fragrant, you can put mint in the jam from it, lemon peel or even basil. Additives will enrich the dessert and make it very original. It is recommended to put fragrant leaves or lemon peel during the last third boil and remove them after the last third cooling. For 1 kg of berries of aromatic spices, you need 1 or 2 teaspoons.

Victoria jam- This is a homemade sweet preparation, which is made from a special variety of strawberries that combines the taste of strawberries and strawberries. If you have the opportunity, be sure to prepare such a jam for the winter, and to do it right, use the recipe below.

So, how to make victoria jam- recipe.

Necessary components for making jam:

Victoria (strawberries) - one kilogram;
- lemon juice - one tablespoon and another half a teaspoon
- granulated sugar - one and a half kilograms;
- basil leaves (chopped coarsely) - two to three tablespoons.

Step by step cooking method.

Stage one. Sort the Victoria fruits, discard the crushed and spoiled berries, and then clean them of green stalks, leaves, blades of grass and other debris.

Stage three. Put Victoria in a wide enamel bowl, sprinkle the berries with lemon juice and sprinkle with sugar.

Stage four. Transfer the basin with Victoria to the gas, turn on the minimum fire and heat it with continuous stirring. The berries should release a lot of juice, and the sugar should completely dissolve. Carry out this procedure for about forty minutes, but do not bring the raw materials to a boil.

Stage five. Remove the bowl with Victoria from the heat and leave to cool in a cool place for four to five hours.

Stage six. After the above time has elapsed, put the bowl with berries back on the fire and gradually bring to a boil.

Stage seven. After the berries boil, boil them for exactly fifteen minutes. If, during the cooking process, boiling white or gray foam appears on the surface of the jam, carefully remove it with a slotted spoon and mix the workpiece a little with a wooden spatula so that it does not burn and spoil the color, aroma, and taste of Victoria jam.

Stage eight. Separately, rinse and dry the basil leaves well in advance. Then cut them large pieces or just use your hands.

Stage nine. Two or three minutes before the jam is fully cooked, add basil to it, mix and cook the workpiece to the end. Stage ten. Finished victoria's jam remove from fire. Next, decide on how to store this sweet blank. You can do this in two ways:

The first is to store in the refrigerator, like. To do this, completely cool the jam, transfer it to pasteurized glass jars, close tightly with polypropylene (nylon) lids and refrigerate for two to four months - during this period, the jam must be eaten.

The second is to store, as well as - in a cool, dry and dark place. To do this, pour hot jam into pasteurized glass, preheated jars and roll up boiled for ten minutes. tin lids. Let the jam in the jars cool naturally, without warming and wrapping in a warm blanket, and put it in a cool pantry for one year.

Hi all.

Today we will cook victoria's jam, but the recipes are suitable for both strawberries and strawberries. Although, I am sure that many of the readers do not know how the same strawberry differs from Victoria ?! Taking large berries in the markets or in the garden, for strawberries. But is it really so ... Share your opinion!

Below, you will find out some delicious and popular recipes. And even the best of them! Decide which one you like. But still, it will be better to cook them all and try. Because, any jam from Victoria, it turns out - just lick your fingers!

The most important. Since many are accustomed to calling Victoria strawberries, then in the recipes we will call it that. If you do not mind…

Thick strawberry (Victoria) jam for the winter with whole berries. How to cook?

And so, first we weld Strawberry jam with whole berries. I want to note right away that it takes quite a long time to prepare, in several approaches, but it turns out to be very beautiful and unusually tasty.

In this recipe, we need smaller strawberries, they will cook faster. And, it is advisable to choose berries of almost the same size, so that it does not happen that some are already boiled, while others are not yet cooked. In this recipe, we take 1 kilogram of strawberries, 1 kilogram of sugar.

1. We will lay out the strawberries in layers, alternating with sugar. And so, in a saucepan, we first lay out a layer of strawberries (1/4 of the total amount), then pour in exactly the same amount of sugar. Next, again a strawberry layer, on top of her sugar. And, we do this until the pack of berries and sugar runs out.

2. We cover the saucepan with a lid and let it stand like this all night. Since, we need the berries to release more juice. Already in the morning, as a rule, there is quite a lot of juice. Now, you need to mix everything very carefully so as not to damage the strawberries.

Berries are whole

3. Then, we need to get the berries out of the syrup. To do this, take a slotted spoon and very carefully transfer them to a separate plate.

