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What to cook from gozinaki recipe. How to make gozinaki at home

From childhood, we all remember the taste of gozinaki, this useful and simple dessert. You can cook it yourself, adding an original zest to their taste.

To prepare kozinaki you will need:
- Half a cup of quick-cooking oatmeal.
- One glass of shelled sunflower seeds.
-Half a cup of assorted nuts (this recipe uses walnuts, cashews, almonds).
-150 grams of coconut flakes.
-50 grams of dried apricots without a stone.
-100 grams of dark raisins without pits and stalk.
-50 grams of pitted prunes.
-1/2 cup honey of any kind.
-200 grams of sunflower oil.

1. Dried apricots, prunes and raisins must first be soaked for one hour in warm water.

2. In the meantime, grind the nuts, you can do it manually, or you can use a blender.

4. Grind well-washed dried apricots, raisins, prunes with a blender, it is undesirable to turn them into gruel, the pieces should turn out to be of medium size.

5. After that, we combine them together with a mixture of nuts, seeds and cereals, mix.

6. Then add honey, if it is thick and candied, then rub it evenly with a tablespoon so that our gozinaki stick together well and evenly when baking.

7. At the very end, pour sunflower oil, we try to calculate its amount so that the mixture is like thick sour cream.

8. If desired, add a little cinnamon.

9. After that, spread the mass on a baking sheet covered with oiled baking parchment.

Hello dear readers. Today I will show you a recipe for gozinaki from seeds. For a long time I was going to do it, but my hands never reached it. And just then, the daughter often began to bring gozinaki from the school cafeteria. And I will not be a prophet if I say that each of us wants the best for children. It’s just that our daughter is not greedy, and she treated me to a dessert made from seeds, and I came across rotten seeds. This prompted me to make them at home in order to be sure of the quality of gozinaki.

The recipe is very simple and fast, moreover, from a minimum of ingredients, moreover, proven ones. I made a large portion, if you have a lot, then it is easy to divide into two parts. We just have a lot of lovers roasted sunflower seeds, and even more so in this form.

Composition of gozinaki from seeds

  • Sunflower seeds - 400 grams
  • Sugar - 150 grams or 6 tablespoons
  • Honey - 2 tablespoons

We also need parchment paper and vegetable oil to grease the paper.

For cooking, we need a minimum of ingredients and a minimum of time. We will do it in a pan. We have an old frying pan for such purposes. But you can use both a cauldron and a stewpan. I do not recommend using enameled and non-stick cookware.

We put the pan on low heat. Pour all the sugar there, and add honey. We have large spoons, which is why it turned out 150 grams of sugar from 6 spoons. We buy honey from a friend of the beekeeper, we try to take the first honey, so it is not even candied. If you don’t have a familiar beekeeper, then we already wrote about how.

We wait until all the sugar has dissolved so that there are no grains. I stirred the sugar with a spoon. When it is completely dissolved, add sunflower seeds and mix everything well. We do not remove from the fire, since the seeds are colder than sugar, and it immediately becomes thick. I managed to mix everything well within 2 minutes.

Seeds can be added both fried and raw. It already depends on your taste, or wishes. Raw seeds are healthier, but roasted ones are tastier. We made from roasted seeds.

Even when sugar dissolved, I took parchment paper, smeared it vegetable oil and put it on the table, where we will pour the mixture of sugar and seeds.

I smeared the paper without smearing my hands. He poured a spoonful of oil on one sheet, and pressed it with another sheet. Having placed two sheets between the palms, I made circular movements.

When we poured our seeds onto paper, we can spread the seeds over the sheet with a spoon. Then cover with a second sheet of paper and you can roll it out with a rocking chair.

At first I tried to just press the bottom of the pan, but it turned out to be a thick layer. Then I took a rocking chair and just rolled it out like dough.

