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Turkey leg stuffed with mushrooms and cheese. How to cook a turkey roll in the oven

In any store you can now buy turkey drumsticks, they are inexpensive. Today I bought them for a promotion of 130 rubles per kg, and on ordinary days the price does not exceed 170 rubles. So the dish is not only tasty, but also quite budgetary. For baking, choose not frozen, but chilled.

I usually boil turkey in soups or just stew it. The bird is baked for a long time, at least two hours, and if cooked incorrectly, it can become tough or dry. Thanks to our simple recipeyou will learn how to bake turkey drumsticks so that the meat is juicy, tender, tasty and well baked, easily separated from the bones. Ready meal take pride of place not only in family dinner, but will also be a decoration of the festive table. So, let's start cooking.

We'll need

For approximately 6 servings:

  • Turkey drumstick - 2 pieces (I got 2.5 kg),
  • sour cream - about 100 ml,
  • garlic or garlic powder
  • spices, salt to taste,
  • baking foil.

From spices, I took suneli hops, I love this seasoning since Soviet times. home cooking also indispensable for any game dish. You can add black pepper, rosemary, chicken mix. Do not abuse seasonings, as the turkey has its own very pleasant taste, and do not want to bury it under a layer of spices.


Rinse the shins, pat dry with paper towels. Lubricate first with garlic powder and other spices, then with sour cream.

If you do not have powder, but fresh garlic then grind it, mix with seasonings and sour cream. Rub the turkey drumsticks well on all sides with this marinade, and leave to marinate for at least 30 minutes.

You can put it in a resealable container and leave it in the refrigerator for a day, so the meat marinates better, and if you are preparing a dish for the holiday, then save time. Instead of sour cream, you can take.

Put the shins in the form. Wrap in foil so that there are no gaps. This is a must as the top of the turkey can burn even if watered every 15-20 minutes. Thanks to the foil, the bird will remain juicy, bake well, and this will greatly simplify the cooking process.

Put in an oven preheated to 200 C, first for an hour and a half. Set the alarm, and you can go about your business - the turkey is cooked without your help. After 1 hour 30 minutes, remove the foil, brush with more sour cream and bake uncovered for another 30 minutes. It is advisable to pour 1 more time with the fat that has melted from the bird.

The most delicious dish - baked turkey drumsticks - is completely ready! The crust is appetizing, the aroma is irresistible, the inside is juicy and soft.

The drumstick can be simply baked. Or bake, pre-stuffed. And you can go even further: make minced meat from the poultry meat itself and additives, make such a blank for a cutlet and fill the removed skin of the lower leg with it. The result is an original and very tasty turkey leg, covered with a crispy golden crust.

Add whatever you like to the meat. Prunes, pineapple, celery, kohlrabi, chopped egg with bacon, herbs and mayonnaise. Don't forget the classic apple mince. My choice today is dried apricots and onions.

Cooking time: about 90 minutes. Yield: 4 servings.


  • turkey drumstick - 1 piece
  • dried apricots - 100 grams
  • onion - 1 piece
  • salt - to taste
  • black pepper - to taste


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    Wash the turkey thigh well and pat dry.

    Gently remove the skin, pulling it off like a stocking, not reaching the end of about 5-6 cm.

    Try to remove carefully so as not to damage the skin. Chop off the bone along with the meat.

    There will be a stocking made of leather with a small bone at the end.

    Cut the meat off the bone, removing the tough veins.

    Cut the meat from the drumstick into medium pieces, and then mince with a food processor. But not minced meat.

    Wash the dried apricots, dry them, cut into small pieces.

    Add dried apricots to chopped turkey meat, salt and pepper.

    Peel onion, rinse cold water to prevent tears, chop finely.

    Add it to the bowl with the rest of the ingredients.

    Mix the stuffing well.

    Fill stockings with portions of minced meat - skin, lightly tamping so that there are no voids.

    Place the stuffed shank on a wire rack with a tray.

    Bake in the oven. t - 200 ° C, baking time - about 1 hour, depending on the size of the drumstick. If the juice is clear when pierced with a knife, then the dish is ready.

    Remove the stuffed turkey leg from the oven, cool slightly and serve.


You can bake in foil or a sleeve - then the oven will remain clean. In addition, “closed” baking preserves the beneficial nutrients of the product in the best way.

Turkey is called the bird of happiness, as its meat increases the production of the hormone serotonin. Isn't that what makes a roast turkey real? festive dish?

Do I need to talk about the benefits of turkey meat! Any hostess will support my choice today. It is clear that my this recipe is not from the daily series. He approaches more festive table. But when you love your family, you want to surprise them, you dream of feeding them not only tasty, but also healthy, there is no choice. Agree! Of course, this juicy is not prepared in 5 minutes. fragrant dish. Will have to move. But it's worth it!

It just seems to us that poultry meat is the same. Even if you take turkey, there are many options. Wings are one thing. Breast is another. The shin is the third. Well, and so on. After all, you can scold ordinary potatoes, while you can cook such pickles from it that you can only lick your fingers. This is how it is in our situation. Learn how to cook delicious turkey drumstick. Your family will only say thank you. In a word, we prepare all the ingredients and go to the table.

We have a long preparation process ahead of us. Then the oven will still work, and this time will go. Let's be patient!


  • Turkey drumstick - 600 gr.
  • Champignons - 150 gr.
  • Bulb - 1 pc.
  • Cheese durum varieties- 50 gr.
  • Olive or butter- for sautéing mushrooms
  • Cream - 1 cup
  • Spices - optional.