4. Next, we will deal with syrup. We put it on fire and stir continuously, it is necessary that the sugar is completely dissolved. As soon as this happens, we make the fire weak and continue to cook for 20-30 minutes. During this time, the syrup should decrease by about 1/4. But, you need to stir at least occasionally, otherwise it may burn.

5. Turn off the fire and put the previously set aside strawberries in a saucepan with hot syrup.

6. And now, you need to repeat the entire above process again. This means you need to leave the strawberries in syrup overnight (no less than 12 hours). After, get the berries with a slotted spoon and still boil the syrup. And, at the end, put the berries in hot syrup. We can observe that the strawberries have already decreased in size, and the syrup has become thicker.

Here, I will have to upset you a little, because on this, the preparation of jam is not finished yet. It is necessary to repeat the whole process for the 3rd time, already really the last. To begin with, let's leave the syrup with strawberries again for 12 hours.

7. After this time, the berries must be removed from the syrup, boil it for 20-30 minutes, stirring occasionally.

While it is cooking, prepare the jars and lids. They need to be thoroughly washed and sterilized.

Pour the hot jam into jars, close the lids and turn over. And in this state, leave them to cool completely.

Recipe for strawberry jam without boiling berries (Victoria, strawberries or strawberries)

It is no secret that strawberries are rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C. But, during heat treatment, it is destroyed. And now, I would like to offer you one very wonderful recipe for strawberry jam, in which we do not need heat treatment. It is perfect for making jam for the winter. And the cooking process is quite simple.

Required Ingredients:

  • strawberries - 1 kilogram;
  • granulated sugar - 1.2 kilograms.

Keep in mind that in order for the jam to be stored for a long time, jars with lids must be well sterilized.

  1. The berries should be thoroughly washed and the stalks cleaned. Let them dry for a while. Then, add sugar. For 1 kilogram of strawberries there is 1 kilogram of sugar.

2. With the help of a pusher, it is desirable that it be wooden, lightly rub the strawberries with sugar. We grind the berries not much, some of them should remain intact. Next, leave the pan for 2 hours. During this time, juice will appear and there will be practically no grains of sugar left, it will be dissolved.

3. And so, 2 hours have passed. Now, pour the resulting jam into sterilized jars, but not completely. In the jar, in the neck area, there should be free space, 1-2 centimeter, we will fill it with sugar. Thus, we will get a kind of cork and the jam will not turn sour.

4. That's it, we cork the jars with lids and put them in the refrigerator.

Keep in mind, since the jam has not undergone heat treatment, it will be stored longer only in the cold!

Victoria or strawberry jam - five minutes for the winter. strawberry jam recipe 5 minutes

There is another great way to preserve strawberries for the winter. And, unlike the previous one, it's pretty fast. Yes, and much less sugar. By the way, due to the fact that strawberries are not boiled for a long time, vitamins and amino acids are stored in large quantities in it.

Required Ingredients:

  • strawberries - 1 kilogram;
  • granulated sugar - 600 grams;
  • water - 250 milliliters.

Please note that in this recipe the strawberries are not mixed, so we immediately put them in a container in which they will subsequently be cooked.

  1. And so, the berries must be thoroughly washed and cleaned of the stalks. Large strawberries can be cut into halves or even quarters. It's up to you. Personally, I like to cook whole berries.

2. Let's start with the syrup. Pour cold water into a saucepan, add sugar, put on a small fire and cook until the sugar dissolves. Don't forget to stir. And, keep in mind, the water must boil!

3. Pour this hot syrup into the strawberry pan. You don't need to mix anything! So the berries will remain whole. Now, the pan needs to be covered. To do this, use a towel or cling film. And, leave for 2 hours for the mass to cool.

5. And so, 2 hours have passed, the jars are ready, the strawberries and syrup have cooled down. Now, you need to put the saucepan with the mass again on a small fire and boil. But, in no case do we use a stirring spoon, just shake the pan from side to side. There is foam on the jam, it needs to be removed. After boiling, the jam must be boiled for another 5 minutes and removed from heat.

6. Everything, our delicious, fragrant jam ready. Pour it into sterilized jars, close the lids and turn over. Now, it remains only to cover them with a towel and leave them to cool completely in this form.

As you can see, with such a gentle method of preparation, absolutely nothing happened to the strawberries, they did not boil.

Recipe for strawberry jam with large whole strawberries or victoria

The next recipe that I want to offer you is also very tasty and wonderful. We need lemon and mint. But, in it we will use a smaller amount of sugar and lemon, so the jam will turn out a little sour.

