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Cider carbonation. Apple cider at home easy recipe

There is hardly a corner in the world in which this ancient drink. apple cider was a favorite of French bohemia at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries, a general fashion trend in the vastness of the Russian Empire, conquered strict Catholic Spain, and long before that was revered by Charlemagne. The mention of how to make cider is contained even in Celtic mythological tales. Nowadays, it is not difficult to make your own apple cider at home.

Variable composition of apple cider

The original composition of the drink is unique in its own way: apples, again apples and again apples. Of course, in processed and fermented form with strength indicators from 1% to 9% and with different sugar content. Classic recipe cider contains no ingredients other than apples. However, the mixing of different varieties of this fruit, the desire to increase the alcohol content, increase fermentation and create more or less sweetness has changed its composition. The homemade cider recipe has been expanded to include:

  1. Apples. Various varieties and taste characteristics (acidity, sugar content). A mixture of sour, sweet, tart, bitter species allows you to achieve a greater richness of taste.
  2. water. It is used with insufficient juiciness of the original raw material or with its excessive sugar content / acidity with an average calculation of one to ten.
  3. Sugar. The higher the acidity of the varieties used, the more justified is the addition of sugar. Apples with low acidity or high sugar content do not require sugar supplementation, but it can be added to increase the strength of the drink. 1% sugar content brings 0.5% alcohol to apple cider, and its amount varies from 100 grams or more per liter of must.

In rare cases, for more intense fermentation, raisins may be included in apple cider, but wild yeast contained on the surface of the peel of raw apples, subject to certain temperature regime is quite sufficient for effective fermentation.

Bull's-eye: how to choose raw materials for cider

There are about ten thousand varieties of apples in the world, but not all are suitable for the production of cider. Only 48 species are recommended as raw materials for this drink. Winter Red, Golden Delicious, Mekintosh, Renet Simirenko, Pepin of London, Antonovka vulgaris, Slavyanka, Anise gray - these and many other varieties are an excellent basis for the production of apple cider. Preference is given to autumn-winter species. They contain a greater amount of tannins and sugars that contribute to the creation rich taste and color.

According to the taste characteristics, the varieties are divided into sweet, bitter and sour, the mixture of which gives the drink a versatility of taste, unique aroma and special astringency. The generally accepted ideal combination is the ratio of 20% sour and 40% sweet and bitter fruits.

After determining the raw materials from which apple cider will be prepared at home, it is necessary to carry out the initial preparation of the fruit:

  • sorting. Unripe or overripe fruits should not get into the raw piggy bank of the future drink. The former will spoil the taste with excess acid, and the latter with an excess amount of pectin. Apples should also be checked for rotting and broken areas.
  • Polishing. Selected fruits must be wiped dry, cleared of possible dirt, dust and moisture. Some manufacturers recommend washing apples; home winemakers prefer to process them in this way. It allows you to keep on the surface of the fetus wild yeast.
  • Holding and cleaning. It is recommended to give apples the opportunity to “rest” for several days and finally ripen away from the sun and moisture. Only after that, the fruits are allowed to be cleaned of tails and sent for processing.

Cider at home: on the way to the desired drink

To make cider at home successful, you need to be patient. The production process of an apple drink is not particularly difficult, but requires compliance with specific technological steps.

Crushing of raw materials

In order to avoid the occurrence of a bitter aftertaste, the apples obtained as a result of careful selection must be cleaned of the core and seeds, after which the raw material is sent for grinding. According to some recipes, apple cider at home is prepared without removing the core and seeds. Depending on the available improvised means, grinding can be carried out using:

  • household juicer;
  • meat grinders with the smallest sieve;
  • graters.

The result is a mixture of juice and pulp (pulp), the presence of which has a fruitful effect on the fermentation process.

The sea worries once - the first stage of fermentation

The initial stage of fermentation of juice and pulp takes place in glass or steel vessels with a wide mouth in a room with a constant temperature. The wort poured into containers is covered with gauze in several layers and left in the room for several days (3-4 days). Under the influence of the fermentation process, the pulp will begin to rise up, separating from the apple juice. To avoid souring of the pulp, the wort must be stirred.. After a few days, remove the pulp with a colander and strain the juice through cheesecloth. If desired, sugar and water are added to apple cider.