Then he took off the top sheet of paper and divided it into pieces. Pieces can be made in any shape, as you like. I made two centimeters wide, so that it was convenient to bite. You can push whatever you want, I did it with a spatula. Now we leave our kozinaki to cool down. We cooled down for about 20 minutes.

After that, divide into pieces and put on a plate. Now you will learn how well to grease parchment paper. Where the paper was poorly oiled, it was more difficult to separate it from the seeds. This is the beauty we have.

Even in childhood, we made similar kozinaki. True, then they had to peel the seeds themselves. Now it’s easier with this, I went to the store and bought it. And I am sure that this is not the last gozinaki recipe on our blog. There are many more interesting recipes ahead.

Georgian gozinaki at home - simple and at the same time delicious treat With rich taste, which any housewife can cook. Surely you have seen kozinaki in stores, and in childhood, most likely, you ate them. But modern store-bought kozinaki is nothing compared to the yummy that you cook yourself.

Kozinaki from seeds


  • Sunflower seeds, peeled - 400 g.
  • Sugar - 100 g.
  • Honey - 50 g.


  1. Mix sugar and honey and keep on minimum heat, stirring until you get a liquid homogeneous mass.
  2. Add the seeds, stir so that they are all well covered with honey.
  3. Lay out the sweet mass on the parchment. Flatten it into a layer.
  4. While the mass is warm, cut it into strips or cubes.
  5. When the mass has completely cooled, break it into pieces.

Kozinaki with walnuts


  • Peeled walnuts - 500 g.
  • Sugar - 60 g.
  • Honey - 100 g.


  1. First, peel the nuts from the husk. To do this, bake them in a pan, stirring constantly, until a pleasant smell appears. Then wrap in a towel and rub - the husk will separate.
  2. Chop the nuts with a knife into medium pieces.
  3. Now mix sugar and honey, melt them.
  4. Add nuts to sugar and honey, mix.
  5. Put the sweet mass on the parchment and smooth it. Cut into pieces.
  6. When the mass has cooled, break it.

Kozinaki with sesame


  • Sesame - 300 g.
  • Honey - 300 g.
  • Lemon juice - 20 ml.


  1. Toast the sesame seeds in a dry frying pan until golden brown. Be sure to stir so it doesn't burn.
  2. Melt honey, add to it lemon juice and stir.
  3. Add sesame seeds, mix everything until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  4. Put the sweet mass on parchment, flatten, cut and let cool.

For the preparation of gozinaki, you can use different nuts: peanuts, hazelnuts, walnuts, pistachios. Poppy seeds, dried fruits, chocolate sauce and other ingredients are also added to this delicacy. In a word, turn on your imagination, and you will definitely get wonderful sweets. You may even be able to create an original combination of ingredients and cook kozanaki according to your own unique recipe.

  • Do not pour the sweet mass on the foil (it is recommended to use it in many gozinaki recipes). When the mass hardens, pieces of foil may stick to it, and they will have to be torn off. It's not a very pleasant process.
  • If you want to make kozinaki in the form of balls, roll them up with your hands dipped in cold water. Just let the sweet mass cool a little so as not to burn yourself.
  • To smooth the surface of the sweet mass, use moistened cold water rolling pin
  • To prepare diet gozinaki, you can replace sugar with fructose, and nuts - pearl barley or oatmeal.
  • You can make kozinaki in the form of various figures. For this use silicone molds(they are sold in any supermarket). The sweet mass does not stick to them and separates well.
  • Store kozinaki in the refrigerator in an airtight container. Even in this form, they can be stored for no longer than two months.

Remember that gozinaki is a rather high-calorie delicacy. Therefore, eat it in moderation to keep your figure slim.