Required Ingredients:

  • strawberries - 1 kilogram;
  • sugar sand - 700 grams;
  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • mint leaves - to taste.
  1. And so, first we prepare the jars and lids: wash well and sterilize.
  2. Next, let's move on to the strawberries. It must be thoroughly washed and dried. To do this, you can use a paper towel, just put the berries on it. Then, put them in a container, such as a saucepan, in which jam will be cooked and add sugar. We do not mix! Just leave them for 8 hours.

2. After 8 hours, quite a lot of juice will appear. The whole mass is gently, very slightly mixed and put on fire. Then, put the mint here and leave to cook for 5 minutes.

3. Now, take a lemon, wash it and dry it with a paper towel. Next, you need to gently grate the zest, squeeze the juice out of the pulp.

On a grater we rub exactly the yellow layer, do not touch the white, otherwise it will be bitter!

Add all this to the jam and cook for another 10 minutes.

4. Everything, the jam is completely ready. It remains only to pour it into jars and close the lids.

Victoria jam without boiling berries

BUT this recipe I love it the most because the strawberries stay whole and the syrup comes out clear-clear. Yes, and you can eat it as much as you want, since there is not much sugar in such a jam. Of course, he also has his own nuances, for example, berries must be whole, beautiful, healthy. And yet, it should be stored only in a place where it is cool.

Let's start cooking, we, as usual, with jars and lids. Wash them well and sterilize them. Then, remove the stalks from the berries, wash and dry them, laying them on a paper towel.

For cooking, I will use 0.5 liter jars. And so, you need to put berries in them and on top, in each jar, pour 100 grams granulated sugar. That's it, now strawberries with sugar should be left like this for a while. I usually do it before going to bed and at night I have jars like that.

During this time, juice is released from the berries and they become smaller. Usually, as it happens, for example, you put three full jars at night, and in the morning you look, they have a little more than half. Then, you just need to take one jar and transfer its contents to two others.

Next, cover the jars with lids. We take a fairly deep, convenient container, for example a saucepan, pour into it warm water and put there jars of strawberries. Turn on medium heat and let them sterilize in boiling water for 10-15 minutes.

That's all, delicious, unusually fragrant jam is ready!

Strawberry jam with gelatin. Recipe with whole berries for the winter

And, in conclusion, I want to offer one more great recipe strawberry jam. It is for those who love thick jam, since gelatin will be used in the preparation.

For cooking, we need the following ingredients:

  • strawberries - 500 grams;
  • sugar sand - 300 grams;
  • gelatin - 10 grams;
  • sprig of dried mint (optional)

1. Sterilize jars and lids.

2. Strawberries must be sorted out, discarded and washed thoroughly.

3. Put the berries in a saucepan, cover with sugar.

To enhance the taste, you can add a sprig of fresh or dry mint. Then we will remove it. And, put the pan on low heat. After some time, the strawberries will release juice and foam will begin to form, which must be removed. And so, after boiling, cook for another 5 minutes.

6. Put the pan back on the fire and cook the jam for another 10 minutes, stirring occasionally and removing the foam.

7. In the meantime, pour the gelatin into a bowl and pour a small amount of warm water. Mix well, no lumps should remain.

8. And so, 10 minutes have passed, remove from heat and begin, stirring constantly with a spoon, gradually introduce gelatin.

9. Put it on fire again and cook for another 5-7 minutes.

10. The jam is ready, pour it into jars, close the lids and turn over. Let it cool down.

By the way, you probably already noticed that the jam is liquid. But, it is only while it is hot, when it starts to cool down, it will begin to thicken!

I strongly advise you to cook and try Victoria jam, for all types presented in the article. And choose the best recipe for harvesting for the winter.

Enjoy your meal!

What is the difference between strawberries and victoria and strawberries?

In fact, all these berries are from the strawberry family. Strawberries - bred by growing wild strawberries in vegetable gardens (the so-called nutmeg strawberries). She took on a larger appearance by crossing green berries of the garden type, crossing with small forest ones.

Then came garden strawberries. Thanks to the crossing of virgin strawberries with Chilean strawberries. She won the hearts of many gardeners due to her larger berries and increased frost resistance. And already the care of gardeners for garden strawberries, in terms of increasing productivity, later turned out to be the so-called Victoria. Fully homemade berry. But nevertheless, Victoria is a variety of garden strawberries, which gardeners love for its cold resistance, endurance in the harsh winters of Russia. At the same time, Victoria has larger bushes, wide leaves. And at the same time, large flowers turn into large berries.