The sea is worried two - the second stage of fermentation and water seal

The juice resulting from the separation of the pulp is poured into a sterilized, clean, dry jar, on top of which a water seal is put on. This element is necessary to remove carbon dioxide formed during fermentation to the outside and prevent oxygen from entering the container, which adversely affects the wort. If you're concerned about making the best cider, don't use a rubber glove as a water seal.

The simplest water seal is made using a hose, one end of which is inserted into a pre-made hole in the lid of the jar, and the other end into a container of water. The first week after the “divorce with the pulp”, the juice will ferment very actively. Over time, the rampage of fermentation will end, the future apple cider will begin to behave more restrained, and a thick layer of sediment will appear at the bottom of the vessel.

When gas bubbles stop emitting in the jar of water from the water seal, fermentation is over. A little patience - and in 30-45 days you will get fragrant apple cider at home. The drink likes the absence of light and a constant temperature.

Good Night Kids or Let the Cider Rest

The fermented wort must be carefully poured into pre-prepared sterilized bottles or bottles, separated from the sediment with a PVC tube. Containers must be filled "up to the stop" and tightly stoppered, otherwise the remaining oxygen will turn a promising apple cider into an unpleasant vinegar. After transfusion, the drink is again sent to rest in a dark, cool place, where it is infused and matures at a temperature of + 10-12 ° C. Cider at home settles for 60 to 120 days.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Cider is one of the most popular tonic low-alcohol drinks, which is obtained as a result of the fermentation of apple, less often pear or other fruit juice no added yeast. For the preparation of cider, not ordinary apples are used, which are eaten, but special varieties with a low acid content and a high content of tannin. The strength of cider is from 1 to 8 vol. %. This drink has a golden or greenish color and a fresh pleasant apple smell.

Like wine, ciders are classified according to their sugar content, ranging from dry to sweet. Note that cider is one of the most popular low-alcohol tonic drinks in many countries of the world. He is especially loved in European countries (France, England, Germany, Spain). Cider fans claim that low-alcohol drinks made from cider varieties of apples improve digestion, have an anti-alcohol effect, as well as a therapeutic and preventive effect on the human body. The cider contains a high mass concentration of organic acids, phenolic substances, minerals (macro- and microelements) and vitamins, as well as a low volume particle ethyl alcohol. All this determines its high therapeutic and prophylactic properties - diuretic, anti-gout, anti-rheumatic, anti-alcohol (as in hygienic canteens). grape wines), and also remove radionuclides and heavy metals from the body.

The consumption of cider is constantly increasing. According to the Association of Producers of Cider and Fruit Wines, these drinks are most common in England (50 million decalitres per year), South Africa (14 million decalitres), France and Germany (12 million decalitres). However, cider is also in demand in Russia, although it is not as widespread here as it is abroad. Therefore, the cider business attracts the attention of investors: this drink is in high demand, and its producers can be counted on the fingers. Lack of competition, relatively small investments at the initial stage of work and high profitability are the main advantages of the cider business.

Raw material for cider production

Experts say that you can always determine the country where it was made by the taste of cider. Indeed, different cider-producing countries have their own consumer preferences for their taste characteristics, which is manifested in various organoleptic properties (aroma, bouquet and taste of the drink) and indicators of the physical and chemical composition of drinks. For example, if we compare English, French, Spanish and German ciders, then the former, according to experts, are tart, dry, with moderate acidity, the latter are less acidic, and therefore more sweet, with medium astringency and a pronounced aroma of fresh apples, the third - more sweet and low-tart, and the fourth - also low-tart, but more sour.

As a rule, for the production of classic cider (as well as Calvados), special technical, so-called cider varieties of apples are used, which are cultivated directly for this purpose. These varieties have been bred for several centuries in countries where the classic drink is produced (England, France, Spain and Germany). Accordingly, the use of these specially bred varieties is one of the main factors in the formation of the quality of traditional ciders.

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According to their organoleptic properties and chemical composition cider varieties of apples differ significantly from table and dessert varieties, which are used for fruit consumption in fresh, first of all, a long shelf life without deterioration in the structure of fruit tissue, dense and juicy pulp, high mass concentrations of phenolic substances and sugars.