For lovers of seeds, this recipe will be a real find. After all, firstly, kozinaki from seeds at home are prepared very quickly - literally in 20 minutes, and secondly, they turn out to be very tasty. Also, very often gozinaki is made from nuts - walnuts and peanuts, but this recipe has taken root in our family, since all my household members are real lovers of seeds. By the way, this recipe will also come in handy for those who are fasting. This delicacy can be safely eaten by everyone who fasts. And besides, in small quantities it is very useful!
It is best to buy immediately peeled seeds, and not clean them yourself. So you save a lot of your time. Seeds can be pre-fried, but I usually do not fry, but simply dry them in a pan.
Well, let's get down to the recipe itself.

- peeled sunflower seeds - 200 gr.;
- honey (can be thick) - 1 tbsp. l.;
- vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
- sugar - 3 tbsp. l.

Recipe with photo step by step:

1. Pre-dry the seeds for hot pan. It is enough to hold them on medium heat, stirring constantly, for 3-4 minutes.

2. Honey and granulated sugar put in a saucepan and put on a small fire. Do not forget to periodically stir the mass. In the process of heating, honey and sugar will melt and turn into a liquid homogeneous mixture.

3. Pour the seeds into the resulting mixture of sugar and honey.

4. Mix thoroughly so that all the seeds are smeared with our sweet mass.

5. Lubricate the foil with vegetable oil and put a mixture of seeds there. Spread evenly over the surface, it is best to make the thickness of the gozinak no more than 1 cm, otherwise it will be difficult to cut it later.

6. You can immediately cut the kozinak with a sharp knife into even strips. Now it remains to wait for our kozinak to cool down (warm can fall apart) and you can serve it with tea!
This is how easy it is to cook gozinaki from seeds at home.
Happy tea!
By the way, for a sweet dessert, you can cook

Greetings, dear readers! I hasten to tell you about homemade goats. Try it once and you will get hooked on them firmly and irrevocably. At one time, I used them so often that my blender burned out - so the Universe told me that it was time to stop cracking honey and nuts in unearthly quantities.

The recipe of his own, or rather, her husband's invention.

To create delicious homemade gozinaki, we need :mail: :

  • 1-1.5 st. spoons of natural honey (spoon wasteful, with a serious top)
  • 0.5 cup raw blanched almonds
  • 0.5 cup raw peeled walnuts
  • 1 cup raw shelled sunflower seeds

This is the base of the recipe. Here, if desired, with a dear soul, you can cram sesame, and raisins, and corn flakes grind for volume, if this is relevant - then you need to take a little more honey.

How to cook homemade goats:

Chop nuts with a knife, mix with seeds.

Fry all this mush in a dry frying pan for several minutes, stirring often. Fire is slightly below average.

Then pour into a separate container with half a glass of nut-seed mass and grind with a blender into fine crumbs, or grind in a mortar if there is no blender. We need a small nut fraction for better adhesion with honey of all components of gozinak. It's like with concrete - the finer the crushed stone fraction, the stronger the concrete is 🙂.

Pour the chopped part back into the pan with hot nuts, mix and add honey. Stir again until all the honey has melted.

Now we take any shallow rectangular vessel. Find a clean plastic bag and cut it so that you get a large rectangle; or use a piece food film suitable size.

We need a film to easily remove the kozinak from the mold when it hardens. It must be laid on the bottom in such a way that, grabbing the edges, you can pull out the whole frozen gozinak layer. My photo shows an uncomfortable option, without film bedding (patamushta scleross, you know: wacko :). I strongly advise against using it - in the process of tearing gozinak off the vessel with a knife, precious pieces of gozinak can flit around the kitchen with incredible trajectories and flight range ...

Well, we lay the film on the bottom of the mold, lay out our goat mass and level it with a spoon. We are waiting for it to cool and put it in the refrigerator. Three hours. Chur, do not peep! And don't pinch!

In the refrigerator, the goat mass hardens quite well - no dancing with a tambourine is needed about making sugar syrup and its endless simmering. In addition, the option with honey is healthier and tastier.

So, the goat froze. We take it out of the mold by the edges of the film, transfer it to a plate, peel off the film and carefully cut the goat tile with a knife into pieces of arbitrary shape.