In fact, all the store shelves are filled with various families of GARDEN STRAWBERRY during the season.

What does a real strawberry look like (meadow or forest)

Because growing strawberries separately is not profitable. It is less productive than Victoria. The thing is that Victoria is a monoecious plant. And on her bush are both female and male flowers. And when they are pollinated, crossing occurs and the berries are very large and all the bushes are fruitful. And strawberries have little yield, because it is a dioecious plant and on its bushes there are either male or female flowers. And in order to get at least some kind of crop, it is necessary that 30% of male bushes be planted in the garden for pollination. Otherwise, there will be no harvest! Moreover, strawberries have small berries, while Victoria has large ones.

So it turns out that those who consider large berries to be strawberries are mistaken. In fact, this is nothing more than Victoria (the most modern bred berry of the strawberry family. The so-called Garden Strawberry). And strawberries usually grow in the fields, and have a small appearance. In industrial conditions, it is practically not grown. It is not profitable. Only some summer residents who are lovers of real Victoria have small beds of real strawberries to cook real strawberry jam. But you can’t cook a lot from garden bushes. Real strawberries are harvested in the fields!

Wild strawberries and wild strawberries differ in that strawberries, even ripe ones, are difficult to break from the stem. And usually, it will either be with a stem in a bucket, or with an umbrella and a stem. They also have a different taste, and it looks a little different than strawberries. In the photo below, you can see it:

Real wild strawberry (Fragaria vesca)

And how do you distinguish this berry, and which one do you like the most to taste? ..

Having tried Victoria jam, you will forever remain a fan of this fragrant and sweet dish. In winter, it awakens in us memories of hot summers and bright sunny days. The flowering period of this berry causes great joy among the children, they rush with their parents to the garden in wild delight in order to enjoy delicious garden strawberries right from the garden.

How to collect quiz

Garden strawberries need to be collected in dry calm weather, when the sun pleases us with its warm rays. To cook a real fragrant Victoria jam, you should not mix a healthy berry with overripe or beaten and rain-flattened berry fruits. When heavily saturated with moisture, they will give a watery taste. ready meal. It is impossible to store the collected garden strawberries for a long time. It must be immediately sorted out, then washed and covered with sugar. If you plan to cook it the next day, then it is better to put the cup with the harvest in the refrigerator.

How to cook jam from victoria

Every housewife has her own cooking secret. delicious jam from garden strawberries. But still, there are general rules that all cooks must always adhere to:

First, you need to separate whole berries from damaged fruits;

Remove all green baskets and, washing the strawberries under running water, be sure to dry them;

Measure a certain amount of berries with a measuring glass or on a scale;

You need to buy beet sugar, it is sweeter, but if it is not on sale, then cane sugar will also work, only in a larger proportion - by about 10%.

Before you cook Victoria jam, you need to fill the fruits with half the norm of sugar so that the juice stands out. Make syrup with the remaining half of the granulated sugar, plus a glass of water. Do not drain the released berry juice, but only add boiled syrup to the berry and, with occasional stirring, cook. As soon as the foam appears, immediately remove it with a spoon or ladle. It is better to cook in two steps: it boils - set aside to cool, and after 3 hours repeat the procedure.

Useful properties of jam

Victoria jam has healing properties for our body. And if after its preparation most of the different benefits are lost, all the same, many useful substances for our body remain in the berry confiture, including vitamins C and B. The calorie content depends on the amount of sugar - the more it is, the higher the percentage of carbohydrates.

Five-minute jam

In order to get a delicious five-minute jam, read the recipe carefully and follow its advice. Strawberries need to be sorted out, green baskets and leaves removed. Then rinse under cold tap water and dry on a paper towel. For 1 kg of berries, 6 cups of sugar are required. Put the strawberries in a bowl, sprinkle sugar on top and leave the cup overnight so that the syrup from the berries stands out. The next day, pour the released juice into a separate bowl, bring it to a boil and put the fruits in it. From the moment of boiling, the contents should cook for another 5 minutes. Then pour into prepared sterilized jars and roll up.

What to cook with strawberries

What to cook with strawberries? Yes, whatever! This berry is so versatile in its application that sometimes you just wonder how much different dishes she can decorate. The most romantic and most popular dessert is a large scarlet garden Victoria with cream. And if you use the services of a blender, then you can beat very tasty and healthy cocktail. How many different culinary desserts have been adorned by the "berry queen"! Do you want to surprise your loved ones on Valentine's Day? Please cut the berry in half and decorate the cake with these bright burgundy hearts. There are a lot of options, there would be desire and imagination.