In our country, according to technological instructions dating back to Soviet times, for the production of ciders it is recommended to use apples of zoned varieties, harvested at the stage of technical maturity with a titratable acidity of at least 7 g per cubic meter. dm. Preference is given to autumn-winter varieties. In particular, from the varieties of apples that grow on the territory of our country, you can use Borovinka, Antonovka, Doneshta, Grushovka, Umanskoye winter, Renet Paper for making cider. At the same time, apples should be sweet, juicy and always ripe. It is not forbidden (and even, on the contrary, recommended) to mix various varieties apples, which gives the cider a more harmonious taste. There are four types of apple juice - fragrant, astringent, sour and neutral. Mixing these types of juices in various proportions gives the drink special flavors. taste qualities. Cider can be made not only from apples, but also from pears. Such cider is called "perry", prepared from the fermented juice of a pear with a high sugar content. Perry is especially popular in France, Spain and the UK.

Cider production technology

The technological process of cider production involves several basic operations: collection, delivery to production, washing and grinding of apples, insisting (it is not required in all cases) and pressing the pulp, sulfitation and clarification of juice, its fermentation, settling, clarification and storage of the resulting cider materials, their processing to achieve stability and bottling (if necessary with saturation with carbon dioxide).

There are no uniform requirements either for the quality of finished ciders or for the methods of their production. Even among the traditional (classical) methods of producing cider, several schemes are known that differ from each other mainly in the features of apple processing. However, today, due to the intensification of the production of the drink, most manufacturers are trying to use modern equipment (crushers, presses, stainless steel tanks) and winemaking aids (enzyme preparations, pure yeast culture, substances for clarification and stabilization, etc.). Accordingly, if you want to make cider, then you cannot do without buying special equipment.

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One line allows you to carry out all the necessary operations: the acceptance of raw materials (washing, inspection), cutting and pressing, fermentation, settling, clarification and, as an additional option, bottling the drink into any container and package. On sale you can find both fully automated lines and equipment with minimal automation. The difference lies in the price and labor savings.

The technology of making cider consists of two main stages. At the first stage, all ingredients are prepared, and at the second stage, blending, processing, saturation of the drink with carbon dioxide and bottling take place.

Although there are no standards for cider, there are still classical technology preparation of this low-alcohol drink, which is used by most manufacturers. First, the apples are carefully sorted out, rotten fruits are removed from the total mass. All these operations are carried out on special equipment - a sorting and inspection belt conveyor or a roller inspection conveyor. Then the apples are washed and rinsed in a unified washing machine. Through the elevator they get to the hammer or disc crusher.

After washing, the apples are placed in pallets (in the traditional version - in baskets) to drain excess moisture and then crushed. The resulting pulp is placed in closed containers without air access and infused there from six hours to several days. After this time, the pulp is pressed in hydraulic pack-presses. The pomace after the press is filled with water and re-sent to the press for 6-12 hours. Freshly squeezed juice is defended for several days. Readiness is determined by the appearance of brown foam on the surface of the liquid - “caps”.

To speed up the process of cleaning the juice and improve it before settling, a so-called defecant is added to it (this is a waste of sugar production that is formed during the defecation of sugar juice). After that, the calcium salt of pectin acid begins to fall out, which is formed as a result of the hydrolysis of pectin substances under the influence of certain substances in the composition of apples or artificially introduced enzyme preparations. The fermentation process takes place in almost full barrels under hydraulic seals at a temperature of no more than 10-12°C. At the same time, a carbonic acid-rich under-ferment is obtained, which is called home-made cider. Such a drink is bottled for champagne under a cork, reinforced with a bridle, and stored in cold cellars. Bottle pasteurization can also be used to increase shelf life.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Since the drink produced by the above technology has a short shelf life, when industrial production cider used additional components. In particular, vegetable tannin-containing raw materials to increase the content of phenolic substances in cider and add a little astringency to the taste of drinks (for example, finely ground oak wood and grape comb must be used).

There are two main ways to extend the shelf life finished products. The first method is a cold sterile filling into champagne bottles with membrane filtration of the drink. The second method is bottle pasteurization. Apple juice is clarified when settling in stationary containers. Preliminary freshly squeezed juice is cooled on a tubular cooler and remains. Then the juice is removed from the sediment, passed through a fabric filter if necessary, and used to prepare the wort.