How to cook a turkey drumstick stuffed with mushrooms in the oven is delicious!

Let's turn on the oven first! I don’t know about anyone, but I, carried away by cooking, rarely turn it on on time. Then you have to wait. And immediately we will deal with the cutting of the lower leg. This is not a chicken, you have to work hard here. We will need to very carefully separate the meat from the bone. Why carefully? Because it should be an even piece. After all, then it will have to be started. In the meantime, put the drumstick in the pan, open the tap water, and thoroughly rinse the meat.

Step 1. Rinse the meat well under running water

After the meat has stood in the water for about 5 minutes, take it out of the water and blot it with a paper towel. It must be completely dry. On a cutting board lay out a piece separated from the bone. We will arm ourselves with a chopper (hammer) and gently begin to beat the meat, trying to form an even (both in size and in the degree of beating) piece.

Step 2. Beat the meat, trying to form an even piece

Let's set aside the meat, beaten off with a cloth, to the side, and start making the filling. We have champignons, which many people love very much for their excellent taste, and for their texture, and for such a high degree of usefulness. Let's cut the onion, the more - the better, because there is rarely a lot of it, especially in this kind of dishes. We adjust the mushrooms. Then we need to heat the oil in a preheated frying pan and fry the onion here first. When it is a little reddened, add mushrooms to the pan, pepper to taste.

Step 3. Cut the onion and mushrooms and send to fry

As soon as the mushrooms are fried, pour the cream into the pan, and simmer everything for 10 minutes over high heat. When the contents of the pan satisfy us with their readiness, take out the mass with a slotted spoon. Why skimmer? Because we don't need the butter and cream left there. On a coarse grater, we need to grate the cheese. It is desirable that it is not too fresh, but as firm as possible. Immediately send the cheese to the mushrooms with onions. This will be our filling for the roll. Put the meat on the foil. Let's put stuffing on it.

Step 4. Mix ready-made mushrooms with grated cheese and evenly distribute over the chop

I got two parts from one turkey drumstick, that is, two rolls. I divided the filling so that it was enough for both pieces. But you need to do this in such a way that the roll can be rolled up freely - without tearing, placing all the contents in it. I involuntarily got something that looked like the turkey drumstick itself.

Step 5. Roll up the roll

Have you already figured out how to bake rolls? Of course, in foil! This is not the first time I have baked meat in foil in the oven. I am very satisfied every time. First, it never burns. Secondly, all juices are preserved, which can then be used in different ways (especially if you mix everything with the rest in the pan). Even just pouring over the finished roll is nice. In a word, it remains for us to wrap the finished rolls very tightly in foil.

Step 6. Wrap the rolls with baking foil

In this form, the rolls cannot be sent to the oven. Will burn. Some form is needed. The huge raft, which was in the gas stove and which, as a rule, is in all gas stoves, is clearly not suitable for this purpose. What to do? Take a frying pan? Not that option. Still a lot of space. I have this aluminum mold in stock. I hoisted both rolls there. I poured some water into the mold. After checking the oven, I sent it all to bake. Do not disturb the meat for the next thirty minutes. But try to determine by smell whether the water has boiled away or not. Otherwise, add a little. Step 8. Cutaway Roll

Tips on how to cook delicious turkey roll stuffed with mushrooms

  • It is not necessary to salt the meat, although this is a matter of taste.
  • It takes at least an hour to prepare.
  • Water must be poured into the mold so that the dish is cooked like in a water bath.
  • We cut the foil so that it is enough to wrap the roll, and more than once. Then the juice will definitely not flow out.
  • Generously sprinkle the rolls with juice mixed with the liquid left after the mushrooms and onions. This will be especially appropriate when it is cut.
  • It is not necessary to cut the rolls immediately, but after they have cooled down a bit. Ideally - cold, but then you can warm up.

The turkey is a large bird, therefore, individual parts of it, such as drumsticks, are often sold. Turkey drumstick can be stuffed and baked in the oven, in foil. You can come up with a variety of fillings for stuffing. Here is a variant of the filling of mushrooms, onions and cheese. The turkey drumstick takes a long time to bake. Therefore, so that the meat does not dry out, it is necessary to add water to the baking sheet during baking. The dish is very original and very tasty.

In the photo: baked turkey drumsticks just out of the oven.

In the photo: stuffed turkey drumstick cut into pieces.


  1. large turkey drumstick - 2 pcs.
  2. mushrooms - 500 g
  3. onion - 1-2 pcs.
  4. cheese - 150 g
  5. vegetable oil
  6. salt pepper

Step by step photo recipe

  • Wash the turkey drumstick.
  • Make incisions on the lower leg and cut out the bones.
  • It is good to beat off the meat of the leg. Salt and pepper it on both sides.
  • Fry mushrooms with onion, cut into half rings, in a pan with vegetable oil. Salt a little, cool.
  • Grate the cheese.
  • Mix cheese and mushrooms fried with onions.
  • Spread the beaten turkey drumstick on a piece of foil. In the middle, lay out the filling of mushrooms fried with onions and grated cheese.
  • Connect the edges of the drumstick and wrap in foil, giving the shape of the drumstick. Do the same with the second turkey drumstick.
  • Place stuffed drumsticks wrapped in foil on a deep baking sheet. Add some water and put in the oven. Bake the drumsticks until tender, adding water to the baking sheet if necessary.
  • Remove the foil from the baked turkey drumsticks. The stuffed turkey drumsticks are ready.
  • When serving, cut the baked turkey drumsticks crosswise into portioned pieces.