If you like strawberry jam with whole berries - sweet, fragrant, but do not want to mess around at the stove all day, then five-minute jam for the winter is just for you. "Popular about health" prepared a selection quick recipes for hostesses who value their time. Cooking jam will take you only 5 minutes, and of course, it will take a little time to prepare the berries.

Helpful Hints for housewives

To make the recipe for jam from Victoria “five-minute” beautiful, you need to know some of the subtleties of its preparation. Color saturation finished product provide lemon acid or citrus juice. Just add the juice from one lemon or a teaspoon of acid per kilogram of berries during the cooking process.

So that the berries do not wrinkle, but retain their shape, never stir the jam during cooking. It is very important. When removing the foam, also be extremely careful. The fruits are very tender, and during heat treatment they become even softer. It is impossible to interfere with the syrup in which strawberries are boiled.

For jam, always choose only ripe berries of good quality. If there are signs of rot, mold, we discard such fruits. If you have large-fruited strawberries, you can cut it lengthwise into slices or in half. Otherwise, leave the berries whole, they will look beautiful in jam.

How much sugar to take per kilogram of fruit? The standard proportion is 1:1, but some put less sugar, while others put more, but not less than 700 grams per kilogram of fruit. It all depends on the taste preferences of the household. The amount of granulated sugar will not affect the quality of the jam. And now it's time to introduce you to the recipes with Victoria.

Sparse jam "five minutes"

Ingredients: strawberries - 2 kg; sugar - 1.5 kg; glass of water; lemon juice.

The first step is to sterilize the containers into which you will pour the finished jam. You can hold them over boiling water, boil them in a large bowl or bake them in the oven - choose the convenient way. Do not forget about the lids, they must also be sterilized.

Now let's start processing strawberries. All "tails" must be cut off, and the berries should be washed under a dense stream of water in a colander. When the water has completely drained, sprinkle the berries on the countertop to dry them slightly. And while we prepare the syrup.

Take an enameled container of a suitable size and pour a glass of water. Bring to a boil. Small portions start adding sugar to boiling water until you use up all the volume. Stir syrup until sugar dissolves. Bring the mass to a boil. Now carefully pour the strawberries into the boiling syrup.

Adjust the fire to medium. We are waiting for the boil. As soon as the mass begins to gurgle, foam forms, remove it with a spoon, trying not to crush the berries (do not mix the jam). Add lemon juice. You can take a slotted spoon and gently immerse the fruits that are on the surface down. From the moment of boiling, we detect 5 minutes, after which we pour the jam into prepared containers and twist.

Thick five-minute strawberry jam

This recipe is similar to the previous one, only the cooking technology is different. It is suitable for those who like a thicker jam. The ingredients are the same - strawberries, sugar, lemon juice or acid. We take sugar in a ratio of 1: 1.

We prepare the berries - wash, separate the stalks, dry a little. Pour a glass of water into a wide enameled bowl. We boil, add sugar, but not all at once, but in portions, otherwise it will not have time to dissolve and burn. When all the sugar is in the pan, stir it and bring the syrup to a boil. We send strawberries to it. We wait for repeated boiling and cook the fruits for 5 minutes. Turn off the stove and let the jam cool down.

The first stage of cooking is over. When the jam from Victoria has cooled completely (you can the next day), bring it to a boil again and boil for 5 minutes. After cooling, do the same again. Only after the third five-minute cooking we already close the jam in sterilized jars. Due to the cycles of cooking and cooling, the mass will turn out to be thicker. This consistency is ideal for filling pies and puffs.

Recipe number 3

Ingredients: strawberry Victoria - 1 kg; sugar - 1 kg; citric acid - 1 tsp; 5 mint leaves; water - 150 ml.

We prepare the berries and pour them into a bowl, after which we set the syrup to boil - boil water, pour sugar, bring to a boil. Let the syrup boil for 3 minutes. Then pour the berries with syrup and leave them to infuse for 2 hours. At this time, take care of the banks, if they are not already prepared. After 2 hours, add mint and acid, bring the jam to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. We do not interfere, but only remove the foam. Pour the delicacy into jars and close.

As you can see, making jam is easy, but a few jars healthy treats stocked up for the winter. In the same way, strawberry jam is prepared with the addition of other berries. If you like the mix, then combine your favorite fruits together. The main thing is not to spoil the appearance of the fruit, so never stir the berries boiling in syrup. In this case, the winter harvest will turn out not only tasty, but also beautiful.