To increase the acidity and content of phenolic substances, up to 20% of wild apple juice is added to the prepared raw materials. Finally, the fermented cider material is removed from the yeast sediment and infused in the tank for 3-10 days. Store it in filled hermetically sealed containers. The finished blend is treated with clarifying agents, pasteurized and filtered on a plate or pre-wash filter. After cooling, the blend processed in this way is cooled, saturated with carbon dioxide in the acratophore and poured into new champagne bottles under the expedition cork and muselet.

Cider making requires special equipment. The direct juice production line with a total capacity of 150 l / h includes: a metal frame for installing a press and a crusher, a hydraulic press with a pressing force of up to 10 tons, a crusher-grinder of fruits, a basket-type press made of untreated oak, an electric motor (powered by a mains 220/380 V), pasteurizer, bag-in-box or glass container filler, pump and set of filters. The water supplied to the line must comply with the requirements of GOST 2874-73 "Drinking Water".

Cider production as a business: expenses and income

Please note: from March 1, 2013, the production of pear and apple cider, as well as mead, does not require a license, as for other alcoholic products. However, according to amendments to the Tax Code and the Law on State Regulation of the Production and Turnover of Ethyl Alcohol, Alcoholic and Alcohol-Containing Products, excise taxes are required for the manufacture of cider. Since 2014, the excise tax per liter of cider, poiret and mead has been 8 rubles, in 2015 it will be increased to 9 rubles.

To open small production cider will require at least 2.5 million rubles. The largest expense item is the purchase of equipment (from 1.5 million rubles). In addition, you will need to rent a room, arrange all Required documents for production, hire workers (at least two people to maintain the line), purchase raw materials and packaging materials ( glass bottles, corks, etc.).

You can recoup the costs in 1.5 years. Cider is in demand among the population, and, according to analysts, in the near future we can expect the development of the industry for the production of this drink.

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The total amount of investment costs in opening a craft brewery is 9.46 million rubles. The simple payback period of the project (PP) is 5 months.

For many in our country, cider is associated with the Wolf - a hooligan from the favorite Soviet cartoon "Just you wait." It is not known why the animators decided to use this noble drink, but the hard-to-open bottle and the carbonation of its contents were remembered by both children and adults. In fact, cider dates back to the time of the Roman Empire and has always been exclusively a festive table drink.

In medieval France, cider was more popular than wine, and in the northern provinces of Brittany and Normandy continues to maintain its position to this day. The drink is valued and respected in Germany, Spain, England. Nothing prevents us from joining the European culture and making apple cider at home. The harm from such a product is minimal, but the benefits far exceed industrial designs.

General technological principles

Cider is understood to mean alcoholic drink from apples, carbonated and sweetish in taste. it traditional recipe cider, but not the only one. There are not only sweet and semi-sweet varieties, but also dry ones. Instead of apples, you can use pears, quince and other fruits. There is non-carbonated (quiet) cider and even non-alcoholic. Here are the main steps home winemaking using apple cider as an example.

Fruit preparation

To understand how to make apple cider really tasty, let's deal with the composition. Industrial cider production uses specially bred "cider" varieties of apples, for example, Yarlington Mill, Black Kingston, Bitter Tremlet. They contain a sufficient amount of tannins and acids, creating a rich natural taste of natural cider.

To achieve the same effect from orchard apples, mix different varieties. You will need sour, sweet and tart varieties. It is customary to use late autumn varieties for apple wine. The apples are picked by hand and left to ripen in the cellar for 1-2 months.

The fruits that have lain down and poured with juice must be carefully sorted out from leaves and cuttings. To keep natural yeast on the surface of the peel, it is not necessary to wash the apples. Unless they are store bought. Particularly soiled can be wiped with a cloth. The benefits of using a natural yeast culture far outweigh possible harm from the remaining dirt.

Now the apples need to be chopped. At home, this is done using a food processor, blender, meat grinder, chaff, crusher and any other handy tool. Choose a method based on the volumes to be processed.


According to the experience of practicing winemakers, 10 kg of apples yield 7–8 liters of apple juice, and from it - 5 liters of finished cider. Store-bought cider is not recommended. Pasteurization used in factories does not leave strains of microorganisms necessary for fermentation. Bakery, dry and even wine yeast unable to become a full replacement. They give a specific beer smell that hides the fruity aroma.

Compilation of must. Universal Recipe

There are 3 ingredients commonly used to make wort: Apple juice, water and sugar. Water is needed to neutralize the excess acidity of apples. For very sweet apples, it may not be necessary. The amount of sugar and the need for water are determined by the initial sweetness of the apples. Let's make a summary table of must composition for different varieties of apples.

For 10 liters of wort you will need:

Active and silent fermentation

To maintain the sterility of the mash at the very beginning of fermentation, it is necessary to install a water seal. It will ensure timely removal of gases and prevent souring. Popular options among the people: a latex glove and a sealed hose, the end of which is immersed in water. Anyone who has already prepared mash for moonshine will not have any difficulties with their manufacture.

The behavior of the water seal is one of the readiness indicators apple mash at home. Combining this point with other features, we get the following algorithm:

  • A layer of sediment has formed at the bottom of the fermentation tank.
  • The taste of mash from sweet became bitter.
  • The characteristic sour smell is gone.
  • Gas evolution and foaming have stopped: the water seal hose does not let bubbles into the water, and the glove has deflated and fallen off.

simple recipe

This apple cider recipe is suitable for making a rich aromatic drink with a strength of at least 12 degrees. Here, fermentation of juice with pomace, characteristic of wine production, is used. This allows you to increase the secretion of juice.

Cooking method:

  1. We put the crushed apples together with juice, oilcake and pulp in a container suitable for fermentation. We fill no more than 3/4, leaving room for bubbling and foaming.
  2. We cover the container with a dense breathable cloth or multilayer gauze and put it in a warm place away from direct sunlight.
  3. Within 3-4 days, periodically shake the container and knock down the hat that appears on the surface. About the beginning of active fermentation, we will be informed by a characteristic sour smell, the formation of gas and the appearance of foam.
  4. The fermented cake is carefully squeezed through a sieve, cheesecloth or press. The resulting apple juice is poured into a clean bottle for long fermentation.
  5. Wort may require water and sugar to make. We add them to taste or look at how many are shown in the pivot table from the previous paragraph. Sugar dissolves in a small amount of warm water or apple juice.
  6. Now you can put a water seal on the bottle and clean it in a dark room with a constant temperature of 22–27 ° C.
  7. The duration of fermentation can be 1-2 months. It depends on the amount and activity of natural yeast remaining on the peel of apples. Temperature control is important.
  8. We drain the mash that has won back from the sediment into a clean container. This dry, unsweetened drink is not a cider, but not yet. To lighten it, put it again in a dark, cool place under a water seal for 3-4 months.
  9. During this time, periodically drain the drink from the precipitate. After the first filtration, add sugar. It won't go away anymore, so sweeten it to your taste. The absence of sediment in the cider and its transparency indicate the readiness of the drink.
  10. It remains to bottle everything, be sure to sign the year of harvest, after which, hide in the refrigerator.

We safely store tightly corked bottles for up to three years. Improper storage can be harmful to human health.

sugar free juice recipe

This method of making cider from apples has been practiced in wineries for centuries. By tradition, cider should have a low strength and consist only of apple juice. Although the legislation of European countries establishes different norms. The content of natural juice, and at the same time the usefulness of the whole product, varies from 35% in England to 100% in France.

Cooking method:

  1. Squeeze apple juice. It is best to use a professional juicer. Unlike the previous case, we get rid of the cake.
  2. Strained juice is covered with gauze for 2-3 days to activate natural fermentation. To make the process go faster, do not forget about observing the temperature regime: 22–27 ° C.
  3. We filter the fermented juice and pour it into a clean container. We install a water seal and return the wort to its former warm, darkened place. We monitor the activity of the release of gases from the shutter.
  4. About a month after the removal of gases, we drain the mash from the sediment using a tube. As in the previous recipe for apple cider, the active fermentation phase is replaced by a quiet one.
  5. The mash drained from the sediment is again put under the shutter. Let the drink brew and lighten up. Drain and strain as soon as a precipitate forms.

The finished cider from the juice is characterized by a soft transparency and a warm matte color. It's time to bottle and put in the fridge.

How to make a drink carbonated?

Non-carbonated house cider very similar to apple wine. But most are used to seeing it sparkling and playing like champagne. To add insidious and heady bubbles to a drink, all you need is sugar.

It is enough to simply carbonate apple cider at home. After the stage of quiet fermentation, pour sugar into the bottles prepared for bottling. Required amount: 10 grams per 1 liter - for strong gassing, 5 grams per 1 liter - for weak.

Pour the filtered apple drink on top, leaving 5-7 cm to the cork of free space. We cork the bottles tightly and put them away for 3-5 days in a warm, dark place. This is necessary to restart the fermentation that sugar will cause.

It is very important to control the process and prevent excess gases. To do this, pour the entire batch or a small part into a plastic container and monitor the increase in its volume. To reduce the concentration of gases, you can slightly open the cork and bleed off the excess. Stopping fermentation and at the same time further carbonation is simple: put the cider in the refrigerator.

  • To prepare apple cider without sugar, but not to lose in strength, it is recommended to use natural flower honey.
  • You can brew non-alcoholic cider. It will not cause harm and vitamins will be better preserved. You will need apple juice, orange pulp, spices and soda. The cooking method is similar to sbiten.
  • If there is no time to wait, we will teach you how to make apple cider in a week. In the first recipe, after 4-5 days of fermentation of juice on cake under a glove, the wort after filtering must be bottled and refrigerated. After 3-4 days of exposure, the drink can be filtered and consumed. It will not be possible to achieve a high fortress, but a bright apple flavor will appear.
  • The cake left over from the juice squeeze in the second recipe can be used to make apple moonshine.

Top tip: stay sensible while tasting. Cider is a drinkable, invigorating and refreshing drink. When used in moderation, it causes little harm, acceptable for an alcoholic product, and does not cause a morning hangover.

Attention, only TODAY!

Apples are the most popular and loved by all fruit, which is grown in almost every garden. After harvesting, very often a lot of apples remain on the ground, which are not suitable for storing and preparing home-made preparations, and many owners have to simply throw them away. So that fragrant fruits do not go to waste, you can make homemade apple cider.

Traditional fresh apple cider recipe

This method is quite laborious, but the result will certainly not disappoint you and you will not be sorry for the time and effort spent.

Before making cider from apples, you should sort out the fruits very carefully. The most suitable for this drink are apples of winter varieties. All fruits should be well ripe, with no obvious signs of rot.

Prepared fruits must be crushed to prepare the wort. To do this, you can use an ordinary manual grater, meat grinder, blender or juicer. When using a juicer, do not throw away the pulp - making cider from apples will be much faster with it.

Mix juice and pulp, add a little sugar, mix and put in any container for fermentation. The wort can be prepared in any enamel saucepan, milk can or glass jars. Using this homemade apple cider recipe, you can do without sugar, but then the fermentation process will be much longer, and the strength of the resulting drink will be significantly lower.

Be sure, before making apple cider, think about how and where you will store it. If you are going to cook a large number of drink, then prepare a special room in which you will prepare the mash and stand the finished cider. The must must be put for 3-4 days in a warm place - the temperature should not be lower than room temperature.

The must for apple cider at home should be stirred daily and carefully monitored for the moment when fermentation begins. As soon as the first signs of fermentation appear on the surface, the pulp will need to be squeezed out through a fine sieve or several layers of gauze. Pour the resulting juice into three to five liter cans, install a water seal on them or wear ordinary rubber gloves. Using gloves, make a small puncture on one of the fingers - so that excess carbon dioxide comes out through it.

It is possible to make cider from apples as a weak alcoholic drink without adding sugar, but in this case the must will ferment for several days longer.

Put the cider jars in a cool dark place where they will stand for 1-2 months. When fermentation stops completely, the drink will need to be drained from the sediment. You can strain the resulting cider with several layers of gauze.

Pour homemade apple cider into small containers - it is best to use half a liter bottles, close and refrigerate. Pour the drink to the very neck and close tightly, otherwise due to the ingress of oxygen, the cider may turn into fruit vinegar.

Apple cider prepared according to this recipe can be stored for three years. The longer the drink stands, the tastier and more aromatic it will be.

The easiest apple cider recipe

If you do not have a lot of apples, but want to try making a delicious flavored drink, then you can use an easier way to make it. The easiest recipe for apple cider is to put the apple juice in a warm place and let it ferment.

Unfortunately, fermentation of juice in a natural way is possible only if there is a special variety of apples and strict adherence to technology. Using ordinary apples, the cooking process can take several months, so it is advisable to add sugar and yeast.

Despite the fact that yeast is not used in the industrial production of cider, it will be quite acceptable for making a homemade drink.

A cheaper and more affordable option for owners of small gardens and home gardens - natural juice preserve for the winter, and make cider from the remnants of the pulp.

Pure three-liter jars fill with pomace from the juice - about a third. Add a little white raisins or yeast to each jar, a glass of sugar and top up with cold clean water.

Before preparing cider from apples, prepare a water seal or rubber gloves - this is done so that the containers with the drink are protected from oxygen.

Cover jars and put in a warm place for 5-6 days - until fermentation stops.

With the help of gauze, you need to carefully strain and drain the resulting drink into glass jars or bottles. The cider must be poured very slowly so that the sediment that has fallen to the bottom does not rise.

Fill containers up to the neck and seal tightly with lids.

Apple cider prepared according to this recipe can be drunk immediately. Keep drinks in the refrigerator only for closed bottles Therefore, it is advisable to use containers no larger than one liter.

Each winemaker has their own special recipe for homemade apple cider. Homemade cider can be dry and sweet, with little or no alcohol content. Can be used fresh apples or homemade apple juice, you can make a drink with the addition of yeast, raisins or other fruits. If desired, you can mix different varieties of apples in different proportions and each time you get new tastes and aromas for every taste.

There is no special technology for making this drink, so you can become the author of a unique exclusive drink that can compete even with the most famous cider varieties made in the elite wineries of the world.

Frame from the film " Good year»

There is a legend that King Charlemagne invented cider when he once sat on a bag of overripe apples. We hasten to disappoint you: now it is no longer customary to make apple alcohol in this way.

Over the more than a thousand years that have passed since the significant discovery, the preparation of cider, but we decided to choose the simplest recipe suitable for home conditions.

And even if you don’t have “your own, native” apples that you “didn’t water with any muck”, it doesn’t matter - we’ll take purchased ones.


    10 kg apples

    1.5 kg sugar


    three-liter jars

    medical gloves


    medical tubes for a dropper (sold in a pharmacy)

Step 1: Preparing the Apples

Wipe the apples with a dry cloth. They cannot be washed, because wild yeast lives on the surface of the fruit, which is needed for fermentation. Remove leaves and stems.

Step 2: Send the Apples to the Juicer

Before this, you do not need to peel the apples - process them along with the peel and seeds.

Step 3: Pour Sugar into Jars

Don't forget to sterilize the container first. Pour four tablespoons of sugar into each jar.

Step 4: pour juice

Fill jars no more than 2/3 of the volume, free space is needed for foam and carbon dioxide. Don't forget to mix.

Step 5: Place the Shutter on the Can

We put on a glove and a small hole on the neck so that it does not explode.

Step 6: Wait a few days

Let our future cider ferment in a dark and warm place for about a week. You will understand that he stopped doing this because the glove will change position from vertical to horizontal.

Step 7: Strain the sediment

To do this, pour the juice from the jar into the pan through cheesecloth. And then into a clean jar.

Step 8: Repeat steps 4, 5 and 6

This time we wait half as much - four days is enough.

Step 9: Strain the sediment again

But now we do it with the help of tubes. We place one end in the middle of the jar, the other - above the pan. To start the process, suck in air from the free end of the tube, as if you were about to drink your cider. Why can't gauze be used again? Because now we need to act more delicately, without disturbing the harmful sediment at the bottom. The process is slow, but necessary.

Step 10: Final push

Close the jar with a lid, send it to stand for another ten days. Then repeat point 9, and the finish line!

Step 11: Bottle the Cider

Close the bottles with caps. That's all.

How to make cider carbonated

According to the recipe above, we got a “quiet” apple wine, but if you want gaziki, you can add them if you make two more simple steps.

    At the bottom of each bottle, add sugar (10 grams per 1 liter) and leave 5-6 cm of free space from the neck. Shake it up.

    Then transfer the containers for 10-14 days to a dark room with room temperature. Once a day, check the gas pressure so that your bottle does not explode, otherwise it will be a pity for the apples and your efforts.